Four V age THE BRIDGEPORT TIMES Monday, August 8, 1921 J,

Allen Confident Of W ii Moxers Are "Red" Allen Exercise And Good Food Derbies In. y Ready Has Fought Fray h

See Ethelda y- i For Gong 's Clang 71 Battles 10,000 Bleibtrey, Aquatic With New Havens - Queen, Win 220 Yards Titular Event In .iBy GEOIUJE E. URSIBBOOK. Bennis Kelly's scales. Tt is surmised By CHICK CREATON. When Johnny "Bed" Allen steps into that both will be slightly under the Johnny, "Red" Allen, the local By GEORGE E. FIRSTBROOK ; the ring at the State Street Arana to- -i limit of 135 who meets night and faces Sailor Iar-- lightweight pounds. lightweight Sailor Johnny Seaside Park Races . The Brown Derbies are improving in their hitting as was Johnny ; Young Buby confident. hard-punehir- cg eey, the clever JTew York con- uarcey, the New demonstrated at Newfield Park when some ! lightweight, Young Baby is in the pink of yesterday healthy the Bridgeport battler will be in tip-- dition his go with Boo Johnson Yorker tonight, has participated in netted a well earned win over for lor ex- 71 swatting Worcester, the win top shape the fray. and is brimful of confidence. "I battles all told, to the 1- -2 Allen trained to the last minute, according giving Bridgeport a 1 lead in. the pennant, race. The 9 to koomiuuing his workouts at pect to put old "Chocolate Drop" tabulation by the writer. Allen has 9 tie in New ' ? A. yesterday away quick, is the way he summed won 45 bouts, IS K. Or route. Haven between the champions and dangerous the Columbia c. Allen had the op his chances. n.a by the Makes Swimmers on naa lost 11 Pittsfield teani also the Brown ('mitts with Bud Palmer and Young Johnson, who has been training in one on a contests, includme Champ help along Derby pennant cause. f lJuby, who is to clash with Boo Jolm-ho- n, for last two weeks, foul, and three knockouts the Derbies are the Hollies the clever colored boxer. Allen the country the at me hands of Jack Perry. .Toe Wel EDMB Today leading by eight points x went fast appeared to be trained to the dot. He ling and Spider Roach. Twelve of By SHUGROi in, the standing, while' Woorcester eleven points behind the throng three boots of- has been doling the bulk of bis work the bouts have resulted in draws and If you want-t- o be a good swimmer MeCann js ' fthree rounds' duration without slip- new squad. fcping a outdoors and, according to his he also boxed three exhibitions eat wholesome foods and in - oog. indulge All of - manager, Nat Margolin, Young Bnby Abe Attell. feather- - out-do- or the oldtime pep and enthusiasm was uncorked yes- Allen's admirers are highly gratl-- " against former plenty of exercises, is the Anderson Wilis Bed j is one of the toughest argu- local de- ' over the form displayed by East facing champion. Benny Leonard. advice handed Miss terday by the pennant chasers, and the fellow who - I Side ments of his ring career. present king, t and Har out by Ethelda boy and his air of confidence. i:gntweignt ' the Derbies are due to I Some were heard to assert that Allen Bewis Kelly Go. lem 'tommy Murphy. Bleibtrey, world's champion woman 50 Yards Title clares, crack and slide down the ladder , will Kid Bewis and Harvey Kelly, the Allen's most, important victories winner 220 na- has another New Wa- get Darcy before the sixth of local are for the are over Chic swimmer, of the yards guess coming. Lining up against Haven, Ground. pair rivals, ready those Brown, Battling tional championship at Sea- and this week McGann to i Darcey a Modest clang of the gong in the preliminary. vunz (won state lightweight title). yesterday terbury Springfield Manager expects Chap. Bewis' muscles are hard as steel and ua palmer. ' K. (J. in - one round side Park. Miss (Bleibtrey was the make a substantial gain by Saturday. Darcey "blew" into town yesterday - The contestants in the local j with his supporters assert tbm veteran Whttey Fitzgerald, Charley Pitts, Al cynosure of . all eyes because of her Ijew Snyder, the. Jersey boy, who to do some fast