LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 25, 1905, 10 HANDICAP won; GulUvant, second; Gold Sifter, Lad second, 81s Lee third. Time, TOMAN, WHOSE DRIVE WON YESTERDAY'S GAME BROOKLYN third. Time, 1:08 1-5. 1:40 2-5. "JIMMY" Col. WILLBE TODAY Eclipse stakes, five and a half fur- Five furlongs—The Saracen won. longs—Vendor won; Jacobite, second; Cronston second. Hoi Pollol third. HENLEY PITCHES Time, SERAPHS WIN Battle Ax, third. Time, 1:08 4-5. 1:01 2-5. won, BIG EVENT AT THE GRAVEBEND stnken, mile nnd ft quarter- One mile—Edna. Tanner Neva / Belmont Welch second, third. Time, 1:42. COURSE Tanya, 121 (Hlldebrnnd), 11 to 5, won; Orient WINNING BALL Blandy, 12* (W. Davis), 4 to 1, second; IN 4 to 1, third. WINNERB AT THE FIFTEENTH Shot, (fVNell), Twelve Horsei Will Probably Face Hot 12S Time, Merry Lark, Tied Friar, ELM RIDGE TRACK TOO the Barrier In New York's Classic. 2:0». By Assncliiteii Presn. TOMAN'S TIMELY STICK DOES SEALS' YOUNG TWIRLER The West Will Be Well Repre. Wild Mint and Flinders nlso ran. KANSAS CITY, May 24.-Elm Rldga sented The Grand National steeplechase, results: SEATTLE Mackey IT AGAIN MUCH FOR about two miles nnd a half— Four and one-half furlongs—Meadow Dwyer, won; Arlan, second; Hylaa, 1 won, Prern. Breeze Earl Rogers second, Ra« By Asimelnfeii third. Time, B:03 2-6. Time, NEW YORK, May 24.—From the mona IIthird. :62%. Seven furlongs— New York won; Red furlongs— won, GAME CHARLEY HALL ON MOUND long, broad otretohos of the new Bel- Six Melodious Arlara GRAHAM PUT OUT OF Knight, second; Kenllworth, third. second, Hattle Carr third. Time, 1:14. mont park to the historic course nt — Time, won, Oravesend, racing Interest 1:27 2-6. One mile Idle Federal second, Ventura Lad Has an Day and eastern Time, Umpire Is Or. Off tomorrow the nine- Modred third. 1:41%. Arouses Ire of the and will move with furlong— — Hia Delivery Is Clouted for teenth running of the classic Hrooklyn HOW THEY ...aN AT THE One mile nnd a Bondage Grounds Mike second, Time, dered From the An even dozen thorough- BT. LOUIS FAIR GROUNDS won, Devout Leila third. Seven Hits—The handlcflp. Belle finished first, but Fisher and His breds are named na contenders for the By A«ioclat#d Press. 1:52<4. Ancott Figures purse. Delhi hns the honor of ST. LOUIS, May 24.— Fnlr Orounds was disqualified for fouling. Trouble* $20,000 mile— Sweet Tone won, Kernel tarrying top weight, hla Impost being results: One furlongs— Macy Jr. second, Gold Bell third. Time, 124 pounds. The known class of Delhi Four nnd n half 1:41V4. By Associated Tress. won, second, Birmingham Five and one-half furlongs—Oranada Standing of the Clubs SAN FRANCISCO. May 24.—Seattle will prohnbly send him to the post Condre I'lnyrilWon. I.'" P. C. Time, won, Parvo second, Hadur third. Time, ** " able the choice of tire puhllc. Lord of the third. 1:09. ficomn 20 was to secure but three hits off furlongs— Ony Adelaide won, l:08V4. l» 'III Vale, belonging to August Beitnont. Six Henley barely escaped shutout second, Punffi?'Kinrt^:::::::Franrlncn BO IIit iU : and a tnkrs the place of Beldame In the Bonebrnke Alamode third. 1 •' Time, J&tfJT.0Mtttl« «47 1220 5 -\u25a0«• on Kane's steal home In the seventh Hrooklyn. There Is no denying the 1:14 3-4. MAY YET RESULT SERIOUSLY ::::::::::: H 4 \u25a0 47 20 -\u25a0 furlongs— High Portland ...\u25a0\u25a0 -N when nn effort was being made to rtrength of the entry of C. F. Itowe, Five and one half won, Humorist second, Pretty Attack on Miss Arguello.Den Leaves Los Angeles, 2; Tacoma, 1. catch a man at second. The locals fell the western owner whose colors will Chance be Colonial CJIrl. \V. B, Jen- Nellie third. Time, 1:09. Her In Bad Condition It was a troubled meeting on the on Charley Hall for two hits in the seen on Gregor won, Re- nings, another western owner, shows n One mile— K. Au Miss Josephine Ar- Chutes park diamond yesterday after- fourth and three In the sixth, allowing second, Rod third. Time The condition of strong hand In the Brooklyn with volr Terns guello-Den of 1215 New Hampshlro Mr. J. Ira had a perfectly noon. Davis a total of six runs and making the Proper nnd Dainty. 