The First Word February, 2013 Monthly Newsletter of the First Lutheran Church • Albany, New York • FLC Sunday School children talk about the 3 Kings arrival on Epiphany Sunday The First Word is the monthly publication of: Thanksgiving for Baptism & subsequent First Lutheran Church sprinkling! 646 State Street—Albany, NY 12203-1217 (518) 463-1326
[email protected] ——————————————— The Rev. Alison L. Leitzel Pastor Dorothy Johnson Director of Music/Organist Julie Lind The choir sings by the light of our Epiphany Star! Parish Administrator Alex Nagy Parish Sexton ——————————————— Church Council Members: Steven B. Carlson, Lay President; Timothy Eskeli, Treasurer; Sandra O’Connor, Secretary; Lisa Rittberger, Finance; Richard Reynders, Worship & Music; Barbara Moms, Kids and Miss Cindy prepping in the kitchen before the Shafarzek, Congregational Annual Lasagna Luncheon fundraiser. Life; Elizabeth Peters, Social Ministry Assisting during communion requires concentration! Lyle Norton, Financial Secretary Visit our NEW Facebook page and “like” us … February 2013 Dear First Family, Throughout Epiphany our worship life has been taking us into new ways of seeing. As the baptized children of God, our vision is always Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— being transformed by God’s loving promise and God’s strengthening I took the one less traveled by, presence as we live among God’s faithful people. And that has made all the difference. The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost But now, midway through February, we begin to sing a different Mountain Interval 1920 tune. Ash Wednesday on February 13 th begins the season of Lent, when we join Jesus on the road to Jerusalem.