KCWSS " wmm!$f? r s$s$m?GBB- IWMi5'nca7tT,XJ-.'f'I.j.,iVWT.t- r Vt? ' wC r2E - JX...S - i. Z T." TF..T- TBHt '' ? fT.,R,T maW- "V . s7!!- S, i t -- - S T TC&WMPM - v '..." ft 12 THB WASHINGTON HERALD; SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1913. $ Nationals Split Series with Boston, Winning Final Game, 5 to 4 FINAL GAME TO NATIONALS HUGHES TO EACE ATHLETICS IN A THRILLING FINISH IN OPENING GAME JODAY Griffmen Knock O'Brien Out of Box in Eighth and Griffmen Off for Quaker City for 'Important Series. Four Hit Relief Twirier Hard Enough to core Foster, Dent and Shaw Are Left Behind. M The Avenue at Ninth Runs President on Hand Score, 5 to 4. Other Interesting Gossip. - By WILLIAM PEET. Twenty-thre- e ball players, an unlucky Thawed out by thev blazing rays of the sun and the benignant number, will board the 9 o'clock train Philadelphia morning: Sail Flayers Who Will 60 $15, $!& $20, $25 Popular Prices for smile President of the United States and his daughter, the for this for the of the clash against Connie Mack's Athletics on Longdistance Trip good-b- y to the Capital fans Climbers yesterday afternoon sang a song in tfie Lehigh Avenue, stadium this after- last game of the series, 5 to 4. four-gam- by beating the Red Sox in the noon, opening a e engagement; Pitchers Johnson, Groom, Quality Clothes To-da- y the Nationals have trekked far away from the old home the outcome of which will have a direct Cashlon, Hughes, Engcl, Jallla, PB, Popular Clothes town and have invaded the country of the enemy. For almost a bearing- upon the result of the American Drohan, Boehllng. Al. month the President, other officials, and the thousands of fansvwill League pennant race this season. Catchers Williams, Henry, already demon- Ainsmlth. the Climbers, for they have gone away from The Griffmen have not see strated their superiority over the New Inflelders Gandil. Morgan, eighth-innin- g in which the Griffmen fell onto the Laporte, In an rally, York Highlanders, and have broken even McBride, Gedeon. O matter what Price you men pay for and spitballs of both Bucky O'Brien and Hall, the tribe of Outfielders Shanks, Moeller, curves with the world's champions, the Boston Milan, P-- Acosta, Calvo. N B real quality closed Clothes you receive in return Griff put four runs over the pan.y Red Sox, in the series which here Utility Altrock, Schaefer. s Then to the rescue came Walter yesterday, and now the Capital fans will distinctive styles, materials be able to get a correct line on the garments in the ninth and the WHAT THE PITCHERS --DID. Johnson merits of the two leading clubs. real worth and faultless tailoring. was over. of game was believod that owing to his run-i- n Under a sky as cloudless as one in In- It NOTES OF THE GAME. Fire pitchers were used la 7W-terda- with the umpires Manager. Griffith A real guarantee of absolute dian summer, and the sun sifting down pint, ad the three would draw a suspension, but up to a through haze, warming the bodies of the Washington burlers pitched 40 late hour last night the Old Fox had Great clouds of gloom backed by of fans, the were dispelled satisfaction a quarter players and the hearts the balls less than did the Boston not been apprisod of the fact, and when the . rally came. O'Brien had best baseball game of the season in the stoutly maintained that he said nothing been going along at a great clip, and of a century s business success. Capital was staged. It was just such a pair. Gallia, for the Climbers, out of the way to either of the arbiters defeat seemed to be our portion. game as has made baseball popular; it pitched 75 for the lied Sox to during the wind-u- p of that memorable One time did Schaefer face the pitcher, was just such a game one is willing to aim at, 27 ballM nnd 48 strike. battle last Thursday. one time did he get a hit, and one P-- B Norfolks are mighty popular this toe and miss supper and get lots of Brirhllnc. who heaied for tiro To have Griff out of the game against time did he score. Who won the ball they're just as popular business as - game? Schaefer. year for things when one- gets home. lnnlnKft, let loose 25, 8 wide ones the Athletics would, hurt a whole lot, The sun seemed to also warm out the as the Nationals always play their best Only a few nottced Johnson start to the nmESm. they are for life in the great outdoors. Wal- attended yesterday and and 17 aero the platter. peppery