
Table of Contents

Teaching and Learning The Unit 1 1 - Suggested Teaching Sequence 1 - Objectives 1 - Rules of Notation 1 - , Symbols, and Referents 2 - Metric Prefixes 2 - Linear Measurement Activities 3 - Area Measurement Activities 5 - Measurement Activities 7 - (Weight) Measurement Activities 9 - Temperature Measurement Activities 11 Unit 2 12 - Objectives 12 - Suggested Teaching Sequence 12 - Metrics in this Occupation 12 - Metric Units For Binary Operation 13 - Trying Out Metric Units 14 - Binding With Metrics 15 Unit 3 16 - Objective 16 - Suggested Teaching Sequence 16 - Metric-Metric Equivalents 16 - Changing Units at Work 18 Unit 4 19 - Objective 19 - Suggested Teaching Sequence 19 - Selecting and Using Metric Instruments, Tools and Devices 19 - Which Tools for the Job? 20 - Measuring Up in Binary Operations 20 Unit 5 21 - Objective 21 - Suggested Teaching Sequence 21 - Metric-Customary Equivalents 21 - Conversion Tables 22 - Any Way You Want It 23 Testing Metric Abilities 24 Answers to Exercises and Test 25 Tools and Devices List References


Thi.s metric instructional package was designed to meet job-related Unit 2 provides the metric terms which are used in this occupation metric measurement needs of students. To use this package students and gives experience with occupational measurement tasks. should already know the occupational terminology, measurement terms, and tools currently in use. These materials were prepared with Unit 3 focuses on job-related metric equivalents and their relation­ the help of experienced vocational teachers, reviewed by experts, tested ships. . in classrooms in different parts of the United States, and revised before distribution. Unit 4 provides experience with recogmzmg and using metric instru~ and tools in occupational measurement tasks. It also pro­ Each of the five units of instruction contains performance objec­ vides experience in comparing metric and customary measurement in­ tives, learning activities, and supporting information in the form of struments. text, exercises, and tables. In addition, suggested teaching techniques are included. At the back of this package are objective-based evaluation Unit 5 is designed to give students practice in converting custom­ items, a page of answers to the exercises and tests, a list of metric ary and metric measurements. Students should learn to "think metric" materials needed for the activities,· references, and a list of suppliers. and avoid comparing customary and metric units. However, skill with conversion tables will be useful during the transition to metric in each occupation. Classroom experiences with this instructional package suggest the following teaching-learning strategies: Using These Instructional Materials

1. Let the first experiences be informal to make learning the metric This package was designed to help students learn a core of knowl­ system fun. edge about the metric system which they will use on the job. The exercises facilitate experiences with measurement instruments, tools, 2. Students learn better when metric units are compared to familiar and devices used in this occupation and job-related tasks of estimating objects. Everyone should learn to "think metric." Comparing and measuring. metric units to customary units can be confusing. 3. Students will learn quickly to estimate and measure in metric units This instructional package also was designed to accommodate a by ·'doing." variety of individuaL teaching and learning styles. Teachers are encour­ aged to adapt these materials to their own classes. For example, the 4. Students should have experience with measuring activities before information sheets may be given to students for self-study. References getting_ too much information. may be used as supplemental resources. Exercises may be used in inde­ 5. Move through the units in an .order which emphasizes the sim­ pendent study, small groups, or whole-class activities. All of the plicity of the_metric system (e.g., length to area to volume). · materials can be expanded by the teacher. 6. Teach one concept at a time to avoid overwhelming students with Gloria S Cooper too much material. Joel H. ~lagisos Unit 1 is a general introduction to the metric system of measure­ Editors

ment which provides informal, hands-on experiences for the students. Th1s publication was developed pursuant to contract No. OEC-0-74-9335 v·mh the This unit enables students to become familiar with the basic metric Bureau of Occupational and Adult Education, U .S. Department of Heal th . Educa­ units, their symbols, and measurement instruments; and to develop a t ion and Welfare. However. the opin i ons expressed herein do not necessarily set of mental references for metric values. The metric system of nota­ reflect the posit ion or policy of the U .S. Office of Education and no official tion also is explained. endorsement by the U .S Office of Education should be inferred. 1

UNIT OBJECTIVES The student will demonstrate these skills for the Linear, Area, Volume or Capacity, Mass, and 1 Temperature Exercises, using the metric terms and measurement devices listed here.


SKILLS Linear Area Volume or Capacity Mass Temperature 1. These introductory exercises may require (pp. 7. 8) (pp. 9. 10) (p. 11) two or three teaching periods for all five (pp. 3. 4) (pp. 5 . 6) areas of measurement. 1. Recognize and use the (mm) square cubic centi- gram (g) 3 unit and its symbol for: (cm ) ("C) 2. Exercises should be followed in the order 2 centimetre (em) (cm ) (kg) given to best show the relationship 2. Select, use, and read the between length, area, and volume. appropriate measuring metre (m) square (mJ) instruments for: metre 3. Assemble the metric measuring devices (m2) (I) (rules, tapes, scales, thermometers, and 3. State or show a physical reference for: millilitre(ml) measuring containers) and objects to be measured.* 4. Estimate within 25% height, width, or the area of capacity of the mass of objects the temperature of of the actual measure length of objects a given surface containers in grams and kilo· the air or a liquid 4. Set up the equipment at work stations I grams for use by the whole class or as individu­ ; alized resource activities. 5. Read correctly metre stick, metric measurements a kilogram scale A Celsius thermometer tape measure, and on graduated and a gram scale 5. Have the students estimate, measure, and metric rulers volume measur- record using Exercises 1 through 5. ing devices 6. Present information on notation and make Table 1 available. 7. Follow up with group discussion of RULES OF NOTATION activities. 1. Symbols are not capitalized unless the unit is a proper name (mm not MM). 2. Symbols are not followed by periods (m not m.). 3. Symbols are not followed by an s for plurals (25 g not 25 gs). 4. A space separates the numerals from the unit symbols (4 I not 41). *Other school departments may have devices which 5. Spaces, not commas, are used to separate large numbers into groups of three can be used. Metric suppliers are listed in the reference digits ( 45 271 km not 45,271 km). section. 6. A zero precedes the decimal point if the number is less than one (0.52 g not .52 g). 7. Litre and metre can be spelled either with an -re or -er ending.

