In the Minotaur's Labyrinth Phylogeny of the Bat Family Hipposideridae WIESLAW BOGDANOWICZ and ROBERT D

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In the Minotaur's Labyrinth Phylogeny of the Bat Family Hipposideridae WIESLAW BOGDANOWICZ and ROBERT D Pp. 27-42, In Bat Biology and Conservation (T.H. Kunz and P.A. Racey, eds.). 1998. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington. - 2 In the Minotaur's Labyrinth Phylogeny of the Bat Family Hipposideridae WIESLAW BOGDANOWICZ AND ROBERT D. OWEN The family Hipposideridae is composed of nine Recent view or have made only minor changes to his 1963 dassi- genera with about 65 species, which are widespread fication. However, the question arises as to what extent throughout warm areas of the Old World from western Hill's carefully arranged, but nevertheless intuitive, species Africa east to the New Hebrides hdextend only marginally groups reflect phylogenetic history into the Palaearaic (Corbet and Hill 1991, 1992; Koopman More importantly, none of the previous studies evalu- 1994). The genus Hipposideros has about 50 speaes; the ated phylogenetic affinities within the entire family The other genera either are monotypic (Anthops, Cloeotis, Para- aim of our chapter is to fill this gap, although the lack of coelops, Rhinonycteris) or have 2 species (Aselliu, Asellism, well-preserved materials for some taxa makes our analysis Coelops, Triaenops). Hipposiderid fossils are known from the incomplete. Nevertheless, it is a first step toward a compre- middle Eocene of Europe (Sigk and Legendre 1983; Sigk hensive revision of phylogenetic relationships among hip- 1991), the early Oligocene of Arabo-Africa (Sigk et al. 1994), posiderids. We also evaluated different hypotheses concern- the late Oligocene of Australia (Archer et al. 1994), and ing the geographic center of origin for the family and the probably the Miocene of Asia (K. E Koopman, in litt.). monophyly of the genus Hipposideros. These assessments During the past 150 years hipposiderids have a&aaed were made through phylogenetic analyses of metrical and the attention of numerous taxonomists (summarized by discrete-state characters of the cranium, dentition, and ex- Hill 1963). The most prominent studies in this century were ternal morphology. those by Tate (1941) and Hill (1963) of the genus Hip- posideros and by Hill (1982) of the genera Rhinonycteris, Cloeotis, and Triuenops. Their work resulted in recognition Materials and Methods of 11 (Tate 1941) or 6 (Hill 1963) supraspecific groups Speaes, Specimens, and Measurements .,within the genus Hipposideros. Most of the more recent researchers (e.g., Jenkins and Hill 1981; KO& and Bhat Our study was based on 57 species and 702 adult specimens 1994; Koopman 1994) either have accepted Hill's point of (skins and skulls), each of which had no or few missing char- Table 2.1 Common-Part-Removed Analysis n n Species (sexed + unsexed) RZ Speaes (seared + unsexed) Antkops omatus Hipposideros incxpeMtrcJ Asellia patrizii Hipposiderosjonesi Aseuia hidm Hipposidnos Lankadiva krrchstoliczknnw Hipposideros Lawatus Ascuisncc hicllspidatrcc Hipposideros lrkaguli Clowris ptnivali Hipposidcros lyki Coelopsfritki Hipposidrms macrobullatus Cocbps robitrconi Hipposideros magktaylorac Hipposidms abae Hipposidcros marisae Hipposidnos annigcr Hipposideros magaloris Hipposidcros ater Hipposideros mwcinw Hipposidms beam Hipposideros obsm Hipposidms bicolor Hipposidcros papa Hipposideros Hipposideros pomona Hipposidcros calcaratus Hipposideros pratri Hipposidcros camm- Hipposideros pygmaem Hipposidms cnvinw Hipposideros ndlryl Hipposidms cineraceus Hipposideros nrbcr Hipposidcros commcrsoni Hipposideros sabanw Hipposideros cotynophyUw Hipposidnos smi Hipposidnos curhis Hipposideros speorir Hipposideros cydops Hipposideros srotoris Hipposidcros diadonn Hipposideros tcrluotric Hipposideros dinops Hipposideros hcrpis Hipposidms dyacmm Hipposideros wollastoni Hipposidcrosfiliginosus Rhinonyctnic aurantius Hipposidcrosfitlw TriMIopsfitdw Hipposidcros galmjhu Ttiaolops pmicus Hipposidcros haloplryllw Notu: This cable h ingroup nra (Hipposiduidae),number of specimens (n), and coc5cient-of-determination(~3 values adjusted for degrees of fieedom hmlinear reps- sion of each ingroup taxon on a multiple-member outgroup (Rhinolophur ccIrW, n = 12; R. divosus, n = 10; R. hipporidnw, n = 12; R,malayanus, n = 8; andR, sin- n = 9). When multiplied by 100, R' indicates percentage of original vaxiance explained by the outgroup acters (Table 2.1). Adults were recognized by fused epiphy- included the claws. Other measurements followed Freeman ses in wing bones. Hipposideros schistaceus was found to be (1981). Rautenbach (1986), and Bogdanowicz (1992). Fore- morphologically very similar to or even indistinguishable arm lengths given in Results are from Koopman (1994). I from H. Zankadiva (I? J. J. Bates, personal communication;our 1 observations); consequently, it was not treated as a distinct Transformations species. Space limitation precludes a list of specimens exam- ined, but this list is available on request fiom the first author All continuous values were transformed to their natural via Internet at [email protected]. logarithms, and the value of each characterwas calculated as A total of 45 cranial, dental, and external characters were the average of the means for males and females. Where measured with a Sylvac electronic caliper directly con- possible, samples fiom single or neighboring populations nected to a PC-compatible laptop computer for automatic were used for each speaes. For two endemic speaes without data capture. The width and helght of the foramen mag- evident sexual dimorphism (Anthops ornatus and Triaenops num (not included in Table 2.2) were used to calculate the firculus), unsexed specimens also were used. - foramen magnum area according to the formula given by