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Collegian | Vol 39, Issue 21

Jacksonville State University

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This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Historical Newspapers at JSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chanticleer by an authorized administrator of JSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL. 39 Jacksonville, Alabama, June 26, 1961 No. 21 I Class Officers Dance 'Slated For Friday, July 7 Jax-Men Band Dean's List Attend Music Furnishes Music Announced Meet At U.A. By SANDRA BONILLA The dean's list, released this Harold Thompson, assistant The big social event of the week at Jacksonvilie State C0l- professor of music, and Linda summer, the Class Officers', lege, shows that 12 students Bryan Sparks, a recent graduate, Dance, is upcoming July 7, from made all A's during the spring represented the college at the 8 p.m. until midnight, in the semester, and 71 had an average annual convention of the Ala- of B plus or above. bama Music Teaihers Associa- college gym. Dress will be Students having all A's were: tion in the University of Ala- formal or semi-formal and mus- Denise Aurousseau, P a r i s , bama on June 15-17. ic will be provided by the Jax- rance; William 0. Chitwood, Linda played Suite, Opus 14 Men led by Jimmy Shook. Tick- XeArmanville; ~rederick A. (Bartok) Thursday evening ets are $2.00 in advance and will Clontz, Porstrnouth, .Va.; Bobby "College Night" was ob- be $2.50 at the door. M. Glassco, Joe R Medlock, servewhenk . Other music students Boaz; Katherine C. Grizzadd, Ft. appeared on the program from Master of ceremonies for the McCIellan: Jimmy N. Loti. Har- Alabama, College. Howard Col- SGA-sponsored affair will be Hal Hayes. Crawford Nelson. riett Robillard, Gessemer; Levan lege. Judson College, . Auburn G. Farker, Gadsden; JoAnn University. Sacred Heart Col- president of the SGA, will intro- Stringfellow, Ashland; Charles lege, Birmingham-Southern Col- duce the president of the senior E. Thomas, Henagar; and Don- lege Conservatory and the Uni- class and dates of the presidents ald F. Yake, Huntington, Ind. versity of Alabama. of the junior sophomore, and freshman classes with bouquets Those having an average df SHOWN ABOVE--are winners of the Talent Show (left to Mr. Thompson gave a piano of roses during the leadout. $ plus or above were: recital on Friday morning in righ) Paul Bain, Sandra Reaves, Sandra Smith, Crawford Nelson, The leadout for this dance will Johnny L. Adams, Nellie Jo wnlch he played Intermezzo, SGA President and Deerman. Jimmy be composed of class officers Carlisle. Munford; Paul R. Alli- Opus 11%. No. 4, Intermezzo, . , for thec summer sesoian.. %a, O%*t a; William- .I- Opus 118, m. 6, Rhapsody, Opus are: Seniors: Catherine Dun- Amundson, Porter. Minn.: Judy 79, by Brhams: Preludes, Book Besf Talent ' Show In Years G. Baker, Richard J. Beschi, by Debussy; ant Callade, F, away, president; Don Hodges, 1, vice-president; Susan Hagan. Frances E. Brooks, Wanda I?. Major, by Chopin. Jofinson, Charlotte M. Mash- secretary; Pat Keahy, treasurer; Put On BYJ Haves-CoolevJ J burn; Samuel G. Russell, Gads- and Ernestine King, social chair- By JEAN HAWKINS Can't Get A Man With A Gun." den; Jane Barclift, U n io n man. Juniors: Chriss Evans, Grove; Jane H. .Batey, Oxfordl; McCluer's Helping The ever-ebullient Hayes Next, the CO's president; Paul Bain, vice-pres- Janice M. Battles, Janice M. College Students and Jackie Cooley hosted one of and but ident; Eleanora Hansard, secre- Becton, Barbara Buice. John H. the best-planned talent shows with their version of "TNT," and tary; Nancy Chitwood, treasur- er; and Tommy Dennis, social Collins, Robert L. Cooley, Mary When tragedy struck the home that has been presented during followed with a scintillating ar- Jim Daugherty, Louise G. Har- of Mr. and Mrs. Leon McClyer the past several semesters, and rangement Peter Gunn. This. chairman. Sophomores: Dicky ris. Nona Sue Moore. Anniston. of Jacksonville and they lost there was an abundance of tal- a!