The Immanuel Messenger July/August 2020

Invitation to Divine Service at Immanuel

July 2020 announcement: We are pleased to announce our new schedule of two Sunday services. We continue to offer audio recording and live streaming. As we make our private decisions about how to attend church, while missing the presence of the entire congregation at this difficult time in history, Pastor Colageo asks us to remember “the familiar exhortation, that those who gather not question the faith of those who abstain, and that those who abstain not question the love of those who gather. - Let us make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:3.”

Sunday – Divine Service (without Holy Communion)

Each week, please assess your health readiness to attend as described below.

All attendees – both Immanuel members and new guests -- Please sign up weekly by notifying Pastor Colageo at [email protected] by noon on Saturday so he can include everyone in the assigned seating chart arranged for social distancing. It is far more preferable that guests sign up than walk-in.

8 a.m. – Attendees wear masks for the whole service.

10 a.m. -- Attendees enter and move around wearing masks but remove masks when seated if they wish.

This schedule allows for a “maintenance hour” to clean between services. We have hired a sanitizing contractor who will do their first sanitizing on Saturday night for the 8 a.m. service, then between services from 9 to 9:45 a.m. for the 10 a.m. service, then will be back on Monday to sanitize again for the Tuesday Communion services. If you arrive early for the Sunday 10 a.m. service, please wait to enter until the doors are opened.

Participant procedures for Sunday services:

Follow the mask wearing requirement for the attended service, as stated above for 8 a.m. or 10 a.m. Hand sanitizer and masks (for people who don’t have their own) will be available in the narthex.

Enter at the main Sanctuary entrance. You will find your name in a seating chart in the Narthex for each service, and pews will be marked. You will find your bulletin at your assigned pew location.


Services will include several empty pews in front of the pulpit so the Lector and Pastor can serve without a mask. The two hymns will be printed in the bulletin. The Introit, the Kyrie, the Gloria in Excelsis, and the two hymns will be sung, the rest of the Liturgy, including unison responses, will be spoken.

After the service, exit the building out the door near the kitchen.

Please read the NH State guidelines below to assess your health readiness to attend:

Section 7 from the Safer at Home COVID-19 guidance (6/15/2002) from the NH State Government website:

All attendees should be informed of the symptoms of COVID-19 before entering the worship facility (using signage and other forms of messaging). Risks include:

a. Person has any of the following symptoms of COVID-19: i. Fever (feeling feverish or a document temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher); ii. Respiratory symptoms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, or shortness of breath; iii. Whole body symptoms such as muscle aches, chills, and severe fatigue; iv. Changes in the person’s sense of taste or smell? b. Person has been in close contact with someone who is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 in the past 14 days? (NOTE: Healthcare workers caring for COVID-19 patients while wearing appropriate personal protective equipment should answer “no” to this question) c. Person has traveled in the past 14 days either: i. Internationally (outside the U.S.); ii. By cruise ship; or iii. Domestically (within the U.S.) outside of NH, VT, or ME on public transportation (e.g., bus, train, plane, etc.)? 3

If any of these categories describe your situation, please stay home and engage the video services provided online.

If you feel uneasy about the possible risk of going out in public, even with our painstaking precautions and delays, please stay home and engage the video services provided online.

Holy Communion service – Tuesdays at 1, 3, and 6 p.m.

Please assess your health readiness to attend as described above for Sunday services.

Please sign up by contacting Pastor Colageo, so that safety precautions can be followed for social distancing and so that Pastor can prepare the correct number of individual servings of the Lord’s Supper.

Participant procedures for small group Communion:

The doors will be already opened as people come in, hand sanitizer and masks (for people who don’t have their own) will be available in the narthex, and pews will be marked. The doors will be closed once those who have made appointments are in the building. Masks will be worn except to eat and drink.

Pastor’s description of this brief service: “The Service will consist of the Invocation, Confession & Absolution (not required for Holy Communion, but included because of our Divine Service custom), the Lord’s Prayer, the Words of Institution, the Distribution, and The Benediction.”