The common-part-removedtransformation (Wood 1983) -Itadinsky (1967). Measurements were taken to the nearest was applied to remove the portion of variance accounted 0.01 rnm for cranial and dental characters and to the nearest for by regression onto selected rhinolophid taxa. Because 0.1 mm for external characters. The length of the hindfoot Rhinolophidae is the sister-taxon to the Hipposideridae Table 2.2 - Size-Out Analysis Character PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 Greatest skull length Condylocanine lengrh Least interorbiral breadth Zygomatic breadth Mastoid breadth Breadth of braincase Breadth of nasal swellings Height of braincase (excluding bullae) Length of maxillary toothrow Length of upper molarifonn row Width across upper canines Height of upper canine Width across upper third molars Length of upper third molar Width of upper third molar Supraorbital length Palatal length Area df foramen magnum Bullar length Bullar width Greatest lengrh of mandible Length of mandiiular toothrow Postdental length Helght of mandibular ramus Height of lower canine Coroaoi&angular distance Length of moment arm of temporal Length of moment arm of masetter Forearm length Third digit, metacarpal length Third digir, first phalanx length Third digit, second phalanx length Fourth digit, metacarpal lengrh Fourth digit, first phalanx length Fourth ckgit, second phalanx length Fifth digit, metacarpal length Fifth digit, first phalanx length Fifch digit, second phklength Head and body length Tail length Ear length Tibia length Hindfoot length Greatest breadth of anrerior noseleaf Greaten breadth of horseshoe (including secondary leaflets) AU characters, variance explained (89.9%) (3.1%) (1.5%) (1.1'70) Note: Data are character loadings for the first four prinapal components (PC)-aud, in parcnthucr at the end of the table, the percentages of variance they qlain-hm prinapal-componentsanalysis of the comlarion matrix. Analysis was based on 57 tan of the Hipposideridae and the average of 6vc speaes of Rhinobpkus @ cekM, R climnct, R, hipporidnos, R mn+us, and R. rink). (e.g., Novacek 1991), this regression function provided an sists of d groups that occur more than 50% of the time estimate of ancestral hipposiderid morphology In this' (CONSENSE program of PHYLIP;Pelsenstein 1993). study, the vector of character values for each hipposiderid species was regressed separately onto the means of those PARSIMONY ANALYSIS. The analysis was based on a set of as. for Rhinolophw celebensis, R. clivosus, R. hipposideros,R. malay- many as 30 possibly discrete-state cranial, dental, and exter- anus, and R. sinicus. For each ingroup taxon, the vector of nal characters (Appendix 2. I), scored from each adult speci- residuals was retained. These vectors were combined and men. The ingroup included 57 species and eight of the nine used in further calculations in the form of a transformed extant genera of the Hipposideridae. Multiple outgroup data matrix. taxa were used to polarize the character states, enhancing Another method used was a "size-out" procedure. Afier the prospect of correctly identifying autapomorphic fea- averaging the log-transformed values, a correlation matrix tures in the outgroup. The characters for analysis were was calculated and a principal component analysis was per- selected after their extensive evaluation fiom'a large series formed on the matrix. From this, the mauix of projections of specimens. The outgroup was composed of the sister- of each speaes of each component was calculated. The first family Rhinolophidae, represented by Rhinolophus celebemis, principal component, which primarily reflected sue rela- R. coelophyllus, R. hipposideros, R. luctus, R. malayanus, and tionships, was then deleted from the matrix, and the remain- R. sinicus. Megadermatidae (Cardiodenna cor, Megaderrna ing prinapal component scores were taken to be charaaer- Zyra, and M. spasma) and Nycteridae (Nycteris hispida, N. gran- state values for a
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    2720 Advances in Environmental Biology, 6(10): 2720-2725, 2012 ISSN 1995-0756 This is a refereed journal and all articles are professionally screened and reviewed ORIGINAL ARTICLE The study of bat fauna in the south part of Iran: A case study of Jahrom 1Farangis Ghassemi, M.S., 2Hosein Kargar, M.S., 3Azadeh Nemati, Ph.D. 1Department of Biology, Jahrom branch, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom, Iran, 2Department of Biology, Jahrom branch, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom, Iran, 3Department of English language teaching, Jahrom branch, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom, Iran. Farangis Ghassemi, M.S., Hosein Kargar, M.S., Azadeh Nemati, Ph.D.; The study of bat fauna in the south part of Iran: A case study of Jahrom Abstract Bats with nearly 1250 species are a second largest group of mammals and play ecological and economic role in their community. The forgiver bat, disperse seeds and pollinate flowers by feeding on fruit, pollen and nectar and insectivore bat by feeding pest plants playing a significant role in biological defense. Bat populations are declining locally and continentally, due to habitat loss and roost disturbances. To gather basic distributional, ecological data and on each species and recognize the economic benefits of them, seeks to inventory and manage species and habitats are very necessary to conserve bats. Result showed that research station (Jahrom) is area with greater diversity of bats. This local (Jahrom) was agricultural area with richness flora (Palm, Ziziphus, Ficus and Citrus orchards), diversity of insect and warm climate. Presence numerous caves, tunnels and streams and pond in or near the caves due this local to be typical habitat for Thousands of bat that seen roosting there.
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