Heinrich Himmler Papers

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Heinrich Himmler Papers http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf2w1002fp Online items available Register of the Heinrich Himmler papers Finding aid prepared by Hoover Institution Library and Archives Staff Hoover Institution Library and Archives © 1998 434 Galvez Mall Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6003 hoover-library-archives@stanford.edu URL: http://www.hoover.org/library-and-archives Register of the Heinrich Himmler XX060 1 papers Title: Heinrich Himmler papers Date (inclusive): 1914-1945 Collection Number: XX060 Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Library and Archives Language of Material: German Physical Description: 15 manuscript boxes, 5 microfilm reels, 2 photo albums, 6 diaries, 27 sound tape reels(8.1 Linear Feet) Abstract: Diaries (1914-1924); photographs; photocopies and microfilm of correspondence, reports, and memoranda from the office files of the personal staff of Heinrich Himmler (1942-1944); and recordings of speeches by Himmler (1940-1944) relating to national socialism in Germany, and activities of the German police and Schutzstaffel during World War II. In part, photocopy and microfilm. Digital copies of select records also available at https://digitalcollections.hoover.org. Creator: Himmler, Heinrich, 1900-1945 Creator: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei. Reichsführer-SS.. Persönlicher Stab. Schriftgutverwaltung. Hoover Institution Library & Archives Access "Photo albums closed; digital use copies available. The remainder of the collection is open for research; materials must be requested at least two business days in advance of intended use." Publication Rights One folder in Box 15 may not be quoted. Acquisition Information Materials acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Heinrich Himmler papers, [Box no., Folder no. or title], Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Alternate Forms Available Digital copies of select records also available at https://digitalcollections.hoover.org. Location of Originals Originals in the German Bundesarchiv. Biographical Note Reichsführer SS und Chef der deutschen Polizei, 1934-1945. Scope and Content The Heinrich Himmler papers are largely comprised of a set of photostat documents of the Persönlicher Stab der Reichsführer-SS. The originals of these papers were located in a salt mine in the Salzburg region and seized in 1945 by American forces. In 1946 they were filmed at the Berlin Document Center. These office files include internal office memoranda, correspondence, case files, reports, telegrams, cables, copies of periodicals, remarks, statements, decrees, clippings, drawings, and press releases relating to a variety of topics. The collection also includes speeches and writings, correspondence, diaries, photo albums, and sound recordings. Subjects and Indexing Terms Audiotapes World War, 1939-1945 -- Germany National socialism Police -- Germany Statesmen -- Germany Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei. Schutzstaffel Persönlicher Stab der Reichsführer-SS Office Files 1936-1945 Register of the Heinrich Himmler XX060 2 papers Persönlicher Stab der Reichsführer-SS Office Files 1936-1945 box 1, folder 1 Office of Military Government for Germany Scope and Contents note Order forms for microfilming and photostatting. File 51. Internal office records of the Personal Staff of the Reichsführer of the SS 1936-1944 Scope and Contents note Contains miscellaneous personnel and non-personnel case files. box 1, folder 2 Cases #1-7 box 1, folder 3 Case #8 Scope and Contents note Case file on W. G. L. Yeats box 1, folder 4 Cases #10-21 box 1, folder 5 Case #22 box 1, folder 6 Cases #23-25 File 52. Internal office records of the Personal Staff of the Reichsführer of the SS 1938-1944 Scope and Contents note Contains miscellaneous personnel and non-personnel case files. box 1, folder 7 Cases #1-6 box 1, folder 8 Cases #7-12 box 1, folder 9 Cases #13-25 Scope and Contents note Files #24-25 relate to the status of Vichy Ambassador Scapini and Vidkun Quisling's visit to Berlin. box 1, folder 10 File 53. SS-Gruppenführer Dr. Gustav Adolf Scheel, Gauleiter and Reich Governor of Salzburg 1941 October - 1943 June Scope and Contents note Includes medical examination. box 1, folder 11 File 65. Notation indicates file missing box 2, folder 1 File 66. Correspondence between Reichsführer-SS Himmler and SS-Obergruppenführer Hauser 1941-1944 box 2, folder 2 File 67. The Grundstückgesellschaft of the Haupttreuhandlungsstelle Ost and its director Friedrich Stein 1941-1944 box 2, folder 3 File 68. SS-General Erwin Rösner 1942-1944 Scope and Contents note Includes letters between Reichsführer-SS Himmler and Rösner. box 2, folder 4 File 69. Notation indicates file missing box 2, folder 5-8 File 70. Security Police Chief Reinhard Heydrich 1942-1945 Scope and Contents note Includes materials relating to his death, funeral, and the Heydrich family. Also includes correspondence between Lina Heydrich and Reichsführer-SS Himmler. box 