BCSFAZINE Clubzine of the British Columbia Science Fiction Association (Issue #546 – November, 2020) (Issue #546 – November, 2020 – Vol.46 #11 WN546 – ISSN 1490-6406) Dedicated to The Fellowship of The Greater BCSFA. BCSFAzine is a Canadian non-profit Science Fiction online PDF Clubzine published by the British Columbia Science Fiction Association twelve times a year. Distribution of this PDF clubzine is free, either by E-mail or via download. Copyright belongs to the contributors bylined, and no portion of this magazine may be reproduced without consent from the individual Author, Poet, or Artist. To submit articles, art work, or letters of comment, contact God-Editor R. Graeme Cameron at: <
[email protected] > Anyone interested in tons of back issues, please go to: < https://efanzines.com/BCSFA/ > CURRENT BCSFA EXECUTIVE Chair: Position open Vice Chair: Position open. Treasurer: Kathleen Moore. Secretary: Barb Dryer. BCSFAzine Editor: R. Graeme Cameron. Keeper of the FRED Book: Ryan Hawe. FRED Organizer: Michael Bertrand. VCON Ambassador for Life: Steve Forty. FRED DINNER – (FRED = “Forget Reality! Enjoy Drinking!”) A local Vancouver area meet-up founded circa 1986. Usually held every second Sunday, but currently on hold due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. FRED ZOOM MEETINGS – (The Graeme’s SF Fen Confab Meetings) — Every Monday 3:00 PM (PST) to 9:00 PM (PST). All SF Fen welcome. Contact me at <
[email protected] > and I’ll send you the link. SUBMISSION DEADLINE Midnight, November 31st, My simple layout design ensures it will get into the following month’s issue to be published no later than December 2nd.