%izr@gation,headed by electric Justice, president; Paul Allred, Siberia C. Bennett. Jesse JL their only daughter, Mary Eliza- enr... L --aiitarist Newman Cohelev. in- vice-president; Sara Dempsey, Fain, Glenda B. Morgan, Malissa beth, and a son,John, within a eluded Walter Boswell, 'tenor secretary; secretary; Polly Lor- period of a few months, they re- SG.4 President Crawford Nel- saxophone; Xavier Minish, ren,treasurer, and Joy Culver, L. Morgan, Buddy B. Simpson, son opened the show by express- P i e d m on t: Stig-Eyrik Bjork- fused to let it blight their lives piano; and guest alto saxophon- social chairman. Freshmen: Jim and turned instead to the in- ing appreciation for the stu- ist, Glenn Harper. . Strickland, president; John qvist, Finland; James S. Brad- dent's support and for partici- terests of other young people. Armstrong, vice-president; Hel- ford, Mary Maude Clark, Chriss pation of the contestants. Shades of Elvis! Billy Church, M. Evans, Ruth M. Finley, Mar- They set up memorial scholar- backed by the CO's, rhymthical- en Steakley, secretary; Etois The Johnny Shook-Bill Lazen- Igou, treasurer; and Ed Jordan, garet F. Greenleaf, Maurice ships at Camp Miniwanca at by orchestra led the talent pa- ly sang two well-known tunes, Knighton, Jean F. McLeod. Bet- Shelby, Mich., which is .Ton- "'Boney Maroney" and "Rip It social chairman. rade with their theme song, "All w 7 .. ty Sue Morris, Charles D. Paul- sored by the Ameri~an Youth Of You", followed by these ,en- UP." Behind the scenes and doing ey, Judy Shanaberger, Jackson- Foundation, and since 1945 have cores? theme from the movie. Ventriloquist Paul Bain. with most of the work to make this ville. sent one or two students from "Alamo", and "St. Louis Blues". his associate Homer, tapped to dance possible are the various Mary Inez Brown, Lineville; ,'acksonville State College each Comprising this fine orchestra first place in the individual committees composed of the fol- Theresa K. Brown, Fort McClel- summer. Included among these were Johnny Shook, Bill Lazen- competition discusing the haz- lowing: Jimmy Austin, Chriss lan; Elton B. Camp, Albertville; students have been several from by, Wayne Bates, Homer Mc- ards of college life. We hope to Evans, Terry Baggett, Ernestine Marian E. Cobb, Martha J. the International House Pro- Collum. trumpet; Hoy LeCroy, hear more of Homer's sagacious King, Tommy Dennis, Ed Jor- dan, Joy Culver, Dickey Justice, Prestwood, Birmingham; Henry gram. drums; Ken Mitchell, bass; _ advice in future talent and G. Cook. Dothan; Martha A. Mrs. McCluer has taught a Gareth Bryant, piano; Tom ,variety shows. . Troy Dobbins, Winston Massey, Crow, Eden; James M. Cum- Sunday school class at the First Young. Water Boswell, and Bar- "Here's Pie 1n Your Eye", a Jim Strickland, Janson Davis, mings. Hollywood. Fla.; Frances Methodist Church and their ry Thomas, saxophone. skit writen by Hal Hayes, and Jimmy Tinker. E. Eslinger, Ringgold, Ga.; Billy home has been open to hundreds Tenor Cary Cook sang "Ebb should be retitled "Here's Pie i R. Gilliland, Boaz; Nancy M. of students who have come to Tide", then brought enthusiastic Over You". Mrs. Hudson's dead- Lincoln; Eleanora Hansard, Cen- know. them. Mr. McCluer, a audience response with the "St. ly right was the show-stopper Mrs. Kelley To tre; Margaret Harrison. Ohat- T. member of the official board LO& Blues" as lGs encore. of this presentation that starred chee; Cynthia D. Hart, Easta- ot' the church, has also been in- Return This Fall "Emma's Sandwich Shop." a Hal Hayes as the belligerent boga. terested in religious affairs and waiter, Jackie Cooley as the Students and faculty will be Robert E. Hill, Alpine; Wen- in student problems. delightful monologue written by Hay Hayes, was voiced by meek customer, and Mrs. Hud- interested to know that Mr:. ona D. Jones, Guntersville; Har- son the The two students chosen for Jackie Cooley. as say -anylthing-but- Myrtle Kelley is convalescing old Justice, Calcis; Billy Jack don't-run-down-my-cookin' chef. the scholarships this year are Into the coveted winner's cir- satisfactorily from a heart at- Lee, Jimmy R. Watkins, Hena- Emma Phillips, daughter of Mr. Top honors of the group com- tack at the home of her son. gar; Peter J. Lo, St. Louis, Mo.; cle p'ropelled versatile Jimmy and Mrs. R. M. Phillips of Deerman on his "Tuxedo Junc- petition went to the duo-pianist Bill Kelley and Mrs. Kelley, in Jackie Sue Moore, Attalla; Vir- Sayre. who was salutatorian of team of Sandra Deaves and San- Decatur, Ga. They formerly ginia L. Nethery, Warrior; Em- tion" dance. Jimmy was award- her graduating class at Corner ed second place, individual com- dra Smith for their artistry with lived at Sugar Valley but have ma C. Phillips, Sayre; Gertrude High School; and Eleanora Han- the popular-favorite, "Tempta- moved to Decatur where they petition. *..