Anemia, Renal Transplantation, and the Anemia Paradox Claudio Rigatto

Anemia is prevalent in renal transplant recipients (RTRs), as it is in all (CKD) populations. Mild anemia occurs in up to 40% of RTRs, and more severe anemia (110 g/L) occurs in about 9% to 22% of patients. As in CKD, impaired graft (renal) function is a major predictor of anemia identified in nearly all studies, suggesting a major role for deficiency. Chronic inflammation, malnutrition, deficiency, and medications (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, mycophenolate, , and ) are contributory factors seen in some, but not all, studies. Although pathophysiologic and observational data strongly support a causal association between low levels and cardiovascular outcomes in RTRs, no randomized controlled trial to date has been able to show a clear benefit of anemia treatment on cardiovascular outcomes or mortality in either RTR or other CKD populations. This important paradox has led some investigators to question the causal nature of the association between anemia and disease. Resolution of this paradox, at least for patients with stage 2/3 CKD, will depend on the outcome of randomized controlled trials currently in progress. Similar trials sorely are needed in renal transplant populations. In the interim, current opinion favors treating persistent anemia in RTRs to achieve targets similar to those recommended for and CKD patients. Semin Nephrol 26:307-312 © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

KEYWORDS cardiovascular disease cardiomyopathy, , arteriosclerosis, clinical epidemiology

nemia is a common complication of chronic kidney dis- burden and possible importance of anemia in RTRs, and Aease (CKD), but until recently its importance among some of the major controversies in the field of renal anemia. renal transplant recipients (RTRs) has been underappreci- ated. Several lines of evidence suggest that anemia is an im- portant risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality Clinical Epidemiology of in various CKD populations. Anemia may affect cardiac and Anemia in RTRs: vascular structure via several proposed mechanisms. Obser- Burden and Risk Factors vational studies have suggested a strong relation between anemia and cardiovascular outcomes. Nonrandomized inter- The prevalence of anemia in RTRs varies between 15% and ventional studies have observed improvement in cardiac 40% depending on several factors including the definition of structure and function and in quality of life. However, most anemia, the timing of the measurement with respect to trans- randomized clinical trials of anemia treatment have failed to plantation, and the population studied. 1 observe the benefit predicted by observational and nonran- Vanrenterghem et al conducted a cross-sectional survey domized studies. The present article discusses the clinical of more than 4,000 RTRs in Europe who were transplanted 6 months, 1, 3, or 5 years before study enrollment [Transplant European Study on Anemia Management (TRESAM) study]. Anemia was defined as a hemoglobin (HGB) concentration of Department of , University of Manitoba, and the Section of Ne- less than 130 g/L in males and less than 120 g/L in females. phrology, St. Boniface General Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Thirty-nine percent (39%) of patients in the entire cohort had Address reprint requests to Claudio Rigatto, MD, FRCPC, MSc, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Section of , some degree of anemia. The prevalence of severe anemia, St. Boniface General Hospital, 409 Tache Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, defined as a HGB level of less than 110 g/L in males or less Canada R2H 2A6. E-mail: [email protected] than 100 g/L in females, was 8.5%. The mean HGB level was

