
Devoted to PRAYER 2021-2022 da i ly p r ay e r a n d r e a d i n g c a l e n da r

This daily prayer and reading guide,Devoted to Prayer (based on Acts 2:42), was conceived and prepared by the Rev. Andrew S. Ames Fuller, director of communications for the North American Lutheran (NALC). After a challenging year in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been provided with a unique opportunity to revitalize the ancient practice of daily prayer and Scripture reading in our homes. While the Reading the Word of God three-year lectionary provided a much-needed and refreshing calendar for our congregations to engage in Scripture reading, this calendar includes a missing component of daily devotion: prayer. This guide is to provide the average layperson and with the simple tools for sorting through the busyness of their lives and reclaiming an act of daily discipleship with their Lord. The daily readings follow theLutheran Book of Worship two-year daily lectionary, which reflect the church calendar closely. The commemorations are adapted from Philip H. Pfatteicher’s New Book of Festivals and Commemorations, a proposed common calendar of the that builds from the , but includes saints from many of those churches in ecumenical conversation with the NALC. The introductory portion is adapted from Christ Church (Plano)’s Pray Daily. Our hope is that this calendar and guide will provide new life for congregations learning and re-learning to pray in the midst of a difficult and changing world. A GUIDE FOR DAILY PRAYER Introduction • Memorize the and CANTICLES. Prayers At A Glance The 17th-century Anglican Jeremy Taylor famously said, • Collect and track PERSONAL PRAYERS in a journal. Give The vast majority of the Daily Office is taken from Holy Scripture. “Pray frequently and effectually; I had rather your prayers should thanks to God for answered prayer and pray for friends and Each prayer includes the following elements: be often than long.” family who do not know the Lord. Opening Antiphons: Prayer begins with a verse(s) from scripture Devoted to Prayer is a devotional aid to help you build a habit of • Supplement the LESSONS with a Bible Study Guide or a suitable for the day of the week and time of day. Most of these more regular and purposeful prayer, with daily Scripture readings commentary verses come from the Psalms. and reflections from the lives of saints who have gone before. It • Learn how to sing or chant the prayer services. Visit thenalc. Psalm: Praying the Psalms is one of the oldest practices of is arranged in the Lutheran prayer tradition and suitable for all org/worship to find the music. Christian Prayer. Devoted to Prayer selects the “Laudate” psalms Christians seeking a deeper relationship with God. (145-150) on a rotation each morning, as well as other psalms for This guide includes three times of prayer (Morning, Evening, Why Pray At Set Times? mornings and evening based on the Lutheran Book of Worship. Close of Day) for every day of the year. Building a habit of daily prayer ensures that a Christian’s Each appointed Psalm excerpt is about 10-15 verses. Traditionally, these prayers were observed at set times: relationship with God is not forgotten throughout the day. It The memorization of large portions of scripture, like the reminds us that we are to “pray without ceasing” in every context Psalms, is a practice all but lost to Christians today. Rather Morning—upon waking, or with breakfast; of our lives. than appointing popular or random psalms, Devoted to Evening—at end of work day, or with dinner; Prayer invites users to meditate deeply on the Laudate Close of Day—before sleep, or when the family retires. Since the earliest days of the church, Christians have prayed at set times. This practice was the continuation of an older Jewish psalms throughout the year. Using Devoted to Prayer does not require you to pray all three tradition attested in the Psalms: “Evening and morning and at Balanced by the other psalms appropriate to the church times a day. You should choose a frequency of prayer that is noon I utter my complaint and moan, and he hears my voice” season, these selections will enable you to pray the entire suitable to your growth as a disciple of Jesus. Many who use this (Psalm 55:17). Psalter several times throughout the year. book may only pray twice a day at times most convenient for them. Begin where you are. Throughout the Middle Ages, monasteries and cathedral Praying the Laudate psalms may feel repetitive at first. Do churches—inspired by Psalm 119:164—continued the practice by not be discouraged! It takes discipline and patience to “read, As you strengthen your habit of prayer, we recommend the praying seven times a day. The frequency and complexity of the mark, learn, and inwardly digest” the word of God so that it following practices: “Daily Office” gradually excluded the laity from the prayers of the is “hidden deep within our hearts” (Psalm 119:11). For those BEGINNING a practice of daily prayer… church. By the eve of the , sadly, these prayers were almost the sole domain of the clergy and monks. Remember, the Psalms are the ancient of the church, • Commit to pray at least once a day. and together they served as the hymnal for the ancient During the Reformation, leaders such as and Israelites. Just as a hymnal today is not meant to be read like • Keep your prayers brisk so that you do not feel Thomas Cranmer sought to recover the church’s ancient heritage overburdened by the daily effort. a book, the Psalms are meant to be prayed or sung; this is of regular prayer by translating and simplifying medieval rites for why they are present in each day’s devotional time, rather • Memorize THE LORD’S PRAYER and CONFESSION. ordinary Christians. than treated as a book to read. • Pray freely for your felt needs when prompted by Since then, Lutheran churches, seminaries, and homes have A Scripture Lesson: The regular study of Holy Scripture is an PERSONAL PRAYER. recovered the Daily Office through theLutheran Book of Worship essential part of the Christian life. Depending on your level of and other Lutheran liturgical resources. • Read simply the passage from the LESSONS for the day. discipline, each day, you are encouraged to either read lessons Today, many websites and apps exist to make the Daily Office appointed by a lectionary or portions derived from your own For those GROWING into the rhythms of daily prayer… available and convenient for the lay Christian. But for those regular study. Readings from scripture conclude with the prayer • Commit to pray at least two times per day. without access to or looking to disconnect from a digital device “The Word of the Lord; Thanks be to God.” during prayer, using the Lutheran Book of Worship to find all • Memorize each opening ANTIPHON. Canticle: This is a song from scripture that has been sung or said the Scripture readings and parts of daily prayer services can be by the church for generations. Many canticles have Latin names • In your PERSONAL PRAYERS, pray in specific ways for the confusing and cumbersome. derived from the song’s first couple of words. Canticles are often church, the world, your government, and your loved ones. Devoted to Prayer adopts a middle road between these options, said after a scripture reading as a kind of “call and response.” • Use the full Bible reading plan for the LESSONS. combining the user-friendliness of an app with the look and feel Learning canticles is a great way to memorize scripture. We refer of paper. Here the Daily Office is presented in a way that renders to seven canticles using their traditional Latin names, but three For those with a MATURE habit of daily prayer… instructions (also called “rubrics”) easy to follow. of the gospel canticles marked with an asterisk are found in our times of daily prayer: • Commit to praying all three times per day. Vary the pace of your Each time of prayer can be found on a single page and can be prayers as the Lord directs you. Use the prayers for festivals completed in as little as 8-10 minutes, depending on the length of and commemorations and learn about the lives of the saints. the Scripture readings. A GUIDE FOR DAILY PRAYER (CONTINUED) > Venite—”O Come”: A Psalm of David (Psalm 95) Grant your faithful people, merciful Lord, pardon and peace; that we may be cleansed from all our sins, and serve you Gloria In Excelsis—”Glory In The Highest”: The of the with a quiet mind; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Angels (Luke 2:14) *Magnificat—”Magnify”: The Song of Mary (Luke 1:46-55) *Nunc Dimittis—”Now Let”: The Song of Simeon (Luke 2:29-32) Appendices In addition to the three set times of prayer, Devoted to Prayer also *Benedictus—”Blessed Be”: The Song of Zechariah (Luke 1:68-79) includes the following supplementary material: Te Deum Laudamus—”You Are God We Praise You”: Seasonal Prayers: These are collects for each season and Ambrosian Hymn (used by a.d. 387 at the latest) important feasts of the church year. Jubilate—”Be Joyful”: A Psalm of Moses (Psalm 100) Festival & Commemoration Prayers and Readings: These The Lord’s Prayer: A prompt for the Lord’s Prayer is included in are prayers suitable for lesser festivals, particular persons, or each time of prayer. Since the Lord’s Prayer is commonly known situations worth reflecting on throughout the year. There are and memorized, it is not printed in the daily liturgy. links provided for more biographical information and writings found on the NALC website. This in no way reflects any sort of For reference, the text of the Lord’s Prayer is: official NALC endorsement of this particular list of saints, but Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, is given here to provide a rich supplement to a congregation or thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in individual’s devotional life. Different levels are importance are heaven. given to each festival and commemoration, and are indicated by Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our their font format: trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. • GREATER FESTIVAL For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, • lesser festival forever and ever. Amen. • Commemoration Seasonal Prayer: This is a short written prayer (sometimes called • Optional Commemoration a “collect”) that varies with the day and time and often focuses on a single theme. All collects include a declaration about God’s character and a corresponding petition. Recommended Practices • Instead of reading the prayers in your head, involve your Personal Prayer: Each time of prayer includes a prompt for body by verbally saying each prayer aloud. extemporaneous prayer. Here you may include your petitions, supplications, intercessions, and thanksgivings (1 Timothy 2:1). • Set daily reminders for times to pray using your phone, All Christians are encouraged to regularly pray for the world, the computer, or clock. nation, the local community, the church, their neighbors, those • Use this guide as a companion to your regular reading of who suffer, and those in any trouble. Holy Scripture and to enhance your personal and group Grace: Each time of prayer concludes with an invocation of God’s study. blessing or a verse from Holy Scripture.

Confession Confession of Sin has always been part of the Daily Office. We recommend that you confess your sins to God using this prayer at least once a day: Most merciful God, we confess that we are in bondage to sin and cannot free ourselves. We have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. For the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we may delight in your will and walk in your ways, to the glory of your holy name. Amen. < A GUIDE FOR (DAILY PRAYER) MORNING PRAYER (MATINS) > In PRAYER and any appropriate PRAYERS FOR FESTIVALS AND COMMEMORATIONS. a This is the day the Lord has made. In concluding the prayers, the leader Alleluia. Let us rejoice and be glad says: in it. Alleluia. DAILY PRAYER L O Lord, almighty and everlasting On All Saints and other Major Saints’ God, you have brought us in safety From Easter Day until the Ascension The psalm prayer appropriate to each Days to this new day; preserve us with psalm follows the silence. L Alleluia. The Lord is risen indeed. L The Lord is glorious in his saints. your mighty power, that we may a Oh, come, let us worship him. —————————————————————————— a Oh, come, let us worship him. not fall into sin, nor be overcome in Alleluia. Alleluia. adversity; and in all we do, direct A HYMN or SONG may be sung. us to the fulfilling of your purpose; From Ascension Day until the Day of GOSPEL CANTICLE OF ZECHARIAH —————————————————————————— through Jesus Christ our Lord. Pentecost (LUKE 1:68-79) a Amen. MORNING PRAYER The SCRIPTURE LESSONS are read. L Alleluia. Christ the Lord ascends a Blessed be the Lord, the God of Silence for meditation follows each L Lord, remember us in your (Matins) into heaven. Israel; he has come to his people reading. After the last reading and kingdom, and teach us to pray: L O Lord, open my lips, a Oh, come, let us worship him. and set them free. silence, the leader continues: a Our Father, who art in heaven, a and my mouth shall declare your Alleluia. He has raised up for us a mighty praise. L In many and various ways God Savior, born of the house of his hallowed be thy name, thy On All Saints and other Major Saints’ spoke to his people of old by the servant David. kingdom come, thy will be done, a Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Days prophets. Through his holy prophets he on earth as it is in heaven. and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in L The Lord is glorious in his saints. a But now in these last days he has promised of old that he would Give us this day our daily bread; the beginning, is now, and will be a Oh, come, let us worship him. spoken to us by his Son. save us from our enemies, from and forgive us our trespasses, as forever. Amen. Alleluia. the hands of all who hate us. we forgive those who trespass —————————————————————————— The ALLELUIA is omitted during Lent. He promised to show mercy to our against us; and lead us not into INVITATORY PSALM (PSALM 95) One of the following ANTIPHONS fathers and to remember his temptation, but deliver us from a Alleluia! Alleluia! a Oh, come, let us sing to the Lord; may be sung or said with the GOSPEL holy covenant. evil. —————————————————————————— let us shout for joy to the rock of CANTICLE. This was the oath he swore to our For thine is the kingdom, and the our salvation. father Abraham: to set us free power, and the glory, forever One of the following ANTIPHONS may In Advent Let us come before his presence from the hands of our enemies, and ever. Amen. be sung or said with the INVITATORY with thanksgiving and raise a a Fear not, Mary, you have found free to worship him without fear, L PSALM. Let us bless the Lord. loud shout to him with psalms. favor with the Lord: Behold, you holy and righteous in his sight all a Thanks be to God. In Advent For the Lord is a great God, and a shall conceive and bear a Son. the days of our life. L Alleluia. The Lord almighty bless us, and L Give glory to the coming King. great king above all gods. You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High, for direct our days and our deeds in his a Oh, come, let us worship him. In his hand are the caverns of the On the Twelve Days of Christmas earth, the heights of the hills are you will go before the Lord to peace. a On the Twelve Days of Christmas also his; a Today Christ is born; today prepare his way, Amen. salvation has appeared. Today ths L Alleluia. Unto us a child is born. The sea is his, for he made it, and to give his people knowledge of —————————————————————————— just exult and say, Glory to God in a Oh, come, let us worship him. his hands have molded the dry salvation by the forgiveness of land. the highest. their sins. From the Epiphany through the Oh, come, let us bow down and In Epiphany In the tender compassion of our of Christ, and on the Feast of bend the knee, and kneel before God, the dawn from on high shall the Transfiguration the Lord our maker. a Our Lord and Savior, begotten break upon us, before all ages, revealed himself to L The Word was made flesh, and we For he is our God, and we are the to shine on those who dwell in the world. Alleluia. beheld his glory. people of his pasture and the darkness and the shadow of EVENING PRAYER a Oh, come, let us worship him. sheep of his hand. In Lent death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace. (Vespers) During the weeks of Epiphany and the Glory to the Father, and to the Son, a Let justice roll down like water, and season after Pentecost and to the Holy Spirit; righteousness like an overflowing Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Begin with the lighting of a candle and as it was in the beginning, is now, stream. and to the Holy Spirit; the opening ANTIPHONS. L Give glory to God, our light and our life. and will be forever. Amen. as it was in the beginning, is now, a Oh, come, let us worship him. In Holy Week and will be forever. Amen. In Advent The ANTIPHON is repeated. a L The Spirit and the Church cry out: In Lent —————————————————————————— Glory to the cross of our Lord The ANTIPHON is repeated. Jesus Christ, our salvation, life, and a Come, Lord Jesus. L The word is near to those who call Additional PSALMODY from the —————————————————————————— resurrection. on him. calendar follows. Silence for Other PERSONAL PRAYERS may be said L All those who await his appearance pray: a Oh, come, let us worship him. meditation follows each psalm. here, beginning with the SEASONAL a Come, Lord Jesus.

< A GUIDE FOR DAILY PRAYER EVENING PRAYER (VESPERS) > L The whole creation pleads: Continue with the SERVICE OF LIGHT. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, just exult and say, Glory to God in Glory to the Father, and to the Son, a Come, Lord Jesus. and to the Holy Spirit; as it was the highest. and to the Holy Spirit; L Joyous light of glory: in the beginning, is now, and will as it was in the beginning, is now, During the Twelve Days of Christmas In Epiphany a Of the immortal Father; heavenly, be forever. and will be forever. Amen and the Epiphany holy, blessed Jesus Christ. Let my prayer rise before you as a Our Lord and Savior, begotten The ANTIPHON is repeated. L The people who walked in darkness We have come to the setting of the incense; the lifting up of my before all ages, revealed himself to —————————————————————————— have seen a great light. sun, and we look to the evening hands as the evening sacrifice. the world. Alleluia. a The light shines in the darkness and light. Other PERSONAL PRAYERS may be said Silence for meditation. In Lent the darkness has not overcome it. We sing to God, the Father, Son, here, beginning with the SEASONAL and Holy Spirit: L Let the incense of our repentant a Let justice roll down like water, and PRAYER and any appropriate PRAYERS L Those who dwelt in the land of You are worthy of being praised prayer ascend before you, O Lord, righteousness like an overflowing stream. FOR FESTIVALS AND COMMEMORATIONS. deep darkness, on them has light with pure voices forever. and let your loving-kindness In concluding the prayers, the leader shined. In Holy Week O Son of God, O Giver of life: The descend upon us, that with purified says: a We have beheld Christ’s glory, universe proclaims your glory. minds we may sing your praises a Glory to the cross of our Lord glory as of the only Son from the L Rejoicing in the fellowship of all the with the Church on earth and the Jesus Christ, our salvation, life, and Father. L The Lord be with you. saints, let us commend ourselves, whole heavenly host, and may resurrection. one another, and our whole life to L For to us a child is born, to us a Son a And also with you. glorify you forever and ever. In Easter Christ, our Lord. is given. L Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. a Amen. a To you, O Lord. a In him was life, and the life was the a This is the day the Lord has made. light of man. a It is right to give him thanks and The ANTIPHON is repeated. Alleluia. Let us rejoice and be glad L O God, from whom come all praise. in it. Alleluia. holy desires, all good counsels, During the weeks of Epiphany and the —————————————————————————— and all just works: Give to us, season after Pentecost L Blessed are you, O Lord our God, On All Saints and other Major Saints’ Additional PSALMODY from the your servants, that peace which king of the universe, who led your Days L Jesus Christ is the Light of the world, calendar follows. Silence for the world cannot give, that our people Israel by a pillar of cloud a the light no darkness can meditation follows each psalm. The L The Lord is glorious in his saints. hearts may be set to obey your by day and a pillar of fire by night: overcome. psalm prayer appropriate to each a Oh, come, let us worship him. Alleluia. commandments; and also that we, Enlighten our darkness by the light psalm follows the silence. being defended from the fear of L Stay with us, Lord, for it is evening, of your Christ; may your Word be a GOSPEL CANTICLE OF MARY our enemies, may live in peace and a and the day is almost over. lamp to our feet and a light to our —————————————————————————— (LUKE 1:46-55) quietness; through the merits of path; for you are merciful, and you a L Let your light scatter the darkness, A HYMN or SONG may be sung. My soul proclaims the greatness Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives love your whole creation, and we, a and illumine your Church. of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in and reigns with you and the Holy your creatures glorify you, Father, —————————————————————————— God my Savior, Spirit, God forever. In Lent Son, and Holy Spirit. The SCRIPTURE LESSONS are read. for he has looked with favor on his a Amen. L Behold, now is the acceptable time; a Amen. Silence for meditation follows each lowly servant. L Lord, remember us in your a now is the day of salvation. reading. After the last reading and From this day all generations will —————————————————————————— silence, the leader continues: call me blessed. kingdom, and teach us to pray: L Turn us again, O God of our The Almighty has done great things a Our Father, who art in heaven, PSALMODY (PSALM 141) L salvation, In many and various ways God for me, and holy is his name. hallowed be thy name, thy a that the light of your face may a Let my prayer rise before you as spoke to his people of old by the He has mercy on those who fear kingdom come, thy will be done, shine on us. incense; the lifting up of my prophets. him in every generation. on earth as it is in heaven. hands as the evening sacrifice. a But now in these last days he has L May your justice shine like the sun; He has shown the strength of his Give us this day our daily bread; O Lord, I call to you; come to me spoken to us by his Son. a and may the poor be lifted up. arm; he has scattered the proud and forgive us our trespasses, as quickly: hear my voice when I cry —————————————————————————— in their conceit. we forgive those who trespass During the weeks of Easter to you. He has cast down the mighty from against us; and lead us not into One of the following ANTIPHONS L Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. Let my prayer rise before you as their thrones, and has lifted up temptation, but deliver us from may be sung or said with the GOSPEL a Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! incense; the lifting up of my the lowly. evil. hands as the evening sacrifice. CANTICLE. He has filled the hungry with good For thine is the kingdom, and the L We are illumined by the brightness Set a watch before my mouth, O In Advent things, and the rich he has sent power, and the glory, forever of his rising. Lord; and guard the door of my away empty. and ever. Amen. a a Fear not, Mary, you have found Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! lips. He has come to the help of his favor with the Lord: Behold, you L Let us bless the Lord. L Death has no more dominion over us. Let not my heart incline to any evil servant Israel, for he has shall conceive and bear a Son. a Thanks be to God. a Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! thing; let me not be occupied in remembered his promise of Alleluia. wickedness with evildoers. mercy, L The almighty and merciful Lord, the —————————————————————————— But my eyes are turned to you, On the Twelve Days of Christmas the promise he made to our fathers, Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Lord God; in you I take refuge. to Abraham and his children bless and preserve us. a Today Christ is born; today Strip me not of my life. forever. a Amen. salvation has appeared. Today the < MORNING PRAYER (MATINS) PRAYER AT THE CLOSE OF DAY (COMPLINE) > grant you pardon, forgiveness, and Humble yourselves under God’s or For thine is the kingdom, and the remission of all your sins. Amen. mighty hand and he will lift you up in power, and the glory, forever L Be our light in the darkness, O due time. Cast all your cares on him, and ever. Amen. Lord, and in your great mercy a I confess to God Almighty, before for you are his charge. Be sober, be defend us from all perils and —————————————————————————— the whole company of heaven, [and watchful. Your adversary the devil dangers of this night; for the love to you, my brothers and sisters,] prowls around like a roaring lion GOSPEL CANTICLE OF SIMEON (LUKE of your only Son, our Savior Jesus that I have sinned in thought, word, seeking someone to devour. Resist 2:29-32) PRAYER AT THE CLOSE Christ. and deed by my fault, by my own him, firm in your faith. 1 Peter 5:6-9a L Guide us waking, O Lord, and (Compline) fault, by my own most grievous or OF DAY —————————————————————————— guard us sleeping; L The Lord almighty grant us a quiet fault; wherefore I pray God L Visit our dwellings, O Lord, and that awake we may watch with L Into your hands, O Lord, I night and peace at the last. Almighty to have mercy on me, drive from them all the snares of Christ and asleep we may rest in commend my spirit. a Amen. forgive me all my sins, and bring the enemy; let your holy angels peace. a Into your hands I commend my spirit. me to everlasting life. Amen. dwell with us to preserve us in a Lord, now you let your servant go L It is good to give thanks to the Lord, L L You have redeemed me, O Lord, peace; and let your blessing be in peace; your word has been a to sing praise to your name, O Most The almighty and merciful Lord God of truth. upon us always, through Jesus fulfilled. High; grant you pardon, forgiveness, and a Into your hands I commend my spirit. Christ our Lord. My own eyes have seen the L to herald your love in the morning, remission of all your sins. Amen. salvation which you have a your truth at the close of the day. L —————————————————————————— Glory to the Father, and to the Son, or prepared in the sight of every and to the Holy Spirit, A HYMN or SONG may be sung. The PSALMODY follows. One or more L Eternal God, the hours both of people: a Into your hands I commend my spirit. day and night are yours, and to a light to reveal you to the nations —————————————————————————— psalms (4, 33, 34, 91, 134, 136) are sung or said. Silence for meditation —————————————————————————— you the darkness is no threat. and the glory of your people The CONFESSION follows. follows each psalm. Be present, we pray, with those Israel. A HYMN or SONG may be sung. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, L Let us confess our sin in the who labor in these hours of night, The psalm prayer appropriate to each ———————————————————————— and to the Holy Spirit; presence of God and of one especially those who watch psalm is said following the silence. as it was in the beginning, is now, another. L Hear my prayer, O Lord; and work on behalf of others. a and will be forever. Amen Amen. a listen to my cry. Grant them diligence in their Silence for self-examination. watching, faithfulness in their Guide us waking, O Lord, and —————————————————————————— L Keep me as the apple of your eye; L Holy and gracious God, service, courage in danger, and guard us sleeping; that awake As a BRIEF LESSON, one or more of the a hide me in the shadow of your competence in emergencies. Help we may watch with Christ and a I confess that I have sinned against following are read. wings. them to meet the needs of others asleep we may rest in peace. you this day. Some of my sin I L In righteousness I shall see you; with confidence and compassion; L know—the thoughts and words and You are in our midst, O Lord, and you The almighty and merciful Lord, the a when I awake, your presence will through Jesus Christ our Lord. deeds of which I am ashamed— have named us yours; do not forsake Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, give me joy. but some is known only to you. us, O Lord our God. Jeremiah 14:9 or bless us and keep us. a Amen. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask Come to me, all whose work is hard, —————————————————————————— L Gracious Lord, we give you thanks forgiveness. Deliver and restore whose load is heavy, and I will give One of the following PRAYERS are sung for the day, especially for the good me, that I may rest in peace. you rest. Bend your necks to my yoke, or said. we were permitted to give and to L By the mercy of God we are united and learn from me, for I am gentle receive; the day is now past and L Be present, merciful God, and with Jesus Christ, and in him we are and humble-hearted; and you will find we commit it to you. We entrust to protect us through the hours of this forgiven. We rest now in his peace rest. For my yoke is good to bear, my you the night; we rest in surety, for night, so that we who are wearied and rise in the morning to serve load is light. Matthew 11:28-30 you are our help, and you neither by the changes and chances of life him. slumber nor sleep. Peace is my parting gift to you, my may find our rest in you; through a or own peace, such as the world cannot Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. give. Set your troubled hearts at rest, —————————————————————————— L I confess to God Almighty, before and banish your fears. John 14:27 or the whole company of heaven, [and a Our Father, who art in heaven, I am convinced that there is nothing L O Lord, support us all the day to you, my brothers and sisters,] hallowed be thy name, thy in death or life, in the realm of spirits long of this troubled life, until that I have sinned in thought, word, kingdom come, thy will be done, or super-human powers, in the world the shadows lengthen and the and deed by my fault, by my own on earth as it is in heaven. as it is or the world as it shall be, in evening comes and the busy world fault, by my own most grievous Give us this day our daily bread; the forces of the universe, in heights is hushed, the fever of life is over, fault; wherefore I pray God and forgive us our trespasses, as or depths—nothing in all creation that and our work is done. Then, Lord, in Almighty to have mercy on me, we forgive those who trespass can separate us from the love of God your mercy, grant us a safe lodging, forgive me all my sins, and bring against us; and lead us not into in Christ Jesus our Lord. and a holy rest, and peace at the me to everlasting life. Amen. temptation, but deliver us from Romans 8:38-39 last; through Jesus Christ our Lord. a The almighty and merciful Lord evil. < EVENING PRAYER (VESPERS) JANUARY 2021 > Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

the circumcision and holy Johann Konrad Wilhelm name of jesus Löhe, Pastor, 1872 ▪ Genesis 17:1-12a, 15-16 ▪ Genesis 12:1-7 ▪ Colossians 2:6-12 ▪ Hebrews 11:1-12 ▪ John 16:23b-30 ▪ John 6:35-42, 48-51 ▪ Psalms 98 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 48 & 149 (AM) 2021 (PM) Psalms 9 & 29 (PM) JANUARY Psalms 99 & 8 ▪ 1 ▪ 2

THE SECOND SUNDAY ▪ Exodus 3:1-15 Kaj Munk, Martyr, 1944 THE EPIPHANY OF OUR ▪ Isaiah 52:3-6 ▪ Isaiah 59:15b-21 Julia Chester Emery, Mission AFTER CHRISTMAS ▪ Hebrews 11:23-31 ▪ Joshua 1:1-9 LORD: THE MANIFESTATION ▪ Revelation 2:1-7 ▪ Revelation 2:8-17 Supporter, 1922 Charles Porterfield Krauth, ▪ John 14:6-14 ▪ Hebrews 11:32-12:2 OF CHRIST TO THE GENTILES ▪ John 2:1-11 ▪ John 4:46-54 ▪ Isaiah 63:1-5 Teacher, 1872 ▪ Psalms 20 & 145 (AM) ▪ John 15:1-16 ▪ Isaiah 52:7-10 ▪ Psalms 97 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ Revelation 2:18-29 ▪ Deuteronomy 33:1-5 ▪ Psalms 93 & 97 (PM) ▪ Psalms 99 & 146 (AM) ▪ Revelation 21:22-27 ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) ▪ John 5:1-15 ▪ 1 John 2:12-17 ▪ Psalms 96 & 110 (PM) ▪ Matthew 12:14-21 ▪ Psalms 104 & 149 (AM) ▪ John 6:41-47 ▪ Psalms 72 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) ▪ Psalms 111 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 100 & 67 (PM) ▪ Psalms 107 & 15 (PM) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

THE BAPTISM OF OUR LORD: ▪ Isaiah 40:12-34 Aelred, Abbot of Rievaulx, Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, 367 Eivind Josef Berggrav, Bishop ▪ Isaiah 42:1-17 George Fox, Renewer of THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER ▪ Ephesians 1:1-14 1167 ▪ Isaiah 41:1-16 of , 1959 ▪ Ephesians 3:1-13 Society, 1691 THE EPIPHANY ▪ Mark 1:1-13 ▪ Isaiah 40:25-31 ▪ Ephesians 2:1-10 ▪ Isaiah 41:17-29 ▪ Mark 2:13-22 ▪ Isaiah 42:18-43:13 William Laud, Archbishop of ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) ▪ Ephesians 1:15-23 ▪ Mark 1:29-45 ▪ Ephesians 2:11-22 ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) ▪ Ephesians 3:14-21 Canterbury, 1645 ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) ▪ Mark 1:14-28 ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Mark 2:1-12 ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) ▪ Mark 2:23-3:6 ▪ Isaiah 40:1-11 ▪ Psalms 123 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ Hebrews 1:1-12 ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) ▪ John 1:1-7, 19-20, 29-34 ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalm 81 & 113 (PM) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

THE SECOND SUNDAY the confession of st. peter Henry, Bishop of , Fabian, Bishop of , Agnes, Martyr at Rome, 304 Vincent, of , Bishop of AFTER THE EPIPHANY the apostle: the week of to , Martyr, 250 ▪ Isaiah 45:5-17 Saragossa, Martyr, 304 Massachusetts, 1893 Antony, Abbot in Egypt, 356 prayer for christian unity Martyr, 1156 ▪ Isaiah 44:24-45:7 ▪ Ephesians 5:15-33 ▪ Isaiah 45:18-25 ▪ Isaiah 46:1-13 ▪ Isaiah 43:14-44:5 begins Wulfstan, Bishop of ▪ Ephesians 5:1-14 ▪ Mark 4:21-34 ▪ Ephesians 6:1-9 ▪ Ephesians 6:10-24 Hebrews 6:17-7:10 Mark 4:1-20 Psalms 143 & 147:13-21 (AM) Mark 4:35-41 Mark 5:1-20 ▪ ▪ Acts 4:8-13 Worcester, 1095 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ John 4:27-42 Isaiah 44:6-23 Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) Psalms 81 & 116 (PM) Psalms 88 & 148 (AM) Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) ▪ ▪ 1 Peter 5:1-4 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) Ephesians 4:1-32 Psalms 125 & 91 (PM) Psalms 6 & 20 (PM) Psalms 125 & 90 (PM) ▪ ▪ Matthew 16:13-19 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) Mark 3:7-35 ▪ ▪ Psalms 23 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 54 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) ▪ 17 18 ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) 19 20 21 22 23

THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER the conversion of st. paul the Timothy, Titus, and Silas; Lydia, Dorcas, and Phoebe; Thomas Aquinas, Teacher, ▪ Isaiah 50:1-11 ▪ Isaiah 51:1-8 THE EPIPHANY apostle: the week of prayer Companions of St. Paul Helpers of the Apostles 1274 ▪ Galatians 3:15-22 ▪ Galatians 3:23-29 Francis de Sales, Bishop of for christian unity ends ▪ Isaiah 48:1-22 ▪ Isaiah 49:1-12 ▪ Isaiah 49:13-26 ▪ Mark 6:47-56 ▪ Mark 7:1-23 Geneva, 1622 ▪ Acts 9:1-22 ▪ Galatians 1:1-2:10 ▪ Galatians 2:11-21 ▪ Galatians 3:1-14 ▪ Psalms 84 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 63 & 149 (AM) ▪ Isaiah 47:1-15 ▪ Galatians 1:11-24 ▪ Mark 5:21-6:13 ▪ Mark 6:13-29 ▪ Mark 6:30-46 ▪ Psalms 25 & 40 (PM) ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) ▪ Hebrews 10:19-31 ▪ Luke 21:10-19 ▪ Psalms 12 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 96 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 116 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ John 5:2-18 ▪ Psalms 67 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 7 (PM) ▪ Psalms 132 & 134 (PM) ▪ Psalms 26 & 130 (PM) ▪ Psalms 108 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 73 & 9 (PM) ▪ Psalms 66 & 23 (PM)24 25 26 27 28 29 30

THE FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY ▪ Isaiah 51:9-16 ▪ Hebrews 11:8-16 ▪ John 7:14-31 ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) 31 < PRAYER AT THE CLOSE OF DAY (COMPLINE) FEBRUARY 2021 > FEBRUARY 2021 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Brigid (Bride), Abbess, 523 the presentation of our lord Ansgar (Anskar), Archbishop Cornelius the Centurion Paul Miki and His Philipp Jakob Spener, ▪ Isaiah 51:17-23 in the temple (candlemas) of Hamburg, Missionary to ▪ Isaiah 54:1-17 Companions, Martyrs of Renewer of the Church, 1705 ▪ Galatians 4:1-11 ▪ Malachi 3:1-4 Denmark and , 865 ▪ Galatians 5:1-15 Japan, 1597 ▪ Isaiah 56:1-8 ▪ Mark 7:24-37 ▪ Hebrews 2:14-18 ▪ Isaiah 52:1-53:12 ▪ Mark 8:27-9:1 ▪ Isaiah 55:1-13 ▪ Galatians 5:25-6:10 ▪ Psalms 5 & 145 (AM) ▪ Luke 2:22-40 ▪ Galatians 4:12-31 ▪ Psalms 97 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Galatians 5:16-24 ▪ Mark 9:14-29 ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) ▪ Psalms 84:1-6 & 146 (AM) ▪ Mark 8:1-26 ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ Mark 9:2-13 ▪ Psalms 104 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) ▪ Psalms 1 & 33 (PM) ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) 1 2 3 4 5 6

THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER ▪ Isaiah 57:14-21 ▪ Isaiah 58:1-12 ▪ Isaiah 59:1-21 ▪ Isaiah 60:1-22 ▪ Isaiah 61:1-9 Absalom Jones, , 1818 THE EPIPHANY ▪ Galatians 6:11-18 ▪ 2 Timothy 1:1-14 ▪ 2 Timothy 1:15-2:13 ▪ 2 Timothy 2:14-26 ▪ 2 Timothy 3:1-17 ▪ Isaiah 61:10-62:5 ▪ Isaiah 57:1-13 ▪ Mark 9:30-41 ▪ Mark 9:42-50 ▪ Mark 10:1-16 ▪ Mark 10:17-31 ▪ Mark 10:32-45 ▪ 2 Timothy 4:1-8 ▪ Hebrews 12:1-6 ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 123 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) ▪ Mark 10:46-52 ▪ John 7:37-46 ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 113 (PM) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

THE TRANSFIGURATION Thomas Bray, Priest and ▪ Deuteronomy 6:16-25 ASH WEDNESDAY Martin Luther, Renewer of ▪ Deuteronomy 7:12-16 , First OF OUR LORD: THE LAST Missionary, 1730 ▪ Hebrews 2:1-10 Janani Luwum, Archbishop of the Church, 1546 ▪ Titus 2:1-15 Lutheran Pastor in North SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY ▪ Deuteronomy 6:1-15 ▪ John 1:19-28 Uganda and Martyr, 1977 ▪ Deuteronomy 7:6-11 ▪ John 1:35-42 America, 1620 Cyril, Monk, 869; Methodius, ▪ Hebrews 1:1-14 ▪ Psalms 54 & 146 (AM) ▪ Jonah 3:1-4:11 ▪ Titus 1:1-16 ▪ Psalms 22 & 148 (AM) ▪ Deuteronomy 7:17-26 Bishop, 885; to ▪ John 1:1-18 ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) ▪ Hebrews 12:1-14 ▪ John 1:29-34 ▪ Psalms 105 & 130 (PM) ▪ Titus 3:1-15 the Slavs ▪ Psalms 57 & 145 (AM) ▪ Luke 18:9-14 ▪ Psalms 27 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ John 1:43-51 ▪ Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) ▪ Psalms 5 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 126 & 102 (PM) ▪ Psalms 43 & 149 (AM) ▪ 2 Corinthians 3:1-9 ▪ Psalms 27 & 51 (PM) ▪ Psalms 31 & 143 (PM) ▪ John 12:27-36a ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT ▪ Deuteronomy 8:1-20 Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, st. matthias, apostle , 1921; Emma Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg, ▪ Deuteronomy 11:18-28 ▪ Jeremiah 9:23-24 ▪ Hebrews 2:11-18 Martyr, 156 ▪ Acts 1:15-26 Francis, 1945; Missionary to , 1719 ▪ Hebrews 5:1-10 ▪ 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 ▪ John 2:1-12 ▪ Deuteronomy 9:1-21 ▪ Philippians 3:13-21 ▪ Deuteronomy 9:23-10:5 Florence Li Tim-Oi, First ▪ John 4:1-26 ▪ Mark 2:18-22 ▪ Psalms 119:73-80 & 145 (AM) ▪ Hebrews 3:1-19 ▪ John 15:1, 6-16 ▪ Hebrews 4:1-10 Female Priest in the Anglican ▪ Psalms 43 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 84 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 121 & 6 (PM) ▪ John 2:13-3:15 ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ John 3:16-21 Communion, 1944 ▪ Psalms 31 & 143 (PM) ▪ Psalms 42 & 32 (PM) ▪ Psalms 34 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 51 (PM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Deuteronomy 10:12-22 ▪ Psalms 25 & 91 (PM) ▪ Psalms 126 & 102 (PM) ▪ Hebrews 4:11-16 ▪ John 3:22-36 ▪ Psalms 22 & 148 (AM) 21 22 23 24 25 ▪ Psalms 105 & 130 (PM)26 27

THE SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT ▪ Jeremiah 1:1-10 ▪ 1 Corinthians 3:11-23 ▪ Mark 3:31-4:9 ▪ Psalms 84 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 42 & 32 (PM) 28 < JANUARY 2021 MARCH 2021 > MARCH 2021 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

George Herbert, Priest, 1633 John Wesley, 1791; Charles ▪ Jeremiah 3:6-18 ▪ Jeremiah 4:9-10, 19-28 ▪ Jeremiah 5:1-9 ▪ Jeremiah 5:20-31 David, Bishop of Menevia, Wesley, 1788; Renewers of ▪ Romans 1:26-2:1 ▪ Romans 2:12-24 ▪ Romans 2:25-3:18 ▪ Romans 3:19-31 Wales, c. 544 the Church ▪ John 5:1-18 ▪ John 5:19-29 ▪ John 5:30-47 ▪ John 7:1-13 ▪ Jeremiah 1:11-19 Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, 672 ▪ Psalms 5 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 22 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 43 & 149 (AM) ▪ Romans 1:1-15 ▪ Jeremiah 2:1-13, 29-32 ▪ Psalms 27 & 51 (PM) ▪ Psalms 126 & 102 (PM) ▪ Psalms 105 & 130 (PM) ▪ Psalms 31 & 143 (PM) ▪ John 4:27-42 ▪ Romans 1:16-25 ▪ Psalms 119:73-80 & 145 (AM) ▪ John 4:43-54 ▪ Psalms 121 & 6 (PM) ▪ Psalms 34 & 146 (AM) 1 ▪ Psalms 25 & 91 (PM) 2 3 4 5 6

THE THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT ▪ Jeremiah 7:1-15 ▪ Jeremiah 7:21-34 ▪ Jeremiah 8:4-7, 18-9:6 ▪ Jeremiah 10:11-24 Gregory the Great, Bishop of ▪ Jeremiah 13:1-11 Perpetua and Her ▪ Romans 4:1-12 ▪ Romans 4:13-25 ▪ Romans 5:1-11 ▪ Romans 5:12-21 Rome, 604 ▪ Romans 6:12-23 Companions, Martyrs at ▪ John 7:14-36 ▪ John 7:37-52 ▪ John 8:12-20 ▪ John 8:21-32 ▪ Jeremiah 11:1-8, 14-17 ▪ John 8:47-59 Carthage, 202 ▪ Psalms 119:73-80 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 34 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 5 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Romans 6:1-11 ▪ Psalms 43 & 149 (AM) ▪ Jeremiah 6:9-15 ▪ Psalms 121 & 6 (PM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 91 (PM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 51 (PM) ▪ Psalms 126 & 102 (PM) ▪ John 8:33-47 ▪ Psalms 31 & 143 (PM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 ▪ Psalms 22 & 148 (AM) ▪ Mark 5:1-20 ▪ Psalms 105 & 130 (PM) ▪ Psalms 84 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 42 & 32 (PM) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ▪ Jeremiah 16:1-21 ▪ Jeremiah 17:19-27 Patrick, Bishop, Missionary Cyril, Bishop of , st. joseph, husband of mary Cuthbert, Bishop of LENT ▪ Romans 7:1-12 ▪ Romans 7:13-25 to Ireland, 461 386 and guardian of our lord Lindisfarne, 687 ▪ Jeremiah 14:1-22 ▪ John 6:1-15 ▪ John 6:16-27 ▪ Jeremiah 18:1-11 ▪ Jeremiah 22:13-23 ▪ 2 Samuel 7:4, 8-16 ▪ Jeremiah 23:1-15 ▪ Galatians 4:21-5:1 ▪ Psalms 119:73-80 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 34 & 146 (AM) ▪ Romans 8:1-11 ▪ Romans 8:12-27 ▪ Romans 4:13-18 ▪ Romans 8:28-9:18 ▪ Mark 8:11-21 ▪ Psalms 121 & 6 (PM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 91 (PM) ▪ John 6:27-40 ▪ John 6:41-51 ▪ Luke 2:41-52 ▪ John 6:52-71 ▪ Psalms 84 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 5 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 89 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 43 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 42 & 32 (PM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 51 (PM) ▪ Psalms 126 & 102 (PM) ▪ Psalms 105 & 130 (PM) ▪ Psalms 31 & 143 (PM) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT Jonathan Edwards, Teacher, Gregory the Illuminator, Óscar Arnulfo Romero, the annunciation of our lord ▪ Jeremiah 29:1-14 Charles Henry Brent, Bishop Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath Missionary to the Native Missionary Bishop of Archbishop of San Salvador, to the virgin mary ▪ Romans 11:13-24 of the and of and Wells, 1711 , 1758 Armenia, c. 332 Martyr, 1980 ▪ Isaiah 7:10-14 ▪ John 11:1-27 Western , 1929 ▪ Jeremiah 23:16-32 James De Koven, Priest, 1879 ▪ Jeremiah 25:8-17 ▪ Jeremiah 25:30-26:24 ▪ Hebrews 10:4-10 ▪ Psalms 22 & 148 (AM) ▪ Jeremiah 31:27-34 ▪ 1 Corinthians 9:19-27 ▪ Jeremiah 24:1-10 ▪ Romans 10:1-13 ▪ Romans 10:14-11:12 ▪ Luke 1:26-38 ▪ Psalms 105 & 130 (PM) ▪ Romans 11:25-36 ▪ Mark 8:31-9:1 ▪ Romans 9:19-33 ▪ John 9:18-41 ▪ John 10:1-42 ▪ Psalms 40:1-11 & 147:13-21 ▪ John 11:28-44 ▪ Psalms 84 & 150 (AM) ▪ John 9:1-17 ▪ Psalms 34 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 5 & 147:1-12 (AM) (AM) ▪ Psalms 43 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 42 & 32 (PM) ▪ Psalms 119:73-80 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 91 (PM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 51 (PM) ▪ Psalms 126 & 102 (PM) ▪ Psalms 31 & 143 (PM) 21 ▪ Psalms 121 & 6 (PM) 22 23 24 25 26 27

THE SUNDAY OF THE THE MONDAY IN HOLY WEEK THE TUESDAY IN HOLY WEEK THE WEDNESDAY IN HOLY PASSION: PALM SUNDAY John Keble, Priest, 1866 ▪ Jeremiah 15:10-21 WEEK ▪ Zechariah 9:9-12 , Renewer ▪ Philippians 3:15-21 John Donne, Priest, 1631 ▪ 1 Timothy 6:12-16 of the Church, 1824 ▪ John 12:20-26 ▪ Jeremiah 17:5-10, 14-18 ▪ Matthew 21:12-17 ▪ Jeremiah 11:18-20; 12:1-17 ▪ Psalms 34 & 146 (AM) ▪ Philippians 4:1-13 ▪ Psalms 84 & 150 (AM) ▪ Philippians 3:1-4 ▪ Psalms 25 & 91 (PM) ▪ John 12:27-36 ▪ Psalms 42 & 32 (PM) ▪ John 12:9-19 ▪ Psalms 5 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 119:73-80 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 51 (PM) 28 ▪ Psalms 121 & 6 (PM) 29 30 31 < FEBRUARY 2021 APRIL 2021 > APRIL 2021 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

MAUNDY THURSDAY GOOD FRIDAY THE SATURDAY IN HOLY WEEK Amalie Wilhelmina Sieveking, James Lloyd Breck, Priest, Richard, Bishop of Chichester, 1253 , 1859; 1876 ▪ Job 19:21-27a Frederick Dennison Maurice, ▪ Genesis 22:1-14 ▪ Hebrews 4:1-16 Priest, 1872 ▪ 1 Peter 1:10-20 ▪ Romans 8:1-11 ▪ Jeremiah 20:7-18 ▪ John 13:36-38 ▪ Psalms 43 & 149 (AM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 10:14-17; 11:27-32 ▪ Psalms 22 & 148 (AM) ▪ John 17:1-26 ▪ Psalms 105 & 130 (PM) THE RESURRECTION OF OUR ▪ Psalms 27 & 147:13-21 (AM) LORD: VIGIL OF EASTER ▪ Psalms 126 & 102 (PM) 1 2 ▪ Psalms 23 & 114 (PM) 3

THE RESURRECTION OF OUR ▪ Jonah 2:1-10 Albrecht Dürer, Painter, ▪ Micah 7:7-15 William Augustus , Teacher, , Bishop LORD: EASTER DAY ▪ Acts 2:14, 22-32 1528; Lucas Cranach the ▪ Acts 3:1-10 Muhlenberg, Priest, 1877 Martyr, 1945 of , Renewer of the Martin Luther King, Jr., ▪ John 14:1-14 Elder, Painter, 1553; Matthäus ▪ John 15:1-11 ▪ Ezekiel 37:1-14 Holocaust Remembrance Day Church, 1557 Renewer of Society, 1968 ▪ Psalms 97 & 145 (AM) Grünewald, Painter, 1528; ▪ Psalms 99 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Acts 3:11-26 (Yom HaShoah) William Law, Priest, 1761 Benedict the African, Friar, ▪ Psalms 124 & 115 (PM) Michelangelo Buonarroti, ▪ Psalms 9 & 118 (PM) ▪ John 15:12-27 ▪ Daniel 12:1-4, 13 ▪ Isaiah 25:1-9 1589 Artist, 1564 ▪ Psalms 47 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Acts 4:1-12 ▪ Acts 4:13-31 ▪ Exodus 12:1-14 ▪ Isaiah 30:18-26 ▪ Psalms 68 & 113 (PM) ▪ John 16:1-15 ▪ John 16:16-33 ▪ Isaiah 51:9-11 ▪ Acts 2:36-47 ▪ Psalms 96 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 92 & 149 (AM) ▪ Luke 24:13-35 ▪ John 14:15-31 ▪ Psalms 49 & 138 (PM) ▪ Psalms 23 & 114 (PM) ▪ Psalms 93 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 98 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 136 & 117 (PM) 4 5 ▪ Psalms 66 & 116 (PM) 6 7 8 9 10 THE SECOND SUNDAY OF ▪ Daniel 1:1-21 ▪ Daniel 2:1-16 ▪ Daniel 2:17-30 ▪ Daniel 2:31-49 ▪ Daniel 3:1-18 ▪ Daniel 3:19-30 EASTER ▪ 1 John 1:1-10 ▪ 1 John 2:1-11 ▪ 1 John 2:12-17 ▪ 1 John 2:18-29 ▪ 1 John 3:1-10 ▪ 1 John 3:11-18 George Augustus Selwyn, ▪ John 17:1-11 ▪ John 17:12-19 ▪ John 17:20-26 ▪ Luke 3:1-14 ▪ Luke 3:15-22 ▪ Luke 4:1-13 Bishop of New Zealand and ▪ Psalms 97 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 98 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 99 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 47 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 96 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 92 & 149 (AM) of Lichfield, 1878 ▪ Psalms 124 & 115 (PM) ▪ Psalms 66 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 9 & 118 (PM) ▪ Psalms 68 & 113 (PM) ▪ Psalms 49 & 138 (PM) ▪ Psalms 23 & 114 (PM) ▪ Isaiah 43:8-13 ▪ 1 Peter 2:2-10 ▪ John 14:1-7 ▪ Psalms 93 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 136 & 117 (PM) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

THE THIRD SUNDAY OF Alphege, Archbishop of , Anselm, Archbishop of Stewardship of Creation Toyohiko Kagawa, Renewer (Walther), EASTER Canterbury, Martyr, 1012 Pastor, 1558 Canterbury, Teacher, 1109 ▪ Daniel 5:13-30 of Society, 1960 Musician, 1570 ▪ Daniel 4:1-18 Olavus Petri, Priest, 1552; ▪ Daniel 4:28-37 ▪ Daniel 5:1-12 ▪ 1 John 5:13-21 ▪ Daniel 6:1-15 ▪ Daniel 6:16-28 ▪ 1 Peter 4:7-11 , Archbishop ▪ 1 John 4:7-21 ▪ 1 John 5:1-12 ▪ Luke 5:1-11 ▪ 2 John 1-13 ▪ 3 John 1-15 ▪ John 21:15-25 of Uppsala, 1573; Renewers of ▪ Luke 4:31-37 ▪ Luke 4:38-44 ▪ Psalms 47 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Luke 5:12-26 ▪ Luke 5:27-39 ▪ Psalms 93 & 150 (AM) the Church ▪ Psalms 98 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 99 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 68 & 113 (PM) ▪ Psalms 96 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 92 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 136 & 117 (PM) ▪ Daniel 4:19-27 ▪ Psalms 66 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 9 & 118 (PM) ▪ Psalms 49 & 138 (PM) ▪ Psalms 23 & 114 (PM) ▪ 1 John 3:19-4:6 ▪ Luke 4:14-30 ▪ Psalms 97 & 145 (AM) 18 ▪ Psalms 124 & 115 (PM) 19 20 21 22 23 24

THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF st. mark, evangelist ▪ Jeremiah 30:1-17 ▪ Jeremiah 30:18-22 Catherine of Siena, Teacher, ▪ Jeremiah 31:15-25 EASTER ▪ Isaiah 52:7-10 ▪ Colossians 1:1-23 ▪ Colossians 1:24-2:7 1380 ▪ Colossians 3:1-17 ▪ Genesis 18:22-33 ▪ Ephesians 4:7-8, 11-16 ▪ Luke 6:1-26 ▪ Luke 6:27-38 ▪ Jeremiah 31:1-14 ▪ Luke 7:1-35 ▪ 1 Peter 5:1-11 ▪ Mark 1:1-15 ▪ Psalms 98 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 99 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Colossians 2:8-23 ▪ Psalms 96 & 148 (AM) ▪ Matthew 7:15-29 ▪ Psalms 2 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 66 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 9 & 118 (PM) ▪ Luke 6:39-49 ▪ Psalms 49 & 138 (PM) ▪ Psalms 93 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 124 & 115 (PM) ▪ Psalms 47 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 136 & 117 (PM) ▪ Psalms 68 & 113 (PM) 25 26 27 28 29 30 < MARCH 2021 MAY 2021 > Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

st. philip and st. james, apostles ▪ Isaiah 30:18-21 ▪ 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 ▪ John 14:6-14 ▪ Psalms 119:33-40 & 149 (AM) MAY 2021 Psalms 23 & 114 (PM) ▪ 1

THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF ▪ Jeremiah 32:1-15 ▪ Jeremiah 32:16-25 Frederick III Wettin, the ▪ Jeremiah 33:1-13 ▪ Deuteronomy 31:30-32:14 Dame Julian of Norwich, EASTER ▪ Colossians 3:18-4:18 ▪ Romans 12:1-21 Wise, Elector of Saxony ▪ Romans 4:1-12 ▪ Romans 14:13-23 Anchoress, c. 1417 Athanasius, Bishop of ▪ Luke 7:36-50 ▪ Luke 8:1-15 and Founder of Wittenberg ▪ Luke 8:26-39 ▪ Luke 8:40-56 ▪ Deuteronomy 32:34-43 Alexandria, 373 ▪ Psalms 97 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 98 & 146 (AM) University, 1525 ▪ Psalms 47 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 96 & 148 (AM) ▪ Romans 15:1-13 ▪ Isaiah 32:1-8 ▪ Psalms 124 & 115 (PM) ▪ Psalms 66 & 116 (PM) ▪ Jeremiah 32:36-44 ▪ Psalms 68 & 113 (PM) ▪ Psalms 49 & 138 (PM) ▪ Luke 9:1-17 ▪ 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 ▪ Romans 13:1-14 ▪ Psalms 92 & 149 (AM) ▪ Matthew 7:7-14 ▪ Luke 8:16-25 ▪ Psalms 23 & 114 (PM) ▪ Psalms 93 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 99 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 136 & 117 (PM) 2 3 4 ▪ Psalms 9 & 118 (PM) 5 6 7 8

THE SIXTH SUNDAY OF ▪ Deuteronomy 8:1-10 ▪ Deuteronomy 8:11-20 ▪ Deuteronomy 19:1-17 THE ASCENSION OF OUR ▪ Ezekiel 1:28-3:3 ▪ Ezekiel 3:4-17 EASTER ▪ James 1:1-15 ▪ James 1:16-27 ▪ James 5:13-18 LORD ▪ Hebrews 4:14-5:6 ▪ Hebrews 5:7-14 Nicolaus Ludwig, Count von ▪ Luke 9:18-27 ▪ Luke 11:1-13 ▪ Luke 12:22-31 ▪ Ezekiel 1:1-14, 24-28b ▪ Luke 9:28-36 ▪ Luke 9:37-50 Zinzendorf, Renewer of the ▪ Psalms 97 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 98 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 99 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Hebrews 2:5-18 ▪ Psalms 96 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 92 & 149 (AM) Church, 1760 ▪ Psalms 124 & 115 (PM) ▪ Psalms 66 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 9 & 118 (PM) ▪ Matthew 28:16-20 ▪ Psalms 49 & 138 (PM) ▪ Psalms 23 & 114 (PM) ▪ Deuteronomy 15:1-11 ▪ Psalms 47 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ 1 Timothy 3:14-4:5 ▪ Psalms 68 & 113 (PM) ▪ Matthew 13:24-34a ▪ Psalms 93 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 136 & 117 (PM) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

THE SUNDAY AFTER THE ▪ Ezekiel 4:1-17 Erik IX Jedvardsson, King of Dunstan, Archbishop of Alcuin of York, Deacon, John Eliot, Missionary to the Helena, Mother of ASCENSION: THE SEVENTH ▪ Hebrews 6:1-12 Sweden, Martyr, 1160 Canterbury, 988 Abbot of Tours, 804 Native Americans, 1690 Constantine, c. 330 SUNDAY OF EASTER ▪ Luke 9:51-62 ▪ Ezekiel 7:10-15, 23b-27 ▪ Ezekiel 11:14-25 ▪ Ezekiel 18:1-4, 19-32 ▪ Ezekiel 34:17-31 ▪ Ezekiel 43:1-12 ▪ Ezekiel 3:16-27 ▪ Psalms 97 & 145 (AM) ▪ Hebrews 6:13-20 ▪ Hebrews 7:1-17 ▪ Hebrews 7:18-28 ▪ Hebrews 8:1-13 ▪ Hebrews 9:1-14 ▪ Ephesians 2:1-10 ▪ Psalms 124 & 115 (PM) ▪ Luke 10:1-17 ▪ Luke 10:17-24 ▪ Luke 10:25-37 ▪ Luke 10:38-42 ▪ Luke 11:14-23 ▪ Matthew 10:24-33, 40-42 ▪ Psalms 98 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 99 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 47 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 96 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 92 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 93 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 66 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 9 & 118 (PM) ▪ Psalms 68 & 113 (PM) ▪ Psalms 49 & 138 (PM) ▪ Psalms 136 & 117 (PM) PENTECOST: THE VIGIL OF PENTECOST 16 17 18 19 20 21 ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM)22

PENTECOST: THE DAY OF Nicolaus Copernicus, 1543; Bede the Venerable, Priest, Augustine, First Archbishop , Renewer of the ▪ Isaiah 66:1-6 Jiří Třanovský, , PENTECOST Johannes Kepler, 1630; Monk of Jarrow, 735 of Canterbury, Missionary, Church, 1564 ▪ 2 Timothy 4:1-8 1637 , Leonhard Euler, 1783; Teachers ▪ Isaiah 63:15-64:9 605 ▪ Isaiah 65:17-25 ▪ Luke 12:32-48 ▪ Isaiah 66:7-14 Missionary to Sumatra, 1918 Jackson Kemper, Missionary ▪ 2 Timothy 1:15-2:13 ▪ Isaiah 65:1-12 ▪ 2 Timothy 3:1-17 ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ 2 Timothy 4:9-22 ▪ Isaiah 11:1-9 Bishop, 1870 ▪ Luke 11:37-52 ▪ 2 Timothy 2:14-26 ▪ Luke 12:13-31 ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) ▪ Luke 12:49-59 ▪ 1 Corinthians 2:1-13 ▪ Isaiah 63:7-14 ▪ Psalms 42 & 146 (AM) ▪ Luke 11:53-12:12 ▪ Psalms 97 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 104 & 149 (AM) ▪ John 14:21-29 ▪ 2 Timothy 1:1-14 ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Luke 11:24-36 ▪ Psalms 1 & 33 (PM) ▪ Psalms 117, 139 (PM) ▪ Psalms 5 & 145 (AM) 23 ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) 24 25 26 27 28 29

THE SUNDAY OF THE HOLY the visitation of the virgin TRINITY: THE FIRST SUNDAY mary to elizabeth and AFTER PENTECOST zechariah ▪ Deuteronomy 6:1-15 ▪ Zephaniah 3:14-18a ▪ Ephesians 4:1-16 ▪ Romans 12:9-16 ▪ John 1:1-18 ▪ Luke 1:39-47 ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 113 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 113 (PM) 30 ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) 31 < APRIL 2021 JUNE 2021 > JUNE 2021 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Justin, Martyr at Rome, c. 165 Blandina and Her The Martyrs of Uganda, 1886 John XXIII, Bishop of Rome, Boniface, Archbishop ▪ Ruth 1:1-2:13 Companions, Martyrs at ▪ Ruth 3:1-18 Renewer of the Church, 1963 of Mainz, Missionary to ▪ 1 Timothy 1:1-2:8 Lyons, 177 ▪ 1 Timothy 4:1-16 ▪ Ruth 4:1-22 , Martyr, 754 ▪ Luke 13:1-17 ▪ Ruth 2:14-23 ▪ Luke 13:31-35 ▪ 1 Timothy 5:17-25 ▪ Deuteronomy 1:1-18 ▪ Psalms 123 & 146 (AM) ▪ 1 Timothy 3:1-16 ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Luke 14:1-11 ▪ 1 Timothy 6:6-21 ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) ▪ Luke 13:18-30 ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) ▪ Luke 14:12-24 ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) 1 2 3 4 5

THE SECOND SUNDAY Noah Sealth (Seattle), ▪ Deuteronomy 4:15-24 Columba, Abbot of Iona, 597 Ephrem of Edessa, Deacon, st. barnabas, apostle ▪ Deuteronomy 5:22-33 AFTER PENTECOST Chief of the Duwamish ▪ 2 Corinthians 1:12-22 Aidan, Bishop of Lindisfarne, 373 ▪ Deuteronomy 5:1-22 ▪ 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10 William Alfred Passavant, Confederacy, 1866 ▪ Luke 15:1-10 651 ▪ Deuteronomy 4:32-40 ▪ 2 Corinthians 4:1-12 ▪ Luke 16:19-31 Renewer of Society, 1894 ▪ Deuteronomy 4:9-14 ▪ Psalms 54 & 146 (AM) ▪ Deuteronomy 4:25-31 ▪ 2 Corinthians 3:1-18 ▪ Luke 16:10-18 ▪ Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) ▪ Deuteronomy 4:1-9 ▪ 2 Corinthians 1:1-11 ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) ▪ 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:17 ▪ Luke 16:1-9 ▪ Psalms 88 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 125 & 90 (PM) ▪ Revelation 7:1-4, 9-17 ▪ Luke 14:25-35 ▪ Luke 15:1-2, 11-32 ▪ Psalms 143 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 6 & 20 (PM) ▪ Matthew 12:33-45 ▪ Psalms 57 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) ▪ Psalms 125 & 91 (PM) ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER Macrina, Monastic, Teacher, 379; Evelyn Underhill, Teacher, Joseph Butler, Bishop of ▪ Deuteronomy 16:18-20; Bernard Mizeki, Catechist and ▪ Deuteronomy 29:2-15 PENTECOST Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea, 1941 Durham, 1752 17:14-20 Martyr in Rhodesia, 1896 ▪ 2 Corinthians 9:1-15 ▪ Deuteronomy 11:1-12 379; Gregory of Nazianzus, Bishop ▪ Deuteronomy 12:1-12 ▪ Deuteronomy 13:1-11 ▪ 2 Corinthians 8:1-16 ▪ Deuteronomy 26:1-11 ▪ Luke 18:15-30 ▪ Revelation 10:1-11 of Constantinople, c. 389; Gregory, ▪ 2 Corinthians 6:3-7:1 ▪ 2 Corinthians 7:2-16 ▪ Luke 18:1-8 ▪ 2 Corinthians 8:16-24 ▪ Psalms 63 & 149 (AM) ▪ Matthew 13:44-58 Bishop of Nyssa, c. 385 ▪ Luke 17:11-19 ▪ Luke 17:20-37 ▪ Psalms 116 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Luke 18:9-14 ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) ▪ Psalms 108 & 150 (AM) ▪ Deuteronomy 11:13-19 ▪ Psalms 12 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 96 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 26 & 130 (PM) ▪ Psalms 84 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 66 & 23 (PM) ▪ 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2 ▪ Psalms 36 & 7 (PM) ▪ Psalms 132 & 134 (PM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 40 (PM) ▪ Luke 17:1-10 ▪ Psalms 62 & 145 (AM) 13 ▪ Psalms 73 & 9 (PM) 14 15 16 17 18 19

THE FOURTH SUNDAY , Translator, Alban, the First Martyr in ▪ Deuteronomy 31:30-32:14 the nativity of st. john the The Presentation of the ▪ Song of Solomon 5:10-16; AFTER PENTECOST Evangelist, 1931 Britain, c. 304 ▪ 2 Corinthians 11:21b-33 baptist , 7:1-9; 8:6-7 ▪ Deuteronomy 29:16-29 ▪ Deuteronomy 30:1-10 ▪ Deuteronomy 30:11-20 ▪ Luke 19:11-27 ▪ Malachi 3:1-4 1530; Philipp Melanchthon, ▪ 2 Corinthians 13:1-14 ▪ Revelation 12:1-12 ▪ 2 Corinthians 10:1-18 ▪ 2 Corinthians 11:1-21a ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Acts 13:13-26 Renewer of the Church, 1560 ▪ Luke 20:1-8 ▪ Matthew 15:29-39 ▪ Luke 18:31-43 ▪ Luke 19:1-10 ▪ Psalms 1 & 33 (PM) ▪ Luke 1:57-80 ▪ Song of Solomon 1:1-3, 9-11, ▪ Psalms 104 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 5 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 42 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 141 & 147:13-21 (AM) 15-16a; 2:1-3a, 8-13; 4:1-4a, ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) 5-7, 9-11 ▪ 2 Corinthians 12:1-21 ▪ Luke 19:28-48 ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) 20 21 22 23 24 ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) 25 26

THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, st. peter and st. paul, , PENTECOST c. 202 apostles , Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop, ▪ 1 Samuel 1:1-2:11 ▪ Ezekiel 34:11-16 Hymnwriter, 1839 Teacher, 444 ▪ Acts 1:1-26 ▪ 1 Corinthians 3:16-23 ▪ 1 Samuel 2:12-26 ▪ Exodus 6:2-13; 7:1-6 ▪ Luke 20:9-26 ▪ Mark 8:27-35 ▪ Acts 2:1-21 ▪ Revelation 15:1-8 ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 87 & 146 (AM) ▪ Luke 20:27-40 ▪ Matthew 18:1-14 ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 113 (PM) 27 28 29 30 < MAY 2021 JULY 2021 > JULY 2021 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

John Mason Neale, 1866; ▪ 1 Samuel 3:1-21 ▪ 1 Samuel 4:1b-11 , 1878; ▪ Acts 2:37-47 ▪ Acts 4:32-5:11 ▪ Luke 21:5-19 ▪ Luke 21:20-28 ▪ 1 Samuel 2:27-36 ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ Acts 2:22-36 ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) ▪ Luke 20:41-21:4 ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) 1 2 3

THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER ▪ 1 Samuel 5:1-12 Jan Hus, Martyr, 1415 ▪ 1 Samuel 7:2-17 ▪ 1 Samuel 8:1-22 ▪ 1 Samuel 9:1-14 ▪ 1 Samuel 9:15-10:1 PENTECOST ▪ Acts 5:12-26 ▪ 1 Samuel 6:1-16 ▪ Acts 6:1-15 ▪ Acts 6:15-7:16 ▪ Acts 7:17-29 ▪ Acts 7:30-43 ▪ 1 Samuel 4:12-22 ▪ Luke 21:29-36 ▪ Acts 5:27-42 ▪ Luke 22:14-23 ▪ Luke 22:24-30 ▪ Luke 22:31-38 ▪ Luke 22:39-51 ▪ James 1:1-18 ▪ Psalms 57 & 145 (AM) ▪ Luke 21:37-22:13 ▪ Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 143 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 88 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) ▪ Matthew 19:23-30 ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) ▪ Psalms 54 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 125 & 91 (PM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 6 & 20 (PM) ▪ Psalms 125 & 90 (PM) ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

THE SEVENTH SUNDAY Nathan Söderblom, Johannes Flierl, Missionary ▪ 1 Samuel 12:1-25 Olga, Princess of Kiev, ▪ 1 Samuel 13:19-14:15 Bartolomé de Las Casas, AFTER PENTECOST Archbishop of Uppsala, 1931 to Australia and Papua New ▪ Acts 8:14-25 Confessor, 969; Vladimir, ▪ Acts 9:1-9 Missionary to the Indies, Benedict of Nursia, Abbot ▪ 1 Samuel 10:17-27 Guinea, 1947 ▪ Luke 23:1-12 First Christian Ruler of ▪ Luke 23:26-31 1566 of Monte Cassino, c. 547; ▪ Acts 7:44-8:1a ▪ 1 Samuel 11:1-15 ▪ Psalms 96 & 147:1-12 (AM) Russia, 1015 ▪ Psalms 84 & 148 (AM) William White, Bishop of Scholastica, Abbess, c. 547 ▪ John 1:1-18 ▪ Acts 8:1-13 ▪ Psalms 132 & 134 (PM) ▪ 1 Samuel 13:5-18 ▪ Psalms 25 & 40 (PM) , 1816 ▪ 1 Samuel 10:1-16 ▪ Psalms 62 & 145 (AM) ▪ Luke 22:63-71 ▪ Acts 8:26-40 ▪ 1 Samuel 14:16-30 ▪ Romans 4:13-25 ▪ Psalms 73 & 9 (PM) ▪ Psalms 12 & 146 (AM) ▪ Luke 23:13-25 ▪ Acts 9:10-19a ▪ Matthew 21:23-32 ▪ Psalms 36 & 7 (PM) ▪ Psalms 116 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Luke 23:32-43 ▪ Psalms 108 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 26 & 130 (PM) ▪ Psalms 63 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 66 & 23 (PM) 11 12 13 14 15 16 ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) 17

THE EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER ▪ 1 Samuel 15:1-3, 7-23 Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1902; ▪ 1 Samuel 16:1-17:11 st. mary magdelene Birgitta of Sweden, Renewer Thomas à Kempis, Priest, 1471 PENTECOST ▪ Acts 9:19b-31 Amelia Jenks Bloomer, 1894; ▪ Acts 10:1-33 ▪ Judith 9:1, 11-14 of the Church, 1373 ▪ 1 Samuel 17:31-49 ▪ 1 Samuel 14:36-45 ▪ Luke 23:44-56a Sojourner Truth, 1883; Harriet ▪ Luke 24:13-53 ▪ 2 Corinthians 5:14-18 ▪ 1 Samuel 17:17-30 ▪ Acts 11:1-18 ▪ Romans 5:1-11 ▪ Psalms 5 & 145 (AM) Ross Tubman, 1912; Renewers ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ John 20:11-18 ▪ Acts 10:34-48 ▪ Mark 1:14-28 ▪ Matthew 22:1-14 ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) of Society ▪ Psalms 1 & 133 (PM) ▪ Psalms 42:1-7 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Mark 1:1-13 ▪ Psalms 104 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ 1 Samuel 15:24-35 ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) ▪ Acts 9:32-43 ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) ▪ Luke 23:56b-24:12 ▪ Psalms 42 & 146 (AM) 18 19 ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) 20 21 22 23 24

THE NINTH SUNDAY AFTER The Parents of the Blessed William Reed Huntington, , Mary, Martha, and Lazarus of William WIlberforce, Renewer Ignatius of Loyola, Priest, PENTECOST Virgin Mary Priest, 1919 1750; Heinrich Schütz, 1672; Bethany of Society, 1833 Monastic, and Founder of st. james the elder, apostle ▪ 1 Samuel 18:5-30 ▪ 1 Samuel 19:1-24 George Frederick Handel, Olaf II Haraldsson, King of Robert Barnes, Confessor, the Society of Jesus, 1556 ▪ 1 Samuel 17:50-18:4 ▪ Acts 11:19-30 ▪ Acts 12:1-17 1759; Musicians , Martyr, 1030 Martyr, 1540 ▪ 1 Samuel 22:1-23 ▪ Romans 10:4-17 ▪ Mark 1:29-45 ▪ Mark 2:1-12 ▪ 1 Samuel 20:1-23 ▪ 1 Samuel 20:24-42 ▪ 1 Samuel 21:1-15 ▪ Acts 23:26-43 ▪ Matthew 23:39-39 ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 123 & 146 (AM) ▪ Acts 12:18-25 ▪ Acts 13:1-12 ▪ Acts 13:13-25 ▪ Mark 3:19b-35 ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) ▪ Mark 2:13-22 ▪ Mark 2:23-3:6 ▪ Mark 3:7-19a ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 113 (PM) ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) 25 26 27 ▪ Psalms 48 & 14 (PM) 28 ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) 29 ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) 30 31 < JUNE 2021 AUGUST 2021 > AUGUST 2021 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

THE TENTH SUNDAY AFTER ▪ 1 Samuel 24:1-22 ▪ 1 Samuel 25:1-22 ▪ 1 Samuel 25:23-44 ▪ 1 Samuel 28:3-20; 31:1-13 the transfiguration of our ▪ 2 Samuel 1:1-16 PENTECOST ▪ Acts 13:44-52 ▪ Acts 14:1-18 ▪ Acts 14:19-28 ▪ Acts 15:1-21 lord ▪ Acts 15:22-35 Joseph of Arimathea ▪ Mark 4:1-20 ▪ Mark 4:21-34 ▪ Mark 4:35-41 ▪ Mark 5:1-43 ▪ Exodus 34:29-35 ▪ Mark 6:1-13 ▪ 1 Samuel 23:7-18 ▪ Psalms 57 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 54 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 143 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ 2 Peter 1:13-21 ▪ Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) ▪ Romans 11:33-12:2 ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) ▪ Psalms 125 & 91 (PM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 116 (PM) ▪ Luke 9:28-36 ▪ Psalms 125 & 90 (PM) ▪ Matthew 25:14-30 ▪ Psalms 99 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 6 & 20 (PM) ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

THE ELEVENTH SUNDAY ▪ 2 Samuel 2:1-11 Lawrence, Deacon and Clare, Abbess of Assisi, 1253 ▪ 2 Samuel 4:1-12 , 1910; Maximilian Mary Kolbe, AFTER PENTECOST ▪ Acts 15:36-16:5 Martyr at Rome, 258 ▪ 2 Samuel 3:22-39 ▪ Acts 16:25-40 Clara Maass, 1901; Renewers Priest, Martyr, 1941 Dominic de Guzmán, Priest ▪ Mark 6:14-29 ▪ 2 Samuel 3:6-21 ▪ Acts 16:16-24 ▪ Mark 7:1-23 of Society Jonathan Myrick Daniels, and Friar, 1221 ▪ Psalms 62 & 145 (AM) ▪ Acts 16:6-15 ▪ Mark 6:47-56 ▪ Psalms 116 & 147:13-21 (AM) Jeremy Taylor, Bishop of Civil Rights Witness, Martyr, ▪ 2 Samuel 1:17-27 ▪ Psalms 73 & 9 (PM) ▪ Mark 6:30-46 ▪ Psalms 96 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 26 & 130 (PM) Down, Connor, and Dromore, 1965 ▪ Romans 12:9-21 ▪ Psalms 12 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 132 & 134 (PM) 1667 ▪ 2 Samuel 5:22-6:11 ▪ Matthew 25:31-46 ▪ Psalms 36 & 7 (PM) ▪ 2 Samuel 5:1-12 ▪ Acts 17:16-34 ▪ Psalms 108 & 150 (AM) ▪ Acts 17:1-15 ▪ Mark 8:1-10 ▪ Psalms 66 & 23 (PM) ▪ Mark 7:24-37 ▪ Psalms 63 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 84 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) 8 9 10 11 12 ▪ Psalms 25 & 40 (PM) 13 14

THE TWELFTH SUNDAY st. mary the virgin, mother of , Theologian, William Porcher DuBose, ▪ 2 Samuel 11:1-27 Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, ▪ 2 Samuel 12:15-31 AFTER PENTECOST our lord 1637 Priest, 1918 ▪ Acts 19:11-20 1153 ▪ Acts 20:1-16 ▪ 2 Samuel 6:12-23 Stephen I, King of Hungary, ▪ 2 Samuel 7:1-29 ▪ 2 Samuel 9:1-13 ▪ Mark 9:2-13 ▪ 2 Samuel 12:1-14 ▪ Mark 9:30-41 ▪ Romans 14:7-12 1038 ▪ Acts 18:1-28 ▪ Acts 19:1-10 ▪ Psalms 97 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Acts 19:21-41 ▪ Psalms 104 & 149 (AM) ▪ John 1:43-51 ▪ Isaiah 61:7-11 ▪ Mark 8:11-33 ▪ Mark 8:34-9:1 ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ Mark 9:14-29 ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Galatians 4:4-7 ▪ Psalms 98 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) ▪ Luke 1:46-55 ▪ Psalms 66 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 1 & 33 (PM) ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) ▪ Psalms 34 & 145 (AM) 15 ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) 16 17 18 19 20 21

THE THIRTEENTH SUNDAY ▪ 2 Samuel 13:23-39 st. bartholomew, apostle Louis IX Capet, King of ▪ 2 Samuel 15:1-18 Monica, Mother of Augustine Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, AFTER PENTECOST ▪ Acts 20:17-38 ▪ Deuteronomy 18:15-18 France, 1270 ▪ Acts 21:27-36 387 Teacher, 430 ▪ 2 Samuel 13:1-22 ▪ Mark 9:42-50 ▪ 1 Corinthians 4:9-15 ▪ 2 Samuel 14:1-33 ▪ Mark 10:32-45 Thomas Gallaudet, 1902; Moses the Black, Monk and ▪ Romans 15:1-13 ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) ▪ Luke 22:24-30 ▪ Acts 21:1-26 ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) Henry Winter Syle, 1890; Martyr, c. 400 ▪ John 3:22-36 ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) ▪ Psalms 91 & 146 (AM) ▪ Mark 10:1-31 ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) to the Deaf ▪ 2 Samuel 16:1-23 ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ 2 Samuel 15:19-37 ▪ Acts 22:17-29 ▪ Psalms 81 & 113 (PM) ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ Acts 21:37-22:16 ▪ Mark 11:1-11 ▪ Mark 10:46-52 ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) 22 23 24 25 26 ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) 27 28

THE FOURTEENTH SUNDAY ▪ 2 Samuel 17:24-18:8 John Bunyan, Teacher, 1688 AFTER PENTECOST ▪ Acts 22:30-23:11 ▪ 2 Samuel 18:9-18 The Beheading of St. John ▪ Mark 11:12-26 ▪ Acts 23:12-24 the Baptist ▪ Psalms 57 & 145 (AM) ▪ Mark 11:27-12:12 ▪ 2 Samuel 17:1-23 ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) ▪ Psalms 123 & 146 (AM) ▪ Galatians 3:6-14 ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) ▪ John 5:30-47 ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM)29 30 31 < JULY 2021 SEPTEMBER 2021 > SEPTEMBER 2021 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

David Pendelton Oakerhater, Nikolai Frederik Severin The Martyrs of Papua New Albert Schweitzer, Deacon and Missionary, 1931 Grundtvig, Bishop and Guinea, 1942 Missionary to Africa, 1965 ▪ 2 Samuel 18:19-33 Renewer of the Church, 1872 ▪ 2 Samuel 19:24-43 Paul Jones, Bishop, 1941 ▪ Acts 23:23-35 ▪ 2 Samuel 19:1-23 ▪ Acts 24:24-25:12 ▪ 2 Samuel 23:1-7, 13-17 ▪ Mark 12:13-27 ▪ Acts 24:1-23 ▪ Mark 12:35-44 ▪ Acts 25:13-27 ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Mark 12:28-34 ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) ▪ Mark 13:1-13 ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) 1 2 3 4

THE FIFTEENTH SUNDAY ▪ 1 Kings 1:5-31 ▪ 1 Kings 1:32-2:46b The Nativity of the Blessed Peter Claver, Priest, Alexander Crummell, Priest, ▪ 1 Kings 7:51-8:21 AFTER PENTECOST ▪ Acts 26:1-23 ▪ Acts 26:24-27:8 Virgin Mary Missionary to Colombia, 1654 1898 ▪ Acts 28:17-31 Mother Theresa of Calcutta, ▪ Mark 13:14-27 ▪ Mark 13:28-37 ▪ 1 Kings 3:1-15 Constance, Nun, and Her ▪ 1 Kings 5:1-6:1, 7 ▪ Mark 14:43-52 Renewer of Society, 1997 ▪ Psalms 57 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 54 & 146 (AM) ▪ Acts 27:9-26 Companions, 1878 ▪ Acts 28:1-16 ▪ Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) ▪ 2 Samuel 24:1-2, 10-25 ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) ▪ Mark 14:1-11 ▪ 1 Kings 3:16-28 ▪ Mark 14:27-42 ▪ Psalms 125 & 90 (PM) ▪ Galatians 3:23-4:7 ▪ Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Acts 27:27-44 ▪ Psalms 88 & 148 (AM) ▪ John 8:12-20 ▪ Psalms 125 & 91 (PM) ▪ Mark 14:12-26 ▪ Psalms 6 & 20 (PM) ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 143 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) 5 6 7 8 ▪ Psalms 81 & 116 (PM) 9 10 11

THE SIXTEENTH SUNDAY John Chrysostom, Bishop of holy cross day ▪ 1 Kings 8:65-9:9; 9:24-10:13 Cyprian, Bishop and Martyr at Hildegard, Abbess of Bingen, Dag Hammarskjöld, AFTER PENTECOST Constantinople, 407 ▪ Isaiah 45:21-25 ▪ James 2:14-26; 3:1-12 Carthage, 258 Renewer of the Church, 1179 peacemaker, 1961 John Henry Hobart, Bishop of ▪ 2 Chronicles 6:32-7:7 ▪ Galatians 6:14-18 ▪ Mark 14:66-15:11 Ninian, Bishop, Missionary to ▪ 1 Kings 11:26-43 Edward Bouverie Pusey, New York, 1830 ▪ James 2:1-13 ▪ John 12:31-36a ▪ Psalms 96 & 147:1-12 (AM) Scotland, c. 430 ▪ James 4:13-5:^ Priest, 1882 ▪ 1 Kings 8:22-40 ▪ Mark 14:53-65 ▪ Psalms 98 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 132 & 134 (PM) ▪ 1 Kings 11:1-13 ▪ Mark 15:22-32 ▪ 1 Kings 12:1-20 ▪ 1 Timothy 4:7b-16 ▪ Psalms 62 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 7 (PM) ▪ James 3:13-4:12 ▪ Psalms 84 & 148 (AM) ▪ James 5:7-20 ▪ John 8:47-59 ▪ Psalms 73 & 9 (PM) ▪ Mark 15:12-21 ▪ Psalms 25 & 40 (PM) ▪ Mark 15:33-39 ▪ Psalms 108 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 116 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 63 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 66 & 23 (PM) 12 13 14 15 ▪ Psalms 26 & 130 (PM) 16 17 ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) 18

THE SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY John Coleridge Patteson, st. matthew, apostle and Julius Falckner, First Lutheran ▪ 1 Kings 18:1-19 ▪ 1 Kings 18:20-40 Sergius of Radonezh, Abbot AFTER PENTECOST Bishop of Melanesia, and His evangelist Pastor Ordained in North ▪ Philippians 2:12-30 ▪ Philippians 3:1-16 of Holy Trinity, Moscow, 1392 Theodore of Tarsus, Companions; Martyrs, 1871 ▪ Ezekiel 2:8-3:11 America, 1723 ▪ Matthew 2:13-23 ▪ Matthew 3:1-12 ▪ 1 Kings 18:41-19:8 Archbishop of Canterbury, ▪ 1 Kings 13:1-10; 16:23-34 ▪ Ephesians 2:4-10 Philander Chase, Bishop of ▪ Psalms 97 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ Philippians 3:17-4:7 690 ▪ Philippians 1:1-30 ▪ Matthew 9:9-13 Ohio and Illinois, 1852 ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) ▪ Matthew 3:13-17 ▪ 1 Kings 12:21-33 ▪ Mark 15:40-16:20 ▪ Psalms 119:33-40 & 146 (AM) ▪ 1 Kings 17:1-24 ▪ Psalms 104 & 149 (AM) ▪ Acts 4:18-31 ▪ Psalms 5 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) ▪ Philippians 2:1-11 ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) ▪ John 10:31-42 ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) ▪ Matthew 2:1-12 ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) 147:1-12 (AM) 19 20 21 ▪ Psalms 1 & 33 (PM) 22 23 24 25

THE EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY Vincent de Paul, Priest, , Jr., Pastor, 1852 st. michael and all angels Jerome of Stridon, Translator AFTER PENTECOST Renewer of Church and ▪ 1 Kings 21:17-29; 22:1-28 ▪ Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 and Teacher, Priest and Monk Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop Society, 1660 ▪ 1 Corinthians 1:20-31; 2:1-13 ▪ Revelation 12:7-12 of Bethlehem, 420 of Winchester, 1626 ▪ 1 Kings 21:1-16 ▪ Matthew 4:12-25 ▪ John 1:47-51 ▪ 1 Kings 22:29-45 ▪ 1 Kings 19:8-21 ▪ 1 Corinthians 1:1-19 ▪ Psalms 123 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 103 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 2:14-3:15 ▪ Acts 5:34-42 ▪ Matthew 4:1-11 ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ Matthew 5:1-10 ▪ John 11:45-57 ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 113 (PM) 26 27 28 29 30 < AUGUST 2021 OCTOBER 2021 > Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Remigius, Bishop of Rheims, ▪ 2 Kings 2:1-18 c. 533 ▪ 1 Corinthians 4:1-7 ▪ 2 Kings 1:2-17 ▪ Matthew 5:17-20 ▪ 1 Corinthians 3:16-23 ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ Matthew 5:11-16 ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) OCTOBER 2021 ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) 1 2

THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY Francis of Assisi, Friar and Frederike Fliedner, 1842; , Priest, Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, ▪ 2 Kings 9:17-37 Robert Grosseteste, Bishop AFTER PENTECOST Deacon, Renewer of the , 1864; Translator, Martyr, 1536 Missionary to America, 1787 ▪ 1 Corinthians 7:1-9 of Lincoln, 1253 ▪ 2 Kings 4:8-37 Church, 1226 Karolin Fliedner, 1892; ▪ 2 Kings 6:1-23 ▪ 2 Kings 9:1-16 ▪ Matthew 6:7-15 ▪ 2 Kings 11:1-20a ▪ Acts 9:10-31 ▪ 2 Kings 5:1-19 Renewers of Society ▪ 1 Corinthians 5:9-6:11 ▪ 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 ▪ Psalms 88 & 148 (AM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 7:10-24 ▪ Luke 3:7-18 ▪ 1 Corinthians 4:8-21 ▪ 2 Kings 5:19-27 ▪ Matthew 5:38-48 ▪ Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 ▪ Psalms 6 & 20 (PM) ▪ Matthew 6:19-24 ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) ▪ Matthew 5:21-26 ▪ 1 Corinthians 5:1-8 ▪ Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 143 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) ▪ Psalms 57 & 145 (AM) ▪ Matthew 5:27-37 ▪ Psalms 125 & 91 (PM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 125 & 90 (PM) ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) ▪ Psalms 54 & 146 (AM) 3 4 ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) 5 6 7 8 9

THE TWENTIETH SUNDAY Philip, Deacon and Evangelist ▪ 2 Chronicles 29:1-3; 30:1-27 Elizabeth Fry, Renewer of Samuel Isaac Joseph Teresa of Avila, Renewer of Thomas Cranmer, AFTER PENTECOST Thanksgiving Day (Canada) ▪ 1 Corinthians 7:32-40 Society, 1845 Schereschewsky, 1906; the Church, 1582 Archbishop of Canterbury, ▪ 2 Kings 17:1-18 ▪ 2 Kings 17:24-41 ▪ Matthew 7:1-12 ▪ 2 Kings 18:9-25 Channing Moore Williams, ▪ 2 Kings 19:1-20 Renewer of the Church, 1556 ▪ Acts 9:36-43 ▪ 1 Corinthians 7:25-31 ▪ Psalms 12 & 146 (AM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 1910; Missionary ▪ 1 Corinthians 9:16-27 ▪ 2 Kings 19:21-36 ▪ Luke 5:1-11 ▪ Matthew 6:25-34 ▪ Psalms 36 & 7 (PM) ▪ Matthew 7:13-21 ▪ 2 Kings 18:28-37 ▪ Matthew 8:1-17 ▪ 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 ▪ Psalms 108 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 62 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 96 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 9:1-15 ▪ Psalms 84 & 148 (AM) ▪ Matthew 8:18-27 ▪ Psalm 66 & 23 (PM) ▪ Psalms 73 & 9 (PM) ▪ Psalms 132 & 134 (PM) ▪ Matthew 7:22-29 ▪ Psalms 25 & 40 (PM) ▪ Psalms 63 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 116 & 147:13- ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) 21 (AM) 10 11 12 13 ▪ Psalms 26 & 130 (PM) 14 15 16

THE TWENTY-FIRST st. luke, evangelist and , Priest and ▪ 2 Kings 22:14-23:3 ▪ 2 Kings 23:4-25 ▪ 2 Kings 23:36-24:17 st. james of jerusalem, SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST companion of paul Missionary to India and ▪ 1 Corinthians 11:23-34 ▪ 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 ▪ 1 Corinthians 12:12-13:3 brother of our lord jesus Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, ▪ Isaiah 43:8-13 Persia, 1812 ▪ Matthew 9:9-17 ▪ Matthew 9:18-26 ▪ Matthew 9:27-10:4 christ, bishop, martyr, c. 62 Martyr, c. 115; Paull Spring, ▪ 2 Timothy 4:5-13 ▪ 2 Kings 21:1-18; 22:1-13 ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 97 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ Acts 15:12-22a First Bishop of the NALC, 2020 ▪ Luke 1:1-4 ▪ 1 Corinthians 10:14-11:22 ▪ Psalms 1 & 33 (PM) ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 ▪ 2 Kings 20:1-21 ▪ Psalms 147 & 145 (AM) ▪ Matthew 8:28-34; 9:1-8 ▪ Matthew 13:54-58 ▪ Acts 12:1-17 ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) ▪ Psalms 42 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 1 & 149 (AM) ▪ Luke 7:11-17 ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

THE TWENTY-SECOND ▪ Jeremiah 36:11-26 , 1608; Johann ▪ Jeremiah 37:3-21 st. simon and st. jude, James Hannington, and His ▪ Jeremiah 52:1-34 SUNDAY OF PENTECOST ▪ 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Heermann, 1647; Paul ▪ 1 Corinthians 14:13-25 apostles Companions, Martyrs, 1885 ▪ 1 Corinthians 15:12-29 ▪ Jeremiah 35:1-19; 36:1-10 ▪ Matthew 10:5-15 Gerhardt, 1676; Hymnwriters ▪ Matthew 10:24-33 ▪ Deuteronomy 32:1-4 ▪ Jeremiah 38:1-28 ▪ Matthew 11:7-15 ▪ Acts 14:8-18 ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) Alfred the Great, King of the ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Ephesians 2:13-22 ▪ 1 Corinthians 14:26-15:11 ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ Luke 7:36-50 ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) West Saxons, 899 ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ John 15:17-27 ▪ Matthew 10:34-11:16 ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ Jeremiah 36:27-37:2 ▪ Psalms 119:89-96 & 147:13-21 ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 113 (PM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 14:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) ▪ Matthew 10:16-23 ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) ▪ Psalms 123 & 146 (AM) 24 25 ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) 26 27 28 29 30 THE TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY OF PENTECOST Reformation Day ▪ Jeremiah 29:1, 4-14 ▪ Acts 16:6-15 ▪ Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) 31 < SEPTEMBER 2021 NOVEMBER 2021 > NOVEMBER 2021 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

all saints’ day Commemoration of the Martin de Porres, Renewer of ▪ Ezra 1:1-11 Elizabeth and Zechariah, , Archbishop ▪ Sirach 44:1-10, 13-14 Faithful Departed Society, 1639 ▪ 1 Corinthians 16:1-9 Parents of St. John the of Canterbury, 1944 ▪ Revelation 7:2-4, 9-17 ▪ Jeremiah 44:1-14 Richard Hooker, Priest, 1600 ▪ Matthew 12:15-21 Baptist ▪ Ezra 4:7, 11-24 ▪ Matthew 5:1-12 ▪ 1 Corinthians 15:30-50 ▪ Lamentations 1:1-12; 2:8-15 ▪ Psalms 143 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Ezra 3:1-13 ▪ Philemon 1-25 ▪ Psalms 149 & 145 (AM) ▪ Matthew 11:16-30 ▪ 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 ▪ Psalms 81 & 116 (PM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 16:10-24 ▪ Matthew 12:33-42 ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) ▪ Psalms 54 & 146 (AM) ▪ Matthew 12:1-14 ▪ Matthew 12:22-32 ▪ Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) ▪ Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 88 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 125 & 90 (PM) ▪ Psalms 125 & 91 (PM) ▪ Psalms 6 & 20 (PM) 1 2 3 4 5 6

THE TWENTY-FOURTH John Christian Frederick , Pastor and Leo the Great, Bishop of Martin, Bishop of Tours, 397 Søren Aabye Kierkegaard, ▪ Nehemiah 4:1-23 SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Heyer, Missionary to India, Confessor, 1586 Rome, 461 ▪ Nehemiah 1:1-11 Theologian, 1855 ▪ Revelation 7:4-17 Willibrord, Archbishop of 1873 ▪ Ezra 5:1-17 ▪ Ezra 6:1-22 ▪ Revelation 5:11-6:11 Charles Simeon, Priest, 1836 ▪ Matthew 13:31-35 Utrecht, Missionary to Frisia, Johannes von Staupitz, Abbot ▪ Revelation 4:1-11 ▪ Revelation 5:1-10 ▪ Matthew 13:18-23 ▪ Nehemiah 2:1-20 ▪ Psalms 63 & 149 (AM) 739 and Confessor, 1524 ▪ Matthew 13:1-9 ▪ Matthew 13:10-17 ▪ Psalms 116 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Revelation 6:12-7:4 ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) ▪ Haggai 1:1-2:9 ▪ Zechariah 1:7-17 ▪ Psalms 12 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 96 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 26 & 130 (PM) ▪ Matthew 13:24-30 ▪ Acts 18:24-19:7 ▪ Revelation 1:4-20 ▪ Psalms 36 & 7 (PM) ▪ Psalms 132 & 134 (PM) ▪ Psalms 84 & 148 (AM) ▪ Luke 10:25-37 ▪ Matthew 12:43-50 ▪ Psalms 25 & 40 (PM) ▪ Psalms 108 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 62 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 66 & 23 (PM) 7 ▪ Psalms 73 & 9 (PM) 8 9 10 11 12 13

THE TWENTY-FIFTH ▪ Nehemiah 6:1-19 Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Elizabeth of , Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680 Mechtild of Magdeburg, 1282; Edmund, King of East Anglia, SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST ▪ Revelation 10:1-11 1093 Princess of Hungary, 1231 ▪ Ezra 7:1-26 Mechtild of Hackeborn, 1298; Martyr, 870 Consecration of Samuel ▪ Matthew 13:36-43 ▪ Nehemiah 12:27-31a, 42b-47 Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, 1200 ▪ Revelation 14:1-13 Gertrude the Great, 1302; ▪ Ezra 9:1-15 Seabury, First American ▪ Psalms 5 & 145 (AM) ▪ Revelation 11:1-19 ▪ Nehemiah 13:4-22 ▪ Matthew 14:1-12 Renewers of the Church ▪ Revelation 17:1-14 Anglican Bishop, 1784 ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) ▪ Matthew 13:44-52 ▪ Revelation 12:1-12 ▪ Psalms 97 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Ezra 7:27-28; 8:21-36 ▪ Matthew 14:22-36 ▪ Nehemiah 5:1-19 ▪ Psalms 42 & 146 (AM) ▪ Matthew 13:53-58 ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ Revelation 15:1-8 ▪ Psalms 104 & 149 (AM) ▪ Acts 20:7-12 ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Matthew 14:13-21 ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) ▪ Luke 12:22-31 ▪ Psalms 1 & 33 (PM) ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY: Clives Staples Lewis, Clement, Bishop of Rome, Miguel Agustin Pro, Priest, Isaac Watts, hymnwriter, 1748 ▪ Isaiah 24:14-23 ▪ Micah 7:11-20 THE LAST SUNDAY AFTER Apologist and Spiritual c. 100 Martyr, 1927 James Otis Sargent Hannington, ▪ 1 Peter 3:13-4:6 ▪ 1 Peter 4:7-19 PENTECOST Writer, 1963 ▪ Nahum 1:1-13 ▪ Obadiah 15-21 Priest and Monk, 1935 ▪ Matthew 20:17-28 ▪ Matthew 20:29-34 ▪ Isaiah 19:19-25 ▪ Joel 3:1-2, 9-17 ▪ 1 Peter 1:13-25 ▪ 1 Peter 2:1-10 Thanksgiving Day (United ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ Romans 15:5-13 ▪ 1 Peter 1:1-12 ▪ Matthew 19:13-22 ▪ Matthew 19:23-30 States) ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) ▪ Luke 19:11-27 ▪ Matthew 19:1-12 ▪ Psalms 123 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Zephaniah 3:1-13 ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ 1 Peter 2:11-25 ▪ Psalms 81 & 113 (PM) ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) ▪ Matthew 20:1-16 ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) 21 22 23 24 ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) 25 26 27

THE FIRST SUNDAY IN ▪ Amos 2:6-16; 3:1-11 st. andrew, apostle ADVENT ▪ 2 Peter 1:1-21 ▪ Deuteronomy 30:11-14 Kamehameha IV, 1864, and ▪ Matthew 21:1-22 ▪ Romans 10:8b-18 Emma, 1885, King and Queen ▪ Psalms 122 & 145 (AM) ▪ Matthew 4:18-22 of Hawaii ▪ Psalms 40 & 67 (PM) ▪ Psalms 19 & 146 (AM) ▪ Amos 1:1-5, 13-2:8 ▪ Psalms 85 & 94 (PM) ▪ 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 ▪ Luke 21:5-19 ▪ Psalms 24 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 110 (PM) 28 29 30 < OCTOBER 2021 DECEMBER 2021 > DECEMBER 2021 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon, 1637 ▪ Amos 4:6-13 Francis Xavier, Missionary to John of Damascus, Priest, ▪ Amos 3:12-4:5 ▪ 2 Peter 3:11-18 Asia, 1552 c. 760 ▪ 2 Peter 3:1-10 ▪ Matthew 21:33-46 Jantine Auguste Haumersen, ▪ Amos 5:18-27 ▪ Matthew 21:23-32 ▪ Psalms 18:1-20 & 147:13-21 (AM) First Ordained Female ▪ Jude 17-25 ▪ Psalms 50 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 126 & 62 (PM) Lutheran Pastor, 1967 ▪ Matthew 22:15-22 ▪ Psalms 53 & 17 (PM) ▪ Amos 5:1-17 ▪ Psalms 90 & 149 (AM) ▪ Jude 1-16 ▪ Psalms 80 & 72 (PM) ▪ Matthew 22:1-14 ▪ Psalms 102 & 148 (AM) 1 2 ▪ Psalms 130 & 16 (PM) 3 4

THE SECOND SUNDAY IN Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, ▪ Amos 8:1-14 ▪ Amos 9:1-10 ▪ Haggai 1:1-15 Olsen Skrefsrud, ADVENT c. 342 397 ▪ Revelation 1:17-2:7 ▪ Revelation 2:8-17 ▪ Revelation 2:18-29 Missionary to India, 1910 Clement of Alexandria, ▪ Amos 7:1-9 ▪ Amos 7:10-17 ▪ Matthew 23:1-12 ▪ Matthew 23:13-26 ▪ Matthew 23:27-39 ▪ Haggai 2:1-19 Priest, c. 210 ▪ Revelation 1:1-8 ▪ Revelation 1:9-16 ▪ Psalms 50 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 18:1-20 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 102 & 148 (AM) ▪ Revelation 3:1-6 ▪ Amos 6:1-14 ▪ Matthew 22:23-33 ▪ Matthew 22:34-46 ▪ Psalms 53 & 17 (PM) ▪ Psalms 126 & 62 (PM) ▪ Psalms 130 & 16 (PM) ▪ Matthew 24:1-14 ▪ 2 Thessalonians 1:5-12 ▪ Psalms 122 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 33 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 90 & 149 (AM) ▪ Luke 1:57-68 ▪ Psalms 40 & 67 (PM) ▪ Psalms 85 & 94 (PM) ▪ Psalms 80 & 72 (PM) ▪ Psalms 24 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 110 (PM) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

THE THIRD SUNDAY IN Lucy, Martyr at Syracuse, c. John of the Cross, Renewer ▪ Zechariah 3:1-10 ▪ Zechariah 4:1-14 O Sapientia/O Wisdom O Adonai/O Lord of Might ADVENT 304 of the Church, 1591 ▪ Revelation 4:1-8 ▪ Revelation 4:9-5:5 ▪ Zechariah 7:8-8:8 ▪ Zechariah 8:9-17 ▪ Amos 9:11-15 ▪ Zechariah 1:7-17 ▪ Zechariah 2:1-13 ▪ Matthew 24:45-51 ▪ Matthew 25:1-13 ▪ Revelation 5:6-14 ▪ Revelation 6:1-17 ▪ 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, 13-17 ▪ Revelation 3:7-13 ▪ Revelation 3:14-22 ▪ Psalms 50 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 18:1-20 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Matthew 25:14-30 ▪ Matthew 25:31-46 ▪ John 5:30-47 ▪ Matthew 24:15-31 ▪ Matthew 24:45-51 ▪ Psalms 53 & 17 (PM) ▪ Psalms 126 & 62 (PM) ▪ Psalms 102 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 90 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 24 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 122 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 33 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 130 & 16 (PM) ▪ Psalms 80 & 72 (PM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 110 (PM) ▪ Psalms 40 & 67 (PM) ▪ Psalms 85 & 94 (PM) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN Katherina von Bora Luther, st. thomas, apostle O Rex Gentium/O King of Thorlak, Bishop of Skalholt, THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD: THE NATIVITY OF OUR ADVENT 1552 O Oriens/O Dayspring Nations 1193 CHRISTMAS EVE LORD: CHRISTMAS DAY O Radix Jesse/O Root of O Clavis David/O Key of David ▪ Habakkuk 2:1-4 ▪ 2 Samuel 2:1b-10 O Emmanuel/O Come, ▪ Jeremiah 31:10-14 ▪ Micah 4:1-5; 5:2-4 Jesse ▪ Zephaniah 3:14-20 ▪ Hebrews 10:35-11:1 ▪ Titus 2:1-3:8a Emmanuel ▪ Galatians 3:15-22 ▪ 1 John 4:7-16 ▪ Genesis 3:8-15 ▪ Titus 1:1-16 ▪ John 20:24-29 ▪ Luke 1:26-56 ▪ 2 Samuel 7:1-29 ▪ Luke 1:67-80 ▪ John 3:31-36 ▪ Revelation 12:1-10 ▪ Luke 1:1-25 ▪ Psalms 126 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 50 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Galatians 3:1-14 ▪ Psalms 102 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 2 & 149 (AM) ▪ John 3:16-21 ▪ Psalms 122 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 85 & 94 (PM) ▪ Psalms 53 & 17 (PM) ▪ Luke 1:57-66 ▪ Psalms 132 & 114 (PM) ▪ Psalms 98 & 96 (PM) ▪ Psalms 24 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 40 & 67 (PM) ▪ Psalms 18:1-20 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 110 (PM) 19 20 21 22 ▪ Psalms 126 & 62 (PM) 23 24 25

THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER st. john, apostle and the holy innocents, martyrs Thomas Becket, Archbishop ▪ 1 Kings 17:17-24 ▪ 1 Kings 3:5-14 CHRISTMAS evangelist ▪ Isaiah 49:13-23; 54:1-13; of Canterbury, Martyr, 1170 ▪ 3 John 1-15 ▪ James 4:13-17; 5:7-11 st. stephen, deacon and martyr ▪ Genesis 1:1-5,26-31; Proverbs Jeremiah 31:15-17 ▪ 2 Samuel 23:13-17b ▪ John 4:46-54 ▪ John 5:1-15 ▪ 1 Samuel 1:1-2, 7b-28; 8:22-30 ▪ 1 John 1:5-2:2 ▪ 2 John 1-13 ▪ Psalms 93 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 98 & 148 (AM) Jeremiah 26:1-9, 12-15 ▪ 1 John 1:1-2:2; 5:1-12 ▪ Matthew 2:13-18; 18:1-14 ▪ John 2:1-11 ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & 89:19-52 (PM) ▪ Psalms 45 & 96 (PM) ▪ Colossians 1:9-20; Acts 6:8- ▪ John 13:20-35; 21:20-25 ▪ Psalms 124 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 96 & 147:1-12 (AM) 7:2a, 51-60 ▪ Psalms 116:10-19 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 110 & 111 (PM) ▪ Psalms 132 & 97 (PM) ▪ Luke 2:22-40; Matthew 10:17-22 ▪ Psalms 19 & 121 (PM) ▪ Psalms 31 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 119:1-24 & 27 (PM) 26 27 28 29 30 31 < NOVEMBER 2021 JANUARY 2022 > Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

the circumcision and holy name of jesus New Year’s Day ▪ Isaiah 62:1-5, 10-12 ▪ Revelation 19:11-16 ▪ Matthew 1:19-25 2022 (AM) JANUARY Psalms 48 & 149 ▪ ▪ Psalms 99 & 8 (PM) 1

