BULLETIN OF REPORTS BULLETIN OF REPORTS for the THIRTY-SECOND SYNOD ASSEMBLY of the SOUTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA SYNOD of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to be held at California University of Pennsylvania California, Pennsylvania June 13-15, 2019 Theme “New to the Neighborhood: Always Being Made New” All Voting Members: These printed reports will not be read at the assembly; therefore, you should read them prior to the Assembly. Please bring this Bulletin of Reports with you to the Synod Assembly. Also, please note that the following items, previously published in the “Proceedings” book, are now part of this publication: Minutes of the 2018 Synod Assembly; the Synod’s Constitution and Bylaws; 2019 Compensation Guidelines; and Synod Statistics. Each of these documents, as well as the current roster and the Bulletin of Reports in its entirety, can also be downloaded from the synod’s website. 1 April, 2019 BULLETIN OF REPORTS April, 2019 2 BULLETIN OF REPORTS SOUTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA SYNOD SYNODICAL DIRECTORY 2019 SYNOD OFFICE 9625 Perry Highway, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237 Phone: (412) 367-8222 Fax: (412) 369-8840 E-Mail Address:
[email protected] Web Site (URL): http://www.swpasynod.org Officers of the Synod Bishop ............................................The Reverend Kurt F. Kusserow Vice President ...............................................Mr. R. Brandon James Secretary ................................................Ms. Jeannette Christensen Treasurer ...............................................................Ms. Jane Bittcher Assistants to the Bishop The Reverend Peter D. Asplin The Reverend Sarah M. Lee-Faulkner Assistant to the Bishop/Director for Evangelical Mission The Reverend Melissa L. Stoller Director of the Synod Resource Center Deacon Elizabeth A. Caywood Office Information The Synod Office is open daily, Monday through Friday, from 8:45 a.m.