KetcJieL and state championship swims In New Haven Today will be the oppoonent ' of Battling Kelly will be forced "cayo four rounds, Bobby remarkable aquatic achievements. rode a good showing. Iaadore The locals are in Haven i Harris of Waterbury. Darcey scored stepping to evade Bewis' kayo pro- Reimer. knockout six rounds. Jimmy In her talk with the Times repre- Battes, of the New Haven Har- playing $ew today, while the a hit with local fans he met peller. Kelly looks good to his Coffey, Young Rector and Mike Mc sentative she won mile state are due for a go here tomorrow. I. big fight Cabe. boxed Bouis Bo emphasized the fact that riers, the three champions through Matchmaker George Dwyer, friends who declare his ring general- Allen also plenty of exercise is to be- championship by a quarter of a Loftus Circus necessary- Catch. him verdict. gash a draw. is Allen's top-notch- 80me of them staunch friends of ship will bring the to Following come a "A person mole. Harry Quinn, of Oompo A Earnum catch was produced !"Red" Allen. The go between Bew Snyder and record date: who is lazy will never be a Beach was second and Rube Bick Boftus in the by is ex- Midget McNabe, four rounds swimming - sixth when he cap- Barcey is not of the bombastic type Battling Harris of Waterbury, draw, champion," shei added. "It's like Kownatzky, of Seaside took tured Hartnett's Texas Beag clout fof boxers., lie's very modest and re- - pected to be a fast exhibition from Milford. the continue third. Time, 1 hour, 49 minutes after a from to finish.. ; If reports coming Butts Reardon, K. O., one round, fight game, boxer9 must' 22 Wuxtra! McCann's great sprint. Boftus tumbled (rained4 any boasting.;' tart their hard work without cessation in and seconds. to terra firma, rolled over, , Harris but kept 1 hear Allen is a fast boxer but from Waterbury are correct Bridgeport. order to keep in trim, and McDonald won the lOO the ball in his clutch. Boftus won y.Fm sure I'll a account of is in fine fettle for his argument with Midget McNabe, draw, four rounds, s physical Hugh a handV r give good Brerigeport, it tne same with a swimmer. Tin yard City championship in a fast hearty f applause for his myself," he said this morning after the Jerseyman. and that Brass City K. two gets on nerves at tn Clifford Fox took second "Goat" Lassoed!! feat. lie bad train-tin- g are down 200 strong to Buck Farrel, O., rounds, grind your sprint. a rub down in his final sports coming " Milford. start, but afterwards it becomes a and George Shalklin third. Time session. "I always keep in figh- see the fracas. one 1:15 1-- 5. Only once was trim and never felt The show will underway at (Bones Casey, won, four rounds. pleasure, especially if is winning Joe Boehling in dan- ting better than I get as ref- Milford. medals, Miss (Bleibtrey added. In the fastest race of the ger. That was in the third when today," added Barcey. 8:15. Terry Bee will officiate Gene McCann's Tipper-ar- y the were . Owen won, four. rounds, Miss Bleibtrey has been swimming afternoon John Anderson won scrappy sacks filled, with one out. Allen and Barcey were scheduled eree: Jack McGee as announcer and Ward, since she was 10 old furnished a bit of Worcester's ; vo in 3 m. on Sealer M. F. McXamara as Bridernort. years and has the 50 yard citle title with qualities chance went glimmering weigh nt p. City timekeeper. Dan ray Mack, won. four rounds, not been beaten in the past two Hughie McDonald second and comedy for the' 5,000. more or when Smith threw Hartnett who was Bridgeport. years. The golden haired miss said Fox and Bipscher tied for third. less spectators at the Bridgeport-Worcest- er napping on second Bennett proved Banny Mack, K. O., four rounds. that she w&s unable to keep a record Time, 28 2-- 5. game yesterday after- an easy out, Boehling to Rodriguea Brldc"PTMirt of the medals she won, but since the Grave Kemple won the 50 yard noon. and closed the ticklish episode. ' Kid Newfield, K. O.. four rounds she estimates her title for women. Cora