The Luxembourg Pro Cycling Project Press Release Roster Announcement Bennati Vigano Pires Nizzolo 06.10.2010

New team from Luxembourg signs four more to set up success in fast finishes

The Luxembourg Pro Cycling Project has determined to ensure their presence at the pointy end of a mass gallop with the signing of several riders who will be strong in the setting up as well as finishing off the bunch sprints. The Italian perennial fast-finisher Daniele Bennati has joined compatriots Davide Viganò and neopro as well as Portugese strongman Bruno Pires in signing with the new team out of Luxembourg.

Happy to be able to include a top flight among their ranks, the v Luxembourg Pro Cycling Project sees Bennati as the type of rider who will be able to help the team hit the ground running from the beginning of the season. “Bennati is such a classy rider and we are very happy to have him,” General Manager Brian Nygaard explained. “He is really passionate about our project and I’m sure he’ll be a significant addition to our line-up. He has won many impressive victories, but I actually don’t think we have seen his best yet. I see him flourishing in the right environment and I believe we can provide that for him.”

Bennati was one of the first riders to show an interest in the new team, and wants to have an immediate impact in 2011. “My objectives for the coming season are to get off to a good start from the first and try to make the most of Tirreno-Adriatico in order to be supremely prepared for the Milan San Remo,” Bennati explained. Early victories will boost the team’s profile as well as its confidence, and Bennati certainly wants to play his part in that goal. “The team will be shooting to do well in the Classics and the Grand Tours,” Bennati said. “We have a strong group of riders who are the right age to start securing some major victories, and I want to be right in there providing the best support to the team that I possibly can.” The management sees Bennati as more than just a pure sprinter, and most importantly a true team player. “He’s an A-list sprinter, there is no question about that, but he was also one of the last guys with Nibali on the climbs in the Vuelta this year,” Nygaard pointed out. “So I’m sure he will be ready and a huge asset to the team in more than just the bunch sprints. I see him as a very versatile athlete.”

Bennati’s excitement at being a useful member of the team is equally shared by Davide Viganò. Viganò also can boast a very fast finish, and feels as at home in a ’s bunch kick as he does bouncing over the windswept cobbles of northern Europe. “I was immediately interested in joining this team because from the beginning I could see the professionalism and seriousness of the people setting it up,” Viganò explained. “I really want to add value and show my quality in racing during the cobbled classics, but most importantly, I want to demonstrate that I am a solid and reliable team player, and help make it the best group out there.” The management sees him as a valuable addition to their core of sprinters. “Davide is THE leadout man and without question one of the best in the business at it,” Nygaard said. “He is an expert at lining up the sprints and will pave the way for the team in those situations.” His unselfish attitude also wins him friends both among his fellow racers and the team management. “He is a really likable guy with a perfect personality for our team,” Nygaard says.

The professionalism in the organization’s back room has played an important part in attracting many of the riders who have signed for the new team. “Even when I had only heard the first few initial details about the project, I was immediately interested because of the people who were involved,” Bruno Pires said. “The people behind the team are very experienced and have amazing organizational skills, with the right ideas to design a project which will be among the greatest teams in the sport.” Pires came to the attention of the team after receiving a high recommendation from fellow countryman and team Technical Manager, Ricardo Scheidecker. “Bruno is a talented climber, former Road National Champion of Portugal and has several victories during his career in Portugal.” Scheidecker said. “Now this opportunity has appeared, so he’s grabbing it with all his strength and I’m sure he will perform at a very good level. He’s a humble man, and he will be ready to work 100% for his leaders.” Pires reinforces Scheidecker’s statements with his own plans to be a complete team player. “My main goal for the season is to demonstrate to the team that I was a good choice and to thank them for believing in me,” Pires explained. “With that in mind, I don’t have any defined personal ambitions, but will put all my efforts towards helping my colleagues to make this project a success.” For the team, Pires represents the new generation of cyclists coming out of Portugal. “I am definitely going to work to promote a great image for this newly organized professional cycling team,” he confirmed.

The signing of neo-pro Giacomo Nizzolo is another example of the Luxembourg team’s commitment to discovering and developing young talent. “Giacomo is considered the next big sprinter to come out of ,” Nygaard declared. “He is very young, but is a super fast, pure sprinter.” As a young man with a very fast finish Nizzolo will benefit immensely from the guidance and advice teammates like Bennati and Viganò will be able to provide. “I just turned 30, I have 43 wins to my credit,” Bennati explained. “I feel I have so much experience and I believe I can be helpful to the younger guys on the team.” Nizzolo recognizes the advantage he will have learning from a sprinter of Bennati’s caliber. “I am very excited to work with everyone on the team, but since I am a sprinter, I will be especially lucky to work with Bennati,” Nizzolo explained.

The team is prepared to put the systems in place that will help Nizzolo develop properly. “He’s a neo-pro and quite a young one at that, so we will certainly start him off without any pressure to produce results,” Nygaard said. “We will give him time to develop and learn to be a professional, but I wouldn’t be the least surprised if he started gaining some results pretty quickly.” Already Nizzolo has the confidence of a top sprinter, but he balances that with a desire to work for the team while improving himself. “My goal for next year is to learn as much as possible while helping my team mates,” he said before adding, “but of course I would like to add my contribution to the team’s victory tally and be able to grow race by race.”

About The Luxembourg Pro Cycling Project is run by the company Leorpard S.A. based in Howald, Luxembourg. General Manager Brian Nygaard and Team Manager Kim Andersen are setting up a new UCI ProTour team with 25 riders to compete in the world’s biggest races. Amongst the international line-up are the two aces: Fränk and Andy Schleck. The new team will be racing on Trek bikes and Mercedes-Benz Luxembourg is providing the full fleet of vehicles ranging from buses and trucks to race cars and VIP vehicles.