-- ,tl '.".. P,ifSp5?SKi3!; THE WASHINGTON TTTNrFS; THURSDAY, APRIL 3; 1913. II John Bolac and Robert Williams' Send in Entries for th Times-New-$ Race

TOO LOCAL CRACKS Getting Ready for a House-Cleanin- g in the Popular Song Game By Goldberg

-- rmr RGKUMbS I . I VJORSE TWW SEND II ENTRIES . 1 Nirv ii.------TVrAT-- H SHE WAS OMUY A ME op f SoaJG TM THE GUY FvrroRc To CJOT OUT w voipe uset WAS CAUGHT 1 ussie, Ttte FOOfcTU T& SfMG UJrfeW ciTf Wall ) WHISTLING 3ye" VJUrVS VR6PARIMG nu7N" rr f topuLAR me Two NJOTfe-V- T Sf ii 2 OR MORtsPQ ip I evieRswJfMc 1 Bolac and Williams to Run in i i I SoUMbS J A bRVKJfeS AMtk rxnifvci-- wiir OIL. "To TOUCH Me R?fc 1 OUMIj I -- TOO MUCH HS MOTH- e- UAJ XOU, ALL YOOK Kl CAM A o 'Wrs. Lce SeAL-S- CoAT- HOC CA&P tviiJ rifU R - "w-u-vc- A U cgfeX Times-New- s Race To Be A Wfc.-rexJbe"- RLATlveS lM tttR COMPLEXION), I'LL POLL OP LlOAJS THff IT riiy-iU- A Bfeom To OL& QOOWTRT WILC a r jr 4 fv a . Held April I Here 12. WULUN SOIL COCC tftlL. VOTTEASAIMST I fl b IT la. JLLLoUfAJ


TrT5- - Pouce Baltimore Man to' Make His VjJIU. HAMe A &im - Fifth Try for Honor Which i""- - m Ajf 1 , I i in.c I S67K5.O0 J M " Ii tBbbbbbm. KfAIA. "Ktn Ml I iBBBBl lBlBBBB a BBBBBBBBBBBm ... - . fc . " llL 6ozZ APjauwb 3y&-c-r !ri J'.mxssv. aio, look mcs?AiAi ; He Has Won Before. Mi it BaBmaBaM Awb v V r jv Be Yoor LiTn.e a KfiM LLLLLiLLi 3hxitloocs j c.iccer. IP Xou WILL PROMUsJ . H b noAiej, Marathoners, Attention! yiaLm. illkJiJ . to ee Mr : ' 1 , Iff 1 f HHitt W7IBw A&. VJIH r MAL TICKET UTTLe B I v Times-New- . No entries for The s IIHfflaiisLl1BBBH&HH iLC ii Ulf IN WHWiwK! IWW I m H fWt S" s. r. . TV BAClLLV, ) -- aratfcoB-rac- e &r am intl to be held April izzmmz: iiHIIiilnffi Jm mis i HrlP) VwHOARe" IK Tg 12, Trill be received afttr Satan. 1 sflH 7 CSUYTHftr day might Athletes intending tu eater the nee sbonll hare their V UQVc lN entries la by Saturday, as it is S r the last chaaee to enter the race. Blanks aaay be obtained at the Sporting Department. Get Into jr-- a k v. r viav m - OITICT U.DCT l lxt line now! CmtS TtlKl'tKn Bam Ot R3LLOU)iMi CJrtlCACio's om all. sows& jl fwh? i eyAMPLS" TVrfKT ARC A, rr too i vr Av - PpoUsJTtMG - V eoARli NAUGHTY TrtIS WOILL.- I The entry of John Bolac. who last oF Be 1 r year Times-New- s cojsosw popular. !f"-W- e ran second In The fo ABoot oMLY KiOli PORMSrtb AC-HS- LS r Marathon race. Is received today, along M-Bo- C1 eViTSJTAlU ,sl CABARETS, THC- - with several others from the Carroll DtM6fts coolb b&pexm OAJTrte Institute. Bolac Is rounding into form PORHY OP THQR. OUW MINC for the race on April 12, and expects to do even better than last year. Another entry received Is that of Rob- ert Williams, the Washington A. A. MAY CALL ON FULTZ SEVERE PRACTICE runner, whose work during the past PICKS NEARLY ALL BOB A. A. OFFICIALS year .has made him a prime favorite for THAYER'S U A the big race to be held from Laurel to WasKlngton. Covert, Healy, Sullivan, Lynch, Galla- Sporting Gossip gher, and Fisher are also entered from TO PRESENT CLAIWS OF BROWNS' TEAM REAP HEAVY TOLL FOR HILLTOPPERS the Carroll Institute, and will make a strong bid for the. team trop.hy. Other athletes were expected from the Mem- "Every Knock Is a Boost." orial A. but the fact that the regis- tration committeeC of the A. A. U., Players for All But One Position Have Been Decided Upon by Twenty Athletes of Washington Suspended From the Amateur which met last night, failed to rein- Harmon Wants Club to Prepare for Cornell University state the boys will somewhat mitigate Twenty-fiv- e Men on Roster Giants are coming. Union for Periods Ranging From Two Months against Washington's chances In the Satisfy Players Through - After Having Downed Johns race on April 12. Next Monday of St. Louis Club. and Tuesday the New To One Year. Seventeen in Line. Baseball Fraternity. York Giants will meet the Climbers Hopkins Team. So far seventeen