Information Sheet 1 2


Quantity Metric Unit Symbol Useful Referents Multiples and Submultiples Prefixes Symbols Length 6 millimetre mm Thickness of dime or paper 1 000 000 = 10 mega (meg'a) M clip wire 3 centimetre ern Width of paper clip 1000 = 10 kilo (k~U o ) k 2 metre m Height of door about 2 m 100 = 10 hecto (hek'to ) h

km 12- walking distance 10 = 101 deka (dek'a) da

Area square Area of this space Base Unit 1 = 10° centimetre cm2 0 .1 = 10 -l deci (des'[) d D 2 0.01 = 10- centi (sen't1) c 3 square metre m2 Area of card table top 0.001 = 10- milli (mil'[) m 6 ha Football field including sidelines 0.000 001 = 10- micro (mi'kro) fJ. and end zones

Volume and millilitre ml Teaspoon is 5 ml Capacity litre I A little more than 1 Table 1-b cubic centimetre em 3 Volume of this container C]

cubic metre m3 A little more than a

Mass milligram mg Apple seed about 10 mg, grain of salt, 1 mg gram g Nickel about 5 g kilogram kg Webster's Collegiate Dictionary metric ( 1 ooo kiloarams) t Volkswagen Beetle

Table 1-a 3 LINEAR MEASUREMENT ACTIVITIES 3. Choose a partner to stand at your side. Move apart Metre, Centimetre, Millimetre so that you can put one end of a metre stick on your partner's shoulder and the other end on I. THE METRE (m) your shoulder. Look at the space between you. A. DEVELOP A FEELING FOR THE SIZE OF A METRE 1. Pick up one of the metre THAT IS THE WIDTH OF A METRE! sticks and stand it up on the floor. Hold it in place with one hand. Walk around the B. DEVELOP YOUR ABILITY TO ESTIMATE IN stick. Now stand next to the stick. With your other Now you will improve your ability to estimate in metres. hand, touch yourself where Remember where the length and height of a metre was on your the top of the metre stick body. comes on you. For each of the following items:

Estimate the size of the items and write your estimate in the THAT IS HOW HIGH A METRE IS! ESTIMATE column. Measure the size with your metre stick and write the answer in the MEASUREMENT column.

Decide how close your estimate was to the actual measure. If 2. Hold one arm out straight your estimate was within 25% of the actual measure you are a at shoulder height. Put "Metric l\1arvel." the metre stick along this arm until the end hits the How Close end of your fingers. Where Estimate :Measurement Were You? is the other end of the· (m) (m) metre stick? Touch your­ 1. Height of door knob self at that end. from floor. 2. Height of door. 3. Length of table. THAT IS HOW LONG A l\1ETRE IS! 4. Width of table. 5. Length of wall of this room. 6. Distance from you. to wall. ~CEmER "'" VOCATIONAC EOUCATOON Exercise 1 (continued on next page) 4


There are 100 in one metre. If there are 4 metres and There are 10 in one centimetre. When a measurement is 3 centimetres, you write 403 em [(4 x 100 em)+ 3 em = 400 em 2 centimetres and 5 millimetres, you write 25 mm [(2 x 10 mm) + 3 em]. + 5 mm = 20 mm + 5 mm] . There are 1 000 mm in 1 m .


1. Hold the metric ruler against the width of your thumbnail. Using a ruler marked in millimetres, measure: How wide is it? em 1. Thickness of a paper clip wire. mm 2. :Measure your thumb from the first joint to the end. 2. Thickness of your fingernail. mm em 3. Width of your fingernail. ____ mm 3. Use the metric ruler to find the width of your palm. ____ mm em 4. Diameter (width)of a coin. 4. Measure your index or pointing finger. How long is it? 5. Diameter (thickness) of your pencil. ____ mm em 6. Width of a postage stamp. mm 5. :Measure your wrist with a tape measure. What is the distance around it? em 6. Use the tape measure to find your waist size. ____ em B. DEVELOP YOUR ABILITY TO ESTIMATE IN l\TILLIMETRES

B. DEVELOP YOUR ABILITY TO ESTIMATE IN CENTIMETRES You are now ready to estimate in millimetres. For each of the following items; follow the procedures used for estimating in You are now ready to estimate in centimetres. For each of the metres. following items, follow the procedures used for estimating in How Close metres. Estimate Measurement We.re You? How Close (mm) (mm) Estimate Measurement Were You? 1. Thickness of a (em) (em) nickel. 1. Length of a paper 2. Diameter (thickness) clip. of a bolt. 2. Diameter (width) 3. Length of a bolt. of a coin. 4. Width of a sheet 3. Width of a of paper. postage stamp. 5. Thickness of a board 4. Length of a or desk top. pencil. 6. Thickness of a 5. Width of a sheet of paper. button.

Exercise 1 5 AREA MEASUREMENT ACTIVITIES B. DEVELOP YOUR ABILITY TO ESTIMATE IN SQUARE Square Centimetre, Square Metre CENTI:METRES You are now ready to develop your ability to estimate in square centimetres. WHEN YOU DESCRIBE THE AREA OF SO:METHING, YOU ARE SAYING HOW MANY SQUARES OF A GIVEN SIZE IT TAKES TO Remember the size of a square centimetre. For each of the COVER THE SURF ACE. following items, follow the procedures used for estimating in metres. 2 I. THE SQUARE CENTI:METRE ( cm ) How Close Estimate Measurement Were You? 2 2 A. DEVELOP A FEELING FOR A SQUARE CENTIMETRE (cm ) (cm )

