AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATESI Published by Number 1140 the AMERICAN MUSEUM of NATURAL HISTORY August 20, 1941 New York City

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AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATESI Published by Number 1140 the AMERICAN MUSEUM of NATURAL HISTORY August 20, 1941 New York City AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATESI Published by Number 1140 THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY August 20, 1941 New York City RESULTS OF THE ARCHBOLD EXPEDITIONS. No. 36 REMARKS ON SOME OLD WORLD LEAF-NOSED BATS BY G. H. H. TATE When reviewing recently the genus the cochleae (not so large, however, as in Hipposideros,I it became necessary to study H. muscinus). other available hipposiderine genera, to re- Many of the following notes are based examine Rhinolophus, and to some extent upon specimens kindly lent us by the Cu- to study the remaining leaf-nosed bats, the rators of Mammals at Washington, Chicago Megadermidae and Nyeteridae. and Cambridge. Material referable to Asellia, Anthops, Cloeotis, Triaenops, Coelops, Rhinolophus, Anthops ornatus Thomas Megaderma, Lavia, Nycteris, Lyroderma U.S.N.M. 123441, Guadalcanar. was examined. (Rhinonycteris is appar- Ears much as the "emarginate ears" of ently unrepresented in American collec- members of Hipposideros, but with anti- tions.) Notes made upon their compara- tragal fold somewhat larger. Horseshoe tive structures are presented herewith. with two lateral leaflets, the inner quite The hipposiderine genera are considered small, the outer large. Transverse leaf first, then briefly the Nyeteridae and with three raised, rounded processes, each Megadermidae. The isolated position of hollowed out behind and each representing Coelops is pointed out. Only incidental the extension of the three thickened septa remarks are offered on the Rhinolophinae, which in front support the leaf (as in H. reviewed two years ago2 and now in course larvatus). The transverse leaf subtended of extensive revision by C. C. Sanborn. by two small lateral leaflets of its own, A list of materials belonging to these separate from those margining the horse- genera contained in the Archbold collec- shoe. Traces of a small frontal sac. tions is appended. Tail very short. Skull of the short, massive type seen in Hipposiderinae Hipposideros speoris and larvatus. Broken. The rostral portion triangular, the rostral ANTHOPS THOMAS swellings at the apices of the triangle not Anthops THOMAS, 1888, Ann. Mag. Nat. extremely prominent. Infraorbital fora- Hist., (6) I, p. 156; 1888, Proc. Zool. Soc. inclosed a bar. London, p. 477.-MILLER, 1906, Bull. U. S. Nat. men by Intertemporal Mus., LVII, p. 113. constriction pronounced. Cochlea and GENOTYPE.-A. ornatus Thomas from Aola ring not greatly enlarged (diameters 3.4 Guadalcanar. and 2.8). Back of palate level with M2. Thomas distinguished Anthops from Incisive foramina closed by maxilla. Back Hipposideros by its short tail, which Miller of premaxillae rounded. External lobe says is less than half the length of the fe- of incisors virtually obsolete; c with low mur and contains four caudal vertebrae, posterior cusp; p2 neither greatly reduced and by the projections of the transverse (cingulum length, 0.7) nor wholly out of noseleaf being "rounded and hollow be- toothrow; m3 with partly reduced W- hind." Miller indicated the larger size of pattern; rami of mandibles at symphysis in- I "Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 35," forming a narrow inverted V; outer 1941, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., LXXVIII, Art. 5. cisors slightly thickened, inner ones 2 Tate and Archbold, 1939, Amer. Mus. Novit., No. 1036, pp. 1-12. strongly overlapping; 2 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES [No. 1140 P2 unreduced cingulum length P2 1.10 Upper incisors clearly bilobate, but very ' cingulum length P4 1.15 small and with the roots exceedingly deli- Back of skull destroyed. cate, divergent, placed at the outer corners Sanborn records the species from Choi- of the premaxillae as in Asellia and H. seul, Troughton from Ysabel and Bougain- commersonii; p2 still with small cusp and ville Islands. retained in toothrow; m3 less reduced than Contrary to statements by authors, in Asellia tridens; toothrows almost par- Anthops is not very close to Asellia. It allel as in H. muscinuts. Lower incisors, differs in several features: its much heavier as in H. muscinus, scarcely at all imbri- incisors, the retention of p2, the form of cated; P2 unreduced, its cingulum length rostrum and sagittal crest, the less re- actually greater than that of P4 (0.9 : 0.8), duced m3 and P2- but markedly compressed laterally (width, The type of A. ornatuts, B.M., 0.5 to 0.6). old adult female, two paratypes, B.M. Tricuspidatus, placed by Dobson and and, female and male, by Peters in a special division of Hipposi- and a juvenal male topotype, B.M. deros, betrays affinities with Anthops,, all in alcohol, were examined by Asellia, Triaenops and Cloeotis by the divi- me. The forearms measuredl 50, 51, 48.5 sion of the upper edge of the noseleaf into and 37 mm., respectively. three points. It appears nevertheless to My measurements of the type skull are: represent a distinct line of development greatest length, 20.0 mm.; zygomatic which may be distinguished as breadth, 10.4; mastoid breadth, 9.0; breadth of braincase, 8.4; least inter- ASELLISCUS NEW GENUS orbital width, 2.0; cochlea, 3.0; c-m3, GENOTYPE. Rhinolophuts tricuspidatus Tem- minck from Amboina. 