THE SECOND SUNDAY Charles Porterfield Krauth, ▪ Joshua 3:14-4:7 Kaj Munk, Martyr, 1944 THE EPIPHANY OF OUR ▪ Deuteronomy 8:1-3 ▪ Exodus 17:1-7 AFTER CHRISTMAS Teacher, 1872 ▪ Ephesians 5:1-20 ▪ Jonah 2:2-9 LORD: THE MANIFESTATION ▪ Colossians 1:1-14 ▪ Colossians 1:1-14 Johann Konrad Wilhelm ▪ 1 Kings 19:9-18 ▪ John 9:1-12, 35-38 ▪ Ephesians 6:10-20 OF CHRIST TO THE GENTILES ▪ John 6:30-33, 48-51 ▪ John 6:30-33, 48-51 Löhe, Pastor, 1872 ▪ Ephesians 4:17-32 ▪ Psalms 20 & 146 (AM) ▪ John 11:17-27, 38-44 ▪ Isaiah 49:1-7 ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 104 & 149 (AM) ▪ 1 Kings 3:5-14 ▪ John 6:15-27 ▪ Psalms 93 & 97 (PM) ▪ Psalms 99 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Revelation 21:22-27 ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) ▪ Colossians 3:12-17 ▪ Psalms 111 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 96 & 110 (PM) ▪ Matthew 12:14-21 ▪ John 6:41-47 ▪ Psalms 107 & 15 (PM) ▪ Psalms 72 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 48 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 100 & 67 (PM) ▪ Psalms 9 & 29 (PM) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

THE BAPTISM OF OUR LORD: William Laud, Archbishop of ▪ Genesis 3:1-24 Aelred, Abbot of Rievaulx, Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, Eivind Josef Berggrav, Bishop ▪ Genesis 6:9-22 THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER Canterbury, 1645 ▪ Hebrews 2:1-10 1167 367 of Oslo, 1959 ▪ Hebrews 4:1-13 THE EPIPHANY ▪ Genesis 2:4-25 ▪ John 1:19-28 ▪ Genesis 4:1-16 ▪ Genesis 4:17-26 ▪ Genesis 6:1-8 ▪ John 2:13-22 Julia Chester Emery, Mission ▪ Hebrews 1:1-14 ▪ Psalms 123 & 146 (AM) ▪ Hebrews 2:11-18 ▪ Hebrews 3:1-11 ▪ Hebrews 3:12-19 ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) Supporter, 1922 ▪ John 1:1-18 ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) ▪ John 1:29-42 ▪ John 1:43-51 ▪ John 2:1-12 ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) ▪ Genesis 1:1-2:3 ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) ▪ Ephesians 1:3-14 ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) ▪ John 1:29-34 ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalm 81 & 113 (PM) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

THE SECOND SUNDAY Antony, Abbot in Egypt, 356 the confession of st. peter Henry, Bishop of Uppsala, Fabian, Bishop of Rome, Agnes, Martyr at Rome, 304 Vincent, Deacon of AFTER THE EPIPHANY ▪ Genesis 8:6-22 the apostle: the week of Missionary to Finland, Martyr, 250 ▪ Genesis 11:27-12:8 Saragossa, Martyr, 304 George Fox, Renewer of ▪ Hebrews 4:14-5:6 prayer for christian unity Martyr, 1156 ▪ Genesis 11:1-9 ▪ Hebrews 7:1-17 ▪ Genesis 12:9-13:1 Society, 1691 ▪ John 2:23-3:15 begins Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester, 1095 ▪ Hebrews 6:13-20 ▪ John 4:16-26 ▪ Hebrews 7:18-28 Genesis 7:1-10, 17-23 Psalms 57 & 145 (AM) Genesis 9:1-29 John 4:1-15 Psalms 88 & 148 (AM) John 4:27-42 ▪ ▪ ▪ Acts 4:8-13 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Ephesians 4:1-16 Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) Hebrews 5:7-6:12 Psalms 143 & 147:13-21 (AM) Psalms 6 & 20 (PM) Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) ▪ ▪ ▪ 1 Peter 5:1-4 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Mark 3:7-19 John 3:16-36 Psalms 81 & 116 (PM) Psalms 125 & 90 (PM) ▪ ▪ Matthew 16:13-19 ▪ ▪ ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ ▪ Psalms 23 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) Psalms 125 & 91 (PM) ▪ 16 17 ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) 18 ▪ 19 20 21 22

THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER Francis de Sales, Bishop of the conversion of st. paul the Timothy, Titus, and Silas; Lydia, Dorcas, and Phoebe; Thomas Aquinas, Teacher, ▪ Genesis 18:1-16 THE EPIPHANY Geneva, 1622 apostle: the week of prayer Companions of St. Paul Helpers of the Apostles 1274 ▪ Hebrews 10:26-39 Phillips Brooks, Bishop of ▪ Genesis 14:1-24 for christian unity ends ▪ Genesis 15:1-16:14 ▪ Genesis 16:15-17:14 ▪ Genesis 17:15-27 ▪ John 6:16-27 Massachusetts, 1893 ▪ Hebrews 8:1-13 ▪ Acts 9:1-22 ▪ Hebrews 9:1-28 ▪ Hebrews 10:1-10 ▪ Hebrews 10:11-25 ▪ Psalms 63 & 149 (AM) ▪ Genesis 13:2-18 ▪ John 4:43-54 ▪ Galatians 1:11-24 ▪ John 5:1-29 ▪ John 5:30-47 ▪ John 6:1-15 ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) ▪ Galatians 2:1-10 ▪ Psalms 62 & 145 (AM) ▪ Luke 21:10-19 ▪ Psalms 96 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 116 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 84 & 148 (AM) ▪ Mark 7:31-37 ▪ Psalms 73 & 9 (PM) ▪ Psalms 67 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 132 & 134 (PM) ▪ Psalms 26 & 130 (PM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 40 (PM) ▪ Psalms 108 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 7 (PM) ▪ Psalms 66 & 23 (PM) 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

THE FOURTH SUNDAY ▪ Genesis 19:1-29 AFTER THE EPIPHANY ▪ Hebrews 11:1-12 ▪ Genesis 18:16-23 ▪ John 6:27-40 ▪ Galatians 5:13-25 ▪ Psalms 5 & 145 (AM) ▪ Mark 8:22-30 ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) 30 31 < DECEMBER 2021 FEBRUARY 2022 > FEBRUARY 2022 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Brigid (Bride), Abbess, 523 the presentation of our lord Ansgar (Anskar), Archbishop Cornelius the Centurion Paul Miki and His ▪ Genesis 21:1-21 in the temple (candlemas) of Hamburg, Missionary to ▪ Genesis 24:1-27 Companions, Martyrs of ▪ Hebrews 11:13-22 ▪ Malachi 3:1-4 Denmark and Sweden, 865 ▪ Hebrews 12:3-11 Japan, 1597 ▪ John 6:41-51 ▪ Hebrews 2:14-18 ▪ Genesis 22:1-23:20 ▪ John 7:1-13 ▪ Genesis 24:28-38, 49-51 ▪ Psalms 42 & 146 (AM) ▪ Luke 2:22-40 ▪ Hebrews 11:23-12:2 ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ Hebrews 12:12-29 ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) ▪ Psalms 84:1-6 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ John 6:52-71 ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) ▪ John 7:14-36 ▪ Psalms 1 & 33 (PM) ▪ Psalms 97 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 104 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) 1 2 3 4 5

THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER ▪ Genesis 25:19-34 ▪ Genesis 26:1-6, 12-33 ▪ Genesis 27:1-29 ▪ Genesis 27:30-45 ▪ Genesis 27:46-28:4, 10-22 ▪ Genesis 29:1-20 THE EPIPHANY ▪ Hebrews 13:1-16 ▪ Hebrews 13:17-25 ▪ Romans 12:1-8 ▪ Romans 12:9-21 ▪ Romans 13:1-14 ▪ Romans 14:1-23 Philipp Jakob Spener, ▪ John 7:37-52 ▪ John 7:53-8:11 ▪ John 8:12-20 ▪ John 8:21-32 ▪ John 8:33-47 ▪ John 8:47-59 Renewer of the Church, 1705 ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 123 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ Genesis 24:50-67 ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) ▪ 2 Timothy 2:14-21 ▪ Mark 10:13-22 ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 113 (PM) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER Cyril, Monk, 869; Methodius, Thomas Bray, Priest and ▪ Genesis 31:25-50 Janani Luwum, Archbishop of Martin Luther, Renewer of the ▪ Genesis 35:1-20 THE EPIPHANY Bishop, 885; Missionaries to Missionary, 1730 ▪ 1 John 2:12-17 Uganda and Martyr, 1977 Church, 1546 ▪ 1 John 3:11-18 Absalom Jones, Priest, 1818 the Slavs ▪ Genesis 31:1-24 ▪ John 10:1-18 ▪ Genesis 32:3-21 ▪ Genesis 32:22-33:17 ▪ John 11:1-16 ▪ Genesis 29:20-35 ▪ Genesis 30:1-24 ▪ 1 John 2:1-11 ▪ Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ 1 John 2:18-29 ▪ 1 John 3:1-10 ▪ Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) ▪ 1 Timothy 3:14-4:10 ▪ 1 John 1:1-10 ▪ John 9:18-41 ▪ Psalms 125 & 91 (PM) ▪ John 10:19-30 ▪ John 10:31-42 ▪ Psalms 125 & 90 (PM) ▪ Mark 10:23-31 ▪ John 9:1-17 ▪ Psalms 54 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 143 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 88 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 57 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 6 & 20 (PM) ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

THE SEVENTH SUNDAY ▪ Proverbs 3:11-20 ▪ Proverbs 4:1-27 Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, st. matthias, apostle Elizabeth Fedde, 1921; Emma Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg, AFTER THE EPIPHANY ▪ 1 John 3:18-4:6 ▪ 1 John 4:7-21 Martyr, 156 ▪ Acts 1:15-26 Francis, 1945; Deaconesses Missionary to India, 1719 Rasmus Jensen, First ▪ John 11:17-29 ▪ John 11:30-44 ▪ Proverbs 6:1-7:27 ▪ Philippians 3:13-21 ▪ Proverbs 8:1-21 Florence Li Tim-Oi, First Lutheran Pastor in North ▪ Psalms 62 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 12 & 146 (AM) ▪ 1 John 5:1-21 ▪ John 15:1, 6-16 ▪ Philemon 1-25 Female Priest in the Anglican America, 1620 ▪ Psalms 73 & 9 (PM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 7 (PM) ▪ John 11:45-12:8 ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ John 12:9-19 Communion, 1944 ▪ Proverbs 1:20-33 ▪ Psalms 96 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 26 & 130 (PM) ▪ Psalms 84 & 148 (AM) ▪ Proverbs 8:22-36 ▪ 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 ▪ Psalms 132 & 134 (PM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 40 (PM) ▪ 2 Timothy 1:1-14 ▪ Mark 10:35-45 ▪ John 12:20-26 ▪ Psalms 108 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 63 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 66 & 23 (PM) 20 21 22 23 24 25 ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) 26

THE TRANSFIGURATION ▪ Proverbs 27:1-6, 10-12 OF OUR LORD: THE LAST ▪ Philippians 2:1-13 SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY ▪ John 18:15-18, 25-27 ▪ Malachi 4:1-6 ▪ Psalms 5 & 145 (AM) ▪ 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) ▪ Luke 9:18-27 ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) 27 28 < JANUARY 2022 MARCH 2022 > MARCH 2022 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

George Herbert, Priest, 1633 ASH WEDNESDAY ▪ Habakkuk 3:1-18 ▪ Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32 ▪ Ezekiel 39:21-29 David, Bishop of Menevia, John Wesley, 1791; Charles ▪ Philippians 3:12-21 ▪ Philippians 4:1-9 ▪ Philippians 4:10-20 Wales, c. 544 Wesley, 1788; Renewers of ▪ John 17:1-18 ▪ John 17:9-19 ▪ John 17:20-26 ▪ Proverbs 30:1-4, 24-33 the Church ▪ Psalms 27 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 22 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 43 & 149 (AM) ▪ Philippians 3:1-11 Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, 672 ▪ Psalms 126 & 102 (PM) ▪ Psalms 105 & 130 (PM) ▪ Psalms 31 & 143 (PM) ▪ John 18:28-38 ▪ Amos 5:6-15 ▪ Psalms 42 & 146 (AM) ▪ Hebrews 12:1-14 ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) ▪ Luke 18:9-14 ▪ Psalms 5 & 147:1-12 (AM) 1 ▪ Psalms 27 & 51 (PM) 2 3 4 5

THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT Perpetua and Her ▪ Genesis 37:12-24 ▪ Genesis 37:25-36 ▪ Genesis 39:1-23 ▪ Genesis 40:1-23 Gregory the Great, Bishop of ▪ Daniel 9:3-10 Companions, Martyrs at ▪ 1 Corinthians 1:20-31 ▪ 1 Corinthians 2:1-13 ▪ 1 Corinthians 2:14-3:15 ▪ 1 Corinthians 3:16-23 Rome, 604 ▪ Hebrews 2:10-18 Carthage, 202 ▪ Mark 1:14-28 ▪ Mark 1:29-45 ▪ Mark 2:1-12 ▪ Mark 2:13-22 ▪ Genesis 41:1-13 ▪ John 12:44-50 ▪ Genesis 37:1-11 ▪ Psalms 34 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 5 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 22 & 148 (AM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 4:1-7 ▪ Psalms 84 & 150 (AM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 1:1-19 ▪ Psalms 25 & 91 (PM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 51 (PM) ▪ Psalms 126 & 102 (PM) ▪ Psalms 105 & 130 (PM) ▪ Mark 2:23-3:6 ▪ Psalms 42 & 32 (PM) ▪ Mark 1:1-13 ▪ Psalms 43 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 119:73-80 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 31 & 143 (PM) ▪ Psalms 121 & 6 (PM) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

THE SECOND SUNDAY IN ▪ Genesis 41:46-57 ▪ Genesis 42:1-17 ▪ Genesis 42:18-28 Patrick, Bishop, Missionary Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem, st. joseph, husband of mary LENT ▪ 1 Corinthians 4:8-21 ▪ 1 Corinthians 5:1-8 ▪ 1 Corinthians 5:9-6:11 to Ireland, 461 386 and guardian of our lord ▪ Genesis 41:14-45 ▪ Mark 3:7-19a ▪ Mark 3:19b-35 ▪ Mark 4:1-20 ▪ Genesis 42:29-38 ▪ Genesis 43:1-34 ▪ 2 Samuel 7:4, 8-16 ▪ Romans 6:3-14 ▪ Psalms 119:73-80 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 34 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 5 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 ▪ 1 Corinthians 7:1-24 ▪ Romans 4:13-18 ▪ John 5:19-24 ▪ Psalms 121 & 6 (PM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 91 (PM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 51 (PM) ▪ Mark 4:21-34 ▪ Mark 4:35-5:20 ▪ Matthew 1:18-24 ▪ Psalms 84 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 22 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 89 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 42 & 32 (PM) ▪ Psalms 126 & 102 (PM) ▪ Psalms 105 & 130 (PM) ▪ Psalms 31 & 143 (PM) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

THE THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath Jonathan Edwards, Teacher, Gregory the Illuminator, Óscar Arnulfo Romero, the annunciation of our lord ▪ Genesis 47:1-48:7 Cuthbert, Bishop of and Wells, 1711 Missionary to the Native Missionary Bishop of Archbishop of San Salvador, to the virgin mary ▪ 1 Corinthians 9:16-10:13 Lindisfarne, 687 ▪ Genesis 44:18-34 Americans, 1758 Armenia, c. 332 Martyr, 1980 ▪ Isaiah 7:10-14 ▪ Mark 6:47-7:23 ▪ Genesis 44:1-17 ▪ 1 Corinthians 7:25-31 James De Koven, Priest, 1879 ▪ Genesis 45:16-28 ▪ Genesis 46:1-7, 28-34 ▪ Hebrews 10:4-10 ▪ Psalms 43 & 149 (AM) ▪ Romans 8:1-10 ▪ Mark 5:21-43 ▪ Genesis 45:1-15 ▪ 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 ▪ 1 Corinthians 9:1-15 ▪ Luke 1:26-38 ▪ Psalms 31 & 143 (PM) ▪ John 5:25-29 ▪ Psalms 119:73-80 & 145 (AM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 7:32-40 ▪ Mark 6:13-29 ▪ Mark 6:30-46 ▪ Psalms 40:1-11 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 84 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 121 & 6 (PM) ▪ Mark 6:1-13 ▪ Psalms 5 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 105 & 130 (PM) ▪ Psalms 42 & 32 (PM) ▪ Psalms 34 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 51 (PM) ▪ Psalms 126 & 102 (PM) 20 21 ▪ Psalms 25 & 91 (PM) 22 23 24 25 26

THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ▪ Genesis 49:1-28 John Keble, Priest, 1866 ▪ Genesis 50:15-26 John Donne, Priest, 1631 LENT ▪ 1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1 Hans Nielsen Hauge, Renewer ▪ 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 ▪ Exodus 1:6-22 Charles Henry Brent, Bishop ▪ Mark 7:24-37 of the Church, 1824 ▪ Mark 8:11-26 ▪ 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 of the Philippines and of ▪ Psalms 119:73-80 & 145 (AM) ▪ Genesis 49:29-50:14 ▪ Psalms 5 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Mark 8:27-9:1 Western New York, 1929 ▪ Psalms 121 & 6 (PM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 11:2-34 ▪ Psalms 27 & 51 (PM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Genesis 48:8-22 ▪ Mark 8:1-10 ▪ Psalms 126 & 102 (PM) ▪ Romans 8:11-25 ▪ Psalms 34 & 146 (AM) ▪ John 6:27-40 ▪ Psalms 25 & 91 (PM) ▪ Psalms 84 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 42 & 32 (PM) 27 28 29 30 31 < FEBRUARY 2022 APRIL 2022 > APRIL 2022 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Amalie Wilhelmina Sieveking, James Lloyd Breck, Priest, Renewer of Society, 1859; 1876 Frederick Dennison Maurice, ▪ Exodus 2:23-3:15 Priest, 1872 ▪ 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 ▪ Exodus 2:1-22 ▪ Mark 9:14-29 ▪ 1 Corinthians 12:27-13:3 ▪ Psalms 43 & 149 (AM) ▪ Mark 9:2-13 ▪ Psalms 31 & 143 (PM) ▪ Psalms 40:1-11 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 105 & 130 (PM) 1 2

THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT Martin Luther King, Jr., ▪ Exodus 5:1-6:1 Albrecht Dürer, Painter, ▪ Exodus 7:25-8:19 William Augustus Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Richard, Bishop of Renewer of Society, 1968 ▪ 1 Corinthians 14:20-33a, 1528; Lucas Cranach the ▪ 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 Muhlenberg, Priest, 1877 Teacher, Martyr, 1945 Chichester, 1253 Benedict the African, Friar, 39-40 Elder, Painter, 1553; Matthäus ▪ Mark 10:17-31 ▪ Exodus 9:13-35 ▪ Exodus 10:21-11:8 ▪ Exodus 3:16-4:12 1589 ▪ Mark 9:42-50 Grünewald, Painter, 1528; ▪ Psalms 27 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ 2 Corinthians 4:1-12 ▪ 2 Corinthians 4:13-18 ▪ Romans 12:1-21 ▪ Exodus 4:10-31 ▪ Psalms 34 & 146 (AM) Michelangelo Buonarroti, ▪ Psalms 126 & 102 (PM) ▪ Mark 10:32-45 ▪ Mark 10:46-52 ▪ John 8:46-59 ▪ 1 Corinthians 14:1-19 ▪ Psalms 25 & 91 (PM) Artist, 1564 ▪ Psalms 22 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 43 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 84 & 150 (AM) ▪ Mark 9:30-41 ▪ Exodus 7:8-24 ▪ Psalms 105 & 130 (PM) ▪ Psalms 31 & 143 (PM) ▪ Psalms 42 & 32 (PM) ▪ Psalms 119:73-80 & 145 (AM) ▪ 2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6 ▪ Psalms 121 & 6 (PM) ▪ Mark 10:1-16 ▪ Psalms 5 & 147:1-12 (AM) 3 4 5 ▪ Psalms 27 & 51 (PM) 6 7 8 9 THE SUNDAY OF THE THE MONDAY IN HOLY WEEK THE TUESDAY IN HOLY WEEK THE WEDNESDAY IN HOLY MAUNDY THURSDAY GOOD FRIDAY THE SATURDAY IN HOLY WEEK PASSION: PALM SUNDAY George Augustus Selwyn, ▪ Lamentations 1:17-22 WEEK ▪ Lamentations 2:10-18 ▪ Lamentations 3:1-9, 19-33 ▪ Lamentations 3:37-58 Mikael Agricola, Bishop Bishop of New Zealand and of ▪ 2 Corinthians 1:8-22 ▪ Lamentations 2:1-9 ▪ 1 Corinthians 10:14-17; ▪ 1 Peter 1:10-20 ▪ Hebrews 4:1-16 of Turku, Renewer of the Lichfield, 1878 ▪ Mark 11:27-33 ▪ 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:11 11:27-32 ▪ John 19:38-42 ▪ Romans 8:1-11 Church, 1557 ▪ Lamentations 1:1-2, 6-12 ▪ Psalms 34 & 146 (AM) ▪ Mark 12:1-11 ▪ Mark 14:12-25 ▪ Psalms 22 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 43 & 149 (AM) William Law, Priest, 1761 ▪ 2 Corinthians 1:1-7 ▪ Psalms 25 & 91 (PM) ▪ Psalms 5 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 27 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 105 & 130 (PM) ▪ Zechariah 12:9-11; 13:1, 7-9 ▪ Mark 11:12-25 ▪ Psalms 27 & 51 (PM) ▪ Psalms 126 & 102 (PM) THE RESURRECTION OF OUR ▪ 1 Timothy 6:12-16 ▪ Psalms 119:73-80 & 145 (AM) LORD: VIGIL OF EASTER ▪ Luke 19:41-48 ▪ Psalms 121 & 6 (PM) ▪ Psalms 23 & 114 (PM) ▪ Psalms 84 & 150 (AM)10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ▪ Psalms 42 & 32 (PM) THE RESURRECTION OF OUR ▪ Exodus 12:14-27 Alphege, Archbishop of Johannes Bugenhagen, Anselm, Archbishop of Stewardship of Creation Toyohiko Kagawa, Renewer LORD: EASTER DAY ▪ 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Canterbury, Martyr, 1012 Pastor, 1558 Canterbury, Teacher, 1109 ▪ Exodus 13:1-2, 11-16 of Society, 1960 ▪ Isaiah 51:9-11 ▪ Mark 16:1-8 Olavus Petri, Priest, 1552; ▪ Exodus 12:40-51 ▪ Exodus 13:3-10 ▪ 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 ▪ Exodus 13:17-14:4 ▪ John 1:1-18 ▪ Psalms 97 & 145 (AM) Laurentius Petri, Archbishop ▪ 1 Corinthians 15:29-41 ▪ 1 Corinthians 15:41-50 ▪ Luke 24:1-12 ▪ 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:10 ▪ John 20:19-23 ▪ Psalms 124 & 115 (PM) of Uppsala, 1573; Renewers of ▪ Matthew 28:1-16 ▪ Matthew 28:16-20 ▪ Psalms 96 & 148 (AM) ▪ Mark 12:18-27 ▪ Psalms 93 & 150 (AM) the Church ▪ Psalms 99 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 47 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 49 & 138 (PM) ▪ Psalms 92 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 136 & 117 (PM) ▪ Exodus 12:28-39 ▪ Psalms 9 & 118 (PM) ▪ Psalms 68 & 113 (PM) ▪ Psalms 23 & 114 (PM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 15:12-28 ▪ Mark 16:9-20 ▪ Psalms 98 & 146 (AM) 17 18 ▪ Psalms 66 & 116 (PM) 19 20 21 22 23

THE SECOND SUNDAY OF ▪ Exodus 14:21-15:21 st. mark, evangelist ▪ Exodus 15:22-16:10 Holocaust Remembrance Day Catherine of Siena, Teacher, ▪ Exodus 17:1-16 EASTER ▪ 1 Peter 1:1-25 ▪ Isaiah 52:7-10 ▪ 1 Peter 2:1-10 (Yom HaShoah) 1380 ▪ 1 Peter 4:7-19 Johann Walter (Walther), ▪ John 14:1-31 ▪ 2 Timothy 4:6-11, 18 ▪ John 15:1-11 ▪ Exodus 16:10-22 ▪ Exodus 16:23-36 ▪ John 16:16-33 Musician, 1570 ▪ Psalms 97 & 145 (AM) ▪ Mark 16:15-20 ▪ Psalms 99 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ 1 Peter 2:11-3:12 ▪ 1 Peter 3:13-4:6 ▪ Psalms 92 & 149 (AM) ▪ Exodus 14:5-22 ▪ Psalms 124 & 115 (PM) ▪ Psalms 57 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 9 & 118 (PM) ▪ John 15:12-27 ▪ John 16:1-15 ▪ Psalms 23 & 114 (PM) ▪ 1 John 1:1-7 ▪ Psalms 66 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 47 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 96 & 148 (AM) ▪ John 14:1-7 ▪ Psalms 68 & 113 (PM) ▪ Psalms 49 & 138 (PM) ▪ Psalms 93 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 136 & 117 (PM)24 25 26 27 28 29 30 < MARCH 2022 MAY 2022 > MAY 2022 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

THE THIRD SUNDAY OF st. philip and st. james, ▪ Exodus 18:13-19:16 ▪ Exodus 19:16-25 Frederick III Wettin, the ▪ Exodus 24:1-18 ▪ Exodus 25:1-22 EASTER apostles ▪ 1 Peter 5:1-14 ▪ Colossians 1:1-23 Wise, Elector of Saxony ▪ Colossians 2:8-23 ▪ Colossians 3:1-17 ▪ Exodus 18:1-12 Athanasius, Bishop of ▪ Matthew 1:1-17; 3:1-12 ▪ Matthew 3:13-17 and Founder of Wittenberg ▪ Matthew 4:12-17 ▪ Matthew 4:18-25 ▪ 1 John 2:7-17 Alexandria, 373 ▪ Psalms 98 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 99 & 147:1-12 (AM) University, 1525 ▪ Psalms 96 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 92 & 149 (AM) ▪ Mark 16:9-20 ▪ Isaiah 30:18-21 ▪ Psalms 66 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 9 & 118 (PM) ▪ Exodus 20:1-21 ▪ Psalms 49 & 138 (PM) ▪ Psalms 23 & 114 (PM) ▪ Psalms 93 & 150 (AM) ▪ 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 ▪ Colossians 1:24-2:7 ▪ Psalms 136 & 117 (PM) ▪ John 14:6-14 ▪ Matthew 4:1-11 ▪ Psalms 119:33-40 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 47 & 147:13-21 (AM) 1 ▪ Psalms 124 & 115 (PM) 2 3 4 ▪ Psalms 68 & 113 (PM) 5 6 7

THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF Nicolaus Ludwig, Count von ▪ Exodus 32:21-34 ▪ Exodus 33:1-23 ▪ Exodus 34:1-17 ▪ Exodus 34:18-35 ▪ Exodus 40:18-38 EASTER Zinzendorf, Renewer of the ▪ 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 ▪ 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 ▪ 1 Thessalonians 2:13-20 ▪ 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13 ▪ 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 Dame Julian of Norwich, Church, 1760 ▪ Matthew 5:11-16 ▪ Matthew 5:17-20 ▪ Matthew 5:21-26 ▪ Matthew 5:27-37 ▪ Matthew 5:38-48 Anchoress, c. 1417 ▪ Exodus 32:1-20 ▪ Psalms 98 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 99 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 47 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 96 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 92 & 149 (AM) ▪ Exodus 28:1-4, 30-38 ▪ Colossians 3:18-4:6-18 ▪ Psalms 66 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 9 & 118 (PM) ▪ Psalms 68 & 113 (PM) ▪ Psalms 49 & 138 (PM) ▪ Psalms 23 & 114 (PM) ▪ 1 John 2:18-29 ▪ Matthew 5:1-10 ▪ Mark 6:30-44 ▪ Psalms 97 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 93 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 124 & 115 (PM) ▪ Psalms 136 & 117 (PM) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF ▪ Leviticus 16:1-19 ▪ Leviticus 16:20-34 Erik IX Jedvardsson, King of Dunstan, Archbishop of Alcuin of York, Deacon, John Eliot, Missionary to the EASTER ▪ 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 ▪ 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Sweden, Martyr, 1160 Canterbury, 988 Abbot of Tours, 804 Native Americans, 1690 ▪ Leviticus 8:1-13, 30-36 ▪ Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 ▪ Matthew 6:7-15 ▪ Leviticus 19:1-18 ▪ Leviticus 19:26-37 ▪ Leviticus 23:1-22 ▪ Leviticus 23:23-44 ▪ Hebrews 12:1-14 ▪ Psalms 97 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 98 & 146 (AM) ▪ 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 ▪ 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 ▪ 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 ▪ 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18 ▪ Luke 4:16-30 ▪ Psalms 124 & 115 (PM) ▪ Psalms 66 & 116 (PM) ▪ Matthew 6:19-24 ▪ Matthew 6:25-34 ▪ Matthew 7:1-12 ▪ Matthew 7:13-21 ▪ Psalms 93 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 99 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 47 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 96 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 92 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 136 & 117 (PM) ▪ Psalms 9 & 118 (PM) ▪ Psalms 68 & 113 (PM) ▪ Psalms 49 & 138 (PM) ▪ Psalms 23 & 114 (PM) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

THE SIXTH SUNDAY OF Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen, Nicolaus Copernicus, 1543; Bede the Venerable, Priest, THE ASCENSION OF OUR John Calvin, Renewer of the ▪ Numbers 11:16-17, 24-29 EASTER Missionary to Sumatra, 1918 Johannes Kepler, 1630; Monk of Jarrow, 735 LORD Church, 1564 ▪ Ephesians 2:11-22 Helena, Mother of ▪ Leviticus 25:35-55 Leonhard Euler, 1783; Teachers ▪ Leviticus 26:27-42 Augustine, First Archbishop ▪ 1 Samuel 2:1-10 ▪ Matthew 7:28-8:4 Constantine, c. 330 ▪ Colossians 1:9-14 Jackson Kemper, Missionary ▪ Ephesians 1:1-10 of Canterbury, Missionary, ▪ Ephesians 2:1-10 ▪ Psalms 92 & 149 (AM) ▪ Leviticus 25:1-17 ▪ Matthew 13:1-16 Bishop, 1870 ▪ Matthew 22:41-46 605 ▪ Matthew 7:22-27 ▪ Psalms 23 & 114 (PM) ▪ James 1:2-8, 16-18 ▪ Psalms 97 & 145 (AM) ▪ Leviticus 26:1-20 ▪ Psalms 99 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Daniel 7:9-14 ▪ Psalms 96 & 148 (AM) ▪ Luke 12:13-21 ▪ Psalms 124 & 115 (PM) ▪ 1 Timothy 2:1-6 ▪ Psalms 9 & 118 (PM) ▪ Hebrews 2:5-18 ▪ Psalms 49 & 138 (PM) ▪ Psalms 93 & 150 (AM) ▪ Matthew 13:18-23 ▪ Matthew 28:16-20 ▪ Psalms 136 & 117 (PM) ▪ Psalms 98 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 97 & 147:13-21 (AM) 22 23 ▪ Psalms 66 & 116 (PM)24 25 ▪ Psalms 68 & 113 (PM)26 27 28

THE SUNDAY AFTER THE ▪ Joshua 1:1-9; 1 Samuel the visitation of the virgin ASCENSION: THE SEVENTH 16:1-13a mary to elizabeth and SUNDAY OF EASTER ▪ Ephesians 3:1-21 zechariah Jiří Třanovský, Hymnwriter, ▪ Matthew 8:5-27 ▪ Zephaniah 3:14-18a 1637 ▪ Psalms 97 & 145 (AM) ▪ Romans 12:9-16 ▪ Exodus 3:1-12 ▪ Psalms 124 & 115 (PM) ▪ Luke 1:39-47 ▪ Hebrews 12:18-29 ▪ Isaiah 12:1-6 & Psalm 146 (AM) ▪ Luke 10:17-24 ▪ Psalms 66 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 93 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 136 & 117 (PM)29 30 31 < APRIL 2022 JUNE 2022 > JUNE 2022 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Justin, Martyr at Rome, c. 165 Blandina and Her The Martyrs of Uganda, 1886 John XXIII, Bishop of Rome, ▪ Isaiah 4:2-6 Companions, Martyrs at ▪ Jeremiah 31:27-34 Renewer of the Church, 1963 ▪ Ephesians 4:1-16 Lyons, 177 ▪ Ephesians 5:1-32 ▪ Ezekiel 36:22-27 ▪ Matthew 8:28-34 ▪ Zechariah 4:1-14 ▪ Matthew 9:9-17 ▪ Ephesians 6:1-24 ▪ Psalms 99 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Ephesians 4:17-32 ▪ Psalms 96 & 148 (AM) ▪ Matthew 9:18-26 ▪ Psalms 9 & 118 (PM) ▪ Matthew 9:1-8 ▪ Psalms 49 & 138 (PM) ▪ Psalms 92 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 47 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 68 & 113 (PM) PENTECOST: THE VIGIL OF PENTECOST 1 2 3 ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) 4

PENTECOST: THE DAY OF William Alfred Passavant, Noah Sealth (Seattle), ▪ Ezekiel 34:1-16 Columba, Abbot of Iona, 597 Ephrem of Edessa, Deacon, st. barnabas, apostle PENTECOST Renewer of Society, 1894 Chief of the Duwamish ▪ 1 John 2:12-17 Aidan, Bishop of Lindisfarne, 373 ▪ Ezekiel 47:1-12 Boniface, Archbishop ▪ Ezekiel 33:1-11 Confederacy, 1866 ▪ Matthew 10:5-15 651 ▪ Ezekiel 39:21-29 ▪ 1 John 3:11-18 of Mainz, Missionary to ▪ 1 John 1:1-10 ▪ Ezekiel 33:21-33 ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Ezekiel 37:21b-28 ▪ 1 John 3:1-10 ▪ Matthew 10:34-42 Germany, Martyr, 754 ▪ Matthew 9:27-34 ▪ 1 John 2:1-11 ▪ Psalms 1 & 33 (PM) ▪ 1 John 2:18-29 ▪ Matthew 10:24-33 ▪ Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) ▪ Deuteronomy 16:9-12 ▪ Psalms 5 & 145 (AM) ▪ Matthew 9:35-10:4 ▪ Matthew 10:16-23 ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) ▪ Acts 4:18-21, 23-33 ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) ▪ Psalms 42 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 97 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) ▪ John 4:19-26 ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

THE SUNDAY OF THE HOLY ▪ Proverbs 3:11-20 Macrina, Monastic, Teacher, 379; Evelyn Underhill, Teacher, Joseph Butler, Bishop of ▪ Proverbs 8:1-21 Bernard Mizeki, Catechist and TRINITY: THE FIRST SUNDAY ▪ 1 John 3:18-4:6 Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea, 1941 Durham, 1752 ▪ 2 John 1-13 Martyr in Rhodesia, 1896 AFTER PENTECOST ▪ Matthew 11:1-6 379; Gregory of Nazianzus, Bishop ▪ Proverbs 6:1-19 ▪ Proverbs 7:1-27 ▪ Matthew 12:1-14 ▪ Proverbs 8:22-36 ▪ Job 38:1-11; 42:1-5 ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) of Constantinople, c. 389; Gregory, ▪ 1 John 5:1-12 ▪ 1 John 5:13-21 ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) ▪ 3 John 1-15 ▪ Revelation 19:4-16 ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) Bishop of Nyssa, c. 385 ▪ Matthew 11:16-24 ▪ Matthew 11:25-30 ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) ▪ Matthew 12:15-21 ▪ John 1:29-34 ▪ Proverbs 4:1-27 ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ 1 John 4:7-21 ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 113 (PM) ▪ Matthew 11:7-15 ▪ Psalms 123 & 146 (AM) 12 13 ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) 14 15 16 17 18

THE SECOND SUNDAY ▪ Proverbs 10:1-12 Onesimos Nesib, Translator, Alban, the First Martyr in ▪ Proverbs 21:30-22:6 the nativity of st. john the The Presentation of the AFTER PENTECOST ▪ 1 Timothy 1:1-17 Evangelist, 1931 Britain, c. 304 ▪ 1 Timothy 4:1-16 baptist Augsburg Confession, ▪ Proverbs 9:1-12 ▪ Matthew 12:22-32 ▪ Proverbs 15:16-33 ▪ Proverbs 17:1-20 ▪ Matthew 13:24-30 ▪ Malachi 3:1-4 1530; Philipp Melanchthon, ▪ Acts 8:14-25 ▪ Psalms 57 & 145 (AM) ▪ 1 Timothy 1:18-2:15 ▪ 1 Timothy 3:1-16 ▪ Psalms 143 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Acts 13:13-26 Renewer of the Church, 1560 ▪ Luke 10:25-28, 38-42 ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) ▪ Matthew 12:33-42 ▪ Matthew 12:43-50 ▪ Psalms 81 & 116 (PM) ▪ Luke 1:57-80 ▪ Proverbs 23:19-21, 29-24:2; ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 54 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 141 & 148 (AM) 25:15-28 ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) ▪ Psalms 125 & 91 (PM) ▪ Psalms 6 & 20 (PM) ▪ 1 Timothy 5:17-6:21 ▪ Matthew 13:31-43 ▪ Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) 19 20 21 22 23 24 ▪ Psalms 125 & 90 (PM) 25

THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop, Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, st. peter and st. paul, Johan Olof Wallin, PENTECOST Teacher, 444 c. 202 apostles Archbishop of Uppsala, ▪ Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 ▪ Ecclesiastes 2:1-15 ▪ Ecclesiastes 2:16-3:15 ▪ Ezekiel 34:11-16 Hymnwriter, 1839 ▪ Acts 8:26-40 ▪ Galatians 1:1-17 ▪ Galatians 1:18-2:21 ▪ 1 Corinthians 3:16-23 ▪ Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:3 ▪ Luke 11:1-13 ▪ Matthew 13:44-52 ▪ Matthew 13:53-14:12 ▪ 2 Timothy 4:1-8, 17-18 ▪ Galatians 3:1-14 ▪ Psalms 108 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 62 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 12 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 87 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Matthew 14:13-21 ▪ Psalms 66 & 23 (PM) ▪ Psalms 73 & 9 (PM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 7 (PM) ▪ Psalms 132 & 134 (PM) ▪ Psalms 116 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 26 & 130 (PM) 26 27 28 29 30 < MAY 2022 JULY 2022 > Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

John Mason Neale, 1866; ▪ Ecclesiastes 5:8-20 Catherine Winkworth, 1878; ▪ Galatians 3:23-4:11 Hymnwriters ▪ Matthew 15:1-20 ▪ Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 ▪ Psalms 63 & 149 (AM) ▪ Galatians 3:15-22 ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) ▪ Matthew 14:22-36 JULY 2022 ▪ Psalms 84 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 40 (PM) 1 2

THE FOURTH SUNDAY ▪ Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 ▪ Ecclesiastes 8:14-9:10 Jan Hus, Martyr, 1415 ▪ Ecclesiastes 11:1-8 ▪ Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:14 ▪ Numbers 3:1-13 AFTER PENTECOST ▪ Galatians 4:12-20 ▪ Galatians 4:21-31 ▪ Ecclesiastes 9:11-18 ▪ Galatians 5:16-24 ▪ Galatians 5:25-6:10 ▪ Galatians 6:11-18 ▪ Ecclesiastes 6:1-12 ▪ Matthew 15:21-28 ▪ Matthew 15:29-39 ▪ Galatians 5:1-15 ▪ Matthew 16:13-20 ▪ Matthew 16:21-28 ▪ Matthew 17:1-13 ▪ Acts 10:9-23 ▪ Psalms 5 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 42 & 146 (AM) ▪ Matthew 16:1-12 ▪ Psalms 97 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 104 & 149 (AM) ▪ Luke 12:32-40 ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 1 & 33 (PM) ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER Benedict of Nursia, Abbot Nathan Söderblom, Johannes Flierl, Missionary ▪ Numbers 12:1-16 Olga, Princess of Kiev, ▪ Numbers 13:31-14:25 PENTECOST of Monte Cassino, c. 547; Archbishop of Uppsala, 1931 to Australia and Papua New ▪ Romans 2:12-24 Confessor, 969; Vladimir, ▪ Romans 3:9-20 ▪ Numbers 6:22-27 Scholastica, Abbess, c. 547 ▪ Numbers 11:1-23 Guinea, 1947 ▪ Matthew 18:10-20 First Christian Ruler of ▪ Matthew 19:1-12 ▪ Acts 13:1-12 ▪ Numbers 9:15-23; 10:29-36 ▪ Romans 1:16-25 ▪ Numbers 11:24-35 ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) Russia, 1015 ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ Luke 12:41-48 ▪ Romans 1:1-15 ▪ Matthew 17:22-27 ▪ Romans 1:28-2:11 ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) ▪ Numbers 13:1-3, 21-30 ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ Matthew 17:14-21 ▪ Psalms 123 & 146 (AM) ▪ Matthew 18:1-9 ▪ Romans 2:25-3:8 ▪ Psalms 81 & 113 (PM) ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Matthew 18:21-35 ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) 10 11 12 13 14 ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) 15 16

THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER ▪ Numbers 16:1-19 ▪ Numbers 16:20-35 Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1902; ▪ Numbers 17:1-11 st. mary magdelene Birgitta of Sweden, Renewer PENTECOST ▪ Romans 3:21-31 ▪ Romans 4:1-12 Amelia Jenks Bloomer, 1894; ▪ Romans 5:1-11 ▪ Judith 9:1, 11-14 of the Church, 1373 Bartolomé de Las Casas, ▪ Matthew 19:13-22 ▪ Matthew 19:23-30 Sojourner Truth, 1883; Harriet ▪ Matthew 20:17-28 ▪ 2 Corinthians 5:14-18 ▪ Numbers 20:1-29 Missionary to the Indies, 1566 ▪ Psalms 57 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 54 & 146 (AM) Ross Tubman, 1912; Renewers ▪ Psalms 143 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ John 20:11-18 ▪ Romans 5:12-6:11 William White, Bishop of ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) of Society ▪ Psalms 81 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 42:1-7 & 148 (AM) ▪ Matthew 20:29-21:11 Pennsylvania, 1816 ▪ Numbers 16:36-50 ▪ Psalms 6 & 20 (PM) ▪ Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) ▪ Numbers 14:26-45 ▪ Acts 15:1-12 ▪ Romans 4:13-25 ▪ Psalms 125 & 90 (PM) ▪ Luke 12:49-56 ▪ Matthew 20:1-16 ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) 17 18 19 ▪ Psalms 125 & 91 (PM)20 21 22 23

THE SEVENTH SUNDAY st. james the elder, apostle The Parents of the Blessed William Reed Huntington, Johann Sebastian Bach, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus of William WIlberforce, AFTER PENTECOST ▪ Numbers 22:1-21 Virgin Mary Priest, 1919 1750; Heinrich Schütz, 1672; Bethany Renewer of Society, 1833 Thomas à Kempis, Priest, 1471 ▪ Romans 6:12-23 ▪ Numbers 22:21-38 ▪ Numbers 22:41--23:12 George Frederick Handel, Olaf II Haraldsson, King of Robert Barnes, Confessor, ▪ Numbers 21:4-9, 21-35 ▪ Matthew 21:12-22 ▪ Romans 7:1-12 ▪ Romans 7:13-25 1759; Musicians Norway, Martyr, 1030 Martyr, 1540 ▪ Acts 17:12-34 ▪ Psalms 5 & 145 (AM) ▪ Matthew 21:23-32 ▪ Matthew 21:33-46 ▪ Numbers 23:11-26 ▪ Numbers 24:1-13 ▪ Numbers 24:12-25 ▪ Luke 13:10-17 ▪ Psalms 73 & 9 (PM) ▪ Psalms 12 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 96 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Romans 8:1-11 ▪ Romans 8:12-17 ▪ Romans 8:18-25 ▪ Psalms 108 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 7 (PM) ▪ Psalms 132 & 134 (PM) ▪ Matthew 22:1-14 ▪ Matthew 22:15-22 ▪ Matthew 22:23-40 ▪ Psalms 66 & 23 (PM) ▪ Psalms 116 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 84 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 63 & 149 (AM) 24 25 26 27 ▪ Psalms 26 & 130 (PM) 28 ▪ Psalms 25 & 40 (PM) 29 ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) 30

THE EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Ignatius of Loyola, Priest, Monastic, and Founder of the Society of Jesus, 1556 ▪ Numbers 27:12-23 ▪ Acts 19:11-20 ▪ Mark 1:14-20 ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) 31 < JUNE 2022 AUGUST 2022 > AUGUST 2022 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Joseph of Arimathea ▪ Numbers 35:1-3, 9-15, 30-34 ▪ Deuteronomy 1:1-18 ▪ Deuteronomy 3:18-28 ▪ Deuteronomy 31:7-13, 24- the transfiguration of our ▪ Numbers 32:1-6, 16-27 ▪ Romans 8:31-39 ▪ Romans 9:1-18 ▪ Romans 9:19-33 32:4; 34:1-12 lord ▪ Romans 8:26-30 ▪ Matthew 23:13-26 ▪ Matthew 23:27-39 ▪ Matthew 24:1-14 ▪ Romans 10:1-21 ▪ Exodus 34:29-35 ▪ Matthew 23:1-12 ▪ Psalms 42 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 97 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Matthew 24:15-51 ▪ 2 Peter 1:13-21 ▪ Psalms 5 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) ▪ Psalms 1 & 33 (PM) ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ Luke 9:28-36 ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) ▪ Psalms 99 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) 1 2 3 4 5 6

THE NINTH SUNDAY AFTER Dominic de Guzmán, Priest ▪ Joshua 2:15-24 Lawrence, Deacon and Clare, Abbess of Assisi, 1253 ▪ Joshua 4:19-5:1, 10-15 Florence Nightingale, 1910; PENTECOST and Friar, 1221 ▪ Romans 11:13-24 Martyr at Rome, 258 ▪ Joshua 3:14-4:7 ▪ Romans 12:9-21 Clara Maass, 1901; Renewers ▪ Joshua 1:1-18 ▪ Joshua 2:1-14 ▪ Matthew 25:14-30 ▪ Joshua 3:1-13 ▪ Romans 12:1-8 ▪ Matthew 26:17-25 of Society ▪ Acts 21:3-15 ▪ Romans 11:1-12 ▪ Psalms 123 & 146 (AM) ▪ Romans 11:25-36 ▪ Matthew 26:1-16 ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) Jeremy Taylor, Bishop of Down, ▪ Mark 1:21-27 ▪ Matthew 25:1-13 ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) ▪ Matthew 25:31-46 ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) Connor, and Dromore, 1667 ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) ▪ Joshua 6:1-14 ▪ Psalms 81 & 113 (PM) ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ Romans 13:1-7 ▪ Matthew 26:26-35 ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) 7 8 9 10 11 12 ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) 13

THE TENTH SUNDAY AFTER st. mary the virgin, mother of Stephen I, King of Hungary, Johann Gerhard, Theologian, William Porcher DuBose, ▪ Joshua 9:22-10:15 Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, PENTECOST our lord 1038 1637 Priest, 1918 ▪ Romans 15:14-24 1153 Maximilian Mary Kolbe, ▪ Isaiah 61:7-11 ▪ Joshua 7:1-8:22 ▪ Joshua 8:30-35 ▪ Joshua 9:3-21 ▪ Matthew 27:1-10 ▪ Joshua 23:1-16 Priest, Martyr, 1941 ▪ Galatians 4:4-7 ▪ Romans 13:8-14:12 ▪ Romans 14:13-23 ▪ Romans 15:1-13 ▪ Psalms 88 & 148 (AM) ▪ Romans 15:25-33 Jonathan Myrick Daniels, Civil ▪ Luke 1:46-55 ▪ Matthew 26:36-56 ▪ Matthew 26:57-68 ▪ Matthew 26:69-75 ▪ Psalms 6 & 20 (PM) ▪ Matthew 27:11-23 Rights Witness, Martyr, 1965 ▪ Psalms 34 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 54 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 143 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) ▪ Joshua 6:15-27 ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) ▪ Psalms 125 & 91 (PM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 125 & 90 (PM) ▪ Acts 22:30-23:11 ▪ Mark 2:1-12 ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) THE ELEVENTH SUNDAY ▪ Joshua 24:16-33 ▪ Judges 2:1-5, 11-23; 3:12-30 st. bartholomew, apostle Louis IX Capet, King of ▪ Judges 5:1-18 Monica, Mother of Augustine 387 AFTER PENTECOST ▪ Romans 16:1-16 ▪ Romans 16:17-27 ▪ Exodus 19:1-6 France, 1270 ▪ Acts 2:1-21 Thomas Gallaudet, 1902; ▪ Joshua 24:1-15 ▪ Matthew 27:24-31 ▪ Matthew 27:32-54 ▪ 1 Corinthians 12:27-31a ▪ Judges 4:4-23 ▪ Matthew 28:1-10 Henry Winter Syle, 1890; ▪ Acts 28:23-31 ▪ Psalms 62 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 12 & 146 (AM) ▪ John 1:43-51 ▪ Acts 1:1-26 ▪ Psalms 84 & 148 (AM) Priests to the Deaf ▪ Mark 2:23-28 ▪ Psalms 73 & 9 (PM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 7 (PM) ▪ Psalms 12 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Matthew 27:55-66 ▪ Psalms 25 & 40 (PM) ▪ Judges 5:19-31 ▪ Psalms 108 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 132 & 134 (PM) ▪ Psalms 116 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Acts 2:22-36 ▪ Psalms 66 & 23 (PM) ▪ Psalms 26 & 130 (PM) ▪ Matthew 28:11-20 ▪ Psalms 63 & 149 (AM) 21 22 23 24 25 26 ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) 27

THE TWELFTH SUNDAY The Beheading of St. John ▪ Judges 7:1-18 John Bunyan, Teacher, 1688 AFTER PENTECOST the Baptist ▪ Acts 3:1-11 ▪ Judges 7:19-8:12 Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, ▪ Judges 6:25-40 ▪ John 1:19-28 ▪ Acts 3:12-26 Teacher, 430; Moses the Black, ▪ Acts 2:37-47 ▪ Psalms 42 & 146 (AM) ▪ John 1:29-42 Monk and Martyr, c. 400 ▪ John 1:1-18 ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Judges 6:1-24 ▪ Psalms 5 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 1 & 33 (PM) ▪ 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) ▪ Mark 3:20-30 ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) 28 29 30 31 < JULY 2022 SEPTEMBER 2022 > SEPTEMBER 2022 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

David Pendelton Oakerhater, Nikolai Frederik Severin The Martyrs of Papua New Deacon and Missionary, 1931 Grundtvig, Bishop and Guinea, 1942 ▪ Judges 8:22-35 Renewer of the Church, 1872 ▪ Judges 9:22-25, 50-57 ▪ Acts 4:1-12 ▪ Judges 9:1-16, 19-21 ▪ Acts 4:32-5:11 ▪ John 1:43-51 ▪ Acts 4:13-31 ▪ John 2:13-25 ▪ Psalms 97 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ John 2:1-12 ▪ Psalms 104 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) 1 2 3

THE THIRTEENTH SUNDAY Mother Theresa of Calcutta, ▪ Judges 13:1-15 ▪ Judges 13:15-24 The Nativity of the Blessed Peter Claver, Priest, Alexander Crummell, Priest, AFTER PENTECOST Renewer of Society, 1997 ▪ Acts 5:27-42 ▪ Acts 6:1-15 Virgin Mary Missionary to Colombia, 1654 1898 Albert Schweitzer, ▪ Judges 12:1-7 ▪ John 3:22-36 ▪ John 4:1-26 ▪ Judges 14:1-19 Constance, Nun, and Her ▪ Judges 16:1-14 Missionary to Africa, 1965 ▪ Acts 5:12-26 ▪ Psalms 123 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Acts 6:15-7:16 Companions, 1878 ▪ Acts 7:30-43 Paul Jones, Bishop, 1941 ▪ John 3:1-21 ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ John 4:27-42 ▪ Judges 14:20-15:20 ▪ John 5:1-18 ▪ Judges 11:1-11, 29-40 ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Acts 7:17-29 ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ 2 Corinthians 11:21b-31 ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) ▪ John 4:43-54 ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) ▪ Mark 4:35-41 ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 113 (PM) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

