GEOGRAPHY Teachers' Guide Grade 9 (To be implemented from 2018) Department of Social Sciences National Institute of Education Sri Lanka Web site: E-mail:
[email protected] Geography Grade 9 Teacher's Guide First Printing 2017 © National Institute of Edcation ISBN .............. Department of Social Sciences Language,Humanities and Social Sciences National Institute of Education Web site : E-mail :
[email protected] Printed by : Press National Institute of Education Maharagama Sri Lanka ii Message from the Director General ………………. With the primary objective of realizing the National Educational Goals recommended by the National Education Commission, the then prevalent content based curriculum was modernized, and the first phase of the new competency based curriculum was introduced to the eight year curriculum cycle of the primary and secondary education in Sri Lanka in the year 2007. The second phase of the curriculum cycle thus initiated was introduced to the education system in the year 2015 as a result of a curriculum rationalization process based on research findings and various proposals made by stake holders. Within this rationalization process the concepts of vertical and horizontal integration have been employed in order to build up competencies of students, from foundation level to higher levels, and to avoid repetition of subject content in various subjects respectively and furthermore, to develop a curriculum that is implementable and student friendly. The new Teachers’ Guides have been introduced with the aim of providing the teachers with necessary guidance for planning lessons, engaging students effectively in the learning teaching process, and to make Teachers’ Guides will help teachers to be more effective within the classroom.