VAASAN Corporate Responsibility Report for 2 011 Contents Corporate responsibility at the VAASAN Group

Review by the VAASAN Group Management Team AASAN is one of Northern Europe’s leading bakery Promoting the expertise of our employees and their abili- 3 companies and a major baker of fresh in ty to adapt to changing needs is a key priority at VAASAN. Our The VAASAN Group in brief 4 and the Baltic countries and the leading expert in the HR management focuses on developing good leadership and Vbake-off field in the Nordic region. We are also the world’s larg- mana gerial skills. By developing these areas, we promote our Key achievements in 2011 est producer of thin crisp and the second-largest producer of overall strategic management capabilities and our ability to 5 . Crispbread and thin crisp produced in Finland are manage our day-to-day operations effectively. Corporate responsibility at VAASAN exported to almost 40 countries worldwide. We work constantly to promote a cleaner environment and 6-7 We are a forerunner in the bakery industry and produce an employ a long-term, target-driven approach in developing our Economic responsibility öhyvinvointi extensive range of healthy and tasty products for our custom- operations to ensure that we have as small an impact on the 88-9 ers and the consumer. Our expertise covers the entire baking atmosphere, the soil, and waterways as possible. We careful- Nutrition and health field, and we are well-known for innovative products such as ly review the routes used for transporting our products, for ex- 10-13 our very popular portion bread, our retail bake-off pastries, and ample, and the waste generated as part of baking operations is Food safety our numerous new types of rolls and sliced bread products. used as a raw material for producing biofuel. 14-15 A long-term commitment to responsible operations has Constantly reviewing and improving food safety practices Environmental responsibility always been integral to the Group’s business, and in 2011 we at our sites is integral to the way we operate. While local stat- Responsibility plays 16-19 took another important step forward in this area by introduc- utory requirements represent the base line for our operations, an important role in Well-being at work 20-23 ing a common corporate responsibility programme covering our own food safety regulations are often stricter. Acting in this operations across the the entire Group. This will see us acting even more systemati- way ensures that our products are of the best quality. Responsible procurement 24-25 cally and in a more target-driven way in everything related to Transparency and sustainability are central to our procure- VAASAN Group. corporate responsibility. ment operations. We are committed to knowing where the raw GRI Table The VAASAN corporate responsibility programme covers materials we use come from and what they contain. We expect 26-27 five key areas: nutrition and health, the environment, food safe- the same of our suppliers. ty, responsible procurement, and well-being at work. Econom- By acting responsibly in line with these principles, we can ic responsibility – by ensuring that we are a stable business deliver on the trust that our customers and consumers have and achieve profitable growth – creates the foundation needed in our products – something that is essential for all aspects of for making our corporate responsibility programme a success. our operations. At the VAASAN Group, we work constantly to develop tasty, delicious, and healthy bakery products that reflect consumers’ expectation and needs. Long-term research and product devel- VAASAN Group Management Team opment work plays an important role here. This report covers the entire VAASAN Group. VAASAN has previously reported on the corporate responsibility- related aspects of its Finnish operations annually. The Group’s previous Corporate Responsibility Report was published in June 2010, and we added a section on corporate responsibility to in April 2011.

VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 3 Contents Corporate responsibility at the VAASAN Group

Review by the VAASAN Group Management Team AASAN is one of Northern Europe’s leading bakery Promoting the expertise of our employees and their abili- 3 companies and a major baker of fresh bread in Finland ty to adapt to changing needs is a key priority at VAASAN. Our The VAASAN Group in brief 4 and the Baltic countries and the leading expert in the HR management focuses on developing good leadership and Vbake-off field in the Nordic region. We are also the world’s larg- mana gerial skills. By developing these areas, we promote our Key achievements in 2011 est producer of thin crisp and the second-largest producer of overall strategic management capabilities and our ability to 5 crispbread. Crispbread and thin crisp produced in Finland are manage our day-to-day operations effectively. Corporate responsibility at VAASAN exported to almost 40 countries worldwide. We work constantly to promote a cleaner environment and 6-7 We are a forerunner in the bakery industry and produce an employ a long-term, target-driven approach in developing our Economic responsibility öhyvinvointi extensive range of healthy and tasty products for our custom- operations to ensure that we have as small an impact on the 88-9 ers and the consumer. Our expertise covers the entire baking atmosphere, the soil, and waterways as possible. We careful- Nutrition and health field, and we are well-known for innovative products such as ly review the routes used for transporting our products, for ex- 10-13 our very popular portion bread, our retail bake-off pastries, and ample, and the waste generated as part of baking operations is Food safety our numerous new types of rolls and sliced bread products. used as a raw material for producing biofuel. 14-15 A long-term commitment to responsible operations has Constantly reviewing and improving food safety practices Environmental responsibility always been integral to the Group’s business, and in 2011 we at our sites is integral to the way we operate. While local stat- Responsibility plays 16-19 took another important step forward in this area by introduc- utory requirements represent the base line for our operations, an important role in Well-being at work 20-23 ing a common corporate responsibility programme covering our own food safety regulations are often stricter. Acting in this operations across the the entire Group. This will see us acting even more systemati- way ensures that our products are of the best quality. Responsible procurement 24-25 cally and in a more target-driven way in everything related to Transparency and sustainability are central to our procure- VAASAN Group. corporate responsibility. ment operations. We are committed to knowing where the raw GRI Table The VAASAN corporate responsibility programme covers materials we use come from and what they contain. We expect 26-27 five key areas: nutrition and health, the environment, food safe- the same of our suppliers. ty, responsible procurement, and well-being at work. Econom- By acting responsibly in line with these principles, we can ic responsibility – by ensuring that we are a stable business deliver on the trust that our customers and consumers have and achieve profitable growth – creates the foundation needed in our products – something that is essential for all aspects of for making our corporate responsibility programme a success. our operations. At the VAASAN Group, we work constantly to develop tasty, delicious, and healthy bakery products that reflect consumers’ expectation and needs. Long-term research and product devel- VAASAN Group Management Team opment work plays an important role here. This report covers the entire VAASAN Group. VAASAN has previously reported on the corporate responsibility- related aspects of its Finnish operations annually. The Group’s previous Corporate Responsibility Report was published in June 2010, and we added a section on corporate responsibility to in April 2011.

VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 3 The VAASAN Group in brief Key achievements in 2011

The VAASAN Group is an international NeT SAleS by buSiNeSS AReA, 2011 100% pRoduCTS pRoMoTiNG The deVelopMeNT oF hiGh-FibRe pRoduCTS forerunner in the bakery industry and the OuR ViSiON % % leading bakery company on its home markets We believe that healthy food choices will become increas- Fresh Bakery Products 54% 12 80 ingly important for consumers. Tasty bakery products have Finland 38% 70 in the Nordic and Baltic countries. We are also a valuable contribution to make to this development. Lithuania 6% 10 the world’s largest producer of thin crisp and Latvia 6% 60 8 the second-largest producer of crispbread. Estonia 4% cSR-RelAted 50 Bake-Off Products 35% iNVeStMeNtS iN 2011 6 40 OuR MiSSiON Crisp Bread 11% 30 ur product range covers fresh bread, coffee bread, We offer consumers delicious and healthy bakery • New clean room technology in the cooling and 4 bake-off products, thin crisp, and crispbread. The products. We want to be the baking company of choice packaging areas of the Leibur bakery’s toast line 20 NeT SAleS by CouNTRy, 2 011 VAASAN Group recorded net sales of approximately for consumers and our partners. in Tallinn enables us to produce additive-free 2 €408O million in 2011 and employed some 2,730 people. toast bread. 10 Finland 52% Baltic countries 16% • Improvements to the cooling and heat 0 0 buSiNeSS AReAS Estonia 4% recovery system at the Vantaa bakery will 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 The VAASAN Group is divided into three business areas: Fresh OuR Recipe fOR SucceSS enable us to reduce wastage and save Latvia 6% 100% rye products as a proportion of total output High-fibre products as a proportion of total output Bakery Products, Bake-Off Products, and Crisp Bread. Large company strength, with a small bakery soul. energy. Lithuania 6% Improvements to the flour recycling sys- ye bread is a major source of fibre in the Finnish diet. he work done by VAASAN to promote the development Sweden 21% • VAASAN iN The NoRdiC ANd bAlTiC CouNTRieS tem at the crispbread factory in Kotka will VAASAN has contributed to research on rye for near- of high-fibre products has progressed well, and the pro- Norway 5% R t The VAASAN Group includes the leading bakery companies in enable us to reduce wastage at the site. ly 20 years, and 100% rye products currently account for portion of these products in the Group’s fresh bread output Other countries 6% Finland and the Baltic countries, with fresh bread production • Five new X-ray machines will reduce the over 10% by weight of the fresh bread sold by VAASAN in Finland has steadily risen over the last 10 years. Over 70% in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. We are also the lead- GRoup MANAGeMeNT TeAM risk of foreign matter finding its way into in Finland today. of the fresh bread sold by VAASAN in Finland today is high- ing company in the Nordic bake-off industry, with production esa Rautalinko, CEO, as of 1 March 2012 NeT SAleS deVelopMeNT, 2010-2011 our production chain.  fibre, with a fibre content of at least 6 g/100 g. in Finland and Sweden. All VAASAN crispbread and thin crisp Juri Jolkkonen, Director, Fresh Bakery Products, Finland 500 is produced in Finland. The Group’s Head Office is located in Ants promann, Director, Fresh Bakery Products, Baltic Countries Espoo, Finland. lenita ingelin, Director, Bake-Off Products 400 he Joutseno bake-off products factory has reduced the ing and packaging areas of the Leibur bakery’s toast line in Tal- tial problems that might negatively impact the capabilities of Tuomas Mantere, Director, Crisp Bread & Thin Crisp environmental load associated with its wastewater by linn, enabling us to produce additive-free toast bread. our personnel at an early stage and intervene appropriately. ouR GuidiNG pRiNCipleS Anja Kuparinen, Director, HR t 300 around 70% over the last two years through staff training and The VAASAN MagicRye 100% product family enables peo- Its benefits are reflected in a lower number of people retiring We are an innovative and insightful expert. As a partner, we Jukka lehtelä, Director, Procurement process enhancements. ple who have previously preferred white bread to enjoy the on disability pension; only three did so in 2011. are proactive and results-driven. We respect others and strive Vesa Moisio, Director, Business Control, until 31.12.2011 200 We launched numerous new consumer and food service health-related benefits of . We use data collected on our partners' CO2 emissions to to win their respect in everything we do, internally and exter- harri Roos, Director, Corporate Support products labelled with the Finnish Heart Association’s Heart The new Hyvää leivästä (Bread’s Good For You) brochure help reduce the environmental footprint of our logistics.  nally. We are a team and act as a team.  Kalevi Saikkonen, Director, R&D, Quality Management 100 Symbol and now offer 12 products of this type, and even more provides a clear and detailed overview of the benefits offered if all the different pack sizes are taken into account. by wholegrain products. 0 The VAASAN Group is owned by the international New clean room technology has been installed in the cool- The goal of the early support model is to identify poten- private equity investor, lion Capital. ■ 2010: €392 million ■ 2011: €408 million

4 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 5 The VAASAN Group in brief Key achievements in 2011

The VAASAN Group is an international NeT SAleS by buSiNeSS AReA, 2011 100% Rye pRoduCTS pRoMoTiNG The deVelopMeNT oF hiGh-FibRe pRoduCTS forerunner in the bakery industry and the OuR ViSiON % % leading bakery company on its home markets We believe that healthy food choices will become increas- Fresh Bakery Products 54% 12 80 ingly important for consumers. Tasty bakery products have Finland 38% 70 in the Nordic and Baltic countries. We are also a valuable contribution to make to this development. Lithuania 6% 10 the world’s largest producer of thin crisp and Latvia 6% 60 8 the second-largest producer of crispbread. Estonia 4% cSR-RelAted 50 Bake-Off Products 35% iNVeStMeNtS iN 2011 6 40 OuR MiSSiON Crisp Bread 11% 30 ur product range covers fresh bread, coffee bread, We offer consumers delicious and healthy bakery • New clean room technology in the cooling and 4 bake-off products, thin crisp, and crispbread. The products. We want to be the baking company of choice packaging areas of the Leibur bakery’s toast line 20 NeT SAleS by CouNTRy, 2 011 VAASAN Group recorded net sales of approximately for consumers and our partners. in Tallinn enables us to produce additive-free 2 €408O million in 2011 and employed some 2,730 people. toast bread. 10 Finland 52% Baltic countries 16% • Improvements to the cooling and heat 0 0 buSiNeSS AReAS Estonia 4% recovery system at the Vantaa bakery will 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 The VAASAN Group is divided into three business areas: Fresh OuR Recipe fOR SucceSS enable us to reduce wastage and save Latvia 6% 100% rye products as a proportion of total output High-fibre products as a proportion of total output Bakery Products, Bake-Off Products, and Crisp Bread. Large company strength, with a small bakery soul. energy. Lithuania 6% Improvements to the flour recycling sys- ye bread is a major source of fibre in the Finnish diet. he work done by VAASAN to promote the development Sweden 21% • VAASAN iN The NoRdiC ANd bAlTiC CouNTRieS tem at the crispbread factory in Kotka will VAASAN has contributed to research on rye for near- of high-fibre products has progressed well, and the pro- Norway 5% R t The VAASAN Group includes the leading bakery companies in enable us to reduce wastage at the site. ly 20 years, and 100% rye products currently account for portion of these products in the Group’s fresh bread output Other countries 6% Finland and the Baltic countries, with fresh bread production • Five new X-ray machines will reduce the over 10% by weight of the fresh bread sold by VAASAN in Finland has steadily risen over the last 10 years. Over 70% in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. We are also the lead- GRoup MANAGeMeNT TeAM risk of foreign matter finding its way into in Finland today. of the fresh bread sold by VAASAN in Finland today is high- ing company in the Nordic bake-off industry, with production esa Rautalinko, CEO, as of 1 March 2012 NeT SAleS deVelopMeNT, 2010-2011 our production chain.  fibre, with a fibre content of at least 6 g/100 g. in Finland and Sweden. All VAASAN crispbread and thin crisp Juri Jolkkonen, Director, Fresh Bakery Products, Finland 500 is produced in Finland. The Group’s Head Office is located in Ants promann, Director, Fresh Bakery Products, Baltic Countries Espoo, Finland. lenita ingelin, Director, Bake-Off Products 400 he Joutseno bake-off products factory has reduced the ing and packaging areas of the Leibur bakery’s toast line in Tal- tial problems that might negatively impact the capabilities of Tuomas Mantere, Director, Crisp Bread & Thin Crisp environmental load associated with its wastewater by linn, enabling us to produce additive-free toast bread. our personnel at an early stage and intervene appropriately. ouR GuidiNG pRiNCipleS Anja Kuparinen, Director, HR t 300 around 70% over the last two years through staff training and The VAASAN MagicRye 100% product family enables peo- Its benefits are reflected in a lower number of people retiring We are an innovative and insightful expert. As a partner, we Jukka lehtelä, Director, Procurement process enhancements. ple who have previously preferred white bread to enjoy the on disability pension; only three did so in 2011. are proactive and results-driven. We respect others and strive Vesa Moisio, Director, Business Control, until 31.12.2011 200 We launched numerous new consumer and food service health-related benefits of rye bread. We use data collected on our partners' CO2 emissions to to win their respect in everything we do, internally and exter- harri Roos, Director, Corporate Support products labelled with the Finnish Heart Association’s Heart The new Hyvää leivästä (Bread’s Good For You) brochure help reduce the environmental footprint of our logistics.  nally. We are a team and act as a team.  Kalevi Saikkonen, Director, R&D, Quality Management 100 Symbol and now offer 12 products of this type, and even more provides a clear and detailed overview of the benefits offered if all the different pack sizes are taken into account. by wholegrain products. 0 The VAASAN Group is owned by the international New clean room technology has been installed in the cool- The goal of the early support model is to identify poten- private equity investor, lion Capital. ■ 2010: €392 million ■ 2011: €408 million

