In Fifteenth
LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 25, 1905, 10 HANDICAP won; GulUvant, second; Gold Sifter, Lad second, 81s Lee third. Time, TOMAN, WHOSE DRIVE WON YESTERDAY'S GAME BROOKLYN third. Time, 1:08 1-5. 1:40 2-5. "JIMMY" Col. WILLBE RUN TODAY Eclipse stakes, five and a half fur- Five furlongs—The Saracen won. longs—Vendor won; Jacobite, second; Cronston second. Hoi Pollol third. HENLEY PITCHES Time, SERAPHS WIN Battle Ax, third. Time, 1:08 4-5. 1:01 2-5. won, BIG EVENT AT THE GRAVEBEND stnken, mile nnd ft quarter- One mile—Edna. Tanner Neva / Belmont Welch second, third. Time, 1:42. COURSE Tanya, 121 (Hlldebrnnd), 11 to 5, won; Orient WINNING BALL Blandy, 12* (W. Davis), 4 to 1, second; IN 4 to 1, third. WINNERB AT THE FIFTEENTH Shot, (fVNell), Twelve Horsei Will Probably Face Hot 12S Time, Merry Lark, Tied Friar, ELM RIDGE TRACK TOO the Barrier In New York's Classic. 2:0». By Assncliiteii Presn. TOMAN'S TIMELY STICK DOES SEALS' YOUNG TWIRLER The West Will Be Well Repre. Wild Mint and Flinders nlso ran. KANSAS CITY, May 24.-Elm Rldga sented The Grand National steeplechase, results: SEATTLE Mackey IT AGAIN MUCH FOR about two miles nnd a half— Four and one-half furlongs—Meadow Dwyer, won; Arlan, second; Hylaa, 1 won, Prern. Breeze Earl Rogers second, Ra« By Asimelnfeii third. Time, B:03 2-6. Time, NEW YORK, May 24.—From the mona IIthird. :62%. Seven furlongs— New York won; Red furlongs— won, GAME CHARLEY HALL ON MOUND long, broad otretohos of the new Bel- Six Melodious Arlara GRAHAM PUT OUT OF Knight, second; Kenllworth, third.
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