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The Lutheran World Federation Tenth Assembly

In sixteen-months time, over 430 del- A theme is chosen for each As- opted persons, interpreters and Why Does the egates from the Lutheran World Fed- sembly. ‘For the Healing of the translators, stewards and accred- Lutheran eration (LWF) member churches will World’ is the theme for the 21–31 ited press. gather in Winnipeg, Canada, for the July 2003 Assembly. Every Assembly elects a Presi- Communion of LWF Tenth Assembly, hosted by the As well as delegates, an As- dent and a 48-member Council to Churches Gather Evangelical Lutheran Church in sembly includes a wide range of lead the Federation through its in Assembly? Canada (ELCIC). other participants—representa- annual meetings. The Assembly Assemblies, considered mile- tives of associate member is also responsible for the LWF stones for, and manifestations of churches, observers from LWF Constitution, gives general direc- Message from the whole Federation, take place national committees and related tion to the work of the Federation Rev. Dr. Ishmael Noko normally every six years. They agencies, official visitors, ex-offi- and acts on the reports of the hold highest authority over LWF cio participants, advisors, guests, President, General Secretary, and Dear Sisters and Brothers, policy and activity. LWF and local staff including co- Treasurer. ■

You may ask, “Why do we need to ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○ bring people from around the world to meet together in an Assembly?” Reasons are prescribed in the LWF Constitution, such as electing offic- ers and Council members and act- ing on reports. Business conducted at the LWF Tenth Assembly will be important in determining future leadership and directions for the Logo Federation’s work. But beyond these requisite constitutional mat- The Assembly logo is a teacher and ters lie some deeply theological and invites curiosity works as an missiological reasons. and comment. It independent artist. The church (ecclesia)—as the shows a broken Both ELCIC members, people of God, the body of Christ, landscape—white their artwork for and the temple of the Holy Spirit—is cracks in earth or national church events by nature an ‘assembly.’ The LWF mountains—set is well known. Assembly enables churches to against a cross on worship, witness, confer and speak the left and an olive For information on use together on matters common to the branch with three large of the logo, please contact: whole church, and to express their leaves on the right. The As- unity as part of the one, universal, sembly theme, ‘For the Healing The Lutheran World Federation new community in Christ. of the World,’ cradles it. The Office for Communication Services Since 1990, we as the LWF cross implies movement. One of The logo was designed by two P.O. Box 2100 understand ourselves as being the leaves is leaning over the artists from the Canadian prairie CH-1211 Geneva 2 more than a loosely affiliated earth while the others are reach- city of Regina, Saskatchewan. Erik Switzerland federation of churches. We are a ing toward the sky as a sign of Norbraten is an art director and E-mail: [email protected], communion of Lutheran churches creation and healing. graphic artist. Richard Nostbakken Fax: +41/22-791 66 30 ■ Continued on page 2

LWF Assembly Update / No. 1, March 2002 1

AU 200201-E.p65 1 8/6/02, 10:14 AM Churches Gather in are increasingly connected This Triune God also sends us Assembly through networking, but all fall out for the sake of God’s mission short of the importance of in the world. Attending to what (continued from page 1) gathering together at the same that mission means ‘for the healing united through Word and time, in the same place, as living of the world’ is a central reason Sacrament. This holds us together beings. Present with one another, why the LWF member churches in a more profound sense than any we realize who our sisters and will assemble in Winnipeg, Canada. constitutional requirements. brothers in Christ actually are, and As we do so, we are held together “Communion with God and our generalizations are challenged. by the power of God’s Spirit, such communion with one another In living and working with one that we are able to speak honestly are…made possible by God’s self- another over several days, we about the challenges facing us and communication as it comes to recognize our significantly our churches, and to discern, expression in the human acts of different situations and debate and decide how these will preaching the gospel and perceptions, as well as what we be addressed through our ongoing administering the sacraments.”1 share in common. Through God’s work as a communion: How will we

