Hasani Ahmad Said , Mengenal Tafsir Nusantara: Melacak Mata Rantai Tafsir Dari Indonesia | 205 Mengenal Tafsir Nusantara: Melacak Mata Rantai Tafsir Dari Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapura Hingga Brunei Darussalam Hasani Ahmad Said UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
[email protected] Abstract: Tafsir (exegesis) scholars traced in the Nusantara archipelago, will not be separated from the figure of ‘Abdurrauf al-Fansuri with his Tarjuman alMustafid. Through this work, tafsir had been developed through many media teaching until today. This work also allegedly gave birth to a variety of tafsir model and methodology of qur’anic interpretation in the archipelago. At least two aspects of the interpretation gives birth to the scholars transmission; and to development of the science of interpretation. Firstly, through the activities of teaching; and secondly, through writings. Through these two transmission lines the network of interpretation, until today continues to progress well. Key words: Transmission, Quranic Schoolars, Exegesis, Nusantara Abstrak: Melacak jaringan ulama tafsir Nusantara, tidak bisa dilepaskan dari sosok ‘Abd al-Raûf al-Fansûrî dengan karyanya Tarjuman al-Mustafid, melalui karya ini terus mengalami perkembangan melalui banyak media pengajaran hingga hari ini. Karya ini pula diduga kuat melahirkan aneka ragam corak dan manhaj tafsir di Nusantara. Paling tidak ada dua aspek transmisi ulama tafsir melahirkan dan mengembangkan ilmu tafsir. Pertama, melalui aktifitas pengajian, dan yang kedua melalui jalur penulisan.