-3. B. Powell, Bynum; Carlos Sail- sard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. uon . will teach this year. ors. Stanley E. White, Talla- The allur!:ig voice of senior J. T. Hansard of Centre, Rt. 1. After the competition was The doctor hasgiven her en- dega; Gordon Simpson, Knox- Gail Maze mas never better as T. Emma is majoring in bio-chem- over, the audience was, as al- couraging information about her ville, Tenn.; Judith Summer- she sang "Birth of The Blues" istry; anh Eleanora in elemen- and "Marvelous!' ways, charmed by several songs condition and she expects to re- ville, Rome, Ga.; Dewey E. Tate. tary education. beautifully sung by Linda An- Hollins; Hubert Tumlin, Rains- Petite Mary Ellen Johnson turn to the campus this fall. She drew~. Linda sang "You Can writes that she misses, her ville; Wayne Turner, Hickory, "shot" her way into everyone's N. land; Mary K. Williams, NeweH; heart that night with her rol- Depend On Me", "Up A Lazy friends, and particularly "her C.; John T. Van Cleave, Wad- boys" at Logan Hall. ley; James V. Williams, Wood- Terry J. Yake, Huntington, Ind. licking pantomime of "You See Page 2 a Page Twe TheCdlegian Monday, June 26, 1961

School Spirit? * **' BY JACR BR~SCO'~ It's in the air, almost tangibly, this atmosphere of sophistication By PETE SCARBROUGH and calm complacency we find at Jacksonville; and we, the students, are its creators. We feel that the proper response to any suggestion Confronted wit? an amazing involving unwonted effort on our part is an indolent shrug and a muddle of facts and ideas,-this contemptuous laugh. Anyone bright-eyed enough to advocate, say a reporter is going to try to pre- new club with an active'program or an ambitious project, is met, sent a freshman's eye-view of perhaps not with outright contempt, but with knowing smiles and Jacksonville State for the sum- ' polite chuckles. 0 mer session. Willdeny In answer to the question of ' Few of us that this trame of mind is prevalent on our campus. To con~trrnits existence all we need do Is examine our own why freshmen come to Jackson- minds and see our reluctance to work enthusiastically at any task ville, we found reasons ranging except pethaps our own pet project. A sardonic laziness is obviously far and wide: the main reason present; whether or not it is dgsirable is the question at hand.I being that it is a good distance Enthusiasm - that quality which middle-aged alumni with tears from home-far enough away to in their eyes term "school spirit" - seems to run contrary to the be interesting but not so far that natu~esof most of us. It's a lot easier to let some sucker run for we cqn't go home week-ends; to class office than to try for the position ourselves; to complain about meet new people with new ~ESHMANCLASS OFFICERS-(Left to right) Ed Jordan, the school's weaknesses than to set about remedying them; to let a ideas; and because most of us Alexander City, social chairman; Jimmy Tinker, Birmingham, program w~therfor lack of student participation rather than stir have friends coming this fall SGA representative; Helen Steakley. Boaz, secretary; Jim Strick- land, Birmingham, president; John Armstrong, Scottsboru, vice- out of our rooms if we feel a little tired. and a lot of us came this sum- president; Etois Igou. Fort Payne, treasurer; Ken Monk, Bir- It's easier; so what reason is there fop us to sacrifice time for mer to see how we like it. our school's activities? None. Except that nothing no, nothing mingham, SGA representative. - - \ We have heard about the col- is ever accomplished except as a result of someone's unflagging lege through The Collegian, our dedication to a belief. Name them - Columbus, Patrick Henry, Lin- brothers and sisters who have coln, Wilbur and Orville Wright, Ford, Lhqbergh. already been here; through our -We of the COLLEGIAN realize that we are dealing with a high school newspaper, high subject made almost trite by repetition. But the olqness of our school teachers, and classmates. topic detracts not one particle from its value nor from our need Freshmen reactions r a n g e today for enthusiasm, for the courage and the conviction to believe from "everybody's friendly" to in and work for what is good. "I want to go home". Most of The men who founded Jacksonville, like thelm'en who formed us feel that it is better than we the United States of America, had a burning enthusiasm for irn- expected and we find that we are going to get a good educa- practical ideas. Whether the future holds growth or stagnation for tion. On the other side we hear our school and our country depends upon us. complaints abut "the rainy I weather", "inspec'tiong"' a n d "monitors".

