' ii J li 'i i'i ) mi if fi1 'I - I'i'iilr Pliii -- 'lifll WBhWIIIWII'i'ii il"HfffllWiLWHWMlllllliWiiHlMWWMIWlWf r"l mitm- 'ir 'T I'WfWFTWHlWWwlP- - .. -""i1- lyl'inn 'I v ' - ' tJ ? t k . Jrtft-- a - it TnMMfirTrrrnrtniihanwiTf i fe - 'iPifiwiiMPniMcJtBiBatafzaA jgf "t"' .

iJ-- v t" .. !!. i.i i. fc Red Sox Twirim 1 Best werj Cat Finire in Stries

Is. ' i.DUoIUllTlIlillDKo . ?yIl5V6iT; lAIIAuiSKo' rBaL

- vr- f- - A . ' . (iwasv. ..fosac5r;,fcA - aMBt'. . P Winner of Title May Depend Upe-t-'l tioni of Hurling Tairnt . Jp.awledge Exercised by'Lead- - - X 1 ' BwK? Hf" r ' wfe " -- M ' ' vOpposing Clubi. History' of BaseteU. 'r JsV- - - r " .en of mtKSmk ? .H&rKf' sK H s 'iiSSHSBSOSiSlSHr J& BPS3SsiT St SSSKGEB l& EDBE MAXQFAED WILL SHOW slassl.ISSSSVi TSSSSHSBISSSSHateSSSV'IBBBBbsIbbBsIBBBBBsIVsIBB '''JlRkVHHsslBKllPMk flklBBBBbKaHslslBBB'lSSKi JOBS McGEAW HAS ONE CLASS DT BIG BATTLES TsiBBBsiBssiBBBBBBBBsBBSiBBsir1' .v J ZiBHsilBsiBBBsHKSHk flKMiy' 9ssssssB0iHSBSBBBslBs7 ADVASTAGE OYER STAHL LITTLE eVV ,. 5J llllllllsllllllllllllll. , tfRsllslllllHHis VfBHasMslXsVtiP.. JiHslKMissSRSK J & sssssssssss .sssssssssssssMssV uE9skskH&BHKIsssEssssBs1sBBI Giants' General Will Be Forced to ' jBslslslslslsHilsV - HsIshIsIKsIsV vislslBRHslsasHa"'' 'WBmamaBM Giants' Will Have His 3 Depend on Hathewson Warriors .Wait Wood Ont for and' " - Tesrcau for Victory. IsllllS Jslllllllllll7 . sllllllW slllllHisWHM. "'" " Bases on Balls. i. sslllM BM slllW kllllllllBlsBIMa a ' sllllllBm sdl slllllllllM zWM? im&&?. -- - "IsllllM . JslslslslslsmfiK-.-ll-lr-- v . tw H, aBEK-:- ' 1 isllllllHHf VS- '3ilslslslsMd Br, "EDDIE" COLLINS. ,' ' Br CHRISTY MITHEWSOX. Of U AtUctio. Of U Gluts. If ipety is file spice of everyday life, In a world's series, much depends on then ariety of opinion uncertainly the the .leaders of the two contending dubs. ,sBflssvllsBBBBB usvBBbIsiBBBSSB ,HIs9sBBBBBb sHsiBBbISS? There jls always a great deal of Jockey- spice of a prospective world's series. 8ke ing, tne, matching of one against After perusing the article written by another, the direction of plays, the de tection of weaknesses in the style of the my cat235opry, Mathevson, last opponents, soa ine general manipulation week, see that the Giants have a gTeat of the men. AU this responsibility weighs I on the two managers. chance to win the title from the Red 'John McGraw and "Jake' Stahl will Sox and that probably the New York match their wits and knowledge many times In the short set it games excel Stahl's collection of box to decide the cnampionstup ot the world. The winner of the series may depend talent. upon which leader is the cleverer general. It is my- - notion that Stahl now has Once one team can be thrown off Its bal in his possession one" of the best pitch ance, "when things are apparently going Its way. Its equilibrium can seldom ing staffs that ever belonged to a bi restoted. Then Its opponents sweep league club, and I ought to know after through the series victors. having faced them all for a season. The Baker Breaks It Up. New York twirlers do not impress me Up until the time that Baker banged strongly, and have also batted against the home over the fence In the I second game Of course, of the world s series with all of them except Tesreau. the Athletics last year, the Giants had 'for my estimation of Tesreau, I must all the best of the going. That one depend upon second-han- d information. ftf mnnflv.Hal Inmlanl fmn. orVil.t. ffr 'I Rube Was There. resulted. It was a punishing smash at vThe bis crack In the Giants' pitching 7, 9, Boston Club Will the psychological moment when things Win Not looked good start Is "Rube" Marquaxd. It Ttas Tils Y Red5ox lose for us. Wf The Cubs always claimed that a part hae sensational work In the early of the play gave Giants the mag- - -- p, certain made in the series with seaton which the mi- Line-u- Detroit in 19CS the championship ot nificent assured them of) the Says Stahl for leadr that Tie LA ainst Southpaws Alter the world carried the "Without spurt of. his, 1 W pennant. this off feet, de- strongly