1. Take a clear plastic grid, or use the grid on page 6. 1. Index card. 2. Measure the length and width of one of these small 2. Book cover. squares with a centimetre ruler. 3. Photograph. THAT IS ONE SQUARE CENTI:METRE! 4. Window pane or desk top. 3. Place your fingernail over the grid. About how many squares does it take to cover your fingernail? ___,cm 2 II. THE SQUARE :METRE (m2) 4. Place a coin over the grid. About how many squares 2 does it take to cover the coin? cm A. DEVELOP A FEELING FOR A SQUARE :METRE 5. Place a postage stamp over the grid. About how many squares does it take to cover the postage stamp? 1. Tape four metre sticks together to make a square which ___,cm 2 is one metre long and one metre wide. 6. Place an envelope over the grid. About how many 2. Hold the square up with one side on the floor to see how squares does it take to cover the envelope? big it is. ___cm 2 3. Place the square on the floor in a comer. Step back and 7. Measure the length and width of the envelope in centi- look. See how much floor space it covers. metres. Length em; width em. 4. Place the square over a table top or desk to see how Multiply to find the area in square centimetres. much space it covers. ____ em x em = cm2 . How close are the answers you have in 6. and in 7.? 5. Place the square against the bottom of a door. See how much of the door it covers. How many squares would it take to cover the door? m2 THIS IS HOW BIG A SQUARE :METRE IS! a3C£NnR FOR VOCATOONAL EDUCATO<"' Exercise 2 (continued on next page) 6


You are now ready to estimate in square metres. Follow the procedures used for estimating in metres. How Close Estimate Measurement Were You? (m2) (m2) 1. Door. 2. Full sheet of newspaper. 3. Chalkboard or bulletin board. 4. Floor. 5. Wall. 6. Wall chart or poster. 7. Side of file cabinet.

Exercise 2 7 VOLUME MEASUREMENT ACTIVITIES Cubic Centimetre, Litre, Millilitre, Cubic Metre


1. Pick up a colored plastic cube. Measure its length, You are now ready to develop your ability to estimate height, and width in centimetres. in cubic centimetres. THAT IS ONE CUBIC CENTIMETRE! Remember the size of a cubic centimetre. For each of 2. Find the volume of a plastic litre box. the following items, use the procedures for estimating in metres. a. Place a ROW of cubes against the bottom of one side How Close of the box. How many cubes fit in the row? ____ Estimate Measurement Were You? 3 3 (cm ) (cm ) b. Place another ROW of cubes against an adjoining side of the box. I:Iow many rows fit inside the box 1. Index card file to make one layer of cubes? ____ box. How many cubes in each row? ____ 2. Freezer container. How many cubes in the layer in the bottom of the 3. Paper clip box. box? ____ 4. Box of staples. c. Stand a ROW of cubes up against the side of the box. How many LAYERS would fit in the box? ____ II. THE LITRE (I) How many cubes in each layer? ____ How many cubes fit in the box altogether? ____ A. DEVELOP A FEELING FOR A LITRE THE VOLUME OF THE BOX IS ___ CUBIC 1. Take a one litre beaker and fill it with . CENTIMETRES. 2. Pour the water into paper cups, filling each as full as you d. Measure the length, width, and height of the box in usually do. How many cups do you fill? centimetres. Length em; width em; THAT IS HOW MUCH IS IN ONE LITRE! height em. Multiply these numbers to find the volume in cubic centimetres. 3. Fill the litre container with rice. 3 em x em x em = ---cm . THAT IS HOW MUCH IT TAKES TO FILL A ONE Are------the answers the same in c. and d.? LITRE CONTAINER!



You are now ready to develop your ability to estimate in You are now ready to estimate in millilitres. Follow the litres. To write two and one-half litres, you write 2.5 l, or procedures used for estimating metres. 2.5 litres. To write one-half litre, you write 0.5 l, or 0.5 lfow aose litre. To write two and three-fourths litres, you write Estimate :Measurement Were You? 2.751, or 2.75 litres. (ml) (ml)

For each of the following_items, use the procedures for 1. Small juice can. estimating in metres. Howaose 2. Paper or tea Estimate :Measurement Were You? cup. (l) (l) 3. Soft drink can. 1. Medium-size freezer container. 4. Bottle. 2. Large freezer 3 container. IV. THE CUBIC METRE (m ) 3. . Small freezer container. A. bEVELOP A FEELING FOR A CUBIC METRE

4. Bottle or jug. 1. Place a one metre square on the floor next to the wall. m. THE :MILLILITRE (ml) 2. Measure a metre UP the wall. 3. Picture a box that would fit into that space. There are 1 000 millilitres in one litre. 1 000 ml = 1litre. Half THAT IS THE VOLUME OF ONE CUBIC METRE! a litre is 500 millilitres, or 0.5 litre = 500 ml.


1. Examine a centimetre cube. Anything which holds For each of the following items, follow the estimating proced­ 1 em 3 holds 1 ml. ures used before. How Oose 2. Fill a 1 millilitre measuring spoon with rice. Empty the Measurement Were You? spoon into your hand. Carefully pour the rice into a (m3) small pile on a sheet of paper. THAT IS HOW MUCH ONE MILLILITRE IS! 1. Office desk. 3. Fill the 5 ml spoon with rice. Pour the rice into another 2. File cabinet. pile on the sheet of paper. 3. Small room. THAT IS 5 l\flLLILITRES, OR ONE TEASPOON! 4. Fill the 15 ml spoon with rice. Pour the rice into a third pile on the paper. THAT IS 15 MILLILITRES, OR ONE TABLESPOON!


The mass of an object is a measure of the amount of matter in the Mass object. This amount js ;..always the same unless you add or subtract some (kg) matter from the object. Weight is the term that most people tise when they mean mass. The weight of an object is affected by gravity; the 1. 1 kilogram box. mass of an object is not. For example, the weight of a person on earth 2. Textbook. might be 120 pounds; that same person's weight on the moon would be 20 pounds. This difference is because the pull of gravity on the moon 3. Bag of sugar. is less than the pull of gravity on earth. A person's mass on the earth 4. Package of paper. and on the moon would be the same. The metric system does not 5. Your own mass. measure weight--it measures mass. We will use the term mass here.

The symbol for gram is g. B. DEVELOP YOUR ABILITY TO ESTIMATE IN The symbol for kilogram is kg. There are 1 000 grams in one kilogram, or 1 000 g = 1 kg. For the following items ESTIMATE the mass of the object in kilograms, then use the scale or balance to find the exact mass Half a kilogram can be written as 500 g,or 0.5 kg. of the object. Write the exact mass in the l\1EASUREJ.\1ENT A of a kilogram can be written as 250 g,or 0.25 kg. column. Determine how close your estimate is: Two and three-fourths kilograms is written as 2.75 kg. How Close Estimate Measurement Were You? (kg) (kg) I. THE KILOGRAM (kg) 1. Bag of rice. DEVELOP A FEELING FOR THE MASS OF A KILOGRAM 2. Bag of nails. 3. Large purse or Using a balance or scale, find the mass of the items on the table. briefcase. Before you find the mass, notice how heavy the object "feels" and compare it to the reading on the scale or balance. 4. Another person. 5. A few books.