LT Whenever and wherever we gather grace, we are able in solidarity to bear faithful witness in word and in local congregations to hear the share our pains and joys, our deed ‘for the healing of the world?’ Word and celebrate the Sacraments burdens and gifts, and in that How will we address the tensions © LWF/C. A © LWF/C. we are reminded that we do so as process begin to understand what and problems we face within our part of the communion of saints Luther was describing when he churches and societies? How can worldwide. explained what occurs through the this Lutheran communion of This wider communion must Sacrament of the Altar: churches, as part of the wider become for us more than an church, further God’s all- …through the interchange of abstract, faceless reality. We must encompassing mission in and for Christ’s blessings and our mis- be able to touch, hear, taste and the sake of the world? fortunes, we become one loaf, experience this reality firsthand. In I look forward to seeing, and one bread, one body, one self-giving love, God became being with, those of you who will drink, and have all things in incarnate in a human being. assemble in Winnipeg. ■ common.... In this way we are Similarly, the communion we share changed into one another and with one another must become are made into a community by incarnate, in very human, face-to- love.2 face kinds of communication and interactions that enrich, test out Here we receive the promise, a and deepen what it truly means to foretaste of God’s communion be a communion. with the whole of creation in the Rev. Dr. Ishmael Noko Today, through computer and coming reign of God. This coming General Secretary other information technology, we together in Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, has Notes Previous Assemblies: important ongoing consequences 1947 Lund, Sweden The Lutheran Church in the World Today for our life together as churches 1 Christoph Schwöbel. “The Quest for Communion. Reasons, Reflections and 1952 Hanover, Germany The Living Word in a Responsible Church throughout the world. Recommendations” in The Church as 1957 Minneapolis, USA Christ Frees and Unites Communion, ed. Heinrich Holze, LWF “God’s self-giving which consti- 1963 Helsinki, Finland Christ Today Documentation 42, LWF Publications, tutes communion with God in Geneva 1997, p. 277. 1970 Evian, France Sent into the World faith, seeks expression in the 1977 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania In Christ—A New Community 2 “The Blessed Sacrament of the Holy pattern of mutual self-giving and True Body of Christ,” Luther’s Works 1984 Budapest, Hungary In Christ—Hope for the World love...in forms of mutual shar- Vol. 35, p. 58. 1990 Curitiba, Brazil I Have Heard the Cry of My People ing in both its spiritual and ma- 1997 Hong Kong, China In Christ—Called to Witness ■ 3 Schwöbel, p. 279.

terial aspects.”3


The LWF Council decided that additional purposes of the • commit to closer and deeper cooperation within the Tenth Assembly are to ecumenical movement and to life in communion as given in Christ • explore ways to be God’s instruments for healing, justice and reconciliation in the midst of brokenness in church • discern the challenges posed to the Lutheran churches and society in today’s multicultural and multi-faith contexts, and

• deepen the understanding and experience of the Lutheran • address spiritual, social and environmental challenges communion by addressing differences and disparities, provoked especially by economic globalization. and by sharing gifts ■

2 LWF Assembly Update / No. 1, March 2002

AU 200201-E.p65 2 8/6/02, 10:14 AM Theme

The theme was chosen by the LWF and especially for us as a Executive Committee from sugges- communion of Lutheran churches. tions made by the LWF member Healing is a pervasive theme in churches in 2000. It is inspired, Scripture, and especially in the among other biblical texts, by the ministry of Jesus. A number of the apocalyptic vision in Revelation Bible studies will be from Luke’s