doubt If the Giants would be club Its and resulted in its they are This club had to .1 . feat. Jennings' team was ahead and where aRm ' things were breaking for It. when the draw heavily on this big margin before c. Left-hande- rs on did American League Only Able Win One-thir- d Announces That His batter tried to sacrifice with Cobb the end of the race, and not make to Red Sox Leader Team Will fielding y of as was predicted. second base. Fast caught the af it. Tigar so upset Now. even his friends admit that Mar-- Battles with Boston Club Gregg, Ham- Have Regular Batting Wood star at third and the Viuard Is gone, and that he will be prac of OrderPicks to plan ot battle that the Tigar team was tlcally worse than useless In the big thrown off Its feet completely. World's-Series- . show. It Is doubtful if be een starts a ilton and Plank Turn the Trick. Pitch Opening Game of Therefore, these two managers will game, and. If he does, there should be be playing all the time to get the on does shyness of control, and Wood is fre- "breaks which, translated. really a long price the bet that he not Is conceded tha"t south-fr- - When the world s series starts, October. finish quently in the hole with three balls and It generally a means taking advantage of every op- It scarcely anything else on the batter. If paw has a good chance of beating a team S, barring accident or sudden lbss of con- portunity, and. when the opportunities Tesreitn Dinrereni Looking the Giants win from him, it will be be- with d batters. That's the reason dition, tha same old team of Red Sox don't appear, making them. McGraw Is Tesreau Is the most dangerous-lookin- g cause they are able to wait him out and many are doping Rube Marquard to beat ALL IN READINESS ulll face the Giants, with Joe Wood In GALLAUDET HAS a wonder at squeezing every posslblllt) pitcher have, and he is ork him for passes McGraw Is a great the Red Sox In the series for the world's the box and Cady behind the bat This, dry. Of Stahl's ability as a leader am that the Giants October. readers, do not I the "man around whom the series re- man to play this sort of a game, but title in But, at least. Is the word of . not so familiar, having never seen tha me Wood hashon-- evidences of being able think that the Sox are weak against the The batting order will remain as It was Red Sox play management. ceives. It Is hard for to discuss him. F0R"C. g6od BRIGHT under his having never seen him work: but It ap tc tighten up in the pinches that may southpaws. D. SQUAD all this ear. It n as enough to win PROSPECTS But. In my opinion, considering that all pears scores stop such .attacks. is really remark- Frcm the figures it Is seen at a glance a pennant for J. Garland, and he thinks things are McGraw from the box that he can It been other equal, has one able that this .pitcher can get Into so that the Red Sox have almost as It good enough to beat the Giants. He hlra- -j come back and pitch Just as good ball as championship advantage in not being In the game within a day or two after he has work- many holes and then get out of them successful against the sidewheelers Is not predicting a worlds self. He will not be worried by the ad without hating more damage done to his they have against the On for his boj s. but he Is not conceding any-- ed as he did on his initial appearance. twenty-seve- Maloney- Chances - ditional duties ot a position to play as see .Mathewson n occasions this season Stahl's Manager - Has Completed thlng-t- o New York. r for Developing Crack Foot- That Is a great point In a big series, record. a said in hlrar upon stani wul tide last week that Wood's long winning men haie been called to face Line-u- p. because a star who can. recuperate as southpaw, seventeen they have Arranfrements for Starting of The( ball Team Are Very Good. ui a prcicr jicursw a a ieaa-- j can will sent streak was liable to upset him as it- had and times er. s my he be back often. The been returned the victors. Nine ere lost. - ame. Foaltlea. humble notion that he Is Red Box are worried about