0270-9295/06/$-see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 307 doi:10.1016/j.semnephrol.2006.05.007 308 C. Rigatto similar in the 6-months, 1-, 3-, and 5-year cohorts. The level creased from 76% at 1 month after transplantation to 21% at of graft function was the dominant correlate of anemia; a 1 year after transplantation, increasing again to 36% at 4 serum level of more than 2 mg/dL conferred a 3- to years after transplantation. Severe anemia (Hct level Ͻ 30%) 4-fold increase in the odds of having anemia independently was much less frequent, present in 20% of RTRs at 1 month of other variables. Other factors associated with low hemo- but only 5% of RTRs at 1 and 4 years after transplantation. level were age, angiotensin converting enzyme inhib- Cross-sectional analyses revealed the following univariate as- itors (ACEI) or angiotensin receptor blockers, mycopheno- sociations with occurrence of anemia (Hct level Ͻ 36%)at6 late (MMF) or azathioprine treatment, and infection. months after transplantation: female gender, cytomegalovi- Polycystic kidney disease was associated with lower odds of rus Dϩ/R- status, nondiabetic status, and GFR at 3 months. anemia. However, female gender was the only predictor on multivar- Fernandez-Fresnedo et al2 reported on the prevalence of iate analysis. At 1 year, similar univariate associations were anemia in a cohort of more than 2,000 prevalent Spanish found, whereas GFR at 6 months was the only multivariate RTRs. Anemia was defined as a HGB level of less than 120 g/L association with anemia. in men or less than 110 g/L in women. The prevalence of Mild anemia is common among RTR. Anemia prevalence is anemia was 23% in men and 22% in women. Besides gender, greatest immediately after transplantation, reaching a nadir at graft function and MMF use were associated with anemia in a 6 months to 1 year, coincident with restoration of normal cross-sectional analysis. EPO secretion in the allograft. The prevalence then increases Molnar et al3 reported on the prevalence of anemia in a again after several years, presumably due to the increasing cross-sectional analysis of 959 prevalent RTRs in Hungary. prevalence of chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN). Severe Twenty-seven percent of patients met the definition of mild anemia that would meet current thresholds for EPO treat- to moderate anemia in that study (HGB level, 100-120 g/L in ment in dialysis and nontransplant CKD (HGB level Ͻ 110 females, 110-130 g/L in males), and 7% met the definition of g/L or Hct level Ͻ 33%), occurs in 9% to 20%. The major severe anemia (Ͻ100 g/L in females, Ͻ110 g/L in males). determinant of anemia, at least cross-sectionally, is function- Eleven percent of patients had a HGB level of less than 110 ing renal mass, as estimated by GFR or creatinine level. In this g/L, the lower target of HGB level for patients on dialysis. On sense, posttransplant anemia resembles anemia in CKD. Ad- multivariate analysis, estimated glomerular filtration rate ditional contributing factors appear to be inflammation; mal- (GFR), serum albumin, and saturation were the ; iron deficiency; medication use, in particular renin only independent predictors of anemia. angiotensin system (RAS) antagonists (ACEI or angiotensin Lorenz et al4 conducted a cross-sectional analysis of 438 receptor blocker) and antimetabolites (MMF or azathio- prevalent RTRs in Austria. The prevalence of anemia, as de- prine); and chronic viral diseases such as cytomegalovirus. fined in the 2 studies cited earlier, was 40%, while 16% of patients had a HGB level of less than 110 g/L. Again, low GFR showed the strongest association with low HGB level, sug- Anemia: A Risk Factor gesting a primary role for renal erythropoietin (EPO) defi- for Cardiovascular Disease ciency. Other variables independently associated with lower HGB levels on multiple linear regression were as follows: Possible Mechanisms female gender, EPO , azathioprine use, high serum Effects on cardiac and vascular remodeling level, low serum transferrin level and low transferrin Anemia appears to exert a primary effect on cardiac and vas- saturation, low body mass index, diagnosis of polycystic kid- cular remodeling, with additional effects on endothelium and ney disease, and older age. These associations provide evi- atherosclerosis. dence for the role of inflammation (increased ferritin levels), Chronic anemia causes relative tissue , leading to malnutrition (low body mass index), iron deficiency (low vasodilatation and a decrease in pressure. This triggers transferrin level, low transferrin saturation), and antimetab- a neurohormonal response, with increased sympathetic drive olite use (MMF, azathioprine) as additional risk factors for and RAS activation.7 The proximate cardiac consequences anemia. The association of EPO therapy with lower, rather are an increase in heart rate and volume, the latter than higher, hemoglobin levels in this study likely repre- achieved initially by an increase in the fractional shortening sented confounding by indication because low hemoglobin