Exercise 4 (continued on next page) 10



1. Take a colored plastic cube. Hold it in your hand. You are now ready to improve your ability to estimate in Shake the cube in your palm as if shaking dice. Feel the grams. Remember how heavy the 1 gram cube is, how heavy pressure on your hand when the cube is in motion, then the two gram cubes are, and how heavy the five gram cubes when it is not in motion. are. For each of the following items, follow the procedures used for estimating in kilograms. THAT IS HOW HEAVY A GRAM IS! How Close 2. Take a cube arid attach it to the first. Shake the Estimate Measurement Were You? cubes in first one hand and then the other hand; rest (g) (g) the cubes near the tips of your fingers, moving your 1. Two thumbtacks. hand up and down. 2. Pencil. THAT IS THE MASS OF TWO GRAMS! 3. Two-page letter and envelope. 3. Take five cubes in one hand and shake them around. 4. Nickel. THAT IS THE MASS OF FIVE GRAMS! 5. Apple. 6. Package of margarine.


I. DEGREE CELSIUS (0 C) B. DEVELOP YOUR ABILITY TO ESTIMATE IN DEGREES 0 Degree Celsius ( C) is the metric measure for temperature. CELSIUS

A. DEVELOP A FEELING FOR DEGREE CELSIUS For each item, ESTIMATE and write down how many degrees Celsius you think it is. Then measure and write the :MEASURE­ Take a Celsius thermometer. Look at the marks on it. :MENT. See how close your estimates and actual measure- ments are. 1. Find 0 degrees. How Close WATER FREEZES AT ZERO DEGREES CELSIUS (0°C) Measurement Were You? (OC) WATER BOILS AT 100 DEGREES CELSIUS (100°C) 1. :Mix some hot and 2. Find the temperature of the room. ___ °C. Is the cold water in a room cool, warm, or about right? container. Dip your finger into the 3. Put some hot water from the faucet into a container. water. Find the temperature. °C. Dip your finger quickly in and out of the water. Is the water very hot, 2. Pour out some of hot, or just warm? the water. Add some hot water. Dip your 4. Put some cold water in a container with a thermometer. finger quickly into Find the temperature. °C. Dip your finger into the water. the water. Is it cool, cold, or very cold? 3. Outdoor tempera- 5. Bend your arm with the inside of your elbow around the ture. bottom of the thermometer. After about three find the temperature. °C. Your skin tempera­ 4. Sunny window sill. ture is not as high as your body temperature. 5. l'v1ix of ice and water. NORMAL BODY TE:MPERATURE IS 37 DEGREES 6. Temperature at CELSIUS (37°C). floor. A FEVER IS 39°C. 7. Temperature at A VERY HIGH FEVER IS 40°C. ceiling.

Exercise 5 12


2 Changeover to the metric system is under way. Large corporations are already using metric measurement to compete in the world market. The metric system has been used in OBJECfiVES various parts of industrial and scientific communities for years. Legislation, passed in 1975, authorizes an orderly transition to use of the metric system. As businesses and The student will recognize and use the metric industries make this metric changeover, employees will need to use metric measurement terms, units, and symbols used in this occupa­ in job-related tasks. tion. Table 2 lists those metric terms which are most commonly used in this occupation. • Given a metric unit, state its use in this These terms are replacing the measurement units used currently. What kinds of job­ occupation. related tasks use measurement? Think of the many different kinds of measurements you now make and use Table 2 to discuss the metric terms which replace them. See if you • Given a measurement task in this occupa­ can add to the list of uses beside each metric term . tion, select the appropriate metric unit and measurement tool.


1. Assemble metric measurement tools (rules, tapes, scales, thermometers, etc.) and objects related to this occupation.

2. Discuss with students how to read the tools.

3. Present and have students discuss Information Sheet 2 and Table 2.

4. Have students learn occupationally­ related metric measurements by complet­ ing Exercises 6 and 7.

5. Test performance by using Section A of "Testing Metric Abilities."


Quantity Unit Symbol Use

Wrapping paper and cellophane, wire roll, Length millimetre mm paper

centimetre em Padding tape, ring binders, covers, wire-- staple size

Mass gram g Padding cement, postage

kilogram kg Supplies, shipping, postage

Volume/Capacity millilitre ml Padding cement, oil litre 1

cubic centimetre cm3 Storage and shipping space cubic metre m3

Pressure kilopascal kPa Air pressure and vacuum settings

oc Room, solution, or storage temperatures, Temperature degree Celsius glue

Application rates millilitres per square metre ml/m2 Estimating materials needed and applying materials grams per square metre g/m2


To give you practice with metric units, first estimate the measure- Estimate Actual ments of the items below. Write down your best guess next to the item. I Then actually measure the item and write down your answers using the Volume/Capacity correct metric symbols. The more you practice, the easier it will be. 15. Small bottle

Estimate Actual 16. Measuring cup (metric)

Length 17. Milk container 1. Palm width 18. Jug 2. Hand span 19. Bucket 3. Your height 20. Small box or package 4. Height of lab cutter 21. Carton of No. 10 envelopes 5. Space between holes on 22. Carton of 6 3/4 envelopes standard 3-hole punch Mass 6. Maximum cut on lab cutter 23. Textbook

7. Maximum width on lab cutter 24. Nickel

8. Cutter knife on lab cutter 25. Yourself

9. Width of a plastic spine 26. Paper clip

Area 27. A quantity of bond paper 10. Desk top 28. A litre of water (net) 11. Classroom floor Temperature 29. Bindery lab 12. Steel bindery table 30. Outside 13. Floor space of lab cutter 31. Hot tap water 14. Sheet of paper 32. Storage space