Tesreau. done in the cases of and Practice at Institution. Field Six 1911 Men Back. the greatest manager In baseball. He "Rube" Jlarquard. But I want to say and one was tied. Rlaht They don't know how he Is going to good any Steve-- lerfcea Sroo4 Base has shown time and again, by cUver look that Wood is not this sort of a twlrler. That's a rretty record for Charles P. Maloney. the hustling' man Field Football is In fuU swing at Gallaudet Jockeying to them He has certainly shown team that Is reputed to be weak against TrU Speaker..... Oater of players, what he can do some great games lately. If the Red Ho is not pitching to compile a winning ' ager of the Catholic University football Daffy I.ewls ...... Left Field College now. At the call Issued by Capt. when a situation looks hopeless Faas streak-no- requires any the to have. A record fit I.arry Gardner. Third Base Box can make no more hits off him than If it undue ef team. Is leaving no stone unturned In Moore for gridiron candidates, tblrty-sl- x frequently wonder why he shifts and but he is In there working' to get 9 for a nr centage of Is doing con Jake ...... First Base the National League teams have recent! , fort, .d Sox maxing preparations for the opening Stahl...... Shortstop men responded. Never before In the his breaks his team up and sends emer- big himself ready for the world a series. .Rec- slderably welt The record of the Heine "Maimer....': gency he should.be a factor in the series against the southpaws Is only forty-nin- e practice, of football, which is scheduled Forest Cady . tory of the college have so many men batters to the plate, and sprinkles Friends of mine on the Boston club ords do not worry him. He Is looking for FMeher the box score with extra plajera so s purse. points less than the one they have com to take place Wednesday. Manager Joe Wood reported. have told me that they are more afraid the long end of the say what he thinks of "New often. I guess If you were to take sev- plied this campaign, which shows they Maloney has devoted his entire time Jake doesn't Of the. aforesaid number of Tesreau than any other New York Collins and Hall Good. regular stride an for York, but he Is pretty proud ot his own of candidates, eral box scores of the Giants' games and have maintained their tne past ten days in getting things In about are new men. who compare pitcher. Collins and Hall will be two. men hard season no matter jihat kind of pitchers club. They have been good bojs and have them with the "cores ot any The other big factor in the series is rcaainesa. In condition, playing" a had previous experience. men other team In the National League you for the Giants to beat. Collins is a deco- they hae been called upon to face. A charging sled and tarVlIno- rinmmv kept themselves About six Mathewson. Ever since I saw him pitch left bander, and he will make some designed game, which, for Its consistency, nas sei' ot the 1311 famous team are back this would find that McGraw uses more play- 1905. when was rative Three Beat Sox. after the ones used at Carlisle in the world's series in I cf those Giant batters look by dom been seen. ' year. Among these are Moore, the peer- ers to the game than any other man- still in college, I always had a three southpaws In the American Glenn Warner, hae been secured. place and remained ager. And vou will hae helpless Hitters like De ore and Becker Just Zachary in "We reached first less quarter back and this 1 ear's captain also discover that great deal of admiration for the big League have 'been to take the all probability will not be we have played better ban he wen more games In cannot touch a southpaw. Collins will be able piay-tm- there because ana oltx and Rockwell, probably the National pitcher. He Is. think, one of the great- measure of the .new American League aoie to s season, as. he has had other fellows," says Stahl. "If the League this year any I a big puzzle to the Giants as Flank was a. bad case n than the two greatest ends Gallaudet has ever and last than est that every stood In the box. but