4 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 5 The VAASAN Commitment and our operating principles act  initiatives designed to promote employees’ capabilities Corporate responsibility as the foundation of our operations. The company is managed We work proactively with local occupational health care units through its Annual General Meeting, Board of Directors, Man- to promote the mental and physical capabilities and well-being aging Director, auditors, and senior staff. of our employees. at VAASAN The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is responsi-  Combating bribery and corruption ble for matters defined under Finnish company legislation and Managers and other employees are expected to work in the A long-term commitment to responsible operations has always been integral to the Group’s VAASAN Oy’s Articles of Association. The Board of Directors Group’s best interest at all times. All employees must avoid oversees the company’s administration and ensures that its op- involving themselves in business relationships that could lead business, and a common corporate responsibility programme introduced in 2011 will help us to erations are organised appropriately. The Managing Director is to a conflict of interest. act even more systematically and in a more target-driven way to deliver on this commitment. responsible for the day-to-day administration of the company  What we expect of our service providers and other suppliers in accordance with guidelines and regulations provided by the The VAASAN Group expects its suppliers and sub-contractors Board of Directors, and is supported by the company’s manage- to observe ethically sustainable principles in their operations. he VAASAN corporate responsibility programme cov- MANAGeMeNT SySTeM ment and steering groups. ers five key areas: nutrition and health, the environ- Corporate responsibility matters form an integral part of the opeRATiNG SySTeM ment, food safety, responsible procurement, and well- VAASAN Group’s management and operating system. The eThiCAl pRiNCipleS Our operating system complies with the requirements of the tbeing at work. Group’s Management Team is responsible for planning and Our ethical principles underpin the VAASAN Group’s develop- ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards and requirements related to Group-level and unit-specific targets have been set for all updating the corporate responsibility programme twice a ment as a sustainable company and provide a set of common self-monitoring and food safety. five areas, and progress on how we perform is monitored reg- year. Managers with specific responsibility for each of the pro- guidelines for our operations and how we interact with our ularly by senior management. gramme’s five key areas oversee the planning and implemen- stakeholders. They provide a common foundation for all as- pARTiCipATioN iN buSiNeSS ANd iNduSTRy tation of practical measures in these areas in collaboration with pects of our business and the work of our personnel. They also oRGANiSATioNS the Group’s business area personnel. reflect our corporate culture, our commonly agreed practices, By participating in a variety of forums, we aim to promote the and our commitment to abiding by the law. Finnish baking industry, healthy living, and improved opera- ouR quAliTy, SAFeTy, ANd eNViRoNMeNTAl pRiNCipleS Our ethical principles cover all aspects of the work of our tions and practices through long-term cooperation with others management and employees. By observing them in everything in the industry. In Finland, we participate in the activities of we do, we help build the reputation of the VAASAN Group as a organisations such as: Customer suCCess CompetenCe good corporate citizen. Association of Clinical and Public Health Nutritionists in We anticipate, identify, and meet the expectations of our our competitiveness is based on innovation, a pioneering • customers and ensure the safety of our products. Through spirit, and the skills and motivation of our personnel. Finland (RTY) our products and services, we create added value for our Our ethical principles highlight the following issues: • Association of Packaging Technology and Research (PTR) customers and help them succeed.  Transparency and openness • ECR Finland The VAASAN Group communicates openly, honestly, fairly, • Excellence Finland people and simultaneously with its various stakeholders. • Finnish Bakers’ Association We train and develop our personnel and promote  human rights • Information their safety and well-being. The VAASAN Group recognises the basic rights of its employ- • Finnish Business & Society everyone is responsible for ees, which include freedom of association, the right to be a • Finnish Food and Drink Industries’ Federation (ETL) the quality of their work and for continuously developing member of a trade union, the right to collective bargaining, a • Finnish Food Science Association their performance. ban on forced labour, and the promotion of equal opportuni- • Finnish Association ties for all employees. • Finnish Plastics Recycling Ltd. IntegrIty profItabIlIty  equality and fair treatment • Oikos We always comply with all relevant laws and regulations our future success will be based on quality operations Appointments are always based on applicants’ professional • Pro Luomu and are honest and open with all of our stakeholders. and continuous improvement – and we are committed abilities and expertise. We do not condone or conduct any • Pro Ruis We respect and protect the environment. to maintaining our competitiveness. form of discrimination. • The Environmental Register of Packaging PYR Ltd. 

6 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 7 The VAASAN Commitment and our operating principles act  initiatives designed to promote employees’ capabilities Corporate responsibility as the foundation of our operations. The company is managed We work proactively with local occupational health care units through its Annual General Meeting, Board of Directors, Man- to promote the mental and physical capabilities and well-being aging Director, auditors, and senior staff. of our employees. at VAASAN The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is responsi-  Combating bribery and corruption ble for matters defined under Finnish company legislation and Managers and other employees are expected to work in the A long-term commitment to responsible operations has always been integral to the Group’s VAASAN Oy’s Articles of Association. The Board of Directors Group’s best interest at all times. All employees must avoid oversees the company’s administration and ensures that its op- involving themselves in business relationships that could lead business, and a common corporate responsibility programme introduced in 2011 will help us to erations are organised appropriately. The Managing Director is to a conflict of interest. act even more systematically and in a more target-driven way to deliver on this commitment. responsible for the day-to-day administration of the company  What we expect of our service providers and other suppliers in accordance with guidelines and regulations provided by the The VAASAN Group expects its suppliers and sub-contractors Board of Directors, and is supported by the company’s manage- to observe ethically sustainable principles in their operations. he VAASAN corporate responsibility programme cov- MANAGeMeNT SySTeM ment and steering groups. ers five key areas: nutrition and health, the environ- Corporate responsibility matters form an integral part of the opeRATiNG SySTeM ment, food safety, responsible procurement, and well- VAASAN Group’s management and operating system. The eThiCAl pRiNCipleS Our operating system complies with the requirements of the tbeing at work. Group’s Management Team is responsible for planning and Our ethical principles underpin the VAASAN Group’s develop- ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards and requirements related to Group-level and unit-specific targets have been set for all updating the corporate responsibility programme twice a ment as a sustainable company and provide a set of common self-monitoring and food safety. five areas, and progress on how we perform is monitored reg- year. Managers with specific responsibility for each of the pro- guidelines for our operations and how we interact with our ularly by senior management. gramme’s five key areas oversee the planning and implemen- stakeholders. They provide a common foundation for all as- pARTiCipATioN iN buSiNeSS ANd iNduSTRy tation of practical measures in these areas in collaboration with pects of our business and the work of our personnel. They also oRGANiSATioNS the Group’s business area personnel. reflect our corporate culture, our commonly agreed practices, By participating in a variety of forums, we aim to promote the and our commitment to abiding by the law. Finnish baking industry, healthy living, and improved opera- ouR quAliTy, SAFeTy, ANd eNViRoNMeNTAl pRiNCipleS Our ethical principles cover all aspects of the work of our tions and practices through long-term cooperation with others management and employees. By observing them in everything in the industry. In Finland, we participate in the activities of we do, we help build the reputation of the VAASAN Group as a organisations such as: Customer suCCess CompetenCe good corporate citizen. Association of Clinical and Public Health Nutritionists in We anticipate, identify, and meet the expectations of our our competitiveness is based on innovation, a pioneering • customers and ensure the safety of our products. Through spirit, and the skills and motivation of our personnel. Finland (RTY) our products and services, we create added value for our Our ethical principles highlight the following issues: • Association of Packaging Technology and Research (PTR) customers and help them succeed.  Transparency and openness • ECR Finland The VAASAN Group communicates openly, honestly, fairly, • Excellence Finland people and simultaneously with its various stakeholders. • Finnish Bakers’ Association We train and develop our personnel and promote  human rights • Finnish Bread Information their safety and well-being. The VAASAN Group recognises the basic rights of its employ- • Finnish Business & Society everyone is responsible for ees, which include freedom of association, the right to be a • Finnish Food and Drink Industries’ Federation (ETL) the quality of their work and for continuously developing member of a trade union, the right to collective bargaining, a • Finnish Food Science Association their performance. ban on forced labour, and the promotion of equal opportuni- • Finnish Oat Association ties for all employees. • Finnish Plastics Recycling Ltd. IntegrIty profItabIlIty  equality and fair treatment • Oikos We always comply with all relevant laws and regulations our future success will be based on quality operations Appointments are always based on applicants’ professional • Pro Luomu and are honest and open with all of our stakeholders. and continuous improvement – and we are committed abilities and expertise. We do not condone or conduct any • Pro Ruis We respect and protect the environment. to maintaining our competitiveness. form of discrimination. • The Environmental Register of Packaging PYR Ltd. 

6 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 7 Economic responsibility

A financially secure business and profitable growth are essential for acting responsibly. As a the expertise and partner, we anticipate future developments and always aim to deliver a good financial result. innovativeness of our Thanks to our size, we offer our customers an extensive range of resources and expertise. personnel underpin our role as a forerunner. tÄHÄN joku nosto

he market situation in the bakery industry in 2011 was exceptionally tough. Despite this, the Bake-Off Products business developed well overall, as did the Crisp Bread tbusiness. The greatest challenges were faced in the Fresh Bak- ery Products business. Investments in the flour feed system at the Kotka crispbread factory, together with improvements made to the cooling and peRSoNNel heat recovery system at the Vantaa bakery, enabled us to re- We operate in a very labour-intensive sector, which calls for a duce production-related wastage and make further savings in continuous and systematic commitment to promoting the ca- energy usage. pabilities of our employees and their skills. We believe that the VAASAN Group’s position as a forerunner in the industry de- CuSToMeRS pends on the skills of our people and their ability to adapt to a The success of our customers is central to all our business ac- constantly changing environment. tivities, and we are committed to offering our customers com- The Group employed 2,730 full-time staff in 2011 and paid prehensive solutions and helping them develop their business- approx. €92 million in salaries and wages. This figure includes es more effectively. mandatory pension expenses and voluntary social costs. Retailers and the food service sector are the VAASAN Group’s largest customers. Retailers accounted for 76% of turn- iNVeSTMeNTS over in 2011, the food sector for 17%, and exports for 6%. The VAASAN Group’s investments in 2011 totalled €10.9 mil- lion. The two most important investments made during the pARTNeRS year were a new bread line at the Kotka bakery and a project Our network of expert partners and service providers allows designed to increase toast bread capacity at Leibur in Estonia. us to focus on our core competences. We use outside partners Other important investments in 2011 included the installa- in areas such as accounting, payroll services, marketing and tion of clean room technology in cooling and packaging areas communications, and research. We have also outsourced trans- at Leibur’s bakery in Tallinn, and the purchase of five X-ray ma- port, facilities management, and some maintenance functions. chines, installed at units in Estonia and Finland, to further en- The VAASAN Group provides at least as much indirect em- hance our food safety performance. ployment for its partners as it provides for its own employees. 

8 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 9 Economic responsibility

A financially secure business and profitable growth are essential for acting responsibly. As a the expertise and partner, we anticipate future developments and always aim to deliver a good financial result. innovativeness of our Thanks to our size, we offer our customers an extensive range of resources and expertise. personnel underpin our role as a forerunner. tÄHÄN joku nosto

he market situation in the bakery industry in 2011 was exceptionally tough. Despite this, the Bake-Off Products business developed well overall, as did the Crisp Bread tbusiness. The greatest challenges were faced in the Fresh Bak- ery Products business. Investments in the flour feed system at the Kotka crispbread factory, together with improvements made to the cooling and peRSoNNel heat recovery system at the Vantaa bakery, enabled us to re- We operate in a very labour-intensive sector, which calls for a duce production-related wastage and make further savings in continuous and systematic commitment to promoting the ca- energy usage. pabilities of our employees and their skills. We believe that the VAASAN Group’s position as a forerunner in the industry de- CuSToMeRS pends on the skills of our people and their ability to adapt to a The success of our customers is central to all our business ac- constantly changing environment. tivities, and we are committed to offering our customers com- The Group employed 2,730 full-time staff in 2011 and paid prehensive solutions and helping them develop their business- approx. €92 million in salaries and wages. This figure includes es more effectively. mandatory pension expenses and voluntary social costs. Retailers and the food service sector are the VAASAN Group’s largest customers. Retailers accounted for 76% of turn- iNVeSTMeNTS over in 2011, the food sector for 17%, and exports for 6%. The VAASAN Group’s investments in 2011 totalled €10.9 mil- lion. The two most important investments made during the pARTNeRS year were a new bread line at the Kotka bakery and a project Our network of expert partners and service providers allows designed to increase toast bread capacity at Leibur in Estonia. us to focus on our core competences. We use outside partners Other important investments in 2011 included the installa- in areas such as accounting, payroll services, marketing and tion of clean room technology in cooling and packaging areas communications, and research. We have also outsourced trans- at Leibur’s bakery in Tallinn, and the purchase of five X-ray ma- port, facilities management, and some maintenance functions. chines, installed at units in Estonia and Finland, to further en- The VAASAN Group provides at least as much indirect em- hance our food safety performance. ployment for its partners as it provides for its own employees. 

