THE PLYMOUTH MAIL VOL. 46, No. 30 PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1932 $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Boy Scout Training flag Day To Be Generally Observed i I I fl P C TCI C GUT BUDGET Saves Life of Youth; LAST MEET NG In Plymouth Next Tuesday, June 14 U U U U L ICLLu ’ Tuesday. June 14, Youngster is Hero Flag day In America, .will he observed in AXES FOR East thinking on the part of OFP.T.A. HELD Plymouth probably OEESTATEWORK NS STAFF young "Hilly'' Swaddling, son of more generally this Mr. and Mrs. Bert Swaddling of No More Sessions To Take year than ever before Rotarians Hear Judge North Harvey street avoided what due to tlie fact that THE NEW niight have been a fatality in the Place Until Fall Say the day will carry a Palmer of Wayne Pro­ OF UNITED BANK y waters of a small creek that runs Officials teufold significance, bate Court frmn Phoenix lake last Friday as the nation- cel­ One Of Best Known Tax Reduction of 35 Per afternoon. Assembling Monday evening for ebrates the Two Hun­ Probate Judge Ervin It. Palmer Cent In Store for New Biily and a group of other young ! the last time until next autumn, dredth Anniversary of of Detroit, long regarded as one of Young Bankers of State hoys from Plymouth hud gone to members of the (Central School the birth of George the outstanding authorities on pro­ Comes Here City of Plymouth their favoriite swimming hole to : Branch of The l’a rent-Teachers' Washington. For to bate matters in Michigan, was a escaiH* the sweltering heat of the Association heard an interesting General Washington, guest of the Plymouth Rotary club lias been made by The city commission lias estab­ day. William Fisher. 1G year .-old talk by Mrs. L. A. Harrington, of tradition, credits a last Friday. He made a brief talk Plymouth United lished a -tax rate at $12.99 jut son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fisher Flat Itock, president of the Wayne leading part In. the on the work of his court that prov­ f tlie appoiniment thousand for the 1932 City Tax. was taken with cramps afid was ; County Council of Parents and very designing of the ed of more than ordinary 'interest I uf Port Huron This tax ixirrespoml* with the old fighting a losing battle for his Teachers. flag, and what he did because of the way the subject was President (’. A. Village tax and is payable to the life when Billy Jumped in after The meeting was held in the to give it meaning is presented by tlie speaker. •ii having been City Treasurer between July 1st him. Using holds taught him in , Music Room of the Plymouth High and will be known to "There is always something of tlie illness and and August 10th. Boy Scout work young Billy was School ahd was presided over by every American as interest in prolwte work, always illicit who had . The assessed valuation of the able to bring him close enough to . the president, Mrs. E. C. Humph- long as our country something new to he worked out" isllicl for property in the City has been re­ shore where his com[MUiions lifted i ties. livi he said. "Especially Is this true of long period of years, Des ring to duced approximately ll per cent him on the bank. Boy Scout life ! Mrs. Hajrrington concerned her- On June 14. 1777, wills that are lenteil for pro- keep tlie bank up to ■ high saving methods were applied and ! self mostly with a report of the | Congress resolved: bating. standard it has alwa.v.* luaintfl ' under the valuation as established the boys journeyed home determin­ last year. The total budget hns’been 1 fifteenth annual state convention j "That the flag of the "I'erniit me to suggest right here and Io wI of , reduced approximately 13 per cent, ed to keep their adventure a secret. of the P.'T. A., held in Kalamazoo thirteen United States that iu view of the treniendous bank Ollied, officials of which, with the rixluctiou of 22 per But as all deeds of valor out. news in April, telling some of the high­ J he thirteen stripes, al­ changes that have conie about in the bank ii xeepti cent in 1931. provides a tax reduc­ was s«on spread and Billy became lights, She gave a comprehensive ternate red and white, economic conditions during the p-ist select io: in ploy c. a hero over uight. review’ of the affairs of the con­ that the Union he yea? that, even though you have After a most careful inquiry tion <>f 35 per cent for the tax prepared a will, it is advisable to Prominent young state banker payers of Plymouth in tlie past two Billy is a niemlier of troop No. vention. which had for its keynote thirteen stars, white