Do We Care? I Letter To The Here at Jacksonville State College we have the right to elect any class member in good standing to help govern our student Editor body. We need never say there is any villian in our government, Dear Editor: because we alone elect its members. We are at liberty to help, and I would like to thank the stu- seek help from the Student Government 'Associatioq at any time. dent body of Jacksonville State SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS-(Left to right) Joy Culver. Why are we attending college? We sometimes do not seem to be College for the way in which they supported the talent show Birmingham. social chairman; Terry Baggett, Fairfield, SGA college students, for how often do we function as a unit? A clear sponsored by the SGA on June representative; Paul AlLed, Oneonh, vice-president; Dicky Jus- example is our election of last week when only 34% of us ,voted. 14. A spontaneous enthusiasm tice, Gurtey, president; Mike Oliver, WaRior, SGA representative; l'his count does not include the seniors since none ran. was shown by the audience to Sara Dempsey, Heflin, secretary; Polly Lorren, Spdngville, treas- We must maintain our increasingly hard academic levels to the efforts of all those who prer. prove our capabilities, but we must also be able to associate and participated in the show. Many I thanks to Hal Hayes and Jackie participate in our college functions. We are failing no one but Cooley for the fine job which ourselves if whatever we do is not a success. they did as emcees. It means a great deal to the SGA members and to the par- SGA Is For The Students tlcipants of the talent show when their &foris to provide It has becen brought to the attention of several SGA members such activities are met with that many of the students do not fully understand the purpose of such enthusiasm by the student this organizatien. The Student Government Asgociation is a place body. where students can come to discuss their own problems, needs. Sincerely, complaints+ etc. among themselves and try to work out a solution Sandra Lester in an adult-like manner. The SGA is composed of students elected by the student body. The SGA, at present, is composed of four executive officers, a president. vice-president. secretary. and treasurer. The freshman, No Vacation For sophomore. jumor, and senior classes are represented by a president, - two represcntatids. and a social chairman. The editors of both the Writers Club yearbook and student newspaper are members. Summer usually means vaca- tion time for most of the clubs Your SGA is composed of students working for the betterment at Jacksonville, but not for the of Jacksanville State College and its students. Writers Club. This organization, If you have any reaction the above discussed Student Gover- which is designed to encourage to writing and future writers. met ment Association. you may send them to this paper. informally June 13, at the home JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS-(Left to right) Paul Bain, Gads- of Dr. W. J. Calvert Jr., the den, vice-president; Nancy Chitwood, Cedar Bluff, treasurer; club's sponsor. Tommy Dennis, East Tallassee, social chairman; Winston Massey,. Members Betty Sue Morris Collinsville. SGA representative; Chriss Evans, Jaokwnvifle, Jacksonville State Collegian and William 0. Cheatwood read president; Jimmy Austin, Cedartown, Ga., SGA representative; two poems each and then dis- Eleanora Hansard, Centre, secretary. cussed them with Walter Bea- Published semi-monthly except August by the Student Body of son, Dr. Calvert, and Jonathan the State Collkge, Jacksonville, Alabama, and entered as second- Calvert, ITI. ' TALENT SHOW class matter March 30, 1943, at the Post Office at Jacksonville, The club plans three more From Front Page NOTICE! Alabama under the Act of March 3, 1879. meetings this summer and also River," and "Great Balls of plans to attend a writers con- rire". Directoef Housing A. D. Ed- Editor-In-Chief ...... -..-..-..-....-.--.-.------..-Troy Do'bbins ciave at Alabama College in Judging this talent show were wards recently issued an appeal Assmiate Editor ...... ----.-.....-.-. Jean Hawkins Montevallo. Gawrence R. Miles, director of to those students wishing to re- t Although no new members are admissions and registrar; Dr. main in the various dormitories Sports Editor ..~~...... ~..--.---..~..~~.~.~~...... Hal Hayes being admitted until fall, those Leon D. Willman, dean of stu- who are interested should sub- dents; and Dr. Charles E. to J This is Photographer -...... -..--...... --.---. Opal LOvett mit an original composition to Mounts, associate professor of a necmsat3' prerequisite to in- Faculty Adviser .....--...... ,-....-----.