The of Free and Accepted Masons of


Volume 2


Prepared by The Committee on Masonic Education and Information of THE GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF OHIO

©2014-2015, Grand Lodge of Ohio

Revised 08/23/2014


Volume 2 of the Officers Manual has been assembled to enable the Brethren to better understand the various Masonic Charities supported by the Grand Lodge of Ohio. A Master Mason can find the answers to many of his questions regarding the philanthropies that all Masons are encouraged to support. The information contained herein will also assist the Lodge Education Officer in presenting Educational Programs that promote the basic Masonic tenants.

It is recommended that the Lodge provide all its Officers have an up to date copy of this manual. The printed copy is always available and downloadable from the Grand Lodge web page .

This current addition references the Grand Lodge Code as it now is written. Various Sections will be revised as the Grand Lodge Code is amended. Lodges will be notified when changes to the manual are made.

The Grand Lodge of Ohio Education and Information Committee 2014-2015.

Ronald L. Runion, PDDGM Chairman Table of Contents


The Ohio Masonic Home p. 3 The Grand Lodge Scholarship Foundation p. 5 The Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation p. 5 Ohio Special Olympics p. 6 Masonic Model Student Assistance Program p. 6 George Washington Masonic National Memorial p. 6 Pay It Forward p. 6

The Ohio Masonic Home

Our Mission: We are the living expression of our Masonic Obligation – We serve as the trusted partner to help people age respectfully: how they want; where they want.

In the early 1840s, The Grand Lodge of Ohio F. & A.M. discussed plans to establish a Home for the Aged to care for elderly Masons. In 1888, William B. Hillman led a successful effort to establish the Ohio Masonic Home for the benefit of worthy, distressed Ohio Master Masons, their wives, widows and orphans. The cornerstone of the Home’s first building, Bushnell, was laid in 1892 and the first resident was admitted in 1895.

Since 1895, more than 10,000 elderly Masons, their wives and widows have been served by the Home. The Masonic Fraternity is built upon the principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. Thus, it is with pride in our fraternity and its heritage that we carry out our work every day to provide our residents quality care with concern and compassion.

Our philosophy of care revolves around partnering with aging individuals and promoting their independence by providing what they need to live where they want, how they want, all while fulfilling their aspirations.

Today the Ohio Masonic Home has grown to three campuses and a state-wide home health organization: Springfield Masonic Community in Springfield, Ohio; Western Reserve Masonic Community in Medina, Ohio; Browning Masonic Community in Waterville, Ohio; and the state-wide Cornerstone Home Health organization. We currently offer independent living, assisted living, long- term acute care, dementia care and skilled/non-skilled home health programming.

The Home has eliminated asset surrender, the previous means of financing one’s residence. Now all residents are admitted on a “pay-as-you-go” basis. If a Masonic resident exhausts his or her personal resources, application is made for financial assistance. But the Home remains true to its mission of more than a century to care for the “worthy, distressed Master Mason, his wife or widow.” Thus, it continues to admit Masons, their wives and widows who have limited means of support at the time of admission.

3 We have also created a Resource Center to assist the approximately 96,000 Masons and their families living in Ohio in obtaining products and services that will enhance their health and independence, and provide a positive aging experience. Additionally, we have collaborated with several other organizations to create the Ohio Masonic Home Network of Excellence to aid with housing and healthcare needs outside the current Ohio Masonic Home areas served.

How do you or a Brother reach the Resource Center for information? Call 877-881-1623.

This phone number is all you need to reach a friendly, professional customer service representative who will listen to your situation and aid you in finding answers to your questions. If you know a Brother in need, call 877-881-1623 today to see how the Ohio Masonic Home can help.

The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation is the living expression of service and philanthropy of Ohio Freemasons. There are three charitable needs the Ohio Masonic Home Foundation fulfills; these charities are Masonic Care, Resident Care and Memory Care. Masonic Care consists of two separate charities providing relief to distressed Masons, their wives and widows, and hope to the children and grandchildren of Masons. Through Resident Care, the Foundation reaches out and assists aging persons in need, replacing their fears with hope. Memory Care addresses the pressing issue of providing those living with Alzheimer’s unsurpassed programming and care.

The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation Fund Developers are pleased to speak at any opportunity. Presentations can be customized to your Masonic events and meetings and talks can range from five to 45 minutes depending on time available in the program. No group is too small and travel is not an issue. We are honored to be invited and enthusiastic to share the news about current happenings at the Ohio Masonic Home. Call 888-248-2664 to schedule a presentation today.

The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation sponsors several events, including a golf outing and road rally in addition to Ohio Masonic Home Day. Below are the dates for the 2015 events and you can learn more at

2nd Annual Miracle Miles for Memory Care Golf Outing – Monday, June 1, 2015

31st Annual Ohio Masonic Home Day – Sunday, June 7, 2015

4th Annual Miracle Miles for Memory Care Road Rally – Saturday, August 22, 2015

Donations to the Foundation can be made to the Ohio Masonic Home Foundation in a variety of ways to support its charitable works for Masons of Ohio.