Communicants will be served in the front pew, individuals (or couples or family units) 6 feet apart from other individuals (or couples or family units). The bread and wine will be distributed on the ledge of the first pew on separate trays before anticipated communicants file into the pew. (The top of the Altar rail is not flat.) At the words from the Altar, “Take, eat,” and “Take, drink,” Communicants will take from their trays the Body and Blood of Christ. After the table blessing, each communicant will take their tray and place it on table near the piano. After the Benediction, everyone will maintain proper social distancing while leaving the building, once the doors are opened.

Anyone new to Immanuel should read the Communion Statement below:


Communion Statement: We joyfully celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. We believe that we receive Christ’s body and blood in, with, and under the bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins. As we receive this sacrament, we also give public confession to our unity in the Christian faith. We therefore invite all communicant members of any congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri to commune. Guests are invited to come forward and receive a blessing. As it was with the very first disciples of Jesus, our practice is to receive instruction in the Faith leading to Holy Communion. If you would like to join our instruction class, Pastor would love to instruct you.

Divine Service live streaming and recordings

Church members receive the weekly Sunday bulletin and announcements through e-mail to support their worship needs at home.

Immanuel members may also participate in the 10 a.m. service by telephone or computer through the Google Meet streaming service operated by one of our members.

Video recordings of Pastor Colageo's sermons can be found at the following links:



Audio recordings of the sermons will continue to be posted on Immanuel's website and will be emailed to members of the congregation.

Pastor and our media team members attempt to post these recordings in a timely manner for your Sunday worship at home. We hope these recordings are a blessing to you.


Bible Study: Pastor Colageo is emailing his Bible Study Notes. Contact him if you’d like to be added to his email list. An audio version of the 8am service is emailed out each Sunday around 9am. Please use it and the digital bulletin to follow along each Sunday morning.


From the Pastor’s Pen:

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Ps 116:15

Katie Palmer Entered into Glory Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The word “Precious” in that Psalm comes to mind in so many ways now, and if we ponder how that word defines our own lives and all the lives in our Lord’s Church, we can understand what it means to our Heavenly Father.

We never saw this coming. Months ago, Katie had a really optimistic diagnosis. Life here was precious to her, just like the rest of us. When she was told that the prescribed aggressive treatment would give her a 94% survival outlook, she was encouraged, just like the rest of us. But this recent turn of events taught us what was really precious to her.

Her Church was precious to her, Linnea, her big sister in Christ, and all those workdays with her brothers and sisters at Immanuel. Katie’s face was the first that lots of precious VBS children would see at the registration table. Precious to her were all those lunches with Gail and Paul and Phil. Her dear children Lindsey and Travis, her “people” as she 7 said on Tuesday, all together telling each other back and forth how precious they were to each other, and especially precious in Jesus. Precious means prized, highly valued. And obviously, seeing Jesus was precious to Katie. She awoke on Tuesday morning with the words, “Glory-Hallelujah!” And precious to Katie was the Sacrament of the Altar. She eagerly and joyfully waited for the body and blood of Jesus, and shortly after she ate the Bread of Life and drank the Cup of the New Testament, she fell asleep. “Now Lord, lettest thou Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy word.” Home at last.

What then does precious mean to our Lord? “They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels;” Malachi 3:17 The Father gave all He had to buy those jewels. Jesus has another jewel in His crown now because He suffered on the cross to buy and redeem Katie, not with silver or gold, but with His own PRECIOUS blood and His innocent suffering and death. Katie said, “They need an Alto in the choir in Heaven.” Yes, indeed. But Katie has already learned, in these last 47 hours, how precious to the Lord she is when HE WILL JOY OVER THEE WITH LOUD SINGING. Zephaniah 3:17

Is it possible that the Lord could be happier to see us come home than we are to be home at last? Of course! Our Father has been thinking about it a lot more than we do. How precious also are thy thoughts concerning me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee. Psalm 139:17-18 And she did, and she is! Gail sent this picture of Katie, at one of the many workdays to beautify the house of the Lord, that she held precious.

