THE WESTFIELD LEADER the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County Pfieventh YEAR—No
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•"•*. THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County PfiEVENTH YEAR—No. 32 li.llt.eieU M OtoUUllli 1.1U9* . P> Offl TVtflM WESTFIELD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1957 36 Pagei—10 Cent* Westfield Club Primary Vote In Westfield [an Eastertide REPUBLICAN Displays Flowers IW 2W 3W 4W Tot.l Light Vote Tallied Here GOVERNOR Forbes 813 f>47 458 381 2,299 At Public Show Dumont 317 216 187 137 857 lurch Services ASSEMBLY In Quiet Primary Election Griffin . 680 511 367 304 1,862 First Event Rand 190 133 148 109 580 Paris To Be Scene Set At Local Murray , 369 310 222 156 1,057 No Opposition liial Good Of Sunrise Service Thomas 819 037 464 381 2,301 Irene Griffin No Contests For Homes May 9 Vanderbilt 813 627 436 367 2,243 In Mountainside Crane „ . 825 652 459 364 2,300 lay Devotion An Easter Sunday, sunrise serv- Mrs. Torg Tonnessen, president Stamler . 427 319 217 197 1,160 Wins County GOP MOUNTAINSIDE — With Either Party ice will be held at Mindowaskin of the Rake and Hoe Garden Club Velbinger 120 80 109 69 378 •oting described as "extremely Park this week at 0 a.m. under of Westfield, has announced the ight," Mayor Joseph A. C. Komich first Baptist the sponsorship of the youth com- FREEHOLDERS club will hold its first public open Bailey 1,022 805 569 454 2,850 Nod For Assembly nd Councilmen Ronald L. Farrell On Local Scene mittee of the Westfield Council of home flower show May 9. The 432 370 nd William A. Heine received Re- Churches. Zerega 812 600 2,214 •field churches are planning theme will be "Scents and Non- Can- 980 735 531 414 2,660 Mrs. Irene T. Griffin of West- publican renomination with no op- In a quiet primary election here services for the Esfster A dramatic production, "What Scents." The show will be open Beatty . 234 167 173 126 699 field, with a vote of 14,600 in position in Tuesday's primary elec- Tuesday, approximately one- [including the annual Good Thinking of Christ," will be pre- from 2-5 pjn. and 7-9 p.m. Lehr. .. 236 162 146 125 66D Tuesday's primaries, won the Re- ,ion. fourth of the town's 14,870 regis- [ three-hour devotion at the sented by the following cast: Pon- The homes of the following will STATE COMMITTEE publican nomination for state According to Borough Clerk Baptist Church, sponsored tered voters went to the polls with tius Pilate, David Hawoith; Ju- be open: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Bender 297 209 176 100 842 assemblywoman for the post va- Robert Laing, 531 of approximate- no local contests in either party. IVestfield Council of Church- das Iscareat, Paul McLarty; Mary, Lobkowitz, 18 Mohawk trail; Mr. Thomas 644 453 349 2,261 cated by Rep. Florence Dwycr. ly 2,600 registered votcers cast Icommuni-ty Sunrise Easter 815 A total of 3,447 ballots were cast. Joan Coords; Mary Magdelene, and Mrs. John H. Krooss, 9 Moun- COUNCIL She will join incumbent Assembly- ballots. An average turnout for Topping the ballot on the Repub- [at Mindowaskin Park and Margaret Jeffers; Peter, Bill Gold- tainview drive, Mountainside-and Connell ., . men G. Clifford Thomas of Elize- the borough 13 800 to 900 voters, Seek rites at Holy Trinity, .... 1,040 1,040 lican ticket in the four state and smith and narrator, Dudley Coy. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonnell, Harms 776 77.") ieth, Carlyle W. Crane of Plain- he rioted. county contests were Malcolm jll's and Redeemer Luther- Robert Warnecke will conduct the 1070 Wychwood road. ield and William R. Vanderbilt in Votes received by the Republi- Irches. Bilden 584 58 I Forbes, Assemblyman G. Clifford drama with music provided by the "Nosegay" is the theme at the Mitchell 473 47a he November general election ans were: Mayor Komich, 420; Thomas, Freeholder Charles Bailey service on "The Seven senior high choir of the First Lobkowitz home which will also DEMOCRAT ight for the four seats from Union Councilman Heine, 426, and Coun- i from the Cross" will be Methodist Church. and Mayor H. Emerson Thomas. feature "Escapade," an arrange- GOVERNOR County in the state legislature. ilman Farrell, 427. Forbes was favored for thr jom noon until 3 p.m. tomor- The service will be followed by ment class for men only. Meyner „ 47 B5 76 94 272 Mrs. Griffin tallied 699 more The three Democratic candl- l the Baptist Church with gubernatorial nomination over breakfast at the First Baptist "The French Touch" will be the ASSEMBLY •otes than did