3, folder 1 File 251. The Ethnic German Office (Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle) under SS-Obergruppenführer Werner Lorenz and resettlement camps (Umsiedlerlagern) 1942-1943 box 3, folder 2 File 252. Partisan activities in German occupied countries 1943 box 3, folder 3 File 253. Transfer of a few Ordnungspolizei and Sicherheitspolizei to the SS 1940-1942 Register of the Heinrich Himmler XX060 3 papers Persönlicher Stab der Reichsführer-SS Office Files 1936-1945 box 3, folder 4 File 254. Replacement and conscription of physicians in the Waffen-SS 1941-1943 box 3, folder 5 File 255. The SS-School Haus Wewelsburg 1942 box 3, folder 6 File 256. Deployment of a flotilla to the Ijsselmeer for defensive purposes 1942-1943 box 3, folder 7 File 257. The Office of Environmental Planning (Reischsstelle Raumordnung) 1936-1944 box 3, folder 8 File 258. Jacques le Conte and the Villmorin Company 1944 box 3, folder 9 File 259. Miscellaneous internal office memoranda 1943 box 3, folder 10 File 260. Deployment of the Germanische SS-Division 1943-1944 box 3, folder 11 File 261. The Germanic Regional Headquarters (Germanische Leitstelle) 1941-1944 Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence between Martin Borman and Reichsführer Himmler. box 3, folder 12 File 262. Search for natural resources in occupied Ukraine 1942-1943 box 3, folder 13 File 263. The Ukraine SS-Schützen-Division Galizien Nr. 1 1943-1944 box 4, folder 1 File 264. Governor Renteln of Lithuania and the formation of the Lithuanian volunteer units 1943-1944 box 4, folder 2 File 265. The upbringing of orphaned SS-children 1943 box 4, folder 3-4 File 266. Resettlement of evacuated Germans in Zamość district, Poland 1942-1944 box 4, folder 5 File 268. The military and political situation in the Allied armies 1943-1945 box 4, folder 6 File 269. Memorandum by Reichsführer-SS Himmler addressing the morale of the SS men 1942 box 4, folder 7 File 270. SS-translators 1942-1944 box 4, folder 8 File 271. Notation indicates file missing box 4, folder 9 File 272. Employment of White Russian émigrés in the German police service in Serbia 1942-1944 box 4, folder 10 File 273. Indexes to maps on important geological deposits in European Russia (Wehrgeologische Karten des Europäischen Russland) 1943 box 4, File 274-276. Recruitment of German volunteers in Hungary 1942-1943 folder 11-13 box 5, folder 1 File 277. The Katyn Massacre 1943 box 5, folder 2 File 278. Recruitment of SA men, foreign workers and citizens of occupied countries for the Waffen-SS 1939-1943 box 5, folder 3 File 279. Sabotage and occupation of St. Mihiel and Avignon 1943 box 5, folder 4 File 280. Miscellaneous internal office memoranda 1943-1944 Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence to and from Martin Borman and a memorandum relating to the Ostarbeiter. box 5, folder 5-7 File 281. The Croatian SS-Division 1943-1944 box 5, folder 8 File 282. The Army's medical service 1943-1944 File 283 box 5, folder 9 File A. Correspondence relating to Bishop Joachim Hossenfelder's memorandum to Goebbels and Himmler concerning the "reform of Christianity," 1943 box 5, folder 10 File B. Medical affairs in the SS 1944 box 5, folder 11 File 284. German minorities in Denmark, Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands 1942-1944 Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence to and from Reichskommissar Seyss-Inquart. box 6, folder 1 File 285. Report relating to the periodical De Vlag, 1943 Scope and Contents note Includes copy of De Vlag. Register of the Heinrich Himmler XX060 4 papers Persönlicher Stab der Reichsführer-SS Office Files 1936-1945 box 6, folder 2-3 File 286. Copies of photographs and internal office memoranda relating to the publication of Der Untermensch, 1943 Scope and Contents note Includes a copy of Das 12 Uhr Blatt. box 6, folder 4 File 287. The Ordnungspolizei 1943 box 6, folder 5-6 File 288. Construction of the Weimar-Buchenwald rail-line 1942-1943 box 6, folder 7 File 289. SS cooperation in the struggle against the "black market," 1942-1943 box 6, folder 8 File 290. "Aktion Wieland," the search for new natural resources in Galicia, Poland and the Ukraine [see also: File 360] 1943-1944 box 7, folder 1-2 File 290. "Aktion Wieland," 1942-1945 box 7, folder 3 File 291. German employers' treatment of workers from occupied Eastern countries (Ostarbeiter) box 7, folder 4 File 292. Medical experiments (lead poisoning) on concentration camp inmates 1942-1943 box 7, folder 5 File 293. The Technical High School in Lina 1943 box 7, folder 6 File 294. The problem of recompensing expropriated Poles in the General Government 1942 box 7, folder 7 File 295. Improvements in the camouflaging of military object 1939-1943 box 7, folder 8 File 296. Regulations permitting SS marriages and divorces 1944 box 7, folder 9 File 297. Miscellaneous internal office memoranda 1943 box 7, folder 10 File 298. Correspondence by Albert Speer, Minister of Weapons and Munitions, to the Reichsführer for German Arms Industry 1943 box 7, folder 11 File 299.
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