men have entered at Florida, avenue and it is more than from Washington, and while this is less ilkely that midsummer baseball will bo than half of those expected, there Is George Stovall, the Browns' i It Is going to be an out or lnflelder or on tap from start to finish. Mathewson, By BRYAH MORSE. very possibility Washington will ST. IXJUIS. April S. Pitcher team, one of the battery men. Tesrcau. and Marquard are In good con- Georgetown players will put in a that Bob skipper, has picked his entire Twenty athletes of various clubs in Lyceum Pardello, land the individual prize with either Harmon, local representative of the with the exception of one player, for Following Is a list of those who will dition and will be needed to bring homo Theater between Leo hard session today in preparation for survive the ax: the District and Baltimore are today the Italian heavyweight, Jlm'Gal-vl- n. Bolac or Williams. Baseball Players' Fraternity, may aD-- squad, num- 'victories. Johnson, Groom, Hughes, and the game with Cornell University, Tha Memorial A. C has something this season. The which Inflelders-Stova- ll. Brief, Pratt, Wal- cooling their heels outside the Amateur of New York, will be even more long-distan- peal to e. Caahlon will ''Hopkins at. like twenty-liv- e men under Dave Fultz to settle certain bers twenty-fiv- Including himself, is lace, Walsh, Austin, Graff. and be sent against th having nosed out Johns Athletic Union Fold, wondering just strenuous .than their meeting, S A. A. U. ban. and while these are claims which the Cardinal players have made up of nine , seven Outfielders Shotton. Williams, Comp- National League champions. what they to do during time last the Hilltop by a. 9 to score yester- the m are the Tuesday night. out on a suspension, there presented against ton, Johnstone, Walker, Sloan. Detween now ana oz use A. At that time Pardello day. - ,-- get big the club. The minia- five outfielders, and four catch- worry. the lilting had agreed to throw Is no chance for them to In the ture row grew out or the settlement or ers. The lnfielders who are sure of ,Pltchers Baumgardner, Hamilton, Connie should a. u. Dan. Galvln twice Yesterday's victory was the second race on April 12. p Ilevercnx. Mitchell, Adams, Allison, No meeting managers within an hour, training-iri- expenses. "" ' berths, Including Stovall, are of the board of but the New Yorker win of the season, and was gained af- Henrv Elpnlnstone, the former Balti- their not Napier. Weilman, Stone. With W?ckoff and Bush, kid of the South Atlantic division of the turned the tables on the son or Italy more Cross Country Club runner, who It is a club rule tha all players who Brief, who will act as his boss' under- Catchers Alexander, AgneW, Crossln, twlrler. Amateur Athletic Union ever made such ter many shifts In the team wera Times-New- making good against the Phillies, Con- and downed him twice in less won the last s Marathon report to St. shall receive free study at first; Derrlll Pratt, who has McAllister. a sweeping and wholesale action In than half made when Hopkins made a strong; Washington, Imls nie Mack should worry time. - race held from Laurel to transportation from place job covering the keystone sack about his twirl- suspending athletes as that which last that bid for the honors. Starting- with a In 1SU. sent in his entry blank to that to the the of ing staff this spring. be- night placed Tonight's Is to go has training camp. Most critics at the Carroll Institute bout the limit the five-ru- n lead In the first inning; the the Baltimore News with the assurance Players who can save cinched; Dee Walsh. , lieve the Athletics can flag, twenty men on the blacklist with those wrestlers having agreed shape money going- - Manager Leaves for win the if to keep at Blue and Gray was inclined to take that he was never in better than by direct from their homes , and Fred Graff. they