~R FCR VOCAnoNAL 'DUCATOON Exercise 6 15

BINDING WITH--- --· METRICS It is important to know what metric measurement to use. Show what measurement to use in the following situations. a. Cutting width b. Cutting thickness 1. Height of a skid of paper c. Table space 2. Amount of stitcher wire to be used for a book (2 stitches per 16. Selecting the correct drill size book) for drilling holes for a standard ring binder 3. Application rate of padding compound 17. Setting up a punch for standard three hole punching 4. Cutter clamp pressure for NCR paper 5. Capacity of carton for 8 reams bond paper 6. Length of strip to tin calender 7. Thickness of 250 page book 8. Height of 7 50 sheets of 4 ply Dl I I I I IT blanks _) 9. Length of mailing tube .:::.:: ~ 10. Capacity of drum hot-melt glue UJ TIJ 11. Setting a folder for a center ~ fold of a 19 em x 29 em page __,) 12. Determine the capacity of a '- wire stitcher r--- - 13. Determine the maximum hole lJ...... size of a paper drilling machine f--- f--- 14. Selecting the correct size and .C) type of tape for doing a book- binding machine job 15. Measuring the dimensions of a paper cutter:


METRIC-METRIC EQUIVALENTS UNIT3 Centimetres and Millimetres

OBJECTIVE 1 j"llllllljllll 1''"jlllll''''j''''l''''j''''l'''' jlllljlllljlllljlll The student will recognize and use met­ ( rm uu111l'l"''l''''l''"l''''l"''l''''l'll'l''''l''"l''''l ( ric equivalents. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

• Given a metric unit, state an equivalent Look at the picture of the nail next to the ruler. The nail is 57 mm long. This is 5 em+ 7 mrn. in a larger or smaller metric unit. There are 10 mm in each em, so 1 mm = 0.1 em (one-tenth of a centimetre). This means that 7 mm = 0. 7 em, so 57 mm 5 em + 7 mm 5 em+ 0.7 em = 5.7 em. Therefore 57 mm is the same as 5.7 em.

SUGGESTED TEACHING SEQUENCE Now measure the paper clip. It is 34 mrn. This is the same .as 3 em + mm. Since each millimetre is 0.1 em (one-tenth of a centimetre), 4 mm = em. So, the paper clip is 1. Make available the Information Sheets 34 mm = 3 em + 4 mm ( 3 - 8) and the associated Exercises 3 em+ 0.4 em (8 - 14), one at a time. = 3.4 em. This. means that 34 mm is the same as 3.4 em.

2. As soon as you have presented the Information, have the students complete Information Sheet 3 each Exercise.

3. Check their answers on the page titled Now you try some. ANSWERS TO EXERCISES AND TEST. a ) 26mm = em e ) 132mm = em b) 583 mm-= em f ) 802mm = em 4. Test performance by using Section B of c ) 94mm = em g ) 1400 mm em "Testing Metric Abilities." d) 680 mm_ = em h) 2 307 mm em

Exercise 8


2m = 2 x 100 em = 200 em, 2 000 millilitres is the same as 2 litres, 3m = 3 x 100 em = 300 em, 3 000 in! is the same as 3 litres, . 8 m = 8 x 100 em = 800 em, ~ 000 ml is the same as 4 litres, 36m = 36 x 100 em = 3 600 em. 12 000 ml is the same as 12 litres. There are 1 000 millimetres in one metre, so 2 m = 2 x 1 000 mm = 2 000 mm, Since there are 1 000 millilitres in each litre, one way to change milli· 3 m = 3 x 1 000 mm = 3 000 mm, litres to litres is to divide by 1 000. For example, 6 m = 6 x 1 000 mm = 6 000 mm, 1000 1 000 ml = 1 000 litre = 1 litre. 24 m = 24 x 1 000 mm = 24 000 mm. Or · 2 000 From your work with decimals you should know that 2 000 ml = 1 000 litres = 2 litres. one-half of a metre can be written 0.5 m (five-tenths of a metre), And, as a final example, 28 000 one-fourth of a centimetre can be written 0.25 em 28 000 ml = lOOo litres = 28 litres. (twenty-five hundredths of a centimetre). What if something holds 500 ml? How many litres is this? This is This means that if you want to change three-fourths of a metre to worked the same way. millimetres, you would multiply by 1 000. So 500 ml = litre = 0.5 litre (five-tenths of a litre ). So 500 ml 0.75 m = 0.75 x 1 000 mm 1 ~gg is the same as one-half (0.5) of a litre. 75 x 1 000 mm 100 Change 57 millilitres to litres. 1000 75 x 100 mm 57 ml = ~~ litre = 0.057 litre (fifty-seven thousandths of a 1 0 75 x 10 mm litre). - 750 mm. This means that 0.75 m = 750 mm.

Information Sheet 4 Information Sheet 5 Fill in the following chart. Now you try some. Complete the following chart.

metre centimetre millimetre millilitres m em mm litres (ml) (1) 1 100 1000 3 000 3 2 200 6 000 3 8 9 1~ 000 5 000 23 74 300 0.3 0.8 80 700 0.6 600 0.9 2.5 25 250 1~8 0.47 639 275 Exercise 9 . Exercise 10 18 Litres to M illili tres Kilograms to Grams \Vhat do you do if you need to change litres to millilitres? Remember, To change kilograms to grams, you multiply by 1 000. there are 1 000 millilitres in one litre, or 1 litre = 1 000 mi. 4 kg = -f X 1 000 g = -f 000 g, So, 23 kg= 23 X 1 000 g = 23 000 g, 0.75 kg= 0.75 X 1 000 g = 750 g. 2 iitres = 2 x 1 000 ml = 2 000 ml, 7 litres = 7 x 1 000 ml = 7 000 ml, Information Sheet 8 13 iitres =13 x 1 000 ml =13 000 ml, Complete the following chart. 0.65 litre = 0.65 x 1 000 ml = 650 mi. kilograms grams Information Sheet 6 kg g Now you try some. Complete the following chart. 7 7 000 11 litres millili tres 25 000 I ml 0.4 0.63 8 8 000 175 5 Exercise 13 46 32 000 Changing Units at Work 0.4 0.53 Some of the things you use in this occupation may be measured in 480 Exercise 11 different metric units. Practice changing each of the following to metric equivalents by completing these statements. Grams to Kilograms There are 1 000 grams in one kilogram. This means that a ) 45.72 m gold stamp foil is ------em b ) 250 ml of padding compound is ______1 2 000 grams is the same as 2 kilograms, c ) 5 em diameter die cut circle is ------mm d ) 2 500 g of metal eyelets is kg 5 000 g is the same as 5 kg, e ) 120 mm wide strip of card stock is em 700 g is the same as 0.7 kg, and so on. f ) 0.25 litre of liquid glue is ml g ) 2 000 kg of paper is t To change from grams to kilograms, you use the same procedure for h ) 10 m roll of tape is em changing from millilitres to litres. i ) 0.5 litre of concentrate is ml j ) 2 em staple is mm Information Sheet 7 k ) 280 mm paper is em Try the following ones. 1 ) 600 mm poster board is em grams kilograms m) 500 kg of cover stock is t g kg n ) 4 litre of padding compound is ml