In Jesus’ love, +Pastor


From the Elders…

How you can help keep the online services available…

When we first had to stop assembling in person for church services, Pastor started recording the sermon and posting it online to allow us to still hear the Word preached. That was a very good thing and I believe we all really appreciated it. Several of us started thinking about how we could post an entire Divine Service so that not only would we be able to hear Pastor’s great sermons but we would also be able to keep our liturgical nature fulfilled by having the liturgy and a hymn with which we could sing along. At about that time, Reid and Heidi Reasor, new members to our congregation, stepped up with an offer to do exactly that – record a complete weekly Service with everything we thought needed to be present. The first one was a bit rough but as each week passed, the online posting was improved to where it is today. My hat is off to you, Reid, and Heidi. It is great to be able to participate even without being able to assemble.

As you know, we have reopened and now have Divine Service available at 8:00 and 10:00 but we know that there are many who still will not be able to attend in person. In light of this, Reid and Heidi are continuing to record the Service. But there is a “fly in the ointment” approaching. The Reasors are planning to take a vacation in August. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated by helping to keep online access going. Reid has asked that we include this letter to you:

Dear Church Family,

Thank you so very much for allowing Heidi and me to serve as the video guys for the home worship over the last few weeks. (I know, I know, we LEARNED a lot, and enjoyed the large amounts of feedback from our earlier, and present, efforts) ... :)

Yes, we are buying a second tripod.

We enjoy making the videos because we can listen to our Pastor give the sermon eight times, and we can play it backwards like Stairway to Heaven to listen for hidden meanings. 1970's joke, so millennials, please ask your parents.

That being said, Heidi and I are taking vacation in August starting on the 14th. We request two people meet with us on August 9

6th at the Church at 9 AM to shadow Heidi and I as we film and compile the video service for the 9th.

We will provide training, and a step by step continuity folder, the equipment and passwords so that the effort can be done without us for a couple weeks. We author in Adobe Premiere, however no experience is needed.

Would you please e-mail me at [email protected], and CC to Doug at [email protected]?

Thank you ahead of time, for helping us.

Reid and Heidi Reasor ([email protected], [email protected])

Friends, this is a great opportunity to help your fellow members who need to remain at home due to a variety of health considerations. I hope that you will consider volunteering to help and reach out to Reid and Heidi. Please prayerfully consider helping with this service.

Doug Gootee, Elder


Notes from the Board of Evangelism

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We are living in the latest time when the world seems to be falling apart. We are bombarded with reports about the pestilence of COVID-19; we see rioting and destruction by people more interested in disunity than in community; there are ongoing wars and continuing persecution of Christians; misery, mediocrity, death, and depravity threaten to overwhelm us. Amid the bits and pieces, the chaos and disorder of this sinful world, we still live—and we are not alone, because Jesus is with us. Because He lives, who once was dead, we will live. In Paul’s letter to the church in Colossae, he wrote “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:17 NIV) This verse, besides being a source of comfort in distressing times, was the source of the title of a report of the LC-MS Commission on and Church Relations: “In Christ All Things Hold Together: The Intersection of Science & Christian Theology.” This report, along with many other useful resources, can be found at It is well worth your time to read and provides some great ammunition in the battles that we face against the forces of satan. One of the most insidious ways that our old evil foe attempts to separate us from our Creator is the argument that God is not scientific. People are told to choose between God or science. Online, we see comments that Christians are backwards, superstitious, sky-fairy worshipping, dangerous people. How do we respond? How do we speak the truth in love? To assist in answering these questions, the Board of Evangelism is planning a series of Science Nights, presented by our own Reid Reasor. Reid loves science, especially physics. He graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy with a Bachelor of Science in Astronautical Engineering, earned a master’s degree in Technology from Arizona State University, and has completed his coursework and is working on his dissertation toward a doctorate in Social Psychology. Reid has taught courses in middle school, high school, and university, and is College Board certified to teach Advanced Placement Physics. He has a gift of making difficult concepts much easier to understand. The first Science Night at Immanuel Lutheran Church, “How to Detect Scientific Lies,” is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, August 27, 2020, at 6:30 p.m., in the fellowship hall. There will be a 30-minute presentation, followed by a 30-minute question and answer session. We invite you to join us in learning more about the beauty and order of God’s design.


