Part Five 1958 to 1970 RAF Wymeswold– Postwar Flying 1948 to 1970 (with a Second World War postscript) RichardKnight text © RichardKnight 2019–20 illustrations © as credited 2019–20 The moral rights of the author and illustrators have been asserted. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission from the author, except for brief passages quoted in reviews. Published as six downloadablePDFfiles only by the author in conjunction with the WoldsHistorical Organisation 2020. This is the history of an aerodrome, not an official document. It has been drawn from memories and formal records and should give a reliable picture of what took place. Any discrepancies are my responsibility. RichardKnight
[email protected]. Abbreviations used for Royal Air Force ranks PltOff Pilot Officer FgOff Flying Officer FltLt Flight Lieutenant SqnLdr Squadron Leader WgCdr Wing Commander GpCapt Group Captain A Cdr Air Commodore Contents This account of RAF Wymeswoldis published as six free-to-downloadPDFs. All the necessary links are at www.hoap/who#raf Part One 1946 to 1954 Farewell Dakotas; 504 Sqn.Spitfires to Meteors Part Two 1954 to 1955 Rolls Roycetest fleet and sonic bangs; 504 Sqn.Meteors; RAFAAir Display; 56 SqnHunters Part Three 1956 to 1957 The WymeswoldWing (504 Sqn& 616 SqnMeteors); The WattishamWing (257 Sqn& 263 SqnHunters); Battle of Britain ‘At Home’ Part Four Memories from members of 504 Sqn On the ground and in the air Part Five 1958 to 1970 Field Aircraft Services: civilian & military aircraft; No. 2 Flying Training School; Provosts & Jet Provosts Part Six 1944 FrederickDixon’simages: of accommodation, Wellingtons, Hampdens, Horsasand C47s Videos There are several videos about RAF Wymeswold, four by RichardKnight:, and one by Cerrighedd: You can try copy-and-pasting these URLsinto your browser.