4 000 4 9 000 23 000 8 300 275 Exercise 12


OBJECTIVE METRIC INSTRUMENTS , TOOLS AND DEVICES The student will recognize and use Selecting an improper tool or misreading a scale can result in an improper sales form, instruments, tools, and devices for mea­ damaged materials, OT injury to self or fellow workers. For example, putting 207 pounds per surement tasks in this occupation. square inch of pressure (psi) in a tractor tire designed for 207 kilopascals (about 30 psi) could cause a fatal accident. Here are some suggestions: • Given metric and Customary tools, instruments, or devices, differentiate 1. Find out in advance whether Customary or metric units, tools, instruments, or pro­ between metric and Customary. ducts are needed for a given task.

• Given a measurement task, select 2. Examine the tool or instrument before using it. and use an appropriate tool, in­ strument or device. 3. The metric system is a decimal system. Look for units marked off in whole numbers, • Given a metric measurement task, judge tens or tenths, hundreds or hundredths. the metric quantity within 25% and measure within 5% accuracy. 4. Look for metric symbols on the tools or gages such as m, mm, kg, g, kPa, etc. 5. Look for decimal fractions (0.25) or decimal mixed fractions (2.50) rather SUGGESTED TEACHING SEQUENCE than common fractions. 1. Assemble metric and Customary measur­ 6. Some products may have a special metric symbol such as a block M to show they are ing tools and devices (rules, scales, °C metric. thermometer, drill bits, wrenches, mi­ crometer, vernier calipers, feeler gages) 7. Don't force devices which are not fitting properly. and display in separate groups at learning stations. 8. Practice selecting and using tools, instruments, and devices. 2. Have students examine metric tools and instruments for distinguishing character­ istics and compare them with Customary tools and instruments. 3. Have students verbally describe charac­ teristics. 4. Present or make available Information Sheet 9. 5. Mix metric and Customary tools or equipment at learning station. Give students Exercises 15 and 16. 6. Test performance by using Section C of "Testing Metric Abilities." o:::3'£NT£A roA VOCAnONAC £DUCATOON Information Sheet 9 20 WHICH TOOLS FOR THE JOB? MEASURING UP IN BINDERY OPERATIONS Practice and prepare to demonstrate your ability to identify, For the tasks below, estimate the metric measurement to within select, and use metric-scaled tools and instruments for the tasks given 25% of actual measurement, and verify the estimation by measuring to below. You should be able to use the measurement tools to the appro- within 5% of actual measurement. priate precision of the tool, instrument, or task. Estimate Verify 1. Measure odd size stack of scrap paper. 1. Mass (weight) of stack of scrap paper 2. Order cartons to package customer order of cut paper. 2. Surface area of steel bindery 3. Determine caliper of sheet of book paper. tables 3. Temperature of: 4. Estimate stitcher wire needed for large book order. a. Bindery b. Outside 5. Determine mass of skid of book paper. c. Paper storage area 6. Estimate storage space for 10 skids of book paper. 4. Height of cutter bed 5. Volume of scrap storage bin 7. Figure postage required to mail catalog order. 6. The spacing of holes drilled in 8. Determine amount of oil for hydraulic pump on cutter. sheet of paper

9. Determine number of bales of scrap paper that can be hauled 7. Area needed for skid of paper in shop truck. 8. Size of jar of padding compound in millilitres 10. Determine temperature of paper storage area. 9. Estimated em of gold stamp foil 11. Select the correct fold dimensions for folding a form business to be used in stamping 1000 book letter. covers (15.24 em by 5.08 em of foil ~o be used per book) 12. Determine the number of pages that can be stapled on a stitcher. 10. Estimate number of book covers that can be stamped from i roll 13. Determine amount of padding cement required for a large of gold stamp foil 15.24 em x multiple form order. 50 m (15.24 em x 5.08 em to be used per book) 11. Select size and number of lengths of mailing tubes needed to mail 600 calendars 90 em x 7.6 em when rolled (mailing tubes avail- able in 2.75 m lengths) Exercise 15 Exercise 16 ~ENTER roR VOCATOONAL EDUCATION 21 UNIT ------5 METRIC-CUSTOMARY EQUIVALENTS During the transition period there will be a need for finding equivalents between systems. OBJECTIVE Conversion tables list calculated equivalents between the two systems. When a close equivalent is needed, a conversion table can be used to find it. Follow these steps: The student will recognize and use metric and Customary units interchangeably in order­ 1. Determine which conversion table is needed. ing, selling, and using products and supplies in this occupation. 2. Look up the known number in the appropriate column; if not listed, find numbers you can add together to make the total of the known number. • Given a Customary (or metric) measure­ ment, find the metric (or Customary) 3. Read the equivalent(s) from the next column. equivalent on a conversion table. Table 3 on the next page gives an example of a metric-Customary conversion table which • Given a Customary unit, state the re­ you can use for practice in finding approximate equivalents. Table 3 can be used with Exercise placement unit. 17, Part 2 and Part 3.

Below is a table of metric-Customary equivalents which tells you what the metric replace­ ments for Customary units are.* This table can be used with Exercise 17, Part 1 and Part 3. The SUGGESTED TEACHING SEQUENCE symbol :::::: means "nearly equal to."

