hired Russian professionals to work at his facil- Finnish market in 1966; at ity. He also had a hands-on approach to his the time toasters were a desired business as he himself worked in the factory wedding gift for young couples. from dawn to dusk every day. Fazer’s roots in the restaurant busi- The demand for Fazer products increased ness started in the days of the first café along with the product offering and opera- in 1891. The company started operations in tions. In September, 1897, Karl Fazer opened the restaurant business by running Restaurant industrial-scale production facilities in Kalastajatorppa in in the 1930s. Fazer Helsinki. This paved the way for export and added catering services to the restaurant oper- already in the 19th century the company start- ations and Fazer Catering was set up in 1976. ed exporting marmalade and chocolate con- The company was renamed Amica in 1988, fectionery. The packaging proudly displayed a representing the service-oriented and friendly Market personnel are essential for growing market ‘Made in ’ label. staff and student restaurants. In 1993 Amica Fazer Group operates in nine countries. Its shares for the bread segment in the Baltic Exceptional taste and quality of the prod- acquired a major personnel restaurant chain home market is the entire Baltic region with Sea area. ucts were of ultimate importance to Karl Fazer. and later the two companies merged, making approx. 140 million consumers. The Group Candyking is the market leader and a fore- He also paid great attention to the wrappings, Amica the market leader in Finland. based on memories and nostalgia. have consists of three divisions: Fazer Amica, Fazer runner in ‘pick and mix’ confectionery in the which soon became the trademark of Fazer a unique relation to Fazer from their early Bakeries and Candyking. Operations are based and the UK. confectionery. Among the artists were names Product childhood years and the Company’s products on common values with the same mission: to The decision to merge Fazer Confectionery such as Akseli Gallen-Kallela. Blue became the Fazer has always stood for services and prod- are associated with superior quality. offer taste sensations. Fazer’s common vision and Swedish Cloetta was made in December symbolic colour for Karl as it represented his ucts of high quality. The Fazer Café gives the The World Championships in Athletics is to be the leading food and service company 1999. Cloetta Fazer was established in 2000 love for the Finnish nature and later the inde- customers an opportunity to indulge in both. 2005 in Helsinki was one of Fazer´s biggest in defined markets. and is now the market leader in confectionery late products in packages with the famous pendent Finland. Fazer Blue chocolate, which Fazer Bakeries has an assortment of 750 one-off sponsorships, where the Fazer brand in the Nordic coun- blue colour. originated from a gift recipe in 1922, is careful- bakery products in Finland alone. Fazer leads got a lot of publicity and the new corporate tries with a market ly guarded as a product and brand. the way in bread. New product and process identity was launched. Fazer Amica was one of share of 22%. History development takes place in the biggest national partners. The history of Fazer is closely tied by family, the company’s own test bak- Fazer’s rye know-how is seen in the ‘Rye by Achievements the company and its products. The founder, ery facilities. In 2005, Fazer Fazer’ program that started in 2004. The goal The Fazer Group has Karl Fazer, started his business in Helsinki, opened a new state-of-the- is to increase public awareness of the health grown significantly Finland 114 years ago. His parents had emi- art research and development benefits of rye through sponsorship and com- in the past years grated from Switzerland to Finland, and Karl bakery in , Finland. munication, thus promoting the use of whole and today employs wanted to become a con- Fazer Blue milk chocolate meal rye as an essential part of a balanced over 14,000 people. fectioner. At the time, is Fazer’s best known brand. diet for all age groups. Turnover for the St. Petersburg was Since the merger with Cloetta Group has increased the best possible in 2000, Cloetta Fazer has had Brand Values steadily and was just training location, the license to use the Fazer The principles stated by Karl Fazer himself are over €900 million so Karl started as brand on chocolate and con- still the same. The strength of the brand lies in in 2004. an apprentice in fectionery products. delivering products and services of excellent Fazer Amica is the renowned G. quality. Fazer is great taste, enjoyment, quality, the largest division Berrin’s confec- Recent Developments well-being and freshness. Great food does not of the Group, with tionery. Later, as a All Finns know Fazer. The idea only taste delicious but smells, looks, feels and a turnover of €460 fully qualified pro- is to further extend the use even sounds amazing. It is a complete experi- million in 2004. The fessional, he went of the Fazer brand and at the ence which brings a sense of deep satisfaction. division has grown to work in other same time add to its value. Many customers have a strong emotional and strives to find famous confectioner- Fazer Group has a new relation to Fazer and the brand is associated modern solutions in ies in and . At the age of 25 