8 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 9 NuTRiTioN ANd heAlTh Nutrition and health NuTRiTioN ANd heAlTh it’s important that the beneficial properties of Our aim at VAASAN is to offer customers and consumers products that promote a healthy and our products are balanced diet. Our long-term research and product development work plays an important role in helping us achieve this goal. all-natural.

he VAASAN nutrition and health programme repre- AN ACTiVe ReSeARCh pRoGRAMMe sents a central part of the Group’s corporate respon- We spent a total of €2.6 million on research and product devel- efits berries offer in a number of ways in our sibility, not least because of the benefits for people’s opment in 2011, and R&D work employed 35 people. In addi- product development work. The majority of VAASAN rye bread thealth that it focuses on. The positive properties of our prod- tion to our own projects, we are also involved in a number of The third initiative – the HealthyFroz project has always been baked without ucts are all-natural and come from the cereals that we use as joint efforts with various universities and research institutions. – is focusing on developing new technologies for any additives. The sourdough pro- our main ingredients. We were one of the founding members of the internation- creating healthier, higher-fibre bake-off products cess ensures that rye bread stays Extensive research has been done on the benefits of cere- al HEALTHGRAIN Forum, which was created to develop and through things such as using enzymes or micro- fresh and tasty for an extended al fibre, and there is now a large body of scientific evidence on promote the health benefits of wholegrain cereal products and biological techniques to modify the structure of period, thanks to the natural sour- the health-related benefits this type of fibre offers. Wholegrain encourage national research projects and teams and the busi- fibre and its chemical properties to stabilise fro- ness of the bread, combined with products are an excellent source of dietary fibre. Wholegrain ness world to network more effectively with each other. We are zen dough. In addition to VAASAN, the project involves the Uni- high standards of hygiene during production. cereals contain an almost ideal combination of nutrients in also involved in three Finnish projects: FibrEfects, Soma, and versity of Helsinki, VTT, and various food companies. Thanks to extensive raw material testing terms of today’s dietary recommendations. Their fat content is Healthyfroz. Since the beginning of 2012, we have also been active in and baking process enhancements, we have 100% wHOleGRAiN low and the majority of the fat they do contain is of the benefi- The FibrEfects project is looking at how cereal fibre can Pro Ruis ry, an organisation aimed at promoting the use of rye been able to eliminate additives from many n addition to numerous essential nutri- cial unsaturated type. be modified to promote a range of intestinal health benefits by the Finnish food industry and the amount of rye grown and types of white bread as well. A major invest- i ents, wholegrain bread also contains high Intake of dietary fibre is below recommended levels in through studies at the University of Eastern Finland, VTT Tech- used by Finnish bakeries. We are also a member of Pro Luomu ment in the additive-free bread area was com- levels of cereal fibre. A number of products nearly all industrialised countries today. Increasing consump- nical Research Centre of Finland, VAASAN, and other compa- ry, which promotes the organic sector in Finland. pleted in autumn 2011 when new clean room in the VAASAN 100% product family are tion of wholegrain products offers an excellent way of elimi- nies. The goal is to develop new cereal-based ingredients suit- technology, featuring high-efficiency filters to baked from 100% wholegrain flour, includ- nating this shortfall and enabling people to benefit from the able for people with a sensitive stomach that have a positive uSiNG ReSeARCh ReSulTS iN pRoduCT remove airborne mould and spores, was in- ing VAASAN 100% Ruis rye bread, VAASAN other health-related benefits these products offer. Wholegrain impact on intestinal health. deVelopMeNT WoRK stalled in Tallinn. This technology has made it 100% Kaura oat bread, and VAASAN 100% cereal products also help prevent obesity. Studies show that The Soma project is investigating the impact berries used In line with our nutrition and health programme, we make use possible to produce toast bread without any Ruis Hapankorppu thin crisp. We always en- high- fibre rye bread, for example, increases the concentration by the food industry in Finland have on the blood sugar lev- of the latest research results in developing our product range. additives. sure that packaging contains all the relevant of metabolic products associated with satiety in the blood and els of people who eat foods containing sugar and starch, such High-fibre products and reducing the amount of salt in prod- information on products’ ingredients and nu- help people keep their weight in check. as bread and pastries. Early results generated by the project ucts have played an important part in our development work A FoReRuNNeR iN The iNduSTRy tritional values.  Wholegrain cereals and rye have been shown to protect – which is being carried out at the University of Eastern Fin- in recent years. Although it is easy to reduce the salt content of VAASAN MagicRye 100% is an excellent ex- against the onset of Type 2 diabetes and cut the risk of cardio- land and a number of corporate partners – indicate that berries bread from a technical point of view, the challenge is to ensure ample of our unique expertise in the rye prod- vascular disease. Recent studies even indicate that a diet rich in improve how sugars are metabolised after meals and balance that bread with a lower salt content also tastes good. uct area. The range is baked using a technique rye bread, fatty fish, and blueberries can promote highly signif- out the fluctuations in blood sugar levels resulting from eating Developing and launching new additive-free bread prod- developed in-house that combines the bene- icant and beneficial changes in people’s blood lipids. foods containing sugars. We could leverage the positive ben- ucts represented an important part of our R&D work in 2011. fits of and rye baking in a unique way.

10 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 11 NuTRiTioN ANd heAlTh Nutrition and health NuTRiTioN ANd heAlTh it’s important that the beneficial properties of Our aim at VAASAN is to offer customers and consumers products that promote a healthy and our products are balanced diet. Our long-term research and product development work plays an important role in helping us achieve this goal. all-natural.

he VAASAN nutrition and health programme repre- AN ACTiVe ReSeARCh pRoGRAMMe sents a central part of the Group’s corporate respon- We spent a total of €2.6 million on research and product devel- efits berries offer in a number of ways in our sibility, not least because of the benefits for people’s opment in 2011, and R&D work employed 35 people. In addi- product development work. The majority of VAASAN rye bread thealth that it focuses on. The positive properties of our prod- tion to our own projects, we are also involved in a number of The third initiative – the HealthyFroz project has always been baked without ucts are all-natural and come from the cereals that we use as joint efforts with various universities and research institutions. – is focusing on developing new technologies for any additives. The sourdough pro- our main ingredients. We were one of the founding members of the internation- creating healthier, higher-fibre bake-off products cess ensures that rye bread stays Extensive research has been done on the benefits of cere- al HEALTHGRAIN Forum, which was created to develop and through things such as using enzymes or micro- fresh and tasty for an extended al fibre, and there is now a large body of scientific evidence on promote the health benefits of wholegrain cereal products and biological techniques to modify the structure of period, thanks to the natural sour- the health-related benefits this type of fibre offers. Wholegrain encourage national research projects and teams and the busi- fibre and its chemical properties to stabilise fro- ness of the bread, combined with products are an excellent source of dietary fibre. Wholegrain ness world to network more effectively with each other. We are zen dough. In addition to VAASAN, the project involves the Uni- high standards of hygiene during production. cereals contain an almost ideal combination of nutrients in also involved in three Finnish projects: FibrEfects, Soma, and versity of Helsinki, VTT, and various food companies. Thanks to extensive raw material testing terms of today’s dietary recommendations. Their fat content is Healthyfroz. Since the beginning of 2012, we have also been active in and baking process enhancements, we have 100% wHOleGRAiN low and the majority of the fat they do contain is of the benefi- The FibrEfects project is looking at how cereal fibre can Pro Ruis ry, an organisation aimed at promoting the use of rye been able to eliminate additives from many n addition to numerous essential nutri- cial unsaturated type. be modified to promote a range of intestinal health benefits by the Finnish food industry and the amount of rye grown and types of white bread as well. A major invest- i ents, wholegrain bread also contains high Intake of dietary fibre is below recommended levels in through studies at the University of Eastern Finland, VTT Tech- used by Finnish bakeries. We are also a member of Pro Luomu ment in the additive-free bread area was com- levels of cereal fibre. A number of products nearly all industrialised countries today. Increasing consump- nical Research Centre of Finland, VAASAN, and other compa- ry, which promotes the organic sector in Finland. pleted in autumn 2011 when new clean room in the VAASAN 100% product family are tion of wholegrain products offers an excellent way of elimi- nies. The goal is to develop new cereal-based ingredients suit- technology, featuring high-efficiency filters to baked from 100% wholegrain flour, includ- nating this shortfall and enabling people to benefit from the able for people with a sensitive stomach that have a positive uSiNG ReSeARCh ReSulTS iN pRoduCT remove airborne mould and spores, was in- ing VAASAN 100% Ruis rye bread, VAASAN other health-related benefits these products offer. Wholegrain impact on intestinal health. deVelopMeNT WoRK stalled in Tallinn. This technology has made it 100% Kaura oat bread, and VAASAN 100% cereal products also help prevent obesity. Studies show that The Soma project is investigating the impact berries used In line with our nutrition and health programme, we make use possible to produce toast bread without any Ruis Hapankorppu thin crisp. We always en- high- fibre rye bread, for example, increases the concentration by the food industry in Finland have on the blood sugar lev- of the latest research results in developing our product range. additives. sure that packaging contains all the relevant of metabolic products associated with satiety in the blood and els of people who eat foods containing sugar and starch, such High-fibre products and reducing the amount of salt in prod- information on products’ ingredients and nu- help people keep their weight in check. as bread and pastries. Early results generated by the project ucts have played an important part in our development work A FoReRuNNeR iN The iNduSTRy tritional values.  Wholegrain cereals and rye have been shown to protect – which is being carried out at the University of Eastern Fin- in recent years. Although it is easy to reduce the salt content of VAASAN MagicRye 100% is an excellent ex- against the onset of Type 2 diabetes and cut the risk of cardio- land and a number of corporate partners – indicate that berries bread from a technical point of view, the challenge is to ensure ample of our unique expertise in the rye prod- vascular disease. Recent studies even indicate that a diet rich in improve how sugars are metabolised after meals and balance that bread with a lower salt content also tastes good. uct area. The range is baked using a technique rye bread, fatty fish, and blueberries can promote highly signif- out the fluctuations in blood sugar levels resulting from eating Developing and launching new additive-free bread prod- developed in-house that combines the bene- icant and beneficial changes in people’s blood lipids. foods containing sugars. We could leverage the positive ben- ucts represented an important part of our R&D work in 2011. fits of wheat and rye baking in a unique way.

10 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 11 NuTRiTioN ANd heAlTh NuTRiTioN ANd heAlTh

A New bReAd bROcHuRe Heart Symbol products are a e produced an innovative brochure addressing healthier choice. w some of today’s prejudices and popular beliefs about bread entitled Hyvää leivästä (Bread’s Good For You) in 2011. This provides a clear and thorough overview of the benefits of wholegrain products, particularly in terms of health, and explains the different types of labelling used Although VAASAN MagicRye 100% is wholegrain rye bread, it A Wide RANGe oF opTioNS FoR The CoNSuMeR on VAASAN products and what they mean, to make it has the soft consistency typical of white bread and offers the We introduced a number of products labelled with the Finnish easier for consumers to make healthy choices. positive benefits of rye to consumers who have traditionally Heart Association’s Heart Symbol in 2011. In addition to rolls The brochure was distributed at the 2011 Finnish na- preferred white bread. Known as Saib in Estonia, it was voted and coffee bread for food service customers, we also launched tional nutrition event attended by specialists in nutrition, Food Product of the Year in 2011 and Best Bakery Product, and VAASAN Ruissydän, a high-fibre rye bread for consumers. A health care, food services, product develop- A GROwiNG RANGe Of is now one of Leibur's most important products. number of our crispbread and thin crisp products are labelled ment, and marketing; as well as at the na- HeARt SyMbOl pROductS VAASAN is the leading developer of wholegrain cereal prod- with the Heart Symbol to highlight their particularly low fat and tional nursing event held in February 2012. ucts in Finland, a fact reflected in the VAASAN 100% range, for salt content and high fibre content. In addition, the brochure has been post- AASAN launched a number of new products labelled example, which consists of wholegrain rye, wheat, and oat We also continued work on developing high-quality organic ed to nutritional therapists, health and nutri- V with the Finnish Heart Association’s Heart Symbol in products. VAASAN was the first company to launch wholegrain products offering a number of attractive product properties in tion professionals, personal trainers, chain 2011, both on the consumer market and for food service wheat bread in Finland, and VAASAN 100% Kaura was the first 2011, and our first products baked from organic rye flourarrived customers, and associations. Our Consumer customers. The range now includes 12 products and even bread baked from wholegrain oat flour to be available nation- in the shops in spring 2012. Service Unit and other personnel have also more if all the different pack sizes are taken into account. ally. VAASAN 100% Ruis rye bread was launched in 2008. In addition to offering a wide range of tasty options, we be- distributed it to their partners and stakehold- The Heart Symbol indicates that a product represents Thin crisp and crispbread is also now available as part of lieve in the importance of clear and informative labelling to help ers. Visitors to the VAASAN web site can print a healthier choice in its category and contains less satu- the VAASAN 100% range. VAASAN 100% Ruis rye crispbread consumers make healthy choices. While the content of label- out their personal copy.  rated fat and salt than equivalent products. also contains less salt and is labelled with the Finnish Heart ling is regulated by statutory requirements, we pay particular VAASAN 100% Ruis rye crispbread, containing only Association’s Heart Symbol. attention to making it easy for consumers to find information 1.2% salt and topped with a layer of rye kernels and rye Long part of the Finnish diet, crispbread and thin crisp are on ingredients and nutritional content on our packaging. Com- bran, was launched in spring 2011. VAASAN Sydänpulla increasingly popular outside Finland today. Health-conscious prehensive product information makes it easier for shoppers to coffee bread and VAASAN Sydänsämpylä rolls, both of- consumers appreciate not only the good taste of these prod- make healthier choices and improve their diet.  HYVÄÄ LEIVÄSTÄ. fering lower salt content, were launched at the same time ucts, but also the fact that they contain no additives. FINN CRISP on the food service market. 5 Wholegrains thin crisp, launched in Norway in 2011, for exam- On-going work aimed at reducing salt and fat levels ple, has been a great success there. also resulted in the launch of a new, tasty low-salt rye Another success has been Leiburi Leibö, a wholegrain rye bread in autumn 2011. VAASAN Ruissydän, another re- bread flavoured with rosemary launched in Estonia in 2011, which cipient of the Heart Symbol, contains just 0.7% salt.  was selected by the country’s weightwatchers association, Figuu- risõbrad, as a star product in terms of its health- related benefits.

12 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 13 NuTRiTioN ANd heAlTh NuTRiTioN ANd heAlTh

A New bReAd bROcHuRe Heart Symbol products are a e produced an innovative brochure addressing healthier choice. w some of today’s prejudices and popular beliefs about bread entitled Hyvää leivästä (Bread’s Good For You) in 2011. This provides a clear and thorough overview of the benefits of wholegrain products, particularly in terms of health, and explains the different types of labelling used Although VAASAN MagicRye 100% is wholegrain rye bread, it A Wide RANGe oF opTioNS FoR The CoNSuMeR on VAASAN products and what they mean, to make it has the soft consistency typical of white bread and offers the We introduced a number of products labelled with the Finnish easier for consumers to make healthy choices. positive benefits of rye to consumers who have traditionally Heart Association’s Heart Symbol in 2011. In addition to rolls The brochure was distributed at the 2011 Finnish na- preferred white bread. Known as Saib in Estonia, it was voted and coffee bread for food service customers, we also launched tional nutrition event attended by specialists in nutrition, Food Product of the Year in 2011 and Best Bakery Product, and VAASAN Ruissydän, a high-fibre rye bread for consumers. A health care, food services, product develop- A GROwiNG RANGe Of is now one of Leibur's most important products. number of our crispbread and thin crisp products are labelled ment, and marketing; as well as at the na- HeARt SyMbOl pROductS VAASAN is the leading developer of wholegrain cereal prod- with the Heart Symbol to highlight their particularly low fat and tional nursing event held in February 2012. ucts in Finland, a fact reflected in the VAASAN 100% range, for salt content and high fibre content. In addition, the brochure has been post- AASAN launched a number of new products labelled example, which consists of wholegrain rye, wheat, and oat We also continued work on developing high-quality organic ed to nutritional therapists, health and nutri- V with the Finnish Heart Association’s Heart Symbol in products. VAASAN was the first company to launch wholegrain products offering a number of attractive product properties in tion professionals, personal trainers, chain 2011, both on the consumer market and for food service wheat bread in Finland, and VAASAN 100% Kaura was the first 2011, and our first products baked from organic rye flourarrived customers, and associations. Our Consumer customers. The range now includes 12 products and even bread baked from wholegrain oat flour to be available nation- in the shops in spring 2012. Service Unit and other personnel have also more if all the different pack sizes are taken into account. ally. VAASAN 100% Ruis rye bread was launched in 2008. In addition to offering a wide range of tasty options, we be- distributed it to their partners and stakehold- The Heart Symbol indicates that a product represents Thin crisp and crispbread is also now available as part of lieve in the importance of clear and informative labelling to help ers. Visitors to the VAASAN web site can print a healthier choice in its category and contains less satu- the VAASAN 100% range. VAASAN 100% Ruis rye crispbread consumers make healthy choices. While the content of label- out their personal copy.  rated fat and salt than equivalent products. also contains less salt and is labelled with the Finnish Heart ling is regulated by statutory requirements, we pay particular VAASAN 100% Ruis rye crispbread, containing only Association’s Heart Symbol. attention to making it easy for consumers to find information 1.2% salt and topped with a layer of rye kernels and rye Long part of the Finnish diet, crispbread and thin crisp are on ingredients and nutritional content on our packaging. Com- bran, was launched in spring 2011. VAASAN Sydänpulla increasingly popular outside Finland today. Health-conscious prehensive product information makes it easier for shoppers to coffee bread and VAASAN Sydänsämpylä rolls, both of- consumers appreciate not only the good taste of these prod- make healthier choices and improve their diet.  HYVÄÄ LEIVÄSTÄ. fering lower salt content, were launched at the same time ucts, but also the fact that they contain no additives. FINN CRISP on the food service market. 5 Wholegrains thin crisp, launched in Norway in 2011, for exam- On-going work aimed at reducing salt and fat levels ple, has been a great success there. also resulted in the launch of a new, tasty low-salt rye Another success has been Leiburi Leibö, a wholegrain rye bread in autumn 2011. VAASAN Ruissydän, another re- bread flavoured with rosemary launched in Estonia in 2011, which cipient of the Heart Symbol, contains just 0.7% salt.  was selected by the country’s weightwatchers association, Figuu- risõbrad, as a star product in terms of its health- related benefits.

