Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 2009-07-27

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 2009-07-27 MONDAY, JULY 27, 2009 SPORTS Wiki U Wiki sites Tending Fields of become popular Gold among the UI Kirk Ferentz addresses the community. state of the football team and Terry Brands talks about the By ALINA RUBEZHOVA Dan Gable Wrestling Complex’s [email protected] expansion at an annual athlectics-donor event, Golden With the advent of Wiki Harvest. 10 software at the UI, profes- sors now have more options than just textbooks. Prime Time Primed In fact, Despite the Hawkeyes’ strong employees at presence this summer, the Information Prime Time championship Technology game will feature just one DAVID SCRIVNER/THE DAILY IOWAN Services say Hawk on the hardwood. 10 Spectators watch Iowa Gov. Chet Culver walk out to the old Rock Island train station on Sunday. Culver and Representative Dave Loebsack, the number D-Iowa stopped in Iowa City to drum up support for the Iowa City-Chicago railway, which would reportedly cost $42 for a one-way ticket. of Wiki spaces in the university VanderVelde NEWS server nearly professor doubled this Culver, Loebsack back year, and views went up by Learning Swahili 40 percent. Read about a grant for a new UI law Professor Lea program at the UI. 2 VanderVelde found a unique way to utilize that technology in her Employ- IC-Chicago train line ment Law class last spring. ARTS & CULTURE Now, she and a team from ITS are working to make the project more accessible Orphan alone in to the public. horror genre Gov. Chet Culver and Rep. Dave Loebsack stop in Iowa City to ask for Although many think Orphan twists traditional support of a proposed Iowa City-Chicago line. “Wikipedia” when it comes horror movie tactics into an to such troves of informa- tion, Wikis are, more gener- original, truly scary story line. 5 By TYLER LYON jaunty rendition of rail summit held by Illi- ON THE WEB ally, classified as a group of [email protected] “When the Saints Go nois Gov. Pat Quinn to Your turn. Would you take interlinked websites — Marching In.” discuss how the Midwest- the train to Chicago? Yet another chick though Wikipedia is Iowa Gov. Chet Culver The two came to Iowa ern rails will Weigh in at undoubtedly the most popu- flick and Rep. Dave Loebsack, City to show their sup- be connected. dailyiowan.com; while lar kind. The Ugly Truth hit theaters on D-Iowa rolled into the old port for a proposed “It’s going to be very you’re there, watch video footage from Sunday’s rally. Employment law can July 24, and with it comes Rock Island train station Chicago-Iowa City pas- competitive,” Culver said. come into play after an more of the same. Arts on Sunday afternoon for senger-train line, which But officials are confi- “We know with all the individual is dismissed reporter Eric Sundermann could take hordes of Illi- the Whistle Stop Rally. dent the federal govern- students here in Iowa from work. Former employ- weighs in on just what made They were met by chil- nois natives attending ment will award $51 mil- City — they’re going to ees decide whether they Katherine Heigl’s latest film a dren and adults munch- the UI back to the sub- lion in stimulus money help us promote light will file suit for reasons bore. 5 ing on free hot dogs and urbs for $42 one-way. for the project. Culver rail and passenger rail,” such as improper discharge waving mini American Culver said he was on and Loebsack said they Culver said. or discrimination. flags and the sound of a his way to be a part of a want locals to participate OPINIONS brass band playing a Midwestern governors in the effort. SEE TRAIN, 3 SEE WIKI, 3 Rumors buzzing Just a few days after the July 24 shooting by an off-duty cop, rumors about mismanagement are already swirling. We should Pizza deliverer Details of stabbing, give police time to investigate before making accusations. 4 WEB BONUS reports attack shooting still unclear • Check out video from the The chain of events on the night of July 24 are still train rally with Gov. Chet under investigation. Culver and Rep. Dave Loebsack. By REGINA ZILBERMINTS and ABE TEKIPPE ON THE RECORD [email protected] Law-enforcement offi- Insights and information from cials continue to investi- inside today’s The Daily Iowan. gate a July 24 stabbing and “I was continually expecting shooting that left one man some moment of disturbing injured and another dead, surprise, and the music led me though they hadn’t release on, building in volume and dis- any additional information sonance to the breaking point by Sunday evening. until it was so tense that I was A plainclothes Johnson literally holding my breath only