| We Know How Players What to Do, but I Can't Make Them Get Hits
SEPTEMBER 13, SPORTING LIFE 13 the La Grande teaxn'?. record was 16 vic tories and 29 defeats for .356; and the Baker team's record was 14 victories and 40 de feats for .259. It was also d.ecided to make two seasons, the first closing July 5. Fol lowing is the complete record of the second season to September 3, inclusive: oA month ago Joe Tinker offered this swap, W. I,. Pet. | W. L. Pel. Boise ...... 28 21 .571] North Yakima 24 25 .490 E.COL1JNS© \ -BARRY J \ tflNNES but Huggins didn't want to make it. When Walla Walls, 25 24 .SlOJPendleton ... 21 29 .429 the Cards weye in Cincy recently Huggins NEWS NOTES. came back with the bid and was willing to Boise on August 29 defeated North YaKima, 13-3, put it over, but Tinker replied that he would making 15 hits off pitcher Turple. not make a trade until the close of th$ sea Pitcher Bridger, of Walla Walla, in the week ending son. August 30 twice shut out. Pendleton, thus holding Infielder Austin to Act as Manager CUBS ARE KEEN FOR SALLEE. them rimless for 21 consecutive innings. With the Cubs in town, Johnny Evers was Temporarily, But Former Catcher again angling for Harry Sallee. The 'Trojan THE has come forth with an offer of three players, Branch Rickey Certain to Be the but there is absolutely no chance of Huggins parting with the king bee southpaw unless The Ohio State League on May 8 started Cheney, Humphries or Lavender are named its sixth annual championship race, which is Permanent Team Manager* in the swap, and it is impossible to get either scheduled \o run until September 21.
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