1:40. street, whose life threatened by furlongs— Lady Vashtl won, Van was n awful time with unruly and belligerent day's sport rather one-sided. Tomorrow marks the Inauguration of Six negro Tuesday afternoon, was slightly Ness second, Frnnk Bell third. Time who hated to lend heed to The score: the new scnle of prices on metropoli- Improved yesterday, but she Is still suf- ball players 1:14. the official mandate. And then there| SEATTLE. tan tracks, the grand stand admission fering from a severe nervous shock, All X IB SB PO A E being placed at $3. Mile and one sixteenth— Canyon won, solid of ball bin*-1 Kane, and It Is said that she Is not yet out of were fifteen 3b 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 entries, Docile second, Miss Betty third. Time litiR besides. Fireman Fitzpatrlck Miller, if 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 The Jockeys, weights nnd danger, as a relapse of appendicitis, Houtz. If 2 0 0-0 3 0 U proboble odds for the handicap fol- 1:48 2-5. Is now convalescing, la slipped over the twisters for the north- Kemmer. lb 3 0 0 n 5 1 0 * from which she Frary, c 3 I) 1 0 8 J P low that rangy individual, (i feared. ern men Rnd two out, winning by score Mcllal*,cf 3 0 0 1 0 1 Horse- Jockey. Weight. Odds. AT THE Ball, his the locals a Hall, pr 1 3 1 1 WINNERS The indignation of the people liv- Warren produced choicest IAPS HAVE EASY 3 0 0 » Delhi (Shaw) 122 3-1 PARK COURSE of 6 to 3. Attendance 2400. Score: O'Brien. Ib 3 0 0 0 1 0 nroomstlck (.1. Mftrtln) 119 even UNION ing In the Pico Heights district has slants for the Angels. S. C, R. H. E. C. Hall, p 3 0 0 0 .0 3 J) Lord of the Vale (W, Davis) US 4-1 By Associated Tress. TIME WITH U. o ~' reached such high pitch because of In the seventh period both contin- St. I.ouls J J •Dainty (O'Neill) 114 8-1 LOUIS, May Union, Park a Totals 28 *T ~3 Ti ~8 3 •Proper (B. Smith) Ktf 8-1 ST. 24.— to Arguello-Den of on the hide and Pelty and Sugden; Tannehlll. the insults which Miss gents ball basters lit Overwhelm the Batteries— SAN FRANX'ISCO. ••First Mason (Lynn) IIS 5-1 Results: In brining of their col- Waseda Ball Tossers Crlger and McOovern. X ••Colonlan Girl (Hooker) 11l fi-1 has been subjected within the last few succeeded one AB R IB SB TO A (Hlldehrand) 12-1 One mile and seventy yards—Gllfan Methodists on University Waldron. cf 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 Orazlallo 1M days that additional police protection leagues over the terminal rubber. IN Spencer, rf 3 1 2 0 1 1 » 81:- Brlllar (Kelly) 03 lno-l won, Opalant second, Objlbwa third. CLEVELAND TRIUMPHS (Knnpp) has been demanded. eight snappy innings after Diamond Moliler. 2h 3 1 0 0 2 2 0 I>-onldas 104 20-1 Time, It was THE THIRTEENTH Illldebrand, Pasadena ( ) M .2M 1:4" 3-5. broken, AVaseda, 13; U. S. C, 6. If 3 1 1 1 2 0 0 3(1-1 "Such characters as that negro will that before the deadlock was | By Associated Trees. Irwln.3b ... 4 1 2 1 1 4 0 Oftrlch• ( ) " 92 One mile—Eva Clalr won, Catallne The Japanese lined up Jennings entry. Itowe entry. not be tolerated In this vicinity for a and it was -Jimmy" Toman's tean\ CLEVELAND, May 24.