Anderson over Pe- Olympic games Jumping the walls of ' around 200. was second and Marion Bloomer is a's to Worcester's Taltes. Will Never Produce Real Bridgeport. trophies ' king just easy as trying Italy Jack Ryan. K. O., two rounds, Miss Bleibtrey uses the six beat third. Time SS seconds. "hook" a baseball from the Worcester, however, pushed a pair Norwalk. trugeon American thrall Brown Derby pilot. of tallies acrosa the plate in the. "Doc" Owens Young Logan, won, six rounds, stroke. The champion said that she All of the excitement came fourth on a . King's hit, Boxing Champion was not particularly fond of the when Worcester team tried and a wild heave by Boehling and Jackie K. O., three no to the to r error. Rqlinson,' male sex but had complaint Lewis' Stars confisaate a ball that bounded-ove- Smith's rounds, Bridgeport. ten New offer. the dugout of the visitors. Tommy Shea, lost, rounds, 10.O0O Races. t--" The other of was. never out a cham-- boxers in the country and the peer Witness McCann was " and put up a tally the (Boosters Italy will turn j includ- Haven. The races which were held under Bransfield. posted in the sixth on hits by Conway boxer is the belief of George of any boxer in his division, Jack won, eight rounds, XT. S. To howl to Umpire Kitty and pion Ryan, ' the auspices of the Volunteer met Gallogly and a foozle by f "Doe" Owens, supervisor of the danc-- ; ing Johnny Britton." Norwalk. Life the Board of Play Cops His demands for the ball pavilions at Soccer National Sport. Bud ten rounds. Saving Corps and with laughs from the Worcester Ing and roller skating Palmer, draw, were an suc- All-Sta- rs j he Owens said native Italians are Recreation, unqualified Oonnde Lewis' and the Pleasure Beach. Owens when Springfield. cess. s That swimming is a popular players. How Bridgeport Sored. I made the statement evidently knew strongly built and muscular, but Bud Palmer, lost, ten rounds, in was attested Bridgeport police team will have McCann's "goat" was running scored was about as he en- -i they lack science and are more pastime Bridgeport amnck and the excitement was Bridgeport three hits in eachs what he talking for Soccer is Bridgeport. ten by the 10,000 crowd that witnessed another diamond argument Thurs- Brown of the second and third innings irti joyed the distinctoin of being the adapted gymnastics. (Bud Palmer, won, rounds, the sports. day evening, the game to be played seething. Finally the which some hefty 1 chief Instructor of 600,000 soldiers in their most popular sport. Buring the Bridgeport. Seaside Park. Cliff Lewis and Derby leader called over Sergeant also error hitting figured., in tne worm war. war the Italians trimmed the French Bud won, ten rounds, Miss Ethelda Bleibtrey holds the at Dennis Kehoe He made his way an by Belanger. In th the Italian Army de- Palmer, world's in the 100, Jack McGee will be the battery for second round .Bennett of elevens and would , championship i0, passed Boftus,, In his capacity of physical director and English Bridgeport. one two mile and long the civilians, who will have a new- to the Worcester bench, but and hits were contributed an International Y. M. C. A. unit, on feat any American team if a game Harry Condon, won, ten rounds. 440, 880, mile, comer in Commis- could not locate the missing by Smith,, in last Austrian was staged. They are also strong for New York. distance women's swims. Miss Bleib uniform Boxing ball. Kingdon and Emmerich. In the. the jPiave River, the most of trev won the 220 yiard national "title sioner Al Burdick. Lou Bogash will third singles Martin and Boftus, a.i (offensive. track and field sports, all Kid Carter, lost. en rounds, New All-St- ar Cap- In the heat of the "near riot," by or them fast runners and excellent yesterday with Miss Charlotte Boyle a also be in the Hneuip. second double by Kingdon and Smith's sacri- 'r' Owens is the possessor decora being in York. behind. Both swimmers comaea tain Kid Sherwood predicts another Conway, the Worcester fice netted another