Karl was common corporate iden- with good Finnish quality and long history. its operations. Today ready to show his talent in Helsinki. tity and as a result of the Many of the Fazer products were launched Fazer Amica’s ser- Karl Fazer opened his French-Russian café new brand strategy, the logo when today’s consumers were only children so vices also include a in Helsinki on September 17th, 1891. The small was redesigned. The biggest it’s fair to say that Finns have been raised on so called ‘grab and café soon became a popular meeting spot. Karl and his wife Berta had four children. change took place in Amica, which has always Fazer Blue chocolate. go’ concept. The rap- The products served were of exceptional qual- Their only son Sven became the president of been a Fazer company and the link with Fazer Fazer Amica is the leading contract cater- idly growing convenience foods market (ready- ity and Karl was known for his willingness Fazer in 1939 and he transformed the compa- is now reflected in the new company name, ing company in the Nordic and Baltic coun- made products) has a lot of potential and to do whatever it takes to exceed customer ny into a large food industry corporation. The Fazer Amica. As a result of the comprehen- Things you didn’t know about… tries offering taste sensations and tailor-made through synergy advantages within the Group, expectations. product range increased and Fazer started to sive renewal process, more products and ser- service solutions. Roughly 300,000 meals are Fazer Amica is able to offer customers more manufacture biscuits in 1924. vices will be Fazer branded. At the same time, Fazer served daily in Fazer Amica restaurants. Fazer choices. In addition to confectionery, pastries and investments in product, service and concept • The Fazer Blue recipe was a gift from Mr. Amica also offers representation catering for With the acquisition of Zvezdny bakery in biscuits, Fazer started baking bread. Finnish development continues. Shaller, a British business acquaintance of customer companies, where the requirements Moscow, Fazer Bakeries has strengthened its wholemeal became an important Fazer Bakeries has many strong Fazer Sven Fazer. The Swiss chocolate recipe was on quality, competence and professional skills position in the bread market sector in Russia. part of the company’s bakery operations in brands, including berry pastries, and ‘Toast’ and given in 1922 as a token of appreciation are high. It caters for big parties and restau- The company’s other bakery, Hlebny Dom in 1958, when Fazer acquired the Oululainen ‘Puikula’ . The goal is for more and more for medical care that Fazer organised for rant services at larger events and runs restau- St. Petersburg has been renewed and devel- bakery. The most successful products were Fazer bakery products to be ‘Fazer’ branded. Shaller’s son-in-law. rants and cafés in various department stores. oped making Fazer the market leader in the traditional rustic rye bread and rye crisp, • 100,000 litres of fresh milk is needed Fazer Bakeries is one of the leading bakery area. Fazer Bakeries’ turnover in 2004 was which are still among the best-known and Promotion everyday to produce Fazer Blue. A cow companies in the Baltic region, with about ten €340 million. best-selling products. The new large Oululai- Fazer has always been an innovative forerun- produces about 20 litres per day, so bakeries in Finland. Today bread products are Candyking is the smallest division in the nen bakery was completed in the early 1960s ner in advertising and marketing. As early as Cloetta Fazer ‘employs’ 5000 cows. sold both pre-packed over-the-counter and Group, with a turnover of €115 million in 2004. and the Oululainen Flour Mill was built next 1896, Karl Fazer made an advertising contract • Fazer has also manufactured macaroni freshly baked in stores. The multifaceted bread It recently established its ‘pick and mix’ to it in 1971. with the Helsinki Tramway Company to adver- and butter. culture and Fazer’s technology and know- confectionery business in the Russian and The introduction of tise on the horse-pulled trams. • Fazer Amica Finland serves 38 million how have found their way to other markets. Baltic markets. pre-packed bread was One part of Fazer’s meals and 57 million cups of coffee Fazer has bakeries in , Russia, Estonia, In a recent Finnish survey of 1300 brands, considered a break- marketing is each year. Lithuania and Latvia and exports products to Fazer was rated the most valued brand. Fazer is The family business really took off when through in the food • Fazer’s toast bread was the first of its over 20 countries, including Japan. The solid also well known in the neighbouring countries. Karl started manufacturing chocolate in 1894 industry and for Fazer kind in Finland when it was launched know-how, innovations, and strong Fazer brand Fazer Blue is the first trademark to be and the company moved to larger production too. The company was in 1966. contribute to the success of Fazer Bakeries. colour registered in Finland. Since the spring of facilities in Helsinki. As Russians were famous the first to launch Besides this, outstanding quality and skilful 2001, Fazer has had the sole right to sell choco- for their chocolate manufacturing skills, Karl toast bread on the www.fazergroup.com

