24 Ways to Manufacture Made in Italy 04 Artelegno 01

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24 Ways to Manufacture Made in Italy 04 Artelegno 01 artelegno s.n.c. dei f.lli Fazzini G.G.P. Via Roma, 51/d 23834 Premana (LC) Italy Tel. +39 0341 880234 Fax +39 0341 880234 www.artelegnodesign.it QUALITY IN SOLID WOOD [email protected] Designed AND Made in Italy 24 ways to manufacture Made in Italy 04 Artelegno 01 Ecological chain 14 Magnetic knife blocks 16 Cutting Boards 50 Kitchen accessories 76 QUALITY IN SOLID WOOD Designed AND Made in Italy Standard knife blocks 90 0 0 Giulio Paolo Jerry QUALITY IN SOLID WOOD Designed AND Made in Italy Damiano Since 1960. Two generations. The craftsman’s passion for its work A work routed in history Founded in 1960 in Premana, a small mountain 0 village located in Lombardy 0 near Como’s lake, Artelegno is deeply rooted in the working culture that characterizes this village since the ancient roman times when the mining of iron ore from the mountains surronding the area started. In 2004 Artelegno moves to new production facilities in Taceno A unique place that inspires good taste Artelegno is immersed in nature in a unique environment of great beauty, appreciated all over the ITALY ITALY, VALSASSINA, PREMANA, TACENO. world, that instilled in the DNA of Fazzini’s family and its sta, the taste for beautiful things, the respect for traditions and the drive for the protection of the environment; values to be transferred daily in its own working activity and in its products as expression of its working culure. Warehousing of the raw materials in heated premises Calibrating Sanding of the edges Planing Milling of the bars to round the edges First layer of food safe varnish (undercoating) Sanding for better grip of the glue Cutting Fine sanding and quality control 0 Robotized glueing with high frequency generator Sanding of the heads and quality control Second and finishing layer of food safe varnish 24 ways to manufacture Made in Italy 0 Milling Milling to round the edges of the heads Drying in temperature and ventilation controlled conditions Pre-glueing sanding Cutting and milling of the foot of the knife block Fitting of accessories Glueing of covering plaques Glueing of the components Quality control and fitting of logo Planing of the bars Pre-varnishing fine sanding Packaging Culture as Experience and Made in Italy: Ideas feed a pillar of expertise at hallmark of creativity and craftsmanship the service of creativity and competitivity quality guarantee of 08 satisfaction 09 Building on the skills and experience of 2 generations of carpenters Artelegno founds its new activity to develop and manufacture housewares items in solid For Artelegno craftsmanship wood such as knife blocks means personal expression and cutting boards always For Artelegno ideas are daily of the aptitude to quality in setting new goals to reach bread to feed the market order to transfer in each through innovations in term with exclusive products. product characteristics of designs and working ver eer of the sta that make it unique and cycles in order to attain the is encouraged to share the to bring forward a vison excellence of the Made in creative process of new of the working activity not Italy product that is exported products and suggestions as a mere job but as the all over the world. on how to improve fascinating process of rodctivit, enefitin the creation of a beautiful object. competitivity. Craftsmanship implies In order to successfully ver idea, fitered throh careful selection of the attain its quality goals, the eerience find its materials and their typically required of a concrete development in transformation in useful and product Made in Italy on the careful selection of the nice things, performing many the international markets, materials and in the respect hand made operations in Artelegno’s focus is targeted of the production cycles that the production process on the design phase where are purposefully oriented and strict quality checks in a eort are focsed in the toward social goals such as order to ensure that every transformation of the ideas the high safety standards single object expresses a in aesthetically captivating for the workers and the synthesis of excellence and objects, set in the path of compatibility with a sound quality that only the care the consolidated tradition of environmental policy. and the working culture the italian style. behind a craftsman’s job can All the subsequent guarantee. production processes ensure functionality of use and sensations of pleasure and comfort in the fina conser that can experience the strength of the starting idea as an element that improves the quality of everyday’s life. A low energy Working cycles Wood’s impact and products craftsmen by production environmentally vocation facility friendly 0 0 01 1 Yes, that’s it, at Artelegno the working activity entails a pact of friendship with the environment. It starts with the selection In planning its investments of the wood that comes Artelegno has never lost from forests where eco- sight of its environmental