LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 25, 1905, 10 HANDICAP won; GulUvant, second; Gold Sifter, Lad second, 81s Lee third. Time, TOMAN, WHOSE DRIVE WON YESTERDAY'S GAME BROOKLYN third. Time, 1:08 1-5. 1:40 2-5. "JIMMY" Col. WILLBE RUN TODAY Eclipse stakes, five and a half fur- Five furlongs—The Saracen won. longs—Vendor won; Jacobite, second; Cronston second. Hoi Pollol third. HENLEY PITCHES Time, SERAPHS WIN Battle Ax, third. Time, 1:08 4-5. 1:01 2-5. won, BIG EVENT AT THE GRAVEBEND stnken, mile nnd ft quarter- One mile—Edna. Tanner Neva / Belmont Welch second, third. Time, 1:42. COURSE Tanya, 121 (Hlldebrnnd), 11 to 5, won; Orient WINNING BALL Blandy, 12* (W. Davis), 4 to 1, second; IN 4 to 1, third. WINNERB AT THE FIFTEENTH Shot, (fVNell), Twelve Horsei Will Probably Face Hot 12S Time, Merry Lark, Tied Friar, ELM RIDGE TRACK TOO the Barrier In New York's Classic. 2:0». By Assncliiteii Presn. TOMAN'S TIMELY STICK DOES SEALS' YOUNG TWIRLER The West Will Be Well Repre. Wild Mint and Flinders nlso ran. KANSAS CITY, May 24.-Elm Rldga sented The Grand National steeplechase, results: SEATTLE Mackey IT AGAIN MUCH FOR about two miles nnd a half— Four and one-half furlongs—Meadow Dwyer, won; Arlan, second; Hylaa, 1 won, Prern. Breeze Earl Rogers second, Ra« By Asimelnfeii third. Time, B:03 2-6. Time, NEW YORK, May 24.—From the mona IIthird. :62%. Seven furlongs— New York won; Red furlongs— won, GAME CHARLEY HALL ON MOUND long, broad otretohos of the new Bel- Six Melodious Arlara GRAHAM PUT OUT OF Knight, second; Kenllworth, third. second, Hattle Carr third. Time, 1:14. mont park to the historic course nt — Time, won, Oravesend, racing Interest 1:27 2-6. One mile Idle Federal second, Ventura Lad Has an Day and eastern Time, Umpire Is Or. Off tomorrow the nine- Modred third. 1:41%. Arouses Ire of the and will move with furlong— — Hia Delivery Is Clouted for teenth running of the classic Hrooklyn HOW THEY ...aN AT THE One mile nnd a Bondage Grounds Mike second, Time, dered From the An even dozen thorough- BT. LOUIS FAIR GROUNDS won, Devout Leila third. Seven Hits—The handlcflp. Belle finished first, but Fisher and His breds are named na contenders for the By A«ioclat#d Press. 1:52<4. Ancott Figures purse. Delhi hns the honor of ST. LOUIS, May 24.— Fnlr Orounds was disqualified for fouling. Trouble* $20,000 mile— Sweet Tone won, Kernel tarrying top weight, hla Impost being results: One furlongs— Macy Jr. second, Gold Bell third. Time, 124 pounds. The known class of Delhi Four nnd n half 1:41V4. By Associated Tress. won, second, Birmingham Five and one-half furlongs—Oranada Standing of the Clubs SAN FRANCISCO. May 24.—Seattle will prohnbly send him to the post Condre I'lnyrilWon. I.'" P. C. Time, won, Parvo second, Hadur third. Time, ** " able the choice of tire puhllc. Lord of the third. 1:09. ficomn 20 was to secure but three hits off furlongs— Ony Adelaide won, l:08V4. l» 'III Vale, belonging to August Beitnont. Six Henley barely escaped shutout second, Punffi?'Kinrt^:::::::Franrlncn BO IIit iU : and a tnkrs the place of Beldame In the Bonebrnke Alamode third. 1 •' Time, J&tfJT.0Mtttl« «47 1220 5 -\u25a0«• on Kane's steal home In the seventh Hrooklyn. There Is no denying the 1:14 3-4. MAY YET RESULT SERIOUSLY ::::::::::: H 4 \u25a0 47 20 -\u25a0 furlongs— High Portland ...\u25a0\u25a0 -N when nn effort was being made to rtrength of the entry of C. F. Itowe, Five and one half won, Humorist second, Pretty Attack on Miss Arguello.Den Leaves Los Angeles, 2; Tacoma, 1. catch a man at second. The locals fell the western owner whose colors will Chance be Colonial CJIrl. \V. B, Jen- Nellie third. Time, 1:09. Her In Bad Condition It was a troubled meeting on the on Charley Hall for two hits in the seen on Gregor won, Re- nings, another western owner, shows n One mile— K. Au Miss Josephine Ar- Chutes park diamond yesterday after- fourth and three In the sixth, allowing second, Rod third. Time The condition of strong hand In the Brooklyn with volr Terns guello-Den of 1215 New Hampshlro Mr. J. Ira had a perfectly noon. Davis a total of six runs and making the Proper nnd Dainty. 