16 Superbrands Finland 17 hired Russian professionals to work at his facil- market in 1966; at ity. He also had a hands-on approach to his the time toasters were a desired business as he himself worked in the factory wedding gift for young couples. from dawn to dusk every day. Fazer’s roots in the restaurant busi- The demand for Fazer products increased ness started in the days of the first café along with the product offering and opera- in 1891. The company started operations in tions. In September, 1897, Karl Fazer opened the restaurant business by running Restaurant industrial-scale production facilities in Kalastajatorppa in Helsinki in the 1930s. Fazer Helsinki. This paved the way for export and added catering services to the restaurant oper- already in the 19th century the company start- ations and Fazer Catering was set up in 1976. ed exporting marmalade and chocolate con- The company was renamed Amica in 1988, fectionery. The packaging proudly displayed a representing the service-oriented and friendly Market personnel are essential for growing market ‘Made in Finland’ label. staff and student restaurants. In 1993 Amica Fazer Group operates in nine countries. Its shares for the bread segment in the Baltic Exceptional taste and quality of the prod- acquired a major personnel restaurant chain home market is the entire Baltic region with Sea area. ucts were of ultimate importance to Karl Fazer. and later the two companies merged, making approx. 140 million consumers. The Group Candyking is the market leader and a fore- He also paid great attention to the wrappings, Amica the market leader in Finland. based on memories and nostalgia. Finns have consists of three divisions: Fazer Amica, Fazer runner in ‘pick and mix’ confectionery in the which soon became the trademark of Fazer a unique relation to Fazer from their early Bakeries and Candyking. Operations are based Nordic countries and the UK. confectionery. Among the artists were names Product childhood years and the Company’s products on common values with the same mission: to The decision to merge Fazer Confectionery such as Akseli Gallen-Kallela. Blue became the Fazer has always stood for services and prod- are associated with superior quality. offer taste sensations. Fazer’s common vision and Swedish Cloetta was made in December symbolic colour for Karl as it represented his ucts of high quality. The Fazer Café gives the The World Championships in Athletics is to be the leading food and service company 1999. Cloetta Fazer was established in 2000 love for the Finnish nature and later the inde- customers an opportunity to indulge in both. 2005 in Helsinki was one of Fazer´s biggest in defined markets. and is now the market leader in confectionery late products in packages with the famous pendent Finland. Fazer Blue chocolate, which Fazer Bakeries has an assortment of 750 one-off sponsorships, where the Fazer brand in the Nordic coun- blue colour. originated from a gift recipe in 1922, is careful- bakery products in Finland alone. Fazer leads got a lot of publicity and the new corporate tries with a market ly guarded as a product and brand. the way in rye bread. New product and process identity was launched. Fazer Amica was one of share of 22%. History development takes place in the biggest national partners. The history of Fazer is closely tied by family, the company’s own test bak- Fazer’s rye know-how is seen in the ‘Rye by Achievements the company and its products. The founder, ery facilities. In 2005, Fazer Fazer’ program that started in 2004. The goal The Fazer Group has Karl Fazer, started his business in Helsinki, opened a new state-of-the- is to increase public awareness of the health grown significantly Finland 114 years ago. His parents had emi- art research and development benefits of rye through sponsorship and com- in the past years grated from Switzerland to Finland, and Karl bakery in Lahti, Finland. munication, thus promoting the use of whole and today employs wanted to become a con- Fazer Blue milk chocolate meal rye as an essential part of a balanced over 14,000 people. fectioner. At the time, is Fazer’s best known brand. diet for all age groups. Turnover for the St. Petersburg was Since the merger with Cloetta Group has increased the best possible in 2000, Cloetta Fazer has had Brand Values steadily and was just training location, the license to use the Fazer The principles stated by Karl Fazer himself are over €900 million so Karl started as brand on chocolate and con- still the same. The strength of the brand lies in in 2004. an apprentice in fectionery products. delivering products and services of excellent Fazer Amica is the renowned G. quality. Fazer is great taste, enjoyment, quality, the largest division Berrin’s confec- Recent Developments well-being and freshness. Great food does not of the Group, with tionery. Later, as a All Finns know Fazer. The idea only taste delicious but smells, looks, feels and a turnover of €460 fully qualified pro- is to further extend the use even sounds amazing. It is a complete experi- million in 2004. The fessional, he went of the Fazer brand and at the ence which brings a sense of deep satisfaction. division has grown to work in other same time add to its value. Many customers have a strong emotional and strives to find famous confectioner- Fazer Group has a new relation to Fazer and the brand is associated modern solutions in ies in Berlin and Paris. At