1. Assemble packages and containers of materials. 1 em:::::: 0.39 inch 1 inch :::::: 2.54 em 1 ml:::::: 0.2 tsp 1 tsp :::::: 5 ml 2. Present or make available Information 1.m :::::: 3.28 feet 1 foot :::::: 0.305 m 1 ml :::::: 0.07 tbsp 1 tbsp :::::: 15 ml Sheet 10 and Table 3. 1 m :::::: 1.09 yards 1 yard :::::: 0.91 m 1 I :::::: 33.8 fl oz 1 fl oz :::::: 29.6 ml 1 km :::::: 0.62 mile 1 mile:::::: 1.61 km 11:::::: 4.2 cups 1 cup :::::: 237 ml 2 2 3. Have students find approximate metric­ 1 cm :::::: 0.16 sq in 1 sq in :::::: 6.5 cm 11 :::::: 2.1 pts 1 pt :::::: 0.4 7 I 2 2 Customary equivalents by using 1 m :::::: 10.8 sq ft 1 sq ft :::::: 0.09 m 11:::::: 1.06 qt 1 qt :::::: 0.95 I 2 2 Exercise 17. 1 m :::::: 1.2 sq yd 1 sq yd :::::: 0.8 m ll:::::: 0.26 gal 1 gal :::::: 3.79 I 1 hectare:::::: 2.5 acres 1 acre :::::: 0.4 hectare 1 gram :::::: 0.035 oz 1 oz :::::: 28.3 g 3 3 4. Test performance by using Section D of 1 cm :::::: 0.06 cu in 1 cu in :::::: 16.4 cm 1 kg:::::: 2.2 lb lib:::::: 0.45 kg 3 3 "Testing Metric Abilities." 1 m :::::: 35.3 cu ft 1 cu ft:::::: 0.03 m 1 metric ton:::::: 2205lb 1 ton:::::: 907.2 kg 3 3 1 m :::::: 1.3 cu yd 1 cu yd:::::: 0.8 m 1 kPa :::::: 0.145 psi 1 psi :::::: 6.895 kPa

* Ada~ted from Let's Measure Metric. A Teacher's Introduction to Metric Measurement. Division of Educational Redes1gn and Renewal, Ohio Department of Education, 65 S. Front Street, Columbus, OH 43215, 1975.


mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches

100 3.93 10 0.39 1 0.04 0.1 0.004 200 7.87 20 0.79 2 0.08 0.2 0.008 300 11.81 30 1.18 3 0.12 0.3 0.012 400 15.74 40 1.57 4 0.16 0.4 0.016 500 19.68 50 1.97 5 .0.20 0.5 0.020 600 23.62 60 2.36 6 0.24 0.6 0.024 700 27.56 70 2.76 7 0.28 0.7 0.028 800 31.50 80 3.15 8 0.31 0.8 0.031 900 35.43 90 3.54 9 0.35 0.9 0.035

1 000 mm or 1 metre = 39.37 inches INCHES TO MILLIMETRES

Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm

1 25.4 0.1 2.54 .01 .25 .001 .03 2 50.8 0.2 5.08 .02 .51 .002 .05 3 76.2 0.3 7.62 .03 .76 .003 .08 4 101.6 0.4 10.16 .04 1.02 .004 .10 5 127.0 0.5 12.70 .05 1.27 .005 .13 6 152.4 0.6 15.24 .06 1.52 .006 .15 7 177.8 0.7 17.78 .07 1.78 .007 .18 8 203.2 0.8 20.32 .08 2.03 .008 .20 9 228.6 0.9 22.86 .09 2.29 .009 .23 10 inches = 254 mm 12 inches or 1 feet = 304.8 mm or 30.48 em


1. You are working in a bindery. With the change to metric measure­ 3. Complete the Requisition Form using the items listed. Convert ment some of the things you order, sell or use are marked only in the Customary quantities to metric before filling out the form. metric units. You will need to be familiar with appropriate Complete all the information (Date, For, Job No., etc.). Customary equivalents in order to communicate with customers Order the following bindery supplies: and suppliers who use Customary units. To develop your skill use the Table on Information Sheet 10 and give the approxi- a ) 1 gal. of padding cement mate metric quantity (both number and unit) for each of the b ) 5 rolls of 2 in. by 25 yd. roll of black bookbinding tape following Customary quantities. c ) 1 box of 5M 1/2 in. staples d ) 1 package of 5 sheets, 22 in. x 28 in. heavy binder board Customary Quantity Metric Quantity

a ') 5000 lbs. of book paper REQUISITION b ) 4 qts. of padding compound Date c ) 3/4 in. die cut For d) 1 sq. yd. e ) 50 lbs. of stitcher wire Job No. Date Wanted f ) 18 in. tinning strip g ) two- can Deliver to h) 1/2lb. shipping mass (weight) QTY UNIT ITEM ) 1/4 lb. of rubber bands j ) 4 in. card stock k) 24 in. poster board l ) 2 miles \ m) 15 yd. roll of tape n ) 40 lbs. box of paper o ) 1/2 in. margin Requested by

2. Use the conversion tables from Table 3 to convert the following~ Approved by

a ) 0.003 in. = ------mm b ) 18 in. = ------mm c ) 100 mm = in. d ) 605 mm = in.

Exercise 17 24 SECTION A 6. The correct way to write twelve 11. Estimate the length of the line Use this conversion table to thousand millimetres is: segment below: answer questions 15 and 16. 1. One kilogram is about the mass of a: [A] 12,000 mm. [A] 23 grams [A] nickel [B J 12.000 mm mm in. mm in. [BJ 6 centimetres [ 8] apple seed (CJ 12 OOOmm [C) 40 millimetres [ C J basketball [D] 12 000 mm 100 3.94 10 0.39 [D] 14 pascals 200 7.87 20 0.79 [D] Volkswagen "Beetle" 300 11.81 30 1.18 SECTIONB 400 15.74 40 1.57 2. A square metre is about the 500 19.68 50 1.97 area of: 7. A sheet of paper 20 centimetres 12. Estimate the length of the line 600 23.62 60 2.36 segment below: [A J this sheet of paper .wide also has a width of: 700 27.56 70 2 .76 f--l 800 31.50 80 3.15 [A) 2 000 millimetres [B] a card table top [A] 10 millimetres 900 35.43 90 3.54 [B] 0.2 millimetre [ C J a bedspread [B] 4 centimetres [C] 2 millimetres [ D] a postage stamp [C] 4 pascals 15. The equivalent of 290 mm is: [D] 200 millimetres [D] 23 milligrams [A] 12.00 in. 3. The metric unit which is used to measure paper thickness is: 8. A 7 50 gram box of fasteners is [B] 29.32 in. the same as: SECTIOND [A] gram [C ] 7.87 in. [A] 7.5 kilograms [ B] millimetre 13. The metric unit for liquid measure [D) 11.41 in. [B] 0.75 kilogram which replaces the is: [ C ] kilogram 16. The equivalent of 460 mm is: [ C] 7 500 kilograms [A) litre [D] milligram [A ] 12.34 in. [D] 750 000 kilograms [B] millilitre 4. The mass of brass eyelets is [B] 11.41 in. measured in: [C] hectare SECTIONC [C) 18.10 in. [A] cubic metres [D] gram 9. For measuring grams you would [D] 24.00 in. [ B ] millilitres use a: 14. The metric unit for liquid measure [ C ] centimetres which replaces the gallon is: [A] rule [D] kilograms [A] gram [B] pressure gage [B] kilogram [C) scale 5. The correct way to write twenty [ C] kilolitre grams is : [D] container [D] litre (A] 20gms 10. For measuring millimetres you [BJ 20 Gm. would use a: [C] 20 g. [A) pressure gage [D) 20 g [B] ruler [C] scale [D] container