among prominent bankers and busi­ 2 of the Plymouth Boy Scouts and —character building. Among the in a blue field, rep­ have a new one drafted. Conditions now associated with Plymouth ness men of tin- <late. I lie board of yenrs. ' j that suitisl a will a year ago will United Savings hank. (n addition to the above tax re­ is in the ninth grade at Plymouth most important visitors to the con­ resenting a new con­ directors of Hie Plymouth United high sf bool. vention. according to Mrs. Harring­ stellation." nor do today, so great have been Savings bank annoiiiiee, ductions tlie Township tax of ap­ changes in proiw’rty values. proximately $2.99 per thousand has ton's reiiorts. were Mrs. Hugh In these simple tlie select ion of Mr. Cow r this Bradford, of Sacramento. Calif., words, authority was "Good is going to come out of this Grant Extension .important |Misitioii. M ward lieen entirely eliminated by chang­ national president, and Mrs. Cora depression. People are coming down ing to the City form of government. Words That We given to General Washington to de­ comes to Hie bank as the Wilson Stewart, of Washington, D. to earth and those who have bee." of Contest Time most highly rccommou OUllg The tax reduction is made in line sign the flag, and on the same day Detailed Program For living way beyond their means, are with the economy program which is Appreciate chairman of the executive com­ tradition has it that he went to 1.ankers of Michigan. mittee of the National Advisory Flag Day — Picnic j now .starting to live within their Mrs. Ruth Huston- Whipple. Ids i absolutely necessary by all branch­ tlie house of Betsy Ross on that means. II.- uki'm UN I TEH VETERANS OF j Committee on Illiteracy, both of visit which has become one of the eliairnuHi of the judging com­ es of government if tax payers are I whom added considerably to the In the Park ! "The probate court has la*en to l>e able to meet the tax obliga­ AMERICA finest pages of American folklore. mittee in coulter,inn witli the i fatlier is interest of the occasion. , termed the clearing house of sor- .*25.90 cash prize t’lean-Up. of tile First tions. It is hoped by tin1 Commis­ June 4. 1*13: Witli him. according to the account, • row. Possibly it is. but we try to president sion that this further reduction in To (lie Editor. ; Mrs. Harrington concluded her went Robert Morris and George Elaborate preparations »re being Paint-I p. Fix-Up. Repair, aiid 1 Bank. The Plymouth Mail. i remarks with a cordial imitation make ii a much differeht place. Home Modernization Contest, taxes will make possible the pay­ Ross, one of the' signers of the perfected to proimrly celebrate Flag Proper and just administering of ment of City taxes without delin­ Plymouth. Michigan. ' to tlie Plymouth P. T. A. members Declaration of Independence and Day. next Tuesday, June; 14,h. us, has announced a week's exteie •rved soin, to attend the series of council meet- ' estates is an important tusk, es- sioti iu Hie time for the final quencies liieing any higher than Ilea Sir : the uncle of Betsy Ross' deceased a part of -the nation-wide, year pevially iu these times." ! stall anking d«-| Al a meeting of the council j ings next year which will base their husband. around Washington Bitjeniennial, judging and naming tlie witi- examii of Mid were experienced in 1931. program on the subject of "Child E. Hough was chairman of the of the local jMist of the United Hu entering her modest house in Celebration. An outstanding feature •ernl nx|Ui'st.s for a acquiring Hie kmawledge In- >SOllgJll 1 Hygeine." program last Friday and in -his Veterans of America the Post An h strict. Philadelphia, they of the interesting, instructive, and irief exte i were received of Hie ••it ate lia liking depai■Illicit iContinued on page 191 introduction recalled the.fact that from partii lilts in- the cun collectively and as individuals i<l to have found Mist re Ross , inspirational program wjll be a Plymouth had provided Wayne ! Mr. t’owiiril took up active w ork iu Word Contest Will wish to express their Thanks busy at her needle and hum-, "living flag-' made up of some two ie fact that fre- one of t he largC batiks Of the eoiinty wiili a probate judge whose ami uncertain .Did appreciation to the Plym­ niing a tune—softly however, so hundred school children under the name will live for generations in 1 slate am 1 was finally seul !■ i Port End On June 25th outh Mail for the splendid that she might hear the tinkle of direction of Miss Luella Mae Kees.
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