County deputy allegedly to be tricked when The delivery industry comes with shot and killed a homeless finally nothing was around the risks as well as rewards. man on the evening of July JOE SCOTT/THE DAILY IOWAN corner or on the other side of 24. The man had reported- Cans and bottles litter the pavement at a crime scene near the the mirror. Then again, some- By SCOTT RAYNOR Local Delivery ly stabbed a patron of intersection of Gilbert and Prentiss Streets on July 24. A homeless times Orphan delivered the [email protected] Hawkeye Hideaway bar, man reportedly dropped the bottles, and a bar patron of the Statistics 310 E. Prentiss St., outside psychological shock full-force.” nearby Hawkeye Hideaway asked him to pick them up. The • Read the full review of A group of men allegedly • Total Workers: 1,158,870 the establishment, Iowa homeless man then reportedly stabbed the bar patron and then was Orphan. 5 robbed a pizza delivery per- • Men: 7,44,860 City police confirmed early son on July 25. • Women: 409,040 on July 25. fatally shot by a law-enforcement officer. According to Iowa City Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics According to witnesses, WEATHER police, officers responded to the stabbing victim left he likes to keep things At the same time, dis- a report of a robbery in the dence the delivery person was the bar with his wife and clean,” said Kevin Grimm, patchers fielded several 10 block of Regal Lane. approaching, authorities said. saw a 26-year-old home- a co-owner of Hawkeye 911 calls reporting a man 84 61 The delivery person report- The delivery person was less man drop a bag of Hideaway, who called the with a gun on the scene. edly told authorities a group not injured and declined cans and bottles on the customer a longtime Responding officers 29C 16C of 10 to 15 males from 10 to medical treatment, police pavement, strewing trash friend. “[He was] being a identified the man with 25 years old approached him reports show. across the parking lot in good neighbor.” the gun as a Johnson Partly sunny to cloudy, from behind as he was bring- The incident remains front of City Electric Sup- Police have not yet County deputy in plain- breezy, 60% chance of ing a pizza to an address on under investigation. ply, 315 E. Prentiss St. released the name of the clothes. While Iowa City rain/T-storms. Regal Lane. He said one of According to the federal The bar patron report- stabbing victim. police officials said the the men punched him in the Bureau of Labor Statistics, edly told the homeless to Iowa City police said Johnson County Sheriff’s INDEX neck, then the group grabbed 1.5 million local messen- clean the bottles up. The they received a report Office has jurisdiction in his order and fled. gers and local delivery peo- homeless then allegedly from the Johnson County all parts of Johnson Coun- Arts 5 Opinions 4 During the investigation, stabbed him with a knife. Sheriff’s Office about a ty — including Iowa City Classifieds 8 Sports 10 ple suffered from more police determined the order “Him being a nice guy — fight in the area shortly Crossword 6 did not come from the resi- SEE ROBBERY, 3 an Iowa City local guy — after 7 p.m. that evening. SEE SHOOTING, 3 2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Monday, July 27, 2009 News dailyiowan.com for more news Grants aid East African, The Daily Iowan Volume 141 Issue 35 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: E-mail: [email protected] William Casey. 335-5788 Editor: Fax: 335-6297 Kelsey Beltramea. 335-6030 South Asian studies CORRECTIONS Managing Editor: Call: 335-6030 Bryce Bauer. 335-5855 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro Editors: Zhi Xiong. 335-6063 accuracy and fairness in the report- The International Program plans to expand with two federal grants. Regina Zilbermints. 335-6063 ing of news. If a report is wrong or Opinions Editor: By HOLLY HINES people wanting to make [ pieces of Swahili in pass- misleading, a request for a correc- Adam Sullivan. 335-5863 [email protected] African studies] grow,” said ing conversations around Swahili tion or a clarification may be made. Sports Editor: Bender, who received a campus, she said. PUBLISHING INFO Brendan Stiles. 335-5848 • 5 million to 10 million peo- Arts Editor: Recent UI graduate bachelor’s degree in inter- UI funding helps stu- The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is Rachel Bender studied ple worldwide speak Swahili published by Student Publications Rachael Lander. 335-5851 national studies. dents who want to travel Copy Chief: Swahili while in college. as their native language.
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