have good pitching. They wno were suspended some sue wee.ks one he Is at the present time. to delighted haven't ago. work until has thrown the other things, easy until Hopkins drew up oa veterans the training camp are ordered to do Stovall Is particularly with had anything else so this spring. twice out of three attempts. Manager Elpnlnstone Is one of the so and work Brief. The Browms' young- far At the present time forty athletes of even terms." of the game in these parts, having been the club has made a practice or the of Meeting of League t the District are without tne bounds ot Mayer, or the Lyceum, has announced every distance race refunding the difference ster expects to excel his last year's agin, on may Kelly got away pretty well at the nnnpcti in almost between what Off agin. the Union, and bid fair to remain until that he match the winner of this up held durlne the Dast three years. For the player paid from his home to the marks In hitting and fielding. Bome action taken by the Memorial bout with Amerlcus, of Baltimore, pro- start, and Hefferman took the Elphln-ston- e Dee Walsh will have to Manager Carsey. of the United States reasons best known to himself, At short. One-minu- Club vided Is agreeable running awhile. Loose playing camp and the toll between St. Louis te Percy Haughton will Athletic and the allied association it with the latter. for has severed his connections with fight It ought with Bobby Wallace, with League team, leaves tomorrow for a be of the District Federation amelio- Whether or not Amerlcus is agreeable on will unat- and Columbus, Ga. the call favoring Bobby. Although he head of the Harvard eleven In shall allowed the Black and Blue to sat the Baltimore club, and run meeting In Philadelphia at which time rate conditions. 1.."UCIL mfich.,.,.i a. - he! even. terms, McCarthy was pull-- Is being the Wallace or old. 1912, ..- ""n- bt when tached. However, there's a wrangle on, Mike far from the schedule for the season will be the next minute he won't. It Suspensions for from two months to -- aa.u .. r..c a. ucuiuie ajiaweri.j . ,i, ,.. ., .i.t, he is still several notches ahead of one year Pardello-Galvi- To Make Fifth Try. Mowrey lives In Baltimore, for Instance, younger adopted. The managers of the teams seems Impossible to trace the rumord were meted out by the board when the winner of the n his rival, both In fielding and home up there in Cambridge of managers at the Caroll Institute last Dout is aeciaea. out the frame. His entry Into the race this year will and his fare to Columbus amounted to batting. If the St. Louis lad can im- will meet President Wltman of the and night upon twenty McCarthy and Sutton contlrbute4 Bellcvue-Stratror- d. athletes. Stecker his fifth try at the prize. Com- $27.40. The fare rrom St. Louis to prove his only weak spot, which Is his league at the lovers of football must evidently wait and Mahoney, Washington the 'best work of' the afternoon, each mark On Sunday at S o'clock the Washing- begin be- of the A. Times-New- Columbus, such as the club paid clouting, he may yet be the Browns' for the gridiron season to A., year getting three hits. The score: peting In every s race since for regular season ton team here will meet the Oxon Hill drew suspensions. Boss, Baltimore Man to Harmon and Hauser. is J26.16. Now shortflelder before the fore finding out for a certainty Just Cross, Linden, and Jenkins, or the R.H.E. the inception of the event as an annual Is over. team at the Union League park. Oxon Georgetown.. x 1 S him- Mowrey $26.16. or will Hogers, whlli who is head coach of the Crimson Washington Y. M. C. A., were set down 50103001 i affair, Elpnlnstone has acquitted demands the exact Hill use Carlco and for six months. Grace and 'Newton, Hopkins 0 0 3 0 4 1 0 0 0 S 10 3 self well on each occasion, and now fare from St. Louis to Columbus, while Holds Jimmy Austin. the leaguers will