12 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 13 Food SAFeTy Food SAFeTy VAASAN food safety

The goal of the VAASAN food safety programme is to guarantee the safety of our products and ensure that customers and consumers can always trust that our products are safe to eat.

e believe that high-quality, safe products and ser- aware of VAASAN food safety requirements and act in accord- vice that meet – and even exceed – the expecta- ance with them. tions of consumers and customers are the founda- wtion of our success. The VAASAN Group’s food safety policy is CoNTiNuouS MoNiToRiNG ANd deVelopMeNT 2011 is a good example here. This technology allows toast bread The goal of the programme is to identify ideas that can im- based on ensuring the unconditional safety of all the products The VAASAN food safety programme is based on global food to be produced without any additives, while at the same time prove operations by working together and to implement them. we sell and produce. safety and quality standards, such as BRC, IFS, ISO 22000, extending the shelf life of the product. We also improved food Every unit has appointed its own TPM coordinator responsible Statutory requirements represent the base line for our oper- FSSC 22000, and the HACCP system. The Hazard Analysis and safety in 2011 by installing five X-ray machines at units in Es- for ensuring that initiatives are put into practice. ations. Complying with food safety standards places even strict- Critical Control Points (HACCP) system helps us focus atten- tonia and Finland. The TPM model is intended to ensure that everyone works er requirements on our operations, however. We are commit- tion on the key aspects of food safety-related procedures and Daily work is carried out at our production units on issues in the same way when carrying out their production-related du- ted to continuous improvement and underline that food safety prevent any products that might pose a threat to health reach- related to traceability management and monitoring to prevent ties and cleaning, and that operations are based on clear, con- AdditiVe-fRee bReAd is everyone’s responsibility at VAASAN. ing the consumer. allergen contamination, remove foreign objects from product crete, and jointly agreed guidelines. Good hygiene and proce- Our goal is to ensure that all our production locations streams, and maintain a high level of hygiene. In addition to dures contribute to better occupational safety and food safety. ne way that VAASAN improves its food safety per- A CoMMoN GoAl achieve a similar standard of readiness for food safety certi- self-assessments, our operations are also regularly monitored Better standards in these areas enabled VAASAN’s fresh product O formance is by continuously developing its pro- We constantly develop our product-related safety and quality fication so that by the end of 2013, every VAASAN production by third parties, such as the authorities and auditing companies. bakeries to improve their performance in terms of hygiene and duction methods. Our bakery in Tallinn was the first in practices across the VAASAN Group and measure, analyse, and site will operate to at least ISO 22000 food safety standards. Raw materials go through an arrival check and sensory in- foreign object contamination during 2011. We plan to standard- the Baltic countries to introduce new clean room tech- review our operations internally and externally to ensure that Developing our production methods represents an impor- spection before entering the production process. The tempera- ise our practices for evaluating hygiene and procedures at pro- nology on its toast bread line in autumn 2011. we meet our customers’ needs and expectations at all times. tant part of the continuous work we do in improving our food ture of raw materials requiring cold storage is measured when duction units across the VAASAN Group in 2012 with the help This technology allows us to produce toast bread Every VAASAN production unit has an action plan for con- safety performance. The introduction of new clean room tech- they arrive at a plant, and the temperature in our own cold of a dedicated development project. without any additives, while at the same time extend- stantly maintaining and improving food safety standards. Units’ nology on the toast bread line at our bakery in Tallinn in autumn storage facilities is constantly and automatically monitored. We have promoted the sharing of food safety-related exper- ing the shelf life of the product. The clean room area is food safety performance is measured and assessed by moni- We regularly take samples of our raw materials, semi-finished tise between units across the VAASAN Group in recent years separate from the rest of production, and the purity of toring things like critical customer complaints and through the products, and end-products to ensure that they comply with by organising things like cross-auditing food safety systems at the air there is carefully controlled and maintained with use of a cleanliness and good house-keeping index. the product and ingredients information that we provide and different plants. Units have also shared their best practices in the help of a dedicated set of hygiene and cleanliness Food safety is very much implemented by all of our people. food safety requirements. Every work stage is covered by in- a number of food safety areas. standards and restrictions on who may access the area. Every employee handling raw materials and packaging and in- food safety is structions covering issues such as cleaning production lines Feedback from consumers is a particularly valuable tool in Our use of the sourdough process, combined with volved in production, warehousing, and transportation has a during product swaps. measuring how well we are performing in terms of food safe- high standards of hygiene during production, ensures part to play in ensuring the high standard of our products. All everyone’s responsibility ty and in developing our products to meet consumers’ expec- that our rye bread stays fresh and tasty for an extend- of the personnel at our production plants have received train- at VAASAN. TeAMWoRK pRoduCeS beTTeR ReSulTS tations even more effectively. Feedback is primarily received ed period, without the need for additives. In fact, the ing in hygiene and food safety and are provided with regular We use a TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) programme at through the VAASAN Consumer Service Center.  majority of VAASAN rye bread has always been baked training on food safety issues to maintain their safety aware- our production plants to help develop their operations and im- without any additives.  ness. We also train our sub-contractors to ensure that they are prove their food safety performance.

14 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 15 Food SAFeTy Food SAFeTy VAASAN food safety

The goal of the VAASAN food safety programme is to guarantee the safety of our products and ensure that customers and consumers can always trust that our products are safe to eat.

e believe that high-quality, safe products and ser- aware of VAASAN food safety requirements and act in accord- vice that meet – and even exceed – the expecta- ance with them. tions of consumers and customers are the founda- wtion of our success. The VAASAN Group’s food safety policy is CoNTiNuouS MoNiToRiNG ANd deVelopMeNT 2011 is a good example here. This technology allows toast bread The goal of the programme is to identify ideas that can im- based on ensuring the unconditional safety of all the products The VAASAN food safety programme is based on global food to be produced without any additives, while at the same time prove operations by working together and to implement them. we sell and produce. safety and quality standards, such as BRC, IFS, ISO 22000, extending the shelf life of the product. We also improved food Every unit has appointed its own TPM coordinator responsible Statutory requirements represent the base line for our oper- FSSC 22000, and the HACCP system. The Hazard Analysis and safety in 2011 by installing five X-ray machines at units in Es- for ensuring that initiatives are put into practice. ations. Complying with food safety standards places even strict- Critical Control Points (HACCP) system helps us focus atten- tonia and Finland. The TPM model is intended to ensure that everyone works er requirements on our operations, however. We are commit- tion on the key aspects of food safety-related procedures and Daily work is carried out at our production units on issues in the same way when carrying out their production-related du- ted to continuous improvement and underline that food safety prevent any products that might pose a threat to health reach- related to traceability management and monitoring to prevent ties and cleaning, and that operations are based on clear, con- AdditiVe-fRee bReAd is everyone’s responsibility at VAASAN. ing the consumer. allergen contamination, remove foreign objects from product crete, and jointly agreed guidelines. Good hygiene and proce- Our goal is to ensure that all our production locations streams, and maintain a high level of hygiene. In addition to dures contribute to better occupational safety and food safety. ne way that VAASAN improves its food safety per- A CoMMoN GoAl achieve a similar standard of readiness for food safety certi- self-assessments, our operations are also regularly monitored Better standards in these areas enabled VAASAN’s fresh product O formance is by continuously developing its pro- We constantly develop our product-related safety and quality fication so that by the end of 2013, every VAASAN production by third parties, such as the authorities and auditing companies. bakeries to improve their performance in terms of hygiene and duction methods. Our bakery in Tallinn was the first in practices across the VAASAN Group and measure, analyse, and site will operate to at least ISO 22000 food safety standards. Raw materials go through an arrival check and sensory in- foreign object contamination during 2011. We plan to standard- the Baltic countries to introduce new clean room tech- review our operations internally and externally to ensure that Developing our production methods represents an impor- spection before entering the production process. The tempera- ise our practices for evaluating hygiene and procedures at pro- nology on its toast bread line in autumn 2011. we meet our customers’ needs and expectations at all times. tant part of the continuous work we do in improving our food ture of raw materials requiring cold storage is measured when duction units across the VAASAN Group in 2012 with the help This technology allows us to produce toast bread Every VAASAN production unit has an action plan for con- safety performance. The introduction of new clean room tech- they arrive at a plant, and the temperature in our own cold of a dedicated development project. without any additives, while at the same time extend- stantly maintaining and improving food safety standards. Units’ nology on the toast bread line at our bakery in Tallinn in autumn storage facilities is constantly and automatically monitored. We have promoted the sharing of food safety-related exper- ing the shelf life of the product. The clean room area is food safety performance is measured and assessed by moni- We regularly take samples of our raw materials, semi-finished tise between units across the VAASAN Group in recent years separate from the rest of production, and the purity of toring things like critical customer complaints and through the products, and end-products to ensure that they comply with by organising things like cross-auditing food safety systems at the air there is carefully controlled and maintained with use of a cleanliness and good house-keeping index. the product and ingredients information that we provide and different plants. Units have also shared their best practices in the help of a dedicated set of hygiene and cleanliness Food safety is very much implemented by all of our people. food safety requirements. Every work stage is covered by in- a number of food safety areas. standards and restrictions on who may access the area. Every employee handling raw materials and packaging and in- food safety is structions covering issues such as cleaning production lines Feedback from consumers is a particularly valuable tool in Our use of the sourdough process, combined with volved in production, warehousing, and transportation has a during product swaps. measuring how well we are performing in terms of food safe- high standards of hygiene during production, ensures part to play in ensuring the high standard of our products. All everyone’s responsibility ty and in developing our products to meet consumers’ expec- that our rye bread stays fresh and tasty for an extend- of the personnel at our production plants have received train- at VAASAN. TeAMWoRK pRoduCeS beTTeR ReSulTS tations even more effectively. Feedback is primarily received ed period, without the need for additives. In fact, the ing in hygiene and food safety and are provided with regular We use a TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) programme at through the VAASAN Consumer Service Center.  majority of VAASAN rye bread has always been baked training on food safety issues to maintain their safety aware- our production plants to help develop their operations and im- without any additives.  ness. We also train our sub-contractors to ensure that they are prove their food safety performance.

14 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 15 eNViRoNMeNTAl ReSpoNSibiliTy eNViRoNMeNTAl ReSpoNSibiliTy

The VAASAN The project is looking at areas such as how information on the VAASAN did not achieve its Group-level targets, however. term disturbance. To minimise these problems, plants aim to environmental impact of food can be communicated in a more Energy use relative to product output remained at 2010 levels handle unloading during the day. Technical solutions have also easily comprehensible way and how this information can be and there was a slight increase in the amount of organic waste been developed for unloading equipment to reduce noise levels. environmental programme presented to make comparisons between different manufac- generated. This was the result of factors such as changes in pro- turers and product groups easier. duction and product type at Kotka and Joutseno. eNeRGy CoNSuMpTioN The goal of the VAASAN environmental programme is to reduce the level of airborne, The bakery industry uses a lot of energy on average per unit of eNViRoNMeNTAl WoRK iN 2011 eNViRoNMeNTAl iNVeSTMeNTS output compared to other areas of the food industry, as most waterborne, and groundborne emissions associated with our operations. The goal of the VAASAN Group’s environmental programme in We implemented numerous projects that made a positive con- products need to be baked and some are also frozen. Energy con- 2011 was to reduce the amount of energy used relative to prod- tribution to our corporate responsibility and environmental per- sumption relative to output across the VAASAN Group during ur environmental programme is based on the ISO 14001 A study on the carbon footprint of bread commissioned by uct output by 2% and the amount of organic waste relative to formance during 2011. Improvements to the cooling and heat re- 2011 was approx. 1.41 kWh/kg, compared to 1.38 kWh/kg in 2010. standard – and is aimed at reducing our energy con- Finnish Bread Information in 2010 showed that it is relatively product output by 4% compared to 2010. covery system at the Vantaa bakery, for example, enabled us to sumption and waste levels in relation to product out- small compared to that of other foods. The carbon footprint of We achieved a number of positive results in saving energy reduce wastage at the site and save energy; while an improved AiRboRNe eMiSSioNS

put,O improving the quality of our wastewater, and reducing the rye bread over its life cycle is approx. 140 g of CO2-eq/100 g, for and reducing organic waste levels. The Group’s largest business flour handling system at the Kotka crispbread factory has re- Production-related CO2 emissions are declining and the amount level of airborne emissions associated with product and material example. VAASAN took part in the study by supplying the raw area in terms of production volume, Fresh Bakery Products in duced production-related wastage. of CO2 released in proportion to output was approx. 196 kg/t, transportation and travel carried out by our personnel. material, energy, and wastage data used. Finland, reduced its energy consumption relative to product which compares to approx. 199 kg/t in 2010. Producing and consuming food accounts for around a third VAASAN is also one of the participants in MTT Agrifood Re- output by 3% during 2011. eNViRoNMeNTAl dAMAGe Efficient logistics enable us to make a significant contribu- of the environmental impact that the world’s population has on search Finland’s Climate Communication II project (2011-2013), The Fagersta bake-off products plant in Sweden achieved No environmental damage was recorded during 2011. tion to lower airborne emissions. We optimised the road trans- the planet. Different types of food have different level of environ- aimed at evaluating consumer perceptions of the carbon and a more than 10% reduction in energy use per unit of produc- port of our products during 2011 through things such as de- mental impact because of the various factors involved. In gener- environmental labelling used on food products and how con- tion and a 25% reduction in organic waste. Fresh Bakery Prod- NoiSe polluTioN veloping our transport partnerships, routes, and loads – and

al, production accounts for a greater proportion of impact than sumers would like to see companies communicate the environ- ucts units in the Baltic countries also improved energy efficien- The bakery industry generates little noise pollution normally, al- succeeded in further reducing our CO2 footprint. We will con- transportation and packaging (Source: ETL). mental impact of their products and operations in the future. cy during 2011. though unloading raw materials into plant silos can cause short- tinue work to improve our logistics in the future. Optimising

eNeRGy uSAGe iN 2011, ToTAl eNeRGy uSAGe peR Kilo oF pRoduCT pRoCeSS WATeR CoNSuMpTioN peR Kilo oF WASTeWATeR VoluMe peR Kilo oF pRoduCT VoluMe oF lANdFill WASTe peR Kilo oF VAASAN GRoup ouTpuT, kWh/kg, VAASAN GRoup pRoduCT ouTpuT, m³/t, VAASAN GRoup ouTpuT, m³/t, VAASAN GRoup pRoduCT ouTpuT, kg/t, VAASAN GRoup

