An Approach to Conserving Maine's Natural Hobart Bog LEGEND rook Space for Plants, Animals, and People B Pug This map depicts all wetlands shown on National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps, but m a wwwwww..bbeeggiinnnniinnggwwiitthhhhaabbiittaatt..oorrgg e categorized them based on a subset of wetland functions. This map and its depiction r t S of wetland features neither substitute for nor eliminate the need to perform on-the- ground wetland delineation and functional assessment. In no way shall use of this map t SSuupppplleemmeennttaarryy MMaapp 77 r a diminish or alter the regulatory protection that all wetlands are accorded under Foster b Burnt Bog o applicable State and Federal laws. For more information about wetlands characterization, Lake H Cove WWeettllaannddss CChhaa rraacctteerriizzaattiioonn Lake contact Elizabeth Hertz at the Maine Department of Conservation (207-287-8061, C
[email protected]). r a n e M WWhhiittiinngg ill Hobart Stream B ro This map is non-regulatory and is intended for planning purposes only Drainage ok The Wetlands Characterization model is a planning tool intended to help identify likely E Hobart Crane M wetland functions associated with significant wetland resources and adjacent uplands. D M e M Lake a Using GIS analysis, this map provides basic information regarding what ecological A C d o U r R w services various wetlands are likely to provide. These ecological services, each of which R N a I o n c O D has associated economic benefits, include: floodflow control, sediment retention, finfish k b y N S e B r habitat, and/or shellfish habitat.