22:2 of the river and tree of life: Gospel. Here Jesus is conceived, ANGE “…and the leaves of the tree are baptized, and sent forth in ministry for the healing of the nations.” through the power of the Holy Compared to most former Spirit. He is seen as a Spirit-filled © LWF/WS G. M Assembly themes, this one explicitly prophet who healed people of El Salvador: Reconstruction program points to the world and various illnesses associated with unclean after hurricane Mitch. contexts in which we live. The truth spirits. Jesus healed by restoring that faith confesses must come wholeness or integrity to people. present in human history and alive, be understood, confessed and Although ‘healing’ in the throughout creation. We enter into lived out in ways that genuinely Christian tradition is closely communion with the crucified and speak and respond to the world’s related to salvation, forgiveness, risen Christ, in whom God’s Spirit needs. According to Canadian reconciliation and liberation, it is a has been made visible and tangible. theologian Douglas John Hall, topic that makes some in our Through that same Spirit, we enter confession takes place when we churches uncomfortable. Cross- into deeper communion with one view the world through Christian cultural perspectives on healing another. For Luther, this was belief and “are thrust into an active will need to be considered. Health grounded especially in the engagement with that which is understood according to what is Sacrament of Holy Communion, threatens the life of our world.” valued within a given cultural which we will celebrate daily at the We cannot ignore a world that system. It includes more than Assembly. is festering with poverty, divisions, physical health. The focus is not To ‘receive the Holy Spirit’ is to despair, sickness, violence, on the disease itself or on curing, see what God is doing in and injustice—and situations of many but on how the personal and social through the brokenness of our kinds desperately in need of meaning of the experience of lives and world to bring healing healing. HIV/AIDS and other sickness, injury or disability is and new life to human beings and diseases are stripping many transformed. To be healed is more the rest of creation. The Spirit persons and entire communities of than a personal experience. It empowers us to act differently in life and hope. Those left even involves the wider social, relation to one another. Polarity further behind by the forces of economic and political order of and hostility that can contribute to economic globalization become relationships. violence are overcome in favor of a more ravaged and devastated, Social power is reordered community of solidarity, while others reach dizzying heights through healing, which is why it responsibility and love. Finitude of affluence. Old and new rivalries often is threatening to the and vulnerability are accepted break out, confounding the illusion established order. Jesus reached rather than what we seek to that old wounds have actually been out to touch others, or was himself overcome. Love reaches out and healed. Sin and its effects continue touched, across taboo boundaries draws others in, creating diverse to be manifest in ever-new ways. of impurity. He drove out demons networks of relatedness such as When we assemble together as whose possession made we can expect to experience at the a communion, it will not be individuals powerless to act. He is Assembly. ■ primarily to lament the state of the depicted as being like a folk healer, world. We gather because of our one who took people’s needs for As the theme continues to be developed for the Assembly Study Book, you are invited to reflect on, discuss and send responses to the following questions, or conviction and proclamation that healing at face value. He entered other feedback, to Rev. Dr. Karen Bloomquist, Assembly Content Coordinator, the God we know in Jesus Christ individual lives and experiences of [email protected]: through the power of the Holy suffering, bringing concrete • What are the particular yearnings or cries for healing in your context? Spirit is ‘for the healing of the liberation. world.’ This is the distinct witness This theme suggests the need to • How is this reflected in or being responded to in your church?

we as Christians bring to this give greater attention to the role of • What are the ‘diseases, illnesses and wounds’ from which the world suffers, widely shared concern for healing. the Spirit, in a triune understanding and within it, the Lutheran communion? We will be exploring the of who God is and how God relates • Which theological themes should be developed especially at this Assembly? implications of this for our lives, to the world. Through God’s Spirit ■ our congregations, our societies, we participate in the divine pathos, Please send us your responses by 15 May 2002.

LWF Assembly Update / No. 1, March 2002 3

AU 200201-E.p65 3 8/6/02, 10:14 AM Village Groups at the Assembly

Healing Divisions within the One Church God’s Spirit is actively healing the church. Although considerable progress has been made in ecumenical relations in recent years, the healing of old divisions must continue. How do we draw upon the meaning and power of the sacraments for Christian unity? New questions have arisen about the profile, identity and role of Lutherans in these ecumenical relations. New challenges also arise from Christians with whom we have not been in dialogue. How is the LWF involved and how might it be in new ecumenical pursuits? What are the difficult matters that must be ALTER addressed? Toward what ends?

© LWF/H.W The Mission of the Church in Multi-faith Russian Federation: Village Groups will be a central spiritual yearnings? What differ- Contexts Congregation in Kant feature of the Assembly. They ence do factors such as context The mission of the church points to are the settings where Bible and gender make? How can con- and participates in the coming of study discussions will occur, and gregations proclaim and live this God’s reign. How can every Chris- where important implications of out more fully? tian and every congregation be em- the Assembly theme will be pur- powered to participate faithfully sued. More will be written on God’s Healing Gift and effectively in this mission? Rec- each of the topics in the Assem- of Communion bly Study Book. Work in the Vil- The communion we share as lage Groups will develop the sub- Lutherans is a gift of God for the stance of the Assembly Message sake of the world. The healing and commitments. Assembly par- power of prayer and the Eucha- ticipants will be asked to indicate rist transforms us into a com- their Village Group choices when munion of love. Yet within this they register. communion of churches, there still are differences and wounds, God’s Healing Gift related to significant historical of struggles and political changes With the signing of the Joint Dec- (e.g., the end of communism or

laration on the Doctrine of Justifi- apartheid), generational and GLI cation, renewed ecumenical atten- theological differences (e.g., who tion is being given to the doctrine can be ordained), ethnic or cul- of justification. What is the rela- tural identities, and disparity in © LWF/ M. E Brazil: In the ‘favelas’ around Recife tionship between justification, size and financial resources. healing and ‘new creation’? In Where are forgiveness, healing onciliation among people is a key which ways is salvation as for- and reconciliation especially aspect of this mission, especially in giveness of sin, liberation from needed in this communion? How multi-faith contexts. How can this bondage, and spiritual healing es- can communication support and kind of healing occur through such pecially needed today? How does build up the communion for the means as dialogue and living and this speak to people’s deepest sake of the world? working together? How does this