1,6 2,4 2,4 10 12% 1,4 2,1 2,1 9 8 1,2 1,8 1,8 35% 7 1,0 1,5 1,5 6 0,8 1,2 1,2 5

0,6 0,9 0,9 4 50% 3 0,4 0,6 0,6 2% 2 0,2 0,3 0,3 1 0 0 0 0 ■ Gas 50% ■ electricity 35% ■ district heat 12% ■ Fuel 2% ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011

16 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 17 eNViRoNMeNTAl ReSpoNSibiliTy eNViRoNMeNTAl ReSpoNSibiliTy

The VAASAN The project is looking at areas such as how information on the VAASAN did not achieve its Group-level targets, however. term disturbance. To minimise these problems, plants aim to environmental impact of food can be communicated in a more Energy use relative to product output remained at 2010 levels handle unloading during the day. Technical solutions have also easily comprehensible way and how this information can be and there was a slight increase in the amount of organic waste been developed for unloading equipment to reduce noise levels. environmental programme presented to make comparisons between different manufac- generated. This was the result of factors such as changes in pro- turers and product groups easier. duction and product type at Kotka and Joutseno. eNeRGy CoNSuMpTioN The goal of the VAASAN environmental programme is to reduce the level of airborne, The bakery industry uses a lot of energy on average per unit of eNViRoNMeNTAl WoRK iN 2011 eNViRoNMeNTAl iNVeSTMeNTS output compared to other areas of the food industry, as most waterborne, and groundborne emissions associated with our operations. The goal of the VAASAN Group’s environmental programme in We implemented numerous projects that made a positive con- products need to be baked and some are also frozen. Energy con- 2011 was to reduce the amount of energy used relative to prod- tribution to our corporate responsibility and environmental per- sumption relative to output across the VAASAN Group during ur environmental programme is based on the ISO 14001 A study on the carbon footprint of bread commissioned by uct output by 2% and the amount of organic waste relative to formance during 2011. Improvements to the cooling and heat re- 2011 was approx. 1.41 kWh/kg, compared to 1.38 kWh/kg in 2010. standard – and is aimed at reducing our energy con- Finnish Bread Information in 2010 showed that it is relatively product output by 4% compared to 2010. covery system at the Vantaa bakery, for example, enabled us to sumption and waste levels in relation to product out- small compared to that of other foods. The carbon footprint of We achieved a number of positive results in saving energy reduce wastage at the site and save energy; while an improved AiRboRNe eMiSSioNS

put,O improving the quality of our wastewater, and reducing the rye bread over its life cycle is approx. 140 g of CO2-eq/100 g, for and reducing organic waste levels. The Group’s largest business flour handling system at the Kotka crispbread factory has re- Production-related CO2 emissions are declining and the amount level of airborne emissions associated with product and material example. VAASAN took part in the study by supplying the raw area in terms of production volume, Fresh Bakery Products in duced production-related wastage. of CO2 released in proportion to output was approx. 196 kg/t, transportation and travel carried out by our personnel. material, energy, and wastage data used. Finland, reduced its energy consumption relative to product which compares to approx. 199 kg/t in 2010. Producing and consuming food accounts for around a third VAASAN is also one of the participants in MTT Agrifood Re- output by 3% during 2011. eNViRoNMeNTAl dAMAGe Efficient logistics enable us to make a significant contribu- of the environmental impact that the world’s population has on search Finland’s Climate Communication II project (2011-2013), The Fagersta bake-off products plant in Sweden achieved No environmental damage was recorded during 2011. tion to lower airborne emissions. We optimised the road trans- the planet. Different types of food have different level of environ- aimed at evaluating consumer perceptions of the carbon and a more than 10% reduction in energy use per unit of produc- port of our products during 2011 through things such as de- mental impact because of the various factors involved. In gener- environmental labelling used on food products and how con- tion and a 25% reduction in organic waste. Fresh Bakery Prod- NoiSe polluTioN veloping our transport partnerships, routes, and loads – and

al, production accounts for a greater proportion of impact than sumers would like to see companies communicate the environ- ucts units in the Baltic countries also improved energy efficien- The bakery industry generates little noise pollution normally, al- succeeded in further reducing our CO2 footprint. We will con- transportation and packaging (Source: ETL). mental impact of their products and operations in the future. cy during 2011. though unloading raw materials into plant silos can cause short- tinue work to improve our logistics in the future. Optimising

eNeRGy uSAGe iN 2011, ToTAl eNeRGy uSAGe peR Kilo oF pRoduCT pRoCeSS WATeR CoNSuMpTioN peR Kilo oF WASTeWATeR VoluMe peR Kilo oF pRoduCT VoluMe oF lANdFill WASTe peR Kilo oF VAASAN GRoup ouTpuT, kWh/kg, VAASAN GRoup pRoduCT ouTpuT, m³/t, VAASAN GRoup ouTpuT, m³/t, VAASAN GRoup pRoduCT ouTpuT, kg/t, VAASAN GRoup

1,6 2,4 2,4 10 12% 1,4 2,1 2,1 9 8 1,2 1,8 1,8 35% 7 1,0 1,5 1,5 6 0,8 1,2 1,2 5

0,6 0,9 0,9 4 50% 3 0,4 0,6 0,6 2% 2 0,2 0,3 0,3 1 0 0 0 0 ■ Gas 50% ■ electricity 35% ■ district heat 12% ■ Fuel 2% ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011

16 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 17 eNViRoNMeNTAl ReSpoNSibiliTy eNViRoNMeNTAl ReSpoNSibiliTy

transport operations, and monitoring and reducing the impact tion. We used approx. 2.03 m³ of clean process water per tonne WASTe ting production-related wastage at the Kotka bakery. We have these have on the environment, is one of the main priorities of of product output in 2010. This compares to 1.88 m³/t in 2010. Some 86 kg of waste per tonne of product output was gener- reduced the amount of this type of waste by a number of per- our environmental efforts. We generated approx. 1.19 m³/t of wastewater during 2011, ated by VAASAN Group operations during 2011. Feed and bio- centage points since summer 2011 by enhancing the skills of Our work with our partners and other companies has en- compared to approx. 1.16 m³/t in 2010. logical waste accounted for the largest amount of waste and to- personnel at Kotka, changing how responsibilities are split be- abled us to increase the capacity utilisation of the trucks we We have been able to improve the quality of the wastewater talled approx. 72.6 kg per tonne of product output. Hazardous tween employees, and by improving reporting practices. use. We closely monitor capacity utilization levels and com- produced during our production processes through a number of waste accounted for the smallest amount of waste. The waste bine routes with partners that use trucks suitable for deliveries means. Projects at the Joutseno plant in 2009-2011, for example, recycling and reuse percentage at VAASAN Oy in 2011 was 93%. eNViRoNMeNTAl TARGeTS FoR The FuTuRe of food products. This work is on-going and we are currently resulted in a significant improvement in this area and have seen A significant proportion of the organic waste generated at A life cycle analysis of the VAASAN Group’s main products com- developing a system to measure the impact our transport op- the solids content and BOD of wastewater released there fall VAASAN production plants in Finland is used as raw material for missioned in 2009 showed that the most significant direct en- erations have on the atmosphere. by around 70%. We achieved this through training, modernis- producing biofuel. As a renewable form of energy, bioethanol is a vironmental impact of our operations is linked to the transport eNViRONMeNtAl iNitiAtiVe We have reduced the amount of travel carried out by our ing equipment, updating the cleaning routines used on produc- highly environmentally friendly fuel in terms of its life cycle emis- of raw materials and products, energy and water use, produc- personnel significantly in recent years. Air travel has been re- tion lines, improving our use of raw materials, and by reducing sions and is virtually carbon-neutral. Around a third of organic tion waste, and wastewater. As a result, reducing these areas nly 1.5% of the total waste generated by the VAASAN duced through the introduction of video conferencing facilities the number of line washes required when switching products. waste from these plants was used to produce bioethanol in 2011. of environmental impact will continue to be central. We have O bake-off products factory in Joutseno is sent to a land- at all the Group’s units. This has seen employees’ air miles fall We have implemented a number of measures at Kotka to defined a set of common environmental targets for the Group fill together with normal mixed waste. The rest is recycled. by around 50% between 2008 and 2011, which has halved our MATeRiAl uSAGe reduce the amount of organic waste generated there and have aimed at reducing our relative energy consumption, reducing Tighter-mesh grilles have been installed over 32 floor

air travel-related CO2 emissions. Air travel fell by a further 5% VAASAN Oy used approx. 0.91 kg of raw materials (water not succeeded in reducing the proportion of this type of waste by the amount of organic waste generated during production, im- drains to reduce the amount of solid waste discharged via during 2011 compared to 2010. included) per kilo of output at its production sites in Finland in 40%. By using enzymes to treat the solid matter content of proving operations, improving the quality of our wastewater, wastewater, and production runs have been extended by us- 2011 and approx. 0.06 kg of packaging material. The proportion waste dough generated during product switches and when and reducing the impact transport has on the climate. Every ing more detailed planning routines. This has reduced the pRoCeSS WATeR ANd WASTeWATeR of raw materials and packaging material has remained essen- cleaning production lines, we can send this waste as effluent VAASAN production unit has drawn up its own unit-specific amount of wastewater and biowaste generated as a propor- The bakery industry uses less water than the food industry aver- tially similar in recent years. Group-level figures on material for wastewater treatment. measures for achieving these common targets.  tion of dough output. The majority of biowaste is used as age. The largest amount of water use takes place during produc- usage are not available. The amount of organic waste has also been reduced by cut- raw material for producing biofuel. 

RAW MATeRiAl uSAGe peR Kilo oF pRoduCT pACKAGiNG MATeRiAl uSAGe peR Kilo oF pRoduCT TypeS oF WASTe GeNeRATed iN 2011, So2 ANd Nox eMiSSioNS peR Kilo oF pRoduCT So2 eMiSSioNS peR Kilo oF pRoduCT ouTpuT, ouTpuT, kg/kg, VAASAN oy ouTpuT, kg/kg, VAASAN oy VAASAN GRoup ouTpuT, kg/1,000 kg, VAASAN GRoup kg/t, VAASAN GRoup

1 0,07 1% 7% 0,35 250 4% 0,9 3% 0,30 0,06 200 0,8 !" 0,25 0,7 0,05 #" $" 150 0,6 0,20 0,04 %" 0,5 &" 0,15 100 0,03 '" 0,4 84% (" 0,10 0,3 0,02 50 0,05 0,2 0,01 0,1 ■ Mixed waste 7% ■ other 1% 0 0 2009 2010 2011 0 0 ■ energy waste 4% Recyclable plastic 0% ■ Recyclable paper and board 3% hazardous waste 0% ■ So2 ■ NoX ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ Feed and other biowaste 84%

18 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 19 eNViRoNMeNTAl ReSpoNSibiliTy eNViRoNMeNTAl ReSpoNSibiliTy

transport operations, and monitoring and reducing the impact tion. We used approx. 2.03 m³ of clean process water per tonne WASTe ting production-related wastage at the Kotka bakery. We have these have on the environment, is one of the main priorities of of product output in 2010. This compares to 1.88 m³/t in 2010. Some 86 kg of waste per tonne of product output was gener- reduced the amount of this type of waste by a number of per- our environmental efforts. We generated approx. 1.19 m³/t of wastewater during 2011, ated by VAASAN Group operations during 2011. Feed and bio- centage points since summer 2011 by enhancing the skills of Our work with our partners and other companies has en- compared to approx. 1.16 m³/t in 2010. logical waste accounted for the largest amount of waste and to- personnel at Kotka, changing how responsibilities are split be- abled us to increase the capacity utilisation of the trucks we We have been able to improve the quality of the wastewater talled approx. 72.6 kg per tonne of product output. Hazardous tween employees, and by improving reporting practices. use. We closely monitor capacity utilization levels and com- produced during our production processes through a number of waste accounted for the smallest amount of waste. The waste bine routes with partners that use trucks suitable for deliveries means. Projects at the Joutseno plant in 2009-2011, for example, recycling and reuse percentage at VAASAN Oy in 2011 was 93%. eNViRoNMeNTAl TARGeTS FoR The FuTuRe of food products. This work is on-going and we are currently resulted in a significant improvement in this area and have seen A significant proportion of the organic waste generated at A life cycle analysis of the VAASAN Group’s main products com- developing a system to measure the impact our transport op- the solids content and BOD of wastewater released there fall VAASAN production plants in Finland is used as raw material for missioned in 2009 showed that the most significant direct en- erations have on the atmosphere. by around 70%. We achieved this through training, modernis- producing biofuel. As a renewable form of energy, bioethanol is a vironmental impact of our operations is linked to the transport eNViRONMeNtAl iNitiAtiVe We have reduced the amount of travel carried out by our ing equipment, updating the cleaning routines used on produc- highly environmentally friendly fuel in terms of its life cycle emis- of raw materials and products, energy and water use, produc- personnel significantly in recent years. Air travel has been re- tion lines, improving our use of raw materials, and by reducing sions and is virtually carbon-neutral. Around a third of organic tion waste, and wastewater. As a result, reducing these areas nly 1.5% of the total waste generated by the VAASAN duced through the introduction of video conferencing facilities the number of line washes required when switching products. waste from these plants was used to produce bioethanol in 2011. of environmental impact will continue to be central. We have O bake-off products factory in Joutseno is sent to a land- at all the Group’s units. This has seen employees’ air miles fall We have implemented a number of measures at Kotka to defined a set of common environmental targets for the Group fill together with normal mixed waste. The rest is recycled. by around 50% between 2008 and 2011, which has halved our MATeRiAl uSAGe reduce the amount of organic waste generated there and have aimed at reducing our relative energy consumption, reducing Tighter-mesh grilles have been installed over 32 floor

air travel-related CO2 emissions. Air travel fell by a further 5% VAASAN Oy used approx. 0.91 kg of raw materials (water not succeeded in reducing the proportion of this type of waste by the amount of organic waste generated during production, im- drains to reduce the amount of solid waste discharged via during 2011 compared to 2010. included) per kilo of output at its production sites in Finland in 40%. By using enzymes to treat the solid matter content of proving operations, improving the quality of our wastewater, wastewater, and production runs have been extended by us- 2011 and approx. 0.06 kg of packaging material. The proportion waste dough generated during product switches and when and reducing the impact transport has on the climate. Every ing more detailed planning routines. This has reduced the pRoCeSS WATeR ANd WASTeWATeR of raw materials and packaging material has remained essen- cleaning production lines, we can send this waste as effluent VAASAN production unit has drawn up its own unit-specific amount of wastewater and biowaste generated as a propor- The bakery industry uses less water than the food industry aver- tially similar in recent years. Group-level figures on material for wastewater treatment. measures for achieving these common targets.  tion of dough output. The majority of biowaste is used as age. The largest amount of water use takes place during produc- usage are not available. The amount of organic waste has also been reduced by cut- raw material for producing biofuel. 