trio of runs. tions from jsjng vitiur f"'""""1' shot putters. Owens is hopes that Kid Carter, won, ten rounds. New yard ana win for the Lewis clan. In the last baseman, mad a football rush and the Count of Turin for valor and Italy will send a representative soccer York. at the 110 yard mark lost several the bluecoats suffered a 11 to toward McCann arid slipped the the Italian team to this country to compete with Green, won. four rounds, seconds. Miss Boyle took second. game bosom of In the seventh Emmerich beat out, also for his work among Harry team-mat- e, 10 defeat. missing ball in the his second irefield troops. Owens went "over there" as Yankee teams in the near future. New York. with Helen Wainwright, a McCann's shirt. hit, was sacrificed member of the 332nd regiment, Owens was under the command of Young Leroy, K. O., six rounds, taking third. Miss Bleibtrey's time vs. Hartford. The excitement subsided and to second by Ray and scored on. a Penn-eylvan- ia Col. in athletic unit 220 titular event was Bridgeport to left. composed mainly of Ohio and Johnson and the New York. in the yards .The (Bridgeport poline nine will en- McCann walked back to the Rodriguez's rap troops. were Mike O'Dowd, who was then Young Joe Rivers, won, six rounds, 3:06. in its initial encounter for dia- a champion. Gene Bel- New York. Another feature event of the af gage as- Derby dugout triumphant. Bennett Had Busy Day. While tie aeciareo. mai middleweight 440 mond honors in the State Police The audience thronght the Bennett connected two. i never turn out a champion lijOwens mont, Jimmy Foley, Johnny Butchin, Willie McLean, won. four rounds, ternoon wa the yard handicap sociation next alfterpoon at Worcester boys Befty for ! Saturday really flawless off the fact that he did not Al Norton, Joe Tierney, Gene Payo, New York. swim in which Langer, also an Olym Newfield when the local blue-coa- ts for to steal avjoryBaU. drives Boehling in three emphasized as Bud Clancy, Kid and Jimmy Hubbs, ten rounds, star, was held for 75 seconds Park, naughty trying trips to the plate. Bennett also had 'wish to be interpreted meaning Bayton A- - Teddy draw, pic will cross bats with the Hart- They failed to get the leathered 1 Italian-Americ- an boxers Bronson, handler of Bob Martin E. which meant 12o Langer Mc-(Un- a busy day fielding, six assists i that the will Bridgeport. yards. cross- ford department nine. Following globule, but they lassoed one having I who were born on this side of F. champion, who, Owens says, Chic Brown, won ten rounds, caught all other swimmers and the game the Hartford visitors will and putout to his credit. He I boys crown 25 "goat." two double the Atlantic are not good fighters. wrest the from Jack Bempsey Bridgeport. ed the tape about yards in the be entertained by the Bridgeport figured in plays. i i are. It within a year or two. Shea. ten rounds, lead. featured in the ' On the contrary, he said they summer Tommy draw, Stubby Kruger 14 club swingers. is simply a case of the ring sport Owens is an expert in park Bridgeport. 100 yard swim .winning over a Gene Martin brought the game to I not in Italy. He cited projects and his position during: the Art Kelley. lost on foul, Norwalk. second handicap, in 58 seconds. The a close with a fancy running catch of being popular - him all 1-- 5. , who- is of dozen years has taken K. O.. six rounds, was 1:16 Miller'a long fly, the latter for t the case of Bouis Bogash, past for the Young Carter, gun time Eastern batting t Italian extract in these words " I around the world Ingersoll Bridgeport. The New York first team ran away League Bennett. ' think Bouie Bogash is one of the best Engineering and Construction Co. , Abe Attell, exhibition, four rounds, with the relay. Their team consist- Bridgeport. ed of Misses Bleibtrey, Boyle, Wain- Big League Dust Every one of the McCann squad Sailor Shaeffer, won. foor rounds, wright and Elderle. pocketed one hit or more. BrdigeporC Fan Chatter The consistent clouting by both Johnny Noonan, draw.four rounds, The Yankees clung to the teams prevented any dull periods Few Runs In Bridgeport. 