Masonic Temple Marks Centennial of Norman Hall Decoration Food \,·Ill Be Scru·D F10m I :00 P.M .To 6:00 P.M
l 100th Birthday! Eastern Pennsylvania JIA Bro. Wesley W. Cheese Masomc Picrnc man (center) of Melita Lodge No. 295, Phila SATURDAY, J l':"E 15, 1991 delphia, on May 16, 1990, his lOOth birthday, with Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom Past Masters Bro. Robert Allentown, Pennsylvania A. Detweiler (left), the 10:00 a.m . to 10:00 p.m. AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF PENNSYLVANIA Senior P.M. of Melita, and Bro. George S. Peck, . \thm~~ion to Dorm•, ,md \\'i ld \\'ater VOLUME XXXVIII MAY 1991 NUMBER2 P.M. (right). Kingdom. im ludmg ,dl 1ide~. pal king a nd :) hours of fO<xl and sod.t: S20.00 ~cnio1 Cititt'Jh "61 \ear~ \atlllg·· .md children 2 \t'ats to 6 n.n~: IR.JO Chilthcn unde1 ~ \l'<ll~: Flee Masonic Temple Marks Centennial of Norman Hall Decoration Food \,·ill be scru·d f10m I :00 p.m .to 6:00 p.m. 1891-1991 . Location: Routt' 22~ ,md :W9. Room lm 1.000. Fil'>t tomt'. fir-,t Jt· ~('ncd. Bro. Wesley W. Cheeseman of Melita for many years. A life member, he Fndmcd i-, m~ <hn k fm Lodge No. 295, Philadelphia, on May 16, regularly makes a cono·ibution to the £01 tit kt·h. :\I.tke <ht •t k p.l\ .thlt· 1990, celebrated his IOOth birthday. Bro. Lodge each December. On his birthday, to: ":\I.t.,oni< Pit nu ... Cheeseman, 79 years a Mason, followed a plaque was presented to him by the in the footsteps of his father, John W.
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