pitch "King" Brady. cohorts. of Tackle Joe Turner strong bid the honors Noone will catch while three local boy3, Memorial, drew a like term, while Batteries Kelly. Heffernan. Mo- - makes a for the club is inclined to pay only the The honor of holding down the far Shishamlan and Klugy. of the Atlas A. Mullaney; again. go to Peppery Jim Litz. Hunt, and Holloran. will be in the A. A. U. spanks boys. Carthy and Pelper and Elm-woo- d difference, JL21. Mowrey argues corner will again C. were included on the list or six As a result of having defeated Amlle In the modified marathon of the that infield. n, nice. A. C.. in Baltimore on Monday he should be allowed as much as Har my Austin, with Fred Graff as the months' probationers. Cash. Drelsmon-sto- Krosso In two straight falls, at the Elpnlnstone gave liberal handi- substitute third sacker. Frof what The Amateur Athletic Union gave the Duch, and Hays were also set Gayety night, mon receives. back six months. Theater, last night. Al. Maupas. caps to others and managed to win the club on the other hand Graff has shown during the training Many Tried boys a taste of discipline at the Carroll the Baltimorean. will tackle Gallegher's Wildness prize from scratch, covering the The contends Players night, when some twenty Kohr and Morris drew two months, Joe Turner lime that It could have forced Mowrey to trip, he is worthy of a thorough trial Institute last while McNeil and Rathbone got a tomorrow evening. This match is ex- course over the streets in the best time report at St. Louis at his own expense, beys weie set down for from a month of any of the others. Tonight, Elphln-tton- e before being released to some minor month's layoff. In addition to these pected to run longer and faster than Loses and the fare from Baltimore to St. Out at Kendall Green to a year. In some cases there was runners, Paxton and Hlllery, of the Maupas-Kross- o for Technical runs In Philadelphia, and should more league club. the bout, as the latter tip-to-p on. Louis would have amounted to little or no defense put up by the ath- Memorial A. C. were blacklisted for a be in shape later Mike paid riding Fred has made a great Impression knows little of the In the very first race of The Times-New- s than what for from letes, who appeared indifferent as to year. Baltimore to Columbus. The club offi- with both Stovall and Colonel Hedges Both Central High and Gallaudet The registration committee Is com- style of wrestling, and Maupas looked The wildness of Gallegher contributed In 190t, Elphinstonc was a argue In way position, their fate at the hands of the Union. tient bidder, for he finished In second cials, thererore that they saved the he fields his and tried out practically all their players posed or Dr. J. P. Burdlck. of Balti- like a winner at all times. largely to Tech's defeat by the George- felace Emory B. Mike money by letting him report di- Is far rrom being a poor sticker. in the game at Kendall Green yester- Others showed only too apparently that more; Joseph Rettallata. of Baltimore, But fourteen minutes were required town Preps yesterday, the Hilltop prep in a sensational affair. Mcat.y. Washington. ror Knzor, of the Washington Y. M. C. A., rect. Mike, on the other hand, cannot Two of the outfield positions have day, which was won by the Gallaudet their action was regretted, and that and John of Maupas to get his first fall. It com- team winning by 11 to 10. although out-hi- t, local-fam- e get 6 3. twenty-si- x play- or managers Is composed ing as -ar- m alned undying when he won reason out why Harmon should been awarded with the third one open. team by to In alj they were desirous of being in good The board a result of a lock by the Technical High School 2 transportation while he must pay game. or the rollowlng: Latroae Cogswell. hold. The second fall came two tils event from the Baltimore boy in free This will be fought