AP Physics 2: Algebra Based
AP® PHYSICS 2 TABLE OF INFORMATION CONSTANTS AND CONVERSION FACTORS -27 -19 Proton mass, mp =1.67 ¥ 10 kg Electron charge magnitude, e =1.60 ¥ 10 C -27 -19 Neutron mass, mn =1.67 ¥ 10 kg 1 electron volt, 1 eV= 1.60 ¥ 10 J -31 8 Electron mass, me =9.11 ¥ 10 kg Speed of light, c =3.00 ¥ 10 m s Universal gravitational Avogadro’s number, N 6.02 1023 mol- 1 -11 3 2 0 = ¥ constant, G =6.67 ¥ 10 m kg s Acceleration due to gravity 2 Universal gas constant, R = 8.31 J (mol K) at Earth’s surface, g = 9.8 m s -23 Boltzmann’s constant, kB =1.38 ¥ 10 J K 1 unified atomic mass unit, 1 u=¥= 1.66 10-27 kg 931 MeV c2 -34 -15 Planck’s constant, h =¥=¥6.63 10 J s 4.14 10 eV s -25 3 hc =¥=¥1.99 10 J m 1.24 10 eV nm -12 2 2 Vacuum permittivity, e0 =8.85 ¥ 10 C N m 9 22 Coulomb’s law constant, k =1 4pe0 = 9.0 ¥ 10 N m C -7 Vacuum permeability, mp0 =4 ¥ 10 (T m) A -7 Magnetic constant, k¢ =mp0 4 = 1 ¥ 10 (T m) A 1 atmosphere pressure, 1 atm=¥= 1.0 1052 N m 1.0¥ 105 Pa meter, m mole, mol watt, W farad, F kilogram, kg hertz, Hz coulomb, C tesla, T UNIT second, s newton, N volt, V degree Celsius, ∞C SYMBOLS ampere, A pascal, Pa ohm, W electron volt, eV kelvin, K joule, J henry, H PREFIXES VALUES OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS FOR COMMON ANGLES Factor Prefix Symbol q 0 30 37 45 53 60 90 12 tera T 10 sinq 0 12 35 22 45 32 1 109 giga G cosq 1 32 45 22 35 12 0 106 mega M 103 kilo k tanq 0 33 34 1 43 3 • 10-2 centi c 10-3 milli m The following conventions are used in this exam.
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