Nelson Stamler to Jatcs received 27 votes each. They Wayne Dumont Jr., by a local votf g procedure: Church. theme at the Krooss home where, Wilson 47 55 75 94 271 take the fourth position in the bal- were Eugene J. Sauerborn Jr., of 2,299 to 857. Assemblyman . tde, "Tenebrae" by Karg- in addition to the other scents, McGowan 46 55 , 75 92 268 loting. Totals in the eight-way running for mayor, and Donald A. fjnvocation; first word, "Fa- Thomas led his two fellow incum- will be a special exhibit of a bar- Miller 46 54 74 92 266 race wore: Mr. Thomas, 22,369; Jaldwell and Thomas S. Burgess, bents, William R. Vanderbilt and •Forgive Them' for They becue table called "Gay Diver- Hughes 42 55 75 91 263 Mr. Crane, 21,788; Mr. Vanderbilt, unning for council. Mr. Sauer- Not What They Do" by the Judge to Speak sion" which will be staked by 20,571; Mrs. Griffin, 14,600; Mr. Carlyle Crane by a vote of 2,301 FREEHOLDER )orn was defeated by Mayor to 2,243 and 2,300 respectively. Ibert E. Gates, First Bap- Jane Smith of Westfteld. O'Brien . 47 53 74 96 270 Stamler, 14,001; Mrs. Anna M. tomich in the general election of lurch | hymn, "0 Come and "Yank Clover" is the theme at Murray of Summit, 11,051; Miss November, 1966. Mrs. Irene T. Griffin of Westfield At YW Dinner 47 53 75 94 269 ran fourth in the eight-way rac« Me"; second word, the McDonnell's home. The jun- Dalzie! 40 53 72 90 261 Elsie Rand of Summit, 8,268 and Malcolm Forbes defeated Wayne : Thou Shalt Be With Me iors will display their arrange- ;grl Veibingtr of > Roselle Park, Dumont, his opponent in the GOP for four Assembly posts with a COUNCIL vote of 1,802. by the Rev. Robert Will Be Held ments in classes called "Heaven Stover 75 75 ,993. gubernatorial contest, 367-128. 4, Bethel Baptist Church; Sent," "Ballerina," "Enchanting MacFadyen 87 87 Elected for the Democratic nom- The contest for the three Pr««. 'There Is a Green Hill Far Monday Night Menace" and "Reflexions." There ination, unopposed, were James M. holder posts was led by incum- I; third word, "Woman, Be- will also be five arrangement class- TOTAL VOTE ... 1,172 933 717 625 3,447 McGowan of Elizabeth with 12,- Thomson Again benta Bailey, John W. Zerega and • Son—Behold Thy Moth- Judge Edward Dudley of thees by adults. Refreshments will be 893; John J. Wilson of Wcstfleld, Nelson L. Carr who polled 2,850| i Rev. Frederick E. Chris- New York City Domestic Relations served here. 12,732; George M. Miller of Scotch' 2,214 a n d 2,600 respectively abyterian Church; hymn, Court will be guest speaker at a "Act IV" is the theme at the laina, 12,695 and Mrs. Mildred Heads YM Board against 699 for Ogden Beatty and I Survey the Wondrous dinner to be held at the Westfield YWCA, 220 Clark street/which is Art ExhibitPreview, Reception B. Hughes of Union, 12,641. 069 for Robert A. Lehr. ^fourth-word, "My God, My YWCA Monday under the austh- e home of the Rrfke and Hoe Senator Malcolm Forbes polled Mayor Thomas carried the town Try Hast Thou Forsaken pices of the interracial practices Garden Club. Here will be found 23,360 and Senator Wayne Du- Culls for Re-Study almost three to one over his op« (the Rev. J. L. McCorlson committee of the YW in observ- the horticulture displays called Scheduled Sunday, April 29 mont 9,122 in the GOP guberna- Of Gouls, Program ponent for the Republican ntatt ; Congregational Church; ance of National YWCA Week. "Quelques Fleurs" and "Cub" and torial race. Gov. Robert B. Mey- committee post, John S. Bender of "Beneath the Cross of The Rev. William A. Blackwell the educational exhibits named Amateur and professional Entries will be received in thener, unopposed for the Democratic Scotch Plains. The vote was 2,« nomination, received 13,498 votes, Robert C. Thomson Jr. was re- of St. Luke's Church in Westfield "Windsong," "Tresor," and "Ta- menjbers of the Westfield Art Wateunk Room Friday, April 26 elected president of the YMCA 261 to 842. I fifth word, "I Thirst" by will conduct the devotions preced- boo" and "Strategy." Association are preparing for their In the freeholders contest, in- First warn Councilman Clancy from 3-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Mrs.cumbents Nelson L. Carr of Eli?.- Board of Directors Tuesday night IT, Karl E. Wright, First ing the dinner. Donald Jensen of The following commercial ex- 32nd annual art exhibit starting Wayne E. Knouse is chairman of at the YMCA. An attorney asso- D. Connell headed the four-man the Methodist Church will sing, abeth, Charles P. Bailey of West- lit Church; hymn, "0 hibits will also tie found at theMonday, April 29-May 4.