RAW MATeRiAl uSAGe peR Kilo oF pRoduCT pACKAGiNG MATeRiAl uSAGe peR Kilo oF pRoduCT TypeS oF WASTe GeNeRATed iN 2011, So2 ANd Nox eMiSSioNS peR Kilo oF pRoduCT So2 eMiSSioNS peR Kilo oF pRoduCT ouTpuT, ouTpuT, kg/kg, VAASAN oy ouTpuT, kg/kg, VAASAN oy VAASAN GRoup ouTpuT, kg/1,000 kg, VAASAN GRoup kg/t, VAASAN GRoup

1 0,07 1% 7% 0,35 250 4% 0,9 3% 0,30 0,06 200 0,8 !" 0,25 0,7 0,05 #" $" 150 0,6 0,20 0,04 %" 0,5 &" 0,15 100 0,03 '" 0,4 84% (" 0,10 0,3 0,02 50 0,05 0,2 0,01 0,1 ■ Mixed waste 7% ■ other 1% 0 0 2009 2010 2011 0 0 ■ energy waste 4% Recyclable plastic 0% ■ Recyclable paper and board 3% hazardous waste 0% ■ So2 ■ NoX ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ Feed and other biowaste 84%

18 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 19 Well-beiNG AT WoRK Well-beiNG AT WoRK

Well-being at work Developing leadership and management skills is a central The Strategic Player 2012 Competition was launched across potential to perform well at their job, and how people’s respon- aspect of competence development work. As part of this, we the Group in 2012. Organised for the first time, this is intended sibilities are organised. have created a set of leadership competences for the Group, for all VAASAN personnel, regardless of location or position – We have been an industry forerunner in the use of small- Promoting the expertise of our employees and their ability to adapt to changing needs is a key which we use to assess people’s current leadership abilities and is designed to recognise people who have shown particular team work and introduced a small-team model in all units in priority at VAASAN, and is fundamental to securing our position as a forerunner in the industry. and their development needs. These help us develop common innovation, ability, and drive in putting our strategic goals into 2004. The central goal of this approach is to help improve the We believe that the resources of a large company, combined with the spirit of a local baker, will management practices across the Group and give individual practice and have contributed to improving our competitive ad- atmosphere in the workplace and ensure that we can leverage managers a set of tools for developing their managerial skills. vantage and added value in line with our business strategy. The all the skills and expertise of our personnel. The small-team enable us to continue building our shared success. Training is used to improve managers’ understanding of their competition is also designed to bring positive success stories to model also offers employees the opportunity to participate in role, their ability to innovate and manage change, and to de- everyone’s attention and encourage others to learn from them. developing their work. velop their mentoring and coaching skills. e offer personnel a wide range of opportunities to well-being at One example of our Group-wide training programmes is deVelopiNG The WoRKplACe develop and advance their careers, and believe that the Tiger’s Leap programme, which has been developed in col- Active, on-going development of the workplace forms an in- our commitment to long-term, comprehensive de- work is dependent on a laboration with Aalto University Executive Education. This pro- tegral part of the VAASAN way of working and the VAASAN wvelopment creates a solid foundation for a workplace where number of different factors. gramme gives participants an excellent opportunity to learn to- recipe for success. people are both satisfied with their jobs and productive. gether and share best practices. The programme focuses on both We have surveyed the atmosphere among employees since Good leadership and management development is a par- developing participants’ own leadership skills and improving the the early 1990s, and carry out a more extensive survey every ticular focus of our approach to HR management at VAASAN. Group’s overall expertise in leadership and strategic thinking. two years; the most recent of these surveys in Finland took We believe that how a company is led makes a real difference In addition, Group companies in the various countries in place in November 2010. Surveys use an organisational devel- and that good leadership will be reflected in successful perfor- Work trials planned in collaboration with occupational which VAASAN operates carry out their own development in- opment tool that links questions to employees’ well-being, how tuRNiNG A StOReROOM mance, improved well-being at work, and job satisfaction. By health care personnel and our employee pension insurance itiatives and training aimed at strengthening employees’ skill well they feel their workplace functions, and their readiness for developing the Group’s management and leadership skills, we provider make it easier for employees to return to work after an sets, developing their management expertise, and promoting change. The aim of these surveys is to assess how employees iNtO A GyM promote both strategic leadership and day-to-day inter-action extended period of sick leave – and can also be useful in identi- new ways of working. feel about issues such as communication, management, their storeroom at the Vantaa bakery recently got a make- between personnel and their managers and supervisors. fying more suitable jobs if employees are experiencing health- A over when it was transformed into a gym, which is al- related problems in their present job. peRSoNNel by ReGioN, 2009-2011, AGe diSTRibuTioN oF peRSoNNel, 2011, ready helping improve people’s well-being at work. A bRoAd-bASed AppRoACh To Well-beiNG VAASAN oy VAASAN oy The idea for transforming an empty storeroom at the AT WoRK deVelopiNG people’S SKillS Vantaa bakery into a gym came from two employees at Well-being at work is dependent on a number of different fac- A strategy-driven approach to developing the skills and com- 700 200 the site, and their initiative was given an enthusiastic go- tors, and involves numerous different initiatives at both Group petences of VAASAN personnel lies at the heart of our so- 180 ahead by local management. 600 and local level. Our broad-based approach to managing well- cial responsibility. During 2011, we concentrated on develop- 160 Employees took an active role in the project and put being at work covers a number of models and tools to help ing people’s skills and interactive management, together with 500 140 in hours of work on it. The storeroom was remodelled and build and maintain a healthy workplace, both systematically well-being at work and improving employees’ ability to adapt painted and a new soft floor covering laid over the con- 400 120 and over the long term. to changing needs and situations. crete original. Fittings and gym equipment were bought 100 Our approach covers leadership and management skills, We use a comprehensive range of tools to develop employ- 300 with funds provided by the VAASAN employee club and 80 people’s jobs and the work environment, health and people’s ees’ skills, including job rotation, project work, mentoring, on- through donations. 200 60 capabilities, workplace dynamics and teamwork, and skills and line study and self-study, and trainer coaching, in addition to Being close to where people work, it is easy for em- 40 career development. The early support model is a good exam- various development and training programmes. 100 ployees to stop off at the gym before or after their shift. ple of the way in which we help our personnel in Finland per- The targets to be followed for developing competences at 20 The gym is open to everyone at the bakery and gives peo- 0 form at their best – by identifying potential problems that might individual and team level are set during performance reviews, 0 ple the chance to work out and improve their fitness and South East West North 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60– negatively impact their capabilities at an early stage and inter- which are held annually for production personnel and twice a overall well-being.  vening in a positive way. year for office staff. ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011

20 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 21 Well-beiNG AT WoRK Well-beiNG AT WoRK

Well-being at work Developing leadership and management skills is a central The Strategic Player 2012 Competition was launched across potential to perform well at their job, and how people’s respon- aspect of competence development work. As part of this, we the Group in 2012. Organised for the first time, this is intended sibilities are organised. have created a set of leadership competences for the Group, for all VAASAN personnel, regardless of location or position – We have been an industry forerunner in the use of small- Promoting the expertise of our employees and their ability to adapt to changing needs is a key which we use to assess people’s current leadership abilities and is designed to recognise people who have shown particular team work and introduced a small-team model in all units in priority at VAASAN, and is fundamental to securing our position as a forerunner in the industry. and their development needs. These help us develop common innovation, ability, and drive in putting our strategic goals into 2004. The central goal of this approach is to help improve the We believe that the resources of a large company, combined with the spirit of a local baker, will management practices across the Group and give individual practice and have contributed to improving our competitive ad- atmosphere in the workplace and ensure that we can leverage managers a set of tools for developing their managerial skills. vantage and added value in line with our business strategy. The all the skills and expertise of our personnel. The small-team enable us to continue building our shared success. Training is used to improve managers’ understanding of their competition is also designed to bring positive success stories to model also offers employees the opportunity to participate in role, their ability to innovate and manage change, and to de- everyone’s attention and encourage others to learn from them. developing their work. velop their mentoring and coaching skills. e offer personnel a wide range of opportunities to well-being at One example of our Group-wide training programmes is deVelopiNG The WoRKplACe develop and advance their careers, and believe that the Tiger’s Leap programme, which has been developed in col- Active, on-going development of the workplace forms an in- our commitment to long-term, comprehensive de- work is dependent on a laboration with Aalto University Executive Education. This pro- tegral part of the VAASAN way of working and the VAASAN wvelopment creates a solid foundation for a workplace where number of different factors. gramme gives participants an excellent opportunity to learn to- recipe for success. people are both satisfied with their jobs and productive. gether and share best practices. The programme focuses on both We have surveyed the atmosphere among employees since Good leadership and management development is a par- developing participants’ own leadership skills and improving the the early 1990s, and carry out a more extensive survey every ticular focus of our approach to HR management at VAASAN. Group’s overall expertise in leadership and strategic thinking. two years; the most recent of these surveys in Finland took We believe that how a company is led makes a real difference In addition, Group companies in the various countries in place in November 2010. Surveys use an organisational devel- and that good leadership will be reflected in successful perfor- Work trials planned in collaboration with occupational which VAASAN operates carry out their own development in- opment tool that links questions to employees’ well-being, how tuRNiNG A StOReROOM mance, improved well-being at work, and job satisfaction. By health care personnel and our employee pension insurance itiatives and training aimed at strengthening employees’ skill well they feel their workplace functions, and their readiness for developing the Group’s management and leadership skills, we provider make it easier for employees to return to work after an sets, developing their management expertise, and promoting change. The aim of these surveys is to assess how employees iNtO A GyM promote both strategic leadership and day-to-day inter-action extended period of sick leave – and can also be useful in identi- new ways of working. feel about issues such as communication, management, their storeroom at the Vantaa bakery recently got a make- between personnel and their managers and supervisors. fying more suitable jobs if employees are experiencing health- A over when it was transformed into a gym, which is al- related problems in their present job. peRSoNNel by ReGioN, 2009-2011, AGe diSTRibuTioN oF peRSoNNel, 2011, ready helping improve people’s well-being at work. A bRoAd-bASed AppRoACh To Well-beiNG VAASAN oy VAASAN oy The idea for transforming an empty storeroom at the AT WoRK deVelopiNG people’S SKillS Vantaa bakery into a gym came from two employees at Well-being at work is dependent on a number of different fac- A strategy-driven approach to developing the skills and com- 700 200 the site, and their initiative was given an enthusiastic go- tors, and involves numerous different initiatives at both Group petences of VAASAN personnel lies at the heart of our so- 180 ahead by local management. 600 and local level. Our broad-based approach to managing well- cial responsibility. During 2011, we concentrated on develop- 160 Employees took an active role in the project and put being at work covers a number of models and tools to help ing people’s skills and interactive management, together with 500 140 in hours of work on it. The storeroom was remodelled and build and maintain a healthy workplace, both systematically well-being at work and improving employees’ ability to adapt painted and a new soft floor covering laid over the con- 400 120 and over the long term. to changing needs and situations. crete original. Fittings and gym equipment were bought 100 Our approach covers leadership and management skills, We use a comprehensive range of tools to develop employ- 300 with funds provided by the VAASAN employee club and 80 people’s jobs and the work environment, health and people’s ees’ skills, including job rotation, project work, mentoring, on- through donations. 200 60 capabilities, workplace dynamics and teamwork, and skills and line study and self-study, and trainer coaching, in addition to Being close to where people work, it is easy for em- 40 career development. The early support model is a good exam- various development and training programmes. 100 ployees to stop off at the gym before or after their shift. ple of the way in which we help our personnel in Finland per- The targets to be followed for developing competences at 20 The gym is open to everyone at the bakery and gives peo- 0 form at their best – by identifying potential problems that might individual and team level are set during performance reviews, 0 ple the chance to work out and improve their fitness and South East West North 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60– negatively impact their capabilities at an early stage and inter- which are held annually for production personnel and twice a overall well-being.  vening in a positive way. year for office staff. ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011

