0 US.Deportment New HampshireDivision 53 Pleasant Street, Suite 2200 dl'a'lsporfalion Concord, NH 03301 Federal Highway June 4, 2019 (603) 228-0417 Admlnlstraffon In Reply Refer To: HDA-NH Zach Jylkka Fisheries Biologist Protected Resources Division Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office NOAA Fisheries 55 Great Republic Drive Gloucester, MA O1930 Subject: Pease Development Authority, Port of NH Functional Replacement Project Portsmouth 15731. Piscataqua River Biological Assessment Dear Mr. Jylkka: The Pease Development Authority Division of Ports and Harbors and Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) are proposing the functional replacement of the barge wharf to compensate for impacts caused by the new alignment of the recently replaced Sarah Mildred Long Bridge in Portsmouth. NH. This letter is to request Endangered Species Act concurrence from your office for the proposed project. The FHW A has made the determination that the proposed activity may affect. but is not likely to adversely affect, any species listed as threatened or endangered or critical habitat designated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. The Biological Assessment (BA) supporting this determination is enclosed. Please contact me at 603-410-4870 or
[email protected] should you have any questions. S cerely. n e,t,V-~- Ja ·son S. Sikor Env ronmental Programs Manager Enclosure 2 ecc: Christine Perron, McFarland Johnson MikeJohnson, NOAA M. Laurin, NHDOT Project file 15731 Biological Assessment