Transmittal 1
Zero-Emission Freight “Shore-to-Store” Project ATTACHMENT 2: PROJECT NARRATIVE AND WORK PLAN PROJECT NARRATIVE In support of the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB’s) vision of transformative emissions reduction, the City of Los Angeles Harbor Department (Harbor Department) proposes to partner with a team of very important industry leaders to establish a new forward-looking framework for future movement of goods throughout Southern California and other parts of the State. The team is dedicated to developing this concept in several phases, and to ultimately encompass activity in Southern California, the California Central Coast Area, and Merced County in the California Central Valley. The City of Los Angeles Harbor Department (Port, Harbor Department, POLA) requests $41,122,260 from the CARB’s Zero- and Near-Zero Emission Freight Facilities (ZANZEFF) Project funding, to conduct the Zero Emission Freight “Shore-to-Store” Project (S2S), which is summarized in the table and graphic below. Industry and End User partners are all contributing to the success of this project either financially or by providing in-kind assistance. Project Title: Zero-Emission Freight "Shore-to-Store" Project Total Project Budget: $82,568,872 Funding Amount Requested: $ 41,122,260 Match Funding Total: $ 41,446,612 (50.2 %) Match Funding Breakout: Cash: $ 14,317,281 In-Kind: $27,129,331 Applicant: Port of Los Angeles, Public Entity OEM and Infrastructure Industry Equilon Enterprises LLC (d/b/a Shell Oil Products US) (Shell) Partners (Technology Development Toyota
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