1:40. street, whose life threatened by furlongs— Lady Vashtl won, Van was n awful time with unruly and belligerent day's sport rather one-sided. Tomorrow marks the Inauguration of Six negro Tuesday afternoon, was slightly Ness second, Frnnk Bell third. Time who hated to lend heed to The score: the new scnle of prices on metropoli- Improved yesterday, but she Is still suf- ball players 1:14. the official mandate. And then there| SEATTLE. tan tracks, the grand stand admission fering from a severe nervous shock, All X IB SB PO A E being placed at $3. Mile and one sixteenth— Canyon won, solid Innings of ball bin*-1 Kane, and It Is said that she Is not yet out of were fifteen 3b 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 entries, Docile second, Miss Betty third. Time litiR besides. Fireman Fitzpatrlck Miller, if 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 The Jockeys, weights nnd danger, as a relapse of appendicitis, Houtz. If 2 0 0-0 3 0 U proboble odds for the handicap fol- 1:48 2-5. Is now convalescing, la slipped over the twisters for the north- Kemmer. lb 3 0 0 n 5 1 0 * from which she Frary, c 3 I) 1 0 8 J P low that rangy individual, (i feared. ern men Rnd two out, winning by score Mcllal*,cf 3 0 0 1 0 1 Horse- Jockey. Weight. Odds. AT THE Ball, his the locals a Hall, pr 1 3 1 1 WINNERS The indignation of the people liv- Warren produced choicest IAPS HAVE EASY 3 0 0 » Delhi (Shaw) 122 3-1 PARK COURSE of 6 to 3. Attendance 2400. Score: O'Brien. Ib 3 0 0 0 1 0 nroomstlck (.1. Mftrtln) 119 even UNION ing In the Pico Heights district has slants for the Angels. S. C, R. H. E. C. Hall, p 3 0 0 0 .0 3 J) Lord of the Vale (W, Davis) US 4-1 By Associated Tress. TIME WITH U. o ~' reached such high pitch because of In the seventh period both contin- St. I.ouls J J •Dainty (O'Neill) 114 8-1 LOUIS, May Union, Park a Totals 28 *T ~3 Ti ~8 3 •Proper (B. Smith) Ktf 8-1 ST. 24.— to Arguello-Den of on the hide and Pelty and Sugden; Tannehlll. the insults which Miss gents ball basters lit Overwhelm the Batteries— SAN FRANX'ISCO. ••First Mason (Lynn) IIS 5-1 Results: In brining of their col- Waseda Ball Tossers Crlger and McOovern. X ••Colonlan Girl (Hooker) 11l fi-1 has been subjected within the last few succeeded one AB R IB SB TO A (Hlldehrand) 12-1 One mile and seventy yards—Gllfan Methodists on University Waldron. cf 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 Orazlallo 1M days that additional police protection leagues over the terminal rubber. IN Spencer, rf 3 1 2 0 1 1 » 81:- Brlllar (Kelly) 03 lno-l won, Opalant second, Objlbwa third. CLEVELAND TRIUMPHS (Knnpp) has been demanded. eight snappy innings after Diamond Moliler. 2h 3 1 0 0 2 2 0 I>-onldas 104 20-1 Time, It was THE THIRTEENTH INNING Illldebrand, Pasadena ( ) M .2M 1:4" 3-5. broken, AVaseda, 13; U. S. C, 6. If 3 1 1 1 2 0 0 3(1-1 "Such characters as that negro will that before the deadlock was | By Associated Trees. Irwln.3b ... 4 1 2 1 1 4 0 Oftrlch• ( ) " 92 One mile—Eva Clalr won, Catallne The Japanese baseball lined up Jennings entry. Itowe entry. not be tolerated In this vicinity for a and it was -Jimmy" Toman's tean\ CLEVELAND, May 24.—Cleveland Healon. lb 2 1 0 0 11 0 0 second, third. Time little for their last game In Southern Cali- Wilson, c 2 1 1 1 5 2 0 Miss McKenna day," said a prominent man of Pico brought seance to a final split Philadelphia today, 1 0 3 3 0 Btlck that the fornia against the ball team of the even with Uochnauer 3 0 1:42 4-5. Heights yesterday afternoon, "and if In the the inning Henley, p 4 0 0 0 0 seventy yards—Mid-. victory possession of winning In thirteenth on TANYACAPTURES THE mile and end with University of Southern California 3J! One it is necessary -we will take the matter hits by and Rhodes and two Totals 27 6 7 3 27 15 2 night Minstrel won, Asclepias second, the Seraphs. yesterday at 3:30 Stovall RICH BELMONT STAKES to part afternoon on the lat- SCORE BY INNINGS. In our own hands free this of Toman's timely wallop won the seven- 1 outs. Cleveland's three errors Rave — Noel third. Time, 1:48. city any such ters' diamond. Seattle 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 o—l0 1 the from characters." '\u25a0! teen-inning session for Los Angelas Philadelphia five o—3 furlongs— Mafalda won, The The Jap rooters aR usual out runs. Attendance Base bits 0 110 0 0 10 •— Harry Payne Whitney's Filly Piloted Si x stubby shortstop turned San Francisco 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 6 Many Sunday and when the | goodly 2800.
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