

Robert O'Byrne | 256 pages | 18 Oct 2012 | CICO BOOKS | 9781908170781 | English | London, United Kingdom Days: The story of a Guinness house

About Luggala Days: The Story Of A Guinness House Writer Luggala is in the northeastern section of the in , and overlooks the Lough Taywhich lies at the base of the steep granite cliffs on Luggala's eastern face. As well as a noted scenic point in County WicklowLuggala's eastern cliffs have many graded rock-climbing routes. Nestled in a secluded Irish valley, Luggala is an exquisite eighteenth- century house at the center of a 5,acre estate. In Ernest Guinness presented Luggala to his youngest daughter, Oonagh, who described Luggala as "the most decorative honey pot in Ireland" and made it the center of a dazzling social world that included painters, poets, scholars, and socialites. Written by Robert O’Byrne, Luggala Days: The Story of a Guinness House (Cico Books, $45) tells the absorbing tale of a building once called “the most decorative honey pot in Ireland.”. "Luggala Days" Goes Inside the Guiness Familiy's Irish Mansion

Hidden inside a secluded Irish valley lies Luggala, an exquisite eighteenth-century house at the centre of a 5,acre estate. In Ernest Guinness presented Luggala to his youngest daughter, Oonagh – one of the three famous ‘Golden Guinness Girls’ – following her marriage to the fourth Baron Oranmore and Browne. The Luggala Story - A Refined History Oonagh, Lady Oranmore and Browne passed Luggala to her son, Dr. The Honourable , who maintained the tradition of hosting and promoting Irish composers, poets and traditional musicians, especially the piper and all . The house has been described as Garech's portrait. In , Arthur Ernest Guinness purchased the Luggala Estate and then gave it as a wedding gift to his daughter Oonagh on her second marriage, to Lord Oranmore and Browne; she then gifted the property to her son Garech in A New Book Goes Inside the 's Luggala Mansion

Written by Robert O’Byrne, Luggala Days: The Story of a Guinness House (Cico Books, $45) tells the absorbing tale of a building once called “the most decorative honey pot in Ireland.”. The Luggala Story - A Refined History Oonagh, Lady Oranmore and Browne passed Luggala to her son, Dr. The Honourable Garech Browne, who maintained the tradition of hosting and promoting Irish composers, poets and traditional musicians, especially the piper Paddy Moloney and all The Chieftains. The house has been described as Garech's portrait. Beautiful book about a jewel of a house just outside , and owned by Garech Browne, a scion of the Guinness family and early friend/patron of the Chieftains. ROYAL OAK LECTURE SERIES | Luggala Days: The Story of a Guinness House

Luggala Days: The Story of a Guinness House. Robert O’Byrne with photographs by James Fennell. CICO Books, pp. , £. Buy Luggala Days: The Story of a Guinness House by Robert O'Byrne online at Alibris. We have new and used copies available, in 1 editions - starting at $ Shop now. About Luggala Days: The Story Of A Guinness House Writer Luggala is in the northeastern section of the Wicklow Mountains in Ireland, and overlooks the Lough Taywhich lies at the base of the steep granite cliffs on Luggala's eastern face. As well as a noted scenic point in County WicklowLuggala's eastern cliffs have many graded rock-climbing routes.

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