the champions this year. Sddle Flank, of the oftonsllltls. n we beat the Giants It will be because our other leader. Only last week man, last year. I think the rest of the staff a few days ago looked to be fully thirty known. a big flaw in the possibility of "him being will probably not in any of the Athletics, who u pitching as good Dan team Is superior. If we lose, weU, we The squad will be sent to the Polo Grounds by the Boston the hero of the series is his baseball start season as ever ms career. pounds .under weight. To lose a quar minus the efficient games unless something unforeseen hap this he aid in oacjc lose." services or Arras and West, Americans to look the Giants over and age. He has thirteen years of toll in has beaten them four times, and Vean ter 01 ZAcnarrs type means a going off with Wood if he both guards, try to get points pens uiinen ana iJement are good great setback to the team. "I'm to start who graduated last June. Both did eovi on their flaws, criti- the big leagues behind him. and be has Gregg of the Naps on four occasions, Is In condition. 1 don't say definitely work Gallaudet during cised this shifting. begun to show wear slightly while Hamilton of the Browns McCarthy, who halls from Bridgeport, going do away, but fort their stay at the this "with Wood, Earl what fm to a month vuncsc ana 11 ear. is great one caliber inen like Hall, and owns one vlctory.v will enter the university on October 1 my open- me new men who take - PIneb. Hitters Used. J He still a pitcher, uoians to open otner two Kea If Joe keeps up his gait he'll be their places do not come to of the wonders of baseball, but he does wiinune Not a sldewbeeler In the Ban Johnson and will be a candidate for the back ing pitcher, be surprised If the "It looks to me like a sign of weak Sox twirlers may break Into some of the ueia and dra't I tlons, the veterans will be greatly miss-- not possess the iltallty he once had. games, but they are not apt to start organization has escaped a beating at the use mm three tunes. ness, remarked this scout to a friend There was when come hands of the Red Sox. They all Head Coach McDevitt is now in New a time he could them. hue One Rest was with, yes- of mine, who told me. "to see McGraw back every other day and like It. Now fallen at least more than once, which Is York andOias written1 Manager Maloney ' of the Ever. It learned much regret It can be seen from what I have had uo woiua Wood one greatest terday that Roller, the 1311 great full break up his regular team to put he must have his three or four days of to pretty good proof that the team is not .ui leave mere early Tues- "I consider of the say that the Red Sox have all the best so persons who day morning.. Capt. back, will not return this year Roller pinch hitter Into the game and then be rest "before he can "work aeatn. awfully weak against the Blewett will be In pitchers the game has ever seen, but let forced of the pitching Stahl has three stars to fly fin. town in a few days. was a wonderful player, and It is feared to substitute another man. Time Plenty Sox McGraw only two. let with the left He has written! me tell you that I have a complete staff that, since of Talent. draw from while has twenty-seve- n it will take the captain a long time and again, I have been watcbtn In the games In which a juuiaer .uaioney and says he Is ready "itfho with the best. With After examining the Boston staff, one status pitchers are more dependable. southpaw men. for work. It will not of twirlers class 10 get a man to tajte tne the club play, he has removed Fletche' way looks me, has faced the of Jack be at all unlikely me case of one pitcher pLice Devore is once mere aware of the" weaknesses This 'Is the It to although, Stahl they ha e" piled up a total of 217 that .former Half Back it won't be a Just warrior's From the new material or to send some one to the bat course. It may fall out differently. and You to forget Ray on Is for one of them. The Sox. which appear 'among the New York rf hits, which Is a little more than eight per