for by four candi- ers took part in the standing. or after players. ours 12 minutes and 22 seconds. Elphy his way. Rasmusscn, the crack twlrler or the resident the South Atlantic Branch; minutes, and was easy for Maupas. All of the pitchers on both teams were 2 IS 1 dates. Gallaudet. team, held the high school t r. Burdick. D. Llemkuhler. Josepn Maupaus has improved wonderfully nished in hours minutes second. guard- enters. Meany wild and they were continually facing John Stecher.of Washington, was third, Bert Sholton has the Job of boys during the last four Innings, rail- Bolac Rettallata, John Stowell. John since his last appearance here, as he the proposition of getting the side Hopkins ing center field cinched, while Gus ing to allow a . and Clarence Dean. has developed remarkable speed out Mitchell Griffith of fourth. Har- Navy Is Winner in on right is Intimated moro and with three men on bases. Tech mad old Russell of Hopkins fifth, and John Williams has a lease the Johnny Bolac enters the marathon At this time it that clever leg work, and will certainly make nearly twice the number of hits that Geigan. C. C. was fielder's Job. The fight for the other District athletes will come under the a great showing against C, sixth. garden be National Bowling Tourney. race to be held on April 12, and reports Joe Turner the Georgetown Preps were able to Elpnlnstone was also a factor in the With Colgate will between Johnston, ban. and It Is expected that berore tomorrow night. gather, but were unable to win. 110 race from Laurel to Baltimore, but Game Compton. Walker and Sloan. that he is in the beet of condition. the registration committee and board ran himself Into the ground trying to Jack Johnston, whom the Browns ROCHESTER. N. Y.. April 3. The Bobby Williams Is another, one who or managers gets through that there got from the Montgomery club of the rew men beat down the Washington man. April 3. Slowness championship or the lcoks good for the Intercity honor. will be but outside of the ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Southern League, is at present lead- annual tournament colleges and high schools Inabll- - four-corner- ror-mal- ly Washington will be weak In numbers. athletes from on the beses Is being laid to the ing the race for the National Bowling Association was here that are not under A. A. U. sus- itv of the Colgate team to defeat the place In the outworks, with Pete opened in Rochester today under but has several who are to be counted pension. Anaiostan Gun Club V t.I-- 1. . Aatarsln from a KT Compton second and and Va Walker suc-cessf- ul In ameng tho first to finish. Sloan also In the running. conditions that promise the most Opportunity was given all athletes to to - tournament in the history of state their cases last night at the The visitors had a number or chances Needs Experience. C. U. is strong. Institute, and those who availed Holds Weekly Shoot improve their score, but railed to the association. The entry list com- Carroll lo The only thing that Is keeping Sloan prises several hundred teams and Indi- themselves of the opportunity were ri.i take adiantage or tne opportunities given the whys and wherefores of the weekly offered. Colgate made a bid In the last rrom nabbing the position Is lack of vidual bowicni rrom cities throughout As college teams come and go from fyjMt. Th. first of the shoots of tha through with run. the East, and rrom points as West Washington more apparent actions taken. There appeared to be Analofltan Gun Club will be held Satur Inning and came a experience In fielding his position, as he far it becomes the deposition on the part or the board grounds. Navy scored In the first, second, and or in as Toledo, Chicago, and Cincinnati. Catholic University has one of the day at the club Prizes will be Is one the hardest hitters the is some representa- that to take cognizance or every plea