20 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 21 Well-beiNG AT WoRK Well-beiNG AT WoRK Small-team work addresses areas such as well-being, work- eVeRyoNe iS eNTiTled To equAl TReATMeNT ing methods, operating models, sick leave, accidents, the at- Employee and employer representatives at VAASAN Oy in Fin- mosphere in the workplace, learning, and responsibility-related land have drawn up an equality plan outlining the company’s matters. All employees have the chance to take part in small- responsibility for guaranteeing employees equal opportunities MANtAS MARciulAitiS leilA KiRJAVAiNeN StellAN MedeliuS teiJA VAlJAKKA team activities at least twice a year, and teams are supported and employees’ role in committing themselves to promoting iT infrastructure Manager, lithuania bakery Shop Salesperson, Finland Supply Chain Manager, Sweden product development & quality Manager, Finland by internal trainers. equality and addressing any possible shortcomings in this area. Our small-team model received the Personnel Achievement The equality plan is intended to prevent gender-based dis- of the Year Award from the Finnish Association for Human Re- crimination and encourage equality between the sexes, as well as started my present ’ve worked for VAASAN ’ve worked for VAASAN s part of my product de- source Management (HENRY ry) and the Ilmarinen Mutual Pen- promote working practice that foster appreciation and respect for i work at the VAASAN i for 11 years. I was work- i for over 20 years and A velopment work at sion Insurance Company in 2006. others – because we see diversity as a strength. Increasing atten- Group as IT Infrastruc- ing in the dough-process- joined the company VAASAN, I coordinate pro- tion will be given in management development work in the future ture Manager in De- ing department at the before it was even ac- jects and ensure that new oCCupATioNAl SAFeTy to more active and open communication in this and other areas. cember 2010. Before Kotka bakery when I had quired by VAASAN. I product development pro- Occupational safety is a joint priority for both employers and An equality handbook forms part of the employee induc- that, I worked for a cou- to have operation on my went to work start from jects stay on-schedule. I’m al- employees, and the VAASAN Group actively promotes initia- tion programme and gives practical examples of what equal- ple of years as IT Manager leg. As part of my rehabili- high school, initially on so responsible for ensuring that tives to maintain and improve performance in this area. ity means in practice.  for the Group’s Vilniaus Duona tative treatment, I was able to the front desk. After a couple packaging complies with statutory The number of accidents continued to decline at VAASAN Oy subsidiary in Lithuania. take part in the work trial project, aimed at of years, I was promoted and made responsi- requirements. As Quality Manager, I’m respon- in 2011; a total of 77 were recorded compared to 107 in 2010. I’m responsible for the operations and making it easier for people to return to work. ble for the majority of internal services, such sible for food safety, environmental issues, Most took place when moving things around the workplace, development of the VAASAN Group’s distrib- Hard floors and safety shoes were not as office supplies and telephones. and product quality in collaboration with our in production areas, or when repairing a machine breakdown. ewc – pROMOtiNG diAlOGue uted IT infrastructure. I also handle IT sys- the best combination for my leg after the op- My job description changed again in 2000, production people. The number of work-related illnesses also fell compared to betweeN MANAGeMeNt ANd tems and coordination for VAASAN Norge. eration and I was allowed to wear soft-soled when I moved to the Supply Chain Depart- I started in my present position in Decem- 2010. A total of five suspected cases were reported in 2011, My work is very international in nature and shoes with a shock-absorbing heel. I started ment as a planner. I started my present job ber 2011, but I’ve been with product develop- one less than in 2010. The number of cases has been on the eMplOyeeS I work closely with colleagues across the off in four-hour shifts before gradually mov- as Supply Chain Manager in 2010. In addition ment at VAASAN since 1986. My first contact decline since 1996. Group. My network of partners has grown ing to six-hour ones. to the changes that I’ve seen in my work over with the company was back in 1981, though, new step in management-employee cooperation was We continued to put increased emphasis on reporting and extensively recently, particularly in the Nor- The idea is that someone recovering from the years, my working environment has also when I got a summer job. After graduating, I taken in September 2010 when the VAASAN Group following up near misses in 2011, aimed at preventing accidents A dic countries. an operation or an accident can work as an changed a lot, which has been both interest- joined the crispbread development team, and signed an agreement covering the creation of a European before they happen. A total of 2,817 near miss reports were I’m an IT engineer by training, but I’ve ‘extra’ team member and can take breaks ing and exciting. over the years I’ve also worked on the fresh Works Council (EWC). The EWC acts a joint body bringing filed during 2011 at VAASAN Oy, compared to 2,617 in 2010. The always been interested in management as when they need to without affecting produc- The growth that’s taken place in the com- bread side. And now I’m back with crispbread together representatives of the Group’s management and number of near misses reported has steadily risen since 2007. well, and in my current job I’m able to com- tion. I found this approach very useful, as it pany over recent years has brought it own and thin crisp again. VAASAN personnel, and bodies like this are required in all bine both. worked well for me. After three months and challenges for us in logistics. In particular, I’ve VAASAN exports a lot of crispbread and companies that employ at least 1,000 people in the EU or I like my job and the opportunity it gives thanks to the new shoes, I was able to con- noticed how our customer relationships have thin crisp, and the international aspect of ETA and have at least 150 employees in two member states. me to work in a varied and challenging en- tinue in my old job virtually from where I had changed. We’re no longer just product suppli- our operations impacts my job almost daily, The role of the EWC is to create a forum in which man- AVeRAGe GeNdeR diSTRibuTioN oF peRSoNNel vironment. Sometimes, the equivalent of 10 left off before the operation. ers, but rather partners for our customers; and whether I’m sourcing new information for our ACRoSS diFFeReNT poSiTioNS iN 2011, VAASAN oy agement and personnel from different countries can get to- years of work experience can be packed in- In 2010, I switched from production to we work with them all the time to develop and needs or working with our international dis- gether and discuss HR-related matters in a constructive spir- to just a couple of years. Over the last year, sales in the bakery shop, and I’ve enjoyed improve things like security of supply and the tributors. Women Men it. As such, it complements other management-employee I've certainly experienced a lot and gained this new work a lot. We’ve got a good team quality of our deliveries. Working with highly skilled and profession- Food industry personnel 92 50 forums and employee involvement in company activities. at least two years’ of experience. And that’s and some wonderful customers. I really ap- I’m based in Stockholm, but I report to Es- al colleagues is a very positive part of my job, Managerial personnel 93 98 The creation of the EWC marked a new milestone something I really appreciate.  preciate the chance I’ve had to work in differ- poo in Finland. That doesn’t mean I have to and I’m involved in a lot of teamwork with our Basic food industry personnel 105 59 in the work done by VAASAN to promote active and ent positions in the company.  travel a lot, though, as modern technology en- marketing and production people in particu- open dialogue and collaboration within the Group. Bakery personnel 489 353 ables us to handle the majority of our contacts lar. It’s extremely rewarding to solve a prob- The EWC held its first formal meeting in the early au- Average age 39.6 37.3 without travelling at all.  lem that you’ve been working on for some tumn of 2011.  Permanent contract 699 498 time, especially when the solution helps oth- Fixed-term contract 79 63 er people as well. 

22 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 23 Well-beiNG AT WoRK Well-beiNG AT WoRK Small-team work addresses areas such as well-being, work- eVeRyoNe iS eNTiTled To equAl TReATMeNT ing methods, operating models, sick leave, accidents, the at- Employee and employer representatives at VAASAN Oy in Fin- mosphere in the workplace, learning, and responsibility-related land have drawn up an equality plan outlining the company’s matters. All employees have the chance to take part in small- responsibility for guaranteeing employees equal opportunities MANtAS MARciulAitiS leilA KiRJAVAiNeN StellAN MedeliuS teiJA VAlJAKKA team activities at least twice a year, and teams are supported and employees’ role in committing themselves to promoting iT infrastructure Manager, lithuania bakery Shop Salesperson, Finland Supply Chain Manager, Sweden product development & quality Manager, Finland by internal trainers. equality and addressing any possible shortcomings in this area. Our small-team model received the Personnel Achievement The equality plan is intended to prevent gender-based dis- of the Year Award from the Finnish Association for Human Re- crimination and encourage equality between the sexes, as well as started my present ’ve worked for VAASAN ’ve worked for VAASAN s part of my product de- source Management (HENRY ry) and the Ilmarinen Mutual Pen- promote working practice that foster appreciation and respect for i work at the VAASAN i for 11 years. I was work- i for over 20 years and A velopment work at sion Insurance Company in 2006. others – because we see diversity as a strength. Increasing atten- Group as IT Infrastruc- ing in the dough-process- joined the company VAASAN, I coordinate pro- tion will be given in management development work in the future ture Manager in De- ing department at the before it was even ac- jects and ensure that new oCCupATioNAl SAFeTy to more active and open communication in this and other areas. cember 2010. Before Kotka bakery when I had quired by VAASAN. I product development pro- Occupational safety is a joint priority for both employers and An equality handbook forms part of the employee induc- that, I worked for a cou- to have operation on my went to work start from jects stay on-schedule. I’m al- employees, and the VAASAN Group actively promotes initia- tion programme and gives practical examples of what equal- ple of years as IT Manager leg. As part of my rehabili- high school, initially on so responsible for ensuring that tives to maintain and improve performance in this area. ity means in practice.  for the Group’s Vilniaus Duona tative treatment, I was able to the front desk. After a couple packaging complies with statutory The number of accidents continued to decline at VAASAN Oy subsidiary in Lithuania. take part in the work trial project, aimed at of years, I was promoted and made responsi- requirements. As Quality Manager, I’m respon- in 2011; a total of 77 were recorded compared to 107 in 2010. I’m responsible for the operations and making it easier for people to return to work. ble for the majority of internal services, such sible for food safety, environmental issues, Most took place when moving things around the workplace, development of the VAASAN Group’s distrib- Hard floors and safety shoes were not as office supplies and telephones. and product quality in collaboration with our in production areas, or when repairing a machine breakdown. ewc – pROMOtiNG diAlOGue uted IT infrastructure. I also handle IT sys- the best combination for my leg after the op- My job description changed again in 2000, production people. The number of work-related illnesses also fell compared to betweeN MANAGeMeNt ANd tems and coordination for VAASAN Norge. eration and I was allowed to wear soft-soled when I moved to the Supply Chain Depart- I started in my present position in Decem- 2010. A total of five suspected cases were reported in 2011, My work is very international in nature and shoes with a shock-absorbing heel. I started ment as a planner. I started my present job ber 2011, but I’ve been with product develop- one less than in 2010. The number of cases has been on the eMplOyeeS I work closely with colleagues across the off in four-hour shifts before gradually mov- as Supply Chain Manager in 2010. In addition ment at VAASAN since 1986. My first contact decline since 1996. Group. My network of partners has grown ing to six-hour ones. to the changes that I’ve seen in my work over with the company was back in 1981, though, new step in management-employee cooperation was We continued to put increased emphasis on reporting and extensively recently, particularly in the Nor- The idea is that someone recovering from the years, my working environment has also when I got a summer job. After graduating, I taken in September 2010 when the VAASAN Group following up near misses in 2011, aimed at preventing accidents A dic countries. an operation or an accident can work as an changed a lot, which has been both interest- joined the crispbread development team, and signed an agreement covering the creation of a European before they happen. A total of 2,817 near miss reports were I’m an IT engineer by training, but I’ve ‘extra’ team member and can take breaks ing and exciting. over the years I’ve also worked on the fresh Works Council (EWC). The EWC acts a joint body bringing filed during 2011 at VAASAN Oy, compared to 2,617 in 2010. The always been interested in management as when they need to without affecting produc- The growth that’s taken place in the com- bread side. And now I’m back with crispbread together representatives of the Group’s management and number of near misses reported has steadily risen since 2007. well, and in my current job I’m able to com- tion. I found this approach very useful, as it pany over recent years has brought it own and thin crisp again. VAASAN personnel, and bodies like this are required in all bine both. worked well for me. After three months and challenges for us in logistics. In particular, I’ve VAASAN exports a lot of crispbread and companies that employ at least 1,000 people in the EU or I like my job and the opportunity it gives thanks to the new shoes, I was able to con- noticed how our customer relationships have thin crisp, and the international aspect of ETA and have at least 150 employees in two member states. me to work in a varied and challenging en- tinue in my old job virtually from where I had changed. We’re no longer just product suppli- our operations impacts my job almost daily, The role of the EWC is to create a forum in which man- AVeRAGe GeNdeR diSTRibuTioN oF peRSoNNel vironment. Sometimes, the equivalent of 10 left off before the operation. ers, but rather partners for our customers; and whether I’m sourcing new information for our ACRoSS diFFeReNT poSiTioNS iN 2011, VAASAN oy agement and personnel from different countries can get to- years of work experience can be packed in- In 2010, I switched from production to we work with them all the time to develop and needs or working with our international dis- gether and discuss HR-related matters in a constructive spir- to just a couple of years. Over the last year, sales in the bakery shop, and I’ve enjoyed improve things like security of supply and the tributors. Women Men it. As such, it complements other management-employee I've certainly experienced a lot and gained this new work a lot. We’ve got a good team quality of our deliveries. Working with highly skilled and profession- Food industry personnel 92 50 forums and employee involvement in company activities. at least two years’ of experience. And that’s and some wonderful customers. I really ap- I’m based in Stockholm, but I report to Es- al colleagues is a very positive part of my job, Managerial personnel 93 98 The creation of the EWC marked a new milestone something I really appreciate.  preciate the chance I’ve had to work in differ- poo in Finland. That doesn’t mean I have to and I’m involved in a lot of teamwork with our Basic food industry personnel 105 59 in the work done by VAASAN to promote active and ent positions in the company.  travel a lot, though, as modern technology en- marketing and production people in particu- open dialogue and collaboration within the Group. Bakery personnel 489 353 ables us to handle the majority of our contacts lar. It’s extremely rewarding to solve a prob- The EWC held its first formal meeting in the early au- Average age 39.6 37.3 without travelling at all.  lem that you’ve been working on for some tumn of 2011.  Permanent contract 699 498 time, especially when the solution helps oth- Fixed-term contract 79 63 er people as well. 

22 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 23 ReSpoNSible pRoCuReMeNT Responsible procurement ReSpoNSible pRoCuReMeNT

Transparency and sustainability are central to procurement at VAASAN, throughout our production chain, from the raw materials we purchase to the store shelf. We expect the same of our supply partners as well.

All our partners must ORGANic ceReAlS SOuRced fROM SMAll pROduceRS e have set high standards for the VAASAN Group’s CleARly deFiNed SupplieR RequiReMeNTS adhere to ethical and entire supply chain to guarantee high-quality prod- In line with maintaining a responsible supply chain at VAASAN, responsible modes of rganic products were added to VAASAN Oy’s offer- ucts, and we employ around 20 procurement pro- we systematically gather information on our suppliers prior to O ing in spring 2012. In preparation for this, the Group’s wfessionals in Finland, Sweden, Lithuania, and Latvia to help us the selection and acceptance of materials. To be a VAASAN part- operation. Procurement Unit began work on organic product issues in achieve this goal. ner, suppliers must comply with a specific set of requirements. 2011 by surveying potential raw material suppliers. Our supply contracts and audits of our suppliers and other Our requirements for raw material suppliers, for example, The relatively small market in organic raw materi- partners enable us to monitor operations all the way from our call for detailed information on the origin of raw materials, their als is a particular challenge in producing organic bread. raw materials through production to product deliveries – and composition, possible allergens they may contain, and nutri- Up until recently, organic products were largely margin- ensure that we offer our customers and the consumer healthy, tional content. We expect traceability at every stage of the sup- al items produced by small farms, but as demand has safe, and quality products. ply chain, covering both the raw materials we use and the pack- grown larger farmers have begun to shift to organic cul- aging material that comes into contact with products. tivation. As switching to organic production takes a num- pRoCuReMeNT FuNdAMeNTAlS Our aim is for our logistics partners responsible for trans- ReSpoNSible RAW MATeRiAl poliCy ber of years, however, it is difficult for farmers to meet We divide procurement into direct and indirect procurement porting our products and raw materials to report to us regu- Our raw material policy covers the principles to be followed growing demand rapidly. and commercial products. Direct procurement covers raw ma- larly on the environmental impact of their operations, in terms in respect of the suppliers and raw materials that we select, As the suppliers we normally use were unable to

terials, packaging, and other purchases directly related to our of factors such as CO2 emissions. Using this information, we purchase, and use. By following this policy, we ensure that offer us sufficient quantities of organic cereals, VAASAN products. Indirect procurement covers areas such as bought-in jointly monitor and develop the environmental footprint of our we thoroughly know our raw materials and where they come agreed supply contracts with various smaller producers. services, logistics, system and building maintenance, and con- transport services. from, thereby ensuring the safety and statutory compliance of This type of producer is often able to offer an effective al- sultancy services. Commercial products are products that we When suppliers agree a contract with us, they commit them- our products. We prioritise the use of cereals from the VAASAN ternative to larger producers in the organic area. buy in and supply to our customers. selves to abiding by our supplier requirements. We also require home market in our raw material procurement. The entire baking chain needs to be taken into account Our goal is to ensure that all of the manufacturers, produc- the suppliers we use for indirect procurement to abide by the We expect the content and ethical standards of the raw ma- when sourcing raw materials for organic products. In ad- ers, and other suppliers we use adhere to ethical and respon- same requirements. terials we use to reflect our core values. We do not, for example, dition to organic flour, the starter flour used in the baking sible modes of operation. We believe that it is important that We monitor compliance with our supplier requirements accept genetically modified or irradiated raw materials and are process also needs to comply with organic requirements. our products are produced using the appropriate processes and by auditing our suppliers’ operations and food safety perfor- critical of the use of azo dyes and trans fatty acids. We source VAASAN ensures that the organic raw materials it uses equipment and in socially acceptable production conditions. To mance. This ensures that every stage of the supply chain com- our palm oil from responsible suppliers that are members of the comply with the same high standards expected of all our ensure that this is the case, we have drawn up a set of basic re- plies with our overall principles. Around 30 audits of this type Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) or from companies other raw materials in respect of production, packaging, quirements for our suppliers covering food quality, safety, and are carried out annually. that source their palm oil from suppliers affiliated to the RSPO. and the supply chain.  responsible practices. We were approved as a member of the RSPO in April 2012. 

