June 09,1887
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The Republican Journal. 59. VOLUME BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1887. NUMBER 23. Memorial Sermon III tlie Hattie of Zama. II. C. 200. between • fidelity to their king. The thicker the ductlons in others. In this he J danger, Matters in Old Mexico. connection may rum all was men of sellers) defeated I»y tlie eomplain- Notes on Waldo Stork. journal. Seipio ami Hannibal, 20.00!) of Hannibal the more bravely they fought. So should the mentioned that new Reply Good Templar’s Executive Com- | County lilil’t BLICAN ; ant's beinir airaitt forced to ^o noon the street, \i m:i» lii.i'oin: Thomas 11. .makshati. ! were slain. < hristiau soldier around the standard of PRESIDENT DIAZ AND T1IE j gather MEMBERS UK IIIS TKLKCiltAl’II MONOPOLY mittee tii it Ml-: vvlll ici;ki > Coi.ts. \. U. MAY |\ mi IIA I* I Is I i n srilKMK i \\<>rd went from one to another of the rum I*<»ST, 20, lss7. i tin* battle of .Magnesia, 15. C. 211. between the cross, never desert his but ever re- CABINET. SPECt'I.ATlONS IN AND ( \ l. K 'i !' 111' Us I > A moumm: IIY ru: place, THE PAST f«* Tin: rmm u. i:ki.i vsr, i;\ i.*i.\. oi.o. k. so to j sellers, and they were As no wit- Kihtoi; <>i mi: .Ioi unal As there j its. Pome ami Syria, bb.ooo were slain. main to tlie of his Salvation. PRESENT. THE NEW ORDER displeasing Americans. The Mexican to<;k.\i:uai, m ai. how's i.kiit.i: oi prepared. ; .Syrians loyal great Captain RELATIVE TO n:v. ness could he In has an I found handy, the eomplainant has been several articles in the ! the battle of 1*\<lua. 20,000 Macedonians A true soldier of Christ Is a hero, and there TELE*iRAPIIIC COMMI’NICATION. Mil EELS government recently issued order to the your paper past i I>i«:\k went hack to the otliee determined to irive [Printed by Heip.iest.j ! were slain. an* heroes several railroad and in Sii:: In last week's Republican .Imir- up year some of the well bred horses in I many such who pass away from WITHIN WHEELS OF THE tiOVEUNMENTAL telegraph companies the describing the first Mexico their nal you ask us whether I lie in lliis I matter and apply for a writ of mandamus j Hilling crusade, 70,000 Mohanmic- earth almost unknown; yet a faithful record Is MACHINE. limiting telegraph privileges to police judge Waldo county I would like to follow suit in mak Te\t, I-.|»li. n il rui on tin- whole armor of : has in to force tins to do hi> sworn The dai:s were slain in .Jerusalem. above. the transact ion of railroad business only, ami cily any way hindered the enforcement j judiri* duty. <om|, Ihat.ve may be able to stand :i”aili 1 the kept of the now bet ing mention of some ow ned by Martin Whitten, of At tIk battle of 702. < liarles Martel [Correspondence Journal.] commercial or news It id' the law; and if so, how? judire houirht himself to inquire \V here T wiles of Ih.- de\ il!" 'fours, Look at the long list of great warriors, livery forbidding messages. prohibitory ;; _»*jjt Circulation in and is the hiisioos done in this in the front Mont\illc. As will he seen their Mr. Oity County. strewed the lield with .‘ioo.ooo Moslem slain. lias boasted of her soldiers. lias Mexico, May, 18s7. Since President hiaz is alleged that the cable is the only telegraph We wish to sa\ that his course lias rendered place, by breeding age History room or in this country enforcement ot the law back?" i he answered Whitten's colts are a credit to him 1'ioin I lie earliest liisjorle times, almost ev- Plutarch say> that when Caesar had pursued recorded the achievements of Alexander and lias so far succeeded in his to system which bv the terms of well-nigh impossible complainant as a breeder ambition remain the so his wars io lie storm SOU its charter is entitled to the of here, and that the obstacle we have so hack, far as I know." Tin* judire and are of -n a.lvanee. years, had taken and and and Ca sar, privilege send- greatest worthy notice. it n.RMv In .?"J.OOa year; eivili/ial and sava-e iiave used by Pyrrhus, Hannibal, Scipio, ruler of Mexico for an indefinite as ery peopie period that or commercial or far met in our work is found in this court. inquired, “Have you ever set n any one behind .fJ Vi, at tin- ot the towns, subdued 000 States and killed one and more. were no ing receiving news messages. The lirst is a three1 expiration many They great, doubt; t he counter in the front room?" 