4 leadership by peppering the De- creeping into the game. The hits Do You Know Charley. Pitts, draw 10 rounds, Homers troit Tigers. Sehang's homer, with Baseball situation looks bad in Al- totaled 20, 11 off Bennett, while Bridgeport. Three two on, in the eighth round, clinched bany. Gamais scheduled for today Boehling was hit safely nine times. Al Ketchell, K. O.. four rounds, the and tomorrow have been transferred City League Bridgeport. victory. tr wiprhnr7 owiner to poor attend Boxers Were There. Chairlie Bergin, draw, ten rounds, Swatfest ance in Hudson River Sailor a EDDIE SHTTGRXTE New Haven. In By failing to get a circuit drive the burg. Johnny Darcey, genteel By That Chaa-li- e Babe Ruth fell behind his appearing cbap in his "civies," who HesiUts draw, ten rounds, yesterday City Beaguc R. H. E. Bergin, Heavy stickwork featured the 20 to home record for the first time Catcher Sweat of the Albany club Is to meet Johnny "Red" Allen in Bridgeport. 6 over season. was hit in the mouth by a thrown star bout at the State street -- 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 4 6 6 FOBBOWERS OF BOOAB hraii' . lost, ten rounds. win of the North Ends the this tonight's c White Eagles Johnny Martin, ball and forced to retire from the open-ai- r Arena, was introduced to the 1 0 0 1 1 0 5 6 baseball are why the New Haven. American Legion nine, five innings ' Sacraments 03 and pro wondering K. O., one of Which were played in the rain. Three homers featured the victory Hartford game. crowd by Jack McGee, the local "Joe Mills and Targon. Kushmorris Croshos or bans refuse to take up Bud Palmer, round, 28 of the Athletics over the Browns, the Bridgeport There was a total of safe clouts. fans still hold Pitchei Humphreys. jBorkin. R H. E. the sweeping challenge of the North Jack Perry, K .O.. nine rounds, the North Enders registering 17 of long distance clouters being lykes, Waterbury mound 0 0 6 2 A them. There were three home runs, Perkins and John "Walker. Carl Williams their former Bogash in Uniform. 3 0 0 0 Ends for the City championship. n. i.Waysides 03 Pittsburgh. one and Fin-layso- favorite in their affections. Williams, Fans had the opportunity of seeing 3 three-corner- 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 ed scries would be Tony Marengo, won, ten rounds, each by Anderson, Coles, was pre- (Red Sox 02 mighty New Haven. It was the twelfth straight Grimm, Pittsburgh's first baseman, who is now with Springfield, Bouis Bogash in uniform: The local Farrell and Collins; Bowden and The to be de- who are claim- was in the shoulder a sented with apurse of gold before welter worked off three pounds of interesting. proceeds Don lay, draw, ten rounds, win of the North Ends injured by Brassco-Pon- (Walters. - - rived from such a series of games Mickey ball and forced to retire. the y game. avordupoig in batting and chasing th Lone Star-Ek- o game was call- no welcomed the Bridgeport. ing the city championship. Manager pitched The would doubt be by Bouis Bogash, draw, ten rounds, Rowe has Aug. 14, 21 and 28 open for ball before the game. ed off. treasurers of the respective teams as the Crashos, Irans or other local The Pirates. made it three wins in Horkheimer, Bridgeport, is prov- it has been a lean season. Bridgeport. a row from, the to be one of the batting "finds" oi j Urttv Sox and the Sac Coffy, won, four rounds, teams who aspire to the title. ine Phils, although Cy ing Ttd Jimmy v Williams out a homer with the seasm. He is regarded by Joe raments tt a new battery in the FRIDAY has been as Bridgeport lineups: banged as one of time- 1 -- 1 .3 put Tl 1 V 5UX designated . four rounds one in the third. Cosgrove Waterbury's , .1 . ... - O Charley Pitts, won, North Ends: Hayes, rf, Anderson, mu. V..hmnrn3u. nllowd "Badies' Bay" by the Bridgeport club. : liest hitters. the leading White On date Jack and his Bridgeport. 