EXERCISES 1 THRU 6 Exercise 10 Exercise 13 The answers depend on the items Part 2. used for the activities. millilitres litres kilograms grams ml l kg g a ) 0.08 mm e ) 3.93 in. EXERCISE 7 b) 457.2 mm d) 23.82 in. 7 000 Currently accepted metric units of 3 000 3 7 (11 000) measurement for each question are 6 000 (6) 11 Part 3. shown in Table 2. Standards in each (8 000) 8 (25) 25 000 occupation are being established a ) 3.79 litres ( 14 000) (14) 0.4 (400) now, so answers may vary. b) 5 - 5.08 em by 22.75 m (23 000) 23 0.63 (630) (0.175) e ) 1 - 1.27 em EXERCISE 8 300 0.3 175 d ) 1 - 55.88 em x 71.12 em a) 2.6 em e) 13.2 em 700 (0. 7) b) 58.3 em f) 80.2 em (900) 0.9 Exercise 14 c) 9.-i em g) 140.0 em 250 (0.25) TESTING METRIC ABILITIES d) 68.0 em h) 230.7 em (470) 0.47 a ) 4 572 em h) 1 000 em 275 (0.275) b) 0.25 litre i ) 500 ml EXERCISES 9 THRU 13 e ) 50mm j ) 20mm 1. c 9. c 2. B 10. B Tables are reproduced in total. An­ Exercise 11 d) 2.5 kg k) 28 em swers are in parentheses. e ) 12 em 1 ) 60 em 3. B 11. B litres millilitres f ) 250 ml m) 0.5 t 4. D 12. A Exercise 9 l ml g ) 2t n) 4 000 ml 5. D 13. B 6. D 14. D metre centimetre millimetre 8 8 000 7. D 15. D m em mm EXERCISES 15 AND 16 5 (5 000) 8. B 16. c 1 100 1 000 46 (46 000) The answers depend on the 2 200 (2 000) (32) 32 000 items used for the activities. 3 (300) (3 000) 0.4 (400) 0.53 [530) 9 (900) l9 0001 EXERCISE 17 (0.48) 480 (5) (500) 5 000 Part 1. 7-1 (7 400) (74000) Exerdse 12 0.8 80 (8001 a ) 2 250 kg i ) 0.113 kg 0.6 (60) 600 grams kilograms b) 3.8 litres j ) 10.16 em 2.5 g kg e ) 1.905 em k) 60.96 em t0.025) 25 2 (0.1-18) (14.8) 148 d) 0.8 m 1 ) 3.22 km 4 000 4 (6.39) 639 (6 390) e ) 22.5 kg m) 13.65 m 9 000 (9) f ) 45.72 em n) 18 kg 23 000 (23) g ) 7.58 litres 0) 1.27em (8 000) 8 h) 0.225 kg 300 (0.3) 275 (0.275) o::3'·NT


LINEAR MASS A. Assorted Metric Hardware- Hex nuts, washers, screws, cotter pins, etc. Metre Sticks Bathroom Scale B. Drill Bits- Individual bits or sets, 1 mm to 13 mm range Rules, 30 em *Kilogram Scale * c. Vernier Caliper-Pocket slide type, 120 mm range Measuring Tapes, 150 em *Platform Spring Scale D. Micrometer-Outside micrometer caliper, 0 mm to 25 mm *Height Measure 5 kg Capacity range *Metre Tape, 10m 10 kg Capacity E. Feeler Gage-13 blades, 0.05 mm to 1 mm range *Trundle Wheel Balance Scale with 8-piece F. Metre Tape-50 or 100m tape mass set *Area Measuring Grid G. Thermometers- Special purpose types such as a clinical *Spring Scale, 6 kg Capacity thermometer 1 VOLUME/CAPACITY H. Temperature Devices- Indicators used for ovens, freezing/ TEMPERATURE cooling systems, etc. I. Tools- Metric open end or box wrench sets, socket sets, *Nesting Measures, set of 5, Celsius Thermometer hex key sets 50 ml - 1 000 ml J. Weather Devices- Rain gage, barometer, humidity, wind Economy Beaker, set of 6, velocity indicators 50 ml - 1 000 ml K. 1 Pressure Gages- Tire pressure, air, , hydraulic, fuel, Metric Spoon, set of 5, etc. 1 ml - 25 ml L. 1 Velocity- Direct reading or vane type meter , set of 3, 50, 125, 250 ml M. Road Map- State and city road maps N. Containers- Buckets, plastic containers, etc., for mixing Plastic Litre Box and storing liquids Centimetre Cubes 0. Containers- Boxes, buckets, cans, etc., for mixing and storing dry ingredients

Most of the above items may be obtained from local industrial, hardware, and school suppliers. Also, check with your school district's math and science departments and/or local industries for loan of their FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION metric measurement devices.

The Oh•o State Un•ver~•tv • 1960 Kenny Road • Columbus Oh•o 43210

1 Measuring devices currently are not available. Substitute devices (i.e., thermometer) may be used to complete the measurement task.

Tools and Devices list