Garcia Plays Down THK CAPITAL TlMKS.TIuirscfay. July 29. 1976—21 3 Set Marks Game-Winning RBI In All'City MILWAUKE>»AL)KEIEs (AP(AP)I - If PedrPrvlr/o» Garfl'in-. A limit-1 i MO / A . U \ n U,, U ,-, A ..,,.., u:.. ..« . Augustine (4-8), who had won his "He beat minnings into the Garcia. "But I thought 1 was dominant ciplinary problem in three and a frac- I'ohlc set new cily records while ninth, which Johnson opened with a out (here. I wasn't afraid of anything. 1 tion seasons as a Milwaukee Brewer, Parkcrest moved into tin- team lead single. Johnson took second on a wasn't as sharp as I was against Bal- instead preferred to say glowing things widi ttl points Wednesday in (living sacrifice and had to stop at third on Bill timore last week, bul then you just have »f Jerry Augustine, a former teammate Freehan's sharp single to left, selling competition in the Madison All-City to work harder. Pool Meet. he had just beaten with a ninth up Garcia's sacrifice fly. "If 1 had t