1st: A. Finlavson. cf B. Finlayson, If; phits 1 against league that Flynn one A Outfielder Flack of Hits Count Qn-i- K. O., Coles. E. c; Boehm, by That . i - round, 2nd; Meerbach, t nrhtiu " I " Rnwdfin" allowed Ponies will be Bud Murphy, new MfiC3, ' of Bridgeport the Lawrence, Mass. ss; Goode, 3rd; Stafford, p. the Cubs was the only run scored off Groh, Albany's third sacker, the Waysides the same number : ss. Braves ' hit the ball for a , double and Joe Welling. K. O., two rounds, mencan Legion siiornaori, McQuillan, pitcher. a Hartford Syracuse, N. Y. Richardson, If and p; Chipp, If. single, against O'ConneU, REX COX, Albany pitcher, figured Boyle, lost, 12 rounds, Erickson. 3rd; Toomey, 1st; Cronan, 16 twirler. Bridgeport. e , - Clark starred for the Waysides his In the first "iron man" stunt of the Phinney FANS BATTERS ab r h po a I Macs. nd: Kaepkiex. 2nd: Culhane, p and 5 1 2 1 1 0 was extra 'base season the Lawrence, - Emmerich, cf ... two base hit the only in Albany. After losing Williams, won,- four rounds. If; Lockwood c; "Shqrty" Bong tightened his hold 2b 4 0 4 0 J hit of the game and his bunt in the first game bis former team- Harry Wheway, rf; Brady Schiller, the clever of the on the lead Ray, S against New Haven. rf. pitcher league batting by hitting 4 1 14 0 first inning coupled with errors drove mates he entered the second fray K. O., six rounds. R. H. E. Shamrocks. twirled a phenomenal safely three times off Haley, Spring- Martin, rf ; two runs. and held them to three hits and won. Harry Williams, brand of ball 16 field Rodriguez, lb .. 1 11109 1 0 in New Haven.. North Ends yesterday, fanning twirler. Smith, c .4 1 1 4 1 1 won, four rounds, 0 20 17 4 St. James' batters, the Shamrocks .3 2 White Ragles made all the ex-- ', "BABE" RUTH is SO home runs Phil Banber, a score of 10 to 6.. One Kingdon, ss 4 2 2 4 1 The Waterbury. American24120632Legion winning by Boftus, If 1 3 0 0 tra base hits of their game. Zetany ahead ot (George Kelly Giants' first K. O., six rounds. 0 6 v of the features of the game was a 3,14 1 0 ' and his S9th of Bobby Reimer, li McLaughlin, 3b . 0 conected for three bases Paige sacker. Ruth got the New Britain. 20002020 homer by Metz with two on the bags. 4 0 1130 i season While Boehling. and O'Boyle doubled. Saturday7 Kelly pasted Whitey Fitzgerald, wen, 12 rounds. HTBLSHES CLAIMING TITLE. The lineups: Sorty Long p. 10 out his 19th circuit drive yesterday St. James, Jrs. Hayes, lb; 2 " ' on New Britain. - Totals 35 7 11 27 13 Only" one base was stole Borkin, against the Cubs. Kunz, won, eight rounds, cAn. fin.. 1 r. urtii'l tha vic c; Metz. If; Fedor, ss; F. Bort- Worcester I recruit catcher of the Sacraments Battling T. H. Borkin YABE'S HOCKEY team will Bridgeport. tory of the Hillside Jrs. over the nick. 3b; BortnJck, cf; Powell, Leads At Bat ab r h po a e ' that being made by Bailey. enjoy Coffey, won. four rounds. Cubs score of 10 to 5. rf: Toth, 2b; Salossi, p. 0 0 0 3 also made one passea Dan. the unique experience of having ice Jimmy Jackson by the A. C. Murray, ss 1. i Bridgeport. It was the twelfth straight victory Shamrock Friedberg, cf; b ..34 0 1 0 1 1 to practice on during the coming Brown, K. O.. two rounds, now Kinnane, 2b; Booley, c; Hafele, ss; Christie, time this year Poly winter. have been Young - for the HiHies, who are claiming With 358 P. G. Belanger, lb 4 0 1' For the first Arrangements for "the 12 to Schiller, p; Meyers, 3b; Gallagher. If; 4 110131 0 . Bridgeport. the city championship King, cf 3 0: Targon went hitless. The league completed to lease the Arena for a Roach. K-- O.. three rounds, 15 n. 1 2 4 'i term. Spider year division. Smith, lb; Haytter, Conway, 2b 4 4 0' leading swatter faced Span Bowden, long Bong, the demon hitter of 3 0 1 1 0 rex-S- t. Bouis and failed to a Waterbury. Shorty Gallogly, rf 0: star, get Eddie O'Brien, K. O., three rounds, the Waterbury club, continues to set Callahan, ,W 3 0 1 2, 0 0 safety. Bridgeport. four the pace for Eastern Beague batters. Hartnett, c 4 0 1 0 0 0 " Jimmy Coffey, draw, rounds, Flayers