Lpennmglvaniaerman Genealogies

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Lpennmglvaniaerman Genealogies C KN LE D M E A OW G NT . Whil e under o bl ig a t io n s to various friends who have aided him in the compilation of this genealogy , the author desires to acknowledge especially the valuable assistance rendered him E . by Mrs . S . S . Hill (M iss Valeria Clymer) C O P YR IG HT E D 1 907 B Y T HE p ennspl vaniazmet m an S ociety . GENEALOGY O THE HIESTE R F MI F A LY. SCUTCHEON : A r is zu e , o r . a Sun , Crest : B e tween two horns , surm ount o ffr o n t é ing a helmet , a sun m as in the Ar s . Th e origin of the Hiester family was the Silesian Knight Pr em iscl o ro s Hii s t e rn iz flo , who urished about 1 3 2 9 and held the o fli ce o r T of Mayor, own Cap o f tain , the city of Swine ford . f . 1 o A D . 4 8 0 the Patrician and Counsellor Swineford , ( Adolphus Louis , called der Hiester , obtained from the E mperor Frederick letters patent , whereby he and his posterity were authorized t o use the coat- o f- arms he had inherited from his ancestors , to whom it was formerly o f granted , with the faculty transmitting the same , as an hereditary right and privilege , to all his descendants . - - - D r . o n Lawrence Hiester , b Frankfort the Main , Sep 1 1 6 8 . 1 8 1 tember 9 , 3 , d Helmstedt , April , 7 5 8 , Professor 1 2 0 of Surgery at Helmstedt from 7 , and the founder of 6 n n a n i e r m a n o e t Th e P e sylv a G S ci y . modern Germ an surgery , was a member of this family , v o n also , doubtless , General Hiester commanding the Hessian c ontingent in the British army during the Revo l ut io n a ry war . Th e American branches spring from three brothers , John , Joseph and Daniel , who were the sons of Johannes Hiester T and wife Catharine . heir native place was the town o f E f lso f, in the Grafschaft , County of Wittgenstein , prov o f . The f ince Westphalia , Germany first o the brothers 1 2 ho to reach America was John , the eldest , in 73 , w settled G o sh e n ho e n at pp , then in Philadelphia , now Montgomery County, Pennsylvania . He was followed by Joseph and St . A n dr e w who o Daniel , on the ship from Rotterdam , to k 2 6 the oath of allegiance at Philadelphia on September , 1 73 7 , and immediately joined their brother . Here Daniel o purchased a farm , already s mewhat improved . Having thoroughly ac(uainted themselves with the nature o f the country the brothers united in purchasing a tract o f land from the Proprietary Government , between two and three T o f thousand acres in size , in Bern ownship the present Berks Count y, Penna . , extending from the old stone Bern church t o the Tu lp e ho cke n creek . On this property the two elder brothers l o cated whilst Daniel remained tem o r a r il o she n ho e n 1 r e p y at G pp until 7 74 when he , also , moved to Berks Cou nty and took up his residence in the town of Reading . G . Generation . 1 . R . R G JOHN HIESTE , m CATHA INE 2- 1 HI S T R . J OHN E E . 1 0 I In . G , b 7 7 , d . 7 5 7 , (her first E 1 1 6 2 . husband) Mary Barbara pler , b . Aug . , 73 , d . Oct 1 8 0 o f 5 , 9 , a daughter one of the first settlers in that sec tion of the Province . e n e a l o o t h e e r a m l G g y f Hie st F i y . 7 o f He lies buried in the graveyard the old Bern church , where also rest his brothers . - 1 A R R . 1 1 0 6 . G . 3 . C THA INE HIESTE , b . Sept , 7 5 , d 2 1 8 2 . 1 6 1 . June 4 , 4 , m John Ruth , b Sept , 745 , d Oct - 1 8 1 2 . 