4 LWF Assembly Update / No. 1, March 2002

AU 200201-E.p65 4 8/6/02, 10:14 AM challenge and transform some past minister to people in these situa- You are invited to respond to the following mission assumptions and prac- tions? Changing understandings of questions via E-mail, fax or by post: tices? How should this be reflected gender and sexuality affect women in the revised mission document and men. How does our faith speak • What does the logo suggest to you in the context of your country, and in other LWF work? to these realities? Given the signifi- local community and church? cant cultural and generational dif- • What does it say about the Assembly theme in relation to your Removing Barriers ferences in how we understand context? that Exclude family life and live out our sexuality, In our churches and societies, bar- how can we talk about and learn to • Which insights and questions does it evoke? riers of discrimination continue to live with these differences as part exclude people with physical or of the one household of God? mental disabilities. Those affected communion of churches challenge by HIV/AIDS face additional kinds of Overcoming Violence and hold these powers more ac- discrimination. How does Christ’s Violence in families, as well as in po- countable to the vulnerable transforming power break down litical conflicts, continues to inflict through decisions and actions that these barriers, as well as those deep wounds especially on women, can be taken? What diverse strate- based on race, ethnicity, caste, age children and youth. Conflict within gies are needed? Through the LWF or gender? What should we be do- and between countries devastates study process, which commit- ing to remove them? Where should land and people. How is the God we ments and steps will we take to- human rights efforts focus? The know in Jesus Christ healing violence gether with other ecumenical and historical wounds of exclusion tend in our world today? How do we re- civil society partners? How are in- to be deep and festering. How can spond theologically to horrendous dividuals, congregations and the ruptured relationships with those acts of violence? How can memories member churches involved? who have been excluded be healed? be healed and cycles of violence over- come? How can the member Healing Creation The Church’s Ministry churches advocate with others, par- Human beings have spoiled or de- of Healing ticularly through the ‘Decade to Over- stroyed much of God’s creation. The healing of persons has long come Violence,’ for the sake of jus- How can creation be restored and been considered part of the tice, peace and reconciliation? our relationships with the rest of church’s pastoral and diaconal call- nature healed? How is this related ing. For Lutherans, the ministry of Transforming Economic to sacramental understandings? healing is grounded in the Word, Globalization What can other traditions teach us? Sacraments and prayer. Some The powers of economic globaliza- What are the power and the respon- churches have focused on healing tion reign over our world today as sibility of human creativity in rela- through prayer and exorcism, a theological challenge. Although tion to the rest of nature, including whereas others view these practices some results are positive, injustice through the use of technology? with suspicion. What have been the also mounts, communities are frag- How far should efforts go to heal or experiences in our churches, and mented, and the earth is further ex- improve human life? At what risk? what can we learn from each other? ploited. How can we as a Lutheran What is at stake theologically? ■ What is the difference between heal- ing and curing? How are we as churches addressing the healing challenges posed by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, especially in impover- ished situations? How can healing occur so that those affected by this and other traumas can live with dig- nity in community with others?

Justice and Healing in Families God intends human beings to find meaning and healing through inti- mate relationships or ‘families,’ which take many forms throughout the world. Families are also places of brokenness, alienation and pain, SKTRÖMER Mauritania: where justice, healing and support Dune-fixation and are desperately needed. How do we