Doug Gootee would like to thank the people of Immanuel for their prayers for his recent knee surgery. He’s happy to report that things are coming along well.


Time to Water Susan Kamacho, Simple Faith Today

I woke up early, did the normal morning routine and headed off to work. The day was busy and it took all in my power to find time to breathe, never mind think of other things that needed my attention. The day found me leaving work late and heading up the highway to home wondering what I could make quickly for dinner that wouldn't take too much brain power (I didn't have much of that left). Walked through the door, got dinner on the table and finally gazed to the outside deck. There it was, right in front of me - my neglect!!

The beautiful potted plants that I had spent time making sure were selected and planted at just the right angle looked as if they hadn't been watered in weeks. Although it was only a couple of days since they had last been watered, the plants were in their pots, withering away. It hit me that evening, like never before. A few simple moments was all that it would have taken - to care for something so pretty. You guessed it - as soon as dinner was over I was out there filling my plants with much needed water (and sharing with them how sorry I was).

It made me think of all the other things in my life that I may have neglected because I was so busy. Taking the time to really listen to someone. Taking time to make a healthy lunch versus picking up something unhealthy - or not eating at all. Taking time to fill up that water bottle to stay hydrated. Taking time to tell someone you love them. Taking the time . . . We all need to be watered or we will become withering plants. We all need to take a few moments to gain water to keep us living.

In walks the ONLY one who can provide the living water for us - Jesus! As we become scorched with our daily activities, there is only One who can provide the water we need to strengthen us and help us grow. Jesus' water is found in so many different ways. We open our Bibles to get words that will quench our thirst. We sing and worship to our Heavenly Father to fill us up. We read daily devotions to gain the waters that will never fail us.


Just like plants, we need water to sustain us. Yes, the water that runs from our faucets, but also the living water that runs through our veins. It is the living water that holds a place for us in paradise. It is that living water that reminds us to take the time to appreciate all that God has given us and to uphold it in His righteousness. It is the living water that helps us to live out our daily lives showing others the love of Jesus. That living water strengthens us, gives us hope, grants us love and brings us Home.

As you would suspect, the next morning I took the time to look out the window, and the plants had regained their beauty. The same happens to us. Once we fill our withered bodies with Jesus' living water, we will also regain our beauty. Take the time to water - it is good for our souls!

Dearest Jesus, thank you for your living water. Help us to drink of that water every day, to sustain us, to fill us up, to regain our beauty. Let us be the water that others need to drink. May we share your love with all those we meet – giving them a taste of your wonderful water. In your everlasting name we pray, Amen!


Birthdays Baptismal Birthdays Wedding Anniversaries

July July July 5 Katie Palmer 5 Marcia Gootee 2 Susan and Juan Kamacho 6 Malea Stanton 9 Andrew Bell 6 Joyce and Ray Ackerman 7 Tony Wagenaar 24 Samuel Willson 24 Marc and Cindy Bilodeau 8 Carl Tomanelli 28 Madison Stanton 9 Susan Kamacho 28 Josia Stanton 11Samuel Willson 28 Jordan Staton 11Joshua Stanton 30 Marilynn Lupton

August August August 3 Betsy Franke 5 Katie Palmer 7 Jim and Kathy Mange 4 Irma Osenko 16 Pastor Don and Karen Colageo 5 Jim Mange 18 Rob and Laura Brulet 7 Doug Gootee 27 Dick and Lyn Buechsenschuetz 8 Pastor Don Colageo 25 Donna Houle 27 Stephanie Sanderson 29 Cindy Ouellette 29 Tucker Stanton


Lutheran Church Extension Fund – Have You Invested Yet?