of the myocyte. In the kidneys, RAS activation to salt values provided the primary indication for starting EPO. and water retention, diluting HGB levels further. Increased Winkelmayer et al5 observed an overall prevalence of ane- as a result of the neurohormonal response and mia ( [Hct] level Ͻ 33%) of 29% in 374 prevalent plasma volume expansion increases venous return, causing a RTRs studied at a median of 7.7 years after transplantation. primary myocardial stretch stimulus. The cardiomyocyte re- The major cross-sectional predictors of low Hct level were sponds to this stimulus by adding sarcomeres in series, in- female gender, increased serum creatinine level, ACEI use, creasing myocyte length and thus increasing the volume of mycophenolate use, and tacrolimus use. the heart cavities.8,9 By Laplace’s law, an increase in cavity Mix et al6 performed a retrospective cohort study on 240 dimensions necessarily results in an increase in wall stress, prevalent RTRs in Boston to document temporal changes in which in turn stimulates the cardiomyocyte to add sarco- the prevalence of anemia after transplantation. In their study, meres in parallel, augmenting the cross-sectional area of the the prevalence of anemia (defined as Hct level Ͻ 36%) de- myocardium and returning wall stress back to normal. Ane- Anemia in RTRs 309 mia thus promotes a form of eccentric left ventricular hyper- 5 trophy, characterized by primary cavity enlargement and a 4 3.67† secondary parietal thickening in response to increased wall stress. These changes initially are adaptive, returning wall 3 2.55† 10 stress and fractional shortening back to normal values. Hy- 2 1.64 pertrophy, however, exacts its price because the hypertro- 1 phied myocardium is not normal and is characterized by a 1 Ref 11 Relative hazard of CHF* decreased capillary to myocyte ratio, accelerated myocyte 0 12 8,10 apoptosis, impaired subendocardial , and in- <114 114-126 126-138 >138 13,14 creased oxidative stress. These derangements can pro- Hemoglobin Quartile mote progressive cardiomyocyte attrition and interstitial fi- * Adjusted for age, diabetes, systolic blood pressure, donor status, and serum albumin † p<0.03 with respect to reference quartile brosis, resulting in further hypertrophy and wall stress. Adapted from Rigatto et al. See reference 42 in text and its derangements, such as hyperparathyroid- Figure 1 ism15 and increased oxidative stress,13 can contribute further Relative risk of de novo CHF as a function of hemoglobin quartile. *Adjusted for age, diabetes, systolic blood pressure, donor to myocyte death. A progressive downward spiral of cardiac status, and serum albumin level. †P Ͻ .03 with respect to reference function can result, leading to and death. quartile. Adapted from Rigatto et al.42 (Color version of figure is In the conduit arteries, chronically increased stroke vol- available online.) ume and blood flow result in dilation and medial thickening of the arterial walls by processes similar to those occurring in the ventricle. This stiffens the conduit arteries, increasing the renal function. Finally, renal function can contribute to vol- velocity and amplitude of the reflected arterial wave, ume stress on the heart and anemia. These 3 positive-feed- and thus augmenting systolic and diminishing diastolic pres- back loops constitute the cardio-renal-anemia syndrome and sure. The increase in systolic pressure worsens left ventricu- can result in a downward clinical spiral. The treatment of lar (LV) afterload and thus further exacerbates the stimulus to anemia in this setting appears to improve symptoms and LV hypertrophy, whereas the decrement in diastolic pressure reduce mortality.30 compromises coronary perfusion, which occurs during dias- tole.16 Clinical Studies The complement of an increased reflected wave is a de- Observational studies in RTRs creased conducted wave perfusing the tissues, which theo- Anemia has been shown to be a risk factor for cardiac disease retically can compromise distal perfusion even in the absence in many clinical settings. Anemia has been associated with LV of arterial occlusion. dilation and LV hypertrophy in chronic renal insufficiency and in dialysis patients [relative risk for left ventricular hy- Anemia and oxidative stress pertrophy (LVH) progression, per 10 g/L decrease, is 1.74 in 17 Anemia is associated with increased oxidative stress. In evo- CKD and 1.48 in dialysis].31-36 Anemia is