Clancy will be placed at quarter, to fill to win. don t want hand. It believed that the gaps Red prefer twirlers by regarding Its strength Stahl That's what makes the serfes good. Next game. In, two ot the contests Vean Gregg the vacancy left by Zachary. Collins. Buck O'Brien, , and In the 1311 team can be filled. A good to piay tne same nine men through each is plentifully supplied weeK i snail try to. compare tne styles won they Now. If a team can stop number of the new men are taU and contest. with has from the team, have made Hush Bedlent. J talent, will not over- of McGraw and Stahl and see how they only Is the boys, then gracefully admit g fellows and many show McGraw will not study the Boston eluh and be forced into match, up as room four hits. This the least hits those ril any working any one man. Of course. "Joe' leaders. If there 'is team has made in any of the games. With that we are licked- - tnat tney can be developed Into good in preliminary course to a larre ex "Wood shall also take into consideration the average per game. LARGE SQUAD WILL Marquard players. Marshall and Cuscoden. of tent. He will not hav e scouts observing I stands out as the star of them all Infields an eight hits "The Giants can have their' on the season, Athletics, natural- the team has able to score more than other teams their fancy southpaws, Iowa, are the most promising looking tne team in acupn. Me nrefers to de but the (CoiMllcht, im, bj JlcCIun Newipiper Syndicate.) been and ly, do not think aa "highly Wood as four runs, which Is enough to win al- but I'll pit Collins against any of, them. candidates. Eafch weighs something like pena on ms own judgment. of ITS Snap some we most any game any of good W told the Giants are pounds. judgment for mine." he saval of the others, inasmuch as with kind REPORT I have been that . have had little dldculty in beating fcim pitcAing. weak against southpaws. Then watch Every 'year Gatlaudet's gridiron team "V hen you get, a lot of scouts reportlne-- this year. The Philadelphia team was Collins. Ray has a" Jump ban that hop la built from old and new men. and to you, sou get many opinions contused! ITaps 'Win Eleven and afarqnard Has Blown. thereTs-n- ot slightest In your brain, and you know the last one to win from him. when we and fools better than the best kudo the reason to fear - don't what defeated' "Wood on the Fourth of July. Giant fans whtf are confident that Jlar- Waddellever offered. There's a"combI-natlc- tnat of several veterans will to ao. Stahl did not start him against our club loie Eleven to Boiton. quard .will beat the Red Sox may argue With Beturri of Old Guard, Mary- Wood and Collins. have anything to do with the success of He probably will send two or three of I in the last series. is one that Rube Marquard la better, than the CThen don t forget Hau, ounen. and the. team. In summing up aU, It can be the pitchers over to Boston to watch the man whom we could never beat, and. By defeating operating in the American land Aggies' Candidates ' Bedlent. Of course. I can't say IfTU said that the prospects for a winning Red Sox work before the series, and thatl I the Red Sox League, - is knowledge look to see him shine1 In the .world's -- Tburwday- ana galaea but It's a sure thing that Mar- Should rive esch of them a whack at the Giants, warn at A.enaau ureen are exceedlngl) all. He has a fair of tha the the quard very anything, Number Forty. 111 supplied pitching bright. .. u&uiu asujuB nu series. Of course, a pitcher that beats distinction of s being has little. If bn but be well with ui ot tne piayers irom a club continually never has anything the only Plank, GreggViHamUton asd a few others material to protect the title that the The squad was given its first workout observations m I3C9. when the two te elob leagne With the1 return n and we could never see Collins la the which has working In therBan Johnson organiza- of the last of American League owns." .t .inursaay afternoon. The men were oa met In a series. Against ea that apltt even urn oio guard, la pitcher probably