2 . No v . G 3 JOSEPH HIESTER , b , 7 5 , d June 1 E 2 1 0 1 0 1 8 2 . 1 . , 3 , m 7 7 , lizabeth Witman , b April , 7 5 , . 1 1 1 8 2 . d June , 5 , dau Adam Witman , of Reading , Pa He was a member of Convention at Philadelphia , June , ’ 1 6 d . 7 7 Captain in Lutz s 3 Battalion , Penna Associators , o f Flying Camp ; taken prisoner at battle Long Island , 1 6 t August, 77 ; during his captivi y promoted to Major , - 1 1 . 1 t h and , on May 7 , 7 77 , commissioned Lieut Colone 4 B attalion , Berks County Militia ; engaged at German town ; Commissioner of Exchange in 1 779 ; on active dut y with his battalion in 1 7 8 0 ; member of the Assembly 1 7 8 0—90 ; member of C o nvention 1 7 8 7 on Federal Con st tu t io n 1 8 o i , also that of 7 9 on State Constituti n ; State Senator 1 790—94 ; Presidential Elector 1 79 2 and 1 79 6 ; t 1 — 1 8 0 m ember of Congress from Berks Coun y 797 7 , also 1 1 — 2 0 o f 1 2 —2 8 5 ; Governor Pennsylvania 8 0 3 . He was a man o f the highest character and ability . He was first o buried in the graveyard of the First Ref rm ed church , f o Pa . o Reading , , which he was a c nsistent member and f o fi cer, but his remains , with those of his wife , were later removed to the Charles Evans cemetery of the same city . - . 1 R . 2 1 2 2 . G 4 . CATHA INE HIESTER , b June , 77 , d . 2 1 8 . I 1 8 . Nov 7 , 3 3 , m April , 7 9 , John Spayd , b Jan , 1 6 . 1 1 8 2 2 . a d 7 4 , in Dauphin County , d Oct 3 , He was m it t e d . 1 1 8 8 to the bar Feb 4 , 7 ; member of the Assembly 1 1 1 0 of Penna . 795 and 8 ; Judge of the Courts of Berks t 1 8 0 6—0 Coun y 9 , where he served with distinguished t abili y . He was buried in the Lutheran graveyard , Read ing , Pa . e t 8 Th e P e n n syl v a n ia Ge r m a n S o c i y . - 1 8 1 E LIZA B ET H SP D . 1 . 8 G . 5 . AY , b M ay 7 , 799 , d 4 or E o 1 . 8 49 , m dward B Hubley , member of C ngress from Schuylkill Count y . - 2 H SP D . A . 1 1 8 0 0 t G . 5 . JO N AY , b ug 3 , , gradua e med O f . ical Dept . University Pennsylvania - . 1 1 8 0 1 . H SP D O N G . 5 3 CAT ARINE AY , b ct 3 , , d ov . 1 6 1 . 2 1 8 1 . A , 7 , m John Bowyer Brooke , b ug , 797 , d 2 1 1 8 . Jan . , 3 4 - . 6 1 . 2 0 1 8 . G JOHN BOWYER BROOKE , b April , 3 4 , d 1 1 8 . 2 8 March 9 , 8 9 , m Maria Wharton Morris , b Dec , f 1 o o . 8 3 6 . He was a pr minent physician Reading , Pa - 1 1 6 . 2 1 8 6 2 . G 7 HELEN BROOKE , b . Dec 3 , , m Oct , 1 8 . 8 4 , Noel B Wittman - . 8 1 . 1 1 8 8 . G JOHN BROOKE WITTMAN , b Sept 3 , 7 , d . 1 1 8 . Sept 3 , 8 7 - . 8 2 . 1 G KATHARINE BROOKE WITTMAN , b . Aug . 6 , 1 8 90 . - . 2 . K 1 1 6 8 . 2 8 G 7 HENRY SPAYD BROO E , b Sept , , d S . 2 1 6 ept 3 , 8 8 . - . K . 2 1 1 8 6 . G 7 3 ARTHUR SPAYD BROO E , b Aug . , 7 , d . 1 0 0 . Jan , 9 - . 1 8 0 . G 5 4 JOSEPH HIESTER SPAYD , b Oct . 7 , 3 Member Berks County Bar . - . RG A D . 1 2 G 5 5 GEO E ADAM WITMAN SP Y , b Sept , 1 0 8 7 . - . 6 . A 1 2 1 8 0 . G 5 JOHN C HRISTI N SPAYD , b . M arch 3 , - . 1 8 1 2 . 1 8 2 . G 5 7 AMELIA SPAYD , b Oct . 5 , , d 7 , m 1 l 8 . 1 8 1 8 0 3 4 , Diller Luther , b Nov , 8 , at New Ho land , . 1 8 2 Pa Graduate in medicine , University of Penna , 9 , P a . 1 practising in Reading , , till 8 3 8 when he relin(uished 1 6 his profession . In 8 3 Internal Revenue Collector ; in 1 8 73 Secreta ry State Boa rd of Public Charities ; President Charles Evans Cemetery Company . e e e G n a l o g y o f t he Hie st r Fa m ily . 9 - 2 8 1 . 2 .
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