Daniel A. Bradley Sr, who put this book together over ten years, has generously granted permission to the Church Music Association of America to host this file for free download. if you find it useful, please consider letting him know at
[email protected]. You might also consider sending a donation to the Gregorian Institute of Guam, which has no other source of income apart from sales of this book. It is given away here as a free gift. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CHANTS: The Gregorian Chants reproductions printed herein are included with the kind permission of the Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, France, and taken from their copyrighted publications, namely: Liber Usualis, Liber Cantualis. Copyright 2003 by The Gregorian Institute of Guam Tamuning, Guam To Saint Pius Tenth Sovereign Pontiff Eminent Patron of Sacred Music On the Occasion of the Hundreth Anniversary Of the Motu Proprio On The Restoration of Sacred Music This Book Is Humbly Dedicated: With the Earnest Hope that It Contribute to the Great Goal Of His Pontificate. To Restore All Things in Christ 22 November 2003 The Feast of Saint Cecilia TABLE OF CONTENTS Extracts from Musicam Sacram (March 1967) ....pg. i II. Basic Instructions Concerning Gregorian Chant ...pg. i-iv NOTATION STAFF and CLEF SIGNS LATIN PRONUNCIATION PRODUCTION (SINGING) OF GREGORIAN CHANT ACCOMPANIMENT OF GREGORIAN CHANT TO SUM UP IH Examples of each Psalm Tone pg. v - vii IV, Propers of the Sundays of the Year ... ...pg. 1-119 V. Propers of Holydays of Obligation pg. VL A Kyriale containing : pg. 13 2. ~ 156 PREFACE RESPONSES ASPERGES ME VIDI AQUAM ORDINARIES of MASSES I, II, IV, Vm, K, XI, XVH GLORIAS of MASS Vffl& DC; CREDOSI &ffl SEQUENCES : Victimae Paschali; Veni Creator; Lauda Sion REQUIEM MASS I Extracts from Musicam Sacram - 5March, 1967 " Therefore the Consilium set up to implement the Constitution on the Liturgy, on the instructions of the Holy Father , has carefully considered these questions and prepared the present Instruction.