batting .275 and over in 20 Bennett, p 3 0 6 0 Al Paige, of the White Eagles, is Blank Bridgeport. or more games follow x Miller 1 0 0210 0 0 I now of the swatters. re- - Alpines won, four rounds, .35S- king on Paige Bud Palmer, Bong, Waterbury f fused a chance to go tne roaa lor Bridgeport. Bish, Waterbury 351 Totals 33 3 9 24 14 3 rthe Rosebuds. Freddie Seigel, won, four rounds. HITTING THE Pennington, Hartford .350 x" x Batted for Bennett in 9th. to Graphophones Hammond, Pittsflld 345 Worcester : 0 3 Managers of teams have refused Benny Leonard, exhibition, four Wilder, Springfield 332 000201003 0 0 0 x 7 I at Pleasure beach due to the 2 South fiorwaiK. 32 6 Bridgeport ...03 01 t play small collections. Bobby Green's Alpines scored a rounds. rounds, Haines, Hartford Two basehits, Kingdon. Callahan. heavy expenses and 0 Steady Stealman, lost, four Worcester .325 Sacrifice Smith. 1 to over the Columbia Belanger, - hits, Callahan, Ray, ' The third game of the league will victory SPORT TRAIL MoCorry, Pittsfield .- .321 Stolen L bases, Rodriguez. Struck out, be played at diamond No. 5 Graphophone nine yesterday at Avon Patlor Murphy, K. O., two rounds. Pittsfield 313 3. probably . Bosse, Base on balls, oft 1:30 Park. allowed but one hit and Bride-eport- by Boehling Seaside, at hereafter. Pohja .... Shay. New Haven 313 Boehling 3, Bennett 1. Double plays, that being of thes cratch variety. He Murphy, exhibi- 312 Be- record-make- rs Harlem Tommy Bonahue, Albany and Bennett and ifanned eight of the rounds. 311 Ray Rodriguez; tion three Bridgeport.12 Kane, Hartford langer; Bennett, Conway and Be- ! and gave three free tickets to first Young Rector,, won, rounds, With Pittsfield .310 Um- base. Only one of the Drlrl ovnnrt Geo. E. Firstbrook Bates, langer. Wild pitches, Bennettfl. Hurls Graphophones Conway, Worcester 309 Bransfield and Ennis. , the sack. The won. rounds. ia pires, Rogers passed midway Alpines Mike McCabe, twelve Baker,. AJbany-Pittstfie- ...... 304 stole three bases and garnered in six Bridgeport. Dameron, Albany .303 hits oft Vincho. who retired seven Georear Sharkey, K. O., three .30 1 t Game via the route. The York. Gonzales, Springfield ...... Hitless Alpines rov.nds. New There's a new one the ball fans' catechism. It is this: Kingdon, .295 - - . in , . ;Waterburyi . - Bridgeport lineup Gritman, off; A. Pohja. rf; Powers, K. O., two rounds, t r r vvi i oaa 292 ,r Judd Rogers twirled hitless ball McGovern. ss; Scholtz, Jimmy uat IS more iilsuiib ui ; ' Rice, Albany the 2b; Evans, lb; (A) "Umpire Peter McLaughlin." Pierotti, Pittsfield 292 against the Pirates yesterday. Barron, 3b; Bacnamsky, If; Phelps, Maxie Green, lost, 12 round3, Far Callahan, Worcester 291 Eastern League a fast game by the c, and H. Pohja, p. .RHE Waterbury-Sprin- g. . . ..291 Putnam 3 winning 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 6 4 Rockaway. According to Waterbury wails comdian Peter is guilty of some Williams, i 3 to 1. An error was re- Alpines Shields, won, ten rounds, Hartford 291 score of Graphophone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 JimmyN. Y. outrageous actions in Brassville, itemized as follows: Buignan, for the lone tally of the Goshen. 5 Joe Cos and fined him $10. Rodriguez, Bridgeport 290 GAMES TOMORROW.' y Isponsible double July Ejected grove I) Buccaneers. A timely by Jim Bones was so hot under the July 12 Ousted Leo Bowd and fined player $10. Best, Pittsfield .290 New Haven at Bridgeport. i Rogers in the eighth inning drove collar the other on FACTORY LEAGUE 4 Chased Red and out of the Wilson, New Haven ...... 289 Worcester at Springfield. I and day hearing the Aug. Torphy Frank Colley game. Pittsfield .287 Hartford at Pittsfield. r two runs over the plate put the reports that was go Stapleton, .. i i on ice for the Boys' club aggre-- .' Harvey Kelley . R. H. E. Ball, iew Haven .284 Waterbury at Albany. game ing to give mm a lambasting when Joe Bugan is back where the raspberry grows Quakertown. Becker, Springfield 284 The lineups: meet at the Arena Housatonic i gation. they tonieht. that 8 Emmerich, 282 GAMES TODAY. Putnams Zappulla, If; Burns, 2b; he offered to fight Keiley on the well 0 5 1 An bloom the run- - blossom. Bridgeport at New Haven. ' Rogers, winner-take-a- ll 20001200 extinct Hargraves, New Haven 281 Bridgeport fBirotnak c; Calcaterra, lb; known basis. and East Main -- ! 