' ii J li 'i i'i ) mi if fi1 'I - I'i'iilr Pliii -- 'lifll WBhWIIIWII'i'ii il"HfffllWiLWHWMlllllliWiiHlMWWMIWlWf r"l mitm- 'ir 'T I'WfWFTWHlWWwlP- - .. -""i1- lyl'inn 'I v ' - ' tJ ? t k . Jrtft-- a - it TnMMfirTrrrnrtniihanwiTf i fe - 'iPifiwiiMPniMcJtBiBatafzaA jgf "t"' . iJ-- v t" .. !!. i.i i. fc Red Sox Twirim 1 Best werj Cat Finire in Stries Is. ' i.DUoIUllTlIlillDKo . ?yIl5V6iT; lAIIAuiSKo' rBaL - vr- f- - A . ' . (iwasv. ..fosac5r;,fcA - aMBt'. P Winner of Title May Depend Upe-t-'l tioni of Hurling Tairnt . Jp.awledge Exercised by'Lead- - - X 1 ' BwK? Hf" r ' wfe " -- M ' ' vOpposing Clubi. History' of BaseteU. 'r JsV- - - r " .en of mtKSmk ? .H&rKf' sK H s 'iiSSHSBSOSiSlSHr J& BPS3SsiT St SSSKGEB l& EDBE MAXQFAED WILL SHOW slassl.ISSSSVi TSSSSHSBISSSSHateSSSV'IBBBBbsIbbBsIBBBBBsIVsIBB '''JlRkVHHsslBKllPMk flklBBBBbKaHslslBBB'lSSKi JOBS McGEAW HAS ONE CLASS DT BIG BATTLES TsiBBBsiBssiBBBBBBBBsBBSiBBsir1' .v J ZiBHsilBsiBBBsHKSHk flKMiy' 9ssssssB0iHSBSBBBslBs7 ADVASTAGE OYER STAHL LITTLE eVV ,. 5J llllllllsllllllllllllll. , tfRsllslllllHHis VfBHasMslXsVtiP.. JiHslKMissSRSK J & sssssssssss .sssssssssssssMssV uE9skskH&BHKIsssEssssBs1sBBI Giants' General Will Be Forced to ' jBslslslslslsHilsV - HsIshIsIKsIsV vislslBRHslsasHa"'' 'WBmamaBM Giants' Manager Will Have His 3 Depend on Hathewson Warriors .Wait Wood Ont for and' " - Tesrcau for Victory. IsllllS Jslllllllllll7 . sllllllW slllllHisWHM. "'" " Bases on Balls. i. sslllM BM slllW kllllllllBlsBIMa a ' sllllllBm sdl slllllllllM zWM? im&&?. -- - "IsllllM . JslslslslslsmfiK-.-ll-lr-- v . tw H, aBEK-:- ' 1 isllllllHHf VS- '3ilslslslsMd Br, "EDDIE" COLLINS. ,' ' Br CHRISTY MITHEWSOX. Of U AtUctio. Of U Gluts. If ipety is file spice of everyday life, In a world's series, much depends on then ariety of opinion uncertainly the the .leaders of the two contending dubs. ,sBflssvllsBBBBB usvBBbIsiBBBSSB ,HIs9sBBBBBb sHsiBBbISS? There jls always a great deal of Jockey- spice of a prospective world's series. 8ke ing, tne, matching of one pitcher against After perusing the article written by another, the direction of plays, the de tection of weaknesses in the style of the my cat235opry, Mathevson, last opponents, soa ine general manipulation week, see that the Giants have a gTeat of the men. AU this responsibility weighs I on the two managers. chance to win the title from the Red 'John McGraw and "Jake' Stahl will Sox and that probably the New York match their wits and baseball knowledge many times In the short set it games pitchers excel Stahl's collection of box to decide the cnampionstup ot the world. The winner of the series may depend talent. upon which leader is the cleverer general. It is my- - notion that Stahl now has Once one team can be thrown off Its bal in his possession one" of the best pitch ance, "when things are apparently going Its way. Its equilibrium can seldom ing staffs that ever belonged to a bi restoted. Then Its opponents sweep league club, and I ought to know after through the series victors. having faced them all for a season. The Baker Breaks It Up. New York twirlers do not impress me Up until the time that Baker banged strongly, and have also batted against the home run over the fence In the I second game Of course, of the world s series with all of them except Tesreau. the Athletics last year, the Giants had 'for my estimation of Tesreau, I must all the best of the going. That one depend upon second-han- d information. ftf mnnflv.Hal Inmlanl fmn. orVil.t. ffr 'I Rube Was There. resulted. It was a punishing smash at vThe bis crack In the Giants' pitching 7, 9, Boston Club Will the psychological moment when things Win Not looked good start Is "Rube" Marquaxd. It Ttas Tils Y Red5ox lose for us. Wf The Cubs always claimed that a part hae sensational work In the early of the play gave Giants the mag- - -- p, certain made in the series with seaton which the mi- Line-u- Detroit in 19CS the championship ot nificent assured them of) the Says Stahl for leadr that Tie LA ainst Southpaws Alter the world carried the American League "Without spurt of. his, 1 W pennant. this off feet, de- strongly doubt If the Giants would be club Its and resulted in its they are This club had to .1 . feat. Jennings' team was ahead and where aRm ' things were breaking for It. when the draw heavily on this big margin before c. Left-hande- rs on did American League Only Able Win One-thir- d Announces That His batter tried to sacrifice with Cobb the end of the race, and not make to Red Sox Leader