The news magazine ofthe British Science Fiction Association £2.25 Matrix Issue 145 Sept/Oct 2000 Olaf Stapledon remembered American Movie &; Alphaville Book &; Media News PULPitations letters 2 -Matrix Issue 145 Matrix BSFA Officers BSFA Publications Issue 145· ScptlOct 2000 President: Matrix 11Jebi-mOl1thlynewsmagazineoflhc Sir Arthur C. Clarke, CBE British Science Fiction Vice President: Editor: Andrew Seaman Association Stephen Baxter- 128 Pickhurst Rise, West Wickham, Kent, BR4 OAW Rqislenld in Engl:llld. Lirniled by Sccrelary: Vikld Lee
[email protected] GU:lr1llllee. Company Nurrber: 921 jOO 44 While Way, Kkllington, RegiSlered Address: I Long Row Ck:ls.e. Oxon.OX52XA Contributing editors: Evt:rdon. Davenlry. NNll 3BE peverel@aoLcom Books: Janel Barron TheBSFAw;asfOtlndedinI9nandisalKlll Treasurer: Eliubtth Billingtr 3 Ullswater Road, Bames, London. profil making orpnisalion, staffed I Long Row C'ose, Everdort. SW139PL enhrdybyunp.aidvolunleeB. Davcntry. NorthantS, NNll 3BE
[email protected] [email protected] ISSN:OI4J7909 o BSFA 2000 Membership Services: Paul Billingtr Fan news: Creg Pickersgill I Long Row Oose. EvtnIon, 3 Bethany Row, Narbenh Road, copyrighls Individual 3fCtheproper1yoflhe D~venlly, Nonll3llls. NNll 38E herein Haverfordwesl, Pembrokeshire. SA61 2XG conlribulors and edilon. VteWS expressed
[email protected] :m': not necessarily those ofthe BSFA or BSFA
[email protected] • UK membenlUp: £21 paor £14 pa (unwagcd). Commilloemembers life membership £190. Europe: £26 pa. Rest of Enonandornissionsan:lheresponsibililyofthe Film/media news: Cary Wilkinson World: £26 p<t surfaoe mail, O:!. paair mail. Editorial Team. Cheqllell pay;lble 10: BSFA LJd. 18 Water Lane, SoUlh Witham, Granlham, Lincs., NG33 5PH Prilll.edby;POCCopyprinl.11 kffries US Agent: Cy Chauvin
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