21 VOL. 39 Jacksonville, Alabama, June 26, 1961 No. I Class Officers Dance 'Slated For Friday, July 7 Jax-Men Band Dean's List Attend Music Furnishes Music Announced Meet At U. A. By SANDRA BONILLA The dean's list, released this Harold Thompson, assistant The big social event of the week at Jacksonvilie State C0l- professor of music, and Linda summer, the Class Officers', lege, shows that 12 students Bryan Sparks, a recent graduate, Dance, is upcoming July 7, from made all A's during the spring represented the college at the 8 p.m. until midnight, in the semester, and 71 had an average annual convention of the Ala- of B plus or above. bama Music Teaihers Associa- college gym. Dress will be Students having all A's were: tion in the University of Ala- formal or semi-formal and mus- Denise Aurousseau, P a r i s , bama on June 15-17. ic will be provided by the Jax- rance; William 0. Chitwood, Linda played Suite, Opus 14 Men led by Jimmy Shook. Tick- eArmanville; ~rederick A. X (Bartok) Thursday evening ets are $2.00 in advance and will Clontz, Porstrnouth, .Va.; Bobby "College Night" was ob- be $2.50 at the door. M. Glassco, Joe R Medlock, servewhenk . Other music students Boaz; Katherine C. Grizzadd, Ft. appeared on the program from Master of ceremonies for the McCIellan: Jimmy N. Loti. Har- Alabama, College. Howard Col- SGA-sponsored affair will be Hal Hayes. Crawford Nelson. riett Robillard, Gessemer; Levan lege. Judson College, . Auburn G. Farker, Gadsden; JoAnn University. Sacred Heart Col- president of the SGA, will intro- Stringfellow, Ashland; Charles lege, Birmingham-Southern Col- duce the president of the senior E. Thomas, Henagar; and Don- lege Conservatory and the Uni- class and dates of the presidents ald F. Yake, Huntington, Ind. versity of Alabama. of the junior sophomore, and freshman classes with bouquets Those having an average df SHOWN ABOVE--are winners of the Talent Show (left to Mr. Thompson gave a piano of roses during the leadout. $ plus or above were: recital on Friday morning in righ) Paul Bain, Sandra Reaves, Sandra Smith, Crawford Nelson, The leadout for this dance will Johnny L. Adams, Nellie Jo wnlch he played Intermezzo, SGA President and Jimmy Deerman. be composed of class officers Carlisle. Munford; Paul R. Alli- Opus 11%. No. 4, Intermezzo, .I- . , for thec summer sesoian.. %a, O%*t a; William- Opus 118, 6, Rhapsody, Opus m. are: Seniors: Catherine Dun- Amundson, Porter. Minn.: Judy 79, by Brhams: Preludes, Book Besf Talent ' Show In Years G. Baker, Richard J. Beschi, 1, by Debussy; ant Callade, F, away, president; Don Hodges, vice-president; Susan Hagan. Frances E. Brooks, Wanda I?. Major, by Chopin. Jofinson, Charlotte Mash- secretary; Pat Keahy, treasurer; M. Put On BYJ Haves-CoolevJ J burn; Samuel G. Russell, Gads- and Ernestine King, social chair- By JEAN HAWKINS Can't Get A Man With A Gun." man. Juniors: Chriss Evans, den; Jane Barclift, U n i o n Grove; Jane H. .Batey, Oxfordl; McCluer's Helping The ever-ebullient Hayes Next, the CO's president; Paul Bain, vice-pres- Janice M. Battles, Janice M. College Students and Jackie Cooley hosted one of and but ident; Eleanora Hansard, secre- Becton, Barbara Buice. John H. the best-planned talent shows with their version of "TNT," and tary; Nancy Chitwood, treasur- er; and Tommy Dennis, social Collins, Robert L. Cooley, Mary When tragedy struck the home that has been presented during followed with a scintillating ar- Jim Daugherty, Louise G. Har- of Mr. and Mrs. Leon McClyer the past several semesters, and rangement Peter Gunn. This. chairman. Sophomores: Dicky ris. Nona Sue Moore. Anniston. of Jacksonville and they lost there was an abundance of tal- a!%izr@gation,headed by electric Justice, president; Paul Allred, .. L Siberia C. Bennett. Jesse JL their only daughter, Mary Eliza- enr. --aiitarist Newman Cohelev. in- vice-president; Sara Dempsey, beth, and a son, John, within a eluded Walter Boswell, 'tenor secretary; secretary; Polly Lor- Fain, Glenda B. Morgan, Malissa SG.4 President Crawford Nel- L. Morgan, Buddy B. Simpson, period of a few months, they re- saxophone; Xavier Minish, ren, treasurer, and Joy Culver, fused to let it blight their lives son opened the show by express- piano; and guest alto saxophon- social chairman. Freshmen: Jim P i e d m on t: Stig-Eyrik Bjork- ing appreciation for the stu- and turned instead to the in- ist, Glenn Harper. Strickland, president; John qvist, Finland; James S. Brad- dent's support and for partici- terests of other young people. Armstrong, vice-president; Hel- ford, Mary Maude Clark, Chriss pation of the contestants. Shades of Elvis! Billy Church, M. Evans, Ruth M. Finley, Mar- They set up memorial scholar- backed by the CO's, rhymthical- en Steakley, secretary; Etois The Johnny Shook-Bill Lazen- Igou, treasurer; and