THE FOURTEENTH SUNDAY John Henry Hobart, Bishop of John Chrysostom, Bishop of holy cross day ▪ Job 1:1-22 Cyprian, Bishop and Martyr at Hildegard, Abbess of AFTER PENTECOST New York, 1830 Constantinople, 407 ▪ Numbers 21:4-9 ▪ Acts 8:26-40 Carthage, 258 Bingen, Renewer of the ▪ Judges 16:15-31 ▪ Judges 17:1-13 ▪ Judges 18:1-31 ▪ Philippians 2:5-11 ▪ John 6:16-27 Ninian, Bishop, Missionary to Church, 1179 ▪ 2 Corinthians 13:1-11 ▪ Acts 7:44-8:1a ▪ Acts 8:1-25 ▪ John 3:13-17 ▪ Psalms 143 & 147:13-21 (AM) Scotland, c. 430 ▪ Job 3:1-26 ▪ Mark 5:25-34 ▪ John 5:19-29 ▪ John 5:30-6:15 ▪ Psalms 78:1-2, 34-38 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 116 (PM) ▪ Job 2:1-13 ▪ Acts 9:10-19a ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 57 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 54 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 125 & 91 (PM) ▪ Acts 9:1-9 ▪ John 6:41-51 ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) ▪ John 6:27-40 ▪ Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 88 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 125 & 90 (PM) 11 12 13 14 15 ▪ Psalms 6 & 20 (PM) 16 17

THE FIFTEENTH SUNDAY Theodore of Tarsus, John Coleridge Patteson, st. matthew, apostle and Julius Falckner, First Lutheran ▪ Job 9:1-15, 32-35 ▪ Job 9:1; 10:1-9, 16-22 AFTER PENTECOST Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Melanesia, and His evangelist Pastor Ordained in North ▪ Acts 10:34-48 ▪ Acts 11:1-18 Dag Hammarskjöld, 690 Companions; Martyrs, 1871 ▪ Ezekiel 2:8-3:11 America, 1723 ▪ John 7:37-52 ▪ John 8:12-20 peacemaker, 1961 ▪ Job 4:1; 5:1-11, 17-21, 26-27 ▪ Job 6:1-4, 8-15, 21; 7:1-21 ▪ Ephesians 2:4-10 Philander Chase, Bishop of ▪ Psalms 84 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 63 & 149 (AM) Edward Bouverie Pusey, ▪ Acts 9:19b-31 ▪ Acts 9:32-10:16 ▪ Matthew 9:9-13 Ohio and Illinois, 1852 ▪ Psalms 25 & 40 (PM) ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) Priest, 1882 ▪ John 6:52-59 ▪ John 6:60-7:13 ▪ Psalms 119:33-40 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Job 8:1-10, 20-22 ▪ Job 4:1-6, 12-21 ▪ Psalms 62 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 12 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 132 & 134 (PM) ▪ Acts 10:17-33 ▪ Revelation 4:1-11 ▪ Psalms 73 & 9 (PM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 7 (PM) ▪ John 7:14-36 ▪ Mark 6:1-6a ▪ Psalms 116 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 108 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 26 & 130 (PM) ▪ Psalms 66 & 23 (PM) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

THE SIXTEENTH SUNDAY Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Vincent de Paul, Priest, Jehu Jones, Jr., Pastor, 1852 st. michael and all angels Jerome of Stridon, Translator AFTER PENTECOST Winchester, 1626 Renewer of Church and ▪ Job 12:1; 14:1-22; 16:16-22; ▪ Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 and Teacher, Priest and Monk Sergius of Radonezh, Abbot ▪ Job 12:1-6, 13-25 Society, 1660 17:1, 13-16 ▪ Revelation 12:7-12 of Bethlehem, 420 of Holy Trinity, Moscow, 1392 ▪ Acts 11:19-30 ▪ Job 12:1; 13:3-17, 21-27 ▪ Acts 12:18-25; 13:1-12 ▪ John 1:47-51 ▪ Job 19:1-7, 14-27 ▪ Job 11:1-9, 13-20 ▪ John 8:21-32 ▪ Acts 12:1-17 ▪ John 8:47-9:17 ▪ Psalms 103 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Acts 13:13-25 ▪ Revelation 5:1-14 ▪ Psalms 5 & 145 (AM) ▪ John 8:33-47 ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ John 9:18-41 ▪ Matthew 5:1-12 ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) ▪ Psalms 42 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 1 & 33 (PM) ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) 25 26 27 28 29 30 < AUGUST 2022 OCTOBER 2022 > Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Remigius, Bishop of Rheims, c. 533 ▪ Job 22:1-4, 21--23:7 ▪ Acts 13:26-43 ▪ John 10:1-18 ▪ Psalms 104 & 149 (AM) OCTOBER 2022 ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) 1

THE SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY ▪ Job 32:1-10, 19-33:1, 19-28 Francis of Assisi, Friar and Frederike Fliedner, 1842; William Tyndale, Priest, Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, ▪ Job 38:1-17 AFTER PENTECOST ▪ Acts 13:44-52 Deacon, Renewer of the Theodor Fliedner, 1864; Translator, Martyr, 1536 Missionary to America, 1787 ▪ Acts 15:22-35 ▪ Job 25:1-6; 27:1-6 ▪ John 10:19-30 Church, 1226 Karolin Fliedner, 1892; ▪ Job 29:1; 31:1-23 ▪ Job 29:1; 31:24-40 ▪ John 11:45-54 ▪ Revelation 14:1-7, 13 ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) ▪ Job 29:1-20 Renewers of Society ▪ Acts 15:1-11 ▪ Acts 15:12-21 ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ Matthew 5:13-20 ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) ▪ Acts 14:1-18 ▪ Job 29:1; 30:1-2, 16-31 ▪ John 11:17-29 ▪ John 11:30-44 ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ John 10:31-42 ▪ Acts 14:19-28 ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 113 (PM) ▪ Psalms 123 & 146 (AM) ▪ John 11:1-16 ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) 2 3 4 ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) 5 6 7 8

THE EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY Thanksgiving Day (Canada) Philip, Deacon and ▪ Job 42:1-17 Elizabeth Fry, Renewer of Samuel Isaac Joseph Teresa of Avila, Renewer of AFTER PENTECOST ▪ Job 40:1-24 Evangelist ▪ Acts 16:16-24 Society, 1845 Schereschewsky, 1906; the Church, 1582 Robert Grosseteste, Bishop ▪ Acts 15:36-16:5 ▪ Job 40:1; 41:1-11 ▪ John 12:20-26 ▪ Job 28:1-28 Channing Moore Williams, ▪ Esther 2:5-8, 15-23 of Lincoln, 1253 ▪ John 11:55-12:8 ▪ Acts 16:6-15 ▪ Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Acts 16:25-40 1910; Missionary Bishops ▪ Acts 17:16-34 ▪ Job 38:1, 18-41 ▪ Psalms 57 & 145 (AM) ▪ John 12:9-19 ▪ Psalms 125 & 91 (PM) ▪ John 12:27-36a ▪ Esther 1:1-4, 10-19 ▪ John 12:44-50 ▪ Revelation 18:1-8 ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) ▪ Psalms 54 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 143 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Acts 17:1-15 ▪ Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) ▪ Matthew 5:21-26 ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 116 (PM) ▪ John 12:36b-43 ▪ Psalms 125 & 90 (PM) ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 88 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) 9 10 11 12 13 ▪ Psalms 6 & 20 (PM) 14 15

THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, st. luke, evangelist and Henry Martyn, Priest and ▪ Esther 7:1-10 ▪ Esther 8:1-8, 15-17 ▪ Esther 9:1-32 AFTER PENTECOST Martyr, c. 115 companion of paul Missionary to India and ▪ Acts 19:11-20 ▪ Acts 19:21-41 ▪ Acts 20:1-16 Thomas Cranmer, Paull Spring, First Bishop of ▪ Sirach 38:1-4, 6-10, 12-14 Persia, 1812 ▪ Luke 4:14-30 ▪ Luke 4:31-37 ▪ Luke 4:38-44 Archbishop of Canterbury, the NALC, 2020 ▪ 2 Timothy 4:5-13 ▪ Esther 5:1-14; 6:1-14 ▪ Psalms 116 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 84 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 63 & 149 (AM) Renewer of the Church, 1556 ▪ Esther 4:4-17 ▪ Luke 4:14-21 ▪ Acts 18:12-28; 19:1-10 ▪ Psalms 26 & 130 (PM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 40 (PM) ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) ▪ Esther 3:1-4:3 ▪ Acts 18:1-11 ▪ Psalms 147 & 146 (AM) ▪ Luke 3:15-22; 4:1-13 ▪ James 1:19-27 ▪ Luke 1:1-4; 3:1-14 ▪ Psalms 36 & 7 (PM) ▪ Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 ▪ Psalms 62 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 132 & 134 (PM) ▪ Psalms 108 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 73 & 9 (PM) ▪ Psalms 66 & 23 (PM) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

THE TWENTIETH SUNDAY st. james of jerusalem, ▪ Hosea 2:2-23 Philipp Nicolai, 1608; Johann ▪ Hosea 4:1-19 st. simon and st. jude, James Hannington, and His OF PENTECOST brother of our lord jesus ▪ Acts 20:17-38; 21:1-14 Heermann, 1647; Paul ▪ Acts 21:27-22:16 apostles Companions, Martyrs, 1885 ▪ Hosea 1:1-2:1 christ, bishop, martyr, c. 62 ▪ Luke 5:1-26 Gerhardt, 1676; Hymnwriters ▪ Luke 6:1-26 ▪ Jeremiah 26:1-16 ▪ Hosea 5:1-7 ▪ James 3:1-13 ▪ Acts 15:12-22a ▪ Psalms 42 & 146 (AM) Alfred the Great, King of the ▪ Psalms 97 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ 1 John 4:1-6 ▪ Acts 22:17-29 ▪ Matthew 13:44-52 ▪ 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) West Saxons, 899 ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ John 14:21-27 ▪ Luke 6:27-38 ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Matthew 13:54-58 ▪ Hosea 3:1-5 ▪ Acts 21:15-26 ▪ Psalms 119:89-96 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 104 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) ▪ Psalms 1 & 145 (AM) ▪ Luke 5:27-39 ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) ▪ Psalms 118 & 111 (PM) ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & 147:1-12 (AM) 23 24 25 ▪ Psalms 1 & 33 (PM) 26 27 28 29 THE TWENTY-FIRST Reformation Day SUNDAY OF PENTECOST ▪ Hosea 6:7-7:7 ▪ Hosea 5:8-6:6 ▪ Acts 22:30-23:11 ▪ 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 ▪ Luke 6:39-49 ▪ Matthew 14:1-12 ▪ Psalms 135 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 19 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 97 & 112 (PM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 113 (PM) 30 31 < SEPTEMBER 2022 NOVEMBER 2022 > NOVEMBER 2022 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

all saints’ day Commemoration of the Martin de Porres, Renewer of ▪ Hosea 9:10-17 Elizabeth and Zechariah, ▪ Isaiah 26:1-4, 8-9, 12-13, 19-21 Faithful Departed Society, 1639 ▪ Acts 24:24--25:12 Parents of St. John the ▪ Revelation 7:2-4, 9-17 ▪ Hosea 7:8-16; 8:1-14 Richard Hooker, Priest, 1600 ▪ Luke 8:1-15 Baptist ▪ Matthew 5:1-12 ▪ Acts 23:12-35 ▪ Hosea 9:1-9 ▪ Psalms 130 & 148 (AM) ▪ Hosea 10:1-15 ▪ Psalms 149 & 146 (AM) ▪ Luke 7:1-35 ▪ Acts 24:1-23 ▪ Psalms 32 & 139 (PM) ▪ Acts 25:13-27 ▪ Psalms 30 & 86 (PM) ▪ Psalms 15 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Luke 7:36-50 ▪ Luke 8:16-25 ▪ Psalms 48 & 4 (PM) ▪ Psalms 36 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 56 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 80 & 27 (PM) ▪ Psalms 100 & 63 (PM) 1 2 3 4 5

THE TWENTY-SECOND Willibrord, Archbishop of John Christian Frederick Martin Chemnitz, Pastor and Leo the Great, Bishop of Martin, Bishop of Tours, 397 Søren Aabye Kierkegaard, SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Utrecht, Missionary to Frisia, Heyer, Missionary to India, Confessor, 1586 Rome, 461 ▪ Hosea 13:9-16 Theologian, 1855 William Temple, Archbishop 739 1873 ▪ Hosea 13:1-3 ▪ Hosea 13:4-8 ▪ Acts 28:1-16 Charles Simeon, Priest, 1836 of Canterbury, 1944 ▪ Hosea 11:12-12:1 Johannes von Staupitz, Abbot ▪ Acts 27:9-26 ▪ Acts 27:27-44 ▪ Luke 9:28-36 ▪ Hosea 14:1-9 ▪ Hosea 11:1-11 ▪ Acts 26:1-23 and Confessor, 1524 ▪ Luke 9:1-17 ▪ Luke 9:18-27 ▪ Psalms 88 & 148 (AM) ▪ Acts 28:17-31 ▪ 1 Corinthians 4:9-16 ▪ Luke 8:26-39 ▪ Hosea 12:2-14 ▪ Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 143 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 6 & 20 (PM) ▪ Luke 9:37-50 ▪ Matthew 15:21-28 ▪ Psalms 57 & 145 (AM) ▪ Acts 26:24--27:8 ▪ Psalms 125 & 91 (PM) ▪ Psalms 81 & 116 (PM) ▪ Psalms 122 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 67 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 85 & 47 (PM) ▪ Luke 8:40-56 ▪ Psalms 125 & 90 (PM) ▪ Psalms 46 & 93 (PM) ▪ Psalms 54 & 146 (AM) 6 7 ▪ Psalms 28 & 99 (PM) 8 9 10 11 12

THE TWENTY-THIRD Consecration of Samuel ▪ Micah 3:1-8 Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Elizabeth of Thuringia, Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680 Mechtild of Magdeburg, SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Seabury, First American ▪ Revelation 7:9-17 1093 Princess of Hungary, 1231 ▪ Micah 6:1-8 1282; Mechtild of Hackeborn, ▪ Micah 1:1-9 Anglican Bishop, 1784 ▪ Luke 10:1-16 ▪ Micah 3:9-4:5 Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, 1200 ▪ Revelation 9:13-21 1298; Gertrude the Great, ▪ 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 ▪ Micah 2:1-13 ▪ Psalms 12 & 146 (AM) ▪ Revelation 8:1-13 ▪ Micah 5:1-4, 10-15 ▪ Luke 10:38-42 1302; Renewers of the ▪ Matthew 16:13-20 ▪ Revelation 7:1-8 ▪ Psalms 36 & 7 (PM) ▪ Luke 10:17-24 ▪ Revelation 9:1-12 ▪ Psalms 84 & 148 (AM) Church ▪ Psalms 108 & 150 (AM) ▪ Luke 9:51-62 ▪ Psalms 65 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Luke 10:25-37 ▪ Psalms 25 & 40 (PM) ▪ Micah 7:1-7 ▪ Psalms 66 & 23 (PM) ▪ Psalms 62 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 132 & 134 (PM) ▪ Psalms 116 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Revelation 10:1-11 ▪ Psalms 73 & 9 (PM) ▪ Psalms 26 & 130 (PM) ▪ Luke 11:1-13 ▪ Psalms 63 & 149 (AM) 13 14 15 16 17 18 ▪ Psalms 138 & 98 (PM) 19

THE LAST SUNDAY AFTER ▪ Zechariah 10:1-12 Clives Staples Lewis, Clement, Bishop of Rome, Miguel Agustin Pro, Priest, Isaac Watts, Hymnwriter, 1748 ▪ Zechariah 14:12-21 PENTECOST: CHRIST THE ▪ Galatians 6:1-10 Apologist and Spiritual c. 100 Martyr, 1927 James Otis Sargent Hannington, ▪ Philippians 2:1-11 KING SUNDAY ▪ Luke 18:15-30 Writer, 1963 ▪ Zechariah 12:1-10 Thanksgiving Day (United Priest and Monk, 1935 ▪ Luke 19:41-48 Edmund, King of East Anglia, ▪ Psalms 5 & 145 (AM) ▪ Zechariah 11:4-17 ▪ Ephesians 1:3-14 States) ▪ Zechariah 14:1-11 ▪ Psalms 104 & 149 (AM) Martyr, 870 ▪ Psalms 82 & 29 (PM) ▪ 1 Corinthians 3:10-23 ▪ Luke 19:1-10 ▪ Zechariah 13:1-9 ▪ Romans 15:7-13 ▪ Psalms 80 & 72 (PM) ▪ Zechariah 9:9-16 ▪ Luke 18:31-43 ▪ Psalms 89:1-18 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Ephesians 1:15-23 ▪ Luke 19:28-40 ▪ 1 Peter 3:13-22 ▪ Psalms 42 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 1 & 33 (PM) ▪ Luke 19:11-27 ▪ Psalms 51 & 148 (AM) ▪ Matthew 21:1-13 ▪ Psalms 102 & 133 (PM) ▪ Psalms 97 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 142 & 65 (PM) ▪ Psalms 103 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 16 & 62 (PM) ▪ Psalms 117 & 139 (PM) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

THE FIRST SUNDAY IN Kamehameha IV, 1864, and ▪ Isaiah 1:21-31; 2:1-4 st. andrew, apostle ADVENT Emma, 1885, King and Queen ▪ 1 Thessalonians 2:1-20 ▪ Ezekiel 3:16-21 ▪ Isaiah 1:1-9 of Hawaii ▪ Luke 20:9-26 ▪ Romans 10:8b-18 ▪ 2 Peter 3:1-10 ▪ Isaiah 1:10-20 ▪ Psalms 33 & 146 (AM) ▪ John 1:35-42 ▪ Matthew 25:1-13 ▪ 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 ▪ Psalms 85 & 94 (PM) ▪ Psalms 19 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 24 & 150 (AM) ▪ Luke 20:1-8 ▪ Psalms 53 & 17 (PM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 110 (PM) ▪ Psalms 122 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 40 & 67 (PM) 27 28 29 30 < OCTOBER 2022 DECEMBER 2022 > DECEMBER 2022 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon, 1637 ▪ Isaiah 3:1-4:1 Francis Xavier, Missionary to ▪ Isaiah 2:5-22 ▪ 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 Asia, 1552 ▪ 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13 ▪ Luke 20:41-21:4 Jantine Auguste Haumersen, ▪ Luke 20:27-40 ▪ Psalms 102 & 148 (AM) First Ordained Female ▪ Psalms 18:1-20 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 130 & 16 (PM) Lutheran Pastor, 1967 ▪ Psalms 126 & 62 (PM) ▪ Isaiah 4:2-6 ▪ 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 ▪ Luke 21:5-19 ▪ Psalms 90 & 149 (AM) 1 2 ▪ Psalms 80 & 72 (PM) 3

THE SECOND SUNDAY IN Clement of Alexandria, Priest, Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, ▪ Isaiah 7:1-9 ▪ Isaiah 7:10-25 ▪ Isaiah 8:1-15 ADVENT c. 210 c. 342 397 ▪ 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 ▪ 2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:5 ▪ 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18 John of Damascus, Priest, ▪ Isaiah 5:8-17 ▪ Isaiah 5:18-25 ▪ Isaiah 6:1-13 ▪ Luke 22:1-13 ▪ Luke 22:14-30 ▪ Luke 22:31-38 c. 760 ▪ 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 ▪ 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 ▪ 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 ▪ Psalms 18:1-20 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 102 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 90 & 149 (AM) ▪ Isaiah 5:1-7 ▪ Luke 21:20-28 ▪ Luke 21:29-38 ▪ John 7:53-8:11 ▪ Psalms 126 & 62 (PM) ▪ Psalms 130 & 16 (PM) ▪ Psalms 80 & 72 (PM) ▪ 2 Peter 3:11-18 ▪ Psalms 122 & 145 (AM) ▪ Psalms 33 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 50 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Luke 7:28-35 ▪ Psalms 40 & 67 (PM) ▪ Psalms 85 & 94 (PM) ▪ Psalms 53 & 17 (PM) ▪ Psalms 24 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 110 (PM) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

THE THIRD SUNDAY IN ▪ Isaiah 8:16-9:1 Lucy, Martyr at Syracuse, c. John of the Cross, Renewer ▪ Isaiah 9:18-10:4 ▪ Isaiah 10:5-19 O Sapientia/O Wisdom ADVENT ▪ 2 Peter 1:1-11 304 of the Church, 1591 ▪ 2 Peter 2:10b-16 ▪ 2 Peter 2:17-22 ▪ Isaiah 10:20-27 , ▪ Luke 22:39-53 ▪ Isaiah 9:2-7 ▪ Isaiah 9:8-17 ▪ Matthew 3:1-12 ▪ Matthew 11:2-15 ▪ Jude 17-25 Missionary to India, 1910 ▪ Psalms 122 & 145 (AM) ▪ 2 Peter 1:12-21 ▪ 2 Peter 2:1-10a ▪ Psalms 18:1-20 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 102 & 148 (AM) ▪ Luke 3:1-9 ▪ Isaiah 13:1-13 ▪ Psalms 40 & 67 (PM) ▪ Luke 22:54-69 ▪ Mark 1:1-8 ▪ Psalms 126 & 62 (PM) ▪ Psalms 130 & 16 (PM) ▪ Psalms 90 & 149 (AM) ▪ Hebrews 12:18-29 ▪ Psalms 33 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 50 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 80 & 72 (PM) ▪ John 3:22-30 ▪ Psalms 85 & 94 (PM) ▪ Psalms 53 & 17 (PM) ▪ Psalms 24 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 110 (PM) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN O Radix Jesse/O Root of Katherina von Bora Luther, st. thomas, apostle O Rex Gentium/O King of Thorlak, Bishop of Skalholt, THE NATIVITY OF OUR ADVENT Jesse 1552 O Oriens/O Dayspring Nations 1193 LORD: CHRISTMAS EVE O Adonai/O Lord of Might ▪ Isaiah 11:10-16 O Clavis David/O Key of David ▪ Habakkuk 2:1-4 ▪ Isaiah 31:1-9 O Emmanuel/O Come, ▪ Isaiah 35:1-10 ▪ Isaiah 11:1-9 ▪ Revelation 20:1-10 ▪ Isaiah 28:9-29:24 ▪ Ephesians 2:19-22 ▪ Revelation 21:22-22:5 Emmanuel ▪ Revelation 22:12-17, 21 ▪ Ephesians 6:10-20 ▪ John 5:30-47 ▪ Revelation 20:11-21:21 ▪ John 20:24-29 ▪ Luke 1:39-56 ▪ Isaiah 33:17-22 ▪ Luke 1:67-80 ▪ John 3:16-21 ▪ Psalms 122 & 145 (AM) ▪ Luke 1:5-38 ▪ Psalms 117 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 18:1-20 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Revelation 22:6-11, 18-20 ▪ Psalms 90 & 149 (AM) ▪ Psalms 24 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 40 & 67 (PM) ▪ Psalms 33 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 53 & 17 (PM) ▪ Psalms 126 & 62 (PM) ▪ Luke 1:57-66 ▪ Psalms 132 & 114 (PM) ▪ Psalms 25 & 110 (PM) ▪ Psalms 85 & 94 (PM) ▪ Psalms 102 & 148 (AM) 18 19 20 21 22 ▪ Psalms 130 & 16 (PM) 23 24