0 N. H. . at t- Turcot, cf; Glynn, ss; Fulton, 3b; with a eide bet of berries. To 0 2 4 4 Murphy, Hart., Albany. .281 Worcester Springfield. fifty 1001000-- THERE'S BT THE BROWN BERBY RACK FOR In Pittsfield. & rf. v ROOM a Bates, Pittsfield 279 Hartford at jcprso, rf; Neary cf; Quesnel, prove to the universe that he wasn't Batteries: J. Connors and Attensia; game last Mae a catcher, HR at Pirates Simmons, 2b;v Saunders. afraid of Bones, Parker and week in Meriden, Ziekel, girl equalled a world's Clark, Springfield .. .278 Albany Waterbury. - Kelley accepted the Tersey. record when she walloped out lour nomers, two douoles ana a of singles Torphy, .277 kBS- Farrar, p; Colman, lb; Perry, If; bet. So, ye fight fans who will jour- in is a. pair Waterbury i c; eight to the Baseball supposed to be masculine game but f&lva, Springfield ...... 276 Scores Yesterday. Johnson; rf; Reed Gibson, cf; ney to the Arena tonight will view R. H. E. trips plate. sex 7. 3. so-cal- led Miss Ziekel's would seem to indicate that the fair are Bai, 276 Worcester (Fraiser, 3b; Baker, rf. one of those grudge fights. General Electrh; effort assuming Bridgeport Bridgeport 7. 11-1- 1 their O'Connor, New Haven .276 Albany 9, Hartford X 3 place. ' 3. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 5 4 Joe who decision 40020320& Springfield 1, Waterbury rputs 5 Hall, dropped a Holmes Edwards Pittsfield 9, New Haven 9 v -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 y Musante in a hired uni- - (called Flits 0 1 to Patsy Rnibino in Troy last Mon- v0 3 10 10 6 If you see Fritz togged out policeman's DELANEY BOOKED in day night, is slated to meet Bew Her- Batteries:203002Vreeland and Mylock; form and carrying a billy on State street this evening, make up your 9th, rain.) who was the sen- -, man mind he's on trail of crashers at the fight arena. . Standing of Teams. Young Mulligan, at Scranton, Pa., at that place Hags, Boywid and Corris. the gate Al Jennings announces that he has W. B. PjC. ation of the state 'fistic, circles last Friday night for ten laps. Hall is signed Jack Delaney to meet the vet- 56 38 .596 year, and who has (been on the side now making Troy his R. H. E. Continuing nonverstion on the lively ball. Zach Wheat, Brooklvn Bridgeport f of headquarters, - eran Happy Howard, for a ten round Pittsfield 57 40 .588 lines since his defeat at the hands and trains with Johnny Clinton, pres- M. M. M. captain and outfielder has released the following: "Outfielders are layintr bout the American Legicn show in ,i i. 46 41 ; has commenced training ent New cham- 0 8 7 3 back from 30 this Wheat. have to, to at Worcester .577 Christy,.- England lightweight to 40 feet year." says "They keep the Ac- 51 . .' joe at Battling Kunz's place in pion, who is the battler 100000 07 ball from over their-- heads. makes it Holyoke, 'next Friday night. New Haven 45 .531 f again, incidentally Acme being knocked Beep playing possible to the . . 49 46 South. NWrwalk, in anticipation of a who has given Bon most 0 0 3 B safe. Outfielders to nab base run- - cording Jennings, promoters Hartford .i .516 ' (Bogash the for many slice flies to fall aren't trying have installed more seats at the arena. .Springfield 46 53 .465 busy winter campaign. Mulligan's trouble In three or four bouts with ' iBatteries:00600000 Kuba ners at the two reasons the throw is too and'if we do & 5,- - I Dorkin and Clark; for great throw, it for 38 63 .418 first start "will be in Banbury in two the local - plate Dounue a oeaa. making seating capacity Waterbury ...... welterweight. and Bearse. we lively ball is. likely to over tne catcner 000. L Albany . 31 68 .318 Vv