Canadian Publication Mail Contract - 40070050 $3.00 VOLUME 33, ISSUE 11 DECEMBER 2006 ■ 2007 Executive Committee ■ Strategies to Successfully Manage Longevity ■ Potwar of Pakistan – A General Study ■ Uncertainty Assessment in 3D Reservoir Modeling CSPG OFFICE #600, 640 - 8th Avenue SW Calgary,Alberta, Canada T2P 1G7 Tel:403-264-5610 Fax: 403-264-5898 Web: Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm Business Manager:Tim Howard CONTENTS Email:
[email protected] Communications Manager: Jaimè Croft Larsen Email:
[email protected] Conventions Manager: Lori Humphrey-Clements Email:
[email protected] Corporate Relations Manager: Kim MacLean Email:
[email protected] ARTICLES Membership Services: Sarah Barton Email:
[email protected] Reception/Administration:Tanya Santry CONGRATULATIONS: CALGARY BUSINESS HALL OF FAME . .15 Email:
[email protected] 2007 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE . 23 EDITORS/AUTHORS Please submit RESERVOIR articles to the CSPG STRATIGIES TO SUCCESSFULLY MANAGE LONGEVITY . 30 office. Submission deadline is the 23rd day of the month, two months prior to issue date. POTWAR OF PAKISTAN – A GENERAL STUDY . 33 (e.g., January 23 for the March issue). UNCERTAINTY ASSESSMENT IN 3D RESEVOIR MODELING . 38 To publish an article, the CSPG requires digital copies of the document. Text should be in Microsoft Word format and illustrations should CSPG BOOKSTORE – NEW TITLES! NOW AVAILABLE! . 43 be in TIFF format at 300 dpi. For additional information on manuscript preparation, refer to 2007 CSPG CSEG CALL FOR ABSTRACTS . 46 the Guidelines for Authors published in the CSPG Bulletin or contact the editor. COORDINATING EDITOR & OPERATIONS Jaimè Croft Larsen DEPARTMENTS CSPG Tel:403-264-5610, Ext 227 Fax: 403-264-5898 EXECUTIVE COMMENT .