24 VAASAN Oy| Corporate | Yritysvastuuraportti Responsibility 2011 Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 25 ReSpoNSible pRoCuReMeNT Responsible procurement ReSpoNSible pRoCuReMeNT

Transparency and sustainability are central to procurement at VAASAN, throughout our production chain, from the raw materials we purchase to the store shelf. We expect the same of our supply partners as well.

All our partners must ORGANic ceReAlS SOuRced fROM SMAll pROduceRS e have set high standards for the VAASAN Group’s CleARly deFiNed SupplieR RequiReMeNTS adhere to ethical and entire supply chain to guarantee high-quality prod- In line with maintaining a responsible supply chain at VAASAN, responsible modes of rganic products were added to VAASAN Oy’s offer- ucts, and we employ around 20 procurement pro- we systematically gather information on our suppliers prior to O ing in spring 2012. In preparation for this, the Group’s wfessionals in Finland, Sweden, Lithuania, and Latvia to help us the selection and acceptance of materials. To be a VAASAN part- operation. Procurement Unit began work on organic product issues in achieve this goal. ner, suppliers must comply with a specific set of requirements. 2011 by surveying potential raw material suppliers. Our supply contracts and audits of our suppliers and other Our requirements for raw material suppliers, for example, The relatively small market in organic raw materi- partners enable us to monitor operations all the way from our call for detailed information on the origin of raw materials, their als is a particular challenge in producing organic bread. raw materials through production to product deliveries – and composition, possible allergens they may contain, and nutri- Up until recently, organic products were largely margin- ensure that we offer our customers and the consumer healthy, tional content. We expect traceability at every stage of the sup- al items produced by small farms, but as demand has safe, and quality products. ply chain, covering both the raw materials we use and the pack- grown larger farmers have begun to shift to organic cul- aging material that comes into contact with products. tivation. As switching to organic production takes a num- pRoCuReMeNT FuNdAMeNTAlS Our aim is for our logistics partners responsible for trans- ReSpoNSible RAW MATeRiAl poliCy ber of years, however, it is difficult for farmers to meet We divide procurement into direct and indirect procurement porting our products and raw materials to report to us regu- Our raw material policy covers the principles to be followed growing demand rapidly. and commercial products. Direct procurement covers raw ma- larly on the environmental impact of their operations, in terms in respect of the suppliers and raw materials that we select, As the suppliers we normally use were unable to

terials, packaging, and other purchases directly related to our of factors such as CO2 emissions. Using this information, we purchase, and use. By following this policy, we ensure that offer us sufficient quantities of organic cereals, VAASAN products. Indirect procurement covers areas such as bought-in jointly monitor and develop the environmental footprint of our we thoroughly know our raw materials and where they come agreed supply contracts with various smaller producers. services, logistics, system and building maintenance, and con- transport services. from, thereby ensuring the safety and statutory compliance of This type of producer is often able to offer an effective al- sultancy services. Commercial products are products that we When suppliers agree a contract with us, they commit them- our products. We prioritise the use of cereals from the VAASAN ternative to larger producers in the organic area. buy in and supply to our customers. selves to abiding by our supplier requirements. We also require home market in our raw material procurement. The entire baking chain needs to be taken into account Our goal is to ensure that all of the manufacturers, produc- the suppliers we use for indirect procurement to abide by the We expect the content and ethical standards of the raw ma- when sourcing raw materials for organic products. In ad- ers, and other suppliers we use adhere to ethical and respon- same requirements. terials we use to reflect our core values. We do not, for example, dition to organic flour, the starter flour used in the baking sible modes of operation. We believe that it is important that We monitor compliance with our supplier requirements accept genetically modified or irradiated raw materials and are process also needs to comply with organic requirements. our products are produced using the appropriate processes and by auditing our suppliers’ operations and food safety perfor- critical of the use of azo dyes and trans fatty acids. We source VAASAN ensures that the organic raw materials it uses equipment and in socially acceptable production conditions. To mance. This ensures that every stage of the supply chain com- our palm oil from responsible suppliers that are members of the comply with the same high standards expected of all our ensure that this is the case, we have drawn up a set of basic re- plies with our overall principles. Around 30 audits of this type Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) or from companies other raw materials in respect of production, packaging, quirements for our suppliers covering food quality, safety, and are carried out annually. that source their palm oil from suppliers affiliated to the RSPO. and the supply chain.  responsible practices. We were approved as a member of the RSPO in April 2012. 

24 VAASAN Oy| Corporate | Yritysvastuuraportti Responsibility 2011 Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 25 VAASAN Oy’s GRI Table

GRI GRI included yes / GR I- GRI included yes / GRI - GR I included yes / GR I- GRI included yes / code content partly / no page code content partly / no page code content partly / no page code Content partly / no page

1. STRATEGY AND ANALYSIS 4. GOVERNANCE, COMMITMENTS, AND ENGAGEMENT Environmental indicators Human rights indicators 1.1. Managing Director’s Review partly 3 4.1. Governance structure yes 7 EN1 Use of materials yes 18-19 HR1 Clauses on human rights in major agreements no 1.2. Impact, risks, and opportunities related to corporate responsibility no 4.2. Independent status of the Chairman of the Board no EN2 Use of waste from external sources partly 19 HR2 Human rights issues reviewed when selecting major suppliers no 2. ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE 4.3. Number of independent members on the Board no EN3 Direct energy use yes 16-17 HR4 Number of cases of discrimination no 2.1. Company name yes 1 4.4. Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to participate EN4 Indirect energy use no HR5 Cases where employees’ freedom of association has 2.2. Brands, products, and/or services partly 4, 11-12 in governance no EN8 Water use yes 17-18 been infringed no 2.3. Company structure and organisation yes 4 4.5. Linkage between corporate responsibility performance and EN11 Land owned or administered with a significant value HR6 Use of child labour no 2.4. Location of Head Office yes 4 compensation paid to Board members and senior management no in terms of biodiversity no HR7 Incidents of forced labour no 2.5. Countries where the company operates yes 4 4.6. Mechanisms to prevent conflicts of interest in the Board’s work no EN12 Impact on natural biodiversity no Social performance indicators 2.6. Ownership and type of company yes 4, 7 4.7. Specialist expertise on corporate responsibility matters among EN16 Greenhouse gas emissions partly 16-17, 19 SO1 Community work no 2.7. Market areas and types of customers partly 4, 9 Board members no EN17 Other greenhouse gas emissions no SO2 Units analysed for risks related to corruption no 2.8. Scope of reporting organisation partly 4, 8, 21 4.8. Values, principles, and procedures related to corporate EN19 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances no SO3 Percentage of employees trained in anti-corruption procedures no 2.9. Major changes during the reporting period no responsibility yes 4, 6-7 EN20 Other airborne emissions partly 17-19 SO4 Actions taken in response to cases of corruption no 2.10. Awards received during the reporting period no 4.9. Identification of corporate responsibility issues and EN21 Waterborne emissions partly 17-18 SO5 Political relations no 3. REPORT PARAMETERS associated risks and opportunities no EN22 Waste yes 19 SO8 Fines or sanctions no 3.1. Reporting period partly 1 4.10. Evaluation of the Board’s activities no EN23 Spills of chemicals, oil, etc. yes 17 Product responsibility indicators 3.2. Date of publication of previous report yes 2 4.11. Application of the precautionary approach no EN26 Initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of products PR1 Safety of products and services at all stages of their life cycles partly 14-15, 24-25 3.3. Frequency of reporting yes 2 4.12. External corporate responsibility initiatives to which the and services yes 16-19 PR3 Product labelling requirements no 3.4. Contact information yes 28 organisation is committed no EN27 Product returns and related packaging materials no PR6 Compliance with legislation and statutory requirements 3.5. Definition of the contents of the report partly 3, 6-7, 26-27 4.13. Memberships of associations yes 7 EN28 Fines or sanctions no on marketing no 3.6. Limits of the report yes 1-3 4.14. Organisation’s stakeholders yes 8-9 Indicators related to labour practices and working conditions PR9 Fines and sanctions no 3.7. Accounting and related limits no 4.15. Basis for identifying and selecting stakeholders partly 9 LA1 Total workforce (by type and area) partly 21-22 3.8. Reporting principles covering joint ventures, subsidiaries, 4.16. Principles governing stakeholder interaction partly 8-11, 24 LA2 Employee turnover no leased premises, etc. no 4.17. Matters that have been raised through stakeholder engagement no LA4 Union representation no 3.9. Measurement and accounting principles partly 16-19 Economic performance indicators LA5 Reorganisation no 3.10. Changes in information reported previously yes 2 EC1 Economic value generated and distributed by the organisation partly 4, 8-9 LA7 Occupational health and safety statistics partly 22 3.11. Significant changes in scope, accounting limits, EC2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for LA8 Training and counselling for employees on serious diseases no or measurement methods partly 16-19 the organisation’s activities due to climate change no LA10 Time devoted to training no 3.12. Comparison with GRI recommendations yes 26-27 EC3 Scope of performance-related incentives no LA13 Composition of governance bodies in terms of diversity partly 21-22 3.13. External assurance no EC4 Significant support received from government no LA14 Differences in salaries paid to men and women (for the same job) no EC6 Local suppliers partly 25 EC7 Local recruitment partly 4, 8, 21 EC8 Infrastructure development no

26 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 27 VAASAN Oy’s GRI Table

GRI GRI included yes / GR I- GRI included yes / GRI - GR I included yes / GR I- GRI included yes / code content partly / no page code content partly / no page code content partly / no page code Content partly / no page

1. STRATEGY AND ANALYSIS 4. GOVERNANCE, COMMITMENTS, AND ENGAGEMENT Environmental indicators Human rights indicators 1.1. Managing Director’s Review partly 3 4.1. Governance structure yes 7 EN1 Use of materials yes 18-19 HR1 Clauses on human rights in major agreements no 1.2. Impact, risks, and opportunities related to corporate responsibility no 4.2. Independent status of the Chairman of the Board no EN2 Use of waste from external sources partly 19 HR2 Human rights issues reviewed when selecting major suppliers no 2. ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE 4.3. Number of independent members on the Board no EN3 Direct energy use yes 16-17 HR4 Number of cases of discrimination no 2.1. Company name yes 1 4.4. Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to participate EN4 Indirect energy use no HR5 Cases where employees’ freedom of association has 2.2. Brands, products, and/or services partly 4, 11-12 in governance no EN8 Water use yes 17-18 been infringed no 2.3. Company structure and organisation yes 4 4.5. Linkage between corporate responsibility performance and EN11 Land owned or administered with a significant value HR6 Use of child labour no 2.4. Location of Head Office yes 4 compensation paid to Board members and senior management no in terms of biodiversity no HR7 Incidents of forced labour no 2.5. Countries where the company operates yes 4 4.6. Mechanisms to prevent conflicts of interest in the Board’s work no EN12 Impact on natural biodiversity no Social performance indicators 2.6. Ownership and type of company yes 4, 7 4.7. Specialist expertise on corporate responsibility matters among EN16 Greenhouse gas emissions partly 16-17, 19 SO1 Community work no 2.7. Market areas and types of customers partly 4, 9 Board members no EN17 Other greenhouse gas emissions no SO2 Units analysed for risks related to corruption no 2.8. Scope of reporting organisation partly 4, 8, 21 4.8. Values, principles, and procedures related to corporate EN19 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances no SO3 Percentage of employees trained in anti-corruption procedures no 2.9. Major changes during the reporting period no responsibility yes 4, 6-7 EN20 Other airborne emissions partly 17-19 SO4 Actions taken in response to cases of corruption no 2.10. Awards received during the reporting period no 4.9. Identification of corporate responsibility issues and EN21 Waterborne emissions partly 17-18 SO5 Political relations no 3. REPORT PARAMETERS associated risks and opportunities no EN22 Waste yes 19 SO8 Fines or sanctions no 3.1. Reporting period partly 1 4.10. Evaluation of the Board’s activities no EN23 Spills of chemicals, oil, etc. yes 17 Product responsibility indicators 3.2. Date of publication of previous report yes 2 4.11. Application of the precautionary approach no EN26 Initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of products PR1 Safety of products and services at all stages of their life cycles partly 14-15, 24-25 3.3. Frequency of reporting yes 2 4.12. External corporate responsibility initiatives to which the and services yes 16-19 PR3 Product labelling requirements no 3.4. Contact information yes 28 organisation is committed no EN27 Product returns and related packaging materials no PR6 Compliance with legislation and statutory requirements 3.5. Definition of the contents of the report partly 3, 6-7, 26-27 4.13. Memberships of associations yes 7 EN28 Fines or sanctions no on marketing no 3.6. Limits of the report yes 1-3 4.14. Organisation’s stakeholders yes 8-9 Indicators related to labour practices and working conditions PR9 Fines and sanctions no 3.7. Accounting and related limits no 4.15. Basis for identifying and selecting stakeholders partly 9 LA1 Total workforce (by type and area) partly 21-22 3.8. Reporting principles covering joint ventures, subsidiaries, 4.16. Principles governing stakeholder interaction partly 8-11, 24 LA2 Employee turnover no leased premises, etc. no 4.17. Matters that have been raised through stakeholder engagement no LA4 Union representation no 3.9. Measurement and accounting principles partly 16-19 Economic performance indicators LA5 Reorganisation no 3.10. Changes in information reported previously yes 2 EC1 Economic value generated and distributed by the organisation partly 4, 8-9 LA7 Occupational health and safety statistics partly 22 3.11. Significant changes in scope, accounting limits, EC2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for LA8 Training and counselling for employees on serious diseases no or measurement methods partly 16-19 the organisation’s activities due to climate change no LA10 Time devoted to training no 3.12. Comparison with GRI recommendations yes 26-27 EC3 Scope of performance-related incentives no LA13 Composition of governance bodies in terms of diversity partly 21-22 3.13. External assurance no EC4 Significant support received from government no LA14 Differences in salaries paid to men and women (for the same job) no EC6 Local suppliers partly 25 EC7 Local recruitment partly 4, 8, 21 EC8 Infrastructure development no

26 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 VAASAN | Corporate Responsibility Report 2011 27 VAASAN Oy, P.O. Box 250 (Nuijalantie 13), FI-02631 ESPOO, FINLAND, tel. +358 204 46 111, fax +358 204 46 110

AS Leibur A/S Hanzas Maiznīcas UAB Vilniaus Duona VAASAN Sverige AB VAASAN Norge AS Nordic Bake Off A/S Kadaka tee 76 A Ventspils iela 51 Perkūnkiemio g. 5 P.O. Box 47619 (Årsta Skolgränd 12 A) P.O.Box 215 (Skysstasjonen 11) (yhteisyritys) EE-12618 Tallinn, Estonia LV-1002 Riga, Latvia LT-12129 Vilnius, Lithuania S-117 94 Stockholm, Sweden NO-1372 Asker, Norway Grønsgade 2, 1. sal Tel. +372 6 504 777 Tel. +371 67 805 815 Tel. +370 5 233 0700 Tel. +46 8 619 3400 Tel. +47 66 98 70 00 DK-7500 Holstebro, Denmark Fax +372 6 720 293 Fax +371 67 805 825 Fax +370 5 213 9660 Fax +46 8 619 3440 Fax +47 66 98 70 10 Tel. +45 70 20 14 94 Fax +45 70 20 23 73