en- offered, which will be given at the close sixth innings. Canada also sending strongest college teams In the country. In every present squad and Inside of another tives. The contests will continue oer tered, and reasons were given of the season. year, ought Is parts case where suspension had been In- Spoon shoots have been again Inaugu- during which time he to a period of three weeks. Certain It that in these the pros- Meet at Berkeley. learn the Ins and outs of the major Brooklanders are reigning supreme and flicted. rated, and several trophies are in prove to be became generally known the pect. Dr. A. B. Stlne. 713 East Capitol league, should another Job must be awarded the palm. Neither It that BERKELEY. Cal.. April 3. Several Tuckson Against Boxing Law. A. A. U. would deal In no light way Street, will receive dues. Sloan "has the same position at the Georgetown, nor from reports Virginia with ruture cases or athletes partici- hundred young athletes are "expected and Is a is capable or doing plate as the Cleveland star BOSTON. Mass. April 3 An adverse much with the pating in unsanctioned meets, and the Bricklsy Is Out. here tomorrow to participate in the an- harsh hitter and very fast on the bases. regu- Brooklanders. committee appeared to have the cases will carry his report on tho bill to permit and nual Pacific coast interscholastic track Stovall states that he late boxlnc and sparring exhibitions un-di- :r well in hand at all times. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. April 3. and field meet. The meet will be held entire catching glaff. which numbors supervision ot a State athletic com- By the way. the auspices or the athletic or- four, rrom the beginning or the season was today by Strained tendons, the bane of college under until the end, as he has four very mission returned the Joint ganization of the University or Cali- legislative committee on ways and Is merely helping Fast Bout Looked xWLDOUCLAS athletic trainers, have crippled the on classy catchers and cannot afford to re- Jim Sprigman out y, fornia. The preliminary events the means. The bill had been previously Harvard track squad. Charles Brick-le- let any of them get away. on at Central Just as Gould Menefee and $3.50, $4.00 & $4.50 program will be pulled off tomorrow, Agnew, ported ravorably by the committee the football star, has been lost to will be Satur- Alexander and the Pacific legal affairs. Cy MacDonald and other former Cen- For Lyceum the baseball and track teams this sea- and the finals contested coast star, will do the bulk of the re- at the 3'-i$v- son by such an injury. Brlckley hass day. High schools and "prep" schools ceiving with Crossin and McAllister act- tral High School players are doing SHOES throughout California. Oregon, Wash- iW1, been a consistently good performer ing as second string receivers to the Dundee vs. Kilbane. when they get an opportunity. Prin- Wrestling fans are of the opinion iX&VXtiZMWMZZ&V ifeiifiSV with the shot and at the broad Jump. ington, Idaho, and Nevada are repre- above named two. some ago that entries. cipal Wilson announced time tonight's wrestling match at the 'Look JL. Douglas store Ralph Chandler, a high Jumper, today sented amonp the George intends to carry nine box 3 no in W. pulled a tendon and cannot compete artists during the coming season, which LOS ANGELES, Cal., April The that Central would have regular windows and you will see shoes night of April 23 'or year, the team ' tor several weeks. Two Days for Regatta. Ib two over the regular amount gener- has been chosen coach this but that for $3.50. &4.0O and 84..0 that are ally carried by a major league club. the featlierw eight championship contest would be helped rrom time to time by just as trood in htvle. fit and wear as Southpaws. between Johnny Kilbane, of Cleveland, those formerly Identified with Central April 3. Three title-holde- r, Dundee, of