THE NATIVITY OF OUR st. stephen, deacon and st. john, apostle and the holy innocents, martyrs Thomas Becket, Archbishop ▪ Isaiah 25:1-9 ▪ Isaiah 26:1-6 LORD: CHRISTMAS DAY martyr evangelist ▪ Isaiah 49:13-23; 54:1-13; of Canterbury, Martyr, 1170 ▪ Revelation 1:9-20 ▪ 2 Corinthians 5:16-6:2 ▪ Zechariah 2:10-13 ▪ 2 Chronicles 24:17-22 ▪ Genesis 1:1-5, 26-31; Proverbs Jeremiah 31:15-17 ▪ Isaiah 12:1-6 ▪ John 7:53-8:11 ▪ John 8:12-19 ▪ 1 John 4:7-16 ▪ Acts 6:1-7:2a; 7:51-8:8 8:22-30 ▪ Revelation 21:1-7 ▪ Revelation 1:1-8 ▪ Psalms 93 & 148 (AM) ▪ Psalms 98 & 149 (AM) ▪ John 3:31-36 ▪ Matthew 23:34-39 ▪ 1 John 1:1-2:2; 5:1-12 ▪ Matthew 2:13-18; 18:1-14 ▪ John 7:37-52 ▪ Psalm 89:1-52 (PM) ▪ Psalms 45 & 96 (PM) ▪ Psalms 2 & 150 (AM) ▪ Psalms 31 & 145 (AM) ▪ John 13:20-35; 21:20-25 ▪ Psalms 124 & 147:1-12 (AM) ▪ Psalms 96 & 147:13-21 (AM) ▪ Psalms 98 & 96 (PM) ▪ Psalms 119:1-24 & 27 (PM) ▪ Psalms 116:10-19 & 146 (AM) ▪ Psalms 110 & 111 (PM) ▪ Psalms 132 & 97 (PM) ▪ Psalms 19 & 121 (PM) 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 < NOVEMBER 2022 PSALM PRAYERS > peace through your Son, Psalm 31 Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. God of kindness and truth, you saved your chosen one, Psalm 26 Jesus Christ, and you give Lord Jesus, Lamb without your martyrs strength. Watch stain, image of the Father’s over your people who come PSALM PRAYERS glory: Give us the strength to you now, and strengthen to avoid sin and be faithful Psalm 1 Psalm 6 Psalm 11 Psalm 16 Psalm 21 the hearts of those who hope to you always. Lead us to the Lord God, in your loving Lord God, you love mercy Lord God, heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, uphold those who Father, you have given us life in you, that they may proclaim place where God dwells in his wisdom you have set us and tenderness; you give life your Son has fulfilled your hope in you, and give us your on this earth and have met your saving acts of kindness glory, that we may praise him beside the fountain of life, and overcome death. Look holy will so that we might counsel, so that we may know us with the richness of your in the eternal city; through with joy among his saints now like a tree planted by running upon the weakness and grief stand before you. Fill us with the joy of your resurrection grace. Bestow on us your your Son, Jesus Christ our and forever. Amen. streams. Grant that the cross of your Church; restore it to your Spirit and move us to and share the pleasures of greatest blessing, the fullness Lord. Amen. of your Son may become our health by your risen Son, so place our confidence only in the saints at your right hand, of eternal life in Jesus Christ Psalm 27 Psalm 32 tree of life in the paradise of that it may sing a new song you, and then on the day of where you live and reign with our Lord. Amen. Gracious Father, protector of Lord God, you desired to your saints, through Jesus in your praise; through your judgment we shall rejoice to the Father and the Holy Spirit, those who hope in you: You Psalm 22 keep from us your wrath and Christ our Lord. Amen. Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. see you face to face; through one God, now and forever. heard the cry of your Son and Father, when your Son was so did not spare your holy Amen. your Son, Jesus Christ our Amen. kept him safe in your shelter in Psalm 2 handed over to torture and servant Jesus Christ, who was Lord. Amen. the day of evil. Grant that your Lord God, you gave the Psalm 7 Psalm 17 felt abandoned by you, he wounded for our sins. We are servants who seek your face peoples of the world to be Lord God, righteous judge of Psalm 12 Lord God, you vindicated your cried out from the cross. Then your prodigal children, but we in times of trouble may see the inheritance of your Son; the nations, you expose us Lord God, protector of your Son when he was unjustly death was destroyed, and life come back to you confessing your goodness in the land of you crowned him as king of for what we are. Purge us of people, your light is true light condemned and surrounded was restored. By his death and our sins. Embrace us, that we the living, through your Son, Zion, your holy city, and gave all sin, set a firm guard on our and your truth shines like the by the wicked. Watch over resurrection save the poor, lift may rejoice in your mercy Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. him your Church as his bride. thoughts, and make us your day. Through your pure and your people as the apple up the downtrodden, break together with your beloved As he proclaims the way of people because of the Just life-giving words direct us to of your eye, and guard our the chains of the oppressed, Psalm 28 Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. your eternal kingdom, may One, Jesus Christ our Lord. salvation and give us the help steps until we see your face; that your Church may sing Strong Shepherd of your Amen. we serve him faithfully, and so Amen. we long for in Jesus Christ our through your Son, Jesus your praises; through your people, when your Son Psalm 33 know the royal power of your Lord. Amen. Christ our Lord. Amen. Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. stretched out his hands on Psalm 8 Lord God, through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. the cross, you heard him and Almighty Lord, amid the Psalm 13 Psalm 18 Son you made the heavens Amen. he did not become like those grandeur of your creation Lord our God, by the light Lord God, our stronghold and Psalm 23 and earth; through him you who go down into the pit. By Psalm 3 you sought us out, and by of the resurrection of your our salvation, give us such Lord Jesus Christ, shepherd continue to accomplish the his resurrection strengthen Lord God, king of the the coming of your Son you Son you have helped us see strength of love that we may of your Church, you give us intentions of your heart. Make your people to offer you universe, you deliver your adorned us with glory and that we shall not sleep in reach out to our neighbor new birth in the waters of your chosen people witnesses thanks for the mighty works people from adversity even honor, raising us in him above death forever. Look upon the without counting the cost, for baptism; you anoint us with of your truth among the that you have done, and as you delivered your own the heavens. Enable us so sufferings of your Church, so the sake of your Son, Jesus oil, and call us to salvation at nations and heralds of your make our hearts dance for Son from the grasp of death. to care for the earth that that our hearts may rejoice in Christ our Lord. Amen. your table. Dispel the terrors glory in the heavens; for the Shield us from danger and all creation may radiate the your saving help and sing you of death and the darkness of joy; through your Son, Jesus Psalm 19 sake of your Son, Jesus Christ raise us up on the last day splendor of your Son, Jesus songs of praise; through your error. Lead your people along Christ our Lord. Amen. Heavenly Father, you have our Lord. Amen. with all your saints to dwell Christ our Lord. Amen. Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. safe paths, that they may rest filled the world with beauty. Psalm 29 with you in your eternal Amen. securely in you and dwell in Psalm 9 Open our eyes to see your Lord our king, your voice Psalm 34 kingdom, through your Son, the house of the Lord now Lord God, righteous judge, Psalm 14 gracious hand in all your sounds over the waters as you Lord, graciously hear us, for Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. and forever, for your name’s hear the cries of your God of wisdom and truth, works, that rejoicing in your reign above the flood. Help we seek you alone. Calm sake. Amen. Psalm 4 oppressed people. Rescue without you neither truth nor whole creation, we may learn us, who are born again by our bodies and minds with Lord, you consoled your Son them from their oppressors, holiness can survive. Show to serve you with gladness, Psalm 24 water and the Holy Spirit, to the peace which passes in his anguish and released and save them from the gates your mighty presence among for the sake of him through Lord God, ruler and guide of praise your wonderful deeds understanding, and make us him from the darkness of the of death, so that we may us, and make us glad in whom all things were made, heaven and earth, you made in your holy temple; through radiant with joy; through your grave. Turn your face toward always rejoice in your help proclaiming your deliverance your Son, Jesus Christ our your Son a priest and brought your Son, Jesus Christ our Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. us, that we may sleep in your and speak your praise in the in Jesus Christ our Lord. Lord. Amen. him into your everlasting Lord. Amen. Amen. peace and rise in your light; gates of Zion; through your Amen. temple. Open our hearts that Psalm 20 Psalm 30 Psalm 35 through your Son, Jesus Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. the King of glory may enter, Psalm 15 Lord God, you accepted God our Father, glorious in Lord God, you rose to the aid Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen. and bring us rejoicing to your Lord Jesus, you first chose the perfect sacrifice of your giving life and even more of your beloved Son against holy mountain, where you live Psalm 5 Psalm 10 to live among us, and in Son upon the cross. Hear us glorious in restoring it: In those who unjustly sought and reign, one God, now and Holy Lord, all justice and all Faithful Lord, remember your returning to your Father you during times of trouble and his last night on earth your his life. Look on your Church forever. Amen. goodness come from you; people; do not hide your face made an eternal home for protect us by the power of his Son knew anguish and deep as we journey to you, and you hate evil and abhor lies. from our troubles. Father of us. Help us walk blamelessly name, that we who share his Psalm 25 sorrow. Do not turn away rescue the poor from their Lead us in the path of justice, orphans, wealth of the poor, in your ways and bring us at struggle on earth may share Lord our God, you show us from us, or we shall fall back oppressors, that they may so that all who hope in you give us comfort in times of last to your holy mountain, in his victory in heaven, where your ways of compassion and into dust; but rather turn our tell of your righteousness and may with the Church rejoice pain, that we might proclaim where you live and reign with he lives and reigns with you love, and you spare sinners. mourning into joy by raising your praise; through your Son, in your Son, Jesus Christ our the joyous news of freedom the Father and the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit, one God, Remember not our sins; us up with your Son, Christ Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. our Lord. Amen. Lord. Amen. in your Son, Jesus Christ our one God, now and forever. now and forever. Amen. relieve our misery; satisfy the Psalm 36 Lord. Amen. Amen. longing of your people; and Lord God, source of light and fulfill all our hopes for eternal < DECEMBER 2022 PSALM PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > life, by the light of your truth of life, through the saving into your Church and make firmly rooted in the power great and final day we may from the fear of his enemies. and protect us from all anxiety, let the virtuous know your waters of baptism you called them a holy nation, a royal and mercy of your Son, Jesus approach you not as severe May those who suffer with as we wait in joyful hope for the goodness and sinners feel us from the depth of sin to the priesthood, your own chosen Christ our Lord. Amen. judge, but as our Father, who him in this life find refuge coming of your Son, Jesus Christ your mercy, so that together depths of mercy. Do not forget heritage, to praise and adore loves us in Jesus Christ our in you, for the sake of Jesus our Lord. Amen. Psalm 53 they may drink from your river the trials of our exile, but from your divine majesty now and Lord. Amen. Christ our Lord. Amen. Holy Father, apart from you Psalm 71 of delight and rejoice now and the wellspring of the Word forever. Amen. nothing is true, nothing is holy. Psalm 59 Psalm 65 Lord God of the living, do not ever in your Son, Jesus Christ satisfy our thirst for you, so Psalm 48 Eradicate our sins and give us Lord God of power, you Lord God, joy marks your desert us in old age, but help our Lord. Amen. that we may come rejoicing to Father, the body of your risen strength in our weakness, so rescued your Son from the presence; beauty, abundance, us to follow your will in both your holy mountain, where you Psalm 37 Son is the temple not made by that all who believe in your grasp of evil powers. Deliver and peace are the tokens good and bad times, so that live and reign now and forever. Lord Jesus, you bless the human hands and the bulwark Son may rejoice in his glory us from evil and confirm our of your work in all creation. forever we may praise your Amen. poor with the kingdom of of the new Jerusalem. Make now and forever. Amen. trust in you, so that with our Work also in our lives, that faithfulness; through your heaven. Teach us to put our Psalm 43 this holy city, built of living rising we may sing of your by these signs we may see Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Psalm 54 trust in the Father and to seek Almighty Father, source of stones, so shine with spiritual power and at dawn exult in the splendor of your love and Amen. Father, hear our prayer and his kingdom rather than to everlasting light, send forth radiance that it may show your mercy; through your may praise you through Jesus come to the aid of your Psalm 72 imitate the powerful or envy your truth into our hearts and your greatness in the sight Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Christ our Lord. Amen. Church. Mercifully deliver us Almighty God, you gave the the rich; so may we serve you pour over us the brightness of of all nations; for the sake of Amen. from evil, so that from the Psalm 66 kingdom of justice and peace now and forever. Amen. your light to bring us, through your Son, Jesus Christ our rising of the sun to its setting Psalm 60 Almighty Father, you brought to David and his descendant, our joyful participation at your Lord. Amen. Psalm 38 we may offer you a pure Lord Jesus, you have us through the waters of our Lord Jesus Christ. Extend altar, to your eternal dwelling Lord our God, you did not Psalm 49 sacrifice of praise; through overcome the world, and all baptism to the shores of this kingdom to every nation, on high, where you live and forget the pierced body of Lord Jesus, you condemned your Son, Jesus Christ our power and authority is yours. new life. Accept the sacrifice so that through your Son the reign now and forever. Amen. your Son nor the mockery his the rich because they have Lord. Amen. When evil seems to triumph, of our lives, and let us enter poor may receive justice, love received. Do not abandon Psalm 44 already received their reward, give us courage and faith, and your house, there to praise the destitute relief, and the Psalm 55 us, your children, weighed Lord, rise up and come to and you proclaimed the poor help us never to forget that your unfailing power and people of the earth peace in Lord Jesus, you were rejected down with sins, but give us the our aid. You are the king blessed because the kingdom you are with us to the end of love, through your Son, Jesus the name of him who lives by your people, betrayed fullness of your mercy in Jesus who knows the secrets of our of heaven is theirs. Teach us to time. To you be glory now and Christ our Lord. Amen. and reigns with you and the by the kiss of a friend, and Christ our Lord. Amen. hearts; fill us with the light seek imperishable goods and forever. Amen. Holy Spirit, one God, now and deserted by your disciples. Psalm 67 of truth and with your strong to have confidence in your forever. Amen. Psalm 39 In our trouble, give us the Psalm 61 Father, through your power arm lead us to freedom, as blood, poured out as the price Heavenly Father, through your confidence that you had in the Lord Jesus, love and truth of the earth has brought forth Psalm 73 you mightily delivered our of our redemption; and to you Son you taught us not to fear Father and the assurance of the Father, you came to earth its noblest fruit, the tree of Father, in your wisdom you ancestors; for the sake of your be the glory now and forever. tomorrow but to commit our our salvation now and forever. to relieve the pain of our exile; the cross. Unite all people in allowed your Son to be Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. lives to your care. Withhold Amen. you took our weakness as its embrace, and feed them dismayed by the prospect of Amen. not your Spirit from us, but Psalm 50 your own. When our hearts with its fruit, everlasting life his cross, but by his death the Psalm 56 help us find a life of peace Psalm 45 Heavenly Father, because grow faint, uphold us until we through Jesus Christ our Lord. penalty of sin was changed Lord Jesus Christ, victim after these days of trouble; Lord God, you have formed Jesus your servant became stand with you before God Amen. into glory. Grant that, on for our sins, you trusted in for the sake of your Son, Jesus the holy Church to be the obedient to death, his and praise your name forever. our journey to you, the cross your Father’s protection and Psalm 68 Christ our Lord. Amen. bride of Christ. Grant to your sacrifice was greater than all Amen. of your Son may not be a kept silent when you were Lord Jesus Christ, king of Church the faith and peace the holocausts of old. Accept stumbling block but a beacon Psalm 40 tormented. Give us that same Psalm 62 the universe, you have given she will need to do your the sacrifice of praise we to guide us to that heavenly Lord Jesus Christ, you became confidence, that we may Lord God, in a constantly us joy in your holy meal. will and to show your glory, offer you through him, and country where you with your obedient to death and your gladly suffer with you and for changing world we look to Help us to understand the through your Son, Jesus help us show the effects of it Son Jesus Christ and the Holy name was exalted above all you, offering the Father our you as our rock of hope. Hear significance of your death and Christ our Lord. Amen. in our lives by striving to do Spirit live and reign one God, others. Teach us always to sacrifice of praise and walking us as we pour out our hearts to acknowledge you as the your will, until our whole life now and forever. Amen. do the Father’s will, so that, Psalm 46 before him in the light of the to you, and give us your conqueror of death, seated at becomes adoration in spirit made holy by your obedience Lord God, our refuge and living; and to you be the glory grace and secure protection; the right hand of the Father, Psalm 74 and truth; through your Son, and united to your sacrifice, strength, when the restless now and forever. Amen. through your Son, Jesus where you live and reign with Lord our God, remember the Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. we can know your great love powers of this world and the Christ our Lord. Amen. him and the Holy Spirit, now covenant sealed with the Psalm 57 in times of sorrow and sing a waters of hell rise up against Psalm 51 and forever. Amen. blood of your Son. Make the Lord, send your mercy and Psalm 63 new song to our God now and your holy city, watch over it Almighty and merciful Father, Church your spiritual house your truth to rescue us from Heavenly Father, creator Psalm 69 forever. Amen. and keep it safe. By the river you freely forgive those who, and make us living stones the snares of the devil, and of unfailing light, enlighten God our Father, you fulfilled that flows from the throne as David of old, acknowledge built upon Christ, so that a Psalm 41 we will praise you among the those who call to you. May our the ancient prophecies of the Lamb, purify this new and confess their sins. Create full and true temple may be Lord Jesus, healer of soul and peoples and proclaim you lives proclaim your goodness, in Christ’s passover from Jerusalem as your chosen in us pure hearts, and wash raised to your glory; for the body, you said, “Blessed are the to the nations, happy to be our work give you honor, and death to life. Through the dwelling, for you are with away all our sins in the blood sake of your Son, Jesus Christ merciful, for they shall obtain known as companions of your our voices praise you forever; contemplation of his healing us, our stronghold now and of your dear Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. mercy.” Teach us to come to the Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. for the sake of your Son, Jesus wounds, make us zealous forever. Amen. our Lord. Amen. aid of the needy in a spirit of Amen. Christ our Lord. Amen. for your Church and grateful Psalm 75 love, as we have been received Psalm 47 Psalm 52 for your love; through Jesus Father, by the Passion of your Psalm 58 Psalm 64 and strengthened by you; and Lord Jesus, the dominion Heavenly Father, you cut Christ our Lord. Amen. Son you proclaimed the final Merciful God, all judgment Heavenly Father, you gave to you be the glory and praise of the universe is yours, for down the unfruitful branch judgment of the world; when belongs to you. Give us the your Son victory over those Psalm 70 now and forever. Amen. you have ascended on high for burning and prune the you raised Christ upon the wisdom to perceive Christ in who plotted evil against him; Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and are seated on the throne fertile to make it bear more cross, you deposed the prince Psalm 42 others, and to examine our when he cried to you in his and grant us peace in our day. In prepared for you by the fruit. Make us grow like rich of darkness. Strike down the Lord God, never-failing fountain own conduct; so that on the agony, you delivered him your mercy keep us free from sin Father. Gather all peoples olive trees in your kingdom, pride that rules our hearts, < PSALM PRAYERS PSALM PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > and raise us to the glory of the the vine, that, rooted firmly our gracious Redeemer now by the devil, you remained true the whole earth sings a new Psalm 102 Psalm 107 resurrection; through Jesus in your love, we may testify and forever. Amen. to your Father, who commanded song to you and the Father Lord, while our days vanish Lord God, you fill the hungry Christ our Lord. Amen. before the whole world to his angels to watch over you. and the Holy Spirit, one God, like shadows and our lives with good things and break Psalm 86 your great power working Guard your Church from the now and forever. Amen. wear out like a garment, the sinner’s chains. Hear Psalm 76 God of mercy, when Christ everywhere; through Jesus plague of sin, so that we may you remain undisturbed by your people who call to you Mighty God, awesome called out to you in torment, Psalm 97 Christ our Lord. Amen. remain faithful to you until the change. Although our earthly in their need, and lead your in power and splendid in you heard him and gave him God our king, you clothe the day when we enjoy the fullness lives come to an end, help us Church from the shadows of holiness, in your presence Psalm 81 victory over death. Fill us with sky with light and the depths of your salvation; for you live to live in Christ’s endless life death. Gather us from sunset the earth both trembles and Almighty Father, you rescued the love of your name and of the ocean with darkness. and reign with the Father and and at length attain our home, to sunrise, that we may grow stands still, for you shattered your people from slavery and, help us to proclaim you before Among the peoples you work the Holy Spirit, now and forever. the heavenly Jerusalem, together in faith and love, death’s power by the cross. through the Passion of your the world, that all peoples wonders, and rain terror upon Amen. where he lives and reigns with and may give thanks for your Rise to help your people; give Son, acquired a new people may celebrate your glory in your enemies. Do not try your you and the Holy Spirit, now kindness in Jesus Christ our the light of your salvation to united in his body and marked Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Psalm 92 servants by fire, but bring us and forever. Amen. Lord. Amen. the meek of the earth, that with the sign of his holiness. Lord, take our shame away rejoicing to the shelter of your Psalm 87 they may praise your name Feed us with your finest bread and make us rejoice in your home, where with your Son Psalm 103 Psalm 108 Lord God, your Son wept forever; through your Son, so that we may have food for saving acts, that all who have and the Holy Spirit you live Lord, you have compassion Lord, accept the prayers of over ancient Jerusalem, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. this life and a foretaste of been redeemed by your Son and reign, now and forever. for the sinner, as a father has your servants, and prepare and he established the new eternity, where you live and may always abound in works Amen. compassion for his children. our hearts to praise your Psalm 77 Jerusalem firmly upon rock reign with your Son and the of faith, hope, and love in your Heal the weakness of your holy name. Come to our Heavenly Father, by signs and made it the mother of Psalm 98 Holy Spirit, now and forever. service, through Jesus Christ people and save us from aid in times of trouble, that and wonders you established the faithful. Make us rejoice Lord, we sing to you a new Amen. our Lord. Amen. everlasting death, that with we may sing you songs of your ancient covenant, in your Church, and grant that song, for your victory is ever the saints and angels we may thanksgiving; through Jesus and through the sacrifice Psalm 82 all people may be reborn into Psalm 93 new. In the empty tomb praise and glorify you, Father, Christ our Lord. Amen. of your Son you confirmed Jesus, our Lord and our God, the freedom of your Spirit, Lord Jesus, king of glory, you have given us a glimpse Son, and Holy Spirit, now and the new covenant yet more by your death you give life to through Jesus Christ our Lord. when you rose from the grave of your future, and in your Psalm 109 forever. Amen. wondrously. Guide your the dead; by your resurrection Amen. in the power of the Spirit, victory over death you have Lord Jesus, on the cross you Church to the land of promise, you give strength to the weak. you firmly established your shown us how we shall Psalm 104 blessed those who cursed Psalm 88 that there we may celebrate Rise up to rule the earth, and kingdom, never to be shaken overcome the last enemy. As God of all light, life, and love, you and asked that the Father Lord Jesus, author of our your name with lasting praise at the end of the world, when or destroyed by death. May the seas roar and the hills sing through the visible things forgive those who nailed you salvation and redeemer of through Jesus Christ our Lord. the secrets of the heart are your will be done on earth as together, we too will praise of this world you raise our there. Teach us to despise all, for us you descended to Amen. revealed, make us glad to in heaven until the Church is you for your great triumph, thoughts to things unseen, hatred and not those who the dead and broke the grip celebrate your justice now made holy by your embrace, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and you show us your power hate, to detest the sin and not Psalm 78 of death. Hear the prayers and forever. Amen. our Redeemer and our Lord. now and forever. Amen. and your love. From your the sinner, and to forgive the Lord Jesus Christ, shepherd of your family, and lift us Amen. dwelling-place refresh our offenses of others, as we have of your Church, to strengthen Psalm 83 from our slavery in evil, that Psalm 99 hearts and renew the face of been forgiven by you, our our faith and to lead us to the Lord, dispel from us the we may be set free to see Psalm 94 Lord our God, King of the the earth with the life-giving Savior and our Lord. Amen. kingdom, you renewed and error of pride and illusions your Father’s glory now and Lord Jesus, do not abandon universe, you love what water of your Word, until the surpassed the marvels of the of greatness, and help us to forever. Amen. your people, nor ignore the is right. Lead us in your Psalm 110 new heaven and new earth old covenant. Through the abandon every vice and stand power of the enemy against righteousness, that we may Almighty God, make known Psalm 89 resound with the song of uncertainties of this earthly in awe of you, for you alone your Church. Grant that those live to praise you; through in every place the perfect Mighty God, in fulfillment of resurrection in Jesus Christ journey, lead us home to the are the Most High over all the who suffer for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our offering of your Son, the the promise made to David’s our Lord. Amen. everlasting pastures, where world now and forever. Amen. justice may find consolation Lord. Amen. eternal high priest of the new descendants you established we may praise you now and in the cross and be filled with Psalm 105 Jerusalem, and so consecrate Psalm 84 a lasting covenant through Psalm 100 forever. Amen. your joy now and forever. God our Father, through the all nations to be your holy Almighty God, you heard your firstborn Son. You God our Father, you have Amen. death and resurrection of people, that the kingdom of Psalm 79 the prayer of Christ, your anointed your servant Jesus created us as your people your Son you have fulfilled Christ, your anointed one, Father of mercy, your Son chosen one, and raised him with holy oil and raised him Psalm 95 and you sustain us with your the promise to Abraham, may come in its fullness; and told his enemies that, if they to the lasting joy of your higher than all kings on earth. Almighty God, neither let us hand. Help us always to give Joseph, and Moses to redeem to you, Father, Son, and Holy should destroy the temple presence. Help us in our Remember your covenant, so go astray as did those who you thanks, for you alone are the world from slavery and Spirit, be all honor and praise of his body, you would raise pilgrimage toward you to that we who are signed with murmured in the desert, nor worthy of thanksgiving and to lead us into the promised now and forever. Amen. it again in three days. By love your Church and to offer the blood of your Son may let us be torn apart by discord. praise and honor now and land. Grant us living water his death and resurrection the sacrifice of praise at your sing of your mercies forever; With Jesus as our shepherd, forever. Amen. Psalm 111 from the rock and bread from demolish our pretensions of altar, that we may hasten to through your Son, Jesus bring us to enjoy the unity for Merciful and gentle Lord, Psalm 101 heaven, that we may survive strength, and on the ruins your home and joyfully look Christ our Lord. Amen. which he prays; and to you be the crowning glory of all the Lord Jesus, you came to us so our desert pilgrimage and build a temple worthy of your upon your glorious splendor, the glory and the praise now saints, give us, your children, Psalm 90 that your people might walk praise you forever; through name, so that all the world which we have seen in your and forever. Amen. the gift of obedience, which Eternal Father of our mortal in innocence, and you taught Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. may know the glory of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. is the beginning of wisdom, race, in Jesus Christ your Psalm 96 us to be holy as your Father transforming power, shown in Amen. Psalm 106 so that we may be filled with grace has come upon us: For Lord Jesus, the incarnate is holy. Help us, your children, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. God our Father, remembering your mercy and that what Psalm 85 his sake, prosper the work of Word, when you consented to love what is truly perfect, your covenant, you graciously you command we may do by Psalm 80 God of love and faithfulness, our hands until he returns to to dwell with us, the heavens so that we may neither speak pardoned those who rebelled the might of Jesus Christ our Lord God, you so tend the you so loved the world that gladden our hearts forever. were glad and the earth what is evil nor do what is against you. Grant that, where Lord. Amen. vine you planted that now it you gave your only Son to be Amen. rejoiced. In hope and love we wrong. Then let us stand in sin abounds, grace may extends its branches even to our Savior. Help us to receive await your return. Help us to your sight and celebrate with Psalm 112 Psalm 91 abound more; through Jesus the farthest shore. Keep us him as both Lord and brother proclaim your glory to those you the Father’s love and Lord Jesus, you are the light Lord Jesus Christ, when tempted Christ our Lord. Amen. in your Son as branches on and freely celebrate him as who do not know you, until justice forever. Amen. shining in darkness for the < PSALM PRAYERS (CONTINUED) PSALM PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > upright. Teach us to love one Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Psalm 124 strengthen it by your power Psalm 135 hidden snares, deliver us everlasting kingdom, where another as you love us, that Lord Jesus, you foretold and grace, that it may praise Lord God, you are great and from those who would seek with your Son and the Holy Psalm 118 we might bring peace and that your disciples would be you now and forever. Amen. have done mighty deeds; you to do us harm, and make us Spirit you live and reign, now Lord God, your Son, rejected joy to the world and find the despised on account of your have shattered the powers holy; that we may praise and and forever. Amen. by the builders, has become Psalm 130 happiness of your home, name, yet you number the of darkness and have shown bless your name and live in the cornerstone of the God of might and compassion, Psalm 146 where you live and reign with very hairs of their heads. In compassion to your servants. righteousness before you now Church. Shed rays of your you sent your Word into God of glory and power, the Father and the Holy Spirit, times of persecution, defend Keep us from being deceived and forever. Amen. glory upon your Church, that the world as a watchman happy indeed are those who now and forever. Amen. and revive us by the power by idols, for there is no god it may be seen as the gate of to announce the dawn of Psalm 141 have put their trust in you. and comfort of the Holy Spirit, like you, and your renown Psalm 113 salvation open to all nations. salvation. Do not leave us in Lord, from the rising of the Shine the brightness of your so that we can be freed from endures from age to age. Lord Jesus, surrendering the Let cries of joy and exultation the depths of our sins, but sun to its setting your name light upon us, that we may our enemies and praise your Blessed be the Father, and the brightness of your glory, you ring out from its courts to listen to your Church pleading is worthy of all praise. Let love you always with a pure saving help now and forever. Son, and the Holy Spirit, now became mortal so that we celebrate the wonder of for the fullness of your our prayer rise before you as heart and praise you forever; Amen. and forever. Amen. might be raised from the dust Christ’s resurrection, now and redeeming grace; through incense, and may the lifting through your Son, Jesus to share your very being. May forever. Amen. Psalm 125 Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Psalm 136 up of our hands be as an Christ our Lord. Amen. the children of God always Lord, surround your people God of everlasting love, evening sacrifice, acceptable Psalm 119 Psalm 131 Psalm 147 bless your name from the with your presence. Do not through your Word you made to you, through your Son, Lord, you are just and your Lord Jesus, gentle and humble God our Father, great builder rising of the sun to its going let us stretch out our hands to all things in heaven and on Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. commandments are eternal. of heart, you promised your of the heavenly Jerusalem, down, for you live and reign evil deeds, nor be destroyed earth; you have opened to Teach us to love you with all kingdom to those who are Psalm 142 you know the number of the with the Father and the Holy by the snares of the enemy, us the path from death to our hearts and to love our like children. Never let pride Lord Jesus, hanging on the stars and call each of them Spirit, now and forever. Amen. but bring us to share the life. Listen to the song of neighbor as ourselves, for the reign in our hearts, but let the cross and left alone by your by name. Heal hearts that land prepared for the saints the universe, the hymn of Psalm 114 sake of Jesus our Lord. Amen. Father’s compassion embrace disciples, you called on your are broken, gather those in light, where you live and resurrection, sung by your Almighty God, you gave life all who willingly bear your Father with a mighty cry who have been scattered, Psalm 120 reign, God, now and forever. Church, and give us your to the new Israel by birth from gentle yoke now and forever. as you gave up your spirit. and enrich us all from the Lord Jesus, you blessed the Amen. blessing; through Jesus Christ water and the Spirit. Make all Amen. Deliver us from the prison plenitude of your eternal peacemakers and called them our Lord. Amen. those whom you have called Psalm 126 of affliction, and be yourself wisdom, Jesus Christ our children of God. Give us that Psalm 132 to walk in the splendor of Lord Jesus, our life and our Psalm 137 our inheritance in the land Lord. Amen. peace which the world cannot Lord God, our King, you the new light render you resurrection, the tears you Heavenly Father, you willed of the living, where with the give, so that your Church may have chosen the new Zion fitting service and adoration, sowed in the sorrow of your to make us citizens of your Father and the Holy Spirit you be freed from the schemes as your dwelling-place, the God Most High, by your Word through your Son, Jesus Passion brought the earth country and singers of your are blessed now and forever. of the arrogant and, devoted Church as your place of rest; you created a wondrous Christ our Lord. Amen. to flower on Easter morning. mercy. Do not abandon us Amen. to works of peace, may go you have kindled in it a lamp universe, and through your Renew the wonders of your in the land of exile, but bring Psalm 115 forward joyfully to meet that will burn brightly forever Psalm 143 Spirit you breathed into it power in the Church, so that, us to the heavenly Jerusalem Lord God, creator and ruler you, the Prince of Peace, our before Christ, your anointed Lord Jesus, you bring the the breath of life. Accept after the sorrows of our exile, chanting your praise; through of the universe, you have Savior and our Lord. Amen. one. Make our hearts your first light of dawn to those creation’s hymn of praise we may come home to you in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. entrusted the care of the earth tabernacle, clothe your who dwell in darkness and from our lips, and let the Psalm 121 gladness and praise you now to its peoples. Grant that your people with holiness, and give Psalm 138 make your love known to praise that is sung in heaven Lord Jesus Christ, you have and forever. Amen. children, surrounded by signs bread to the poor, that we Lord God, you keep the proud them. Enter not into judgment resound in the heart of every prepared a quiet place for us of your presence, may live Psalm 127 may rejoice and sing to you at a distance and look upon against your servants, but let creature on earth, to the glory in your Father’s eternal home. continually in Christ, praising Lord God, the land is brought now and forever. Amen. the lowly with favor. Stretch your Spirit guide us into the of the Father, and the Son, Watch over our welfare on you through him and with to flower not with human tears out your hand to us in our land of justice, where with and the Holy Spirit, now and this perilous journey, shade us Psalm 133 him, now and forever. Amen. but with the tears of your Son. suffering, perfect in us the the Father and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen. from the burning heat of day, Lord God, you have poured Grant that those who labor for work of your love, and bring you live and reign, now and Psalm 116 and keep our lives free of evil into our hearts the precious you may not trust in their own us to life in Jesus Christ our forever. Amen. God of power and mercy, now and forever. Amen. oil of your Spirit of love. Lord, let Israel rejoice in you work but in your help, through Lord. Amen. through the Passion and Make us of one heart and of Psalm 144 and acknowledge you as Psalm 122 Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. resurrection of your Son you one will, so that we may be Psalm 139 Lord God of strength, you creator and redeemer. In your Lord Jesus, give us the peace have freed us from the bonds Psalm 128 true members of the body of Lord Jesus Christ, when you gave your Son victory over lovingkindness embrace us of the new Jerusalem. Bring of death and the anguish of Lord Jesus, from your opened Jesus Christ, united as he has descended among the dead, death. Direct your Church’s now, that we may proclaim all nations into your kingdom separation from you. Be with side your bride, the Church, commanded us; and to you you brought them the light fight against evil in the world; the wonderful truths of to share your gifts, that they us on our pilgrimage, and was formed, and sanctified be the glory now and forever. of day; when you ascended clothe us with the weapons of salvation with your saints may render thanks to you help us offer you a sacrifice in your cleansing blood. Make Amen. into heaven, you brought it light; and unite us under the in glory; through your Son, without end and may come to of praise, fulfill our vows, and your Church a fruitful vine, new radiance. Remain with us banner of love, that after the Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. your eternal city, where you Psalm 134 glorify you in the presence of with many children who will and lead us along the paths battle of earthly life we may live and reign with the Father Lord, where two or three all your people; through Jesus rejoice with you at your table of life until we come to rest rejoice in your presence now and the Holy Spirit, now and gather in your name, you Christ our Lord. Amen. and celebrate your goodness with your saints in the holy and forever. Amen. Lord God, unite our voices forever. Amen. promised to be with them now and forever. Amen. dwelling-place, where with with the praise of all creation, Psalm 117 and share their fellowship. Psalm 145 Psalm 123 the Father and the Holy Spirit that we may worthily magnify Lord God, you have revealed Psalm 129 Look down upon your family Loving Father, you are faithful Lord, our creator and redeemer, you live and reign, now and your excellent greatness; your kindness to all people. Lord Jesus, when our sins gathered in your name, and in your promises and tender we look to you for all that we forever. Amen. through your Son, Jesus Gather the nations into your had plowed long furrows on graciously pour out your in your compassion. Listen to need. Look with favor on us, Christ our Lord who lives Church, that in all the various your back, your death broke blessing upon us; for the Psalm 140 our hymn of joy, and continue your servants, and give us your and reigns with you and the tongues of this world one the bonds of sin and Satan sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Lord, you keep constant to satisfy the needs of all grace; for the sake of your Son, Holy Spirit, one God, now and hymn of praise may be offered forever. Bless your Church, Amen. guard over your faithful your creatures, that all flesh Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. forever. Amen. to you; through your Son, wounded in its members, and people. Protect us from may bless your name in your < PSALM PRAYERS (CONTINUED) SEASONAL PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > through your Son, Jesus 2022 to Evening of March Christ our Lord. Amen. 5, 2022) Almighty and ever-living God, or you hate nothing you have God of compassion, keep made and you forgive the sins SEASONAL PRAYERS before us the love you have of all who are penitent. Create revealed in your Son who in us new and honest hearts, Church Year Begins or and the Holy Spirit, one God, Holy Spirit, one God, now and your Son, Jesus Christ our prayed even for his enemies; so that, truly repenting of now and forever. Amen. forever. Amen. Lord. Amen. THE FIRST SUNDAY IN Lord, hear our prayers and in our words and deeds help our sins, we may obtain from ADVENT (Evening of come to us, bringing light into THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER THE BAPTISM OF OUR LORD: THE FOURTH SUNDAY us to be like him through you, the God of all mercy, November 27, 2021 to the darkness of our hearts; CHRISTMAS (Evening of THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER AFTER THE EPIPHANY whom we pray, Jesus Christ full pardon and forgiveness; Evening of December 4, for you live and reign with the December 26, 2020 to THE EPIPHANY (Evening of (Evening of January 30, 2021 our Lord. Amen. through your Son, Jesus 2021; Evening of November Father and the Holy Spirit, one Evening of January 2, 2021; January 9, 2021 to Evening to Evening of February 6, Christ our Lord, who lives THE EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER and reigns with you and the 26, 2022 to Evening of God, now and forever. Amen. Evening of December 25, of January 16, 2021; Evening 2021; Evening of January 29, THE EPIPHANY (Not in 2021; December 3, 2022) 2021 to Evening of January of January 8, 2022 to 2022 to Evening of February Holy Spirit, one God, now and THE FOURTH SUNDAY Not in 2022) Stir up your power, O Lord, 1, 2022) Evening of January 15, 2022) 5, 2022) forever. Amen. IN ADVENT (Evening of Almighty and everlasting and come. Protect us by your Almighty God, you Father in heaven, at the O God, you know that December 18, 2021 to God, ruler of heaven and THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT strength and save us from the wonderfully created and yet baptism of Jesus in the River we cannot withstand the Evening of December 24, earth: Hear our prayer and (Evening of February 20, threatening dangers of our more wonderfully restored Jordan you proclaimed dangers which surround us. 2021; Evening of December give us your peace now and 2021 to Evening of February sins, for you live and reign the dignity of human nature. him your beloved Son and Strengthen us in body and 17, 2022 to Evening of forever; through your Son, 27, 2021; Evening of March with the Father and the Holy In your mercy, let us share the anointed him with the Holy spirit so that, with your help, December 24, 2022) Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 5, 2022 to Evening of March Spirit, one God, now and divine life of Jesus Christ who Spirit. Make all who are we may be able to overcome Stir up your power, O Lord, 12, 2022) forever. Amen. came to share our humanity, baptized into Christ faithful the weakness that our sin has THE TRANSFIGURATION and come. Take away the O Lord God, you led your and who now lives and reigns in their calling to be your brought upon us; through OF OUR LORD: THE LAST THE SECOND SUNDAY hindrance of our sins and ancient people through the with you and the Holy Spirit, children and inheritors Jesus Christ, your Son our SUNDAY AFTER THE IN ADVENT (Evening make us ready for the wilderness and brought one God, now and forever. with him of everlasting life; Lord. Amen. EPIPHANY (Evening of of December 4, 2021 to celebration of your birth, that them to the promised land. Amen. through your Son, Jesus February 13, 2021 to Evening Evening of December 11, we may receive you in joy THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER Guide now the people of your Christ our Lord, who lives of February 16, 2021; 2021; Evening of December and serve you always; for you THE SECOND SUNDAY THE EPIPHANY (Evening of Church, that, following our and reigns with you and the Evening of February 26, 3, 2022 to Evening of live and reign with the Father AFTER CHRISTMAS (Evening February 6, 2021 to Evening Savior, we may walk through Holy Spirit, one God, now and 2022 to Evening of March 1, December 10, 2022) and the Holy Spirit, now and of January 2, 2021 to of February 13, 2021; Evening the wilderness of this world forever. Amen. 2022) toward the glory of the world Stir up our hearts, O Lord, forever. Amen. Evening of January 5, 2021; of February 5, 2022 to Almighty God, on the to prepare the way for your Evening of January 1, 2022 THE SECOND SUNDAY February 12, 2022) to come; through your Son, THE NATIVITY OF OUR mountain you showed your only Son. By his coming give to Evening of January 5, AFTER THE EPIPHANY Almighty God, you sent your Jesus Christ our Lord, who LORD (Evening of December glory in the transfiguration of us strength in our conflicts 2022) (Evening of January 16, 2021 only Son as the Word of lives and reigns with you and 24, 2021 to Evening of your Son. Give us the vision to and shed light on our path Almighty God, you have filled to Evening of January 23, life for our eyes to see and the Holy Spirit, one God, now December 26, 2021; Evening see beyond the turmoil of our through the darkness of this us with the new light of the 2021; Evening of January 15, our ears to hear. Help us to and forever. Amen. of December 24, 2022 to world and to behold the king world; through your Son, Word who became flesh and 2022 to Evening January 22, believe with joy what the Evening of December 31, in all his glory; through your or Jesus Christ our Lord, who lived among us. Let the light 2022) Scriptures proclaim, through Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, 2022) Lord God, our strength, the lives and reigns with you and of our faith shine in all that we Lord God, you showed your Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. who lives and reigns with you the Holy Spirit, one God, now CHRISTMAS EVE do; through your Son, Jesus glory and led many to faith by battle of good and evil rages THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER and the Holy Spirit, one God, and forever. Amen. Almighty God, you made Christ our Lord, who lives the works of your Son. As he within and around us, and THE EPIPHANY (Not in 2021; now and forever. Amen. this holy night shine with the and reigns with you and the brought gladness and healing our ancient foe tempts us THE THIRD SUNDAY IN Evening of February 12, 2022 brightness of the true Light. Holy Spirit, one God, now and to his people, grant us these or with his deceits and empty ADVENT (Evening of to Evening of February 19, Grant that here on earth we forever. Amen. same gifts and lead us also promises. Keep us steadfast December 11, 2021 to 2022) O God, in the transfiguration may walk in the light of Jesus’ to perfect faith in him, Jesus in your Word and, when we Evening of December 18, THE EPIPHANY OF OUR Lord God, mercifully receive of your Son you confirmed presence and in the last day Christ our Lord. Amen. fall, raise us again and restore 2021; Evening of December LORD: THE MANIFESTATION the prayers of your people. the mysteries of the faith wake to the brightness of his us through your Son, Jesus 10, 2022 to Evening of OF CHRIST TO THE GENTILES THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER Help us to see and understand by the witness of Moses glory; through your only Son, Christ our Lord, who lives December 17, 2022) (Evening of January 5, 2021 THE EPIPHANY (Evening the things we ought to do, and Elijah, and in the voice Jesus Christ our Lord, who and reigns with you and the Almighty God, you once to Evening of January 9, of January 23, 2021 to and give us grace and power from the bright cloud you lives and reigns with you and Holy Spirit, one God, now and called John the Baptist to give 2021; Evening of January 5, Evening of January 30, 2021; to do them; through your Son, foreshadowed our adoption the Holy Spirit, one God, now forever. Amen. witness to the coming of your 2022 to Evening of January Evening of January 22, 2022 Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. as your children. Make us and forever. Amen. Son and to prepare his way. 8, 2022) to Evening of January 29, with the king heirs of your THE SECOND SUNDAY IN THE SEVENTH SUNDAY Grant us, your people, the CHRISTMAS DAY AND Lord God, on this day you 2022) glory, and bring us to enjoy its LENT (Evening of February AFTER THE EPIPHANY (Not wisdom to see your purpose FOLLOWING revealed your Son to the Almighty God, you sent fullness, through Jesus Christ 27, 2021 to Evening of March in 2021; Evening of February today and the openness to Almighty God, you have made nations by the leading of a your Son to proclaim your our Lord, who lives and reigns 6, 2021; Evening of March 19, 2022 to Evening of hear your will, that we may yourself known in your Son, star. Lead us now by faith to kingdom and to teach with with you and the Holy Spirit, 12, 2022 to Evening of March February 26, 2022) witness to Christ’s coming Jesus, redeemer of the world. know your presence in our authority. Anoint us with the one God, now and forever. 19, 2022) Lord God, we ask you to and so prepare his way; We pray that his birth as a lives, and bring us at last to power of your Spirit, that we, Amen. Heavenly Father, it is your keep your family, the Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord, human child will set us free the full vision of your glory, too, may bring good news glory always to have mercy. always faithful to you, that all ASH WEDNESDAY (Evening who lives and reigns with you from the old slavery of our sin; through your Son, Jesus to the afflicted, bind up the Bring back all who have erred who lean on the hope of your of February 16, 2021 to and the Holy Spirit, one God, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Christ our Lord, who lives brokenhearted, and proclaim and strayed from your ways; promises may gain strength Evening of February 20, now and forever. Amen. who lives and reigns with you and reigns with you and the liberty to the captive; through lead them again to embrace from the power of your love; 2021; Evening of March 1, < PSALM PRAYERS (CONTINUED) SEASONAL PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > in faith the truth of your Word of forgiveness and hope in the shame of the cross. Grant that THE RESURRECTION OF Fifth Prayer: O God, you life may direct their speech Almighty God, we have and to hold it fast; through world. Renew us by your Holy we may walk in the way of his OUR LORD (Evening of April have created all things by and actions; through your celebrated with joy the Jesus Christ your Son our Spirit, that we may follow your cross and find it the way of life 3, 2021 to Evening of April the power of your Word, and Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. festival of our Lord’s Lord, who lives and reigns commands and proclaim your and peace; through your Son, 10, 2021; Evening of April 16, you renew the earth by your Amen. resurrection. Graciously help with you and the Holy Spirit, reign of love; through your Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 2022 to Evening April 23, Spirit. Give now the water us to show the power of the Eleventh Prayer: O God, one God, now and forever. Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, 2022) of life to those who thirst resurrection in all that we say MAUNDY THURSDAY exaltation of the humble and Amen. who lives and reigns with you for you, that they may bring and do; through your Son, (Evening of March 31, 2021 VIGIL OF EASTER strength of the righteous: You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forth abundant fruit in your Jesus Christ our Lord, who or to Evening of April 1, 2021; First Prayer: Almighty God, taught your people through now and forever. Amen. glorious kingdom; through lives and reigns with you and Evening of April 13, 2022 to you wonderfully created Moses to sing your praise, that God our Father, your Son your Son, Jesus Christ our the Holy Spirit, one God, now THE SUNDAY OF THE Evening of April 14, 2022) the dignity of human nature the law which he delivered to once welcomed an outcast Lord. Amen. and forever. Amen. PASSION: PALM SUNDAY Holy God, source of all love, and yet more wonderfully them might be helpful to us. woman because of her faith. (Evening of March 27, 2021 on the night of his betrayal, restored it. In your mercy, Sixth Prayer: O God, you Show your power among all THE THIRD SUNDAY OF Give us faith like hers, that to Evening of March 28, 2021; Jesus gave his disciples a new let us share the divine life of increase your Church by nations that, in the forgiveness EASTER (Evening of April we also may trust only in your Evening of April 9, 2022 to commandment: To love one him who came to share our continuing to call all peoples of sins, terror may turn to joy, 17, 2021 to Evening of April love for us and may accept Evening of April 10, 2022) another as he had loved them. humanity, Jesus Christ your to salvation. Let the cleansing and fear of retribution to 24, 2021; Evening of April one another as we have been Almighty God, you sent your By your Holy Spirit write this Son, our Lord. Amen. waters of Baptism flow, and salvation; through your Son, 30, 2022 to Evening of May accepted by you; through Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, commandment in our hearts; by your love watch over Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 7, 2022) your Son, Jesus Christ our Second Prayer: O God, to take our flesh upon him and through your Son, Jesus those whom you have called; O God, by the humiliation of Lord, who lives and reigns strength of the powerless EASTER DAY to suffer death on the cross. Christ our Lord, who lives through your Son, Jesus your Son you lifted up this with you and the Holy Spirit, and light in all darkness: Look O God, you gave your only Grant that we may share in and reigns with you and the Christ our Lord. Amen. fallen world, rescuing us from one God, now and forever. in mercy upon your Church, Son to suffer death on the his obedience to your will and Holy Spirit, one God, now and the hopelessness of death. Amen. that wonderful and sacred Seventh Prayer: O God, by cross for our redemption, and in the glorious victory of his forever. Amen. Grant your faithful people mystery, that it may be an the Passover of the Son you by his glorious resurrection THE THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT resurrection; through your a share in the joys that are or ark of peace in the midst of have brought us out of sin you delivered us from the (Evening of March 6, 2021 to Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, eternal; through your Son, chaos. Let the whole world into righteousness and out of power of death. Make us die Evening of March 13, 2021; who lives and reigns with you Lord God, in a wonderful Jesus Christ our Lord, who experience and see that what death into life. Give us such an every day to sin, so that we Evening of March 19, 2022 to and the Holy Spirit, one God, Sacrament you have left us a lives and reigns with you and was fallen is being raised understanding of your mercy may live with him forever in Evening of March 26, 2022) now and forever. Amen. memorial of your suffering and the Holy Spirit, one God, now up, that what was old is that, in receiving the gifts of the joy of the resurrection; Eternal Lord, your kingdom death. May this Sacrament of and forever. Amen. THE MONDAY IN HOLY WEEK being made new, and that all Word and Sacrament now, we through Jesus Christ our Lord, has broken into our troubled your body and blood so work (Evening of March 28, 2021 things are being restored to may learn to hope for all your who lives and reigns with you THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF world through the life, death, in us that the way we live will to Evening of March 29, 2021; wholeness through him from gifts to come; through your and the Holy Spirit, one God, EASTER (Evening of April and resurrection of your proclaim the redemption you Evening of April 10, 2022 to whom they first took being, Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. now and forever. Amen. 24, 2021 to Evening of May 1, Son. Help us to hear your have brought; for you live and Evening of April 11, 2022) your Son, Jesus Christ our Amen. 2021; Evening of May 7, 2022 Word and obey it, so that we reign with the Father and the or O God, your Son chose the Lord. Amen. to Evening of May 14, 2022) become instruments of your Holy Spirit, one God, now and Eighth Prayer: O God, by the path which led to pain before Almighty God, through your redeeming love; through your forever. Amen. Third Prayer: God and word of the prophets you are God of all power, you called joy and the cross before glory. only Son you overcame Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, Father of all the faithful, you known in the Church as the from death our Lord Jesus, Plant his cross in our hearts, GOOD FRIDAY (Evening of death and opened for us the who lives and reigns with you promised Abraham that he sower of the good seed, the the great shepherd of the so that in its power and love April 1, 2021 to Evening of gate of everlasting life. Give and the Holy Spirit, one God, would become the father keeper of the chosen vineyard. sheep. Send us as shepherds we may come at last to joy April 3, 2021; Evening of us your continual help; put now and forever. Amen. of all nations, and through Grant to your people, who to rescue the lost, to heal and glory; through your Son, April 14, 2022 to Evening of good desires into our minds this paschal mystery you are called your vine and your the injured, and to feed one THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. April 16, 2022) and bring them to full effect; increase your chosen people harvest, that, cleansed of all another with knowledge and LENT (Evening of March 13, Almighty God, we ask you through Jesus Christ our Lord, THE TUESDAY IN HOLY throughout the world. Help thorns and briars, they may understanding; through your 2021 to Evening of March to look with mercy on your who lives and reigns with you WEEK (Evening of March 29, us respond to your call by abundantly bring forth good Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, 20, 2021; Evening of March family, for whom our Lord and the Holy Spirit, one God, 2021 to Evening of March joyfully accepting the new life fruit; through your Son, Jesus who lives and reigns with you 26, 2022 to Evening of April Jesus Christ was willing to be now and forever. Amen. 30, 2021; Evening of April of grace. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. and the Holy Spirit, one God, 2, 2022) betrayed and to be given over 11, 2022 to Evening of April your Son, Jesus Christ our EASTER EVENING AND now and forever. Amen. God of all mercy, by your to the hands of sinners and to Ninth Prayer: Almighty and 12, 2022) Lord. Amen. FOLLOWING power to heal and to forgive, suffer death on the cross; who ever-living God, wonderful or Lord Jesus, you have called Almighty God, you give us the graciously cleanse us from now lives and reigns with you Fourth Prayer: O God, whose in all your works: Let your us to follow you. Grant that joy of celebrating our Lord’s Almighty God, you show the all sin and make us strong; and the Holy Spirit, one God, wonderful deeds of old shine people understand that even our love may not grow cold resurrection. Give us also the light of your truth to those in through your Son, Jesus forever and ever. Amen. forth even to our own day: more marvelous than the in your service, and that we joys of life in your service, and darkness, to lead them into Christ our Lord, who lives By the power of your mighty world’s creation is your gift at may not fail or deny you in the or bring us at last to the full joy the way of righteousness. Give and reigns with you and the arm you once delivered your the end of time: the sacrifice hour of trial. Amen. of life eternal; through your strength to all who are joined Holy Spirit, one God, now and Lord Jesus, you carried our chosen people from slavery of our Passover Lamb, your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, in the family of the Church, forever. Amen. THE WEDNESDAY IN HOLY sins in your own body on under Pharaoh, a sign for us of Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. who lives and reigns with you so that they will resolutely WEEK (Evening of March 30, the tree so that we might the salvation of all nations by Amen. THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT and the Holy Spirit, one God, reject what erodes their faith 2021 to Evening of March 31, have life. May we and all who the water of Baptism. Grant (Evening of March 20, 2021 Tenth Prayer: O God, you now and forever. Amen. and firmly follow what faith 2021; Evening of April 12, remember this day find new that all the peoples of earth to Evening of March 27, 2021; have united all nations in the requires; through your Son, 2022 to Evening of April 13, life in you now and in the may be numbered among THE SECOND SUNDAY OF Evening of April 2, 2022 to confession of your name. Now Jesus Christ our Lord, who 2022) world to come, where you the offspring of Abraham and EASTER (Evening of April 10, Evening of April 9, 2022) give us the will and the power lives and reigns with you and Almighty God, your Son our live and reign with the Father may rejoice in the inheritance 2021 to Evening of April 17, Almighty God, our redeemer, to do what you command, the Holy Spirit, one God, now Savior suffered at the hands and the Holy Spirit, now and of Israel; through your Son, 2021; Evening of April 23, 2022 in our weakness we have that the faith of the people and forever. Amen. of men and endured the forever. Amen. Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. to Evening of April 30, 2022) failed to be your messengers whom you call to everlasting < SEASONAL PRAYERS SEASONAL PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF promise, he is among us still, or power of your light; through things, we may obtain your thing which will not be taken THE THIRTEENTH SUNDAY EASTER (Evening of May and will be with us to the end your Son, Jesus Christ our promises, which exceed all from us, Jesus Christ our Lord. AFTER PENTECOST God our creator, earth has 1, 2021 to Evening of May of time; who lives and reigns Lord. Amen. that we can desire; through Amen. (Evening of August 21, 2021 many languages, but your 8, 2021; Evening of May 14, with you and the Holy Spirit, your Son, Jesus Christ our to Evening of August 28, Gospel announces your love THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER THE TENTH SUNDAY AFTER 2022 to Evening of May 21, one God, now and forever. Lord. Amen. 2021; Evening of September to all nations in one heavenly PENTECOST (Evening of PENTECOST (Evening of 2022) Amen. 3, 2022 to Evening of speech. Make us messengers June 12, 2021 to Evening of THE SEVENTH SUNDAY July 31, 2021 to Evening of O God, form the minds of your September 10, 2022) or of the good news that, June 19, 2021; Evening of AFTER PENTECOST (Evening August 7, 2021; Evening of faithful people into a single Almighty and ever-living God, through the power of your June 25, 2022 to Evening of of July 10, 2021 to Evening of August 13, 2022 to Evening will. Make us love what you God, our creator and you have given great and Spirit, everyone everywhere July 2, 2022) July 17, 2021; Evening of July of August 20, 2022) command and desire what redeemer, your Son Jesus precious promises to those may unite in one song of O God, the strength of those 23, 2022 to Evening of July O God, your ears are open you promise, that, amid all prayed that his followers who believe. Grant us the praise; through your Son, who hope in you: Be present 30, 2022) always to the prayers of your the changes of this world, our might be one. Make all perfect faith which overcomes Jesus Christ our Lord, who and hear our prayers; and, God of glory, Father of love, servants. Open our hearts and hearts may be fixed where Christians one with him all doubts, through your Son, lives and reigns with you in because in the weakness of peace comes from you alone. minds to you, that we may live true joy is found; through your as he is one with you, so Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. the unity of the Holy Spirit, our mortal nature we can Send us as peacemakers and in harmony with your will and Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, that in peace and concord one God, now and forever. do nothing good without witnesses to your kingdom, receive the gifts of your Spirit; THE FOURTEENTH SUNDAY who lives and reigns with you we may carry to the world Amen. you, give us the help of your and fill our hearts with joy in through your Son, Jesus AFTER PENTECOST (Evening and the Holy Spirit, one God, the message of your love; grace, so that in keeping your promises of salvation; Christ our Lord. Amen. of August 28, 2021 to now and forever. Amen. through Jesus Christ our Lord, THE SUNDAY OF THE HOLY your commandments we may through your Son, Jesus Evening of September 4, who lives and reigns with you TRINITY: THE FIRST SUNDAY THE ELEVENTH SUNDAY THE SIXTH SUNDAY OF please you in will and deed; Christ our Lord. Amen. 2021; Evening of September and the Holy Spirit, one God, AFTER PENTECOST (Evening AFTER PENTECOST (Evening EASTER (Evening of May through your Son, Jesus 10, 2022 to Evening of now and forever. Amen. of May 29, 2021 to Evening THE EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER of August 7, 2021 to Evening 8, 2021 to Evening of May Christ our Lord. Amen. September 17, 2022) of June 5, 2021; Evening of PENTECOST (Evening of July of August 14, 2021; Evening 12, 2021; Evening of May 21, PENTECOST (Evening of May God of all creation, you June 11, 2022 to Evening of THE FOURTH SUNDAY 17, 2021 to Evening of July of August 20, 2022 to 2022 to Evening of May 25, 22, 2021 to Evening of May reach out to call people of June 18, 2022) AFTER PENTECOST (Evening 24, 2021; Evening of July 30, August 27, 2022) 2022) 29, 2021; Evening of June 4, all nations to your kingdom. Almighty God our Father, of June 19, 2021 to Evening 2022 to Evening of August Gracious Father, your blessed O God, from whom all good 2022 to Evening of June 11, As you gather disciples from dwelling in majesty and of June 26, 2021; Evening of 6, 2022) Son came down from heaven things come: Lead us by the 2022) near and far, count us also mystery, renewing and July 2, 2022 to Evening of Almighty God, we thank you to be the true bread which inspiration of your Spirit to among those who boldly fulfilling creation by your July 9, 2022) for planting in us the seed gives life to the world. Give us think those things which are THE VIGIL OF PENTECOST confess your Son Jesus Christ eternal Spirit, and revealing God, our maker and redeemer, of your word. By your Holy this bread, that he may live in right, and by your goodness Almighty and ever-living God, as Lord. Amen. your glory through our Lord, you have made us a new Spirit help us to receive it with us and we in him, Jesus Christ help us to do them; through you fulfilled the promise of Jesus Christ: Cleanse us from company of priests to bear joy, live according to it, and our Lord. Amen. THE FIFTEENTH SUNDAY your Son, Jesus Christ our Easter by sending your Holy Spirit to unite the races and doubt and fear, and enable us witness to the Gospel. Enable grow in faith and hope and AFTER PENTECOST (Evening Lord, who lives and reigns or to worship you, with your Son us to be faithful to our calling love; through your Son, Jesus of September 4, 2021 to with you and the Holy Spirit, nations on earth and thus to and the Holy Spirit, one God, to make known your promises Christ our Lord. Amen. Evening of September 11, one God, now and forever. proclaim your glory. Look Almighty God, judge of us all, upon your people gathered living and reigning, now and to all the world; through your you have placed in our hands 2021; Evening of September Amen. or in prayer, open to receive the forever. Amen. Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. the wealth we call our own. 17, 2022 to Evening of THE ASCENSION OF OUR Spirit’s flame. May it come to Amen. Lord God, use our lives to Give us such wisdom by your September 24, 2022) or LORD (Evening of May 12, rest in our hearts and heal the touch the world with your Spirit that our possessions O God, we thank you for THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER 2021 to Evening of May 15, divisions of word and tongue, Almighty and ever-living God, love. Stir us, by your Spirit, to may not be a curse in our your Son who chose the PENTECOST (Evening of 2021; Evening of May 25, that with one voice and one you have given us grace, by be neighbor to those in need, lives, but an instrument for path of suffering for the sake June 26, 2021 to Evening of 2022 to Evening of May 28, song we may praise your the confession of the true serving them with willing blessing; through your Son, of the world. Humble us by July 3, 2021; Evening of July 2022) name in joy and thanksgiving; faith, to acknowledge the hearts; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. his example, point us to the 9, 2022 to Evening of July Almighty God, your only Son through your Son, Jesus glory of the eternal Trinity Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. path of obedience, and give 16, 2022) THE TWELFTH SUNDAY was taken up into heaven and Christ our Lord, who lives and, in the power of your us strength to follow his O God our defender, storms THE NINTH SUNDAY AFTER AFTER PENTECOST (Evening in power intercedes for us. and reigns with you and the divine majesty, to worship commands; through your Son, rage about us and cause us PENTECOST (Evening of July of August 14, 2021 to May we also come into your Holy Spirit, one God, now and the unity. Keep us steadfast Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. to be afraid. Rescue your 24, 2021 to Evening of July Evening of August 21, 2021; presence and live forever in forever. Amen. in this faith and worship, and people from despair, deliver 31, 2021; Evening of August Evening of August 27, 2022 THE SIXTEENTH SUNDAY your glory; through your Son, bring us at last to see you in THE DAY OF PENTECOST your sons and daughters from 6, 2022 to Evening of August to Evening of September 3, AFTER PENTECOST (Evening Jesus Christ our Lord, who your eternal glory, one God, AND FOLLOWING fear, and preserve us all from 13, 2022) 2022) of September 11, 2021 to lives and reigns with you and now and forever. Amen. unbelief; through your Son, Evening of September 18, the Holy Spirit, one God, now God, the Father of our Lord Pour out upon us, O Lord, Almighty and everlasting Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 2021; Evening of September and forever. Amen. Jesus Christ, as you sent upon THE SECOND SUNDAY the spirit to think and do God, you are always more the disciples the promised AFTER PENTECOST (Evening what is right, that we, who ready to hear than we are to 24, 2022 to Evening of THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER THE SUNDAY AFTER THE gift of the Holy Spirit, look of June 5, 2021 to Evening cannot even exist without pray, and to give more than October 1, 2022) PENTECOST (Evening of July ASCENSION: THE SEVENTH upon your Church and open of June 12, 2021; Evening of you, may have the strength we either desire or deserve. Almighty and eternal God, 3, 2021 to Evening of July SUNDAY OF EASTER our hearts to the power of June 18, 2022 to Evening of to live according to your Pour upon us the abundance you know our problems and 10, 2021; Evening of July 16, (Evening of May 15, 2021 to the Spirit. Kindle in us the fire June 25, 2022) will; through your Son, Jesus of your mercy, forgiving us our weaknesses better than 2022 to Evening of July 23, Evening of May 22, 2021; of your love, and strengthen Lord God of all nations, you Christ our Lord. Amen. those things of which our we ourselves. In your love and 2022) Evening of May 28, 2022 to our lives for service in your have revealed your will to conscience is afraid, and by your power help us in our O God, you have prepared or Evening of June 4, 2022) kingdom; through your Son, your people and promised giving us those good things confusion and, in spite of our for those who love you joys Almighty and eternal God, Jesus Christ our Lord, who your help to us all. Help us for which we are not worthy weakness, make us firm in beyond understanding. Pour O God, you see how busy we your Son our Savior is with lives and reigns with you in the to hear and to do what you to ask, except through the faith; through your Son, Jesus into our hearts such love for are with many things. Turn you in eternal glory. Give us unity of the Holy Spirit, one command, that the darkness merit of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. you that, loving you above all us to listen to your teachings faith to see that, true to his God, now and forever. Amen. may be overcome by the and lead us to choose the one Christ our Lord. Amen. < SEASONAL PRAYERS (CONTINUED) SEASONAL PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > THE SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST THE TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER THE TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST THE TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST (Evening of September 18, 2021 (Evening of October 2, 2021 to Evening of PENTECOST (Evening of October 16, 2021 to (Evening of October 30, 2021 to Evening of PENTECOST (Evening of November 13, 2021 to to Evening of September 25, 2021; Evening October 9, 2021; Evening of October 15, 2022 Evening of October 23, 2021; Evening of October November 6, 2021; Evening of November 12, 2022 Evening of November 20, 2021; Not in 2022) of October 1, 2022 to Evening of October 8, to Evening of October 22, 2022) 29, 2022 to Evening of November 5, 2022) to Evening of November 19, 2022) Stir up, O Lord, the wills of your faithful people 2022) God of love, you know our frailties and failings. Almighty God, source of every blessing, your Almighty and everlasting God, increase in us the to seek more eagerly the help you offer, that, at O God, you declare your almighty power chiefly Give us your grace to overcome them; keep us generous goodness comes to us anew every day. gifts of faith, hope, and charity; and, that we may the last, they may enjoy the fruit of salvation; in showing mercy and pity. Grant us the fullness from those things that harm us; and guide us in By the work of your Spirit lead us to acknowledge obtain what you promise, make us love what you through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. of your grace, that, pursuing what you have the way of salvation; through your Son, Jesus your goodness, give thanks for your benefits, command; through your Son, Jesus Christ our CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY: THE LAST SUNDAY AFTER promised, we may share your heavenly glory; Christ our Lord. Amen. and serve you in willing obedience; through your Lord. Amen. PENTECOST (Evening of November 20, 2021 to through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. THE TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER Evening of November 27, 2021; Evening of November THE EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST (Evening of October 9, 2021 to Evening of THE TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST (Evening of November 6, 2021 to 19, 2022 to Evening of November 26, 2022) (Evening of September 25, 2021 to Evening of October 16, 2021; Evening of October 22, 2022 PENTECOST (Evening of October 23, 2021 to Evening of November 13, 2021; Not in 2022) Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is to October 2, 2021; Evening of October 8, 2022 to to Evening of October 29, 2022) Evening of October 30, 2021; Evening of November Lord, when the day of wrath comes we have no restore all things to your beloved Son, whom you Evening of October 15, 2022) Our Lord Jesus, you have endured the doubts 5, 2022 to Evening of November 12, 2022) hope except in your grace. Make us so to watch anointed priest forever and king of all creation: Lord God, you call us to work in your vineyard and foolish questions of every generation. Almighty and everlasting God, in Christ you have for the last days that the consummation of our Grant that all the people of the earth, now and leave no one standing idle. Set us to our Forgive us for trying to be judge over you, and revealed your glory among the nations. Preserve hope may be the joy of the marriage feast of divided by the power of sin, may be united under tasks in the work of your kingdom, and help us grant us the confident faith to acknowledge you the works of your mercy, that your Church your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. the glorious and gentle rule of your Son, our Lord to order our lives by your wisdom; through your as Lord. Amen. throughout the world may persevere with Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. steadfast faith in the confession of your name; the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Church Year Ends