------.Mrs. R. K. Coffee Dr. Calvert next semester. English. sure rooms. Wesley ~homp&n made a mo- Spotlighting- SGA Meets, tion that we have.the swimming Certificate kt party if the weatker were good and a square dance if the weath- 1 FBLA Conveiition Reports Made er were bad. Winston Massey Two Seniors Are Honored John Lestaf a senior from The Student Government As- seconded the motion. The mo- Dade-, and outgoing pre5- sociation met on June 20, 1961. tion passed. In This Week's Spotlight ident of the state FBLA organi- The meeting was called to order Jimmy 'Austin made a motion that we have the CO's at Chat- zation, attended the national by the president, Crawford Nel- convention in Washington. D.. C., em on Friday night, June 23. last week: He was achmpanied son. Ed Jordan, chaplain of the Chriss Evans seconded the mo- SGA, gave the devotion. by John Champion, the new tion. The motion passed. 1 Committee reports were ask- Jarison ,Davis made a motion state president, and Bbbby For- bus, both of Anniston; Judy ed for. that 25 cents admission be Scrivener. Sixth District vice- Crawford reported that the in- charged for Chatem on Friday . = '1 president, and Jean Adams of surance committee would meet night; with the CO's getting Mobile. with Mr. Solon Glover on June 75% and the SGA 25%. Terry 21st. Baggett seconded the moti~. John Champion was a contest- The motion passed. % ant in the spelling contest; Bob- The different committees for by Forbus in the *'Mr.FBLA the summer dance gave their re- Ray Jordan said that nothing contest; Judy Scrivener. "Miss ports: would be done about the flag FBLA contest, and Jaan Adarns, Ernestine King reported that pole. in the bookkeeping contest. the decorations committee had Troy Dobbim gave a report The national project for the not decided on a definite theme. fo* the lead-out committee for previous year was "Every Chap- A report on the band was giv- the dance. The presidents, vice- ter .Build a Chapter". The en by Chriss Evans. "The Jax- presidents, secretaries, treasur- Southern Region won first place men" will play from 8:00 until ers, and socitil chairmen of each for organizing the most chap- 12:M for $140.00. class will he the lead-outs. ters; a pennant and plaque went Ed Jordan made a motion that Terry Bagptt was commend- we accept the comn~itteereport. to the Alabama Chapter for or- ed for the good job he had done ganizing the mo& new chapters Wesley Thompson seconded the on the posters publicizing stu- motion. Discusion was asked for. JOHN McDOUGAL JACKIE JOHNSON, in the southern region; Jackson- dent activities for the week-and ville State CoIlege won a certifi- Ed Jordan withdrew the above ality, friendship and courtesy of June 23. motion. By HELEN &TEAKLEY cate for being the school to or- Chriss Evans reported that T h i s Week's COLLEGIAN is h'Liss Jackie Johnson of Al- ganize the most chapters in the the student activities for the Tommy Dennis made a motion Senior Spotlight proudly shines region. Jacksonville State Col- that the committee's report be bertville. She is a senior major- week-end would be a wiener on John E. McDougal. He is a ing in English. lege also received a certificate raast at 5 p.m. on Saturday and accepted. Terry Baggett second- very deserving senior from Gen- on which names will be pbced either a swimming party or ed the motion. The /moltion eva, Alaoama. Always ready with a warm - af those who did the most work passed with a 9-7 vote. square dance afterwards. John is a 1954 graduate of smile on her lips and kind salu- . '' in achieving this record for the The committee left the wlec- Alabama Chapter. Gqneva High School. During his tation for all, that's Jackie. This tion of the emcee for the dance high school years at Geneva he In addition to the FBLA MissEleanor Kelley up to the SGA Chriss Evans highly admirable quality, plus nominated Hal Hayes. Jo Rossi- was a member of the Beta Club, the outstanding intellectual awards a Blue Ribbon Citation member of the "G Club, and was given to the college chapter GetsAssistanship ter nominated Crawford Nelson. s traits of a good student will Tommy Dennis moved that the member of the basketball by the United Business Educa- team; also he was captain of the make her outstanding in her tion Assxiation for fulfilling its Miss Eleanor Kelley, assistant nominations be closed. After a professor of home economim at football team during his senior chosen field of edumtion, responsibility in the FBLA na- vote was taken, Crawford Nel- year. tional project. Jacksonville State College, has son was nominated as emcee. And come the wahing days of been granted a research assist- Crawford brought up the dis- After four years in the U. S. Ule month of July, Jackie. antship at Michigan State Uni- cussion on the twelfth amend- Air Force, John enrolled at daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack E $taff Member versity and has been given a ment passed last spring which JacksonfLIle State in September Johnson ,will go out into the leave of absence for next year, proposed a two house (student of 1958. He is majoring in phys- world as a teacher of America's To 1t was announced +is. week by government. The amendment ical