reafforestation © LWF/ J. E

LWF Assembly Update / No. 1, March 2002 5

AU 200201-E.p65 5 8/6/02, 10:14 AM Pre-Assembly Consultations

An LWF tradition, Pre-Assembly of Procedure, issues, logistics, tions according to established Consultations assist member practical matters, worship and numbers for each region, and a de- churches in preparing delegates communication. They will discuss termined rotation procedure. for full and active participation in narrative texts assigned to each Each region will discuss crucial the Assembly. They provide an region in view of preparing the issues related to its situation, fu- opportunity for church leaders— region’s Bible study presentation ture witness and work. ■ men, women and youth—in the at the Assembly. LWF geographical regions to as- The consultations will draw up semble and discuss current situ- a slate of Council member nomina- ations in light of the Assembly theme and issues. Women 14–17 November 2002 Montreux, Switzerland There will be five regional Pre-Assembly Consultations: Af- North America 23–26 January 2003 Denver, USA rica, Asia, Europe, Latin America Europe 23–26 February 2003 Vienna, Austria and the Caribbean, and North America; a Women’s consulta- Asia 02–06 March 2003 Medan, Indonesia tion, and a global Youth consulta- Africa 23–26 March 2003 Nairobi, Kenya tion. Meetings for women, and for youth, will also take place Latin America 06–09 April 2003 San Salvador, El Salvador during the consultations. & Caribbean Participants will receive de- Youth 12–18 July 2003 to be announced later tailed information on the Rules


events and decisions along the way. The 1970 youth pre-Assembly gathering, ‘World Encounter of Lutheran Youth—WELY,’ was attended by forty-nine young people. Seven served on the Steering Committee of the LWF Fifth Assembly, which met soon after in Evian, France. The 1984 LWF Seventh Assembly in Budapest, Hungary, decided that delegate participation in future Assemblies would have regional and gender balance and would include at ULMALA Stewards at the least 20 percent youth. The 1990 LWF Council Meeting in Turku, Finland, LWF Eighth Assembly in Curitiba,

© LWF/E. K 14–21 June 2000 Brazil, elected seven youth, 20 percent, as full Council members. The profile of youth has changed egates to each Assembly and 20 per- dramatically in the life of the LWF cent of members in the LWF Council, As Assembly Delegates since 1947. At the first Assembly the highest decision-making body of The commitment that 20 percent of in Lund, Sweden, a ‘Commission the Federation between Assemblies. Assembly delegates from each LWF of Youth Activities’ was created One young Council member, Dr. geographical region be youth re- because young people were an ob- Mary Janssen van Raay, is vice-chair- mains essential. For each Assem- ject of concern. In 2002, youth are person of the Tenth Assembly Plan- bly, on a rotating basis, all active participants within the work ning Committee. churches are urged to adhere and and leadership of the Federation. This history of growing youth nominate youth delegates to en- They comprise 20 percent of del- participation reflects important sure the commitment is upheld. ■

6 LWF Assembly Update / No. 1, March 2002

AU 200201-E.p65 6 8/6/02, 10:14 AM Women’s Participation in the LWF

Decisions made at the Seventh As- women’s participation at 43 them comes the necessary sembly in 1984 still challenge us to- percent in the Eighth Assembly and expertise and experience to act day. A milestone resolution affirmed 49 percent in the Ninth Assembly, decisively reflecting an the theological basis for the full par- women continue to analyze accountability far beyond mere ticipation of women in the life of the whether their increased presence participation. church and society. With 32 percent makes a difference. To attain this, much courage of delegates being women, their When the Council, meeting in and perseverance was needed. presence in Budapest was much 2001, approved the study Preparing for the Tenth Assembly RÖTZSCH greater than at the founding Assem- document, ‘Churches say “NO” to provides yet another opportunity bly, where there were only five Violence Against Women,’ people to live out the commitment to women among 178 delegates. in other world communions asked women’s full participation. © LWF/D.-M. G The Seventh Assembly how the Federation was able to Accordingly, each church has been LWF Council Meeting, Turku, Finland, resolved that 40 percent of achieve such a commitment on a requested to ensure that its list of 14–21 June 2000: Ms Julia Ilonga, delegates to the Eighth Assembly global basis. The answer is simple. delegates includes a designated Namibia, and Dr Sarada Devi Karnatakam, India should be women, with a goal of 50 Women make up 50 percent of the number of women to ensure that percent for the Ninth and LWF’s decision-making bodies—the 50 percent of delegates from each

subsequent Assemblies. With Assembly and Council—and with LWF region are women. ■


Who Are the Nordic Central Eastern Delegates? North America: 24 Countries: 71 Europe: 34

The key for allocating delegates to Central the Tenth Assembly provides for at Western least two delegates from each Europe: 85 member church. There will be 436 delegates from the 133 member churches with the provision that 50 percent will be women and 20 Latin America and percent will be youth (under the Caribbean: 31 Asia: 108 age of 30 years). ■