By mail donors can send gifts to:

Ohio Masonic Home Foundation 2655 West National Road Springfield, Ohio 45504

Online, visit and click on the GIVE button.

4 Or you can give in person to any Foundation staff member. Your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law. The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation is a registered 501(c)3 organization and therefore all tax exempt.


In 1965, The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio established The Grand Lodge of Ohio Scholarship Foundation, a tax-exempt Foundation to receive gifts, donations and monies with which to fund the Charitable Scholarship Program. It is administered by The Grand Lodge Scholarship Committee, which receives Scholarship Applications from College Bound Students in the State of Ohio. Applications are available from the Grand Lodge of Ohio's Web Site( and are available from the local District Scholarship Committees(there are25 Masonic Districts in Ohio). Scholastic Performance (GPA's), involvement in School Activities, school and community service activities, extra-curricular and various club activities, etc., are used in the selection process. Scholarships are sent directly to the Universities and Colleges selected by the recipient to be applied towards tuition.

Individual Lodge Members as well as Masonic Lodges, and affiliated groups are encouraged to contribute to the Grand Lodge Scholarship Foundation. Memorial Contributions to the Scholarship Foundation in lieu of floral remembrances are encouraged.

The Grand Lodge Scholarship Foundation of Ohio believes in the Youth of Ohio and believes in an educated mind and believes this Scholarship Foundation contributes to Democracy and Freedom and is congruent with the Principles and Tenets of in general.

Contributions may be sent directly to: The Scholarship Foundation, the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio, One Masonic Drive, Springfield, Ohio 45504-3658.


This Foundation was founded in 1994, during the term of Grand Master Thomas D. Zahler. Donations to the Foundation are placed in an endowment fund and only the interest can be used to relieve the distressed and fund charitable projects. The Charitable Foundation of the Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Ohio is a tax-deductible, 501 (c)(3) recognized foundation that accumulates contributions from Masons, their family and friends.

Contributions are regularly sent to victims of catastrophic illnesses, weather related disasters, accidents, fires, etc. Recipients need not be members of the Craft, and frequently are not. The possible recipients are identified and recommended to the Foundation by the Lodge. Contributions to this Foundation should be regularly considered and may be sent directly to: The Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio, One Masonic Drive, Springfield, Ohio 45504-3658.


The Masons of Ohio for many years have been supporting athletes to the state Summer Games of the Ohio Special Olympics. Well over $125,000 is contributed each year by Lodges and Brethren who hold special dinners and other events to raise money. At one time, it required $30 (1978) to “sponsor an athlete” to the Summer Games in Columbus. Now, it costs about $150.00 (2013) to bring each athlete to the Games. We know we cannot sponsor every athlete in full, but since 1978, we have contributed over $2,000,000.00 to the worthwhile charity. The summer games in Columbus draws over 2700 athletes, who appreciate our support.

Contributions may be sent directly to: the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation, the Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. of Ohio, One Masonic Drive, Springfield, Ohio 45504, and marked “For Special Olympics” and your lodge number on the memo line of the check. They will be earmarked for that purpose.


The Grand Lodge of Ohio has sponsored Masonic Model workshops for more than ten years. These three-day training sessions for teachers and other school personnel are intended to increase their skills at identifying “at risk” students in the classroom and intervening in their lives before the student can become a disruptive force in school or society.

Ohio is one of 27 states whose Grand Lodges are part of the Masonic Foundation for Children, which provides the instructors and expertise for the program. Since the workshops were initiated in Ohio, more than 1500 teachers from 236 schools have been trained. The Ohio Department of Education now recommends the Masonic Model program.

The costs of the program are borne by the Grand Lodge of Ohio, and in the future, it is hoped that they can be paid from the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation. Until the Foundation’s Endowment Fund grows enough for that, the Grand Lodge finances the program from is operating budget. Contributions to the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation will help to fund this worthwhile effort in the future. A Lodge or group of Lodges can sponsor a program in a local school district.


This monument, located atop Shooter’s Hill in Alexandria, Virginia, is not only a tribute to a great Masonic patriot and statesman, Worshipful Brother George Washington, but serves as a symbol of Masonry’s nationwide devotion to the principles upon which our country was established and under which Masonry flourishes. Each new Master Mason contributes to the Memorial so that he may share in this project.


Any person ("donor") may purchase a "Pay It Forward" certificate for a named individual ("future candidate") and that named individual is then relieved of paying the initiation fee up to $150.00 for any lodge under this Grand Jurisdiction. A donor may also purchase a "Pay It Forward" certificate to a qualified, prospective candidate who may in the future wish to petition the Lodge and in the opinion of the Lodge is deserving of this gift to him and to the Lodge.