sustainability is controlled The constant drive in goals that giuded the and guaranteed and Fazzini’s family in all its improving the quality contines with the eorts standards and the ecienc business decisions, from to minimize the emissions the location of its production of the production cycles, in the atmosphere of our the development of facilities, to their building with production cycles. the use of insulating wall products with an optimal This is achieved thanks price quality ratio, coupled panels, and its investments to the installation of the on eneretic ecienc with fexibility and reliability most technologically in deliveries have allowed with an nderoor heatin advanced sauction plant, system divided in sections Artelegno to earn a high varnishing plant, and drying reputation as a trusted and powered by a biomass room plant, all equipped boiler where the production supplier on the international with high perfomrance market where more than wastes (wood and sawdust) fitration sstes that are transformed in thermal 90% of the turnover is allow the minimisation of exported. ener that ffis the heatin our emissions well below necessities of the premises, the limits imposed by the and provides for the needs enviromnental laws. of the varnishing plant and Last but not least, our for the finished rodcts environmental policy drying room. reaches its completion with the reemployment of the wastes of the production cycles for a total recycling. Exclusively Tailored products designed, durable for every and food safe customer’s products needs 0 2 0 3 Artelegno is an extremely eie strctre that can become each customer’s factory to develop “tailored” items in order to The continuos stimulus, satisfy their needs in terms powered by the demand of price and design. of Made in Italy products, has motivated Artelegno Artelegno, quality in solid to focus its investments in wood. the creation of a range of products characterized by an innovative and exclusive design in the path of the italian tradition, always striving to blend beauty, QUALITY IN SOLID WOOD functionality and durability. Designed AND Made in Italy For this reason, all products are treated in order to be durable and preserve the unique features of the wood; food safe water based varnishes for our knife ocs, caref fine sandin and finishin with a secia food safe oil that guarantees high performances in terms of water-repellence and resistance to stains and gives sensations of smoothness and softness to the touch for our cutting boards. In accordance with the cycles of nature and protecting the environment Grinding of wastes and exstrusion of briquettes for heating Monitoring and minimization of the emissions of the production processes b high performance filtration sstems Raw materials from controlled and guaranteed environmentally 100% recycling of Usage in industrial or sustainable forests production wastes household heating 0 4 0 5 QUALITY IN SOLID WOOD Designed AND Made in Italy Magnetic knife blocks Each product of this outstanding range embeds in itself Grand Prix Collection 0 6 or constant eort in ters of research on aterias 0 7 and innovative creativity that comes from many years Milano Collection of experince and from the wordiwde cherished italian Venezia Collection style that is part of our dna. Awesome design, versatility, quality and functinality are skillfully blended in this line of Bologna Collection knife blocks. Verona Collection Our driving concept is to give the possibility to the end Kombi Collection user to insert whichever kind of knives without being tied up by the size of the slots, as it may happen with Pisa Collection thraditional knife blocks. For this collection we carefully select the best materials: solid beech wood, to achieve high stability and long durability; steel component manufactured in italy by QUALITY IN SOLID WOOD Designed AND Made in Italy handpicked experienced suppliers. The grade and quality of the neodymium magnets we use on the blocks is controlled and guaranteed in order to allow a safe storage of the knives. At the end of the production cycle, which is structured with the goal to allow our skilled workers to perform several quality controls on each piece, water based varnishes, complying with the regulations concerning contact with foods are employed to give our block a eatif finish his rane stands ot aso for its eas cleaning. Fully beech wood Magnetic knife blocks recyclable natural lacquered Solid wood Food safe finish Stain resistant treatment Magnetic system Grand Prix Collection 85 018 019 Magnetic knife block “Chicane” beech wood natural lacquered L 11,41” W 10” H 11,81” max. blade length 11,02” Usable space for knives 39,36” (4 x 9,84”) cm. 29 x 25,5 x 30 max. blade length cm. 28 Usable space for knives cm.100 (4 x 25 cm) Fully beech wood Magnetic knife blocks recyclable natural lacquered Solid wood Food safe finish Stain resistant treatment Magnetic system 10 Knife positions Grand Prix Collection 84 020 021 Magnetic knife block “S” beech wood natural lacquered L 6,69” W 10,82” H 10,43” max.
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