had much, but, the returns show that with the Red Sox oa tion, s. n probable that the the field only a short time, and the work he will have worked out could the season's series of tweatr-&tw- o .Then. the Rube has Mown. He la not MarylanajAggles will have at least forty consisted chiefly of runs punted a style or attack before the umpire the Athletics not hit the ball as under game. be delivered it. and that is pretty good samn, Th Waahln4M tv winning games witn any great regularity: men out for practlca after- Cdl Hedges Had baJls. tnd nrst L otaer-eln- Since his streak Of nineteen games has noon. proof of his pitching ability la the only b which has The Farmers' squad, provided it "Wood Mar Suffer. Wood should be considered first. a cnaace to split even been broken, he has been losing as many reaches that-siz- will be th9 largest I wHk the. times as winning, that the Second Largest I think that Wood is a twlrler- who don't think that the Giants can beat Sox. worn ttJJJ " Ter represented them. BIG.-SQUA-D 14 Red Boston has tea ot old stuff Is not there to any great extent With: AT likely to suffer at the hands ot "Mac" Wood. He something of the Coombs the nineteen played the return of the old men. the Check type of twlrler. He has great speed, gun with anymore. He may turn around. and pitch Practice win start In in Draft because I have heard that he is one on and A ashlnsrton to date. great ball; 80 earnest. a curve that stands a bat- the same ha ts not a far, while the work has been In a. those pitchers who are always In the! ter on his head. His one weakness Is bit better than a few working In Ban measure hsrd for this time of year, commission has given out GONZAGA bole "with three balls and one cd a Johnson's league. has been little The national - COLLEGE strike ' done except to get a line on the sums each club In the major leagues three and nothing on the batter. McGraii Here Are the Flsrare. the probable candidates for the different will work him for passes sure ' " positions. Would have spent had aU "their drafts and 11, Sonte, 'Hit. Onnliis jikber. .From on. though, k him up In the air If he Is shy on control! April t- VanituL the wilt K. .1 been allowed. CoL Hedges, ot .the " 11.... - -i sauad mi ...... t."T The Giants are probably the best Walter April IS. . -4 Plus. ett kind of work In an Browns, was second high, having In a Coach Dagan Confident t- effort to get the of Turning In the world when they get a ultcheJ April U ....' -J team In shape 10 play checkMor 63,T50, being excelled only by JtprU - Knudl. the first real game Out who Is, uncertain. It Is McGrawa Ideal x on the schedule, against Col- management, which had in Fast 'V; Aim .. i--j vt Ptax. , Richmond the Detroit anyway, to make the opposing twlrlJ Anil 90. lege. one JTt,StO. pitch as possible Yesterday, far the High Schools. as much to every bat I "X WILNER'S sur . .. a Bams, the work done was of the The Pirates wanted to spend only tcr, ana notning upsets .Mac" so mucl J-Hi same elementary -l t Onaj. order as that of the JS,C0, which wits the lowest put In by Twenty-tw- o an to see one of his men swtnglna- - ...... --6 1 previous .- candidates reported to at WJ '- practice- One branch of the any The- - were second ...... -n dub. Cardinals Coach Dugrn Gonzaga College jester-day.- bad ball. As soon aa Wood stecs Lit Mj 1 runic. y practice waa W7.950 at v Juns-- S. . a little harder, though, in lowest, being willing to. give only box, McGraw will be out on .., 4 1 OccrgBk that the men were The team showed up weU In prac- the the line 1 made to charge Into for the purpose of strengtnening tne ciuo studying his every move and watchln JUMLx...... Gnat. each other and "do blockings tice and bids fajr to prove Autumn June IS...... -1 o Brovs. a little for IMS. The list In full follows: t a stumbling for soma vulnerable spot. Once find ODeiiin? C he -- " Is .practically sure every mera-.-r block to local jmu 11....:. 