'The hay stallion, years old, l.V, some sort of armor for prohetion in battle. million men. but thousands of Congress has decided in favor of altering the Of course the object, of the order is to secure For years the liquor Iratlie has been unre- complain- their private soldiers were ant hands high, largo and formed, sired Con one '>me Imli business for strained here so far as court answered, “never but once." The lindy by I r.ttMs. K-*r sipiare, As li-biiiu was done with darts and Diirim.' mu: campaign of \f\o> tiv«* million heroes as their names have not constitution to suit his the rest he the government lines, although this is eomvrned. judire formerly just true, yet ends, will tin n saw stcllation, the "ire of iinu tor one week, ami -'•* the Frior to last we “probable cause" and a war- (deiiarm, 2.2.‘D,, the fastest men were slain. been honored the and no officials themselves acknowledge their in- November, are not aware that granted il was not to armor of by historian, marble rant lent insertion \ fraction of vpears dillienit produee smooth sailing for the great manipulator, lint to this ever issued a warrant as be declared "Hj,o,i the riile,,e,." stallion in Maine, Constellation sire of I’nder Cenjyhis Khan 1 .ooo.odd were -lain at monuments their names, ability compete with the American enter- judge for search and hy Almont, -i a a full ■■lie. ; perpetuate It is hard to a case sled and bronze that would b. proof against Herat. The French whether Mexico at large* will prise, as the latter have been ma a clean seizure. In lss-j (Jeorge Ik Hrackett drew sev- imagine more ridiculous thirty four 2.:5ti horses, six under 2.20. Con j lavbdi their praises upon their acquiesce* quietly king than this. being 1 attack- 1 Mirim.r his in of 100 cent on all other than eral and them to the Ilavimr listened to all the evidence be of the most formidable foe. destructive campaigns Asia, he great Napoleon, who dethroned kings and set in the scheme, remains to he seen. profit per railroad complaints presented stellation’s dam was a lllaekhawk mare, second ar< autho; t/.ol airent tor the j Already hut he refused to pi<-sented and it of no weiirht. lie dest roved hundreds of cities. slaughtered vast kings: who humbled and and judge, issue the warrants pronounced dam Mambriuo ( hief. Many of tin-Oriental nations used an armor j up Spain, Italy the mines are a saw in this trivial by mult it »id* s quid prophesying rousing the terms of the edict, the thereon. Then the till the sum- point “probable cause". It x M of | In ir inhabitants and caused the Prussia, and other ily government matterdropped 1 \, -i.v. \\ ::<liinatoii Itoston. | powers, and compelled them seem- too The next foal is a line two made of seales «d' melal >ewu Xov. also claims the to line mer of 1 ssf», when the n of the be- supremely absurd to be believed of bay lilley, years old, ! ,'.x. jet ;»!. \\ ashinirton st.. i fox ton. overlapping up- death, in battle, of millions of men. to cast their swords at his feet. Vet revolution before 30th, Inns,—at which right and otherwise to elergyim city thousands man \ sired we gan to the of any eni< imr tin* reputation of average in- by Kaiser, son of the Wilkes, ... « viiostoii. on leal 11 look at I lie cost of war a for agitate enforcement' and great Ueorge i.i ,x !■' Vat-- her. 1 improvements were uTaduaih from linaneial of brave men, w ho poured out their blood for time* the present administration is at punish correspondents past transgressions question >• legally then called on in tellect. he I mi., -jn.'i \\ aximi-1<ai St.. I'»•~toii. oint Ibe li^uies are the cause of —although as yet there is no law on the sub- the judge reference to it. lie l»y llambletoiiian; Kaiser’s dam Dictator, ui:nh was added b> <a*. until Ih* -ol- j ■'tamlj i-toumlinyr. their leader, passed away un- by ■ >'\ a pii.ee pi* an the result is a conclu- I’lease note here a most remarkable i. i. A !e sprue. >1 New i k. Pdiimud Itiirke who t»0 years end; yd foregone and the charter recites no so them. He told them ii eoinci- son of second , died auo- lionored and unknown. ject, penalty, that thoroughly discouraged | llambletoiiian; dam by Almont. ’t Oi k. so denec and il the ,11.' U Park lfow. N,.\\ dii r was t* .-sed in s»ee.