Ed Jordan, garet F. Greenleaf, Maurice ships at Camp Miniwanca at by orchestra led the talent pa- ly sang two well-known tunes, Knighton, Jean F. McLeod. Bet- Shelby, Mich., which is .Ton- "'Boney Maroney" and "Rip It social chairman. rade with their theme song, "All w 7 .. ty Sue Morris, Charles D. Paul- sored by the Ameri~anYouth Of You", followed by these ,en- UP." Behind the scenes and doing ey, Judy Shanaberger, Jackson- Foundation, and since 1945 have cores? theme from the movie. Ventriloquist Paul Bain. with most of the work to make this ville. sent one or two students from "Alamo", and "St. Louis Blues". his associate Homer, tapped to dance possible are the various Mary Inez Brown, Lineville; ,'acksonville State College each Comprising this fine orchestra first place in the individual committees composed of the fol- Theresa K. Brown, Fort McClel- summer. Included among these were Johnny Shook, Bill Lazen- competition discusing the haz- lowing: Jimmy Austin, Chriss lan; Elton B. Camp, Albertville; students have been several from by, Wayne Bates, Homer Mc- ards of college life. We hope to Evans, Terry Baggett, Ernestine Marian E. Cobb, Martha J. the International House Pro- Collum. trumpet; Hoy LeCroy, hear more of Homer's sagacious King, Tommy Dennis, Ed Jor- dan, Joy Culver, Dickey Justice, Prestwood, Birmingham; Henry gram. drums; Ken Mitchell, bass; _ advice in future talent and G. Cook. Dothan; Martha A. Mrs. McCluer has taught a Gareth Bryant, piano; Tom ,variety shows. Troy Dobbins, Winston Massey, Crow, Eden; James M. Cum- Sunday school class at the First Young. Water Boswell, and Bar- "Here's Pie 1n Your Eye", a Jim Strickland, Janson Davis, mings. Hollywood. Fla.; Frances Methodist Church and their ry Thomas, saxophone. skit writen by Hal Hayes, and Jimmy Tinker. E. Eslinger, Ringgold, Ga.; Billy home has been open to hundreds Tenor Cary Cook sang "Ebb should be retitled "Here's Pie i R. Gilliland, Boaz; Nancy M. of students who have come to Tide", then brought enthusiastic Over You". Mrs. Hudson's dead- Lincoln; Eleanora Hansard, Cen- know. them. Mr. McCluer, a audience response with the "St. ly right was the show-stopper Mrs. Kelley To tre; Margaret T. Harrison. Ohat- member of the official board LO& Blues" as lGs encore. of this presentation that starred chee; Cynthia D. Hart, Easta- ot' the church, has also been in- Return This Fall "Emma's Sandwich Shop." a Hal Hayes as the belligerent boga. terested in religious affairs and waiter, Jackie Cooley as the Students and faculty will be Robert E. Hill, Alpine; Wen- in student problems. delightful monologue written by Hay Hayes, was voiced by meek customer, and Mrs. Hud- interested to know that Mr:. ona D. Jones, Guntersville; Har- son the The two students chosen for Jackie Cooley. as say -anylthing-but- Myrtle Kelley is convalescing old Justice, Calcis; Billy Jack don't-run-down-my-cookin' chef. the scholarships this year are Into the coveted winner's cir- satisfactorily from a heart at- Lee, Jimmy R. Watkins, Hena- Emma Phillips, daughter of Mr. Top honors of the group com- tack at the home of her son. gar; Peter J. Lo, St. Louis, Mo.; cle p'ropelled versatile Jimmy and Mrs. R. M. Phillips of Deerman on his "Tuxedo Junc- petition went to the duo-pianist Bill Kelley and Mrs. Kelley, in Jackie Sue Moore, Attalla; Vir- Sayre. who was salutatorian of team of Sandra Deaves and San- Decatur, Ga. They formerly ginia L. Nethery, Warrior; Em- tion" dance. Jimmy was award- her graduating class at Corner ed second place, individual com- dra Smith for their artistry with lived at Sugar Valley but have ma C. Phillips, Sayre; Gertrude High School; and Eleanora Han- the popular-favorite, "Tempta- moved to Decatur where they petition. *..-3. B. Powell, Bynum; Carlos Sail- sard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. uon . will teach this year. ors. Stanley E. White, Talla- The allur!:ig voice of senior J. T. Hansard of Centre, Rt. 1. After the competition was The doctor hasgiven her en- dega; Gordon T. Simpson, Knox- Gail Maze mas never better as Emma is majoring in bio-chem- over, the audience was, as al- couraging information about her ville, Tenn.; Judith Summer- she sang "Birth of The Blues" istry; anh Eleanora in elemen- and "Marvelous!' ways, charmed by several songs condition and she expects to re- ville, Rome, Ga.; Dewey E. Tate. tary education. beautifully sung by Linda An- Hollins; Hubert Tumlin, Rains- Petite Mary Ellen Johnson turn to the campus this fall. She drew~. Linda sang "You Can writes that she misses, her ville; Wayne Turner, Hickory, "shot" her way into everyone's N. land; Mary K. Williams, NeweH; heart that night with her rol- Depend On Me", "Up A Lazy friends, and particularly "her C.; John T.
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