Gpszmmmzm (Iknti.KMKN Anorvtv Summers ' Baseball Commission Here To-Night Th» Final of the Singles of 1341 HI(Rot '" ' I-I STATE LEAGUE RESULTS
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10 VFAV-YORK DAILY TRTBUNE. SATTHDVY, SKPTKAfBFR 18. 1909. Baseball «* Racing <£ Golf <£ Lawn Tennis £> Motor Boating £* Trotting For Your Day's YANKEES IN A FKOLjr Alejc Smith Win* Golf Title fWO GOMT.RS MHVIVE rL()>Y. FJMsHKS RCI.E Work you'll need your faculties. So Leads Field rictrnpnlitan Cham- smoke, light,domestic cigars WITH SAPS. home at Wykagyl in Play for LEGG TO MEET DREAMER WIXS A RACK " ' PLAT TAG SKCKRL at your desk, and save the pionship with Score of 306. rich, all-Havanas for leisure hours. As pleasant the Next; York Piles Up Ten Runs to Alec Smith for th« second ,time In four years the first da] -ndlng with a 6 at the lons home hole. Gold Medallist Put Out for Intercol- Superstition BidUp Galloping as won the open championship of the Metropolitan Hit) card was as follows: After all-Havana, bat not a. tenth None Cleveland. Golf Association on the links of the Wykagyl Coun- Alec Smith. Wjrkaayl— legiate Championship. at \u25a0 60 harmful. for 3 Home Gravescnd. try Club yesterday, with a .score of 306 for seventy- Out .4 4 5 a \u25a0\u25a0 1 \u2666 s—M pitched osual slowness, out 1n... 3 « 5 4 5 4 3 4 ft—4O—7« L«eg:g. lee Doyle with Ms two hole*. Thin was two shots better than Girvrt Out .% 4 .1 4 3 4 .% ."\u25a0—41 Albert Beekel and Harry C. representing Interest was divided at Gn»v»send yesterday be- effectiveness, against Cleveland at «r, •— way with plenty of MVeawta. the far driving "pro." who la ,-> 4 \u2666 4 3 I4 tt—Ts— Princeton and Vale, respectively, worked their tw»en th« racing and the wholesale arrest of coma j^sterday. and the Yah- Wilminirton American league Park has bo many championship goals by trie The leaders will ren*>w their fight, as a to the final round of the Intercollegiate Golf As- eighteen men on the charge of violating the Agnew- 1 rather missed two Robert Ye after hitUng two of the Naps pitchers margins: sociation championship tournament over the links against In Burns of narrowest of The best Jack Hoben*. test parse has been raised by the Wykagyl members Hart law bookinakln*. as told elsewhere freely,. by score 10 to 0. It was one year's Apawamls yesterday. It six years paper. good won a of winner, of the club is about »me has could set was cixth place. Follow- for a thirty-six hole match to-morrow. this The raring brought the worst drubbings that the Cleveland nine In? are the homebred, since a Prtncetonian has carried off the individual sport, as the finishes, with one exception, wtre of no hesita- eight prize winners: Orrin Terry, the continued his good Mad rurered this season, and New York bad Alec Smith, honors—not since Frank O. Reinhart defeated W. the elope that kept Cigar $150: Gilbert Orrin by getting place. thought and driving: kind the crowd 10c score Indicates, the Nichols. «00: work third Barker he tion in nibbing it in. As the Terry. PS; James ISO; Barker. MO; to. better, C. Chick at Garden City In 1903—but the supporters keyed up to a high pitch. Inno lees than three than or- Maiden. H. H. ought have done considering the fact game was not a thrillingone or even more Jack Hotx>ns. $30; Jack Hutchinson. snj that he was never of the Orange and Black are banking heavily on cases the bent horse, under- the conditions, (ailed to right in to mau« »>. off the course. He. had no luck dinary. The Yankees started Isaac MacKle, (10. on the preens. Seckefi chances to-day. On the other hand." Legs win,or at least so Itseemed to many who watched visitors, they kept Itup for The aeurej were, as strength trouble for the and . In connection with the special prizes yesterday follows: has been keen for a chance to measure his the nice* closely, but on the whole the sport was Inning*. Once or twice the defence waver*! Flr»t Thirl Fourth with Seekel, and Intends fight for the **T*'to the jKEUOItDFOJI THE cine Hutchinson won $10 for the best morning roun-1. a "Jay. round, to quite up to the standard. DIXIE up and withstood '\u0084 round., Total. thirty- a trifle, but each time It braced 74, while Maiden won $30. The Nassau profes- Al«c Smith,, WrkMT) ]\u0084<> 7* 7! 306 last ditch. The final round will consist of Dreamer. Angelus and Prince Gal fought out a result, only three of L*Joie>'s Oil Nichols, Wilmington ISS 7S .