Is on coach bull pen to warm up when the game President. He when the leader the got tight, but those few snnn hnd thn got up in "gallery" with the ter Johnson pitched seven times, P-- asaln the ing lines. crowd, on the yell pitching B Norfolks in handsome gray checks boys. He applauded, stretched in the 2 balls and 5 strikes. .For the king. for. the Washington won the 76 Foster, midget third sacker. shepherd plaids olives arid blues --$15.00 to seventh, and when lied Sox, O'Brien sent In 126. Eddie the Danny Moeller did himself proud again game clapped his hands and smiled be- and f0 balls. .Hall, who will not accompany the boys to the yesterday, solid game was over, strikes City morning, is still three wallops ringing $25.00. nignly. Then, when the relieved him, tossed up 21, of Quaker this as he from his war club. The Rochester boy forgetting, maybe, that ho needed pro- in poor shape physlcaly, owing to a re has hit safely nine times out of sev- tection hcminglcd with the crowds, and which 12 were balls and 0 were cent attack of malaria. Foster expects enteen trips to the plAte, during the Conservative styled Suits English and y long walk-va- Only four Boston bat- recent series. semi-Engli- as the throng trailed down the strikes. to be able to leave Washington next sh styles, with a dash, of originality he again was a boy not a Presi- ters took their chance on the Monday or Tuesday. His place will be dent. first boll, and each, time the bat- filled in a capable manner by Frank La-- But one umpire, Hart, aroused the ire of in every curve very carefully guarded pat out, exception norte. the Washington players and the President Is Cheered. ter was with the Washington crowd when ho called a ball which terns. of Lewis, who singled in the Others who will be left in MsBride claimed Gardner at. The great crowd seemed to catch the with orders to work out at the ball park struck occasion, and the Chief Ex- Ixtb. Three Washington play- Yesterday the President did not leave We fit men of every build age and vo- spirit of the each dav are Pitchers Dent and bhaw, berore finish game, to echo. Score Mc the of the and P-- ecutive was cheered the ers, Milan, Moeller, and Bride, The young infleldcr from Frisco, Jo was rewarded for remaining. The cation the B store well earned its reputation as cards were tossed high 1m the air. the smacked the first pitch, and each Gedeon will be carried, and may get a day previous he was forced to vacate ft good-b- y nationally known men's store. name "Woody" went from a thousand made a hit, Moeller's being good chance to show his skill before the club his box In order to bid to the throats, and for a passing moment the Secretary Bryan before he left for the if returns home. multitude forgot the existence of the um- for a double. Ccmat. pires, who just a few minutes before Against the Athletics this afternoon Engel warmed up when Schaefer hit for were called things that would never Tom Hughes will more than ijoenung, nut when the uumners Presbyterian Banner or the veran started clouting the ball, the Old Fox break into the likely toe the slab. Long Tom has been to make it sure, trotted out Walter, the War Cry. was the relief twlrler. and started just given a good, long rest andis in sh&pe. the king. Joe Boehling, he of the tow top, pitched the tv ay the crowd wanted him to start, but two innings yesterday, but gets credit by handinjj Frank Laporte a base on balls. by score poured into The major Inquiries the Clyde Milan had a lot of fun with Hall EDDIE PUNK IN TY COBB SIGNS Real Sup aid Style with winning the first game of his Gandil came up facing a full house and Herald office last night as to which when the pitcher relieved O'Brien in league career. It doesn't matter who shot the ball past Wagner, scoring pitcher on the Washington team should the eighth. The sea lion threw to drove in the runs, in the Moeller and Milan and advancing te be credited with yesterday's victory over Kngle eight times in an attempt to ii These column Joe gets his name in print on the to second base. Boehllng grts catch him off tha sack. in- the Boston Red Sox. Joe OLD-MFOR- right side of the ledger. In the two Morgan attempting, to bunt, sent up a credit for winning the game, as he en Larry Gardner made a great attempt fa M nings he was on the mound he prevented pop fly to the pitcher.
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