other makes costlnsr $5.00 to $7.00. NEW HAVEN. Conn.. The the and Johnny teams. Chesapeake Beach Ry. Tomorrow's Sports rules for the annual boat races between Three of the nine pitchers will be New York. They will box twenty rounds the only difference is the nricc. Shoes Yale and Harvard on the Thames, at southpaws. These are Earl Hamilton, at Vernon Arena. in all' leathers, styles and shapes to suit which been an- who was one of the few pitchers who everybody. you Ii. Dousrlas Georgetown vs. Western H. S. New London, have SPECIAL If could visit W. nounced, provide for the freshman and was able to pitch a no-h-it game last For Sunday Baseball. MARLBORO RAGES lartre lactones at Brockton. Mass-- ana see tor Braves vs. Nationals here. varsity four-oare- d events on June 19, season; Carl Weilman, who stands rlx RACE TRAINS yourself now carefully XV. Li. .Douglas snocs vs. and for the freshman and varsity eight reet fie and one-ha- lf inches in height, TRENTON, N. J.. April 3. Sunday Week Daya Browns Cardinals. 20. side-wheel- er are maae, you woum tnen unaersiana wiiy races on June The varsity will be and Walter Levcrenz. the baseball will be permitted in municipali- tney Athletics vs. Portsmouth. rowed, if conditions permit, at 3:30 on from the Los Angeles club. ties of this State If a bill passed by the April 2 to 12, 1913 15 MINUTES TO MARLBORO are warranted, to nt oetier, iook. vs. Chattanooga. the afternoon of the 20th. W. 11. Meikle-ha- m All three of theie are looked upon house esterday becomes a law. better, bold their shaoe and wear Detroit will be referee. br Stovall as good enough to take -- egu- senate to permit longer price1 year. Tho defeated a bill thanany other make forthe White Sor vs. Oklahoma. lar turns In the box this boxing exhibitions under the supervis- SPECIAL TRAIN Marlboro Races The Best $3.00 and $8J0 Boys' Boom the Warld. Georee Baumcardner. Mack Allison. ion of an athletic commission. On Itaee Daya ii Cornell vs. Virginia, at Charlottes- Stahl Is Welcomed. right MAI and Roy Mitchell are the three I.ravea Washington (Union Station) April 2 to 12 ITiniUltlialW.L.Bwilu.iM ville. handers who win do the bulk of uie 31., NO CHAMPAIGN, 111.. April 3. Jake Napier Shuts Out Virginia. 1 1. running direct to race track. Leave Dlntrlct Unr at 12:00 TAKE SUBSTITUTE. hurling; with Adams, and either Ii-i- K W. L. ihoM not for sal. la yon Tldnlty Colgate vs. Pennsylvania State, at atring Returning OiOO M. noon and I. M. Leave Marl- Dootlu an Stahl. alumnus of the University of Stone or Snyder as second at or abont F. boro Immediately after lout rare. oroer uxwt iron we factory aaa lav. 100 nuaoivman State College, Pennsylvania. Illinois, and manager and stockholder pitchers. CHARLOTTESVILLE. Va.. April 6. prsii. anc. rwy memov oi m iwnuj. New York Ave. w pnoN.ir nw. powagv vw. . vs. "University of the world's champion Boston Red The extra player wnlcn win mnite The Montreal International Leaguers Takr Car direct dt ram amherst Catholic x. to Line. Mr iti Sox, Is the hero of the town for book- up the total of twenty-si- which is the had little trouble yesterday shutting ROUND TRIP District tfrriuwill ibow yon howuiBro'ato order by mailuu.and why here. ing great team The Red Sox limit that a major league club can carry i. ,. the MrglnU varsity team. 6 to 0. Sl.00 l htc noHT on Tour iom wmr. his here. I 50c-Rou- nd Trip-SO- . BOIiaLAS, ncktoa, Maw. vs. SL Joseph's, at easily won the first game, 10 to 0, but after May 16. will not be selected until though the collegians equaled the num- c Dickinson that didn't Interfere with' the warm after the season Is well advanced, Sto- ber ot hits made by the Royals Neff, Co.: walcome accorded Stahl. - vall being unable to state at present it Llle, and Beckwlth each got two hits. PENNSYLVANIA R. K. W.L.Douslas Shos 905 Ponnsylvanla Av.N.W.

iNS-C- -- - 4fcwji ar ' - jt.a. - J- - r(-- 2 . tT'"-- rr t