< SEASONAL PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS > FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS AND READINGS January 1: the circumcision may fearlessly proclaim your and understanding in times of and reigns with you and the with you and the Holy Spirit, faith; For bishops that they States. The observance of and holy name of jesus word against every error, quarrel and dissent. Holy Spirit, one God, now and one God, for ever and ever. defend and maintain the the civil holiday, however, Eternal Father, you gave to false doctrine, and abuse; and forever. Amen. Amen. catholic faith; For closer takes place not on January Learn more: thenalc.org/ your incarnate Son the holy may so minister your divine relations between the Eastern 15 but on the third Monday charles-krauth Additional Prayers: For the Learn more: thenalc.org/ Name of Jesus to be a sign of mysteries in all their purity and the Western Churches. in January. It is more nations of the earth; For william-laud our salvation: Plant in every and fullness, that your people liturgically appropriate for the seekers of wisdom; For Learn more: thenalc.org/ heart, we pray, the love of may be strengthened to serve commemoration to be kept January 5: Kaj (pronounced the spirit of humility and hilary-of-poitiers him who is the Savior of the those in need wherever they on the day of his death, April 4 KYE like “sky”) Munk, reverence; For those who January 12: Aelred, Abbot of world, our Lord Jesus Christ, may be, for the sake of your (unless the day conflicts with Martyr, 1944 bring offerings to God; For Rievaulx, 1167 who lives and reigns with you Son, Jesus Christ our Lord; Holy Week or Easter Week), churches named for the January 14: Eivind Josef and the Holy Spirit, one God, who lives and reigns with you Gracious Lord, in every age Pour into our hearts, O God, as the Episcopal (Anglican) mystery of the Epiphany, for Bergrav, Bishop of Oslo, 1959 in glory everlasting. Amen. and the Holy Spirit, one God, you have sent men and the Holy Spirit’s gift of love, Lesser Feasts and Fasts and which this day is their feast now and forever. women who have given their that we, clasping each the Mighty God, you gave your the Methodist For All the Additional Prayers: For a of title. lives for the message of other’s hand, may share the servant , Saints provide. Information deeper devotion to our Lord Additional Prayers: For your love: Inspire us with the Learn more: thenalc.org/ joy of friendship, human and together with the bishops about Dr. King therefore may and a greater reliance on truth; For doctrinal purity example of your servant Kaj epiphany divine, and with your servant and faithful priests of Norway, be found at April 4. his saving power; For the and clarity; For missionary Munk, whose faithfulness led Aelred draw many to your strength and courage to cleansing of God’s people concern at home and abroad; him in the way of the cross, community of love; through resist tyranny, to defend your from sin; For reverence for the For a deeper understanding and give us courage to bear January 9: Julia Chester Jesus Christ the Righteous, ancient people the Jews, and January 16: George Fox, holy name of Jesus; For God’s of the Holy Communion; For full witness with our lives to Emery, Mission Supporter, who lives and reigns with you to uphold the rights of your Renewer of Society, 1691 blessing on the new year. parish . the victory over sin and death 1922 and the Holy Spirit, one God, church: So strengthen our Holy and righteous God, you won by Jesus Christ our Lord; now and forever. Amen. faith by their witness, we pray, Learn more: thenalc.org/ Learn more: thenalc.org/ God of all creation, who calls created us in your image: who lives and reigns with you that we in our generation holy-name wilhelm-lohe us in Christ to make disciples Additional Prayers: For Illumine our hearts and our and the Holy Spirit, one God may serve you faithfully and of all nations and to proclaim our friends; For the minds with your light that now and forever. Amen. confess your Name before your mercy and love: Grant gift of gentleness and we may recognize injustice, January 1: New Year’s Day January 3: Charles the world; through your Son, Additional Prayers: For that we, after the example understanding; For increased and, strengthened by your Porterfield Krauth, Teacher, Jesus Christ our Lord, who Eternal Father, you have strength to follow Christ into of your servant Julia Chester love for our neighbors; For might and encouraged by the 1883 lives and reigns with you and placed us in a world of space the world; For those under Emery, might have vision greater love for God. example of George Fox, may Almighty God, source of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and time, and through the persecution; For all who and courage in proclaiming contend fearlessly against knowledge, wisdom, and faith: Learn more: thenalc.org/ and forever. Amen. events of our lives you bless resist tyranny; For courage the Gospel to the ends of the oppression and bring justice We praise you for the gifts aelred-of-rievaulx us with your love. Grant that to proclaim the whole gospel; earth; through Jesus Christ, Additional Prayers: For those and peace among peoples you richly bestowed on your in this new year we may know For the theater writers, our light and our salvation, under persecution; For those and nations; through your Son servant Charles Porterfield your presence, see you love at actors, audiences, and all who who lives and reigns with you who resist tyranny; For Jesus Christ our Lord, who Krauth; and we pray that, by January 13: Hilary, Bishop of work, and live in the light of produce and perform drama. and the Holy Spirit, one God, those in prison; For those lives and reigns with you and his teaching and example, Poitiers, 367 the event which gives us joy for ever and ever. Amen. who explore relationships the Holy Spirit, one God, now we may honor the tradition Learn more: thenalc.org/ forever—the coming of your Almighty God, your servant between religion and culture; and forever. Amen. that has been entrusted to us, kaj-munk Learn more: thenalc.org/ Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Hilary defended the divinity For colleges and schools. cherish it, and hand it on in its julia-emery Remembered with William Amen. of Jesus Christ your Son: fullness to generations after Give us, we pray, a deeper Learn more: thenalc.org/ Penn, 1644; Robert Barclay, January 6: THE EPIPHANY Learn more: thenalc.org/ us; through your Son Jesus understanding of this mystery eivind-bergrav 1690; and John Woolman, OF OUR LORD: THE January 10: William Laud, holy-name Christ our Lord, who lives and help us profess it in all 1772. MANIFESTATION OF CHRIST Archbishop of Canterbury, and reigns with you and the truth, that we may rejoice in TO THE GENTILES 1645 January 15 Additional Prayers: For Holy Spirit, one God, now and having you for our Father, and January 2: Johann Konrad seekers after truth; For those forever. Amen. O God, by the leading of a star Keep us, O Lord, constant in may abide in your Son, in the This day, Martin Luther King, Wilhelm Löhe, Pastor, 1872 in prison; For the outcast and you manifested your only Son faith and zealous in witness, fellowship of the Holy Spirit; Jr.’s birthday, may be observed Everlasting, gracious heavenly Additional Prayers: For a those out of step with society; to the peoples of the earth: that, like your servant William who live and reign, one God, as his commemoration as the Father, you have given to renewed appreciation of the For equal justice for all. Lead us, who know you now Laud, we may live in your fear, now and forever. Amen. calendars in the Lutheran your church the holy ministry tradition of the church; For a by faith, to your presence, die in your favor, and rest in Book of Worship and Learn more: thenalc.org/ of Word and Sacrament: deepened concern for truth Additional Prayers: For where we may see your glory your peace; for the sake of Evangelical george-fox Grant that the pastors of and doctrine; For scholars, teachers of facing face to face; through Jesus Jesus Christ your Son our provide in recognition of the your church, following the teachers, professors, and opposition because of their Christ our Lord, who lives Lord, who lives and reigns civil holiday in the United example of Wilhelm Löhe, administrators; For charity adherence to the apostolic < SEASONAL PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > January 17: Antony, Abbot in preaching; For reconciliation January 20: Fabian, Bishop share her pure and steadfast that all whom you call to the world: Grant, we pray, sustain your church by their Egypt, 356 between the Roman and the of Rome, Martyr, 250 faith in you; through Jesus preach the gospel may steep that we, having his wonderful deeds of generous love: non-Roman churches. Christ our Lord, who lives and themselves in your Word, and conversion in remembrance, Open our hearts to hear you, O God, by your Holy Spirit you O God, in your providence reigns with you and the Holy conform their lives to your may show ourselves thankful conform our will to love you, called Antony and Pachomius Learn more: thenalc.org/ you singled out the holy Spirit, one God, forever and will; through Jesus Christ our to you by following his holy and strengthen our hands to to renounce the world and confession-of-peter martyr Fabian as worthy to ever. Amen. Lord, who lives and reigns teaching; through Jesus serve you; for the sake of your to serve you in the solitude be chief pastor of your people with you and the Holy Spirit, Christ our Lord, who lives Son Jesus Christ our Lord, of the desert, withstanding in Rome, and guided him so Prayers for Christian Unity: one God, forever and ever. and reigns with you and the who lives and reigns with you the temptations of the world, January 19: Henry, Bishop to strengthen your church Lutheran, Moravian, and Amen. Holy Spirit, one God, now and and the Holy Spirit, one God, the flesh, and the devil: Grant of Uppsala, Missionary to that it stood fast in the day Methodist Churches. forever. Amen. now and forever. Amen. us grace to learn by their Finland, Martyr, 1156 of persecution: Grant that Prayers for Christian Unity: Additional Prayers: For example to deny ourselves, to the example of your martyr Baptist, Amish, Mennonite, Prayers for Christian Additional Prayers: For the Almighty God, your servant all Christian children and love you above all things, and, Fabian may help us to imitate Hutterite, and Christian Unity: Non-mainstream poor; For foreigners in a Henry of Uppsala brought teenagers, especially those with pure hearts and minds, his faith and offer you our (Disciples of Christ) Churches. communities; theologians strange land; For female the light of the gospel to enduring ridicule for their to follow you, the only God; loving service; through Jesus and councils seeking to ; For all who assist in the people of Finland and faith and life; For church Additional Prayers: For all through Jesus Christ our Lord, Christ our Lord, who lives promote Christian unity while the proclamation of the word confirmed his preaching by schools and Christian youth who preach the gospel; For a who lives and reigns with you and reigns with you and the preserving Christian truth. of God. martyrdom: Shine, we pray, groups; For those who teach lively sense of social justice; and the Holy Spirit, one God, Holy Spirit, one God, now and in our hearts, that we, also, and work with young people; For a burning desire to bring Additional Prayers: For Learn more: thenalc.org/ forever and ever. Amen. forever. Amen. in our generation may show For a willingness to learn from the world to Christ. renewal of faith; For preachers lydia-dorcas-and-phoebe Remembered with Pachomius, forth your praise, who called Prayers for Christian Unity: children. of the gospel; For opening our Learn more: thenalc.org/ Abbot, 346. us our of darkness into your Anglican, Old Catholic, and eyes to see beyond this world. Learn more: thenalc.org/ phillips-brooks marvelous light; through allied churches. January 28: Thomas Additional Prayers: For all Jesus Christ our Lord, who agnes-of-rome Learn more: thenalc.org/ Aquinas, Teacher, 1274 whom God is calling to lives and reigns with you and Additional Prayers: For all who conversion-of-paul January 24: Francis de Sales, Almighty God, you have the Religious Life; For all the Holy Spirit, one God, now today are facing persecution, January 22: Vincent, Deacon Bishop of Geneva, 1622 enriched your church with the monks and nuns and for all and forever. Amen. suffering, and death for their at Saragossa, Martyr, 304 January 26: Timothy, Titus, singular learning and holiness communities in which men faith; For all who are engaged O God, you gave your blessed Prayers for Christian Unity: Silas; Companions of St. Paul of your servant Thomas and women seek a deeper in church administration; For Eternal God, you gave your bishop Francis de Sales Roman Catholic and Uniate Aquinas: Enable us, we pray, faith and a fuller life; For an the lapsed; For the fearful; deacon Vincent the courage the spirit of compassion to Almighty God, you called Churches. to grow in wisdom by his appreciation of the virtues For parishes throughout the to endure torture and death befriend all on the way of your saints Timothy and teaching and deepen our of poverty, chastity, and Additional Prayers: For world, particularly those in for the gospel: Fill us with your salvation: By his example, Titus and Silas to the work of devotion by the example of obedience; For deliverance the Church of Finland; For great cities; For the unity of Spirit to endure all adversity lead us to show to the world evangelists and teachers, and his faith and holy life; through from acquisitiveness and from faithfulness; For zeal in the church. with invincible and steadfast the tenderness of your own made them strong to endure Jesus Christ our Lord, who attachment to the things of preaching the gospel. faith, and strengthen us in love in the service of others; hardship and joyful in prison: Learn more: thenalc.org/ lives and reigns with you and this world. your love; through Jesus through your Son Jesus Christ Strengthen us to stand firm in Learn more: thenalc.org/ fabian-of-rome the Holy Spirit, one God, now Christ our Lord, who lives and our Lord, who lives and reigns adversity and to live lives that Learn more: thenalc.org/ henry-of-uppsala and forever. Amen. antony-of-egypt reigns with you and the Holy with you and the Holy Spirit, are self-controlled, upright, Also on January 20 Spirit, one God, forever and one God, now and forever. and godly in this present time, Additional Prayers: For the ever. Amen. Amen. that with sure confidence we spirit of inquiry; For the gift Also on January 19: The January 18: the confession may wait for the blessed hope of wisdom; For grace to Wulfstan, Bishop of (2006) of the Lutheran Prayers for Christian Unity: Prayers for Christian Unity: of st peter the week of and the manifestation of the perceive the mystery of God’s . : Worcester, 1095 Church—Missouri , Congregational, Presbyterian, Pentecostal and charismatic glory of our great God and presence; For teachers of prayer for christian unity following the practice of the and Reformed Churches. churches. Almighty God, who through Savior Jesus Christ, who gave theology; For the grounding begins Eastern Church, a practice days of change and turmoil Additional Prayers: For the Additional Prayers: For himself for us and who now of theology always in prayer introduced in the West by the Almighty God, who inspired kept your holy bishop Church in Spain, its bishops, devotion to Christ in our lives and reigns with you and and in the life and worship of calendar of Wilhelm Löhe (see Simon Peter, first among the Wulfstan strong in his clergy, and people; For all daily lives, whatever our the Holy Spirit, one God, now the church. January 2), commemorates apostles, to confess Jesus simplicity, his compassion, deacons; For freedom from circumstances; For faithful and forever. Amen. certain people from the Learn more: thenalc.org/ as Messiah and Son of the and his faith: Multiply in your fear; For a will to embrace our stewardship of possessions; Hebrew Bible. On January Additional Prayers: For the thomas-aquinas living God: Keep your Church church leaders of his quality, calling to serve the world. For men and women in their 20 the Lutheran Service Book hesitant; For reconciliation; steadfast upon the rock of faithful to themselves, to your everyday life; For writers and this faith, so that in unity and people, and to you; through remembers Sarah (Genesis 11- Learn more: thenalc.org/ For mixed marriages; For journalists. February 1: Bride (Brigid), peace we may proclaim one Jesus Christ our Lord, who 23); she is listed on January 19 vincent-of-saragossa Christians in Turkey; For the Abbess, 523 truth and follow the one Lord, lives and reigns with you on Löhe’s calendar. Learn more: thenalc.org/ Greek Orthodox Church in our Savior Jesus Christ; who and the Holy Spirit, one God, kaj-munk Greece and Crete. Everliving God, we rejoice today January 23: Phillips Brooks, lives and reigns with you and forever and ever. Amen. in the fellowship of your blessed January 21: Agnes, Martyr at Bishop of Massachusetts, Learn more: thenalc.org/ the Holy Spirit, one God, now servant Brigid, and we give you Additional Prayers: For all Rome, 304 1893 January 25: the conversion timothy-titus-and-silas and forever. Amen. thanks for her life of devoted bishops; For all who work to of st paul the week of Almighty and everlasting O everlasting God, you . : service. Inspire us with life and Prayers for Christian Unity: improve the social conditions God, you choose those whom revealed your truth to your prayer for christian unity January 27: Lydia, Dorcas, light, and give us perseverance Eastern Orthodox, Coptic, of their society; For all regular the world deems powerless servant Phillips Brooks and so ends and Phoebe; Helpers of the to serve you all our days; and other Eastern Churches. communicants and especially to put the powerful to shame: formed and molded his mind Apostles through Jesus Christ our Lord, those who attend daily worship. O God, by the preaching Grant us so to cherish the and hunt that he was able to who lives and reigns with you Additional Prayers: For the of your apostle Paul you Almighty God, you inspired Learn more: thenalc.org/ memory of your youthful mediate that truth with grace and the Holy Spirit, one God, unity of the church; For clarity have caused the light of the your servants Lydia, Dorcas, wulfstan-of-worcester martyr Agnes, that we may and power; Grant, we pray, forever and ever. Amen. and boldness in the church’s Gospel to shine throughout and Phoebe to support and < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > Additional Prayers: For the Also on February 3 brought the holy martyrs of servant Absalom Jones, we Also on February 14 Virgin Mary) commemorates an expedition to distant gift of joyful compassion; For Japan through the suffering may show forth in our lives today the birth of Philipp and forbidding places as In addition to Ansgar, the The Lutheran Service all who lead lives of prayer; of the cross to the joys of the reconciling love and true Melanchthon. See June 25. their chaplain to keep the Roman Catholic General Book, with its penchant for For communities of women; eternal life: Grant that we, freedom of the children of explorers close to your word Calendar also commemorates the old Roman calendar, For brides. encouraged by their example, God, which you have given us and sacrament: Strengthen on this date St. Blaise commemorates Valentine may hold fast the faith we in your Son our Savior Jesus February 17: Janani Luwum, us by his example to share Learn more: thenalc.org/ (Blasius), who according to a on this date. There were profess, even to death itself, Christ; who lives and reigns Archbishop of Uganda and the hardships of others in brigid-of-kildare late and historically dubious apparently two Valentines through Jesus Christ our Lord, with you and the Holy Spirit, Martyr, 1977 the name of him who came legend was bishop of Sebaste who were martyrs: a third- who lives and reigns with you one God, now and for ever. to share ours, your Son Jesus in Armenia, where he was century Roman priest who O God, whose Son the Good and the Holy Spirit, one God Amen. Christ our Lord; who lives February 2: the presentation martyred early in the fourth was killed on the Flaminian Shepherd laid down his life for now and forever. Amen. and reigns with you and the of our lord (candlemas) century. Because of the story Learn more: thenalc.org/ Way under the Emperor his sheep: We give you thanks for your faithful shepherd, Holy Spirit, one God, now and Almighty and everliving God, that he miraculously saved a Additional Prayers: For the absalom-jones Claudius (c. 269) and a Bishop Janani Luwum, who after his forever. Amen. we humbly pray that, as your young child who was choking church in Japan; For boldness of Terni (Interamna) who was Savior’s example gave up his only-begotten Son was this on a fish-bone, he became to confess Christ; for the taken to Rome and martyred Additional Prayers: For the Also on February 13: life for the sake of his flock. day presented in the temple, extraordinarily popular, spirit of Christ to forgive our there and whose remains were church in Canada; For faithful Grant us to be so inspired by so may we be presented especially in Germany, and enemies. The Eastern Church on this later taken back to Terni. The pastors and chaplains; Of his witness that we make no to you with pure and clean his feast day was observed date commemorates Aquila surviving legends obscure thanksgiving for those who Learn more: thenalc.org/ peace with oppression, but hearts by Jesus Christ our with the blessing of throats. and Priscilla (Prisca), early whatever the historical facts planted the church on these paul-miki live as those who are sealed Lord; who lives and reigns The blessing is still done, Christian converts. Aquila, may be; possibly the two shores. with the cross of Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit, especially in many Roman a tentmaker, and his wife Valentines are the same died and rose again, and now Learn more: thenalc.org/ one God, now and forever. Catholic churches. Also on February 5 Priscilla were prominent person. John Donne has a lives and reigns with you and rasmus-jensen Amen. members of the early church; poem that begins, “Hail, The Eastern Church on The Lutheran Service Book on the Holy Spirit, one God, for see Acts 18. The calendar in Bishop Valentine, whose day Additional Prayers: For the this day following the the date commemorates the ever and ever. Amen. the Lutheran Service Book this is.” February 23: Polycarp, illumination of the darkness Presentation of Our Lord in patriarch Jacob (Israel). (2006) lists on this date Learn more: thenalc.org/ Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr, of the world; For the aged; the Temple commemorates Priscilla and Aquila together janani-luwum 156 For those who wait patiently Righteous Simeon and Anna February 15: Thomas Bray, with Apollos, a learned Jew for salvation; For those who the Prophetess. All we know February 6: Philipp Jakob Priest and Missionary, 1730 O God, the make of heaven who completed his Christian have become mothers. of them is given in Luke 2:33- Spener, Renewer of the and earth, you gave your education under Priscilla and O God of compassion, who February 18: Martin Luther, 38. Church, 1705 venerable servant, the holy Learn more: thenalc.org/ Aquila. opened the heart of your Renewer of the Church, 1546 Almighty God, from whom and gentle Polycarp, boldness presentation servant Thomas Bray to God, our refuge and our every good prayer comes, to confess Jesus Christ as King February 4: Cornelius the answer the needs of the strength: You raised up you pour out on all who desire February 14: Cyril, Monk, and Savior, and steadfastness Centurion church in the New World: your servant Martin Luther February 3: Ansgar (Anskar), it the spirit of grace and 865; Methodius, Bishop, to die for his faith: Give us Make your church diligent to reform and renew your Archbishop of Hamburg, O God, by your Spirit you supplication: By your Spirit 885; Missionaries to the grace, following his example, at all times to propagate Church in the light of you Missionary to Denmark and called Cornelius the Centurion and by the example of your Slavs to share the cup of Christ and the Gospel, and to promote Word. Defend and purify the Sweden, 865 to be the first Christian servant Philipp Jakob Spener, rise to eternal life; through O Lord our God, through the the spread of Christian Church in our own day and among the Gentiles: Grant to deliver us, when we draw near Jesus Christ our Lord, who Almighty and everlasting God, ministry of your servants Cyril knowledge; through Jesus grant that, through faith, your Church such a ready will to you, from coldness of heart lives and reigns with you and you sent your servant Anskar and Methodius you brought Christ our Lord, who lives and we may boldly proclaim the to go where you send and to and wanderings of mind, that the Holy Spirit, one God, now as an apostle to the people the gospel to the Slavic reigns with you and the Holy riches of your grace which do what you command, that with steadfast thoughts and and forever. Amen. of Scandinavia, and enabled nations: Protect your faithful Spirit, one God, for ever and you have made known in under your guidance it may kindled affections we may him to lay a firm foundation people, make them known ever. Amen. Jesus Christ our Savior, who Additional Prayers: For a life welcome all who turn to you worship you in spirit and in for their conversion, though for their unity and their faith, with you and the Holy Spirit, of devotion; For boldness in love and faith, and proclaim truth; through Jesus Christ The Eastern Church on this he did not see the results of guide them by your word and lives and reigns, one God, to witness to the faith; For the Gospel to all nations; our Lord, who lives and reigns date (and also November his labors: Keep your Church teaching, and ever protect now and forever. Amen. courage to follow Christ, even through Jesus Christ our Lord, with you and the Holy Spirit, 22) commemorates Apostle from discouragement in the them under the shadow of to death; For faithfulness to who lives and reigns with you one God, now and forever. Onesimus (of the Seventy). Additional Prayers: For the day of small things, knowing your wings; through your Son the apostolic tradition. and the Holy Spirit, one God, Amen. The calendar in the Lutheran continual cleansing of the that when you have begun a Jesus Christ our Lord, who forever and ever. Amen. Service Book (2006), church; For an ever-new Learn more: thenalc.org/ good work you will bring it to Additional Prayers: For a lives and reigns with you and following Löhe’s calendar discovery of the good news polycarp-of-smyrna a fruitful conclusion; through Additional Prayers: For living faith; For the work of the Holy Spirit, one God, now (February 16), lists Philemon of God; For the unity of the Jesus Christ our Lord, who those in military service; For Christian laity; For lay leaders and forever. Amen. and his slave Onesimus on church. lives and reigns with you converts to the faith; For an in the church; For a holy life. February 24: st matthias Additional Prayers: For those February 15; their story is . , and the Holy Spirit, one God, inclusive church. Learn more: thenalc.org/ apostle Learn more: thenalc.org/ under persecution and attack; given in the New Testament forever and ever. Amen. martin-luther Learn more: thenalc.org/ philipp-spener For the Slavic churches; For book Philemon. Almighty God, who in the Additional Prayers: For cornelius-the-centurion linguists and translators; place of Judas chose your courage and resolution in the For respect for the past and faithful servant Matthias to be February 16 February 20: Rasmus Jensen, face of defeat; For the church February 13: Absalom Jones, openness to the future. numbered among the Twelve: February 5: Paul Miki and First Lutheran Pastor in North in Sweden; For the church in Priest, 1818 The Lutheran Service Book, Grant that your Church, being His Companions, Martyrs of Learn more: thenalc.org/cyril- America, 1620 Denmark. Set us free, heavenly Father, departing from the church’s delivered from false apostles, Japan, 1597 and-methodius Most gracious God, your from every bond of prejudice tradition of celebrating only may always be guided by Learn more: thenalc.org/ servant Rasmus Jensen, God our Father, source of and fear; that, honoring the three earthly birthdays (Jesus, faithful and true pastors; ansgar-of-hamburg faithful through desolation strength to all your saints, you steadfast courage of your John the Baptist, and the through Jesus Christ our Lord, and peril, accompanied < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > who lives and reigns with you the Tamil people: Foster in honors to be a pastor of Christ may turn to him and be steadfast faith, and win with through Jesus Christ our Lord, Give us grace to imitate his and the Holy Spirit, one God, your church such respect for souls, a poet, and a priest in saved; who lives and reigns them the palm of victory; who lives and reigns with you uprightness of life and his now and forever. Amen. those to whom the gospel your temple: Give us grace, with you and the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord, and the Holy Spirit, one God, obedience to your commands; is proclaimed, that with we pray, joyfully to perform one God, now and forever. who lives and reigns with you forever and ever. Amen. through Jesus Christ our Lord, Additional Prayers: For those conviction, persistence, and the tasks you give us to do, Amen. and the Holy Spirit, one God, who lives and reigns with you who give testimony to the Additional Prayers: For love your saving word may knowing that nothing is forever and ever. Amen. and the Holy Spirit, one God, resurrection; For a renewed Additional Prayers: For a the church and people of be made real to all who do menial or common that is forever and ever. Amen. life; For faithfulness to Christ; heart burning with love for Additional Prayers: For Ireland; For an end to the not know you; through Jesus done for your sake; through For those who are passed God; For a deepened spiritual faithfulness; For confidence many sufferings of the Additional Prayers: For fathers Christ our Lord, who lives Jesus Christ our Lord, who over in selection processes. life; For a social conscience; in God’s care; For courage to country and deliverance from and foster parents; For quite and reigns with you and the lives and reigns with you For the reconciliation of confess Christ; For strength to terrorism and oppression; confidence; For humble Learn more: thenalc.org/ Holy Spirit, one God, now and and the Holy Spirit, one God, the Methodist and Anglican support those who suffer. For missionaries in physical service; For those who work matthias-the-apostle forever. Amen. forever and ever. Amen. Churches. danger and harassment; with their hands: artisans and Learn more: thenalc.org/ Remembered with Christian Additional Prayers: For poets For zeal in God’s service; laborers; In thanksgiving for Learn more: thenalc.org/ perpetua-and-companions Frederick Schwartz, and those who make language For renewed respect for the the patriarchs and prophets. February 25: Elizabeth john-wesley Missionary to India, 1798; sing; For humility; For grace natural world. Fedde, 1921; Emma Francis, Learn more: thenalc.org/ , Missionary to to find God in everyday life; 1945; Deaconesses March 12: Gregory the Great, Learn more: thenalc.org/ joseph-the-guardian Greenland, 1758; and Thomas For devotion to prayer and March 2: Chad, Bishop of Bishop of Rome, 604 patrick-of-ireland Lord God, your Son came von Westen, Missionary to dedication to service among Lichfield, 672 Almighty and merciful God, among us to serve and not the Lapland, 1727. clergy and laity. March 20: Cuthbert, Bishop Almighty God, for the guiding your people with to be served, and to give his March 18: Cyril, Bishop of of Lindisfarne, 687 Additional Prayers: For the Learn more: thenalc.org/ peace of the Church your kindness and governing life for the world: By his love, Jerusalem, 386 church in India; For schools george-herbert servant Chad relinquished us with love, you raised up Almighty God, you called reflected in the sacrifice of and orphanages; For those cheerfully the honors that Gregory of Rome to be a O Lord our God, through Cuthbert from following the your servants Elizabeth Fedde who seek to understand had been thrust upon him, servant of the servants of Cyril of Jerusalem you led flock to be a shepherd of your and Emma Francis, encourage March 1: David, Bishop of different cultures; For those only to be rewarded with God: Give the Spirit of wisdom your church to a deeper people: Mercifully grant that, us to serve those to whom the Menevia, Wales, c. 544 in frail health; For a spirit of equal responsibility: Keep to those whom you call to be understanding of the as he sought in dangerous world offers no comfort and understanding, acceptance, Almighty God, you called your us, we pray, from thinking the shepherds of your church mysteries of salvation: and remote places those who little help, giving hope to the and support for new work in servant David to be a faithful of ourselves more highly and that your people, growing Strengthen the bishops of had erred and strayed from hopeless, love to the unloved, the church; For the church in and wise steward of your than we ought to think, and in holiness and fruitful in your church in their calling to your ways, so we may seek peace to the troubled, and Greenland; For the church in mysteries for the people of make us ready at all times every good work, may receive be teachers and ministers of the indifferent and the lost, rest to the weary; through the Lapland. Wales: Mercifully grant that, to step aside for others, that the crown of glory that never the Sacraments, so that they and lead them back to you; same Jesus Christ our Lord, following his purity of life the cause of Christ may be fades away; through Jesus may effectively instruct your through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you Learn more: thenalc.org/ and zeal for the whole Gospel advanced; through the same Christ our Lord, who lives and people in Christian faith and who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God, bartholomaus-ziegenbalg of Christ, we may with him Jesus Christ our Lord, who reigns with you and the Holy practice; and that we, taught and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. receive your heavenly reward; lives and reigns with you and Spirit, one God, forever and by them, may enter more forever and ever. Amen. Remembered with Emma Also on February 26: through Jesus Christ our Lord, the Holy Spirit, one God, now ever. Amen. fully into the celebration of Additional Prayers: For the Hermina Francesca Francis, Florence Li Tim-Oi, First who lives and reigns with you and forever. Amen. the Paschal mystery; through Additional Prayers: For the indifferent and those who no , 1945. Female Priest in the Anglican and the Holy Spirit, one God, Jesus Christ our Lord, who Additional Prayers: For poor; For social justice; For longer practice their religion; Communion, 1944 forever and ever. Amen. lives and reigns with you and deliverance from deception renewed appreciation of the For a deeper understanding Additional Prayers: For the the Holy Spirit, one God, now Almighty God, who pours out Additional Prayers: For the by dreams of worldly liturgy; For a spirit of service; of the importance of prayer, spirit of selfless service; For and forever. Amen. sailors and mariners; For the your Spirit upon your sons church in Wales; For the greatness; For the gift of For harried pastors and meditation, and study; For the sick, the needy, the forgotten; and daughters: grant that people and leaders of Wales; holiness and true humility; For administrators, distracted by Additional Prayers: For the north of England, its church For those who minister we, following the example For the spirit of simplicity and charity in all our actions. many concerns. Patriarch of Jerusalem; For and people; For the cathedral to those in need; For the of your servant Florence Li austerity. the peace of Jerusalem and and diocese of Durham. Learn more: thenalc.org/ Learn more: thenalc.org/ liberation of women and men Tim-Oi, chosen priest in your for reconciliation between Learn more: thenalc.org/ chad-of-lichfield gregory-the-great Learn more: thenalc.org/ everywhere from bondage to church, may with faithfulness, Arabs and Jews; For all david-of-menevia cuthbert-of-lindisfarne stereotypes. patience, and tenacity Christians in Jerusalem, that proclaim your holy gospel to March 7: Perpetua and Her March 17: Patrick, Bishop, their unity may increase and Learn more: thenalc.org/ all the nations, through Jesus March 2: John Wesley, Companions, Martyrs at Missionary to Ireland, 461 that their witness to the love March 21: Thomas Ken, elizabeth-fedde Christ our Lord, who lives 1791; Charles Wesley, 1788; Carthage, 202 of Christ may be seen by all. Bishop of Bath and Wells, Almighty God, who in your and reigns with you and the Renewers of the Church 1711 O God, the King of saints, in providence chose your Learn more: thenalc.org/cyril- February 26: Bartholomäus Holy Spirit, one God, in glory Lord God, you inspired your whose strength your servants servant Patrick to be the of-jerusalem Almighty God, you gave your Ziegenbalg, Missionary to everlasting. Amen. servants John and Charles Perpetua and Felicitas and apostle of the Irish people, servant Thomas Ken grace India, 1719 Learn more: thenalc.org/ Wesley with burning zeal for their companions made a to bring those who were and courage to bear witness March 19: st. joseph, husband God of eternal and abounding florence-tim-oi the of souls, good confession, staunchly wandering in darkness and to the truth before rulers and love, you strengthened and endowed them with resisting, for the cause of error to the true light and of mary and guardian of kings: Give us strength also your servant Bartholomäus eloquence in speech and Christ, the claims of human knowledge of you: Grant us our lord that, following his example, March 1: George Herbert, Ziegenbalg in his zeal for a song: Kindle in your Church, affection, and encouraging so to walk in that light, that we may constantly defend Priest, 1633 O God, who from the family true and living faith, upheld we entreat you, such fervor, one another in their time we may bring others to the of your servant David raised what is right, boldly reprove him through conflict and Our God and King, you called that those whose faith has of trial: Grant that we who peace and joy of your gospel up Joseph to be the guardian what is evil, and patiently discouragement, and opened your servant George Herbert cooled may be warmed, and cherish their blessed memory and come at last with them of your incarnate Son and the suffer for the truth’s sake; his mind to the culture of from the pursuit of worldly those who have not known may share their pure and to the light of everlasting life; spouse of his virgin mother: through Jesus Christ our Lord, < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > who lives and reigns with you Learn more: thenalc.org/ March 25: the annunciation recovery of its heritage; For who preach the gospel; For James Lloyd Breck; through quickening of the national and the Holy Spirit, one God, james-de-koven of our lord to the virgin all poets and writers in the poets and writers; For an Jesus Christ our Lord, who conscience. forever and ever. Amen. Christian tradition; For the awareness of the shortness lives and reigns with you and mary Learn more: thenalc.org/ spirit of love and gentleness of life. the Holy Spirit, one God, for Additional Prayers: For martin-luther-king March 23: Gregory the Pour your grace into our in all discussions and ever and ever. Amen. integrity, the grace to know Learn more: thenalc.org/ Illuminator, Missionary hearts, O Lord, that we who controversies about religion. what is right, and the courage Bishop of Armenia, c. 332 have known the incarnation john-donne Learn more: thenalc.org/ to do it; For those who teach Learn more: thenalc.org/ james-breck April 6: Albrecht Dürer, Almighty God whose will of your Son Jesus Christ, Painter, 1528; Lucas Cranach young people the faith; For announced by an angel, may john-keble the Cathedral Church of Wells it is to be glorified in your Also on March 31 the Elder, Painter, 1553; saints, and who raised up by his cross and passion be April 3: Richard, Bishop of Matthäus Grünewald, and the diocese of Bath and The Lutheran Service Book your servant Gregory the brought to the glory of his Also on March 29: Hans Chichester, 1253 Painter, 1528; Michelangelo Wells; For an increase of lists Joseph the patriarch for Illuminator to be a light in resurrection; who lives and Nielsen Hauge, Renewer of Buonarroti, Artist, 1564 understanding among the commemoration on this date. We thank you, Lord God, for all the world and to preach reigns with you, in the unity of the Church, 1824 branches of the Christian The well-told story of his life the benefits you have given us in We give thanks to you, O the Gospel to the people of the Holy Spirit, one God, now church. Gracious and loving Father, and adventures is in Genesis your Son Jesus Christ, our most God, creator and fashioner of Armenia: Shine, we pray, in and forever. Amen. when the zeal and love of 37-50. merciful Redeemer, Friend, and the universe, for the work of Learn more: thenalc.org/ our hearts, that we also in Additional Prayers: For purity your church grow cold, you Brother, and for all the pains your servants Albrecht Dürer, thomas-ken our generation may show of heart; For obedience to stir the hearts of your people and insults he has borne for us; Lucas Cranach, Matthias forth your praise, who calls the word of God; For joyful by sending them men and April 1: Amalie Wilhelmina and we pray that, following the Grünewald, and Michelangelo; us out of darkness into your March 22: Jonathan submission to the will of God. women to preach repentance Sieveking, Renewer of example of your saintly bishop and we pray that by the vigor marvelous light; through Edwards, Teacher, and renewal: In your mercy, Society, 1859; Frederick Richard of Chichester, we may and strength of their creations Jesus Christ our Lord, who Learn more: thenalc.org/ Missionary to the Native grant that your church, Dennison Maurice, Priest, see Christ more clearly, love you would open our eyes lives and reigns with you and annunciation Americans, 1758 inspired by the example of 1872 him more dearly, and follow to the wonder of life, the the Holy Spirit, one God, now your servant Hans Nielsen him more nearly; who lives glories of creation, and the Almighty God, you gave and forever. Amen. Almighty God, you restored March 27: Charles Henry Hauge, may never be destitute and reigns with you and the exploration of our place in to your servant Jonathan our human nature to heavenly Additional Prayers: For Brent, Bishop of the of such proclamation of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and the world; through your Son Edwards great gifts to glory through the perfect the church and people of Philippines and of Western reality of your kingdom; forever. Amen. Jesus Christ our Lord, who understand and to teach obedience of our Savior Jesus Armenia; For all who preach New York, 1929 through Jesus Christ our Lord, lives and reigns with you and your majesty and your grace: Christ: Keep alive in your Additional Prayers: For the the gospel in the face of who lives and reigns with you the Holy Spirit, one God, now Grant that by his teaching Heavenly Father, whose Son Church, we pray, a passion diocese of Chichester, its opposition and hardship; For and the Holy Spirit, one God, and forever. Amen. your church may know you in prayed that we all might be for justice and truth; that, cathedral, bishop, clergy, the light of Christ to shine in now and forever. Amen. your gentle and holy majesty one: Deliver us from arrogance like your servants Amalie and people; For all bishops Additional Prayers: For the darkness of the world. and serve you in love and and prejudice, and give us Additional Prayers: For lay Sieveking and Frederick and church administrators; painters, sculptors, architects; gratitude; through Jesus Learn more: thenalc.org/ wisdom and forbearance, readers and preachers; For Denison Maurice, we may For grace to know, love, and For a renewed appreciation Christ our Lord, who lives gregory-the-illuminator that, following your servant those persecuted for the work and pray for the triumph follow Christ. of beauty as an attribute of and reigns with you and the Charles Henry Brent, we may exercise of their faith; For of your Christ; who lives and God; For joy in the natural Learn more: thenalc.org/ Holy Spirit, one God, now and be united in one family with confidence and courage; For reigns with you and the Holy world; For a receptive mind richard-of-chichester forever. Amen. March 24: Óscar Arnulfo all who confess the Name of deepened spiritual life; For Spirit, one God, now and to explore the beauty of Romero, Archbishop of San your Son Jesus Christ; who growth in grace. forever. Amen. creation. Additional Prayers: For a Salvador, Martyr, 1980 lives and reigns with you and deepened sense of the majesty Learn more: thenalc.org/ Additional Prayers: For all who April 4: Martin Luther King, Learn more: thenalc.org/ Eternal God of justice and the Holy Spirit, one God, now are working for the renewal and Jr., Renewer of Society, of God; For the spirit of inquiry; and for ever. Amen. hans-hauge albrecht-durer For an awakened conscience. love, you hold in your mind unity of the church; For the gift 1968; Benedict the African, a vision of creation as you Learn more: thenalc.org/ to see Christ in other people; Friar, 1589 Learn more: thenalc.org/ intend it to be: By the example March 31: John Donne, For all who apply the message April 8: William Augustus charles-brent Holy and righteous God, you jonathan-edwards of your servant Óscar Arnulfo Priest, 1631 of the Bible to national and Muhlenberg, Priest, 1877 created us in your image. Romero give us such a view civic life; For a renewed sense O eternal and most gracious Grant us grace to contend Do not let your Church close of your work that we may March 29: John Keble, Priest, of compassion for the poor Also on March 22: James De God, you permitted darkness fearlessly against evil and its eyes, O Lord, to the plight commit the future to you, 1866 and infirm; For those who Koven, Priest, 1879 to be before light in the to make no peace with of the poor and neglected, the confident that what we do in teach the underprivileged the Grant, O God, that in all time of creation, and yet in the oppression. Help us, like your homeless and the destitute, Almighty and everlasting your Name will, in your good way of God. our testing we may know your making of light so multiplied servants Martin Luther King the old and the sick, the lonely God, who led your servant time, grow and flourish to presence and obey your will; it that it enlightened even Learn more: thenalc.org/ and Benedict the African, and those who have none to James De Koven to honor your glory; through your Son that, following the example of the night: Grant that by your amalie-sieveking to use our freedom to bring care for them. Give us the your presence at the altar, and Jesus Christ our Lord, who your servant John Keble, we light we may see that no justice among people and vision and compassion with constantly to point to Christ: lives and reigns with you and may accomplish with integrity sickness, no temptation, no nations, to the glory of your which you so richly endowed Grant that all ministers and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and courage what you give us sin, no guilt can remove us April 2: James Lloyd Breck, Name; through Jesus Christ your servant William stewards of your mysteries and forever. Amen. to do, and endure what you from the determined and Priest, 1876 our Lord, who lives and reigns Augustus Muhlenberg, that may impart to your faithful Additional Prayers: For give us to bear; through Jesus good purpose which you with you and the Holy Spirit, we may labor tirelessly to heal people the knowledge of your O God, who sent your Son compassion for all in need; Christ our Lord, who lives and have revealed in your Son and one God, now and forever. those who are broken in body presence and the truth of to preach peace to those For social justice; For the poor reigns with you and the Holy sealed by your Holy Spirit; Amen. or spirit, and to turn their your grace; through the same who are far off and to those and the oppressed; For an Spirit, one God, forever and who live and reign with you, sorrow into joy; through Jesus Jesus Christ our Lord, who who are near: call us from Additional Prayers: For peace; end to violence. ever. Amen. one God, forever and ever. Christ our Lord, who lives and lives and reigns with you and comfortable complacency to For social justice; For grace to Amen. reigns with you and the Holy the Holy Spirit, one God, for Learn more: thenalc.org/ Additional Prayers: For the preach, teach, and plant your learn that voluntary suffering Spirit, one God, forever and ever and ever. Amen. oscar-romero renewel of the church and its Additional Prayers: For those church on new frontiers, after can be redemptive; For a the example of your servant ever. Amen. < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > Additional Prayers: For the guilt of those who, bearing Also on April 10: William of your flock may pattern minister in your household expression of concern for the to your church, we pray, poor, the neglected, the the name Christian, slay their Law, Priest, 1761 themselves on the Good as true servants of Christ natural world has been on the such selfless compassion unemployed, the sick and fellow human beings because Shepherd, who laid down his and stewards of your divine Rogation Days observed in the that we may find joy in the Almighty and everlasting those who suffer; For St. Luke’s of race or faith or nation. life for the sheep; and who mysteries; through Jesus spring, often just before the service of others and bring God, you called William Law hospital in ; Whether killing or standing with you and the Holy Spirit Christ, our Lord, who lives Ascension. They are retained the light of hope where there to a life of contemplation, For a deeper understanding silent while others kill, we lives and reigns, one God, and reigns with You and the in the Book of Common Prayer is resignation and despair; and gave him, in visions of of the Holy Communion as crucify our Lord anew. Forgive forever and ever. Amen. Holy Spirit, one God, now and (pp. 207-8, 258-9, particularly though your Son, Jesus Christ eternity, the assurance of the spring of the Christian us and change us by your love, forever. no. Ill), in the Lutheran Book of our Lord, who lives and reigns your unalterable love: Grant Additional Prayers: For life; For those who would that your Word of hope may Worship as the Stewardship with you and the Holy Spirit, us also, amid the transient all gentile people facing Additional Prayers: For the improve the quality of hymns be heard clearly throughout of Creation (pp. 40-41), and in one God now and forever. occupations of our workaday persecution and the violence Church in Germany; For the in the church; For a broad and the world; through your Son, Evangelical Lutheran Worship Amen. world, glimpses of the King of the world; For our own people of Germany and their gracious spirit throughout the Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (p. 60). in his beauty, your Son Jesus enemies; For those who harm openness to the Gospel; For Additional Prayers: For a church. Additional Prayers: For a Christ our Lord, who lives others; For those who find it pastors and teachers; For Almighty God, Lord of heaven renewed spirit of love for Learn more: thenalc.org/ remembrance of the Holocaust and reigns with you and the difficult to forgive. faithfulness to the Word of and earth, we humbly pray all people; For the poor, the william-muhlenberg so that it will never happen Holy Spirit, one God, now and God; For the spread of the that your gracious providence outcast, the forgotten; For Learn more: thenalc.org/ again; For the Jewish people forever. Amen. Gospel; For a rich, biblically may give and preserve to our peace; For the reconciliation alphege-of-canterbury that they remain faithful to the informed, worship life. use the fruitfulness of the of peoples and nations; For Additional Prayers: For all April 9: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, ancient covenant; For charity land and of the seas, and may laborers; For those who work those who by their writing Learn more: thenalc.org/ Teacher, Martyr, 1945 and understanding; For an prosper all who labor therein, among the poor, the diseased, and example, help Christians Also on April 19: Olavus johannes-bugenhagen appreciation of the rich fabric that we, who are constantly the unemployed. Gracious Lord, the Christian to pray; For the churches Petri, Priest, 1552; Laurentius of human society. receiving good things from faith of your servant Dietrich work among the poor and Petri, Archbishop of Uppsala, Learn more: thenalc.org/ your hand, may always give Bonhoeffer impelled him to Learn more: thenalc.org/ needy; For the timid and 1573; Renewers of the Church April 21: Anselm, Archbishop toyohiko-kagawa defy the forces of darkness, of Canterbury, Teacher, 1109 you thanks; through your Son, yom-hashoah those who suffer at the hands Almighty God, through to protest the evil of anti- Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. of oppressors; For grace the labors of your learned Almighty God, you raised up Semitism, and finally, fearing April 24: Johann Walter that our lives may reflect our servants Olavus and your servant Anselm to study or not death but rather the April 10: Mikael Agricola, (Walther), Musician, 1570 prayers. Laurentius Petri you gave and teach the sublime truths greater evil of tolerating Bishop of Turku, Renewer of O merciful Creator, your hand the people of Sweden the you have revealed: Let your gift O Lord God, through the life, oppression, to lay down his the Church, 1557 Learn more: thenalc.org/ is open wide to satisfy the Scriptures and the services of faith come to the aid of our death, and resurrection of life in witness to your rule: william-law needs of every living creature. Almighty God, by the ministry of the church in their own understanding, and open our Your Son, Jesus Christ, and Grant us the same Spirit of Make us always thankful for of your servants Mikael tongue: Mercifully grant that hearts to your truth; through by the power of the Holy courage to resist tyranny in all your loving providence; and Agricola, Paavali Juusten, April 11: George Augustus people everywhere may hear your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, Spirit, the revelation of Your its forms and the strength to grant that we, remembering and , you Selwyn, Bishop of New and understand the good who lives and reigns with you salvation mystery is now follow Christ into unfamiliar the account that we must revived the Church in Finland Zealand and of Lichfield, news of salvation, and be and the Holy Spirit, one God, revealed and made known places, knowing that, whether one day give, may be faithful and renewed its life: Raise up 1878 drawn to the kingdom of your now and forever. Amen. to all the nations. Grant that we live or die, we are with you; stewards of your good gifts; in our own day teachers and blessed Son Jesus Christ our this mystery of salvation, as through your Son Jesus Christ Almighty and everlasting Additional Prayers: For a through your Son, Jesus prophets inspired by your Lord, who lives and reigns confessed by Johann Walter our Lord, who lives and reigns God, whose servant George sense of the majesty of God; Christ our Lord. Amen. Spirit, whose voices will give with you and the Holy Spirit, in word and music, and all with you and the Holy Spirit, Augustus Selwyn laid a firm For forgiveness for those who strength to your church and one God, now and forever. or those who now rest from their one God, now and forever. foundation for the growth of wrong us; For a spirit of prayer proclaim the reality of your Amen. labors, continue to guide Your Amen. your church in many nations: and devotion; For those who Almighty God, whose Son kingdom; through your Son, Church on earth as we wait Raise up in this and every Additional Prayers: For inquire into the mysteries of Jesus Christ in his earthly life Additional Prayers: For a Jesus Christ our Lord, who for the day when You come land evangelists and heralds the Church in Sweden; its God and God’s relation to the shared our toil and hallowed deepened discipleship; For lives and reigns with you and from heaven one last time of your kingdom, that your archbishop, bishops, priests, world; For those who seek to our labor: Be present with courage to resist tyranny in the Holy Spirit, one God, now and usher in the new creation; church may proclaim the and people; For the gift of be certain of the existence of our people where they work; all its forms; For strength to and forever. Amen. through Jesus Christ, our unsearchable riches of our wisdom and learning for God. make those who carry on the pay the price of following Lord, who lives and reigns Remembered with Paavali Lord Jesus Christ; who lives the clergy; For a deepened industry and commerce of Christ into places where we Learn more: thenalc.org/ with You and the Holy Spirit, (Paul) Juusten, Bishop of and reigns with you and the appreciation of the long this land responsive to your are beyond familiar rules; anselm-of-canterbury one God, now and forever. Viipuri, 1576; Paavo Henrik Holy Spirit, one God, now and tradition of the church. will; and give to us all a pride For those whose names are Amen. Ruotsalainen, Evangelist, 1852 for ever. Amen. in what we do, and a just not remembered who with Learn more: thenalc.org/ return for our labor; through Learn more: thenalc.org/ Bonhoeffer resisted tyranny. Additional Prayers: For Learn more: thenalc.org/ olavus-petri April 22: Stewardship of your Son, Jesus Christ our johann-walter the Church in Finland: its george-selwyn Creation Learn more: thenalc.org/ Lord. Amen. archbishop, bishops, priests, The Lutheran Spanish- dietrich-bonhoeffer April 20: Johannes deacons, and people; For language service book, Libro April 25: st. mark, evangelist April 19: Alphege, Bugenhagen, Pastor, 1558 increasingly intelligent de Liturgia y Cántico, lists April 23: Toyohiko Kagawa, Archbishop of Canterbury, Almighty God, by the hand Nisan 27 (April 9, 2021/ participation in the worship O God, our heavenly this as Día de la Creación. In Renewer of Society, 1960 Martyr, 1012 of Mark the evangelist you April 28, 2022): Holocaust of the church; For compassion Father, who raised up your English, the observance is Lord God, you planted in your have given to your Church Remembrance Day (Yom and a conciliatory spirit, O loving God, your martyr faithful servant Johannes called Earth Day, instituted servant Toyohiko Kagawa a the Gospel of Jesus Christ the HaShoah) especially in controversy; For bishop Alphege of Canterbury Bugenhagen to be a pastor April 22, 1970, by Senator fervent desire to relieve the Son of God: We thank you for those who study language suffered a violent death when in your Church and to feed Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin Almighty God, in penitence misery of the poor and to this witness, and pray that we and culture. he refused to permit a ransom your flock: Give abundantly to emphasize the stewardship we come before you, establish in the social order may be firmly grounded in its to be extorted from his to all pastors the gifts of your of environmental resources. acknowledging the sin that Learn more: thenalc.org/ the justice, love, and peace truth; through Jesus Christ people: Grant that all pastors Holy Spirit, that they may The traditional liturgical is within us. We share the mikael-agricola of the kingdom of God: Give our Lord, who lives and reigns < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > with you and the Holy Spirit, James grace and strength years of the Reformation, visionaries; Of thanksgiving struggle with national pride May 21: John Eliot, Jesus Christ to those who had one God, forever and ever. to bear witness to the truth: using his rule and authority for all who by their teaching and religious loyalty. Missionary to the Native not heard of it, and led him Amen. Grant that we, being mindful to protect Martin Luther and and example have witnessed Americans, 1690 to be an apostle to the Batak Learn more: thenalc.org/erik- of their victory of faith, may preserve the preaching of to the centrality of prayer. people of Sumatra: Give to Additional Prayers: For a heart of-sweden Almighty and everlasting God, glorify in life and death the the Gospel. Graciously regard your church that same Spirit to hear the gospel; For faith Learn more: thenalc.org/ we thank you for your devout Name of our Lord Jesus all your servants who make, and teach us to respect the to acknowledge Jesus as the julian-of-norwich and earnest servant John Eliot, Christ; who lives and reigns administer, and judge the laws value of the cultures into Son of God; For a sense of the May 19: Dunstan, Archbishop whom you called to preach the with you and the Holy Spirit, of this nation, and look with which the gospel is brought mystery of the resurrection; of Canterbury, 988 Gospel to the native peoples one God, now and forever. favor upon all the rulers of that your people may rejoice For fruitful fields and good May 9: Nicolaus Ludwig, of New England; and we pray Amen. the earth. Grant them wisdom O God of truth and beauty, you in the diverse richness of your crops. Count von Zinzendorf, that you would raise up in and understanding that they richly endowed your bishop kingdom; through your Son Additional Prayers: For Renewer of the Church, 1760 every land evangelists and Learn more: thenalc.org/ might provide sanctuary for Dunstan with skill in music and Jesus Christ our Lord, who strength to follow Christ the heralds of your kingdom, that mark-the-evangelist your Church to continue to Lord Jesus Christ, your death the working of metals, and lives and reigns with you and way; For grace to know the your Church may proclaim in proclaim the true faith; for for us and your own holiness with gifts of administration the Holy Spirit, one God, now truth in Christ; For courage the language understood by you live and reign with the will be our clothing when and reforming zeal: Teach and forever. Amen. to live the life of Christ; For all the people the unsearchable April 29: Catherine of Siena, Son and the Holy Spirit, one we stand before your dread us, we pray, to see in you the laborers and workers. riches of our Savior Jesus Additional Prayers: For the Teacher, 1380 God, now and forever. Amen. judgment seat: In your mercy source of all our talents, and grant that we, taught by your move us to offer them for the Christ; who lives and reigns Batak church; For respect Everlasting God, you so kindled Learn more: thenalc.org/ Additional Prayers: For rulers servant Bishop Zinzendorf, adornment of worship and the with you and the Holy Spirit, for the indigenous customs the flame of holy love in the philip-and-james of the nations, including may hold fast in faith to your advancement of true religion; one God, now and forever. and traditions in missionary heart of blessed Catherine of presidents, governors, saving sacrifice for us, and through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. churches; For faithfulness to Siena, as she meditated on the mayors, senators, etc., God rather than to human May 2: Athanasius, Bishop of ever rejoice in your love for who lives and reigns with you Additional Prayers: For justice passion of your Son our Savior, that they may lead with demands; For native scholars Alexandria, 373 the world; for you live and and the Holy Spirit, one God, for the Native Americans; For that she devoted her life to the wisdom and justice; For and teachers. reign with the Father and the now and forever. Amen. respect for Native American poor and the sick, and to the O God of truth, you raised Christian schools, including Holy Spirit, one God, now and traditions and culture; For Learn more: thenalc.org/ peace and unity of the Church: up your servant Athanasius universities, seminaries, and Additional Prayers: For a forever. Amen. concern for their welfare; For ludwig-nommensen Grant that we also may share in to be a courageous defender day schools as well as all deepened commitment to the the spirit of prayer; For those the mystery of Christ’s death, of the truth of Christ’s the schools in the land; For Additional Prayers: For Christian life; For god-fearing and rejoice in the revelation of divinity: Strengthen us by a deeper knowledge of and wise leaders in church who teach the church to sing. the church in Germany; For May 24: Nicolaus Copernicus, his glory; who lives and reigns his teaching to maintain and Christ and his benefits; and state; For monasteries peace, that the Gospel may Learn more: thenalc.org/ 1543; Johannes Kepler, with you and the Holy Spirit, proclaim boldly the Catholic For missionaries; For the and those who serve God spread. john-eliot 1630; Leonhard Euler, 1783; one God, now and forever. faith against all opposition, . there; For those who explore Teachers Amen. trusting solely in the grace of Learn more: thenalc.org/ the relationship between Learn more: thenalc.org/ your eternal Word, who took frederick-iii religion and culture; For May 22: Helena, Mother of O Lord our God, creator of Remembered with Johannes nicolaus-ludwig upon himself our humanity musicians and artists. Constantine, c. 330 stars and planets and worlds “Meister” Eckhardt, Mystic, that we might share his beyond our grasp: We give 1327; Johannes Tauler, Mystic, May 6 Learn more: thenalc.org/ Most loving and faithful God, divinity; who lives and reigns you thanks that by the work 1361, and the Friends of May 18: Erik IX Jedvardsson, dunstan-of-canterbury in honoring the sites of your with you and the Holy Spirit, The Eastern Church on this of your servants Nicolaus God; Blessed Henry Suso, King of Sweden, Martyr, 1160 incarnate Son’s birth and one God, now and forever. date commemorates Job the Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Mystic, 1366; Blessed John Passion you permitted blessed Amen. Longsuffering. The calendar Lord God, your servant King and Leonhard Euler, you have Ruysbroek, 1381, and Geert May 20: Alcuin of York, Helen to enrich the memory in the Lutheran Service Book Erik of Sweden reflected enabled us to understand (Gerard) Groote, 1384, Additional Prayers: For a Deacon, Abbot of Tours, 804 of your church: In your mercy (2006) lists Job on May 9. your transforming gospel more clearly the pattern of Founders, Brethren of the deeper knowledge of Jesus grant that by the ransom paid in his own character and in Almighty God, in a rude and what you have made and Common Life Christ as the Son of God; For on the tree of the cross we may his concern for the poor, the barbarous age you raised hold in being and direct in tireless pursuit of the truth, May 8, Dame Julian of attain eternal life; through the Additional Prayers: For a sick, and the infirm: Give to up your deacon Alcuin to movement, and to recognize even when the majority Norwich, Anchoress, c. 1417 same Jesus Christ our Lord, desire to imitate the love the leaders of the nations, rekindle the light of learning: our place within the vastness opposes; For single-minded we pray, such reverence for Illumine our minds, we pray, who lives and reigns with you of Christ; For all women Lord God, in your compassion of your wonderful creation: devotion; For reconciliation you and such an awareness that amid the uncertainties and the Holy Spirit, one God, in the church and for their you granted to the Lady Julian through Jesus Christ our Lord, between quarreling parties of their duty toward the least and confusions of our own now and forever. Amen. ministry; For regular and many revelations of your who lives and reigns with you in the church; For those who members of society, that they time we may show forth your devout communicants; For nurturing and sustaining love: Additional Prayers: For women and the Holy Spirit, one God, do not believe in the divinity may ever work selflessly for eternal truth; through Jesus a willingness to endure Move our hearts, like hers, to abandoned by their husbands; now and forever. Amen. of Christ. justice and for the good of Christ our Lord, who lives and suffering with Christ; For seek you above all things, for For Christian families; For the all people; through your Son, reigns with you and the Holy Additional Prayers: For social workers; For peace and Learn more: thenalc.org/ in giving us yourself you give rulers of the nations. Jesus Christ our Lord, who Spirit, one God, forever and astronomers and watchers of reconciliation within families, athanasius-of-alexandria us all; through Jesus Christ lives and reigns with you and ever. Amen. Learn more: thenalc.org/ the skies; For mathematicians neighborhoods, the nations. our Lord, who lives and reigns the Holy Spirit, one God, now empress-helena and all scientists who explore with you and the Holy Spirit, Additional Prayers: For scholars Learn more: thenalc.org/ May 5: Frederick III Wettin, and forever. Amen. the beauty of number and one God, forever and ever. who preserve and pass on catherine-of-siena the Wise, Elector of Saxony order; For courage to pursue Amen. Additional Prayers: For the the heritage of learning; May 23: Ludwig Ingwer and Founder of Wittenberg truth; For humility and awe land and government and For integrity of character in Nommensen, Missionary to University, 1525 Additional Prayers: For love; in the face of mystery; For a people of Sweden; For all who teachers and students; For Sumatra, 1918 May 1: st. philip and st. For all who are leading a new vision of the beauty of Heavenly Father, you govern; For a spirit of self- those who revise and improve james, apostles life of solitary communion Almighty God, you planted creation. provided wisdom and skill sacrificing service; For a right the church’s liturgy. with God; For the continuing in your servant Ludwig Almighty God, who gave to Frederick, as elector of relationship between church Learn more: thenalc.org/ enrichment of the church by Learn more: thenalc.org/ Nommensen a burning desire to your apostles Philip and Saxony during the early and states; For those who nicolaus-copernicus the presence and prayers of alcuin-of-york to take the gospel of our Lord < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > Also on May 24: Jackson your apostles and sent them May 29: Jiří Třanovský, all expectant mothers; For a and witness. the unity of Christ’s church; one God, now and forever. Kemper, Missionary Bishop, forth to preach the Gospel Hymnwriter, 1637 proper devotion among all For humility and humor; For Amen. Learn more: thenalc.org/ 1870 to the nations: We bless your Christians to Mary, the bearer the spirit of love and service; Almighty God, beautiful in blandina-and-companions Additional Prayers: For holy Name for your servant of God. For openness to the surprises O God, who send your son Jesus majesty, majestic in holiness: confidence in God’s care and Augustine, first Archbishop of God. Christ to preach peace to those you have taught your people Learn more: thenalc.org/ providence; For social service of Canterbury, whose labors who are far off and to those to praise you in psalms and visitation June 3: The Martyrs of Learn more: thenalc.org/ agencies; For social workers; in propagating your Church who are near, Grant that we, like hymns and spiritual songs: Uganda, 1886 john-xxiii For those in prison; For among the English people your servant Jackson Kemper, We praise you for your children, especially orphans; we commemorate today, and O God, you make the blood may proclaim the Gospel in our servants to whom you have June 1: Justin, Martyr at For homeless; For the aged. we pray that all whom you of the martyrs the seed of the own day, with courage, vision, given skill in the composition Rome, c. 165 June 5: Boniface, call and send may do your church: Grant that we who Learn more: thenalc.org/ and perseverance; through the of hymns, especially on this Archbishop of Mainz, will, and bide your time, and Almighty and everlasting God, remember before you the william-passavant same Jesus Christ our Lord, day for Jiří Třanovský; and Missionary to Germany, see your glory; through Jesus through the folly of the cross blessed martyrs of Uganda, who with you and the Holy we pray that by your grace Martyr, 754 Christ our Lord, who lives and you taught your martyr Justin who opened in the heart of Spirit lives and reigns, world we may find strength in your reigns with you and the Holy the sublime wisdom of Jesus Africa the new and living Almighty God, you called your June 7: Noah Sealth without end. Amen. praise during this present Spirit, one God, forever and Christ: Grant that all who seek way of your Son Jesus Christ, servant Boniface to bring (Seattle), Chief of the life and finally attain to the Learn more: thenalc.org/ ever. Amen. you may be found by you, may, like them, persevere your Word and Sacraments Duwamish Confederacy, perfect harmony of the life to jackson-kemper and, rejecting all falsehood unfalteringly in the faith for to the German people, to 1866 Additional Prayers: For the come; through your Son Jesus and deception, remain loyal which they died; through the build up your Church among Lord God, Great Spirit, you Also on May 24 Archbishop of Canterbury; Christ our Lord, who lives to the faith revealed to us in same Jesus Christ our Lord, them, and to seal his ministry inspired your noble servant For the church in England; For and reigns with you and the Jesus Christ our Lord; who who lives and reigns with you by martyrdom; We praise you The Lutheran Service Book, Noah Sealth to renounce war the churches of the Anglican Holy Spirit, one God, now and lives and reigns with you and and the Holy Spirit, one God, for his life lived and laid down following Löhe’s calendar, and to walk in the way of Communion; For a willingness forever. Amen. the Holy Spirit, one God, now forever and ever. Amen. in your service, and we pray on this date commemorates peace and gave him dignity to share the faith; For all and forever. Amen. you to bestow on us and on all Esther the Queen, whose story Additional Prayers: For the Additional Prayers: For in his bearing and eloquence missionaries. called to be missionaries an is told in the Old Testament Slovak churches; For those Additional Prayers: For the church in Uganda; For in his speech: Give us the undaunted devotion to your book that bears her name. Learn more: thenalc.org/ who teach congregations to those who search for truth, the growth of courage to acknowledge people and to our Redeemer augustine-of-canterbury sing; For faithful pastors; That especially philosophers and in Africa; For all African the common destiny of all Jesus Christ our Lord; who song might lift the hearts theologians; For those who Christians who suffer mortals that we may gladly May 25: Bede the Venerable, lives and reigns with you and of the depressed and the defend the faith against the persecution for their faith; For embrace the life you offer in Priest, Monk of Jarrow, 735 May 27: John Calvin, the Holy Spirit, one God, now despondent. doubts of those who cannot the enemies of the cross of Jesus Christ our Lord; who Renewer of the Church, 1564 and forever. Amen. Heavenly Father, you called Learn more: thenalc.org/jiri- believe; For those who Christ and for the persecutors lives and reigns with you and your servant Bede, while God of sovereign majesty tranovsky preserve and interpret the of his disciples; For those Additional Prayers: For the Holy Spirit, one God, now still a child, to devote his and majestic order, you liturgical traditions of the who have recently become the church in Germany and forever. Amen. life to your service in the have revealed yourself as church. Christians. and the ; Additional Prayers: For disciplines of religion and the source of every blessing: May 31: the visitation of the For the government and Learn more: thenalc.org/ Learn more: thenalc.org/ faithfulness in daily prayer; scholarship: Grant that as he Teach us, by the clarity and people of Germany and the virgin mary to elizabeth and justin-martyr martyrs-of-uganda For hospitality to strangers labored in the Spirit to bring precision of the doctrines of Netherlands; For those who zechariah and newcomers; For the the riches of your truth to your servant John Calvin, to teach the faith; For courage strengthening of the life his generation, so we, in our respect your authority in all Almighty God, in choosing the in the face of disappointment. June 2: Blandina and Her June 4: John XXIII, Bishop and culture of the Native various vocations, may strive things, to aim always at the Virgin Mary to be the mother Companions, Martyrs at of Rome, Renewer of the Learn more: thenalc.org/ Americans; For understanding to make you known in all the advancement of your glory, of your Son, you made known Lyons, 177 Church, 1963 boniface-of-mainz of the traditions of the world; Jesus Christ our Lord, and joyfully submit to your your gracious regard for Americans who came to this who lives and reigns with you decrees that we may come the poor, the lowly, and the Grant, O Lord, that we who Heavenly Father, shepherd despised, and you inspired keep the festival of the of your people, it is your will land first. and the Holy Spirit, one God, to know you, the one true June 6: William Alfred her to visit Elizabeth and martyrs Blandina and her to heal division and discord forever and ever. Amen. God, through your Son, Jesus Passavant, Renewer of Learn more: thenalc.org/ assist her in her need: Grant companions may be rooted among all who are called Christ our Lord; who lives Society, 1894 noah-sealth Additional Prayers: For all those and reigns with you and the us grace to receive your word deep in your love, and may by the Name of your Son: who through the darkness keep Holy Spirit, one God, now and in humility, and so to be made endure the sufferings of this We pray that the open and Almighty God, by your Holy alive the light of learning; For forever. Amen. one with your Son, Jesus life with inflexible courage for reconciling spirit shown by Spirit you call us to care for June 9: Columba, Abbot of those who persevere in prayer; Christ our Lord, who lives the glory that one day shall your servant John XXIII may those whom the world would Iona, 597 For universities, colleges, and Remembered with John Knox, and reigns with you and the be ours; through Jesus Christ teach us to listen to our fellow forget, the ill, the orphaned, O God, you called your schools; For students and Reformer, 1572 Holy Spirit, one God, now and our Lord, who lives and reigns Christians with humility and the homeless, the aged: We servant Columba from among teachers of history; For biblical forever. Amen. with you and the Holy Spirit, a willingness to learn, and to pray that by the gifts and Additional Prayers: For the princes of Ireland to be scholars and translators. one God, now and forever. speak the truth in love to the graces bestowed upon your a sense of the majesty a herald and evangelist of Additional Prayers: For Amen. healing of our divisions and servant Learn more: thenalc.org/ and sovereignty of God; your kingdom to the Scottish the poor, the forgotten, the renewal of our witness and by the example of his bede-the-venerable For earnestness in God’s Additional Prayers: For those people: Grant that your the despised; For grace to to the world; through Jesus perseverance and service, we presence; For excellence in who suffer discrimination, Church, having his faith and acknowledge Christ and to Christ our Lord, “who lives may be encouraged to bring preaching; For the Reformed perceive his coming; For imprisonment, torture, or courage in remembrance, May 26: Augustine, First and reigns with you and the the comfort and joy of the Churches. hospitality to visitors and death because of their faith; may so proclaim the splendor Archbishop of Canterbury, Holy Spirit, one God, now and gospel to those who have no travelers; For a deepening For the Church and diocese of your grace, that all the Missionary, 605 Learn more: thenalc.org/ forever. Amen. one to care for them; through of Lyons; For our selves that world may know your Son as john-calvin sense of Emmanuel, God your Son Jesus Christ our we may not be careless or Additional Prayers: For the their Savior and serve him O Lord our God, by your with us; For God’s blessing Lord, who lives and reigns lukewarm in our Christian life renewal of the church; For as their King; who lives and Son Jesus Christ you called on homes and family life; For with you and the Holy Spirit, < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > reigns with you and the Holy Orthodox Church; For all eternal Being of glorious June 16: Joseph Butler, Additional Prayers: For the expectation of the coming of the Holy Spirit, one God, now Spirit, one God, forever and Christians living in Muslim majesty and perfect love Bishop of Durham, 1752 church in ; For social Christ; For all who proclaim and forever. Amen. ever. Amen. countries; For theologians as one God in Trinity of justice; For courage to press Christ’s presence among us; O God, who raises up scholars Additional Prayers: For a and presidents and deans of Persons: Give us grace that, on in the Christian pilgrimage; For courage to witness when Additional Prayers: For the for your church in every deeper understanding of the theological schools; For church like your servants Macrina, For deepened understanding the world condemns us. church in Scotland; For the generation; we praise you incarnation; For theologians; musicians and hymnwriters. Basil, Gregory Nazianzus, of political and social Iona Community; For a spirit for the wisdom and insight Learn more: thenalc.org/ For bishops who must deal and Gregory of Nyssa, we freedom. of gentleness and self-denial, Learn more: thenalc.org/ granted to your bishop and nativity-of-john-the-baptist with difficult situations. may continue steadfast in and for the gift of joy in our ephrem-of-edessa theologian Joseph Butler, and Learn more: thenalc.org/ the confession of this faith, Learn more: thenalc.org/cyril- hearts; For perseverance in pray that your church may onesimos-nesib and constant in our worship of-alexandria prayer. never be destitute of such June 25: The Presentation of you, Father, Son, and Holy June 11: st. barnabas, gifts; through Jesus Christ our of the Augsburg Confession, Learn more: thenalc.org/ Spirit; for you live and reign apostle Lord, who with you and the June 22: Alban, the First 1530; Philipp Melanchthon, columba-of-iona one God, now and forever. June 28: Irenaeus, Bishop of Holy Spirit lives and reigns, Martyr in Britain, c. 304 Renewer of the Church, 1560 Grant, O God, that we may Amen. Lyons, c. 202 one God, for ever and ever. Almighty God, by whose Almighty God, through the follow the example of your Almighty God, you upheld Also on June 9: Aidan, Additional Prayers: For the Amen. grace and power your holy preaching of your servants, faithful servant Barnabas, your servant Irenaeus with Bishop of Lindisfarne, 651 Eastern Orthodox Churches; martyr Alban triumphed over the blessed Reformers, you who, seeking not his own Learn more: thenalc.org/ strength to maintain the truth For the relief of the poor; suffering and was faithful have caused the light of O loving God, you called your renown but the well-being of joseph-butler and to bring peace to your For zeal for the truth; For even to death: Grant us, the Gospel to shine forth: servant Aidan from the peace your Church, gave generously Church: Keep us, we pray, teachers of the Catholic faith; who now remember him in Grant, we pray, that knowing of a cloister to re-establish the of his life and substance for steadfast in your true religion, For pastors who long for time June 18: Bernard Mizeki, thanksgiving, to be so faithful its saving power, we may Christian mission in northern the relief of the poor and the that in constancy and peace for prayer and contemplation. Catechist and Martyr in in our witness to you in this faithfully guard and defend England, and endowed him spread of the Gospel; through we may walk in the way that Rhodesia, 1896 world, that we may receive it against all enemies and with gentleness, simplicity, Jesus Christ our Lord, who Learn more: thenalc.org/ leads to eternal life; through with him the crown of life; joyfully proclaim it to the and strength: Grant that we, lives and reigns with you macrina-and-companions Almighty and everlasting Jesus Christ our Lord, who through Jesus Christ our Lord, salvation of souls and the following his example, may and the Holy Spirit, one God, God, who kindled the flame of lives and reigns with you and who lives and reigns with you glory of your holy Name; use what you have given forever and ever. Amen. your love in the heart of your the Holy Spirit, one God, now Also on June 14 and the Holy Spirit, one God, through your Son Jesus Christ us for the relief of human holy martyr Bernard Mizeki: and forever. Amen. Additional Prayers: For forever and ever. Amen. our Lord, who lives and reigns need, and may persevere The Eastern Church on this Grant to us, your humble preachers of the gospel; For with you and the Holy Spirit, Additional Prayers: For peace in commending the saving date commemorates the servants, a like faith and Additional Prayers: For all reconciliation of those at one God, now and forever. in the world; For peace in Gospel of our Redeemer prophet Elisha. The calendar power of love, that we who Christians in England; For variance with one another; Amen. the church; For a renewed Jesus Christ; who lives and in the Lutheran Service rejoice in his triumph may soldiers and all who serve in For Cyprus and Turkey. appreciation of the apostolic reigns with you and the Holy Book (2006), following the profit by his example; through military forces; For courage Additional Prayers: For the tradition; For bishops who Spirit, one God, forever and Learn more: thenalc.org/ calendar of Wilhelm Löhe, Jesus Christ our Lord, who to profess our faith when it unity of the church; For the guard and defend the ever. Amen. barnabas-the-apostle also lists Elisha on this date. lives and reigns with you and would be easier to deny it. preaching and teaching of apostolic faith. the Holy Spirit, one God, for pure doctrine; For a deeper Additional Prayers: For Learn more: thenalc.org/ ever and ever. Amen. knowledge of Christ and his Learn more: thenalc.org/ missionaries in inhospitable June 12 June 15: Evelyn Underhill, alban-of-britain benefits; For the power of the irenaeus-of-lyons places; For evangelists in Learn more: thenalc.org/ Lesser Feasts and Fasts Teacher, 1941 gospel to fill the church. areas untouched by the 2003 added on this date bernard-mizeki O God, Origin, Sustainer, and June 24: the nativity of st. church in cities and towns; the commemoration of Learn more: thenalc.org/ June 29: st. peter and st. For all lapsed Christians; For a End of all your creatures: john the baptist augsburg-confession Enmegahbowh, the first Grant that your Church, June 21: Onesimos Nesib, paul, apostles commitment to simplicity and recognized Native American Lord God, heavenly Father, love for human souls. taught by your servant Evelyn Translator, Evangelist, 1931 Almighty God, whose priest in the Episcopal Church. Underhill, guarded evermore through your servant John June 26 God of grace and might, blessed apostles Peter and Learn more: thenalc.org/ He died in 1902. by your power, and guided the Baptist you bore witness we praise you for those The calendar in the Lutheran Paul glorified you by their aidan-of-lindisfarne by your Spirit into the light of that Jesus Christ is the Lamb The Lutheran Service Book lists who planted the Church in Service Book (2006), martyrdom: Grant that your truth, may continually offer of God who takes away the sin the Ecumenical Council at Nicæa, Ethiopia and especially for following Wilhelm Löhe’s Church, instructed by their you all glory and thanksgiving of the world, and that all who June 10: Ephrem of Edessa, a.d. 325, for commemoration on your servant Onesimos, to calendar, lists Jeremiah teaching and example, and and attain with your saints believe in him shall inherit Deacon, 373 this date. The traditional date for whom you gave gifts to make on this date. The Eastern knit together in unity by your to the blessed hope of eternal life: Enlighten us by the opening of what the Eastern the good news known to the calendar remembers the Spirit, may ever stand firm We pray you, O Lord, pour everlasting life, which you your Holy Spirit that we may Churches call “the Synod of the Galla people and to furnish prophet Jeremiah on May 1. upon the one foundation, into our hearts your Holy have promised by our Savior at all times find comfort and 318 Fathers” is May 20; it closed them with the Scriptures in which is Jesus Christ our Lord; Spirit, by whose inspiration Jesus Christ; who with you joy in this witness, continue July 25. their own tongue. Raise up, who lives and reigns with you the deacon Ephrem loved to and the Holy Spirit, lives and steadfast in the true faith, we pray, in this and every June 27: Cyril of Alexandria, and the Holy Spirit, one God, sing your mysteries with a reigns, one God, now and and at last with all believers land, heralds and evangelists Bishop, Teacher, 444 now and forever. Amen. single-minded devotion to June 14: Macrina, Monastic, forever. Amen. attain eternal life; through the of your kingdom, so that your service; through your Teacher, 379; Basil the same your Son Jesus Christ O God, your bishop Cyril Additional Prayers: For the Additional Prayers: For a the world may know the Son Jesus Christ our Lord, Great, Bishop of Caesarea, our Lord, who lives and reigns courageously taught that church of the West; For the deeper spiritual life; For those immeasurable riches of our who lives and reigns with you 379; Gregory of Nazianzus, with you and the Holy Spirit, Mary was the Mother of God: nations of the world; For the who conduct retreats and Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord. and the Holy Spirit, one God, Bishop of Constantinople, one God now and forever. In your mercy grant that we continuation of the apostolic those who make retreats; For Amen. now and forever. Amen. c. 389; Gregory, Bishop of Amen. who cherish this belief may zeal and spirit. religious writers and artists. embrace salvation through Nyssa, c. 385 Remembered with Additional Prayers: For Additional Prayers: For the the incarnation of your Son, Learn more: thenalc.org/ Learn more: thenalc.org/ Frumentius, Apostle of the justice; For a zeal for truth; For ancient churches of the Almighty God, you have Jesus Christ our Lord; who peter-and-paul evelyn-underhill Abyssinians, c. 380 renewal of life; For an earnest East, particularly the Syrian revealed to your Church the lives and reigns with you and < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > June 30: Johan Olof Wallin, church; For those who revise commandments; through known to the people of Papua calendar, commemorates July 20: Elizabeth Cady and reigns with you one God, Archbishop of Uppsala, and translate hymns that new Jesus Christ our Lord, who New Guinea, and courage Ruth, the Moabite and Stanton, 1902; Amelia Jenks now and forever. Amen. Hymnwriter, 1839 ages may sing old songs; For lives and reigns with you and to oppose their oppressors: grandmother of King David, Bloomer, 1894; Sojourner Additional Prayers: For those the gift of gentleness and the Holy Spirit, one God now Raise up, we pray, in this on this date. Truth, 1883; Harriet Ross Almighty God, beautiful in in mental darkness; For grace patience; For those who work and forever. Amen. and every land heralds and Tubman, 1912; Renewers of majesty, majestic in holiness, to perceive signs of new life for women’s rights. evangelists of your kingdom, Society you bestowed upon your Additional Prayers: For around us; For insight to so that the world may know July 17: Bartolomé de Las servant Johan Olof Wallin Learn more: thenalc.org/ courage to put Christ before Almighty God, who created find in each act of worship the immeasurable riches of Casas, Missionary to the abundant lyrical gifts: We neale-and-winkworth everything else; For the us in your own image: Grant the presence of the risen our Savior, Jesus Christ our Indies, 1566 praise you for his enduring gift of obedience to God’s us grace fearlessly to contend Christ; For love to lay hold of Lord, who lives and reigns work, and we pray that your commandments; For all who Holy and righteous God, your against evil and to make salvation and to share it with with you and the Holy Spirit, church may always have in its July 6: Jan Hus, Martyr, 1415 seek purity of life; For those servant Bartolomé de Las no peace with oppression; others. one God, now and forever. Casas defended indigenous midst those who by providing Most kind God, without you who live among us as signs and, that we may reverently Amen. people against those who Learn more: thenalc.org/ and promoting noble hymns we can do nothing, and of the kingdom of heaven; use our freedom, help us to would enslave them and grew mary-magdalene may lead your people to know unless you draw us we cannot For monastic communities Additional Prayers: For the employ it in the maintenance to understand the sinfulness you and to sing your praise; follow you: Give us, we pray, everywhere who follow the church in Papua New Guinea; of justice in our communities of all slavery: Give to all your through your Son Christ our a courageous spirit, a fearless Rule of St. Benedict. For missionaries and their and among the nations, to July 23: Birgitta of Sweden, people growth in knowledge Lord, who lives and reigns heart, a true faith, a sure families; For the younger the glory of your holy Name; Renewer of the Church, 1373 Learn more: thenalc.org/ and understanding of you, with you and the Holy Spirit, hope, and perfect love, that churches; For patience in through Jesus Christ our Lord, benedict-and-scholastica and give them courage Lord our God, you revealed one God, now and forever. with great patience and joy doing the work of God. who lives and reigns with you to contend against evil in the secrets of heaven to Amen. we may offer our lives to you; and the Holy Spirit, one God, Learn more: thenalc.org/ society, in others, and in Birgitta of Sweden as she for the sake of Jesus Christ July 12: Nathan Söderblom, now and forever. Amen. Remembered with Magnus johannes-flierl ourselves, that together we meditated on the suffering our Lord, who lives and reigns Archbishop of Uppsala, 1931 Brostrup Landstad, Hymnwriter, may grow into the full stature Additional Prayers: For the and death of your Son: Grant with you and the Holy Spirit, 1880. Almighty God, you planted of our Lord Jesus Christ, who oppressed and for those who that your people may ever one God, now and forever. July 15: Olga, Princess in your servant Nathan lives and reigns with you and oppress them; For those who rejoice in the revelation of Additional Prayers: For Amen. of Kiev, Confessor, 969; Söderblom an appreciation the Holy Spirit, one God, now struggle against repression your glory; through Jesus an increased love of Vladimir, First Christian Remembered with Jerome of of both the evangelical and and forever. Amen. and injustice; For the