education and minoring in youth. She didn't say, but know- Entsr -Duke Dr. T. E. Montgomery. dean. - history. While attending Jack- , was found to be void since it im her love for the neighboring , ,Ever since he was a small Miss Kelley will work on her was repealing an amendment sonville, John has been a mem- Stqte of Klorida, one might sus- boy and everybody called him Ph.D. degree in the sociological which does not exist. The SGA ber of the Physical Education pect that the "Land of Sun- "Jackie", Jack Branscomb of area of clothing, which will also officers will ask Dr. Selman to Majors Club, member of, Kappa shine" might be her future Chattanooga, Tenn., has been be the subject of her disserta- write an article explaining the Phi Kappa, dormitory director home. coming to the college campus to tion. nullification of the proposed for freshmen, and has played on A 1957 graduate bf Albertville visit his aunt, Miss Lucille She holds the master's degree amendment. the Jacksonville Tennis Team. High, Jackie was very active in Branscomb, head of the business in home economics from Au- He is the son of Mr. and'Mrs. all extra-curricular activities of department. This summer he is In the EGA constitution, CoIey McDougal of Geneva. Ala- burn University and has been on Amendment No. 7 reads that the that school and was an equally a student and is a member of the Jacksonville faculty since bama. good student. She was a member The Collegian staff. He wiN en- SGA Council can consist of any 1956. other members whom the coun- Upon his graduation in July, of the Aggie Half-Million Dol- ter Duke University this fa4 on John plans to high school lar Band for eight years, playing _ Her home is in Birmingham. cil agrees upon, other than the a four-year scholarship he won physical education and teach the sax', FTA,annual and school in the National Merit Scholar- history. newspaper staffs, Quill and ship Contest. HAYES ScroU, Beta Club, and an officer Jack graduated from Baylor By HAL . in the band. School in May where he won Out of a class that will un- more honors than can be listed doubtedly produce some out- Since coming to Jacksonville here. The Baylor yearbook said stand~ngmen and women of our State, Jackie has been a really of him: "Each year only a few state and nation, Miss Jackie busy girl. But she has found members of the graduating class Johnson. Albertville, and John time for many of her fond loves become a permanent part of the McDaugal, Geneva, stroll today such as listening to good musk, Baylor heritage. Certainly Jack into the limelight of COL- dancing, swimming (when one can leave Baylor knowing that LEGIAN Spotlight .And were can and without foul weather) this distinction belongs to him. they not deserving. dear hearts. and having fun. Jack leaves behind a monument they wouldn't be present. Does she study? Well, you of achievement that few can Both are seniors. don't exactly make the dean's hope to equaL The Betty Crocker of person- list three semesters by just sit- "But his honors do not tell. ting in the Crab all of the time, soaking in one soft drink after for example, of the hard work regular total number of mem- and perfectionism that have another. This gal's going places bers.Wesley Thompson made a She's got it. made Jack's record what it is: motion that the International - and they do not tell of the House be allowed a rcpresenta- friendship and respect which tive next spring. Winston Mas- Jack has earned from every sey seconded the motion. The Ex-Staff Members member of the Baylor student motion pass&d. body and faculty. All members that had not Accept Positiohs "When Baylor loses Jack, she turned in the talent show mon- loses one of the finest boys she We were pleased to notice in ey were requested to turn it in. Tuesday's Birmingham Post- has ever had". - A committee was appointed Jack was salutatorian of his Herald that Jim Bennett had a to see about the public address byslim on ,a st- with pictures class and in addition to the system which was being work- scholarship to Duke, he won a Jim is one of our proteges, hav- ed on last spAng: Appointed ing- been editor of The Col- four-year scholarship to Bir- were Ray Jordan, chairman; mingham-Southern College as King. legian, and we were proud that Mike Oliver, Ernestine he was accepted as a reporter top winner in the Phi Beta Kap- and Ken Monk. pa scholarship examinatiqns. He for the Post-Herald when he Chriss Evans made a motion graduated in May. was a NMSC finalist in 1960 and that Crawford Nelson present a finalist in the Birmingham- the bouauets of flowers to the Another member of The COI- Southern Career Scholarship dates of ihe class presidents and kian staff, Antoinette =O~P- Contest in 1961 also. let -1 lfayes emcee we lead- son, is working this summer for GEM OF THE k~4arole~embe&n of ~atkvilleBsl this out. Troy Dobbins secorlded th8 The Anniston Star. She dso had His scholastic record reads issue's 'Gem'. A junfor majoring in