the age of 25 Karl was common corporate iden- with good Finnish quality and long history. its operations. Today ready to show his talent in Helsinki. tity and as a result of the Many of the Fazer products were launched Fazer Amica’s ser- Karl Fazer opened his French-Russian café new brand strategy, the logo when today’s consumers were only children so vices also include a in Helsinki on September 17th, 1891. The small was redesigned. The biggest it’s fair to say that Finns have been raised on so called ‘grab and café soon became a popular meeting spot. Karl and his wife Berta had four children. change took place in Amica, which has always Fazer Blue chocolate. go’ concept. The rap- The products served were of exceptional qual- Their only son Sven became the president of been a Fazer company and the link with Fazer Fazer Amica is the leading contract cater- idly growing convenience foods market (ready- ity and Karl was known for his willingness Fazer in 1939 and he transformed the compa- is now reflected in the new company name, ing company in the Nordic and Baltic coun- made products) has a lot of potential and to do whatever it takes to exceed customer ny into a large food industry corporation. The Fazer Amica. As a result of the comprehen- Things you didn’t know about… tries offering taste sensations and tailor-made through synergy advantages within the Group, expectations. product range increased and Fazer started to sive renewal process, more products and ser- service solutions. Roughly 300,000 meals are Fazer Amica is able to offer customers more manufacture biscuits in 1924. vices will be Fazer branded. At the same time, Fazer served daily in Fazer Amica restaurants. Fazer choices. In addition to confectionery, pastries and investments in product, service and concept • The Fazer Blue recipe was a gift from Mr. Amica also offers representation catering for With the acquisition of Zvezdny bakery in biscuits, Fazer started baking bread. Finnish development continues. Shaller, a British business acquaintance of customer companies, where the requirements Moscow, Fazer Bakeries has strengthened its wholemeal rye bread became an important Fazer Bakeries has many strong Fazer Sven Fazer. The Swiss chocolate recipe was on quality, competence and professional skills position in the bread market sector in Russia. part of the company’s bakery operations in brands, including berry pastries, and ‘Toast’ and given in 1922 as a token of appreciation are high. It caters for big parties and restau- The company’s other bakery, Hlebny Dom in 1958, when Fazer acquired the Oululainen ‘Puikula’ breads. The goal is for more and more for medical care that Fazer organised for rant services at larger events and runs restau- St. Petersburg has been renewed and devel- bakery. The most successful products were Fazer bakery products to be ‘Fazer’ branded. Shaller’s son-in-law. rants and cafés in various department stores. oped making Fazer the market leader in the traditional rustic rye bread and rye crisp, • 100,000 litres of fresh milk is needed Fazer Bakeries is one of the leading bakery area. Fazer Bakeries’ turnover in 2004 was which are still among the best-known and Promotion everyday to produce Fazer Blue. A cow companies in the Baltic region, with about ten €340 million. best-selling products. The new large Oululai- Fazer has always been an innovative forerun- produces about 20 litres per day, so bakeries in Finland. Today bread products are Candyking is the smallest division in the nen bakery was completed in the early 1960s ner in advertising and marketing. As early as Cloetta Fazer ‘employs’ 5000 cows. sold both pre-packed over-the-counter and Group, with a turnover of €115 million in 2004. and the Oululainen Flour Mill was built next 1896, Karl Fazer made an advertising contract • Fazer has also manufactured macaroni freshly baked in stores. The multifaceted bread It recently established its ‘pick and mix’ to it in 1971. with the Helsinki Tramway Company to adver- and butter. culture and Fazer’s technology and know- confectionery business in the Russian and The introduction of tise on the horse-pulled trams. • Fazer Amica Finland serves 38 million how have found their way to other markets. Baltic markets. pre-packed bread was One part of Fazer’s meals and 57 million cups of coffee Fazer has bakeries in Sweden, Russia, Estonia, In a recent Finnish survey of 1300 brands, considered a break- marketing is each year. Lithuania and Latvia and exports products to Fazer was rated the most valued brand. Fazer is The family business really took off when through in the food • Fazer’s toast bread was the first of its over 20 countries, including Japan. The solid also well known in the neighbouring countries. Karl started manufacturing chocolate in 1894 industry and for Fazer kind in Finland when it was launched know-how, innovations, and strong Fazer brand Fazer Blue is the first trademark to be and the company moved to larger production too. The company was in 1966. contribute to the success of Fazer Bakeries. colour registered in Finland. Since the spring of facilities in Helsinki. As Russians were famous the first to launch Besides this, outstanding quality and skilful 2001, Fazer has had the sole right to sell choco- for their chocolate manufacturing skills, Karl toast bread on the www.fazergroup.com

16 Superbrands Finland 17