Atomic Clocks, 14–19, 89–94 Attosecond Laser Pulses, 55–57
Index high-order harmonic generation, A 258–261 in strong laser fields, 238–243 Atomic clocks, 14–19, 89–94 in weak field regime, 274-277 Attosecond laser pulses, 55–57 metal-ligand charge-transfer, 253–254 organic chemical conversion, C 249–251 pulse shaping, 269–274 CARS microscopy with ultrashort quantum ladder climbing, 285–287 pulses, 24–25 simple shaped pulses, 235–238 Chirped-pulse amplification, 54–55 Tannor-Kosloff-Rice scheme, phase preservation in, 54–5 232–235 Chirped pulses, 271, 274–277, 235–238 via many-parameter control in liquid Coherent control, 225–266, 267–304, phase, 252–255 atoms and dimers in gas phase, Coherent transients, 274–285 228–243 bond-selective photochemistry, 248–249 D closed-loop pulse shaping, 244–246 coherent coupling, 238–243 Dielectric breakdown, 305–329 molecular electronic states, in oxide thin films, 318 238–241 phenomenological model of, 316 atomic electronic states, retrieval of dielectric constant, 322 241–243 Difference frequency generation, 123 coherent transients, 274–285 Dynamics, 146–148, 150, 167–196, control of electron motion, 255–261 187–224 control of photo-isomerization, of electronic states, 146–148 254–255 of excitonic states, 150 control of two-photon transitions, hydrogen bond dynamics, 167–196 285-287 molecular dynamics, 187–196 332 Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy Femtosecond optical frequency combs, E 1–8, 12–21, 55–57, 87–108, 109–112, 120–128 Exciton-vibration interaction, 153–158 absolute phase control of, 55–57 dynamic intensity borrowing, attosecond pulses, 55–57 156–158 carrier-envelope offset frequency, Franck-Condon type, 159 3, 121 Herzberg-Teller type, 159–160 carrier envelope phase, 2, 121 interactions, 14–19 mid-infrared, 19-21, 120–127 F molecular spectroscopy with, 12–14 Femtochemistry, 198, 226 optical frequency standards, 14–19 Femtosecond lasers, 1–27 optical atomic clocks, 14–19, external optical cavities, 21–25 89–94 high resolution spectroscopy with, Femtosecond photon echoes.
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