rights of Christ our Lord, who lives congregational singing; For Ruler of Russia, 1015 Prague, Martyr, 1416 the catholic character of the all people. and reigns with you and the the bishops and leaders of the Additional Prayers: For the church, and stirred up in him God the All-Merciful, you Holy Spirit, one God, now and church that by their example Additional Prayers: For native people of Central and Learn more: thenalc.org/ a fervor for the unity of your brought your servant Princess forever. Amen. they may strengthen and fearless and faithful South America; For those elizabeth-stanton church and the welfare of Olga to the church and by renew the church’s worship; preachers; For the renewal who fight against slavery and Additional Prayers: For your people: Grant that by the splendor of the Divine For all interpreters of the of the Christian life; For the oppression; For increased growth in the spiritual life; For the power of your Holy Spirit Liturgy you revealed to her Also on July 20 feelings of their people. church in the Czech Republic; sensitivity to human rights; courage and zeal to oppose we may be strengthened grandson Vladimir the glories For the Moravian Church. For justice and reconciliation The Eastern Church on this corruption and vice; For the Learn more: thenalc.org/ to remove the barriers of your heavenly kingdom: among all peoples. date commemorates the religious orders for women johan-wallin Learn more: thenalc.org/ that divide Christian from Mercifully grant that we who prophet Elias (Elijah). The and men in the Lutheran jan-hus Christian, and in deeds of commemorate them this day Learn more: thenalc.org/ calendar in the Lutheran Church and throughout kindness and generosity may may be fruitful in good works bartolome-de-las-casas July 1: John Mason Neale, Service Book (2006), Christianity; For the Society show forth your love to all and attain to the glorious 1866; Catherine Winkworth, following Wilhelm Löhe, also of St. Birgitta. Also on July 6 the world; through your Son crown of your saints; through 1878; Hymnwriters Also on July 17: William lists Elijah on this date. The calendar in the Jesus Christ our Lord, who your Son, Jesus Christ our Learn more: thenalc.org/ White, Bishop of Almighty God, beautiful in Lutheran Service Book lives and reigns with you and Lord, who lives and reigns birgitta-of-sweden Pennsylvania, 1816 majesty, majestic in holiness, (2006), following Wilhelm the Holy Spirit, one God, now with you and the Holy Spirit, July 21 by the examples of your Löhe, lists Isaiah on this and forever. Amen. One God, now and forever. O Lord, who in a time of servants John Mason Neale Amen. The Eastern Church on this July 24: Thomas à Kempis, date. The Eastern Church Additional Prayers: For the turmoil and confusion raised and Catherine Winkworth, date commemorates the Priest, 1471 commemorates the prophet unity of the church; For the Additional Prayers: For the up your servant William White refine our learning with prophet Ezekiel. The calendar Isaiah on May 9. understanding and growth people and government of to lead your Church into ways Holy Father, you have devotion, enlarge our in the Lutheran Service Book of evangelical ; For Russia and Ukraine; For the of stability and peace; Hear nourished and strengthened understanding by sympathetic (2006) also lists Ezekiel on the peace of the world; For a growth in grace of all new our prayer, and give us wise your Church by the inspired exploration of cultures and July 11: Benedict of Nursia, this date. new respect for the insight of converts to Christianity; and faithful leaders, that, writings of your servant peoples separated from us Abbot of Monte Cassino, c. religions other than our own. For Christian families; For through their ministry, your Thomas à Kempis: Grant that by space and time, and foster 547; Scholastica, Abbess, the faculty, students, and people may be blessed and July 22: st. mary magdelene we may learn from him to in us a concern for those c. 547 Learn more: thenalc.org/ your will be done; through know what is necessary to be benefactors of St. Vladimir’s Almighty God, whose who are slighted, ignored, or Almighty and everlasting nathan-soderblom Jesus Christ our Lord, who known, to love what is to be Seminary, Crestwood, New blessed Son restored Mary forgotten; that we may know God, you made your servant lives and reigns with you and loved, to praise what highly York. Magdalene to health of body the inexhaustible riches of Benedict a worthy guide the Holy Spirit, one God, for pleases you, and always to July 13: Johannes Flierl, and mind and first entrusted your new creation in Jesus to teach us how to live in Learn more: thenalc.org/olga- ever and ever. Amen. seek to know and follow your Missionary to Australia and to her the joyful news of his Christ our Lord;, who lives your service: Grant that and-vladimir will; through Jesus Christ our Papua New Guinea, 1947 Learn more: thenalc.org/ resurrection: Mercifully grant and reigns with you and the by preferring your love to Lord, who lives and reigns william-white that by your grace we may Holy Spirit, one God, now and everything else and following God of grace and might, you with you and the Holy Spirit, July 16 be healed of all our infirmities forever. Amen. the examples of Benedict called Johannes Flierl to your one God, forever and ever. and know you in the power of and Scholastica, we may service and stirred in him The Lutheran Service Book, Amen. Additional Prayers: For his unending life; who lives students of the worship of the ever walk in the way of your zeal to make the good news following Wilhelm Löhe’s < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > Additional Prayers: For the where love is lacking; For July 29: Mary, Martha, and Lord, kindle in your Church the Additional Prayers: For the and the seven, together with who lives and reigns with you desire to conform our whole children who are abused and Lazarus of Bethany never-failing gift of love, that, members of the Society their mother, were honored as and the Holy Spirit, one God, life to that of Christ; For grace unloved. following the example of your of Jesus throughout the forerunners of the Christian now and forever. Amen. O God, heavenly Father, your and strength to advance in servant William Wilberforce, world; For seminaries and martyrs. The commemoration Learn more: thenalc.org/ Son Jesus Christ enjoyed rest Additional Prayers: For an holiness; For closer attention we may have the grace to theological colleges and all was common throughout parents-of-mary and refreshment in the home assurance of the glory of to the Bible; For deeper love defend the poor, and maintain those responsible for the the church before the fifth of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus Christ, the reigning Sovereign for the Holy Communion. the cause of those who have training of clergy; For closer century. The observance of of Bethany: Give us the will of the cosmos; For confidence no helper; for the sake of him relationships between the the day in the Roman Church Learn more: thenalc.org/ July 27: William Reed to love you, open our hearts that the church will share who gave his life for us, your Roman was encouraged by their thomas-a-kempis Huntington, Priest, 1919 to hear you, strengthen our Christ’s glory; For continued Son our Savior Jesus Christ, and the Churches of the preservation of what were hands to serve you in others life in Christ; For devout O Lord our God, we thank who lives and reigns with you Reformation; For a dedication thought to be their bones in the for his sake and confirm in us attention to the word of you for instilling in the heart and the Holy Spirit, one God, of all our works to the greater church of St. Peter ad Vincula. July 25: st. james the elder, your power even over death Christ; For an end to war and of your servant William Reed now and forever. Amen. glory of God. In the mid-twentieth century, apostle through him, who lives and violence; For peace. Huntington a fervent love for the bones were determined to reigns with you and the Holy Additional Prayers: For all Learn more: thenalc.org/ O gracious God, we remember your church and its mission be canine and were removed Learn more: thenalc.org/ Spirit, one God, now and areas of the world where ignatius-of-loyola before you today your servant in the world; and we pray from the church and the transfiguration forever. Amen. slavery is still practiced or and apostle James, first that, with unflagging faith in commemoration removed from tolerated; For all who must among the Twelve to suffer your promises, we may make Additional Prayers: For those the Western calendar. The day sell themselves into slavery August 1: Joseph of martyrdom for the Name of known to all people your whose work enables others continues to be observed in August 8: Dominic de through the system of bonded Arimathea Jesus Christ; and we pray that blessed gift of eternal life; to mediate and pray and the East. It also lingers on the Guzmán, Priest and Friar, labor; For all Christians in you will pour out upon the through Jesus Christ our Lord, study; For times of quiet Merciful God, whose servant calendar in the 1962 Canadian 1221 who lives and reigns with you Congress and Parliament; Joseph of Arimathea with leaders of your Church that contemplation; For those Book of Common Prayer. O God of the prophets, you and the Holy Spirit, one God, For all who are working to reverence and godly fear spirit of self-denying service whose lives are devoted to opened the eyes of your for ever and ever. Amen. set free those who suffer prepared the body of our Lord by which alone they may have prayer and contemplation; servant Dominic to perceive from political or economic and Savior for burial, and laid August 3 true authority among your Learn more: thenalc.org/ For the practice of hospitality a famine of hearing the word oppression. it in his own tomb: Grant to people; through Jesus Christ william-huntington among Christians; For In this date the Lutheran of the Lord, and moved him, us, your faithful people, grace our Lord, who lives and reigns a certain hope of the Learn more: thenalc.org/ Service Book of the and those he drew about him, and courage to love and serve with you and the Holy Spirit, resurrection. william-wilberforce Lutheran Church—Missouri to satisfy that hunger with Jesus with sincere devotion all one God, now and forever. July 28: Johann Sebastian Synod has introduced the sound preaching and fervent Learn more: thenalc.org/ the days of our life; through Amen. Bach, 1750; Heinrich Schütz, commemoration of Joanna, devotion: Teach your Church, mary-martha-and-lazarus Also on July 30: Robert Jesus Christ our Lord, who 1672; George Frederick Mary, and Salome, Myrrh- in this and every age, to find Additional Prayers: For the Barnes, Confessor, Martyr, lives and reigns with you Handel, 1759; Musicians bearers. It is an adaptation its life in your word and to gift of generosity and self- 1540 and the Holy Spirit, one God, Also on July 29: Olaf II of the commemoration in the live always close to its truth; sacrifice; For courage and God of glory, whose praise forever and ever. Amen. faith gladly to follow Christ; by saints and angels in Haraldsson, King of Norway, Almighty God, heavenly Orthodox Churches of the through Jesus Christ our Lord, For the spirit of service. heaven is unceasing, you Martyr, 1030 Father, you gave courage in Additional Prayers: For myrrh-bearing women Mary who lives and reigns with you your servant Robert Barnes to courage to do the right thing; Magdalene, Mary Theotokos and the Holy Spirit, one God, have given to your servants God of justice and love, you Learn more: thenalc.org/ give up his life for confessing For generosity of substance (the Virgin Mary), Joanna, forever and ever. Amen. Johann Sebastian Bach, raised up your servant Olaf james-the-elder the true faith during the and spirit; For those who care Salome, Mary the wife of Heinrich Schütz, and George to be the “eternal king of Additional Prayers: For the Reformation. May we continue for the dead and prepare them Cleopas, Susanna, Mary Frederick Handel abundant Norway,” to establish your members of the Dominican steadfast in our confession of for burial; For sure and certain of Bethany, and Martha of July 26: The Parents of the and manifold gifts to proclaim church in his kingdom, and to Order and for their schools the apostolic faith and suffer hope of the resurrection. Bethany. In the Byzantine Rite Blessed Virgin Mary your glory: Be ever present revise the laws of the nation: and colleges; For the all, even death, rather than fall the commemoration takes with your servants who seek Grant to all leaders of the Learn more: thenalc.org/ educational work of the Almighty God, heavenly away from it; through Jesus place on the Third Sunday of through music to perfect the earth the will and the courage joseph-of-arimathea church; For all evangelists and Father, we remember in Christ, our Lord. Amen. Pascha (Easter). Righteous praises offered by your people to administer the law with missioners; For patience and thanksgiving this day the on earth; and grant that they Joseph of Arimathea and parents of the Blessed Virgin strict impartiality, and to fear Learn more: thenalc.org/ Nicodemus are often included tenderness in dealing with may even now hear the sound no one but you, the Judge of robert-barnes Formerly on August 1 those whom we are convinced Mary; and we pray that we of your beauty and at the in the commemoration. See all; through Jesus Christ our In the Western church the are mistaken or wrong. all may be made one in the last rejoice in the perfection Mark 15:42-16:1; John 19:38-42. Lord, who lives and reigns with only celebration of an Old heavenly family of your Son of praise in your eternal July 31: Ignatius of Loyola, Learn more: thenalc.org/ you and the Holy Spirit, one Testament that has more Jesus Christ our Lord; who kingdom; through your Son Priest, Monastic, and dominic-de-guzman God, now and forever. Amen. than local observance is the August 6: the lives and reigns with you Jesus Christ our Lord, who Founder of the Society of commemoration of the Holy transfiguration of our lord and the Holy Spirit, one God, lives and reigns with you and Additional Prayers: For the Jesus, 1556 Maccabees on August 1. In c. August 10: Lawrence, forever and ever. Amen. the Holy Spirit, one God, now Church and people of Norway; O God, in the transfiguration Teach us, good Lord, to serve 168 b.c., seven brothers and Deacon and Martyr at Rome, and forever. Amen. For the king and government of your Son you confirmed the Additional Prayers: For you as you deserve: To give their mother were put to a 258 of Norway; For those who mysteries of the faith by the all parents and all homes; Additional Prayers: For all who and not to count the cost; horrid death by Antiochus administer justice. witness of Moses and Elijah, Almighty God, you called For single parents; For make music for the church; to fight and not to heed the IV Epiphanes for refusing and in the voice that came your deacon Lawrence to grandparents that their good For a renewed appreciation of Learn more: thenalc.org/olaf- wounds; to toil and not to to eat pork. Their story, from the bright cloud you serve you with deeds of love, examples may influence music as a gift from God; For of-norway seek for rest: to labor and not reported in 2 Maccabees 7 foreshadowed out adoption as and gave him the crown of generations to come; For God to raise up new musicians to ask for any reward, save and probably alluded to in your children: Make us with the martyrdom: Grant that we, grandchildren that they for the church and his people. that of knowing that we do Hebrews 11:35, impressed July 30: William WIlberforce, King heirs of your glory, and following his example, may may respect the longer your will; through Jesus Christ the imagination of the early Learn more: thenalc.org/ Renewer of Society, 1833 bring us to enjoy its fullness; fulfill your commandments by perspective of earlier our Lord. Amen. church, especially St. Gregory johann-bach through Jesus Christ our Lord, defending and supporting the generations; For homes Let your continual mercy, O Nazianzus and St. Augustine, < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > poor, and by loving you with Additional Prayers: For and persecution; For those August 16: Stephen I, King of Almighty God, you gave to may love what he believed Additional Prayers: For all our hearts; through Jesus nurses and all in the medical who are imprisoned for the Hungary, 1038 your servant William Porcher and preach what he taught; mothers that by their prayers Christ our Lord, who lives and professions; For compassion, faith; For kindness to others DuBose special gifts of grace through your Son Jesus Christ and example they may bring Almighty Father, heavenly reigns with you and the Holy gentleness, and dedication; whatever our situation. to understand the Scriptures our Lord, who lives and reigns up their children in the faith; king, your servant Stephen of Spirit, one God, forever and For courage to pursue new and to teach the truth as it is with you and the Holy Spirit, For homes where only one Learn more: thenalc.org/ Hungary fostered the growth ever. Amen. ways of service; For invalids in Christ Jesus: Grant that by one God, forever and ever. parent is Christian; For the maximilian-kolbe of your Church on earth: that they might continue to this teaching we may know Amen. spirit of unceasing prayer; For Additional Prayers: For those Grant that we, following his find ways of service. you, the one true God, and the unity of families in Christ. who maintain and care for the example, may by our prayer Additional Prayers: For the Jesus Christ whom you have property of the church; For Learn more: thenalc.org/ Also on August 14: Jonathan and labors support the church in Armenia; For grace Learn more: thenalc.org/ sent; who lives and reigns those who serve the poor and florence-and-clara Myrick Daniels, Civil Rights growth of your Church in our and strength to recognize monica-of-thagaste with you and the Holy Spirit, needy; For a recognition of the Witness, Martyr, 1965 time and land; through your the Son of God; For strength one God, now and for ever. true treasure of the church; O God of justice and Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, and guidance to find ways of Also on August 13: Jeremy Amen. Also on August 27: Thomas For courage and good humor compassion, you put down who lives and reigns with you serving him; For the gift of Taylor, Bishop of Down, Gallaudet, 1902; Henry to get us through times of the proud and mighty from and the Holy Spirit, one God, Learn more: thenalc.org/ innocence and purity of heart. frustration, misunderstanding, Connor, and Dromore, 1667 now and forever. Amen. william-dubose Winter Syle, 1890; Priests to their place, and lift up the Learn more: thenalc.org/ or persecution. the Deaf O God, whose days are poor and the afflicted: We Additional Prayers: For bartholomew-the-apostle without end, and whose give you thanks for your O Loving God, whose will Learn more: thenalc.org/ Christian kings and queens; August 20: Bernard, Abbot mercies cannot be numbered: faithful witness Jonathan it is that everyone should lawrence-of-rome For the increase of virtues in of Clairvaux, 1153 Make us, like your servant Myrick Daniels, who, in all who have authority in the August 25: Louis IX Capet, come to you and be saved: Jeremy Taylor, deeply the midst of injustice and nations of the world; For the Almighty God, your servant King of France, 1270 We bless your holy Name August 11: Clare, Abbess of aware of the shortness and violence, risked and gave was for your servants Thomas strengthening of the church O God, you called your Assisi, 1253 uncertainty of human life; and his life for another; and we filled with zeal for your house Gallaudet and Henry Winter everywhere. servant Louis of France to let your Holy Spirit lead us in pray that we, following his and was a radiant light in Syle, and we pray that you will God of mercy, you instilled in an earthly throne that he holiness and righteousness all example, may make no peace Learn more: thenalc.org/ your Church: Grant that we, continually move your church your servant Clare the love of might advance your heavenly our days; through Jesus Christ with oppression; through stephen-of-hungary like him, may be filled with to respond in love to the poverty: Grant that, inspired kingdom, and gave him zeal our Lord, who lives and reigns Jesus Christ the just one, who your zealous Spirit, and walk needs of all people; through by her devotion, we may for your Church and love for with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns with you and always as children of light; Jesus Christ, who lives and follow Christ in singleness of Also on August 16 your people: Mercifully grant one God, now and forever. the Holy Spirit, one God, for through your Son Jesus Christ reigns with you and the Holy heart and come to the joyful that we who commemorate Amen. ever and ever. Amen. The Lutheran Service Book, our Lord, who lives and reigns Spirit, one God, now and for vision of your glory, shown to him this day may be fruitful in following Wilhelm Löhe’s with you and the Holy Spirit, ever. Amen. us in Jesus Christ our Lord: Additional Prayers: For all Learn more: thenalc.org/ good works, and attain to the calendar, commemorates the one God, now and forever. who lives and reigns with you bishops that they may be jonathan-daniels glorious crown of your saints; Learn more: thenalc.org/ patriarch Isaac on this date. Amen. and the Holy Spirit, one God, devoted to Christian learning through Jesus Christ our Lord, thomas-and-henry His story is given in Genesis now and forever. Amen. and zealous in guarding the Additional Prayers: For a who lives and reigns with you 21ff. faith; For all Christians in August 15: st. mary the deepened life of prayer; For and the Holy Spirit, one God, Additional Prayers: For all Ireland and for an increase virgin, mother of our lord grace to contemplate the forever and ever. Amen. August 28: Augustine, contemplatives; For joy and of trust among them; For the life of Christ; For wisdom to Bishop of Hippo, Teacher, simplicity in our own lives; For O God, you have taken August 17: Johann Gerhard, Additional Prayers: For the church in Ireland; For all who discern the paths to truth; 430 increased devotion and love to yourself the blessed Theologian, 1637 church and people of France; write about the spiritual life. For more vocations to the Lord God, the light of the to Christ. Virgin Mary, mother of your Most High God, we owe For all Christian rulers and all religious life; For all who hold minds that know you, the life Learn more: thenalc.org/ incarnate Son: Grant that we, you great thanks that in the engaged in the business of Learn more: thenalc.org/ positions of responsibility and of the souls that love you, and jeremy-taylor who have been redeemed sacred mystery of the Supper government; For those who clare-of-assisi influence in the church. the strength of the hearts that by his blood, may share with you feed us with the body administer justice; For all who serve you: Help us, following her the glory of your eternal and blood of Your Son. May Learn more: thenalc.org/ have power and authority in August 14: Maximilian Mary kingdom; through Jesus the example of your servant August 13: Florence we approach this heavenly bernard-of-clairvaux political, economic, and social Kolbe, Priest, Martyr, 1941 Christ our Lord, who lives , so to know Nightingale, 1910; Clara meal with true faith, firmly life. and reigns with you and the you that we may truly love you, Maass, 1901; Renewers of God of grace, you filled your convinced that the body we Holy Spirit, one God, now and Also on August 20 Learn more: thenalc.org/ and so to love you that we may Society priest and martyr Maximilian eat and the one given into louis-of-france fully serve you, whom to serve Kolbe with zeal for souls and forever. Amen. death for us and that the The Eastern Church on this date God of compassion, courage, is perfect freedom; through love for his neighbor: through blood we drink is the blood commemorates the prophet and love, you strengthened Additional Prayers: For the Jesus Christ our Lord, who the example of this devoted shed for our sins; through Samuel. The calendar in the August 27: Monica, Mother your servants Florence poor and the forgotten; For a lives and reigns with you and servant of Mary Immaculate, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Lutheran Service Book (2006), of Augustine 387 Nightingale and Clara Maass deeper understanding of the the Holy Spirit, one God, now grant that in our efforts to following Wilhelm Löhe, also to give themselves in self- mystery of the incarnation; Additional Prayers: For our God of mercy, comfort of those and forever. Amen. serve others for your glory lists Samuel on this date. sacrificing service to those For the gift of glad obedience seminaries; For pastors; For in sorrow, the tears of St. Monica we too may become like your Additional Prayers: For the in need: Lead us by their to the word of God; For the proclamation of the pure moved you to convert her son Son Jesus Christ, who loved churches in North Africa; examples of courageous faithfulness to Christ. Gospel; For those who write St. Augustine to the faith of his own in the world, even to August 24: st. bartholomew, For those who search for service to give hope to the Christian literature. Christ: By their examples, help the end, and who now lives Learn more: thenalc.org/ apostle the truth, especially young hopeless, love to the unloved, us to turn from our sins and to and reigns with you and the blessed-virgin-mary Learn more: thenalc.org/ people who are struggling to and peace to the dying; Almighty and everlasting find your loving forgiveness; Holy Spirit, one God, now and johann-gerhard find meaning; For their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord, God, who gave to your apostle through your Son Jesus Christ forever. Amen. For teachers; For those who who lives and reigns with you Bartholomew grace truly to our Lord, who lives and reigns believe and to preach your defend the faith; For a deeper and the Holy Spirit, one God, Additional Prayers: For August 18: William Porcher with you and the Holy Spirit, one Word: Grant that your Church love of the Scriptures. now and forever. Amen. faithfulness in suffering DuBose, Priest, 1918 God, now and forever. Amen. < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > Learn more: thenalc.org/ unknown: By the witness of give thanks for his life, such a September 4: Albert September 5: Mother dignity of sharing your life: By Learn more: thenalc.org/ augustine-of-hippo your servant John Bunyan, love of the living tradition of Schweitzer, Missionary to Theresa of Calcutta, the example of Peter Claver, alexander-crummell give us faith to go out with your church and such respect Africa, 1965 Renewer of Society, 1997 strengthen us to overcome good courage, not knowing for the wisdom of past ages, all racial hatred, and to love God of grace and might, Most holy God, whose great Also on August 28: Moses whither we go, but only that that at all times and in all one another as brothers and September 12: John Henry you gave to your servant name is love, you raised the Black, Monk and Martyr, your hand is leading us and places, in confidence and in sisters; for the sake of Jesus Hobart, Bishop of New York, Albert Schweitzer abundant up Mother Teresa to be a c. 400 your love supporting us; joy, we may lift our voices Christ our Lord, who lives 1830 gifts and led him to show towering example of self- through Jesus Christ our Lord, in your praise; through your and reigns with you and the Holy and mighty God, by the example of his life sacrificing love toward the Revive your Church, Lord God who lives and reigns with you Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, Holy Spirit, one God, now and you strengthened your the responsibility to care for lowest members of society: of hosts, whenever it falls into and the Holy Spirit, one God, who lives and reigns with you forever. Amen. monk Moses the Black and those whom it seems easy Stir your people to follow her complacency and sloth, by now and forever. Amen. and the Holy Spirit, one God, crowned him with the glory to ignore: Raise up in our example and give themselves Additional Prayers: For all raising up devoted leaders now and forever. Amen. of martyrdom: In your mercy Additional Prayers: For day servants whose lives will to the service of those from who work with the poor and like your servant John Henry transform our renegade spirits courage to set out in quest Additional Prayers: For recall your people to their whom the world turns away disadvantaged; For those Hobart; and grant that their and grant that by discipline of spiritual truth; For strength the church and people of duty and proclaim the reality and puts out of mind, and so who do not share in the faith and vigor of mind may and prayer, our pride may to endure the Christian Denmark; For public schools; of your kingdom of sacrificial to make real the love of your wealth and prosperity of the awaken your people to your wither within us and that at pilgrimage; For grace to win For poets who explore and love; through your Son Jesus Son Jesus Christ our Lord; world; For the conversion of message and their mission; the last we may attain the heaven at last; For writers express the human spirit; For Christ our Lord, who lives who lives and reigns with you those who oppress the poor through Jesus Christ our Lord, heavenly city; where with your who explore religious truth students of theology; For a and reins with you and the and the holy Spirit, one God, and weak. who lives and reigns with you Son and the Holy Spirit you with narrative skill. deeper regard for the church Holy Spirit, one God, now and now and forever. Amen. and the Holy Spirit, one God, Learn more: thenalc.org/ live and reign, one God, now and its sacraments. forever. Amen. for ever and ever. Amen. and forever. Amen. Learn more: thenalc.org/ Additional Prayers: For the peter-claver john-bunyan Learn more: thenalc.org/ Additional Prayers: For the poor of the world; For those Learn more: thenalc.org/ Learn more: thenalc.org/ nikolai-grundtvig spirit of selfless and sacrificial in need who are ignored john-hobart moses-the-black love; For those who relieve or rejected by society; For Also on September 9: September 1: David Constance, Nun, and Her suffering; For strength to those who serve the poor September 13: John Pendelton Oakerhater, Also on September 2 share the pain of the world; and forgotten; For a spirit of Companions, 1878 August 29: The Beheading of Deacon and Missionary, 1931 Chrysostom, Bishop of St. John the Baptist The Lutheran Service Book has For a recognition of the charity and generosity. We give you thanks and Constantinople, 407 O God of unsearchable introduced on this date the interrelatedness of all life. praise, O God of compassion, O God, you called John the Learn more: thenalc.org/ Almighty God, the strength of wisdom and mercy, Liberate commemoration of Hannah, for the heroic witness of the Baptist to be in birth and Learn more: thenalc.org/ mother-teresa all who trust in you, you made us from bondage to self, and mother of Samuel. Her story albert-schweitzer Martyrs of Memphis, who, in a death the forerunner of your empower us to serve you and is told in 1 Samuel 1-2. time of plague and pestilence, John Chrysostom renowned Son: Grant that as John gave for his eloquence and heroic our neighbors; that like your September 8: The Nativity of were steadfast in their care his life in witness to truth in his sufferings: Grant that we servant David Oakerhater, we Also on September 4: Paul the Blessed Virgin Mary for the sick and dying, and and righteousness, so we may learn your righteousness might bring those who do not September 3: The Martyrs of Jones, Bishop, 1941 loved not their own lives, even We pray you, O Lord, pour may fearlessly contend for know you to the knowledge Papua New Guinea, 1942 unto death; Inspire in us a from his teaching and gain Merciful God, you sent your into our hearts the abundance the right, even unto the end; and love of you; through like love and commitment to courage from his patient Almighty God, we remember beloved Son to preach peace of your heavenly grace, that through your Son Jesus Christ Jesus Christ, the captain of those in need, following the endurance; through your Son before you this day the to those who are far off as the childbearing of the our Lord, who lives and reigns our salvation; who lives and example of our Savior Jesus Jesus Christ our Lord, who blessed martyrs of New and to those who are near: Blessed Virgin Mary was to with you and the Holy Spirit, reigns with you and the Holy Christ; who with you and the lives and reigns with you and Guinea, who, following the Raise up in this and every us the dawn of salvation, so one God, now and forever. Spirit, one God for ever and Holy Spirit lives and reigns, the Holy Spirit, one God, now example of their Savior, laid land witnesses who, after the devout celebration of her Amen. ever. Amen. one God, now and for ever. and forever. Amen. down their lives for their the example of your servant nativity may draw us closer to Amen. Additional Prayers: For all Learn more: thenalc.org/ friends; and we pray that we, Paul Jones, will stand firm in him who is our peace, Jesus Additional Prayers: For the who are wrongfully accused; david-oakerhater who honor their memory, may proclaiming the Gospel of the Christ our Lord; who lives Learn more: thenalc.org/ Patriarch of Constantinople; For courage to obey God’s imitate their loyalty and faith; Prince of Peace, our Savior and reigns with you and the constance-and-companions For preachers of the gospel; commands in the face of through Jesus Christ our Lord, Jesus Christ, who lives and Holy Spirit, one God, now and For strength to endure great opposition, to speak Also on September 1 who lives and reigns with you reigns with you and the Holy forever. Amen. suffering with Christ; For the truth boldly rebuke vice, and the Holy Spirit, one God, September 10: Alexander those who are persecuted The Lutheran Service Book has Spirit, one God, now and for and patiently suffer for the forever and ever. Amen. Additional Prayers: Of Crummell, Priest, 1898 for their bold witness to the introduced on this date the ever. Amen. sake of truth; For all who are thanksgiving for the Virgin Christian faith and life. commemoration of Joshua, Additional Prayers: For peace Almighty and everlasting maintaining the Christian Learn more: thenalc.org/ Mary, who brought into the the successor of Moses. and reconciliation between God, we thank you for your Learn more: thenalc.org/ faith under intolerant paul-jones world the Son of God; For all the nations of the earth; servant Alexander Crummell, john-chrysostom governments. Christian mothers; For those For strength for all who are whom you called to preach September 2: Nikolai who continue to prepare for Learn more: thenalc.org/ tempted to abandon their Also on September 4 the coming of the kingdom. the gospel to those who were beheading-of-john Frederik Severin Grundtvig, good work and flee from far off and to those who were September 14: holy cross The Byzantine calendar on Bishop and Renewer of the danger; Of thanksgiving for Learn more: thenalc.org/ near. Raise up, in this and day this date commemorates Church, 1872 all who faithfully remained at nativity-of-mary every land, evangelists and August 31: John Bunyan, the Holy Prophet Moses. Almighty God, whose Son our God of grace and eternal their posts in time of war. heralds of your kingdom, that Teacher, 1688 The calendar in the Lutheran Savior Jesus Christ was lifted Lord of all the years, you have your church may proclaim the Learn more: thenalc.org/ Service Book (2006), September 9: Peter Claver, high upon the cross that he Lord God, you have called enriched your church with unsearchable riches of our martyrs-of-papua following Wilhelm Löhe, also Priest, Missionary to might draw the whole world your servants to ventures the living faith and the broad Savior Jesus Christ, who lives lists Moses on this date. Colombia, 1654 to himself: Mercifully grant of which we cannot see learning of your servant and reigns with you and the that we, who glory in the the ending, by paths as yet Nicolai Frederik Severin Merciful and loving God, Holy Spirit, one God, now and mystery of our redemption, untrodden, through perils Grundtvig: Awaken in us, who you offer to all peoples the for ever. Amen. < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > may have grace to take up labors in remembrance we make peace—in families, September 20: John who were victorious in champion of the faith in Russia; ministry: Grant, we pray, that our cross and follow him; who may show our thankfulness cities, nations; For confidence Coleridge Patteson, Bishop their spiritual warfare, your and we ask for such gentle and we may be aflame with the lives and reigns with you and by following the example of in God’s care; For grace to of Melanesia, and His people may be steadfast in humble leaders, who shall same spirit, and may love those the Holy Spirit, one God, in his zeal and patience; through learn the meaning and the Companions; Martyrs, 1871 the truth, united in purpose, serve your people faithfully he loved, and live in the way glory everlasting. Amen. Jesus Christ our Lord, who practice of prayer. and comprehensive in their because they serve you first; he showed us by his example; Almighty God, who called your lives and reigns with you ministry to the world; through through Jesus Christ our Lord, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Additional Prayers: For Learn more: thenalc.org/dag- faithful servant John Coleridge and the Holy Spirit, one God, your Son Jesus Christ our who lives and reigns with you who lives and reigns with you the Church of the Holy hammarskjold Patteson and his companions forever and ever. Amen. Lord, who lives and reigns and the Holy Spirit, one God, and the Holy Spirit, one God, Selpuchre in Jerusalem and to witness to the gospel, and with you and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen. now and forever. Amen. for the Christians of differing Additional Prayers: For the by their labors and sufferings one God, now and forever. traditions worshiping there; Church in Scotland; For all Also on September 18: raised up a people for your Additional Prayers: For a Additional Prayers: For all Amen. For pilgrims to the Holy Land; whom God calls to missionary Edward Bouverie Pusey, own possession: Pour out your deeper attachment to the who work among the poor For grace to choose the way service. Priest, 1882 Holy Spirit upon your church in Additional Prayers: For things that abide; For an and disadvantaged; For the of the cross; For humility; For every land, that, by the service the increase of faithful increased love of the natural Sisters of Charity and all Learn more: thenalc.org/ Grant, O God, that in all time of the knowledge that suffering and sacrifice of many, your missionaries and pastors; For world; For peace; For the deaconesses; For children ninian-of-scotland our testing we may know your can be redemptive; For the presence and obey your will; holy Name may be glorified those who have abandoned church in Russia. who are abused; For the poor gift of hope for all who bear and your kingdom enlarged; the practice of the faith; For a and the unemployed. that, following the example of Learn more: thenalc.org/ the cross. through Jesus Christ our Lord, broad vision of the church and September 17: Hildegard, your servant Edward Bouverie sergius-of-radonezh Learn more: thenalc.org/ who lives and reigns with you its service. Learn more: thenalc.org/ Abbess of Bingen, Renewer Pusey, we may with integrity vincent-de-paul and the Holy Spirit, one God, holy-cross-day of the Church, 1179 and courage accomplish what Learn more: thenalc.org/ you give us to do, and endure for ever and ever. Amen. September 26: Lancelot God of all times and seasons: justus-falckner what you give us to bear; Andrewes, Bishop of September 28: Jehu Jones, Give us grace that we, after Learn more: thenalc.org/ September 16: Cyprian, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Winchester, 1626 Jr., Pastor, 1852 the example of your servant john-patteson Bishop and Martyr at who lives and reigns with you Also on September 22: Hildegard, may both know O Lord and Father, our King Grant, Lord God, to all who have Carthage, 258 and the Holy Spirit, one God, Philander Chase, Bishop of and make known the joy and and our God, by your grace been baptized into the death for ever and ever. Amen. September 21: st matthew Ohio and Illinois, 1852 O God, Shepherd of your jubilation of being part of . , the Church was enriched and resurrection of your Son church, your servant Cyprian your creation, and show forth Learn more: thenalc.org/ apostle and evangelist Almighty God, whose Son by the great learning and Jesus Christ, that as we, having strengthened your people your glory not only with our edward-pusey God of mercy, you chose a tax Jesus Christ is the pioneer eloquent preaching of your in mind the examples of Jehu by his ministry and by the lips but in our lives; through collector, Matthew, to share and perfecter of our faith: servant Lancelot Andrewes, Jones and Daniel Alexander witness of his suffering: By Jesus Christ our Savior, who the dignity of the apostles: Grant that like your servant and by his example of biblical Payne, have put away the September 19: Theodore his example give us courage lives and reigns with you Help us by his example Philander Chase we might and liturgical prayer: Conform old life of sin, so we may be of Tarsus, Archbishop of boldly to confess your Name, and the Holy Spirit, one God, readily to respond to the have the grace to minister in our lives, like his, to the image renewed in the spirit of our Canterbury, 690 to endure suffering for the forever and ever. Amen. transforming call of your Christ’s name in every place, of Christ, that our hearts may minds and live in righteousness gospel, and ever work for the led by bold witnesses to the love you, our minds serve and true holiness; through Additional Prayers: For Almighty God, you called Son and to follow him, Jesus unity of your church; through Gospel of the Prince of Peace, you, and our lips proclaim Jesus Christ our Lord, who those who have visions of your servant Theodore of Christ our Lord; who lives Jesus Christ our Lord, who Jesus Christ our Lord, who the greatness of your mercy; lives and reigns with you and divine things; For musicians Tarsus from Rome to the see and reigns with you and the lives and reigns with you and lives and reigns with you and through Jesus Christ our Lord, the Holy Spirit, one God, now who rejoice in the natural of Canterbury, and gave him Holy Spirit, one God, now and the Holy Spirit, one God, now the Holy Spirit, one God, for who lives and reigns with you and forever. Amen. world; For all in the medical gifts of grace and wisdom to forever. Amen. and forever. Amen. establish unity where there ever and ever. Amen. and the Holy Spirit, one God, profession; For courage to Additional Prayers: For Remembered with Daniel had been division and order now and forever. Amen. Additional Prayers: For Africa speak the truth. renewed appreciation of our Learn more: thenalc.org/ Alexander Payne, bishop and and African Christians; For where there had been chaos: philander-chase Additional Prayers: For shaper of the African Methodist Learn more: thenalc.org/ Jewish heritage; For ethical the unity of the church; For all Create in your Church, by the bishops and other clergy that Episcopal Church, 1893 hildegard-of-bingen renewal; For openness to the who work to heal the divisions operation of the Holy Spirit, they may always make room mystery of the glory of Christ. Additional Prayers: For between Christians; For all such godly union and concord Also on September 22 in their lives for private prayer; that it may proclaim, both Learn more: thenalc.org/ the opening of the church who are persecuted or exiled September 18: Dag The Byzantine calendar on For all lay people that they by word and example, the matthew-the-evangelist to all people; For a clear because of their faith; For the Hammarskjöld, peacemaker, this date commemorates the may be faithful in prayer; For Gospel of the Prince of Peace; understanding of the mission bishops of the church, that 1961 prophet Jonah. The calendar those who exert a quiet and who lives and reigns with you of the church; For the support they may show solidarity with in the Lutheran Service Book saintly influence on the affairs Almighty God, kindle, we and the Holy Spirit, one God, September 22: Julius and encouragement of those their clergy and people. (2006), following Wilhelm of the church and the world. pray, in every heart the true forever and ever. Amen. Falckner, First Lutheran at the margins of society; For Löhe’s calendar (November Learn more: thenalc.org/ love of peace, and guide with Pastor Ordained in North Learn more: thenalc.org/ those who work to expand the Additional Prayers: For the 12), lists Jonah on this date. cyprian-of-carthage your wisdom those who take America, 1723 lancelot-andrewes ministry of the church. Archbishop of Canterbury and counsel for the nations of all archbishops and bishops; Eternal God, whose praise by Learn more: thenalc.org/ the earth, that in tranquility Also on September 16: For the Anglican Communion; the saints in light thunders jehu-jones your dominion may increase like the sea, you brought Ninian, Bishop, Missionary to For those responsible September 25: Sergius of September 27: Vincent de until the earth is filled with together a diversity of Scotland, c. 430 for the organization and Radonezh, Abbot of Holy Paul, Priest, Renewer of the knowledge of your love; peoples and traditions in the September 29: st. michael administration of the church; Trinity, Moscow, 1392 Church and Society, 1660 O God, by the preaching of through Jesus Christ our Lord, ordination of your servant and all angels For the schools of the church. O God our Father, we praise your blessed servant and who lives and reigns with you : Strengthen, O God, you bestowed upon you for St. Sergius, a man of Everlasting God, you have bishop Ninian you caused the and the Holy Spirit, one God, Learn more: thenalc.org/ we pray, all servants of your your servant Vincent de Paul prayer, in whom shone forth ordained and constituted in a light of the Gospel to shine in now and forever. Amen. theodore-of-tarsus church in their ministry that, apostolic power to bring your the land of Britain: Grant, we the radiance of the Holy Spirit, love to the poor and to foster wonderful order the ministries Additional Prayers: For the supported by the fellowship pray, that having his life and a true warrior of Christ, and a the devotion of the church’s of angels and mortals: United Nations; For all who of the faithful and bold < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > Mercifully grant that, as your our Lord, who lives and reigns grant to all whom you have set Muhlenberg displayed commemorates Abraham the October 14: Samuel Isaac Cranmer permanently holy angels always serve and with you and the Holy Spirit, apart for the work of serving courage and perseverance patriarch on this date. His Joseph Schereschewsky, enriched the devotion of your worship you in heaven, so by one God, forever and ever. love such understanding in the face of opposition and story is given in Genesis 11:27- 1906; Channing Moore church, carefully rendering your appointment they may Amen. of your gospel, firmness of slander, and brought order 25:11. Williams, 1910; Missionary its prayer in stately and help and defend us here on purpose, diligence in service, both in life and in worship Bishops beautiful language, and with Additional Prayers: For the earth; through your Son Jesus and beauty of life in Christ, to scattered and dispirited Hugh Latimer and Nicholas church in France; For the O God, who in your Christ our Lord, who lives and that they may be a convincing congregations: Give to the October 11: Philip, Deacon Ridley sealed their reforming people and government of providence called Joseph reigns with you and the Holy sign of the meaning and pastors of your church such and Evangelist work with their martyrdom: France; For all who advise Schereschewsky and Spirit, one God, forever and power of Christian love; strength and faithfulness that Teach us to treasure the rich and counsel those who are in Exalted God of all the earth, Channing Moore Williams to ever. Amen. through Jesus Christ our Lord, the devotion of your people resources of the English authority; For politicians and you prospered the work of the ministry of this church and who lives and reigns with you may be enriched, and that language and to worship Additional Prayers: For an civic leaders. Philip the Evangelist, a man of gave them the gifts and the and the Holy Spirit, one God, unity and cooperation may you with understanding and enlarged sense of God’s good standing, full of the Spirit perseverance to translate the Learn more: thenalc.org/ now and forever. Amen. be advanced, to the glory of with reverence in the blest creation; For awe before the and of wisdom: Grant that Holy Scriptures: Inspire us, by remigius-of-rheims your Name; through your Son communion of your saints; immensity of creation; For Additional Prayers: For from the rising of the sun to their example and prayers, to Jesus Christ our Lord, who through your Son Jesus Christ purity to join the songs of deaconesses; For the increase its setting your Name may be commit our talents to your lives and reigns with you and our Lord, who lives and reigns the angels; For an awareness of vocations to the diaconate; great among the nations and service, confident that you October 4: Francis of Assisi, the Holy Spirit, one God, now with you and the Holy Spirit, of the unity of the praise of For those in prison; For the that in every place, sacrifice uphold those whom you call; Friar and Deacon, Renewer and forever. Amen. one God, now and forever. heaven and earth. sick and the forgotten; For the and a pure offering may be through Jesus Christ our Lord, of the Church, 1226 Amen. spirit of joyful service. Additional Prayers: For the made to your Name; through who lives and reigns with you Learn more: thenalc.org/ Most high, omnipotent, good Lutheran Churches in America; your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, and the Holy Spirit, one God, Remembered with Hugh michael-and-all-angels Learn more: thenalc.org/ Lord, your servant Francis of For harried administrators and who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever. Amen. Latimer and Nicholas Ridley, fliedner-family Assisi sought to reflect the leaders in the church; For a and the Holy Spirit, one God, Bishops, 1555 image of Christ through a now and forever. Amen. Learn more: thenalc.org/ September 30: Jerome of spirit of peace and cooperation; life of poverty and humility: samuel-and-channing Additional Prayers: For Stridon, Translator and October 6: William Tyndale, For a commitment to Additional Prayers: For those Grant your people grace liturgical scholars; For all Teacher, Priest and Monk of Priest, Translator, Martyr, orthodoxy and right teaching; who administer the affairs of to imitate his joyful love, who order and lead our Bethlehem, 420 1536 For a deepened piety. the church; For those who flee October 15: Teresa of Avila, renounce gladly the vanities worship; For the continuing persecution; For missionaries Renewer of the Church, 1582 O Lord, O God of truth, you of this world, and delight in Almighty God, you planted Learn more: thenalc.org/ renewal of the church; For the and their families; For all gave your servant Jerome your whole creation; through in the heart of your servant henry-muhlenberg O God, by your Holy Spirit reconciliation of Protestant Christian families and single- delight in the study of Holy Jesus Christ our Lord, who William Tyndale a consuming you moved Teresa of Avila to and Catholic Christians parent homes; For the Scripture: Grant that your lives and reigns with you and passion to bring the manifest to your Church the throughout the world; For October 9: Robert younger churches. people my find in your word the Holy Spirit, one God, now Scriptures to people in their way of perfection: Grant us, the understanding of those Grosseteste, Bishop of the food of salvation and the and forever. Amen. native tongue, and endowed Learn more: thenalc.org/ we pray, to be nourished by whose religious beliefs differ Lincoln, 1253 fountain of life and ever walk him with the gift of powerful philip-the-deacon her excellent teaching, and from our own. Additional Prayers: For by your light; through him and graceful expression and O God, our heavenly Father, enkindle within us a keen and dedication to the imitation of Learn more: thenalc.org/ who is the living Word, your with strength to persevere who raised up your faithful unquenchable longing for true Christ; For humility to identify thomas-cranmer Son Jesus Christ our Lord, against all obstacles: Reveal servant Robert Grosseteste to October 13: Elizabeth Fry, holiness; through Jesus Christ, with poverty and suffering; who lives and reigns with you to us your saving Word, as we be a bishop and pastor in your Renewer of Society, 1845 the joy of loving hearts, who For all who seek to live their and the Holy Spirit, one God, read and study the Scriptures, Church and to feed your flock: with you and the Holy Spirit October 17: Ignatius, Bishop lives in greater simplicity; For Lord God, your Son came now and forever. Amen. and hear them calling us to Give abundantly to all pastors lives and reigns, one God, of Antioch, Martyr, c. 115 joy in the faith of Christ; For among us to serve and not repentance and life; through the gifts of your Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen. Additional Prayers: For all Franciscans; For a deeper to be served, and to give his Almighty God, we praise your Jesus Christ our Lord, who that they may minister in your an increased love of the concern for the natural world life as a ransom for the world: Additional Prayers: For Name for your bishop and lives and reigns with you household as true servants of Scriptures; For students and of which we are a part; For all Lead us by his love, and by patience in suffering; For the martyr Ignatius of Antioch, and the Holy Spirit, one God, Christ and stewards of your scholars of the Bible; For birds and animals. the example of Elizabeth Fry, gift of love that overcomes who offered himself as grain forever and ever. Amen. divine mysteries; through translators of the Scripture. to serve all those to whom opposition and persecution; to be ground by the teeth Learn more: thenalc.org/ Jesus Christ our Lord, who Additional Prayers: For the the world offers no comfort For intensity of the spiritual of wild beasts that he might Learn more: thenalc.org/ francis-of-assisi lives and reigns with you renewal of the church; For the and little help; through us life; For the contemplative present to you the pure bread jerome-of-stridon and the Holy Spirit, one God, love of the Holy Scriptures; give hope to the hopeless, orders of the church; For of sacrifice: Accept, we pray, forever and ever. Amen. love to the unloved, peace October 5: Frederike For those who study those who conduct retreats the willing tribute of our lives to the troubled, and rest to October 1: Remigius, Bishop Fliedner, 1842; Theodor English prose and who craft Additional Prayers: For and for retreat houses; For and give us a share in the pure the weary; through your Son of Rheims, c. 533 Fliedner, 1864; Karolin language; Of thanksgiving for strengthening the intellectual those who cannot or who will and spotless offering of your Jesus Christ our Lord, who Fliedner, 1892; Renewers of those who have created the gifts of the bishops of not pray. Son Jesus Christ; who lives O God, who by the teaching English Bible. the church; For increased lives and reigns with you and and reigns with you and the Society Learn more: thenalc.org/ of your servant and bishop diligence among the bishops; the Holy Spirit, one God, now Holy Spirit, one God, forever Learn more: thenalc.org/ teresa-of-avila Remigius you turned the Eternal God of great For students of the sciences. and forever. Amen. and ever. Amen. nation of the Franks from compassion, we give you william-tyndale Additional Prayers: For all vain idolatry to the worship of thanks that you have raised Learn more: thenalc.org/ Additional Prayers: For who work in prisons; For October 16: Thomas you, the true and living God, up your faithful servants robert-grosseteste courage to face death October 7: Henry Melchior those who are in prison; For Cranmer, Archbishop of in the fullness of the catholic Theodor, Frederike, and unafraid; For willingness Muhlenberg, Missionary to nurses and all who care for Canterbury, Renewer of the faith: Grant that we who glory Karolina Fliedner to revive the gladly to give all for Christ; America, 1787 Also on October 9 the sick. Church, 1556 in the name of Christian may ancient order of deaconesses For the church in Syria and show forth our faith in worthy for the work of your church; God, our heavenly Father, The Lutheran Service Book, Learn more: thenalc.org/ Almighty and everliving throughout the Near East; deeds; through Jesus Christ and we pray that you would your servant Henry Melchior following Löhe’s calendar, elizabeth-fry God, whose servant Thomas For bishops, especially those < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > who face persecution for Additional Prayers: For thought can reach nor tongue October 28: st. simon and st. Son Jesus Christ our Lord, course in faith, now find rest way, not as a compromise for their faith; For the unity of the the gift of the Spirit; For declare, by the of jude, apostles who lives and reigns with you and refreshment; and we pray the sake of peace, but as a church. compassion; For the poor your servants Philipp Nicolai, and the Holy Spirit, one God, that we, with all who have comprehension for the sake and the outcast; For all in , and Paul O God, we thank you for the now and forever. Amen. departed in the true faith of of truth; through Jesus Christ Learn more: thenalc.org/ the healing professions; For Gerhardt you have enabled glorious company of the your holy Name, may have our Lord, who lives and reigns ignatius-of-antioch Additional Prayers: For a hospitals and nursing homes. your people to learn theology apostles, and especially on perfect fulfillment and bliss, with you and the Holy Spirit, renewed sense of the free while delighting in hymns this day for Simon and Jude; both in body and soul, in your one God, forever and ever. Learn more: thenalc.org/luke- grace of God; For the living of richness, depth, and and we pray that, as they eternal and everlasting glory; Amen. Also on October 17: Paull the-evangelist word of God to burn brightly beauty: Grant that by their were faithful and zealous in through Jesus Christ our Lord, Spring, First Bishop of the throughout the church; For a Additional Prayers: For all compositions our reluctance their mission, so we may with who lives and reigns with you NALC, 2020 bold, daring, and lively faith; theologians; For those who to hear your word may ardent devotion make known and the Holy Spirit, one God, October 19: Henry Martyn, For the unity of the church; For explain the faith; For the Almighty God, you have be overcome, our journey the love and mercy of our now and forever. Amen. Priest and Missionary to India increased love of one another. peace and unity of the church raised up faithful bishops and through this world lightened, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and Persia, 1812 Additional Prayers: For all the of God. leaders of your Church and and our joy crowned with who lives and reigns with you Learn more: thenalc.org/ faithful departed; For those we praise you for the men and Almighty God, whose Son music; and by the grand and the Holy Spirit, one God, reformation-day Learn more: thenalc.org/ who faith is known only to women you have sent to call Jesus Christ is the pioneer and songs of former days guide forever and ever. Amen. richard-hooker the Church to its tasks and perfecter of our faith: We give God; For those who died us safely home; through Jesus Additional Prayers: For the renew its life. We thank you you heartfelt thanks for the November 1: all saints’ day without faith and without Christ our Lord, who lives with obscure and the forgotten for your servant Paull Spring pioneering spirit of your servant hope; For suicides; For those November 5: Elizabeth and you and the Holy Spirit, one and the unknown in the work Almighty God, you have knit who was faithful in the care Henry Martyn. Grant us grace to who mourn; In thanksgiving Zechariah, Parents of St. God, now and forever. Amen. of the church; For the gift of together your elect in one and nurture of your flock. proclaim the Gospel of Christ in for the lives of all faithful John the Baptist holiness, which is the creation May the memory of his life every place and, by the power Additional Prayers: For grace communion and fellowship Christians. and gift of God; For faithful Almighty and everlasting be a source of joy for us and of the Holy Spirit, to bring all to sing in distress and in joy; in the mystical body of your continuation of the apostles’ Learn more: thenalc.org/ God, by whose grace a bulwark of our faith, so that people to the knowledge and For preachers of the gospel; Son Christ our Lord: Give us preaching the Gospel to all faithful-departed Elizabeth and Zechariah, we may serve you and confess love of you. Through Jesus For confidence and faith; For grace to follow your blessed the world. parents of the forerunner your name before the world; Christ our Lord, Amen. a gentle spirit. saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to of your Son Christ our Lord, and we pray that, following Learn more: thenalc.org/ November 3: Martin de Learn more: thenalc.org/ Learn more: thenalc.org/ those ineffable joys that you were righteous before you his example and the teaching simon-and-jude Porres, Renewer of Society, henry-martyn philipp-johann-and-paul have prepared for those who and walked blameless in all of his holy life, we may by 1639 your commandments: Grant, your grace grow into the full truly love you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with God of love, you led your we pray, that, after their stature of our Lord and Savior Also on October 26: Alfred October 29: James October 23: st. james of you and the Holy Spirit lives servant Martin de Porres by example, we may so faithfully Jesus Christ. Amen. the Great, King of the West Hannington, and His jerusalem, brother of our and reigns, one God, in glory a life of humility to eternal serve you in this life that at Saxons, 899 Companions, Martyrs, 1885 Additional Prayers: For the lord jesus christ, bishop, everlasting. Amen. glory: In your mercy, grant the last we may receive the unity of the North American martyr, c. 62 O Sovereign Lord, you brought O God, by whose providence that we may follow his crown of righteousness which Lutheran Church; For the your servant Alfred to a the blood of the martyrs is Additional Prayers: For those example and have a place you, the righteous judge, will Grant, O God, that following courage to stand firm in the troubled throne that he might the seed of the church: Grant who waited for the fulfillment with him in the kingdom of give to all those who truly love the example of your servant Gospel; For the continual zeal establish peace in a ravaged that we who remember before of God’s promise; For the heaven; through your Son you; through the same, Jesus James the Just, brother of our to renew the Church; For the land and revive learning and you James Hannington and apostles and heralds of the Jesus Christ our Lord, who Christ our Lord, who lives Lord, your Church may give raising up of godly bishops the arts among the people: his companions, may, like kingdom; For those who lives and reigns with you and and reigns with you and the itself continually to prayer and pastors. Awaken in us also a keen desire them, be steadfast in our faith kept the faith through ages the Holy Spirit, one God, now Holy Spirit, one God, now and and to the reconciliation of to increase our understanding in Jesus Christ, to whom they of darkness; For missionaries and forever. Amen. forever. Amen. Learn more: thenalc.org/ all who are at variance and while we are in this world, and gave obedience even to death, who brought the gospel to paull-spring enmity; through Jesus Christ Additional Prayers: For racial Additional Prayers: For all an eager longing to reach that and by their sacrifice brought our land; For all who recall the our Lord, who lives and reigns justice and reconciliation; For parents; For those who endless life where all will be forth a plentiful harvest; church to love and sacrifice; with you and the Holy Spirit, a deepened commitment to cannot become parents; made clear; through Jesus through Jesus Christ our Lord, For all who lead the nations to October 18: st. luke, one God, now and forever. serve those in need; For those For priests that they may Christ our Lord, who lives and who lives and reigns with you justice and peace. evangelist and companion Amen. who care for the sick and the be faithful in the duties; For reigns with you and the Holy and the Holy Spirit, one God, of paul Learn more: thenalc.org/ poor; For all who practice the those who bear the scorn and Additional Prayers: For the Spirit, one God, forever and for ever and ever. Amen. all-saints arts of healing. reproach of the world. God of healing compassion, church in Jerusalem; For the ever. Amen. Learn more: thenalc.org/ you chose Luke the evangelist peace of Jerusalem and the Learn more: thenalc.org/ Learn more: thenalc.org/ Additional Prayers: For james-hannington-and- to reveal by preaching and Holy Land; For bishops and November 2: martin-de-porres elizabeth-and-zechariah all who are in positions of companions writing the mystery of your others in authority; For a just Commemoration of the authority in government, the love for the poor, and the and righteous life. Faithful Departed law, industry, and commerce; November 4: Richard November 6: William healing power of your Son: October 31: Reformation Day Almighty God, with whom Unite in heart and spirit all Learn more: thenalc.org/ For universities, colleges, and Hooker, Priest, 1600 Temple, Archbishop of Almighty God, gracious Lord, still live the spirits of those who glory in your Name and james-of-jerusalem schools; For the Sovereign Canterbury, 1944 pour out your Holy Spirit upon who die in the Lord, and with O God of truth and peace, let all nations come to see your and Royal Family of Great your faithful people. Keep whom the souls of the faithful, you raised up your servant O God of light and love, you salvation; through your Son Britain and for all the people. October 26: Philipp Nicolai, them steadfast in your Word, after they are delivered from Richard Hooker in a day of illumined your Church through Jesus Christ our Lord, who 1608; Johann Heermann, Learn more: thenalc.org/ protect and comfort them in the burden of the flesh, are in bitter controversy to defend the witness of your servant lives and reigns with you in the 1647; , 1676; alfred-the-great all temptations, defend them joy and felicity: We give you with sound reasoning and William Temple: Inspire us, unity of the Holy Spirit, one Hymnwriters against all their enemies, and heartfelt thanks for the good great charity the catholic and we pray, by his teaching and God, forever and ever. Amen. reformed religion: Grant that example, that we may rejoice O God, our faithful God, bestow on the Church your examples of all your servants we may maintain that middle with courage, confidence, and whose boundless love no saving peace; through your who, having finished their < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > faith in the Word made flesh, church such clear-minded Christ, our Lord, who lives under attack for their faith; For November 14: Consecration people; For the ministry of nuns. and may be led to establish and dauntless servants who and reigns with you and the all who serve in military forces; of Samuel Seabury, First women in the church; For Learn more: thenalc.org/ that city which has justice for its rejoice to spend themselves in Holy Spirit, one God, now and For the church in France. American Anglican Bishop, families with many children; hugh-of-lincoln foundation and love for its law; your service, that your people forever. Amen. 1784 For all parents that they may Learn more: thenalc.org/ through Jesus Christ, the light of may be fed with living food teach their children to grow in Learn more: thenalc.org/ martin-of-tours We give you thanks, O Lord the world, who lives and reigns and know the inexhaustible the faith. martin-chemnitz our God, for your goodness November 18: Hilda, Abbess with you and the Holy Spirit, one riches of our Savior Jesus in bestowing upon this church Learn more: thenalc.org/ of Whitby, 680 God, now and forever. Amen. Christ; who lives and reigns November 12: Søren Aabye the gift of the episcopate; and margaret-of-scotland O God of peace, by whose with you and the Holy Spirit, November 10: Leo the Great, Kierkegaard, Theologian, Additional Prayers: For we pray that, joined together grace the abbess Hilda was one God, now and forever. Bishop of Rome, 461 1855 teachers of the faith of the in unity with our bishops endowed with gifts of justice, Amen. November 17: Elizabeth church; For an increased O Lord our God, you Father in heaven, you awaken and nourished by your holy prudence, and strength to of Thuringia, Princess of passion for social justice; Additional Prayers: For the strengthened your servant conscience in our breast and sacraments, we may proclaim rule as a wise mother over Hungary, 1231 For broadened horizons of church in India; For colleges Leo of Rome through keep us vigilant that we may the Gospel of redemption the nuns and monks of her responsibility; For the unity of and seminaries; For the turbulent times: Let your work out our salvation with with apostolic zeal; through Almighty God, by your grace household, and to become a the church. schools of the church; For perpetual mercy ever fear and trembling: When the Jesus Christ our Lord, who your servant Elizabeth of trusted and reconciling friend the younger churches; For lives and reigns with you and Learn more: thenalc.org/ accompany your Church; law in its seriousness fills us Hungary recognized and to leaders of the Church: Give evangelists and those who the Holy Spirit, one God, now william-temple that while it is placed among with dread and the thunder honored Jesus in the poor us the grace to recognize and establish new congregations; the storms of this world, it booms from Sinai, grant that and for ever. Amen. of this world: Grant that we, accept the varied gifts you For zeal in the Lord’s service. may both be refreshed with we may also hear a gentle Learn more: thenalc.org/ following her example, may bestow on men and women, November 7: Willibrord, Learn more: thenalc.org/ present gladness, and behold voice murmuring to us that samuel-seabury with love and gladness serve that our common life may be Archbishop of Utrecht, jcf-heyer the brightness of eternal bliss; we are your children; through those in any need or trouble, enriched and your gracious Missionary to Frisia, 739 through Jesus Christ our Lord, your Son, Jesus Christ our in the name and for the sake will be done; through Jesus who lives and reigns with you Lord, who lives and reigns with Also on November 14 of Jesus Christ; who lives and Christ our Lord, who lives O Lord our God, you call Also on November 8: and the Holy Spirit, one God, you and the Holy Spirit, one reigns with you and the Holy and reigns with you and the whom you will and send them The Byzantine calendar on Johannes von Staupitz, now and forever. Amen. God, now and forever. Amen. Spirit, one God, forever and Holy Spirit, one God, now and where you choose: We thank this date commemorates the Abbot and Confessor, 1524 ever. Amen. forever. Amen. you for sending your servant Additional Prayers: For all Additional Prayers: For grace Emperor Justinian and his wife Willibrord to be an apostle Almighty and everlasting Christian leaders, particularly to search our souls and to Theodora. The calendar in the Additional Prayers: For the Additional Prayers: For to the Low Countries, to turn God, for our many sins those under pressure; For know ourselves; For courage Lutheran Service Book (2006) poor; For the sick and suffering; religious orders, both of men them from the worship of idols we justly deserve eternal all who, in difficult times, to select false security in the lists the Emperor Justinian on For the unemployed; For the and women; For all Christians to serve you, the living God; condemnation. In your mercy, are upholding Christian search for truth; For courage this date as Christian Ruler spirit of self-sacrificing service; in colleges and schools; For and we entreat you to preserve you sent your dear Son, our standards; For all theologians to risk all for the sake of Christ; and Confessor of Christ. For those who embrace true cooperation between us from the temptation to Lord Jesus Christ, who won and teachers of theology; For For all tormented souls. Justinian I (c. 483-565), austerity for the love of Christ. women and men; For all exchange the perfect freedom for us forgiveness of sins and a deeper knowledge of Jesus Roman Emperor from 527, who encourage and support Learn more: thenalc.org/ Learn more: thenalc.org/ of your service for servitude to everlasting salvation. Grant us Christ the Son of God. was the most energetic of the scholarship and learning. soren-kierkegaard elizabeth-of-thuringia false gods and to idols of our a true confession so that dead early Byzantine emperors. He Learn more: thenalc.org/leo- Learn more: thenalc.org/ own devising; through Jesus to sin we may hear the sweet made it his aim to restore the the-great hilda-of-whitby Christ our Lord, who lives and words of absolution from our Also on November 12: political and religious unity of Also on November 17: Hugh, reigns with you and the Holy confessor as Martin Luther Charles Simeon, Priest, 1836 the empire in East and West. A Bishop of Lincoln, 1200 Spirit, one God, forever and heard them from his pastor, November 11: Martin, Bishop great builder, he erected many November 19: Mechtild of O loving God, we know that O holy God, you endowed ever. Amen. Johannes von Staupitz, and of Tours, 397 basilicas in Constantinople Magdeburg, 1282; Mechtild be released from all our sin; all things are ordered by (Hagia Sophia among them), your servant and bishop Additional Prayers: For of Hackeborn, 1298; through Jesus Christ, our Lord God of hosts, you clothed your unerring wisdom and Ravenna, and elsewhere. He Hugh of Lincoln with wise Christians in the Netherlands; Gertrude the Great, 1302; Lord, who lives and reigns your servant Martin the soldier unbounded love: Grant us in established a new legal code and cheerful boldness, and For the government and Renewers of the Church with you and the Holy Spirit, with the spirit of sacrifice, and all things to see your hand; and championed orthodoxy. taught him to commend the people of the Netherlands; one God, now and forever. set him as a bishop in your that, following the example discipline of holy life to kings Eternal God of fire and For missionaries and their Amen. Church to be a defender of the and teaching of your servant and princes: Grant that we mercy, you filled the hearts families. catholic faith: Give us grace to Charles Simeon, we may walk November 16: Margaret, also, rejoicing in the Good of your servants Mechtild Learn more: thenalc.org/ Queen of Scotland, 1093 Learn more: thenalc.org/ follow in his holy steps, that with Christ in all simplicity, News of your mercy, and of Magdeburg, Mechtild of johannes-staupitz at the last we may be found and serve you with a quiet fearing nothing but the loss Hackeborn, and Gertrude the willibrord-of-utrecht O God, you gave your servant clothed with righteousness and contented mind; through of you, may be bold to speak Great with visions of your Margaret of Scotland a special in the dwellings of peace; Jesus Christ our Lord, who the truth in love, in the Name love and splendor: Bring November 9: Martin love for the poor: Give to us, November 8: John Christian through Jesus Christ our Lord, lives and reigns with you and of Jesus Christ our Redeemer; your light, we pray, into the Chemnitz, Pastor and we pray, that same love, that Frederick Heyer, Missionary who lives and reigns with you the Holy Spirit, one God, for who lives and reigns with you darkness of our hears that Confessor, 1586 we may be living signs of to India, 1873 and the Holy Spirit, one God, ever and ever. Amen. and the Holy Spirit, one God, we may know the joy of your your goodness and at the last Lord God, heavenly Father, forever and ever. Amen. forever and ever. Amen. presence and the power of Almighty and everlasting Learn more: thenalc.org/ attain the glorious crown of through the teaching of Martin your grace; through your Son God, you blessed your servant Additional Prayers: For the charles-simeon your saints; through your Son Additional Prayers: For the Chemnitz, you prepared us for Jesus Christ our Lord, who John Christian Frederick spirit of generosity to the Jesus Christ our Lord, who diocese of Lincoln; its bishop, the coming of your Son to lead lives and reigns with you and Heyer with a passion for the poor; For the hungry and lives and reigns with you and cathedral, clergy, and people; home his bride, the Church, the Holy Spirit, one God, now Gospel, inexhaustible energy, the homeless; For those the Holy Spirit, one God, now For the right relation between that with all the company of and forever. Amen. and a keen awareness of the who courageously make and forever. Amen. church and state; For courage the redeemed we may finally need of the world for your their witness for peace; For to protect the persecuted; Additional Prayers: For grace enter into his eternal wedding Additional Prayers: For saving word: Ever give to your strength to support those For all Carthusian monks and to contemplate the mystery feast; through the same Jesus Scotland, its church and < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > of God; For the purification November 23: Clement, November 25: Isaac Watts, witness to the Gospel; and Additional Prayers: For may by your grace grow into the Hymnographer, 886; and the renewal of the church; Bishop of Rome, c. 100 Hymnwriter, 1748 grant that we, with them, religious communities and the full stature of our Lord and Hymnwriters For courage to confront may attain to the crown of for all experiments in shared Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. O Lord, in every age you write O God, whom saints and Additional Prayers: For all wrongdoing and sin. glory that never fades away; Christian living; For our names in your Book of Life angels delight to worship Learn more: thenalc.org/ theologians, particularly through Jesus Christ our families that they may reflect Learn more: thenalc.org/ and lead the meek of the earth in heaven with hymns and jantine-haumersen those who are forging links Savior and Redeemer, who something of the peace, mechtild-mechtild-and- to be followers of the Lamb of spiritual songs of praise: Give between Christianity and with you and the Holy Spirit order, and love that marked gertrude God: Raise up for us teachers us the wings of faith to behold contemporary culture; For lives and reigns, one God, for Little Gidding; For a wider like your servant Clement, the the joyful glory of your saints, December 4: John of grace to recognize that God ever and ever. Amen. use of the daily prayer of the disciple of your first Apostles, and to be so strengthened by Damascus, Priest, c. 760 is the source and giver of all November 20: Edmund, King church. who by their writings may the vigorous poetry of your Learn more: thenalc.org/ Confirm our minds, O Lord, in beauty, truth, and goodness; of East Anglia, Martyr, 870 instruct the Church without servant Isaac Watts that we kamehameha-and-emma Learn more: thenalc.org/ the mysteries of the true faith, For the Coptic Church of O God of ineffable mercy, thought of self, and open to may faithfully walk in the path nicholas-ferrar set forth with power by your Egypt. you gave grace and fortitude us the healing fountains of you have set before us, and servant John of Damascus; November 29 Learn more: thenalc.org/ to blessed Edmund the king repentance, peace, and love; at last, through your grace, that we, with him, confessing December 3: Francis Xavier, clement-of-alexandria to triumph over the enemy through Jesus Christ our Lord, possess the land of pure The Lutheran Service Book Jesus to be true God and true Missionary to Asia, 1552 of his people by nobly dying who lives and reigns with you delight opened to us by your has introduced on this date a Man, and singing the praises for your Name: Bestow on and the Holy Spirit, one God, Son Jesus Christ our Lord; commemoration of Noah. His O God, eternal Father, of the risen Lord, may, by the December 6: Nicholas, us your servants the shield forever and ever. Amen. who lives and reigns with you story is told in Genesis 6-9. through the preaching and power of the resurrection, Bishop of Myra, c. 342 of faith with which we can and the Holy Spirit, one God, holy life of your servant attain to eternal joy; through Additional Prayers: For the Almighty God, in your love you withstand the assaults of our now and forever. Amen. Francis Xavier, you brought Jesus Christ our Lord, who Roman Catholic Church and gave your servant Nicholas ancient enemy; through Jesus November 30: st. andrew, many nations to yourself: Give lives and reigns with you and the Bishop of Rome; For Additional Prayers: For the of Myra a perpetual name for Christ our Lord, who lives apostle his zeal for the faith, we pray, the Holy Spirit, one God, now peace in the church; For the spirit of joy in worship; For deeds of kindness both on land and reigns with you and the to all who believe in you, that and forever. Amen. stilling of passions; For the those who help the church Almighty God, who gave such and sea: Grant, we pray, that Holy Spirit, one God, now and your Church may rejoice in impatient; For respect for the to sing; For theological grace to your apostle Andrew Additional Prayers: For your Church may never cease forever. Amen. continued growth throughout natural world. perception on the part of that he readily obeyed the artists who adorn churches to work for the happiness of the world; Jesus Christ our Additional Prayers: For all hymnwriters; For those who call of your Son Jesus Christ, and who write icons; For a children, the safety of sailors, Learn more: thenalc.org/ Lord, who lives and reigns Christian rulers that they may teach children to sing; For and brought his brother with proper appreciation of art and the relief of the poor, and clement-of-rome with you and the Holy Spirit, be faithful to the church’s those in frail health. him: Give us, who are called outward beauty as a gift from the help of those tossed by one God, now and forever. teaching; For all who suffer by your holy Word, grace to God; For the church in Syria; tempests of doubt or grief; Learn more: thenalc.org/ follow him without delay, and Amen. for the Christian faith; For the November 24: Miguel isaac-watts For those who teach the church through Jesus Christ our Lord, church in England. Agustin Pro, Priest, Martyr, to bring those near to us into Remembered with Robert through hymns and song. who lives and reigns with you 1927 his gracious presence; who Morrison, 1834; Karl Gützlaff, and the Holy Spirit, one God, Learn more: thenalc.org/ Learn more: thenalc.org/ Also on November 25: James lives and reigns with you and 1851; James Hudson Taylor, forever and ever. Amen. edmund-of-east-anglia God, the sovereign Lord of john-of-damascus Otis Sargent Hannington, the Holy Spirit, one God, now 1905; Missionaries to China heaven and earth, you rule Additional Prayers: For the Priest and Monk, 1935 and forever. Amen. your realm with love and with Additional Prayers: For the spirit of generosity; For November 22: Clives Staples justice: By the example of Preserve your people, O Additional Prayers: For church in Japan and China; December 5: Clement of children, especially those who Lewis, Apologist and your servant Miguel Agustin God, from discouragement obedience to God’s command; For the church in the East Alexandria, Priest, c. 210 have no one to care for them; Spiritual Writer, 1963 Pro, so strengthen our witness in the face of adversity, as For a sense of mission; For Indies; For the church in O Lord, the Savior and For mariners and travelers; O God of searing truth and to you that with confidence you did your servant James those on spiritual pilgrimage; India and Sri Lanka; For the Guardian of those who For the church in Greece. and without fear we may cry Huntington, knowing that when For the church in Scotland; missionary work of the church; surpassing beauty, we give fear you, turn away from Learn more: thenalc.org/ out against injustice, and with you have begun a good work For the church in Greece; For For all new Christians and for you thanks for Clive Staples your Church the deceitful nicholas-of-myra Lewis, whose sanctified our whole life proclaim your you will bring it to completion. those who minister to their the younger churches; For allurements of this world’s imagination lights fires of love for those whom the world Through Jesus Christ our Lord, own families. courage to share the lot of the wisdom; that under the faith in young and old alike. considers of little value; for the who with you and the Holy Learn more: thenalc.org/ poor and to overcome racial teaching of your Spirit, we, like December 7: Ambrose, Surprise us also with your joy sake of Jesus Christ our Lord, Spirit lives and reigns, one God, andrew-the-apostle hatred and discrimination. your servant Clement, may Bishop of Milan, 397 and draw us into that new and who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever. Amen. find pleasure in the prophetic Learn more: thenalc.org/ O God, you enabled your abundant life which is ours in and the Holy Spirit, one God, oracles and the apostolic Learn more: thenalc.org/ francis-xavier servant Ambrose to humble Christ Jesus, who lives and now and forever. Amen. December 1: Nicholas Ferrar, instructions, lest the vanity james-otis-hannington the pride of princes, to win reigns with you and the Holy Deacon, 1637 of falsehoods deceive those Additional Prayers: For those the learned, and to teach Spirit, one God, now and Also on December 3: Jantine whom the truth illuminates; who work to reliever the Grant, we pray you, Almighty the simple: Grant that we in forever. Amen. November 28: Kamehameha Auguste Haumersen, First through Jesus Christ our Lord, suffering of the poor; For God, that we, remembering our turn may walk humbly IV, 1864, and Emma, 1885, Ordained Female Lutheran who lives and reigns with you Additional Prayers: For those whom the rulers of the your deacon Nicholas Ferrar before you and resist iniquity King and Queen of Hawaii Pastor, 1967 and the Holy Spirit, one God, colleges and universities; world ignore and dismiss; For and his household, and in high places, glad to sing now and forever. Amen. For all who are searching for the renewal of society; For O Sovereign God, who raised their detachment from the Heavenly Father, shepherd of your praises before the whole meaning and truth; For those the gift of love of God and of up Kamehameha and Emma ambitions of this world, may your people, we thank you for Remembered with Marcus assembly of your people; who make the faith of the humanity. to be rulers in Hawaii, and be weaned from all that may your servant Jantine Auguste Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, through Jesus Christ our Lord, church clear and compelling; inspired and enabled them to hinder us from union with you; Haumersen, who was faithful c. 410; Synesius of Cyrene, who lives and reigns with you Learn more: thenalc.org/ through Jesus Christ our Lord, For converts to Christianity. miguel-pro be diligent in good works for in the care and nurture of c. 413; Coelius Sedulius, c. and the Holy Spirit, one God, the welfare of their people who lives and reigns with you your flock; and we pray that, 450; Venantius Honorius now and forever. Amen. Learn more: thenalc.org/ and the good of your Church: and the Holy Spirit, one God, following her example and the Clementianus Fortunatus, c. cs-lewis Additional Prayers: For Receive our thanks for their forever and ever. Amen. teaching of her holy life, we 609; Theodulph, 821; Joseph lawyers and government < FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > officials; For preachers of who minister to them; For the darkness, and to tell of your adults, all carrying candles. At On the Sarum calendar in December 19: O Radix Additional Prayers: For the word of God and for alcoholics; For those near love in his poems: Grant that, the house, half of the number England, O Sapientia was Jesse/O Root of Jesse wives and husbands; For the hymnwriters; For a joyful despair; For missionaries in when all is dark, we may wait enter and half remain outside assigned to December 16 strengthening of Christian O Root of Jesse [O Radix confidence in God’s care; For remote places; For the Santal patiently for the light, and in begging shelter. The door and an eighth antiphon, “O homes; For all whose duties Jesse], standing as an ensign the church in Milan and in Church. the silence listen for your voice, is opened, and the secular virgin of virgins,” was sung on are many and burdensome; For before the peoples, before northern Italy; For all leaders and in all things trust your celebration begins. December 23. faithfulness to Christ to the end. Learn more: thenalc.org/lars- whom all kings are mute, to of the church that they may promises in Jesus Christ our skrefsrud O Wisdom [O Sapientia], whom the nations will do Learn more: thenalc.org/ show by their lives the love of Lord; who lives and reigns with proceeding out of the mouth homage: Come quickly to kathie-luther God for the world. you and the Holy Spirit, one December 17: O Sapientia/O of the Most High, pervading deliver us. God, now and forever. Amen. Wisdom Learn more: thenalc.org/ December 13: Lucy, Martyr at and permeating all creation, ambrose-of-milan Syracuse, c. 304 Additional Prayers: For the Church calendars often list mightily ordering all things: Also on December 20: O this date as O Sapientia, the Also on December 19 Clavis David/O Key of David God of love and source of love of the cross of Christ; For Come and teach us the way of first of the seven great “O” all life, we pray that as we patience in suffering; For all on understanding. The Lutheran Service Book O Key of David [O Clavis December 11: Lars Olsen Antiphons prayed with the celebrate the entrance of whom the cross of suffering is on the date commemorates David] and scepter of the Skrefsrud, Missionary to Magnificat during Evening Learn more: thenalc.org/o- your servant Lucy into eternal laid; For strength and faith to Adam and Eve. Wilhelm Löhe’s house of Israel, you open and India, 1910 Prayer on the final seven days antiphons glory, you may so strengthen endure the darkness; For all calendar remembered our no one can close, you close before Christmas eve. These Merciful God, you look with our witness to you in this world who find prayer difficult or first parents the day before and no one can open: Come gems of liturgical composition compassion on all who that we may at last share her faith impossible. Also on December 17 Christmas, December 24. and rescue the prisoners address Christ by a succession by their addictions are in blessedness in your kingdom who are in darkness and the Learn more: thenalc.org/ of biblical titles (O Wisdom; O The Byzantine calendar on bondage, and you call them of everlasting light; through shadow of death. john-of-the-cross Adonai; O Root of Jesse; O this date commemorates to recovery and to purpose: your Son Jesus Christ our December 20: Katherina von Key of David; O Rising Dawn; the Prophet Daniel and the We thank you for releasing Lord, who lives and reigns with Bora Luther, 1552 O King of the nations; O Three Youths (Hananiah/ December 21: st thomas your servant Lars Olsen you and the Holy Spirit, one December 16 God of steadfast love, you . , Emmanuel) and implore his Shadrach, Mishael/Meshach, Skrefsrud from his captivity God, now and forever. Amen. joined your servants Katharina apostle On this date the Spanish- advent. The initial letter of the and Azariah/Abednego). and for leading him to the Additional Prayers: For those language Lutheran service Latin form of each of these The calendar in the Lutheran von Bora and Martin Luther in Almighty and everliving God, Santal people to preach the who walk in darkness; For all book Libro de Liturgia y titles, in reverse order, spells Service Book (2006) also lists holy marriage and established you strengthened your apostle gospel of peace and to build who treat diseases of the eye; Cántico notes the beginning “ERO CRAS” (“I will be there Daniel the Prophet and the in their life together a model of Thomas with firm and certain their church; and we pray the Christian home: Brighten For those who struggle to of Las Posadas (“the inns”), a tomorrow”), understood Three Young Men on this date. faith in your Son’s resurrection: that you would strengthen resist temptation of the world Mexican custom of visiting a as the reply of Christ to his See Daniel l:3-7ff. our lives with the wonder of Keep us, through all our days, us by his example to work for and its ways. succession of houses for the waiting and praying church. love, bring into order the chaos steadfast in that same faith in the salvation of all whom the nine days before Christmas in Such wordplay was popular in of our manifold responsibilities, Jesus Christ, our Lord and our world or the church overlooks Learn more: thenalc.org/lucy- memory of the Holy Family’s the Middle Ages. December 18: O Adonai/O and enrich us with your life, God, who lives and reigns with or ignores, that your Name of-syracuse search for room in an inn. Lord of Might that we may learn the joy of you and the Holy Spirit, one may be glorified throughout The antiphon for December Each night a party is held at serving others and at last God, now and forever. Amen. the earth; through Jesus 17 is woven from Sirach O Lord of Might [O Adonai] a home in the neighborhood. inherit the gladness of your Christ our Lord, who lives December 14: John of the [Ecclesiasticus] 24:3; Wisdom and ruler of the house of Additional Prayers: For a At dusk, the guests gather unending kingdom; through and reigns with you and the Cross, Renewer of the 8:1; and Isaiah 40:14. The O Israel, who appeared to Moses healthy skepticism; For a outside, and a small child your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, Holy Spirit, one God, now and Church, 1591 Antiphons are widely known in the burning bush and gave renewal of the Easter faith; dressed as an angel leads who lives and reigns with you forever. Amen. through John Mason Neale’s him the Law on Sinai: Come For grace to receive Christ. Almighty God, you taught John children carrying the figures and the Holy Spirit, one God, popular Advent hymn, “O with an outstretched arm and Additional Prayers: For those of the Cross to find you in trials of Mary and Joseph, followed now and forever. Amen. Learn more: thenalc.org/ come, O come, Emmanuel.” redeem us. in prison and those and hardships, to adore you in by boys and girls and the thomas-the-apostle

< FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) FESTIVAL & COMMEMORATION PRAYERS (CONTINUED) > December 21: O Oriens/O Additional Prayers: For the to adore the mystery of the December 27: st. john, peace; through Jesus Christ are confronted by hostile time to remember members Dayspring church and people of Iceland; incarnation; For the poor and apostle and evangelist our Lord, who lives and reigns governments; For Christians of the parish who had died For the Church of St. Peter the despised, first to hear with you in the unity of the living in unjust and totalitarian during the past year. In other O Dayspring [O Oriens], in Skalholt; For a deepened the announcement of Jesus’ Shed upon your Church, O Holy Spirit, one God, forever societies; For the see of parts of the Lutheran Church, splendor of light everlasting: appreciation of the virtue birth; For those to whom the Lord, the brightness of your and ever. Amen. Canterbury and its cathedral; for instance, the Prussian Come and enlighten those of discipline and obedience; coming of God in human flesh light, that we, being illumined For all pilgrims and visitors to of 1806, the departed who sit in darkness and in the Additional Prayers: For For the cathedral, bishop, means nothing; For peace in by the teaching of your Canterbury. were remembered on the last shadow of death. children; For sensitivity to and people of the Diocese of the Holy Land where Christ apostle and evangelist John, Sunday after Trinity, the end the suffering of others; For Learn more: thenalc.org/ Nidaros (Trondheim). was born. may so walk in the light of of the ecclesiastical year. your truth, that at length we courage to resist oppression thomas-becket December 22: O Rex Learn more: thenalc.org/ Learn more: thenalc.org/ may attain to the fullness of and to share the lot of the Gentium/O King of Nations thorlak-of-skalholt incarnation eternal life; through Jesus oppressed; For repentance Christ our Lord, who lives and for brutality and repression, Also on December 29 O King of the nations [O Rex reigns with you and the Holy especially that committed in Gentium], the ruler they long The Lutheran Service Book, December 23: O December 26: st stephen Spirit, one God, forever and the name of the Holy Child for, the cornerstone uniting all . , following Wilhelm Löhe’s Emmanuel/O Come, ever. Amen. Jesus. people: Come and save us all, deacon and martyr calendar (December 30), Emmanuel whom you formed out of clay. We give you thanks, O Lord Additional Prayers: For the Learn more: thenalc.org/ commemorates David, the O Emmanuel, our king and of glory, for the example of work of the new creation in holy-innocents King of Israel, on this date. our lawgiver, the anointed of the first martyr Stephen, us; For the spirit of awe and December 23: Thorlak, the nations and their Savior: who looked up to heaven and reverence in the presence Bishop of Skalholt, 1193 Come and save us, O Lord our prayed for his persecutors to of God; For a glimpse of the December 29: Thomas December 31 God. your Son Jesus Christ, who glory of God in Jesus Christ; Becket, Archbishop of God of ordered strength and On the medieval and on stands at your right hand; For increased knowledge of Canterbury, Martyr, 1170 holiness, you raised up your the present General Roman where he lives and reigns the Incarnation. priest and bishop Thorlak Almighty God, you granted Catholic Calendar, this is the December 25: THE NATIVITY with you and the Holy Spirit, to deepen discipline in the Learn more: thenalc.org/ your martyr Thomas the grace feast day of St. Sylvester, OF OUR LORD one God, in glory everlasting. church in Iceland and to john-the-evangelist to give his life for the cause of Bishop of Rome, who died in Amen. strengthen the morality of its Almighty God, who justice: Guide the shepherds 335. Little is known of his life, clergy: Grant that, following wonderfully created, and yet Additional Prayers: For of your people, strengthen even though he was bishop his example, your people more wonderfully restored, courage to explore the December 28: the holy the defenders of your church, at a formative time in the and make us all, for the sake may give themselves gladly the dignity of human nature: mysteries of both birth and innocents, martyrs development of the Church. to live under your rule and Grant that we may share the death; For our enemies; of Christ, willing to renounce Later legend says that he commit themselves without divine life of him who humbled For the enemies of the We remember today, O God, our life in this world so that baptized Constantine and reserve to doing your will in himself to share our humanity, nation; For the gift of love; the slaughter of the holy we may find the unending life established the Church of St. lives of prayer and service to your Son Jesus Christ; who For courageously effective innocents of Bethlehem by of heaven; through your Son John Lateran as the cathedral those in need, to the honor of lives and reigns with you and preachers. order of King Herod. Receive, Jesus Christ our Lord, who of Rome on territory given your Name; through your Son the Holy Spirit, one God, now we pray, into the arms of lives and reigns with you and him by the emperor. His Learn more: thenalc.org/ Jesus Christ our Lord, who and forever. Amen. your mercy all innocent the Holy Spirit, one God, now day remained on Lutheran stephen-the-deacon lives and reigns with you and victims, and by your great and forever. Amen. calendars well after the Additional Prayers: For the the Holy Spirit, one God, now might frustrate the designs Reformation and, as the light of Christ’s glory to Additional Prayers: For all and forever. Amen. of evil tyrants and establish conclusion of the civil year, the shine through us; For grace bishops and clergy who your rule of justice, love, and day became a Todtenfest, the