112 BHAGA III BHAGAVAD GlTA BHAGA III. A vedic god considered to be the lord of 19) Bhagadatta killed Ruciparvan. (Drona Parva, is also one of Verse . wealth, prowess and happiness. Bhaga Chapter 26, 52) viz. He shot the the six Adityas mentioned in the Rgveda, Bhaga, 20) Vaisnavastra (arrow given by Visnu) Arhsa. on Verse Mitra, Aryainfi, Varuna, Daksa and (Rgveda, Arjuna. (Drona Parva, Chapter 29, 17). killed 2.27). 21) Aijuna Bhagadatta. (Drona Parva, Chapter BHAGADA. An attendant (woman) of Subrahmanya. 29, Verse 48). After his his became Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 26) . 22) death, son, Vajradatta King (Salya of BHAGADATTA. Bhagadatta was King of Pragjyotisa- Pragjyotisa. Arjuna killed Vajradatta also. (Asva- medha . Mahabharata furnishes the following information Parva, Chapter 76) pura. who was about him. 23) King Sailalaya, Bhagadatta's grandfather, was born from a limb of the asura attained Indraloka on account of the greatness of his 1) Bhagadatta tapas. (Asrainavasika 20, Verse 10). called Biskala. (M.B., Adi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse Parva, Chapter BHAGANANDA. An attendant woman of Subrahmanya. 9). of Pancali. Parva, 46, Verse He was present at the wedding (Adi (Salya Chapter 11). 2) BHAGAVADDHYANAPARVA. A of Parva, Chapter 185, Verse 12). sub-parva Udyoga- Parva. It 72-150 in Parva. also as lord of the Yavanas (Yavanadhipa) . comprises chapters Udyoga 3 ) Known and that the famous Puranas. Bhagadatta was a friend of Pandu, friendship BHAGAVATA. One of eighteen was transferred to Yudhisthira too. (Sabha Parva, Gayatrl is the main theme of this Purana and based on it it and states Chapter 14, Verse 14).
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