>•* the assault. As a sional ,jrot $10 tad r 18 six holes. spirited finish in the opening handicap, and after tt for the best afternoon score. .72. Orrin Terry. Canoe I.rook 1..4 7* 77 3i>S» men reached third base. $10 J. Maiden. Nassau l«i) The early hours saw the elimination of Richard difference of SPEEDS of more for the best thirty-six-hole total. 150. 7* 70 was all over there was a decided LIKE AN AUTO, Th* Yankees were deprived of the services H. H. Barker. Garden City 155 TB S2 312 Jackson, the Williams entrant, who so bravely led opinion relative the three at for he In a way Smith was lucky to win the title, for John Hobens. Endowed ifiO 76 7t> as to the merits of Jirsmy Austin at the outset of the rum. J. 315 the field with a score of 75 in the medal round on weights, some contending Prince Gal inning for lex his morning round of 78 he led Nichols by Hutrhinnon. ft. Andrews. .MS 74 79 Si* the that mm* ordered off the field in the first eighteen I.Mackte. Fob. mil- 157 Is « 321 Thursday. Jackson lost to H. Kirchner. a Uni- should have won. others that Butler made entirety Connelly's The enmd only two stroke*. IGoing out on the last G. F. Sparltn*. BraekMwa...'. 16." ** 77 senior, Sets disputing one of decisions. Anderson, 34 versity of Pennsylvania whose home Is in too much use of Angelus rounding* th« turn, while New Mark forMotor Boat* course, earned hoi* circuit Nichols required only -v* for the drat T. Jr.. fejontdair Ml 7«» «4 324 on thought Jimmy was right, and. of he 3. Sblppen, Eanhampti.n 163 S3 7S 324 Buffalo." Neither displayed any class to apeak of. still others found fault with McCarthy's handling eight hole.*, and seamed In a fair way to take the 1. Ftrtngrr. El 160 an ovation befitting a martyr as he betook himself Andrew* 70 ««*. 325 but Jackson's tendency to top his drives* ruined of In spite of the fact that his mount j the Hudson River. slight ripjj'.e lead, but being a trifle overanxious he pulled his P. Robertson. Oakmont.. .i«w «hi *) 32« Dreamer. **> the clubhouse Aside from IMs A. Campbell Boston »1 whatever chances he might have had. Both men anything, the of Prince Gal had drive among a pile of rocks and lost the ball. After 1f.7 70 327 won. If followers Having no competitor Inher class, there was nothing to disturb the serenity of the Herbert Strong. ApawamU). 162 83 «-j . 327 required 4,3 to go out. f-* the complaint. «ia!v«ston colt I the big**.amafl that hr could not get better than 7 the W. P. Robflnnn. Atlantic CHy..I«W 88 18 327 most cause for The motor boat Dixie with Captain S. perfect autumn afternoon, and some eight thou- ' for hole. *> The match between Boekel and B. P. M»rrlman, as ifInter- 11. E. Pears* at Even then Ktehots reached the turn only a stroke E. Barton. Pe'ham Ba- Park .17i> SO MO dropped out of itrounding the far turn the helm, started out to beat her sand fans back and enjoyed the fun. Joe Kitchen Cpper Mon'elair..170 90 333 of Vale, besides being more Interesting, was pro- with, on the own record on the .lust sat worse than Smith for slxty*three holes, and drew S3 fered and was in such tight quarters Hudson River yesterday, and There was a little more than a suspicion of D 6. Hunter. Ensleirooi I*4 8S SI 334 ductive of faster golf, in starting this contest rail' Grand could not make a succeeded la"the £s*l level with a 4 at the next. Smith taking 5. Going David Ociivv. Morris County. ..169 s* B3 355 in the final drive that races of the national motor boat anxiety when ICetcel. the first man at bat for the Yountakah 16» S3 S3 Beckel won the first hoi* in 3, a stroke under par. before the stew- carnival. 3^ to the fourteenth hole Nichols flubbed two G. Ptarsou. 335 move to help him. The boy went fairly ploughed up the water In Kane. picked out a ball to his likingand sent H maahie T. Mulprew. Richmond Co 171 SI M M He also won the next, but the Connecticut cham- agclnst Butler, on covering the thtn*> shots, and, »»ktnjj 6. lest ground that was never C. H. Brown aaackin. 17!» PS *rt 357 ards and ledged a claim of foul mile course In 55 minutes 50 seconds, sailing down the right foul line for two bases. }\u25a0 17;» pion squared accounts by winning the fourth and \ which waa at recovered. none of the brilliancy of J. R. Dow. 6 I*l . til M «7 Anreius. but It was not allowed. of sent him along with a sacrifice, and a »m«e Smith showed S.