mathematics, she is thk daugh- like a fantastic story, and his motion. The motion passed. a by-line on a picture stary re- ~11-rounded personality i s ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pemberton. A popular student, she Tommy Dennis made a mo- cently. Sbe will retutn to schopl . . shown by the honors in music, served as rtn honorary captain for the ROW during the regular tion that we adjourn. Chriss this fall and will rejoin TheCol- , j fine arts and athletics. term. Evans seconded the motion. legh staff. Page Four The Collegian Monday,June 26, 1961 Ken Porter Gets $21,000 Intramural For Inkineu Bosox Contract Sports and single three trips up to - By HAL HAYES a in the plate. COLLEGIAN Sports Editor Through the night of his sign- Roundup Abreast with the era in which ing, Porter had toiled 68 innings baseball talent scouts'are throw- on the mound for the Millers By BOB- HAYES ing their money around as if it and set 97 men down through The Cobras, lacking the dead- were confetti, Jacksonville the route. His overall liness of their monicker in two State's Ken Porter has "opened" record was 3-0. prior engagements, train their his own banking account. His Last season, his first with the guns toward the unbeaten Bums bonanza, a flame-throwing left men of Jacksonville, saw a 7-3 in tomorrow's summer softball arm, pocketed $21,000 in Boston finish for the big portsider. He league play. Action begins at Red Sox Bonus money. went 29 frames on the hill and 6 oklock Tuesday night at Bilko fanned 59. His earned run aver- Field, located behind college Porter, "Mr. Nice Guy" off the gym. field but as stingy as a Jack age was 1.56. Shortly after the moment of Games are played on Tuesday. Benny in flannels, signed Thurs- Thursday and Friday nights in day night. Territorial Scout Wil- glory for the former Little League sensation of Cordova, this summed's program under lard Nixon and Chief, Scout the direction of Coach. H. L- Tommy Thompson were present Porter issued the following statement to COLLEGIAN Stevenson and his P. 'E. 421 and at the signing. 422 classes. According to the contract, "a sports: "It was, without a doubt, the. Thursday (June 29) the Tom- COLLEGIAN SPORTS EDITOR honey" in the words of a well- cats tangle with the Bums and pleased Porter, he to report greatest pleasure of my life to is have played for Jacksonville Friday sees )the Col\ras and "Crystal-bu Run", namesake of teevee's "Malibu Run", is now to Alpine, Texas, to the Pioneer Tomcats tying up. Thege are League. Here his will State and under such a coach as Frank Lovrich. It's a won- fhree teams in the league. in operation. be former Red Sox mound great, Through next week and until. Me1 Parnell. derful school and you have real- John Robert Cgoley, Jackie, I think is what they call him, and ly got to go a. lopg distance to wL again beet here, action Thompson and Nixon first reads thusly: Pete McNair, I'm pretty sure that's his name, are the stars of the find a better man of baseball heard about Porter when he be- than Coach Lovrich. Tuesday, July 4-Bums vs- shew. And, they're giving matinee performances every Monday gan throwing "aspirin-looking" "I learned more baseball in Cobras; Thursday, July GTom- and Wednesday afternoons at Crystal Springs. fast balls for the Gamecocks of one season undef Coach Lovrich cats vs. Bums; and, Friday. July 1960. Next the Bosex duo saw than I did throughout my Little 7-Tomcats vs. Cobras. Drop in and see 'em. Porter throw for the Anniston League. Pony. Colt Leagues and The remaining section of the Linen Thread Millers of the high school days put together. I schedule follows: Both, ex-pupils of Beginner's Swimming 001, Jackie and Fete No r t h Alabama Semi-Pro owe that man a lot. Tuesday. July 11-Bums vs- League. And quite a show they Cobras; Thursday. July 13-Tom- are "old hands" at the +in-diving business and are, highly capable --... "Remember, it was Coach S-dw. Lovrich who pulled the strings cats vs. Bums; Friday, July 14-- . teachers. They began their classes Monday, JunP 12, and according Against Guntersville. Big Ken- that first got a ,scout to come Cobras vs. Tomcats; Tuesday. July 18-Bums vs. Cobras; to Pete, Jackie's Ithe on19 one who has come anywhere near ny was really humining. Final down and watch me pitch. P Thursday, July 20-Tomcats vs. drowning. read 18 for really appreciate ,his intereRin me and I sure hope I can make Bums; and. Friday, July 2140- the big, 6-4 freshman from Cor- bras vs. Tomcats. The classes, restrictecl to students 14 years of age and over, good espMially for him.w dova and only 3 surrendered In releasing the schedule for are being held at Crystal Springs, a sharp resort pool 9 miles from Kenny is the 19-year old son hits. Offensively, he looked real of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. port& the summer, Coach Steve also school' out the J'ville-Gadsden highway. And, they have a nice good too, bashing out a double of Cordova. mentioned