0 tr RsmStoo. It thaf Sew York Amrtam . the high schools. It, then he will just pound, pound, poun Jalr 4 .:... ,3--1 PUnr.r .f Utt Wart squad who will return Wuhlnstao Amelias... - SAO The team will rely on Its offensive Play at 1U July Is - I will be out for, practice 29.000 of the latest original styles in .Fall Suitings of the larsest variety . after- Boston Araertous...... which hr" extremely fast, and will tax As tar as managers go. the Giants hav JaW X...... 11 Kruno, noon. Word has been BoatCB S.SW the - sj - v received from hltlomd...... of it.- of imported and domestic woolens. Jalr . ?. --1 Greze. every- one ofAtbem New Y KiUmilJ...... U.30 efforts of any of the local forwards to all the best McGraw never lets We now offer an Opening; 3 T. ,to that effect. The to get by An. Tii"llt'm ones who'havonot yet been out are FhDsdrlpUa XiUaiaa...... U.450 break up Its plays. him. He see -- Anc &...... h- C ...... them all. Rival managers admit r special in uic newest lasmon, 5. White, R White, Flror, Ufogel. uucuo AmerMas..... mi.iai The veterans, reDOrted are that Ass. r. - W. Hitdull. Capt PMlnWriili Anufieuis.Mn.rt. 3,930 who Salh. Is right oftener than.' any other leade ,.".- - mm thnuvht lewis, Herlihy, Donovan, O'Reilly, "Hoi- - An. 1C. "Bisnltos. . Detroit Amertcua.-.".- " "W80 big league baseball", and for a while Bhlpley re- - - in the return AstV. -. - . t Gnat. that .would not St lads AiMitans...... -...... - -. su oran. ana .Lane. Toese are strengthen- show it, too. Dooln, the Jeader of th luru, nut now almost certain that SC Loals XiUomU...... IT4M ed by a number of promising new men, ifia 11 - Philadelphia team? said last week tha .. be wlll. ' Snokbn Isttloiul. SJ90 among" whom Folllard. tackle, Ai--l - C at and McGraw Is right 90 times out 100. a ver BJ..J.., The."llcfti coneca.aame will be- - divert ClereUnHOAoiencuis. ....f-- .. uw Marsden, end. $20.00 Tmi IT ti-- . - 'ttnw - ;..- -. at 'are sure to star. fair average. If the Giants drop the se against Richmond'tonere October a It aodanatt ..VUta.it. ;... 1.0 The Gonzagas challenge 'Style, quality, and fit guaranteed. Comein. before .the rush,1" U likely Chkats KttloEals.i.-...- ...... B.SM all the local nes, wnicn x ao not. expect. It will not TsUH n in! St Si i thatarconUst will be arranged ...... I.BB high schools. Army and manager: f for Baturdsyf one PUUtxns tloMl..... ' iNin' Pren. oc account of the lb IM Sec wort: Won; H: Soa. : tied, ll thougtv with ot the Georgetown Preps, Cathedral School, my eonsidel van. Boes.wt ., Rrt Wgh choolev' Th It had been Intention .to naitm anri.t. schedule ollowsr -. Friends School, and any high k spacJ no M sTi 11" T IWsLA.t other Stahl this week, but ot tajii Hi. M. Hlt.fer smw. a? hill "lull - A. Bi jr school or prep school team Jn.the vicin- forces me- to lef tne Boston manager SA JOS. OetoewOBsisiSiitf'&as at Bldiatoed. - Good, - WILNER Murphy STaUlna- ity, ' &CO. -- - Beaeker Leads gaeeaers.; Trtlirr'ir Tiaia" lTnalm i Btltliacn- - until next Aionaay. r , ,OcteCT.W rjslwati at Co&fi ,.Murphy U making good with a .venge- ICopHifht. OB, fcr iloCSae Xemtater'SjwScvj 811 G N.W. BobBeacherJof ithe Clnclfinat! ,Rdtl vC'ihnd Scoreboard Lyceum. Street-.- .- ance" in the Philadelphia line-u- 'He to at th4'K.MaB.l. I t v McDoaald "W1U takil. leader-of- games KaVjteport. We GivtHeraldXIOO.CQtitest-yote- s. Tlmaulia T ,; the, real goods and f man, , his 3oth between the Nationals Tmd Bp i ay J Xonmbtr tlsfwfct OitlnS '.St. XmUn flwea. choapy , singles? .developing Into, runs; Chicago 'will be reproduced altHe Eddie McDonald, who .was released ti "? soHn.fty-ata-VCa4-'Of- il " .' "! '' JJBP OsUaw-- OaOajf fmU coming before the' slashing drive C Sd-- Lyceum Theater by the Plajograph" the 8a.craaato club; lor th. Coul BvqmmmmJmpm t ais Taeniae as naJtaf , W"Vi .t. LMWa..Tlwasst " :- msaiaia Jv - laismai rtiir iMS$&&g&i.;--- v-- r . - &&-?.- ttri . ' .. - :zm ?f! mg: is' . &iviy . sy'Ti.-ttccs.?- yr..r:' Jja'.icM;--4i.'i- i. - .r. ,. rim-M- .V.SSB&k Vtt . . sttL . Js--c aCJ Bjii. , . , - Aj f iaafeLnsSiSiE&S .T . ,&& K c, . Wa.-t- . -- si ',1aj.&A & &W't, '' ..J' 'W ' ii ' mU&kitsMa&2Li$Z.jTjPT'-P- .j TA.ji&&Sx?1ri Tj