Team Will fielding y of as was predicted. second base. Fast caught the af it. Tigar so upset Now. even his friends admit that Mar-- Battles with Boston Club Gregg, Ham- Have Regular Batting Wood star at third and the Viuard Is gone, and that he will be prac of OrderPicks to plan ot battle that the Tigar team was tlcally worse than useless In the big thrown off Its feet completely. World's-Series- . show. It Is doubtful if be een starts a ilton and Plank Turn the Trick. Pitch Opening Game of Therefore, these two managers will game, and. If he does, there should be be playing all the time to get the on does shyness of control, and Wood is fre- "breaks which, translated. really a long price the bet that he not Is conceded tha"t south-fr- - When the world s series starts, October. finish quently in the hole with three balls and It generally a means taking advantage of every op- It scarcely anything else on the batter. If paw has a good chance of beating a team S, barring accident or sudden lbss of con- portunity, and. when the opportunities Tesreitn Dinrereni Looking the Giants win from him, it will be be- with d batters. That's the reason dition, tha same old team of Red Sox don't appear, making them. McGraw Is Tesreau Is the most dangerous-lookin- g cause they are able to wait him out and many are doping Rube Marquard to beat ALL IN READINESS ulll face the Giants, with Joe Wood In GALLAUDET HAS a wonder at squeezing every posslblllt) pitcher have, and he is ork him for passes McGraw Is a great the Red Sox In the series for the world's the box and Cady behind the bat This, dry. Of Stahl's ability as a leader am that the Giants October. readers, do not I the "man around whom the series re- man to play this sort of a game, but title in But, at least. Is the word of Jake Stahl. not so familiar, having never seen tha me Wood hashon-- evidences of being able think that the Sox are weak against the The batting order will remain as It was Red Sox play management. ceives. It Is hard for to discuss him. F0R"C. g6od BRIGHT under his having never seen him work: but It ap tc tighten up in the pinches that may southpaws. D. SQUAD all this ear. It n as enough to win PROSPECTS But. In my opinion, considering that all pears scores stop such .attacks. is really remark- Frcm the figures it Is seen at a glance a pennant for J. Garland, and he thinks things are McGraw from the box that he can It been other equal, has one able that this .pitcher can get Into so that the Red Sox have almost as It good enough to beat the Giants. He hlra- -j come back and pitch Just as good ball as championship advantage in not being In the game within a day or two after he has work- many holes and then get out of them successful against the sidewheelers Is not predicting a worlds self. He will not be worried by the ad without hating more damage done to his they have against the On for his boj s. but he Is not conceding any-- ed as he did on his initial appearance. twenty-seve- Maloney- Chances - ditional duties ot a position to play as see .Mathewson n occasions this season Stahl's Manager - Has Completed thlng-t- o New York. r for Developing Crack Foot- That Is a great point In a big series, record. a said in hlrar upon stani wul tide last week that Wood's long winning men haie been called to face Line-u- p. because a star who can. recuperate as southpaw, seventeen they have Arranfrements for Starting of The( ball Team Are Very Good. ui a prcicr jicursw a a ieaa-- j can will sent streak was liable to upset him as it- had and times er. s my he be back often. The been returned the victors. Nine ere lost. - ame. Foaltlea. humble notion that he Is Red Box are worried about Tesreau. done in the cases of Walter Johnson and Practice at Institution. Field Six 1911 Men Back. the greatest manager In baseball. He "Rube" Jlarquard. But I want to say and one was tied. Harry Hooper Rlaht They don't know how he Is going to good any Steve-- lerfcea Sroo4 Base has shown time and again, by cUver look that Wood is not this sort of a twlrler. That's a rretty record for Charles P. Maloney. the hustling' man Field Football is In fuU swing at Gallaudet Jockeying to them He has certainly shown team that Is reputed to be weak against TrU Speaker..... Oater of players, what he can do some great games lately. If the Red Ho is not pitching to compile a winning ' ager of the Catholic University football Daffy I.ewls ........Left Field College now.
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