that in the event of postponed games, the two man- restaurant there too, but I'll stick with my Metrecal. agers involved should see John Next Time In Allen and plan the time for the Pete, an ex-Navy Frogman of 14 years standing . . . er . . . "make up" game. Allen and Ar- swimming, stated recently that the students will receive the same The COLLEGIAN land Carter are serving in the training as he underwent when he first earned his "fins". The classes capacity of co-ethdent directors Hal Hayes, rotund sports ed- for the sDmrner months. are to run a minimum of 20 hours. itor of the COLLEGIAN, plans How the league standings got Pete, graduate of Ensley High sometime betwee; the turn of a "Lets Look At The Stars" that way: The power-packed Bums ?a- the century and 1954, was trained in the Aqua-Lung and Deep Sea roundup in UNDER THE ,luted into the leadership role in HAYES STACK two weeks Diving Schools of the Navy. He has accumulated seven years of the summer softball league on a from today when the COL- -. note of ultimate power today experience, including the waters of the South Pacific, Korea and ,LEGlAN again hits the halls. (June 15) as they kayoed the Hayes will evaluate the sum- Japan. JSC'S- Holidav J Cobras 15-6. This opened play me; softball activity of JSC and for the summer months. An ex-Marine, Jackie first became acquainted with water at keep his readers in on the top On July 3rd "Tweety" J~hnGon, fireballing stars of the program. the age of 9, when he took his first bath. (I'm only kidding, he was An announcqment has - been Cedartown, Ga., junior, was the TOO. Hayes will make his own made, in regard to ~ul~4, by driving force behind the mighty at least eight and a half.) All Stars selections. college officials. Bums. His fast ball was really ** ** ** In a truer vain: Jackie, Talladega High grad, has been diving Students and faculty will be breaking qnd he looked tough. "Tweety" Johnson, one of the given a holiday on Monday. July with a capital "T, in registering for three Years, and gained experience and training while working top softball in school 3, which will allow two consecu- his first victory of the year. I with Navy Gunfire Control. He served with the U. S. M. C. for three this summer, stands in the spot- tive days rather than observing Big men with the stick for the years. light of COLLEGIAN sports July 4, which is on Tuesday. winners included Hondo Wilkes, next time. The always-smiling Classes will be dismissed at playinn manager Doggie Austin ~f any of you would like to take skin-diving lessons from the native of Cedartown,-Ga., tells 10:00, Tuesday, July '4, for a Hnd ~anald&ck ~odges.Each of his thrill of throwing his brief ceremony in front of Bibb of them clouted drives for the team of Cooley and McNair~ One may them here in at first no-hitter in collegiate corn- Graves Hall and will resume as distance. Crystal Springs or at their apartment on East Francis. petition. usual at 11:OO o'clock. , Losing ' Winston Mas- sey had the lone homer for the Or, quite possibly, you can call Mike Nelson "Seahunt" and Cobras. he'll let 'em know. Big "Tweety" Johnson , again proved too much for his opposi- tion. This was Monday, June 19, and the Tomcats were the recip- ients of his punishment. Austin Top Star In The closet the Tomcats came to hitting safely against Tweety Intramural Play Too was in the final inning of play when a deep fly ball was erded. Jim "Doggie" Austin, JSC's Most Valuable baseball Gamecock . "Tweety" had his no-hitter. And of 1961, is making quite a name for himself in the softball activity the final score marked into the official league books was Bums of the Jax State summer league. He is playing-manager of the -8 and the Tomcats--0. league leading Bums. ,Hondo Wilkes. streaking to the top in homerun leadership Up 8 official times during the course of the infant season, has with the speed of a Roger Maris. hammered out 7 hits for a fabulous .a75 batting average. One of his again parked one for the disl tance. This came in the fourth pokes was for the distance. inning with no one on base. Dafensively, Austin, junidr from Cedartown, Ga., is as solid as a rock in field. He has handled in excess of 20 chances and muffled NOTICE! It has been obsmved by the none for a perfect fielding average. SENIon Ct-488 OFFICERS-(Left to 9ght) Susan Hagsn, Office of theean of Students The same Austin we thrilled to during baseball season. The Alexander City, segretary; Catherine Ann D-way, Hartselle, that paper bags and other trash president; Josephine hiter, wen, SGA rep-ntative; D~,, are being thrown down on the only diflerence is that the ball is just a little bigger. But "Doggie" Hodges, Roanoke, vice-president; Pat Kdey, wmega, tr- parking lot- are re- hi& Outstand- quested to please avoid throw- it adfields it with the same glamor that made him Urer; Ernestine King, WnnilIe, ~0ci.1 Wdey ing down on the ing the hardballing Gamecocks. son, Wen,6GA representative. ' mom* for pus!