Join the other Immanuel members that have Contact Doug and Marcia Gootee, Immanuel’s Dedicated Certificates already invested in LCEF These funds are LCEF Congregational Advocates at (603) 548- (a savings account - $10 minimum deposit) used in the New England District to make loans 0262 for more information, or contact LCEF Balance in account to our sister churches to build or remodel directly at 1-800-THE-LCEF or log on to Less than $1,000: 0.125% (0.125% APY) churches, schools and parsonages. While your $1,000 to $5,000: 0.250% (0.250% APY) money is doing this important work, you earn a Over $5,000: 0.375% (0.376% APY) competitive rate of return. This is the only Here are the interest rates that have been set investment you can make that is designated for July 2020: solely to further God’s kingdom as we are directed by the Great Commission. All LCEF Term Notes investments have two things in common: 1) (a certificate of deposit - $500 minimum (These are limited-transaction checking LCEF loans funds to ministries of the LCMS deposit): accounts.) and 2) LCEF investments pay a competitive Six months: 0.250% (0.250% APY) rate of interest. Nine months: 0.375% (0.376% APY) Y.I. Steward Account One Year: 0.500% (0.501% APY) (Young Investors under 18) Simply put, with an LCEF investment, investors Eighteen Months: 0.625% (0.626% APY) $25 - $999.99 2.000% (2.018% APY) get the added satisfaction of knowing that your Two years: 0.750% (0.752% APY) $1000 and over: 0.625% (0.627% APY) investment supports ministry; your dollars are Three years: 0.875% (0.878% APY) working to build the kingdom of God. We call Four years: 1.000% (1.004% APY) Family Emergency Steward Account* this Spiritually Responsible Investing. Your Five years: 1.500% (1.508% APY) $25 minimum deposit: investment funds not only help build churches, 0.625% (0.627% APY) schools, seminaries, Synodical colleges, and Partner PLUS! *monthly electronic transfers required until more, but are also available to you and your Up to $50,000 balance reaches $10,000 family when you need them. Two years: 2.000% (2.015% APY) Four years: 2.500% (2.524% APY) Regular Steward Account Special Programs for new investors: The Over $50,000: 0.875% (0.878% APY) ($100 minimum deposit) Young Investors’ Club – helps teach children Less than $1,000: 0.250% (0.250% APY) about Discipleship and Stewardship by making Connect PLUS! $1,000 - $5,000: 0.375% (0.376% APY) it possible to invest in church growth. This Up to $50,000 2.500% (2.524%APY) $5,000 - $10,000: 0.500% (0.501% APY) investment for investors under the age of 19 Over $50,000 0.875% (0.878% APY) $10,000 and over: 0.625% (0.627% APY) has an added incentive for saving on the first $1000 invested! The Connect PLUS! Two- Floating Rate Term Notes The mission of the Lutheran Year Fixed Term Note provides a special rate (A certificate of deposit - $100 minimum Church Extension Fund is to for New Investors on the first $5000 invested deposit) provide opportunity to make funds and a great rate on anything over the initial Thirty months: 0.875% (0.878% APY) and services available in support of the Great Commission through $5000. Check the rates for details. Sixty months: 1.500% (1.508% APY) the Lutheran Church — Missouri



God’s Servants in July

Date 8:00 am 10:00 am 8:00 am 10:00 am Ushers Ushers Lector Lector 5 Donna Houle Rita Hennessy Steve Holman Ken Koehlert

Howard Helwig Dick Buechsenschuetz Carl Tomanelli Ken Koehlert 12 David Sanderson Rita Hennessy Susan Kamacho Dick Buechsenschuetz

Donna Houle Ken Koehlert

Howard Helwig Dick Buechsenschuetz 19 Carl Tomanelli Daniel Yeager Gail Cherochak John Coburn

Beth Rouselle Bob Schmidt

Howard Helwig Rita Hennessy 26 Helgard Kirsch Dick Buechsenschuetz David David King Sanderson Marina Kirsch Ken Koehlert Howard Helwig Bob Schmidt


God’s Servants in August

Date 8:00 am 10:00 am 8:00 am 10:00 am Ushers Ushers Lector Lector 2 Lee Sanderson David King Steve Holman Bob Schmidt

Donna Houle Bob Schmidt Howard Helwig Ken Koehlert 9 Howard Helwig John Coburn Gail Cherochak Joyce Ackerman