also a risk factor for lutionary terms, hemoglobin-like compounds likely arose as the development of de novo cardiac failure and death in a potent mechanism to bind and thus mitigate oxida- dialysis.33,37 Partial correction of anemia is associated with tive stress in primordial organisms. Oxidative stress is an regression of hypertrophy in cohort studies.38,39 Several important feature of cardiac failure, and abrogation of oxida- newer studies have shown that anemia increases the risk of tive stress improves cardiac function in animal models of cardiovascular disease in patients with CKD.40,41 18-23 overload cardiomyopathy. Oxidative stress also pro- Relatively few studies have examined the impact of anemia motes atherosclerosis via endothelial and lipid oxida- on cardiovascular outcomes in RTRs. Rigatto et al42 docu- 24-26 tion . mented the impact of anemia on de novo CHF in a cohort of EPO deficiency and cardiovascular disease 638 RTRs transplanted in Manitoba and Newfoundland, Transplant anemia is, inter alia, a reflection of inadequate Canada. The incidence of CHF was 1.26 per 100 patient- renal EPO secretion. EPO recently has been shown to in- years of observation. CHF was associated with a 2-fold in- crease circulating endothelial progenitor cells. These cells crease in mortality, and was as lethal an event as de novo have been shown to be involved in vasculogenesis and repair. ischemic heart disease. Anemia was a major risk factor for the Decreased number and/or function of endothelial progenitor development of CHF and all-cause and cardiovascular death. cells has been associated with increased cardiovascular event The relationship between hemoglobin level and the risk of rates in several settings, including uremia. CHF was smoothly progressive for any hemoglobin level that was less than normal. The risk was highest for patients in the Cardio-renal-anemia syndrome lower hemoglobin quartiles (hemoglobin level Ͻ 126), indi- Iaina et al have pointed out the heightened sensitivity of the cating that even modest hemoglobin reductions might be failing heart to anemia.27 Experimentally, congestive heart associated with cardiac morbidity (Fig 1). In a subsequent failure (CHF) can develop with milder anemia than is the case analysis, the investigators documented a direct link between with normal .28,29 Clinically, both anemia and reduced electrocardiographic LVH, anemia, and CHF in kidney graft GFR are associated with CHF. CHF can induce anemia and recipients.43 These observations can be integrated into a reduce GFR. Anemia can exacerbate CHF and may worsen causal framework as shown in Fig 2. Under this hypothesis, 310 C. Rigatto

Age tients included in this trial were older and had more cardiac Diabetes disease than the average dialysis population. It was hypoth- esized that this group might be incapable of benefiting from anemia normalization because of the presence of advanced Baseline LV geometry irreversible heart disease. A subsequent RCT performed by Parfrey et al51 examined this hypothesis by studying whether normalization of HGB levels could arrest or reverse ventric- ular dilation and hypertrophy in dialysis patients without LVH symptomatic heart disease at baseline. No differences in left Inflammation ventricular volume index or mass index were observed be- IHD ANEMIA tween the partial and full anemia correction groups over the HYPERTENSION 72-week follow-up period. Levin et al52 compared low (HGB CHF and DEATH level, 90-105 g/L) versus higher (HGB level, 120-140 g/L) anemia targets in 172 patients with CKD. No differences in Figure 2 Pathogenesis of CHF in RTRs: a hypothesis. Adapted from LV mass index were seen after 24 months. Only 1 small RCT Rigatto et al.43 (Color version of figure is available online.) in a non-CKD cohort, performed in 34 patients with severe CHF and anemia, has been able to show that correction of anemia improved mortality rates.30 anemia (and hypertension) promote ventricular growth and remodeling, leading to CHF and death. Anemia and heart disease Djamali et al44 studied a cohort of 404 type 1 diabetics in RTR: causation or association? receiving either a kidney or kidney–pancreas transplant. As shown previously, a paradox exists between the results of They reported that anemia in the first 30 days after transplant observational and nonrandomized studies (strong positive was associated significantly with cardiovascular events oc- association of anemia with