Transcontinental News and Research I ISSN 1193-7971 Published by Upper Canada Railway Society RO. Box 122, Station A SOCIETY NOTES • The 27 km (16-mile) Montfort Sub., be• Toronto, Ontario MSW IA2 tween Miles 23.1 and 39.4, north of Mon• Web address: www.btinternet.conV~ucrs Toronto meetings treal; The Toronto meetings on July 17 and August • The 261 km (156-mile) Alexandria and Editorial group 21 will be replaced by two simple pay-your- Beachburg subdivisions, in Ontario's Ottawa Pat Scrlmgeour - Features and layout own-way excursions for some summertime Valley; 250 Queens Quay West # 1607 train watching. On Friday, July 17, instead • The 172 km (103-mile) Cuelph Subdivi• Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N2 of meeting at Metro Hall, make your way to sion and Fergus Spur, west of Toronto; E-Mail:
[email protected] Brampton station and join us for train • The three-kilometre (two-mile) Longford watching at this busy spot on CN's Halton Scott Haskill - The Rapido and In Transit Spur, a remnant of the Newmarket Sub., 2520 Bloor Street West # 15 Subdivision. You can travel on any of four south of Washago, Ontario; and Toronto, Ontario M65 IR8 GO trains to Brampton; the latest leaves • The 58 km (35-mile) Cayuga Sub., be• E-Mail:
[email protected] Union Station in Toronto at 17:45, and ar• tween Miles 81.0 and 115.0, east of St. rives at Brampton at 18:27. There are half- Art Clowes - Railway Archaeology Thomas, Ontario. hourly bus return trips available, up to 234 Canterbury Avenue CN also intends to discontinue opera• 22:30, with a final bus departure at 23:30.