Africa: 83

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In preparing an Assembly, the particular areas such as content, with Ms Margit Eggert as Federation’s General Secretary en- worship, communication, logistics, Administrative Assistant. sures that LWF constitutional man- finance, pre-Assembly con- An Assembly Local Committee, dates and Council decisions relat- sultations and the pre- and post- appointed and supported by the ing to an Assembly are imple- Assembly visitation program. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in mented. The Council has appointed Deputy General Secretary is Canada, the host church, is an Assembly Planning Committee responsible for coordinating facilitating the preparations. The with representatives from the mem- Council-related matters. committee chairperson is Ms ber churches to make recommenda- An Assembly Office has been Rhonda Lorch, ELCIC Office tions and review plans. Rev. Susan established to work within the Manager. Nagle of the Evangelical Lutheran LWF Secretariat in Geneva, Church in America serves as com- Switzerland, to ensure overall Assembly Office mittee chairperson. coordination. In the Assembly Tel.: +41/22-791 63 71 and 63 72 Assembly Coordinators have Office, Rev. Arthur Leichnitz Fax: +41/22-791 66 30 responsibility for preparations in serves as Assembly Coordinator [email protected]

LWF Assembly Update / No. 1, March 2002 7

AU 200201-E.p65 7 8/6/02, 10:14 AM LWF Assembly Update No. 1 March 2002 Host Church Published by: The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada The Lutheran World Federation Office for Communication Services PO Box 2100 Although the ELCIC was formed congregations of the American 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland in 1986, the history of Lutherans Lutheran Church formed the Tel. +41/22-791 61 11 Fax +41/22-791 66 30 in present-day Canada goes back Evangelical Lutheran Church of [email protected] almost 400 years. The first Canada (ELCC). In 1986, the ELCC Lutheran worship service in joined with the Canada Section of www.lwf-assembly.org North America took place in 1619 the Lutheran Church in America Revised edition near Churchill in northern to form the ELCIC. . It was led by a Danish There are approximately pastor, Rasmus Jensen, who ac- 189,000 baptized ELCIC members companied an ill-fated expedition gathered in 627 congregations. Rev. searching for a northwest pas- Raymond Schultz serves as sage from Europe to the Far National Bishop. There are five UTHERAN

East. Early German Lutheran L ELCIC synods ranging in

settlement in the eastern prov- ANADIA membership from 15,000 to 73,000

ince of Nova Scotia began over © C members. A bishop serves each of 250 years ago. Children from local Anglican these. The ELCIC national offices and Lutheran congregations To find pastors and serve are located in Winnipeg. communities, relationships developed among various Lutherans were north-south into ELCIC Web site: www.elcic.ca Lutheran synods and councils in the United States of America North America. Many of the rather than across Canada. In ELCIC Worship Web site:

institutional links for Canadian 1967 and 1968, the Canadian www.worship.ca ■

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Winnipeg—An Historic Meeting Place

‘The Forks’ in downtown Winnipeg railway pioneers and tens of has been an important meeting thousands of immigrants who flowed place for more than 6,000 years. through the Forks onto the prairies, The city’s name, which in the Cree joined them. Today, The Forks is a language means ‘muddy waters,’ dynamic setting in downtown flows from that history. The Forks Winnipeg where people gather for EEDE is where the waters of the Red celebrations, recreation and to meet

/D. R River and Assiniboine River come one another. This is where a Sunday

INNIPEG together—churning up muddy wa- ecumenical celebration will take place

W ter—as part of a vast continental during the Assembly.

OURISM network of waterways that has en- Winnipeg, with a population of

© T couraged transportation, trade and about 685,000, is the capital city of settlement. the province of Manitoba. The For centuries, Canadian population stands at 31 aboriginal peoples million. You will hear more about came here to trade. our host city in future Assembly European fur traders, Updates. Métis buffalo hunters (descendants of Web site: European and www.tourism.winnipeg.mb.ca UTHERAN

L Aboriginal people), Click on the smiling face to receive Above: The Forks, Winnipeg Scottish settlers, a warm welcome and introduction ANADA ■ Right: Liturgical dance © C riverboat workers, to the city.

8 LWF Assembly Update / No. 1, March 2002

AU 200201-E.p65 8 8/6/02, 10:14 AM