—Cleveland Healon. lb 2 1 0 0 11 0 0 second, third. Time little for their last game In Southern Cali- Wilson, c 2 1 1 1 5 2 0 Miss McKenna day," said a prominent man of Pico brought seance to a final split Philadelphia today, 1 0 3 3 0 Btlck that the fornia against the ball team of the even with Uochnauer 3 0 1:42 4-5. Heights yesterday afternoon, "and if In the the inning Henley, p 4 0 0 0 0 seventy yards—Mid-. victory possession of winning In thirteenth on TANYACAPTURES THE mile and end with University of Southern California 3J! One it is necessary -we will take the matter hits by and Rhodes and two Totals 27 6 7 3 27 15 2 night Minstrel won, Asclepias second, the Seraphs. yesterday at 3:30 Stovall RICH BELMONT STAKES to part afternoon on the lat- SCORE BY INNINGS. In our own hands free this of Toman's timely wallop won the seven- 1 outs. Cleveland's three errors Rave — Noel third. Time, 1:48. city any such ters' diamond. Seattle 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 o—l0 1 the from characters." '\u25a0! teen-inning session for Los Angelas Philadelphia five o—3 furlongs— Mafalda won, The The Jap rooters aR usual out runs. Attendance Base bits 0 110 0 0 10 •— Harry Payne Whitney's Filly Piloted Si x stubby shortstop turned San Francisco 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 6 Many Sunday and when the | goodly 2800. Score : '—7 by Roustabout second. Thanks in numbers and outnumbered R. H. E. Baso hits 1 1 0 2 0 3 0 0 to Victory Hll- to the plate in the fifteenth yes- 1 third. Time, 1:14. COURT HOUSE NOTES came the U. S. C. crowd two to one. Hovelnnd 6 14 -3 SUMMARY. debrand won, mile— terday he -was called upon Philadelphia 8 » Tn-o-basc hits—R. Hall. Sacrifice hits— One lrish Jewel Sever afternoon The game was featureless, both — Bomls; Henley and By Associated Press. From the number of marriage li- rip past Fitz- Batteries Rhodes and Gochnauer, HUdebrand, Spencer. First base 20,- second, Billy Handsell third. Time, to repeat, and with a teams playing poor ball, but what the Schreick. _ errors— San Francisco, 1. First basn on NEW YORK, May 24.— More than censes issued yesterday the clerks in resting place in on fi; Henley, 1. . called tmlls—Off C. Hall, off Payne Whitney's 1:42. patrk-k, which found a Japs lacked in the field was made up Francisco, 000 persona saw 3- — the marriage license department have Seattle, 1; fi. brought Lert on bases— San •• mile and seventy yards Red the center garden, he Cravath by their crack battery Struck out-By Hall. 7; by Henley, 3. year-old fillyTanya, ridden by Hilde- One that to , and with the GOLFERS TO PLAY ON c. —1:45. Umplie Reynard won, second, determined the desire wed to gathered in another Passed balls—Frary.' Times brand, at Rennalssance young , the rubber and stick they hit Niles" curves at will —Pcrrlne win the rich Belmont stakes among the couples has over- ,« Mizzenmast third. Time, 1:46. game for the Seraphic host. throughout the game. CATALINAISLAND LINKS . Belmont park today, defeating the best come the timidity of the young women. In the eighth canto Charles" Graham, The 3-year-old colts and fillies In-the east. Petitions for divorce were filed yes- lineup:— — GOLFERS RACE RESULTS AT THE sometime of Santa Clara and the north V. S. C. Wnupdn METROPOLITAN August Belmont's Blandy, the winner terday as follows: Mary I.S. Gold IDavidson Right field Shlslilmlii TOURNAMENT OPENS SATURDAY DOWNS COURSE generally, had a most heated interview OPEN ANNUALTOURNEY of the Withers stakes, was second, and CHURCHILL ngalnst J. L. Gold; Ida S. Homer Broderso.n Center field cibara AFTERNOON By ASBOdated Press. with the indicator man and, as a con- Atkinson Left field Sujaki Shot third. Tanya against Benjamin F. Homer; W. W. Brldwpll Short stop Hnshiilo J. E. Maddens Hot LOUISVILLE, May 24.—Churchill sequence, out of the favorite, closing at Wright against LillyO. Wright. was finally chased Darby First liase Isumltan'i Qualifying Round for the Association was heavily played Downs results: though he was extremely Jc-ssup .Second base Oshlknwii Attendance of Local Niblick Played on the backed The township courts have decld'/d grounds, Third base Suyami Large Championship 11 to 5, having been down from Six furlongs— Athlone won, Itaska loath to depart. Hutler Catcher Yamawaki Knights Assured for Annual Event. Staten Island Links to The Belmont stakes is for 3- second, Time, to follow the example of the superior Mies Kono 3 1. Autumn Leaves third. the Tigers had mowed | Trophies In the