Mechanism and Formation of Woven Selvage Lines
Mechanism and Formation of Woven Selvage Lines By Sei Uchiyama, Member,TMSJ Takatsuki Institute, Toyobo Co., Ltd. Takatsuki, Osaka Pref. Basedon Journalof the TxetileMachinery Society of Japan, Vol.19, No.11, T284-289(1966); Vol.19, No. 12, T309-315 (1966); Vol.20, No. 2, T49-56 (1967) ; Vol.20 , No.2, T57-60 (1967) Abstract This article discussestheoretically the mechanismof a woven selvage line and establishesbasic knowledgeabout, among other things, its dynamic construction, the differencesbetween the selvage and the body of a fabric, the process of stabilizingthe form of a selvage. interlaced to form a selvage is x,=C. This location 1. Introduction is a function of T-,, a force which pulls the selvage- formation point to the left ; and of T+,, a force which This work is an attempt to clarify the weaving pulls that point to the right. mechanism of a selvage as part of a research into the xi=f (T-1, T+1) .........(1) function of weaving. Seldom is the selvage of a fabric Assume that, with the progress of weaving cycles, specially woven. It is a by-product, so to say, of a fabric. xi transforms into, sucessively, x2, x3 and x; and is However, it should not be ignored, because it improves stabilized on reaching xn. xi, an optional point x at that the quality of a fabric, protects its ground and facili- time, is given as a function of xi-1. That is, tates the processing and handling of the fabric. It is xi=~5i-i(xi-,) believed, therefore, that establishing a theoretical basis xi-1=~Si-2(xi-2) for obtaining a uniform selvage is an undertaking of Also, practical value and will help to expand the range of x1~x2C"' "'.xi-1Cxi+1"' "'xn=xn+j reseach into weaving.
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