Marina Kirsch Ken Koehlert

Helgard Kirsch Dick Buechsenschuetz 16 Howard Helwig Dick Buechsenschuetz Marina Kirsch Ken Koehlert

Steve Holman Dan Yaeger

23 David Sanderson Bob Schmidt David Sanderson Dick Buechsenschuetz Howard Helwig David King

30 Donna Houle John Coburn Susan Kamacho John Coburn

Carl Tomanelli Ken Koehlert 3030


Twenty Interesting Lutheran Facts

1. The Lutheran Church is the oldest Protestant tradition. 2. issued the “Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences” that became known as his “95 Theses” in Wittenberg on Oct. 31, 1517. 3. Lutherans went viral nearly 500 years ago, when Martin Luther and his allies used the new media of the day — pamphlets, ballads and woodcuts — and circulated them through social networks to promote their message of the of the church. 4. Following the practice of naming a “heresy” after its leader, the name Lutheran originated as a derogatory term used by Johann Eck during the Leipzig Debate in July 1519. 5. Rather than “Lutheran,” Martin Luther preferred to describe the reformation as “evangelical,” which is derived from the Greek word meaning “good news.” 6. Generally speaking Lutheran teaching can be summed up by “Three Solas”: (1) Grace Alone; (2) Faith Alone; (3) Scripture Alone. 7. The split between the Lutherans and the Roman Catholics began with the Edict of Worms in 1521, which officially excommunicated Luther and all of his followers. 8. Luther’s Small Catechism (“Der Kleine Katechismus”) was published in 1529 for the teaching of children at home by their parents. 9. Luther’s Large Catechism consisted of works addressed particularly to clergymen to aid them in teaching their congregations. 10. The or “Concordia” (1580) contains documents that explain what Lutherans believe. It includes the three creeds of the ancient church and Reformation writings such as Luther’s Small and Large Catechisms, and the . 11. Composer Johann Sebastian Bach, a devout Lutheran, is credited with 1,126 musical works listed in the complete Bach catalog (Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis, or BWV). He wrote about 200 cantatas, including at least two for each Sunday and holy day in the Lutheran church year. 12. Lutherans believe in “Salvation by grace through faith” — that salvation comes by grace through faith alone, not by works and sacraments. 13. Philipp Melanchthon (Feb.16, 1497 — April 19, 1560), was one of the primary founders of . Born Philipp Schwartzerdt, he translated his name to its Greek form — Melanchthon. He made the distinction between the central formula for Lutheran evangelical insight. 14. Since 1520, regular Lutheran services have been held in Copenhagen. 15. During the 16th century, Lutheranism spread through all of Scandinavia as the monarchs of Denmark-Norway (also Iceland) and Sweden (also Finland) adopted Lutheranism. 19

16. The first Lutheran worship service in is believed to have taken place in what is now known as on Jan. 23, 1620. The sermon was delivered by Pastor . 17. Massive immigration from traditionally Lutheran countries to the between 1840 and 1875 resulted in 58 Lutheran being formed. 18. The first Lutheran pastor to be ordained in the United States was German-born on Nov. 24, 1703. 19. German Lutheran Pastor was sent to North America as a upon the request of colonists. He is considered the patriarch of American Lutheranism. 20. As late as the 19th century, Lutherans in the United States still looked to their European homelands to supply pastors and worship materials.


Pastor Church Council Immanuel Lutheran Church Congregational Chairman: James Wilkie Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod Rev. Donald Colageo Congregational Vice Chairman and 673 Weston Road Chairman of the Board of Finance: Hans Larsson Administrative Assistant Treasurer: Kathy Mange Manchester, NH 03103 Marcia Newell (603) 622-1514 Financial Secretary: Wendy Wilkie Elders Congregational Recording Secretary: Karalyn Malaby secretary@ Doug Gootee Board of Christian Education: Joyce Ackerman Kent Freshour Board of Immanuel Christian Preschool: Bonnie Bell Dan Blakeman Board of Property: Don Bell Ray Brown Board of Evangelism: Reid and Heidi Reasor David Sanderson Board of Stewardship: Richard Malaby Stephen Scaer Board of Activities: Cindy Grenier