7.0. DESCRIPTION.-A Hipposiderine genus of bats with upper margin of transverse noseleaf di- "Rhinolophus" tricuspidatus Temminck vided into three points, no papilla on the sella, two lateral leaflets margining horseshoe, iio A.M.N.H. 109987, Hollandia, Dutch frontal sac in either sex, tail extending con- New Guinea. siderably beyond membrane, as in Asellia. Skull with large separate rostal inflations, A quite small species with horseshoe premaxillary bones divergent ini front, cochlea unnotched in front, two lateral leaflets, rather large. the outer pair connecting with the trans- Teeth. Incisors bilobed, smnall, divergent; verse leaf above and uniting in front canine with low posterior cusp; p2 included in toothrow; r3 scarcely i'educed; P2 low, un- beneath the horseshoe; no lateral cells as crowded, laterally comnpressed. Toothrows in Triaenops; no papilla-like process on parallel. "sella;" transverse leaf divided into three It seems probable that stoliczkanus' and parts somewhat as in Asellia tridens, but 1 Since this manuscript was completed a small the lateral processes much less elevated. series of "Asellia" heeleri Osgood from Chipwi, Ears shaped as in H. galeritus, although northern Burma, has been examined. The species is a little smaller than tricuspidatus, with forearm, somewhat narrower and more acute and 49 mm., instead of 54; the ear less elongated and more like the car in the H. galeritus group; the tail thus approaching H. muscinus in form. elongate instead of short (40 mm.: 25 mm.) and its Tail considerably exserted beyond mem- tip extends two or three millimeters beyond the membrane. brane. The noseleaf, surrounded by rather dense facial hair, somewhat as irn Coelops, is very like that of Skull somewhat narrow, the zygomata tricuspidatus, with three small points on the trans- only slightly exceeding mastoid width, and verse leaf, which terminate three supportiing ribs or septa. There are two lateral leaflets. The front rostral expanse only slightly less. Rostral of the horseshoe shows indications of a cleft. No frontal sac is present in the male. Wheeleri and swellings large, high. Zygomatic emi- stoliczkanus appear closely related. nence rising gradually in front; high be- The skull is slightly reminiscent of the skull of Coelops, in that it is low, and the canine-bearing hind. Cochlea rather large and fairly portion and premaxillae are elongated; while the canines are strongly proodont, though devoid of the close together (2.1 : 1.0). Premaxillae strongly developed supplemental cusps of Coelops. weakly united, their contact with palate V- The skull represents a quite advanced Hipposider- ine near Aselliscus; the premaxillae though longer shaped. preserve the same relations with the upper incisors, 1941 ] RESULTS OF THE ARCHBOLD EXPEDITIONS. 36 trifida Peters from the Malay and Burma shoe is broadened to form two angled ex- region must also be referred to Aselliscus. pansions. The ears are simple, somewhat The new genus is distinguished from acute and appear to be slightly emarginate. Anthops and Triaenops by its very different Canine with large secondary cusp, and premaxillae, zygoma and upper incisors, peculiarities of premaxillae, rostrum, zy- from Cloeotis by its relatively low jugal emi- goma and sagittal crest (Miller, 1907). nence and much deeper skull, from Asellia R. aurantius is found chiefly in northern (tridens) by its lower sagittal crest, much and northwestern Australia. Wood-Jones inflated rostrum, pore-like infraorbital writes that it occurs rarely in South Aus- foramen and parallel toothrows, and from tralia. Rhiornycteris by the several characters given for the last by Dobson (1878). TRIAENOPS DoBSON The geographical range of A. tricus- Triaenops DOBSON, 1871, J. Asiatic Soc. Ben- includes Amboina, Buru (Dammer- gal, XL, 2, p. 455. pidatus GENOTYPE.-Triaenops persicus Dobson, from man), the north coast of Dutch New Shiraz, Persia. Guinea, Batjan (Peters), Duke-of-York Island (Dobson), Morty Island, New Additional forms named: afer Peters Mombasa Britain, and New Ireland (Dobson), Kei furcula Trouessart W. Madagascar (Peters and Doria), Aola, Guadalcanar humbloti Milne Edwards E. Madagascar (Thomas), Woodlark Island (Thomas), ruifus Milne Edwards E. Madagascar Trobriand Island (Heller), Solomon Island aurita Grandidier Diego Suarez furinea Trouessart Aldabra Islands and Santa Cruz Island (Sanborn). ?wheeleri Osgood Tonkin RHINONYCTERIS GRAY With the exception of wheeleri Osgood,t Rhinonicteris GRAY, 1847, Proc. Zool. Soc., already dealt with under Aselliscus, this London, p. 16. genus is indigenous to the part of the world Rhinonycteris GRAY, 1866, Proc. Zool. Soc., which includes Persia, Arabia, East Africa London, p. 81. and the Mascarene group of islands. GENOTYPE.-Rhinolophus aurantius Gray, from North Australia. Rhinonycteris is unrepresented in our Triaenops persicus Dobson collection. Study of the illustration of the U.S.N.M.
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