cardiovascular outcomes and curring in the first 6 months after transplantation. death) versus those of RCTs (no clear benefit of anemia treat- Randomized controlled trials ment). This paradox is shown even within the same data set: 50 There are as yet no randomized controlled trials of anemia in both the Besarab et al study in dialysis patients and the 52 management in RTRs. Therefore, it is necessary to generalize Levin et al study in CKD patients, a strong positive associ- from other populations. ation between anemia and the study end point was seen Despite strong observational data suggesting smooth, within each treatment group (nonrandomized comparison), graded, inverse associations between hemoglobin level, LVH, but not between groups (randomized comparison). CHF, and death in dialysis, CKD, and RTR, most randomized The implication of this paradox is central and profound: if controlled trials (RCTs) have failed to show a clear benefit of anemia is associated with outcomes observationally, but ex- anemia treatment on cardiovascular event rates or mortality perimentally manipulating it in a methodologically rigorous in renal patients. Early RCTs of anemia management com- fashion (ie, RCT) truly does not change outcome, then the pared EPO treatment with no EPO therapy.45-48 The mean association between heart disease and anemia cannot be hemoglobin levels in the control groups typically were 70 to causal. A crisis exists, therefore, in our current frame theory 80 g/L versus 100 to 110 g/L in the EPO treatment groups. A of anemia and heart disease. This crisis can be resolved only clinically important observation was a reduction in transfu- by a RCT that definitively addresses the major shortcomings sion requirements (with a resultant reduction in risk of viral of existing RCTs of anemia management in uremia. These are and HLA allosensitization). A landmark study as follows: (1) enrollment of populations with advanced and 50 also showed improvements in quality of life and exercise irreversible disease (eg, Besarab et al study) and (2) inade- capacity.45 These results form the only basis for current rec- quate statistical power owing to either (a) inadequate HGB ommended anemia treatment targets (HGB level, 110-120 separation between groups or (b) inadequate N, or (c) both. g/L) in dialysis patients. Importantly, none of these studies Large RCTs currently in progress are addressing these issues either observed, or was powered to observe, a survival benefit by (1) randomizing patients with earlier (stages 2-3) CKD of anemia correction. A recent RCT in CKD patients did who are more likely to have early reversible cardiac disease detect an improvement in decrease in GFR with early versus and (2) aiming for a HGB differential between trial arms of 25 delayed anemia management, but this trial was not powered g/L to maximize differences between arms. These trials either to detect differences in cardiovascular disease event rates or will support or refute the causal anemia hypothesis. Regret- mortality.49 tably, similar trials in renal transplant have not been planned, More recent trials have compared partial (HGB level, 110- nor have RTRs been included as a separate stratum in the 120 g/L) correction versus normalization (HGB level, 130- current CKD trials. 140 g/L) of anemia. In the landmark trial by Besarab et al,50 no improvement in mortality was observed with normaliza- Treatment of Anemia in RTRs tion of hemoglobin in dialysis patients (n ϭ 1,233). In fact, the trial was stopped early because of a persistent trend to- Given the uncertainties in the literature, firm evidence-based ward higher mortality rates in the normalization group. Pa- recommendations about anemia management cannot be Anemia in RTRs 311 made. Consensus guidelines for the management of anemia anemia in renal transplant patients: Results from MOST, an in RTRs nevertheless have been published.53 As in CKD and observational trial. Transplant Proc 37:3821-3822, 2005 3. Molnar MZ, Novak M, Ambrus C, et al: Anemia in kidney transplanted dialysis, reversible causes for anemia, such as iron deficiency, patients. Clin Transplant 19:825-833, 2005 blood loss, infection, and chronic inflammation, should be 4. Lorenz M, Kletzmayr J, Perschl A, et al: Anemia and iron deficiencies sought and treated. Cytomegalovirus infection is associated among long-term renal transplant recipients. 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